[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [python-owncloud] branch upstream updated (de6e6b4 -> 2d39026)
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 22 01:49:45 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository python-owncloud.
omits de6e6b4 Imported Upstream version 0.3
omits f0d0971 Imported Upstream version 0.2+2.db2246ab
omits 2acbb54 Imported Upstream version 0.2+1.e1d0c876
adds e6e131b Initial commit
adds ff11a63 initial commit
adds 0b4cbf4 version.* : We now have version numbers. csync.py: added config file option, cmd line stuff, etc. README: added some help stuff csynclib.py: added an awful way to hopefully locate the shared library libocsync.
adds 7b76f54 UGH GIT! you confuzzle me so!!! the rest of the files… :)
adds d7f8b61 pretty much a bare-bones working CLI in python :)
adds 56bf69a fixed documentation to display right I hope.
adds 77cb782 formatting changes in README
adds 3948742 Add must be less than python 3 for requirement
adds 21fe5ce added a bunch of debugging info.
adds f846d82 issue #1, catch user/password problems and tell the user
adds 165cedd fix issue #3, add /usr/lib64/libocsync.so.0 to the path searched by csynclib
adds b32712b Spelling Fix
adds 4eab811 Fix wrong description for -c option.
adds bd844e6 Fix README.md regarding previous typo and description fixes.
adds 50a3828 Merge pull request #4 from Weuxel/master
adds 1eed230 a disclaimer, and a note about libocsync versions.
adds f6f052c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds 807215d --debug now sanitizes the printing of passwords, more error messages
adds 47ebf6b issue #3, fix library location issues
adds 7e0543a issue #6, fix the url option in the cfg file, add more debugging for cfg files
adds 981bae0 issue #6, fix the url option in the cfg file..maybe
adds 382fb96 issue #6, fix the url option in the cfg file..maybe
adds 827646e issue #6 added moreUI stuff
adds c6a788b Fixing URL config file example
adds 4e3f88e Reset after broken README.md
adds ba1ac7b Some more spelling fixes.
adds bfb3f6f Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds 74f8844 Trying to fix README.md
adds 4d8374f Minor spelling fixes.
adds 710374c Markdown fix..
adds 83ccd6f Release 0.2
adds 3369c59 issue #7, if you do not specify a password, it will prompt you for it. also username has a useful default now.
adds 1ca35b4 Added Changelog, release 0.2 for sure! :) Thanks Weuxel and duck!
adds e229cbb Added that it's being used.
adds 6f4c2c6 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds 7270c48 starting to build a setup.py file and treat as a package
adds 857060a Documented that you can now specify -p without diirectly providing the password; you'll get asked for it.
adds 7de1247 Merge pull request #9 from diederikdehaas/master
adds 6ed982f Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds bc7a380 The start of moving csyinc into a package, and having setup.py create a script for us. So that it can be 'installed', and can be pushed into PyPi, and be pip installable :)
adds 87dbca7 Fixed the call to ctypes's find_library function.
adds 0764f48 Merge pull request #10 from diederikdehaas/fix_find_libocsync
adds efbfd7b Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds 265dcd3 License/Copyright
adds bb40d00 fix typo setup.py,
adds 7cb358a Added installation instructions.
adds 914217a formatting errors fixed?
adds 297226e Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds 472f835 Adding LICENSE file
adds 236d463 using Python Keyring Lib to store password in a safe manner.
adds 002d71e Merge pull request #15 from hefee/keyring
adds 5c32717 issue #17, moved to sslfingerprint, apparently case sensitivity is an issue in the cfg file. blah.
adds 79e9d33 issue 13, I was a moron and forgot the version files :P
adds 1dd757b issue #17, update readme.
adds de5927d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:csawyerYumaed/pyOwnCloud
adds f165da4 Update README.md
adds 0496ab2 changed the discussion place off of google Groups
adds 2c11e35 Fixed some typos.
adds 1872247 removes unnecessary print command.
adds a9c01fd Creating a better setup.py
adds 54b1afc Makes pyOwnCloud installable and detect the correct version number.
adds 0b9cb55 Merge pull request #18 from csawyerYumaed/installation
adds 3e6991a issue 20, check to see if we are in a .git directory before launching git for the head revision.
adds 8bfc71f issue 20, debug printing will only password safe the password if it's there to begin with.
adds bb88037 Make keyring not to use as default.
