[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] 203/239: Merge branch 'master' into encryption_enable_public_upload
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 29 01:32:38 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud.
commit 9fb71af98850ad6638c4238ae0938972a9f23b50
Merge: 6443e57 5b7b053
Author: Bjoern Schiessle <schiessle at owncloud.com>
Date: Wed Nov 27 15:08:09 2013 +0100
Merge branch 'master' into encryption_enable_public_upload
apps/files/css/files.css | 3 +
apps/files/js/filelist.js | 5 +-
apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/de.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/de_DE.php | 13 +-
apps/files/l10n/en_GB.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/et_EE.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php | 2 +
apps/files/l10n/fr.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/gl.php | 3 +-
apps/files/l10n/it.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/pl.php | 14 ++
apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.php | 1 +
apps/files/l10n/ru_RU.php | 4 +-
apps/files/l10n/sl.php | 19 +-
apps/files/l10n/sv.php | 2 +
apps/files/l10n/tr.php | 3 +-
apps/files/templates/index.php | 5 +-
apps/files/tests/ajax_rename.php | 15 ++
apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 1 +
apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php | 23 ++-
apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php | 1 +
apps/files_encryption/l10n/sl.php | 43 ++--
apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php | 1 +
apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php | 20 +-
apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php | 12 +-
apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php | 2 +-
apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php | 4 +-
apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php | 2 +-
apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php | 4 +-
apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php | 2 +-
apps/files_external/3rdparty/smb4php/smb.php | 16 +-
apps/files_external/l10n/ar.php | 1 +
.../l10n/ru_RU.php | 3 +-
apps/files_external/lib/amazons3.php | 8 -
apps/files_external/lib/config.php | 5 +
apps/files_external/lib/dropbox.php | 70 +++++--
apps/files_external/lib/google.php | 4 -
apps/files_external/lib/sftp.php | 11 +-
apps/files_external/lib/streamwrapper.php | 11 +-
apps/files_external/lib/swift.php | 12 +-
apps/files_external/lib/webdav.php | 17 +-
apps/files_external/tests/dropbox.php | 16 ++
apps/files_external/tests/ftp.php | 8 +-
apps/files_external/tests/mountconfig.php | 51 +++++
apps/files_external/tests/smb.php | 5 +
apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 3 +-
apps/files_sharing/l10n/el.php | 4 +-
apps/files_sharing/public.php | 7 +
apps/files_trashbin/ajax/delete.php | 39 +++-
apps/files_trashbin/appinfo/info.xml | 2 +-
apps/files_trashbin/js/filelist.js | 7 +
apps/files_trashbin/js/trash.js | 48 ++++-
apps/files_trashbin/l10n/ru_RU.php | 3 +-
apps/files_trashbin/templates/index.php | 4 +-
apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php | 23 +--
apps/user_ldap/ajax/wizard.php | 6 +
apps/user_ldap/group_proxy.php | 5 +-
apps/user_ldap/js/settings.js | 158 +++++++++++---
apps/user_ldap/l10n/ca.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 10 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/el.php | 7 +-
apps/user_ldap/l10n/en_GB.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/es.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/et_EE.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/fr.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/gl.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/ru.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/sl.php | 70 +++++--
apps/user_ldap/l10n/sv.php | 4 +
apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.php | 3 +
apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php | 4 +-
apps/user_ldap/lib/configuration.php | 12 ++
apps/user_ldap/lib/proxy.php | 7 +-
apps/user_ldap/lib/wizard.php | 41 +++-
.../templates/part.wizard-loginfilter.php | 10 +
apps/user_ldap/templates/settings.php | 3 -
apps/user_ldap/user_ldap.php | 76 ++++++-
apps/user_ldap/user_proxy.php | 15 +-
config/config.sample.php | 3 +
core/command/app/disable.php | 37 ++++
core/command/app/enable.php | 39 ++++
core/command/app/listapps.php | 47 +++++
core/command/maintenance/repair.php | 41 ++++
core/command/maintenance/singleuser.php | 51 +++++
core/css/styles.css | 9 +-
core/js/update.js | 2 +-
core/l10n/ca.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 14 +-
core/l10n/da.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/de.php | 13 +-
core/l10n/de_DE.php | 33 +--
core/l10n/el.php | 15 +-
core/l10n/en_GB.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/es.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/et_EE.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/fi_FI.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/fr.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/gl.php | 25 +--
core/l10n/hu_HU.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/it.php | 11 +-
core/l10n/ja_JP.php | 10 +-
core/l10n/lb.php | 4 +-
core/l10n/lt_LT.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/mk.php | 7 +-
core/l10n/nl.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/pl.php | 5 +-
core/l10n/pt_BR.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/ru.php | 8 +-
core/l10n/ru_RU.php | 2 +
core/l10n/sk_SK.php | 6 +-
core/l10n/sl.php | 66 ++++--
core/l10n/sv.php | 9 +-
core/l10n/tr.php | 11 +-
core/l10n/zh_TW.php | 8 +-
core/register_command.php | 5 +
core/templates/altmail.php | 3 +-
core/templates/mail.php | 3 +-
core/templates/singleuser.user.php | 10 +
db_structure.xml | 107 ++++++++++
l10n/ach/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/ach/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ach/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/ach/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ady/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/ady/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ady/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/ady/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/af/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/af/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/af/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/af/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/af_ZA/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/af_ZA/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/af_ZA/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/af_ZA/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ar/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ar/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ar/files_external.po | 14 +-
