[pkg-otr-team] Bug#767745: Bug#767745: pidgin: Aborting due to incompatible libotr API version 4.0.0

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Wed Nov 5 11:55:18 UTC 2014

Control: tag -1 - moreinfo
Control: forcemerge 767075 -1


Florian Aldehoff wrote (05 Nov 2014 11:39:38 GMT) :
> pidgin-otr:amd64 upgraded 2014-11-01 from 4.0.0-3+b1 to 4.0.1-1
> libotr5:amd64 upgraded 2014-11-04 from 4.0.0-3+b1 to 4.1.0-1

> I assume from the dates of these upgrades that the first upgrade
> provoked the bug, the second one solved it.

Right, thanks. Hence merging with #767075.


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