adds 29c9b8a Merge pull request #21 from csawyerYumaed/keyring
adds 5e74a46 adding use-keyring parameter to Readme.md
adds 2d562d5 whatever
adds b8582bc Revert "whatever"
adds 8537d04 This should fix all the version issues we were having.
adds b3e8cdd issue #22, fix copyright file to match LICENSE file, and stick with GPL-2 only.
adds 2065551 Per mailing list, change the binary name to be 'oclient'.
adds ec502ee updated the CHANGELOG, so we are closer to a 0.3 release :)
adds df4f744 issue #22, license file fixed.
adds ff3b051 adding manpage for csync
adds e1d0c87 one typo
adds 605753c renaming to oclient
adds d1a0ad6 Merge pull request #23 from csawyerYumaed/manpage
adds bc08bc1 Replaced distribute_setup.py with the latest from http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py.
adds 04760db Merge pull request #24 from csawyerYumaed/update_distribute_version
adds 2ae8832 fixing use-keyring is required, was not found in cfg file or on cmd line.
adds e0a1ab6 Merge pull request #27 from csawyerYumaed/fix-use-keyring
adds f5356de pull down min version of distribute to 0.6.21
adds 4e79ce9 add 0.70.5 to tested versions of libocsync
adds c4c72fc Merge pull request #29 from csawyerYumaed/tested_versions
adds 23862cd Right parsing of argument parameters and the cfg
adds 13190ce Merge pull request #30 from csawyerYumaed/issue_28
adds a160ee0 Revert "Replaced distribute_setup.py with the latest from http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py."
adds 0659020 0.3 release!
adds e8d6ee9 forgot to update the CHANGELOG file.
adds 5b90e20 version.dat update.
adds 83bc7f9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
adds 0386db4 Fixed typos in CHANGELOG.
adds aba81c6 Revert "Revert "Replaced distribute_setup.py with the latest from http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py.""
new d689efc Fixed the name of the command from csync to oclient.
new 5ee62bb Indicated that we've also tested against version 0.70.5 of the libocsync library.
new 583a903 Fixed typos and grammer
new 8732181 Tested versions of ocsync up to 0.70.7 Fixes #33
new 4232c88 if no url is defined in config file and in commandline arguments we should throw a better error message. Fixes #35
new 9d5b20c enable bandwidth throttling
new 29a301b Merge pull request #44 from lluis/bandwidth_throttling
new 656b052 Update README.md
new 679947f argparse on the list of requirements, in case on python 2.6
new 3a7a415 don't crash on missing BWLimit section
new 0c8f24b Merge pull request #48 from lluis/issue_47
new e9bafe0 Removed the check against libocsync's versions.
new 30238e7 Updated the csync_error_codes_e to the values of 0.90.4
new f4f272b Updated the csync_notify_type_e to the values of 0.90.4.
new 3e86e4d Updated the csync_ftw_type_e to the values of 0.90.4.
new de251ad Updated the version numbers in the error 'handler'.
new 531377a Applied slightly modified version of lluis' Pull Request.
new a9dcb06 Use same sequence in usage section as in the documentation section.
new c296cf6 Removed the line specifying the tested versions of libocsync.
new fc6ea4c Extended the Requirements section wrt installing the 'ocsync' binary.
new 65ab196 Cleanup README
new 8266c8f Update manpage for 0.3.1
new 1cc93cd using ERRNAMES instead of there value
new fcbde7e Updated CHANGELOG
new 5f2aaa1 Added csync version to error output
new e360f93 Fixes: Authentication callback prints real password in debug mode
new 3561a70 fixing inden in csynclib.py
new 8acc7fd get rid of useuploadlimit and downloadlimit
new 981b2a6 Update README and manpage
new d5396f3 Merge pull request #54 from csawyerYumaed/use_limits
new 64f8511 Updating CHANGELOG
new 1cdf5bb setup.py now uses ver.asString to be able to support major.minor.bugfix versions
new 2d39026 get rid of the fancy git update version.py
This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
branch are not in the new version. This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:
* -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O (de6e6b4)
N -- N -- N refs/heads/upstream (2d39026)
You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.
Any revisions marked "omits" are not gone; other references still
refer to them. Any revisions marked "discards" are gone forever.
The 33 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CHANGELOG | 12 ++-
README.md | 57 +++++++----
csync/csync.py | 85 +++++++++++-----
csync/csynclib.py | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
csync/version.py | 2 +-
doc/oclient.1 | 24 +++--
doc/oclient.1.txt | 14 ++-
pre-commit | 2 +-
setup.py | 2 +-
9 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/python-owncloud.git
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