[pkg-otr-team] pidgin-otr release for Debian Jessie?

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Wed Oct 15 16:42:38 UTC 2014


I'm part of the people who maintain pidgin-otr in Debian. The freeze
for Debian Jessie is on November 5, which means we have to upload
anything we want to see in there by October 25.

The last upstream release was more than 2 years ago, and since then,
a lot of stuff has accumulated in Git. In particular, translations
have been greatly improved (e.g. the French translation in 4.0.0 has
many issues, which were fixed in Git a year ago).

Is there any chance that the current state of the Git repo, or
something close, is released upstream in the next ten days?

Thanks in advance :)


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