[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabre-vobject] branch master updated (95040ba -> ace61ac)
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 30 13:11:27 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository php-sabre-vobject.
from 95040ba Update changelog for 2.1.3-1 release
new 2f3fc0e Added readme
new cbb193b Initial directory structure.
new 90f2273 Initial, simple vcalendar reader. Reads Components and Properties, but not attributes.
new f88707f Reading attributes
new f3cc011 Added magic methods and iterators
new bdf0637 * Added version class * Bugfixes * 100% Test coverage * Docblocks
new 1e4c51c mege
new 2345ceb Correctly parsing nested components
new 9483e21 Reader skips empty lines
new 5edc7f0 Many VObject improvements. More sensible iterators. Add method on components Export support
new 9bcb52a More VObject fixes
new ab97a90 Added includes file
new 63b839a VObject Improvements to make ArrayAccess work better everywhere
new c772ae9 Bumped versions
new 87e156a Bumped version to 1.0
new cbe2ab0 Happy new year\!
new 680ad1f Added test for version class
new c387572 Now using assertInternalType, assertInstanceOf instead of assertType, which is now deprecated (which is a bit silly if you ask me)
new a7be91a Fixed docblocks
new 39f5103 Bumped version
new 7c6665b merge
new 1f543cb Merge
new a7d5d62 Merged changes
new 56e3448 Merging CardDAV work
new ae73e78 merged changes from default branch
new 4c5854a Merging changes from main branch to carddav branch
new 2bc2aae Aded DateTime element to VObject package
new 01f68cf Bumped version to ensure PEAR dependency
new 801b968 Merge
new 1ab8d17 Merge
new 835e34c Merge
new 67993ab Updated VObject reader to automatically map properties with custom classes.
new cbbdb26 Made the parsing for DATETIME-values static, so it can be more easily reused.
new c4f1f40 Added VOBject element for properties containing multiple dates.
new 376916c Added 'EXDATE' to the element map
new b66fd7a Bumped VObject version, and added MultiDateTime to includes
new 7d95f17 Merged default branch into carddav branch
new 9e32851 Setting parameters in the VObject library now overwrites the previous value
new 596c343 Added __unset to VObject_Component
new 7958531 Merging CardDAV branch
new df32903 Support for 'groups', which is useful for VCARD parsing
new 62f6ded VObject uppercase bug
new 36b5105 More VObject fixes
new a34b288 Support for vcard groups
new eed3c14 Fixed reading of empty parameters
new 1f32a0c Supporting 'empty' parameters
new b96a11c Added Sabre_VObject_Property::add()
new e897739 Merge
new 2552ca7 Support for mixed newlines. Fixes Issue 153.
new 6196bf6 Added Sabre_VObject_Component::getComponents()
new 24538ed Merged from default branch
new 050ac1b Merging in caldav-sched branch in default branch
new 185efad Moved functions from Sabre_CalDAV_XMLUtil to Sabre_VObject_DateTimeParser
new 0686089 Pushed version to 1.3.0
new 841a4c0 Completed most of the time-range filter support, with the exception of FREEBUSY filters and Recurrence rules.
new 8a4fad9 Merged the calendar-query refactoring branch
new 467e35b First, untested version of the FreeBusy Generator script
new 3e321f9 Added FreeBusy generator
new 76a70c6 First (incomplete) version of the recurrence iterator
new dd673ac Fixed some iterator bugs, added some tests
new bedaf12 Making progress with the montly-bymonthday rule
new 9010f61 The byDay filter / expander for monthly recurrences is working
new 0e9abd9 Support for a all the RRULE's iCal may use
new 859b8bf Added 'fastForward' function
new e027c60 Integrated recurrence rules into the FreeBusyGenerator
new 1d1a80b Support for EXDATE
new 1fa798e Fixed some bugs. Free-busy info is now showing up in iCal
new 15d90fb Fixed encoding of DATE-TIME (was DATETIME before)
new 6572583 Bumped version, updated changelog
new 5cde522 Merge branch '1.5'
new d4df5f4 Set versions to 'alpha'
new c75a325 Support for FREQ=DAILY;BYDAYS= which is what Thunderbird may use
new 6e788d0 Docblocks
new eb48e52 Updated tests
new fe12704 Correctly handling time-range calendar-query filters with RRULE's. Fixes Issue 97.