l10n/ar/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ar/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ar/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ar/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/be/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/be/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/be/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/be/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/bg_BG/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/bg_BG/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/bg_BG/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/bg_BG/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/bg_BG/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/bg_BG/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/bg_BG/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/bn_BD/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/bn_BD/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/bn_BD/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/bn_BD/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/bn_BD/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/bn_BD/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/bn_BD/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/bs/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/bs/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/bs/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/bs/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/bs/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ca/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/ca/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/ca/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ca/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ca/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/ca/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/ca/user_ldap.po | 14 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/core.po | 124 +++++------
l10n/cs_CZ/files.po | 21 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/files_encryption.po | 9 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/files_sharing.po | 9 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/cs_CZ/lib.po | 41 ++--
l10n/cs_CZ/settings.po | 100 +++++----
l10n/cs_CZ/user_ldap.po | 27 +--
l10n/cy_GB/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/cy_GB/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/cy_GB/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/cy_GB/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/cy_GB/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/cy_GB/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/cy_GB/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/da/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/da/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/da/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/da/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/da/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/da/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/da/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/de/core.po | 116 ++++++-----
l10n/de/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/de/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/de/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/de/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/de/settings.po | 88 ++++----
l10n/de/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/de_AT/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/de_AT/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/de_AT/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/de_AT/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/de_CH/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/de_CH/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/de_CH/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/de_CH/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/de_CH/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/de_CH/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/de_CH/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/de_DE/core.po | 137 +++++++------
l10n/de_DE/files.po | 40 ++--
l10n/de_DE/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/de_DE/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/de_DE/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/de_DE/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/de_DE/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/el/core.po | 134 ++++++------
l10n/el/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/el/files_encryption.po | 50 ++---
l10n/el/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/el/files_sharing.po | 11 +-
l10n/el/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/el/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/el/settings.po | 144 +++++++------
l10n/el/user_ldap.po | 17 +-
l10n/en at pirate/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/en at pirate/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/en at pirate/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/en at pirate/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/en_GB/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/en_GB/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/en_GB/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/en_GB/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/en_GB/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/en_GB/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/en_GB/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/eo/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/eo/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/eo/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/eo/files_trashbin.po | 6 +-
l10n/eo/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/eo/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/eo/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/es/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/es/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/es/files_external.po | 16 +-
l10n/es/files_trashbin.po | 10 +-
l10n/es/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/es/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/es/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/es_AR/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/es_AR/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/es_AR/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/es_AR/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/es_AR/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/es_AR/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/es_AR/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/es_MX/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/es_MX/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/es_MX/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/es_MX/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/et_EE/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/et_EE/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/et_EE/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/et_EE/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/et_EE/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/et_EE/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/et_EE/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/eu/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/eu/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/eu/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/eu/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/eu/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/eu/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/eu/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/fa/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/fa/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/fa/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/fa/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/fa/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/fa/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/fa/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/fi_FI/core.po | 117 ++++++-----
l10n/fi_FI/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/fi_FI/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/fi_FI/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/fi_FI/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/fi_FI/settings.po | 83 ++++----
