[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-doc] 07/43: UCS: UCR Intro up to date, update UCR table with new options
David Prévot
taffit at alioth.debian.org
Tue Aug 20 11:56:07 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch dfsg_clean
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commit 4ffbbd4842b6c627b5a08522db454b72454b0a14
Author: Arthur Schiwon <blizzz at owncloud.com>
Date: Wed Jul 31 17:55:09 2013 +0200
UCS: UCR Intro up to date, update UCR table with new options
admin_manual/installation/installation_ucs.rst | 27 ++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/admin_manual/installation/installation_ucs.rst b/admin_manual/installation/installation_ucs.rst
index 49fbd89..ec470b3 100644
--- a/admin_manual/installation/installation_ucs.rst
+++ b/admin_manual/installation/installation_ucs.rst
@@ -9,15 +9,13 @@ Subscribers to the ownCloud Enterprise edition can also integrate with
Pre configuration
-ownCloud makes use of the UCR, the Univention Configuration Registry. At
-the moment, the values are being read during installation only. So you
-might want to change them here, but you can do it later from within
-ownCloud. For a later version we plan to provide an own ownCloud module
-for the UMC (Univention Management Console). We think we found sane
-defaults, nevertheless you might have your own requirements. The
-installation script will listen to those UCR keys:In case you want to
-override any default setting, simply add the key in question to the UCR
-and assign your required value.
+ownCloud makes use of the UCR, the Univention Configuration Registry. The values
+are being read during installation, most of them can be changed later, too.
+Changes done directly via ownCloud are not taken over to UCR. We think we found
+sane defaults, nevertheless you might have your own requirements. The
+installation script will listen to the UCR keys listed below. In case you want
+to override any default setting, simply add the key in question to the UCR and
+assign your required value.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|l|
.. cssclass:: longtable
@@ -34,17 +32,24 @@ and assign your required value.
"owncloud/ldap/base/groups", "cn=groups,$ldap_base", "The groups-subtree in the LDAP directory. If left blank it will fall back to the LDAP base.", 2012.4.0.4
"owncloud/ldap/groupMemberAssoc", "uniqueMember", "The LDAP attribute showing the group-member relationship. Possible values: uniqueMember, memberUid and member", 2012.4.0.4
"owncloud/ldap/tls", 1, "Whether to talk to the LDAP server via TLS.", 2012.0.1
+ "owncloud/ldap/disableMainServer", 0, "Deactivates the (first) LDAP Configuration", 5.0.9
+ "owncloud/ldap/cacheTTL", 600, "Lifetime of the ownCloud LDAP Cache in seconds", 5.0.9
+ "owncloud/ldap/UUIDAttribute", "(empty)", "Attribute that provides a unique value for each user and group entry. Empty value for autodetection.", 5.0.9
"owncloud/ldap/loginFilter", "(&(\|(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (objectClass=shadowAccount)) (objectClass=univentionMail) (objectClass=sambaSamAccount) (objectClass=simpleSecurityObject) (&(objectClass=person) (objectClass=organizationalPerson) (objectClass=inetOrgPerson))) (!(uidNumber=0)) (!(uid=*$)) (&(uid=%uid) (ownCloudEnabled=1)))", "The LDAP filter that shall be used when a user tries to log in.", 2012.0.1
"owncloud/ldap/userlistFilter", "(&(\|(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (objectClass=shadowAccount)) (objectClass=univentionMail) (objectClass=sambaSamAccount) (objectClass=simpleSecurityObject) (&(objectClass=person) (objectClass=organizationalPerson) (objectClass=inetOrgPerson))) (!(uidNumber=0))(!(uid=*$)) (&(ownCloudEnabled=1)))", "The LDAP filter that shall be used when the user list is being retrieved (e.g. for sharing)", 2012.0.1
"owncloud/ldap/groupFilter", "(&(objectClass=posixGroup) (ownCloudEnabled=1))", "The LDAP filter that shall be used when the group list is being retrieved (e.g. for sharing)", 2012.4.0.4
- "owncloud/ldap/displayName", "uid", "The LDAP attribute that should be used as username in ownCloud", 2012.0.1
+ "owncloud/ldap/internalNameAttribute", "uid", "Attribute that should be used to create the user's owncloud internal name", 5.0.9
+ "owncloud/ldap/displayName", "uid", "The LDAP attribute that should be displayed as name in ownCloud", 2012.0.1
+ "owncloud/ldap/user/searchAttributes", "uid,givenName,sn,description,employeeNumber,mailPrimaryAddress", "Attributes taken into consideration when searching for users (comma separated)", 5.0.9
+ "owncloud/ldap/user/quotaAttribute", "ownCloudQuota", "Name of the quota attribute. The default attribute is provided by owncloud-schema.", 5.0.9
+ "owncloud/ldap/user/homeAttribute", "(empty)", "Attribute that should be used to create the user's owncloud internal home folder", 5.0.9
"owncloud/ldap/group/displayName", "cn", "The LDAP attribute that should be used as groupname in ownCloud", 2012.4.0.4
+ "owncloud/ldap/group/searchAttributes", "cn,description, mailPrimaryAddress", "Attributes taken into consideration when searching for groups (comma separated)", 5.0.9
"owncloud/join/users/update", "yes", "Wether ownCloud LDAP schema should be applied to existing users", 2012.0.1
"owncloud/group/enableDomainUsers", "1", "Wether the group “Domain Users” shall be enabled for ownCloud on install", 2012.4.0.4
"owncloud/join/users/filter", "(&(\|(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (objectClass=shadowAccount)) (objectClass=univentionMail) (objectClass=sambaSamAccount) (objectClass=simpleSecurityObject) (&(objectClass=person) (objectClass=organizationalPerson) (objectClass=inetOrgPerson))) (!(uidNumber=0)) (!(\|(uid=*$) (uid=owncloudsystemuser) (uid=join-backup) (uid=join-slave))) (!(objectClass=ownCloudUser)))", "Filters, on which LDAP users the ownCloud schema should be applied to. The default excl [...]
"owncloud/join/groups/filter", "(empty)", "Filters which LDAP groups will be en/disabled for ownCloud when running the script /usr/share/owncloud/update-groups.sh", 2012.4.0.4
If you want to override the default settings, simply create the key in
question in the UCR and assign your required value, for example::
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