[pkg-otr-team] Bug#767230: libotr transition started by mistake :-/ [Was: Bug#767230: bitlbee-plugin-otr: bitlbee no longer starts: libotr API version 4.1.0 incompatible with actual version 4.0.0]

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Fri Oct 31 00:00:50 UTC 2014

Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net> (2014-10-30):
> Control: severity 767230 serious
> > 
> > Anyway: it seems that I've actually started a transition after the
> > transition freeze :/
> > 
> Looking through the diff between the version of libotr in testing vs.
> the version in sid.  I saw no obvious ABI / API breakage myself - that
> said I would certainly would not mind a second (third?) reviewer
> reviewing this assertion though.  Preferably one who knows the C ABI
> rules by heart.

I saw new symbols, no changed ones, but I certainly don't match your
last sentence.

> > Plan A -- ship Jessie with libotr 4.1, drop the version check temporarily
> > =========================================================================
> > 
> > 1. Patch libotr to loosen this version check on Jessie: assuming the
> >    "no API/ABI break" assumption is true, this should work just fine.
> I suspect this will be the least intrusive method assuming the "no
> ABI/API" assertion holds.
> > 2. For Jessie+1, re-add the version check, and get proper shlibs
> >    support so that we get proper transition handling next time.
> > 
> As I recall, we generally prefer libraries do not have unnecessary
> "strictly equal runtime version checks", since they tend to be wrong.
>   Proper use of shlibs (or symbols) and SONAME bumping (with package
> renaming) makes such checks redundant (for Debian maintained reverse
> dependencies).

Yeah, Julien mentioned this on IRC, readding that check would likely be
a bad idea.

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