l10n/fi_FI/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/fr/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/fr/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/fr/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/fr/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/fr/lib.po | 41 ++--
l10n/fr/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/fr/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/gl/core.po | 127 ++++++------
l10n/gl/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/gl/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/gl/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/gl/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/gl/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/gl/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/he/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/he/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/he/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/he/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/he/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/he/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/he/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/hi/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/hi/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/hi/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/hi/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/hi/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/hr/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/hr/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/hr/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/hr/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/hr/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/hr/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/hr/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/hu_HU/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/hu_HU/files.po | 20 +-
l10n/hu_HU/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/hu_HU/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/hu_HU/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/hu_HU/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/hu_HU/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/hy/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/hy/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/hy/files_external.po | 10 +-
l10n/hy/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/hy/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/hy/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/hy/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ia/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ia/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ia/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ia/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ia/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ia/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ia/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/id/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/id/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/id/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/id/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/id/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/id/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/id/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/is/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/is/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/is/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/is/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/is/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/is/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/is/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/it/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/it/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/it/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/it/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/it/lib.po | 38 ++--
l10n/it/settings.po | 83 ++++----
l10n/it/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/ja_JP/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/ja_JP/files.po | 20 +-
l10n/ja_JP/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ja_JP/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ja_JP/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/ja_JP/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/ja_JP/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ka/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ka/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ka/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ka/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ka_GE/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ka_GE/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ka_GE/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ka_GE/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ka_GE/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ka_GE/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ka_GE/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/km/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/km/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/km/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/km/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/km/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/km/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/kn/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/kn/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/kn/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/kn/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ko/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ko/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ko/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ko/files_trashbin.po | 10 +-
l10n/ko/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/ko/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ko/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ku_IQ/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ku_IQ/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ku_IQ/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ku_IQ/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ku_IQ/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/lb/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/lb/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/lb/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/lb/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/lb/lib.po | 26 +--
l10n/lb/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/lb/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/lt_LT/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/lt_LT/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/lt_LT/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/lt_LT/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/lt_LT/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/lt_LT/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/lt_LT/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/lv/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/lv/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/lv/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/lv/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/lv/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/lv/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/lv/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/mk/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/mk/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/mk/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/mk/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/mk/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/mk/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/mk/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ml_IN/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/ml_IN/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ml_IN/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/ml_IN/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ms_MY/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ms_MY/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ms_MY/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ms_MY/files_trashbin.po | 6 +-
