[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [SCM] owncloud-client.git annotated tag, debian/1.2.5+dfsg-1, created. debian/1.2.5+dfsg-1
Sandro Knauß
bugs at sandroknauss.de
Sat Jun 15 19:41:56 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, debian/1.2.5+dfsg-1 has been created
at a2f9d67279b3598a37ae479ed91fafa223a9ceb8 (tag)
tagging 66b7ca5c45388f1ff28318b880577c48d8de28a5 (commit)
replaces upstream/1.2.5+dfsg
tagged by David Prévot
on Sat Jun 15 13:35:23 2013 -0400
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
owncloud-client Debian release 1.2.5+dfsg-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Matthew Fischer (1):
Imported Debian patch 1.0.5+repack1-0ubuntu1
Sandro Knauß (108):
Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.3'
adding new version
removing patches/kubuntu_01_sysconf_dir.diff
update mantainer and versions
taking changes from obs: owncloud-client
adding watch file
using debian/rules from obs: owncloud-client
updating copyright file
adding owncloud-client.postinst.debhelper& .postrm.debhelper
update copyright information
is UAC_plug-in from
creating doc package and manpage
installing doc to right place
postinst.debhelper& postrm.debhelper should not be in git
updating sphinx dependencies
MultiArch added
Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.4'
owncloud-client 1.1.4 depends on ocsync>=0.60.4
bump version
removing MultiArch
do not build gthelp
plitting package to mirall, mirall-doc and owncloud-client
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0'
bump revision
update dependencies
update patches/doc2default
splitting mirall package -> mirall, mirall-i18n
no more image branding_setup.png
remove syntax erros in copyright file
fixing typo libowncloudcync -> libowncloudsync
owncloud-client closes ITP#692872
adding hardening-tools and pkg-kde-tools
relation > is deprecated: pkg-kde-tools (>=0.5)
mv libmirallsync.so, libowncloudsync.so -> /usr/lib/mirall/
updating description
adding description for patches/doc2default
moving lib* back to /usr/lib/: lintian error: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
updating description for the packages.
adding soname to each lib and creating libowncloudsync0 and libmirallsync0
adding symbol files
repacking orig.tar to get rid of dlls
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0+debian'
get rid of copyright part for admin files
no debian revision in symbol files
now using patches, that will be pushed to mirall upstream:
installing manpages to packages
make doc/makeman.sh executeable
adding xsltproc to Build-Depends to create manpage
adding typo patches (came up from lintian)
remove oxygen-icon-theme from Depends
adding lintian-overrides for hardening-fortify, 'cause it is a false positive.
update overrides to work
adding description for patch/typo-necessary
add myself to Uploaders
using debian revision
make snapshot
switching to pkgkde_symbolshelper
fiddling around
update symbols for i386
update symbols for i386
release to unstable
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.1+debian'
bump revision
libmirallsync0 is not more build.
soname patch is now upstream.
deleting typo patches; fixed upstream
deleting patches that are now upstream
cleanup debian/rules
doc must be build with normal make
update symbolfile
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.3+debian'
bump revision
update patches: buildung doc now with cmake option WITH_DOC
owncloud-client depends on ocsync 0.70.5
update symbols in debian/libowncloudsync0.symbols
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.4+debian'
bump revision
bump Standards-Version
update symbolfile
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.5+debian'
bump revision
Update Vcs-Git, Vcs-Browser, Homepage and Source fields
update build deps to ocsync 0.70.7
Updated Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields
Removed all references to libmirallsync0
Updated debian/copyright
update copyright file
Updated extrafiles/owncloud-client.desktop
Updated debian/libowncloudsync0.lintian-overrides
Added copyright for debian files
Release to unstable
No need for extra desktop file
Updated symbols file
Updated copyright file
update repack script and update watch file
Remove useless version from pkg-kde-tools
fix typos
remove debian/patches dictonary
update debian/copyright
Updated descriptions
Rename debian/mirall-i18n.install -> debian/mirall-l10n.install
Update debian/copyright: BSD should be Expat
Update debian/libowncloudsync0.symbols
use +dfsg instead of +debian
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.5+dfsg'
fix the dversionmangle in debian/watch
fix debian/copyright file
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