new c00c50c Fixed serializing of parameters with no value (such as BASE64 in VCards's PHOTO property.) Fixes Issue 154.
new adf7040 Merge branch 'caldav-sched'
new ec2a85e 100% code coverage in VObject
new d06285a Updated includes file. Now using PHPincludes
new ddfc35b Correct paths
new f0c869c Nicer paths
new ca8d356 Added includes files
new bcfcbe5 Merge branch '1.5'
new 295ebfd Better parsing of timezone information for Evolution client. Fixes Issue #95.
new 17aaaf3 Merge branch '1.5'
new b1f6134 RECURRENCE-ID is DateTime too
new d2f9998 Merge pull request #1 from lkneschke/master
new 83a3916 renamed class from VObject_Element_* to VObject_Property_*
new c9fd4df Fixed test for updated classname
new 0cb6e3d Merge branch '1.5'
new 434dbf5 Added missing classes
new df781f1 Merge branch '1.5'
new 7377226 Merge branch '1.5'
new 88416eb Many small fixes - fixed most of PHPDoc parameters - Spelling mistakes - Removed ?> from the bottom of php files - Removed trailing spaces at the end of each line (my IDE did this automatically)
new 65ce5df Merge pull request #3 from PHPGangsta/SpellingAndPHPDoc
new 88f1bae Merge branch '1.5'
new 3d71efd Merge branch '1.5'
new f454da9 Merge branch '1.5'
new 995ee1b Added preliminary VCalendar component
new 95bebfc Added VEvent component
new bb3e08e Automatically mapping properties and components, and a bit of refactoring.
new e794360 Created VJournal and VTodo components, and refactored time-range checking from CalDAV into these components.
new ac319fa Docblock
new 71f4b61 Removed ending ?>
new defac14 expand() work in progress
new 4bc4577 expand() appears functional
new 00fb2b7 Better cloning behaviour
new aa540f4 Removed MultiDateTime for now. Only used by EXDATE, which was already stripped anyway.
new a9470a3 Added test for Issue 174.
new 06bcd00 Correctly line folding on UTF-8 strings. Fixes Issue #174.
new 49f26ea Merge branch '1.5'
new a1b64ff Updated changelog, bumped versions
new 46b7414 Merge branch '1.5'
new 58f943d Happy 2012!
new 166536d Merge branch '1.5'
new fae06e7 Happy 2012!
new 8993ecc Correctly handling overriden events in recurrence.
new 25f2078 Tying loose ends together for CALDAV:expand
new cef4db4 Small typo
new a05fb7b Merge pull request #4 from andreaswolf/master
new fa9b8ea Correctly recurring after handling an overridden event.
new 168409f Fixed property name
new 5058588 Correctly sorting vobject properties and components
new d4a8e4c Bumped versions, updated changelog
new a2eea27 Merge branch '1.5'
new 754aca3 Fixed sorting
new 57c8b91 Added another test (just in case)
new 2522046 Fixed an E_NOTICE, and some code cleanup
new eb3edb1 Fixed sorting
new 53c1ab5 Merge branch '1.5'
new 54808cd Merge branch '1.5'
new cac6287 Merge branch 'master' into itip-hack
new 359f5d9 Added support for well-known (but unknown to PHP DateTimeZone) time zone names
new 389fcad Merge pull request #6 from mrpace2/master
new 6b0c3a6 Renamed TimeZoneMap
new a6eca80 Renames
new 9f35dbd Using the default timezone if all else fails
new 608b9b2 Renamed to their correct locations
new d254ef9 Testing the default fallback
new e18a03b Merge pull request #8 from willdurand/add-composer
new f3b30aa Added test for empty filter
new 6d4b5dd Merge branch '1.5'
new 45c811f Merge pull request #9 from gharlan/carddav-etag
new e32c82e Merge branch '1.5'
new 2c7392f Merge branch 'master' into itip-hack
new 369c0af Merge branch 'master' into itip-hack
new 81dc010 Merge branch 'master' into itip-hack
new 687e9e7 Merge branch 'master' into itip-hack
new f1f3435 Merge branch 'itip-hack'
new 3f01c0f Testing character escaping better, and now supporting \N for newline. Fixes Issue #189.
