[pkg-otr-team] Bug#767103: Bug#767103: Bug#767103: Bug#767103: irssi-plugin-otr doesn't work with irssi 0.8.17

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Mon Nov 10 14:13:51 UTC 2014

Holger Levsen wrote (10 Nov 2014 12:22:24 GMT) :
>> Anyway, if we do that, for future-proofness you'll want to make sure
>> that the manually added versioned dependency doesn't interfere badly
>> with ${shlibs:Depends} in case that one returns a dependency on
>> a newer version of libotr.

> how to do that? or: whether is an example of such breakage?

No idea. I'm only afraid that ${shlibs:Depends} might not override
a (even lower) manually added dependency.

>> Also, it would be good if someone tried current libotr (backported to
>> Wheezy) + wheezy-backports' irssi-plugin-otr. I'd hate to break that
>> one when I upload the backport.

> i can test that...

Cool, thanks!

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