l10n/ms_MY/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ms_MY/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ms_MY/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/my_MM/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/my_MM/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/my_MM/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/my_MM/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/nb_NO/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/nb_NO/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/nb_NO/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/nb_NO/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/nb_NO/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/nb_NO/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/nb_NO/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/nds/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/nds/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/nds/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/nds/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ne/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/ne/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ne/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/ne/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/nl/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/nl/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/nl/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/nl/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/nl/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/nl/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/nl/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/nn_NO/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/nn_NO/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/nn_NO/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/nn_NO/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/nn_NO/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/nn_NO/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/nn_NO/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/nqo/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/nqo/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/nqo/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/nqo/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/oc/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/oc/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/oc/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/oc/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/oc/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/oc/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/oc/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/pa/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/pa/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/pa/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/pa/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/pa/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/pa/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/pl/core.po | 117 ++++++-----
l10n/pl/files.po | 56 ++---
l10n/pl/files_encryption.po | 8 +-
l10n/pl/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/pl/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/pl/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/pl/settings.po | 117 ++++++-----
l10n/pl/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/pt_BR/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/pt_BR/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/pt_BR/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/pt_BR/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/pt_BR/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/pt_BR/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/pt_BR/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/pt_PT/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/pt_PT/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/pt_PT/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/pt_PT/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/pt_PT/lib.po | 26 +--
l10n/pt_PT/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/pt_PT/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ro/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ro/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ro/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ro/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ro/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ro/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ro/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ru/core.po | 117 ++++++-----
l10n/ru/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/ru/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ru/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ru/lib.po | 35 ++--
l10n/ru/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/ru/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/ru_RU/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/ru_RU/files.po | 32 +--
l10n/ru_RU/files_external.po | 16 +-
l10n/ru_RU/files_trashbin.po | 10 +-
l10n/ru_RU/lib.po | 34 +--
l10n/ru_RU/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/ru_RU/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/si_LK/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/si_LK/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/si_LK/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/si_LK/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/si_LK/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/si_LK/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/si_LK/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/sk/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/sk/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/sk/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/sk/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/sk_SK/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/sk_SK/files.po | 20 +-
l10n/sk_SK/files_external.po | 4 +-
l10n/sk_SK/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/sk_SK/lib.po | 26 +--
l10n/sk_SK/settings.po | 87 ++++----
l10n/sk_SK/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/sl/core.po | 227 +++++++++++----------
l10n/sl/files.po | 40 ++--
l10n/sl/files_encryption.po | 57 +++---
l10n/sl/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/sl/files_trashbin.po | 4 +-
l10n/sl/lib.po | 44 ++--
l10n/sl/settings.po | 131 ++++++------
l10n/sl/user_ldap.po | 118 +++++------