new d99f1cc TimezoneMap -> WindowsTimezoneMap
new d7c3205 Updated includes files
new 90f02b4 Fixed a bug where the RecurrenceIterator would infinitely loop, if a weekly event on monday with an interval of 1 is created.
new 842f912 Added a new test for the infinite loop issue
new 4b87ce3 Forgot that the client has complete freedom in deciding when to start the week. Now we are going back to 'last [start of the week]' only if we're not already on the start of the week.
new dcd5611 Merge pull request #10 from PHPGangsta/AddSomeAfterEvents
new b0b32f5 Added a test for VObject parameter reading
new e6d94c6 Correctly listening to COUNT and UNTIL.
new adc1f15 A better way to check if the current date is still within range.
new 4b276c6 Merge branch '1.5'
new ee7323a Marked SabreDAV 1.6.0 as 'stable'
new 21d1262 Fixed a bug where an infinite loop could occur in the recurrence iterator if the recurrence was YEARLY, with a BYMONTH rule, and either BYDAY or BYMONTHDAY match the first day of the month.
new 113825b Events that are excluded using EXDATE are still counted towards COUNT
new 1eb4007 Slightly better test
new bf38632 Bumped versions
new f96645e When checking if an event overlaps a certain time-range, all-day event with a DTEND are now correctly treated as really lasting all day.
new 42be54c Merge pull request #11 from hernst42/master
new da32ee8 Merge branch '1.5' into 1.6
new 0399044 Merge branch '1.6'
new c244f70 Merge branch 'master' into calendar-query-optimize
new c6761a1 Making sure the recurrence iterator works, even if there's no RRULE specified.
new 01aabd3 Merge branch 'master' into calendar-query-optimize
new 1b7cea6 Made the parent property public (as it should)
new dc54482 Bumped versions
new 599fd2f Refactored VAlarm time-filtering code to Sabre_VObject
new 4f9e817 Fixed some bugs and added a whole bunch of tests to VALARM time-range checking.
new 0011b3c Allowing other scalar values to be used as property values.
new 2fcb265 Recurrence rules of events are now taken into consideration when doing time-range queries on alarms.
new cd5f19c Merge branch '1.6'
new 98deee4 fixing some spelling mistakes
new 8d80a10 Merge pull request #12 from PHPGangsta/spelling
new db41950 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new f3d74a7 Added a workaround for the fact that php's DateInterval doesn't parse Weeks and Days at the same time.
new 5f4abc9 Merge branch '1.6'
new c96e177 added a testcase for DTSTART problem with recurring events (failing at the moment) fixed 2 phpdoc @param
new e20f440 Merge pull request #17 from PHPGangsta/DTSTARTtest
new 5ea8091 introduced Sabre_DAV_Server::$exposeVersion to hide the version in production environment
new 38e423c Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/evert/SabreDAV into versionswitch
new 13ade2b Merge pull request #14 from PHPGangsta/versionswitch
new fbc8ff2 Merge branch 'master' into calendar-query-optimize
new 8281db1 fixed some phpDoc
new 7ed16ed Merge pull request #13 from PHPGangsta/smallfixes
new b5050a2 this fixes the test Sabre_CalDAV_GetEventsByTimerangeTest::testQueryTimerange()
new a722986 Merge pull request #18 from PHPGangsta/TimeRangeInclStart
new 8f5c89a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new bd219a3 Fixed time-range inclusivity bug.
