[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [python-owncloud] branch master updated (206f970 -> 0c00a0a)
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 23 01:36:46 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-owncloud.
from 206f970 Removed no_version_update.patch
new ac647a3 New upstream release (Closes: #714970)
adds d689efc Fixed the name of the command from csync to oclient.
adds 5ee62bb Indicated that we've also tested against version 0.70.5 of the libocsync library.
adds 583a903 Fixed typos and grammer
adds 8732181 Tested versions of ocsync up to 0.70.7 Fixes #33
adds 4232c88 if no url is defined in config file and in commandline arguments we should throw a better error message. Fixes #35
adds 9d5b20c enable bandwidth throttling
adds 29a301b Merge pull request #44 from lluis/bandwidth_throttling
adds 656b052 Update README.md
adds 679947f argparse on the list of requirements, in case on python 2.6
adds 3a7a415 don't crash on missing BWLimit section
adds 0c8f24b Merge pull request #48 from lluis/issue_47
adds e9bafe0 Removed the check against libocsync's versions.
adds 30238e7 Updated the csync_error_codes_e to the values of 0.90.4
adds f4f272b Updated the csync_notify_type_e to the values of 0.90.4.
adds 3e86e4d Updated the csync_ftw_type_e to the values of 0.90.4.
adds de251ad Updated the version numbers in the error 'handler'.
adds 531377a Applied slightly modified version of lluis' Pull Request.
adds a9dcb06 Use same sequence in usage section as in the documentation section.
adds c296cf6 Removed the line specifying the tested versions of libocsync.
adds fc6ea4c Extended the Requirements section wrt installing the 'ocsync' binary.
adds 65ab196 Cleanup README
adds 8266c8f Update manpage for 0.3.1
adds 1cc93cd using ERRNAMES instead of there value
adds fcbde7e Updated CHANGELOG
adds 5f2aaa1 Added csync version to error output
adds e360f93 Fixes: Authentication callback prints real password in debug mode
adds 3561a70 fixing inden in csynclib.py
adds 8acc7fd get rid of useuploadlimit and downloadlimit
adds 981b2a6 Update README and manpage
adds d5396f3 Merge pull request #54 from csawyerYumaed/use_limits
adds 64f8511 Updating CHANGELOG
adds 1cdf5bb setup.py now uses ver.asString to be able to support major.minor.bugfix versions
adds 2d39026 get rid of the fancy git update version.py
new 35e9ab1 Reversed order of last 2 password options.
new cb55135 Release v0.3.1
new eb98dfc Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.1'
new 574aecd Updated debian/changelog
new 9ac30b8 Updated Standards-Version
new 0c00a0a Release to unstable
The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CHANGELOG | 12 ++-
README.md | 57 +++++++----
csync/csync.py | 85 +++++++++++-----
csync/csynclib.py | 284 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
csync/version.dat | 2 +-
csync/version.py | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 9 ++
debian/control | 2 +-
doc/oclient.1 | 24 +++--
doc/oclient.1.txt | 14 ++-
pre-commit | 2 +-
setup.py | 2 +-
12 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/python-owncloud.git
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