[pkg-otr-team] Bug#818590: Bug#818590: irssi-plugin-otr: mismatching ABI version with current irssi

micah micah at riseup.net
Tue Mar 29 00:19:23 UTC 2016

Antoine Beaupré <anarcat at debian.org> writes:

>> Interestingly, the ABI version increased by one, but it needs one more
>> to get to '2'.
> That was the wrong URL, the proper one is:
> http://paste.anarc.at/otr/irssi-plugin-otr_1.0.1+f75eb26-1_amd64.deb
> sorry. you should use dget anyways to verify the signatures first:
> http://paste.anarc.at/otr/irssi-plugin-otr_1.0.1+f75eb26-1.dsc

Same result.

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