new 8d80bfb fixed small typo in Sabre_VObject_Component_VEventTest::timeRangeTestData() added and fixed PHPDoc for better autocompletion and readability
new b2a8e0d Merge pull request #19 from PHPGangsta/SomeMorePHPDoc
new 8eb89a1 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new d90c845 Fixed micheals much sought-after issue.
new 6ce70ba added a testcase for DTSTART problem with recurring events (failing at the moment) fixed 2 phpdoc @param
new af4af5c introduced Sabre_DAV_Server::$exposeVersion to hide the version in production environment
new d504f81 this fixes the test Sabre_CalDAV_GetEventsByTimerangeTest::testQueryTimerange()
new 91be377 Fixed time-range inclusivity bug.
new bf47efc Fixed micheals much sought-after issue.
new 395ba69 Merge branch '1.6'
new 3a284bb Merge pull request #22 from PHPGangsta/ExpandByDayTest
new 2d6cf55 Retaining time for weekly byday recurrences. Fixes Issue 200.
new 50b0424 Getting closer to the end result. VObjects are now parsed when added to the PDO backend, and added a whole bunch of unittests.
new 10c39cf Added a test for the mighty iterator
new 2b78e54 Retaining time for weekly byday recurrences. Fixes Issue 200.
new 661c38f Added VAlarm to includes file
new 7ceab78 Merge branch '1.6'
new e87acee removed some PHP closing tags
new c47ed29 Merge pull request #23 from PHPGangsta/ClosingTags
new 8baf6fc Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new cb4b390 Merge pull request #25 from PHPGangsta/Issue_203
new 9d6afbd Fixed a problem with overridden events in a recurrence set happening on the exact date and time of a next occurence. Fixes Issue 203.
new e2d4612 Fixed a problem with overridden events in a recurrence set happening on the exact date and time of a next occurence. Fixes Issue 203.
new 06cad0f Quick test for EMClient
new 66b9274 Fixed the 'fifth tuesday of the month' problem.
new 45e6f11 Merge branch '1.6'
new 71b3bf3 Merge branch '1.5' into 1.6
new 37c20ba Merge branch '1.6'
new ecf42f6 Removed a bunch of classes and interfaces that have been deprecated for some time.
new a0fede8 Updated includes file
new d49fd96 Fixed parsing +PT0S. Fixes Issue 205.
new 4660302 Merge branch '1.6'
new 08eaefb Actually, we're working on a new version!
new 6f5ed50 Added a small test for the freebusy generator
new ae14427 Merge branch '1.6'
new 3bc1c33 Merge pull request #26 from PHPGangsta/Issue205
new 71b8e37 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new a996804 Merge pull request #21 from jtlebi/patch
new 26e1b3b Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/SabreDAV
new eb685d1 Merge branch '1.6'
new a3c5b17 Merge branch '1.6'
new 413a414 Removed executable bit
new b9db898 Merge branch '1.6'
new 53da4e0 Merge branch '1.6'
new dedfa03 Merge branch '1.6'
new 4391dd0 Merge branch '1.6'
new e3e3656 Migrated all VObject classes to PHP 5.3 namespaces
new 26a6528 Merge branch '1.6'
new 36899bf Added a lot of timezone mappings for Microsoft Exhcange
new a82ec3c Merge pull request #29 from PHPGangsta/Issue220
new fba64df Merge branch '1.6'
new effcfd1 Correct casing to fix the travis build
new 75ac3bd Merge branch 'master' into namespaces
new 68cc6cb Merge branch 'master' into namespaces
new 5ed1b5b More migrations
new fd2409b Set some versions to 'alpha'
new 2fb0dc0 Removed executable bit
new 1b78333 Support for MS exchange CDO timezone ids
new dd3710c Merge branch 'master' into 2.0
new b564362 Casing
new 1507f85 temporary rename
new 2b6122d Now correctly cases the filenames too
new b206d8c Merge branch '1.6'
new f9bbfde Merge pull request #31 from armin-hackmann/master
new b2cc556 Merge branch '1.6'
new b05ed0f Merge branch '1.6'
new c763d50 Merge branch 'master' into dav-notifications
new 285c67e Merge branch 'master' into dav-notifications
new af42d57 Merge branch 'master' into dav-notifications
new bafb46f Merge branch 'dav-notifications'
new 0908957 Fixed an issue with the recurrenceiterator with yearly rules on leap days.