l10n/sq/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/sq/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/sq/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/sq/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/sq/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/sq/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/sq/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/sr/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/sr/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/sr/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/sr/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/sr/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/sr/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/sr/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/sr at latin/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/sr at latin/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/sr at latin/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/sr at latin/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/sr at latin/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/sr at latin/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/sr at latin/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/sv/core.po | 113 +++++-----
l10n/sv/files.po | 33 +--
l10n/sv/files_encryption.po | 9 +-
l10n/sv/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/sv/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/sv/lib.po | 39 ++--
l10n/sv/settings.po | 92 +++++----
l10n/sv/user_ldap.po | 14 +-
l10n/sw_KE/core.po | 111 +++++-----
l10n/sw_KE/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/sw_KE/lib.po | 64 +++---
l10n/sw_KE/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ta_LK/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ta_LK/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ta_LK/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ta_LK/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ta_LK/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ta_LK/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ta_LK/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/te/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/te/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/te/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/te/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/te/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/te/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/te/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/templates/core.pot | 107 +++++-----
l10n/templates/files.pot | 16 +-
l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot | 2 +-
l10n/templates/files_external.pot | 8 +-
l10n/templates/files_sharing.pot | 2 +-
l10n/templates/files_trashbin.pot | 16 +-
l10n/templates/files_versions.pot | 2 +-
l10n/templates/lib.pot | 26 +--
l10n/templates/private.pot | 26 +--
l10n/templates/settings.pot | 79 +++----
l10n/templates/user_ldap.pot | 2 +-
l10n/templates/user_webdavauth.pot | 2 +-
l10n/th_TH/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/th_TH/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/th_TH/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/th_TH/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/th_TH/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/th_TH/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/th_TH/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/tr/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/tr/files.po | 32 +--
l10n/tr/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/tr/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/tr/lib.po | 35 ++--
l10n/tr/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/tr/user_ldap.po | 12 +-
l10n/tzm/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/tzm/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/tzm/lib.po | 26 +--
l10n/tzm/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ug/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ug/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/ug/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/ug/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/ug/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ug/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/ug/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/uk/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/uk/files.po | 30 +--
l10n/uk/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/uk/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/uk/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/uk/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/uk/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/ur_PK/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/ur_PK/files.po | 70 ++++---
l10n/ur_PK/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/ur_PK/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/uz/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/uz/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/uz/lib.po | 26 +--
l10n/uz/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/vi/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/vi/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/vi/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/vi/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/vi/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/vi/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/vi/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/zh_CN/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/zh_CN/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/zh_CN/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/zh_CN/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/zh_CN/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/zh_CN/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/zh_CN/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/zh_HK/core.po | 109 +++++-----
l10n/zh_HK/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/zh_HK/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/zh_HK/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/zh_HK/lib.po | 30 +--
l10n/zh_HK/settings.po | 81 ++++----
l10n/zh_HK/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
l10n/zh_TW/core.po | 115 ++++++-----
l10n/zh_TW/files.po | 28 +--
l10n/zh_TW/files_external.po | 12 +-
l10n/zh_TW/files_trashbin.po | 8 +-
l10n/zh_TW/lib.po | 32 +--
l10n/zh_TW/settings.po | 85 ++++----
l10n/zh_TW/user_ldap.po | 4 +-
lib/base.php | 54 +++--
lib/l10n/ca.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/da.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/de.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/de_CH.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/de_DE.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/el.php | 3 +-
lib/l10n/en_GB.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/es.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/es_AR.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/et_EE.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/eu.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/fr.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/gl.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/hu_HU.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/it.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/ja_JP.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/ko.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/lt_LT.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/lv.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/nl.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/pl.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/pt_BR.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/pt_PT.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/ru.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/ru_RU.php | 1 +
lib/l10n/sk_SK.php | 1 -
lib/l10n/sl.php | 11 +-
lib/l10n/sv.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/tr.php | 2 +-
lib/l10n/zh_TW.php | 1 -
lib/private/appframework/app.php | 6 +-
.../appframework/routing/routeactionhandler.php | 2 +-
lib/private/avatar.php | 18 +-
lib/private/avatarmanager.php | 26 +++
lib/private/connector/sabre/filesplugin.php | 12 ++
lib/private/defaults.php | 50 ++++-
lib/private/files.php | 2 +-
lib/private/files/cache/cache.php | 2 +-
lib/private/files/cache/updater.php | 2 +-
lib/private/files/storage/common.php | 13 ++
lib/private/files/storage/home.php | 17 ++
lib/private/log/owncloud.php | 2 +
lib/private/preview/movies.php | 10 +-
lib/private/repair.php | 21 ++
lib/private/request.php | 35 +++-
lib/private/server.php | 12 ++
lib/private/updater.php | 7 +-
lib/private/user.php | 30 ++-
lib/private/user/backend.php | 15 +-
lib/private/user/user.php | 12 ++
lib/private/util.php | 45 +++-
lib/public/activity/iconsumer.php | 5 +
lib/public/activity/imanager.php | 6 +-
lib/public/appframework/app.php | 28 +++
lib/public/appframework/controller.php | 7 +
lib/public/appframework/http.php | 8 +-
lib/public/appframework/http/jsonresponse.php | 11 +-
lib/public/appframework/http/response.php | 4 +
lib/public/appframework/http/templateresponse.php | 26 ++-
lib/public/appframework/iapi.php | 4 +
lib/public/appframework/middleware.php | 4 +
lib/public/authentication/iapachebackend.php | 5 +
lib/public/db.php | 2 +
lib/public/defaults.php | 28 ++-
lib/public/files/alreadyexistsexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/entitytoolargeexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/file.php | 5 +
lib/public/files/folder.php | 5 +
lib/public/files/invalidcontentexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/invalidpathexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/node.php | 5 +
lib/public/files/notenoughspaceexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/notfoundexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/notpermittedexception.php | 8 +
lib/public/files/storage.php | 5 +
lib/public/iaddressbook.php | 5 +
lib/public/iavatar.php | 38 ++++
lib/public/iavatarmanager.php | 23 +++
lib/public/icontainer.php | 2 +-
lib/public/idbconnection.php | 2 +-
lib/public/iservercontainer.php | 6 +
lib/public/share.php | 6 +-
public.php | 2 +
settings/admin.php | 2 +-
settings/ajax/decryptall.php | 3 +
settings/js/personal.js | 10 +-
settings/l10n/ca.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/cs_CZ.php | 12 +-
settings/l10n/da.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/de.php | 6 +-
settings/l10n/de_CH.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/de_DE.php | 6 +-
settings/l10n/el.php | 33 +++
settings/l10n/en_GB.php | 5 +-
settings/l10n/es.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/es_AR.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/et_EE.php | 5 +-
settings/l10n/fi_FI.php | 3 +-
settings/l10n/fr.php | 5 +-
settings/l10n/gl.php | 6 +-
settings/l10n/hu_HU.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/it.php | 6 +-
settings/l10n/ja_JP.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/lt_LT.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/lv.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/nl.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/nn_NO.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/pl.php | 18 +-
settings/l10n/pt_BR.php | 5 +-
settings/l10n/pt_PT.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/ru.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/ru_RU.php | 2 +
settings/l10n/sk_SK.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/sl.php | 26 ++-
settings/l10n/sv.php | 5 +-
settings/l10n/tr.php | 6 +-
settings/l10n/zh_CN.php | 2 -
settings/l10n/zh_TW.php | 2 -
settings/personal.php | 1 +
settings/templates/admin.php | 30 ++-
settings/templates/personal.php | 8 +-
tests/lib/avatar.php | 15 ++
tests/lib/files/storage/storage.php | 13 +-
tests/lib/request.php | 73 +++++++
tests/lib/user/avataruserdummy.php | 27 +++
tests/lib/user/user.php | 69 +++++++
tests/lib/util.php | 49 +++++
828 files changed, 16525 insertions(+), 13069 deletions(-)
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
index 897b5d4,505e013..17bcac5
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
@@@ -262,8 -261,8 +261,9 @@@ class Helper
$user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // if we are logged in and if we don't come from a public URL, then we return the userid
- if ($user && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'public.php') === false) {
+ // if we are logged in, then we return the userid
+ if ($user) {
return $user;
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
index b1832b6,599d718..b2c7568
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
@@@ -112,16 -112,13 +112,14 @@@ class Keymanager
* @brief store file encryption key
* @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param \OCA\Encryption\Util $util
* @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
- * @param $userId
- * @param $catfile
- * @internal param string $key
+ * @param string $catfile keyfile content
* @return bool true/false
* @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
* asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
- public static function setFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $util, $path, $userId, $catfile) {
- public static function setFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $catfile) {
++ public static function setFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $util, $path, $catfile) {
$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
index b22bc72,40b9837..7a37d22
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
@@@ -528,10 -527,10 +528,10 @@@ class Stream
$this->encKeyfiles = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($this->plainKey, $publicKeys);
// Save the new encrypted file key
- Keymanager::setFileKey($this->rootView, $util, $this->relPath, $this->keyId, $this->encKeyfiles['data']);
- Keymanager::setFileKey($this->rootView, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['data']);
++ Keymanager::setFileKey($this->rootView, $util, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['data']);
// Save the sharekeys
- Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->rootView, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys']);
+ Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->rootView, $util, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys']);
// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
index c840338,4ffc72d..33ab3f5
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
@@@ -1093,8 -1093,8 +1093,8 @@@ class Util
// Save the recrypted key to it's owner's keyfiles directory
// Save new sharekeys to all necessary user directory
if (
- !Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $this, $filePath, $fileOwner, $multiEncKey['data'])
- !Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $filePath, $multiEncKey['data'])
- || !Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->view, $filePath, $multiEncKey['keys'])
++ !Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $this, $filePath, $multiEncKey['data'])
+ || !Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->view, $this, $filePath, $multiEncKey['keys'])
) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library',
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
index 72ee270,a63db7d..1467979
--- a/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
@@@ -153,7 -151,7 +153,7 @@@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extend
$this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $file, $this->dataShort);
- Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $util, $file, $this->userId, $key);
- Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $file, $key);
++ Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $util, $file, $key);
$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $file . '.key'));
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