new ec2c78d Added a check for checking if an event falls within a timerange for recurring, all-day events with no dtend
new 2e49f0d Another recurrence rule bug
new 3146fc2 Merge branch '1.6'
new 4540b98 Merge pull request #37 from DominikTo/master
new af12e9d added readme.md
new bce36f3 typo and formatting
new 7d322f9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
new d2841bd Fixed another time-range filter bug.
new 3224ea1 Merge branch '1.6'
new 75479fd Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
new 61a3d9f changed unittest to expect correct serialization order and added another serialization order unittest
new 62e5fad typo
new 92681b2 fixed Issue 219: serialize() now reorders correctly
new da2133d now using uksort for serialize() reordering
new ffe91b2 extended sorting unittest to test if ordering works for >10 elements
new 844ef68 sortScore cleanup and documentation
new 4142bdb making sure that sortScore always returns unambiguous scores
new a5e482f added some comments to $sortScore
new c3d69ae Merge pull request #38 from DominikTo/master
new d65960b Added a basic validation framework, and added validation methods for the VCalendar component.
new 9d266c5 Merge branch '1.6'
new 4adbb0c Fixed all-day time-range checks. Fixes Issue 228.
new 01559b6 Merge branch '1.6'
new 63ec15c Merge branch '1.6'
new b5aabce Merge branch 'master' into 2.0
new cc94a4b Migration to namespaces
new 3ffad40 Another batch moved to namespaces
new 944e713 Merge remote-tracking branch 'sabredav/2.0'
new 0cd54d9 We no longer need to specify the package/subpackage
new 667d22b Added phpunit configuration, gitignore and composer info
new 2b19713 Removed SabreDAV dependencies. Fixed tests to work on non-UTC timezone
new b015212 Added a new changelog
new 6766eec Added travis ci config
new a3ef067 Added 3-clause BSD license
new 0d984a5 Making sure travis initializes composer
new 8633482 Added travis build status to README
new 775054a Now we can easily specify parameters when we're creating properties.
new 9e19674 A lot more documentation
new 990fc67 Missing backtick
new ddf6da6 Fixed numbering
new c86e435 Added additional docs with more features
new 6a30d57 Allowing a single object to be set.
new 77303a9 Added a constructor to the freebusy generator
new 4230b15 Fixed links
new ea57348 Added a unittest for new constructor thingy
new 090d3f3 Changelog note
new e497202 Now referencing dev-master
new d1bfa03 Release date
new ba11f07 Updated readme to reference current release
new b6ac43d Update README.md
new 3e02591 Update README.md
new 6ea8927 Adding some functionality to automatically repair vcards with no VERSION or FN.
new 3caefe0 Falling back to ORG if N and FS don't exist
new 0ac32d0 Moved validation constants from Compnent to Node class.
new 6d19f4c Removed the Element class. It wasn't really used anyway
new b55cb28 Testing vendor bins
new d034f7e Testing vendor bins
new dedc3d6 Updated changelog
new 193aa4c Bumped version
new 21cc377 Now checking for valid UTF-8 sequences.
new 119c90b We can now repair non-UTF-8 data and strip control characters
new 0c6bff7 Breaking the loop as soon as we have the composer autoloader.
new d52f099 Cosmetic fix. thnx @staabm
new 44fb547 Fixed an infinite loop problem
new eea6dd6 Added Compound property and test.
new 8ff8b48 Added N, ADR, ORG and CATEGORIES to classMap to use compound property class.
new 4a35bd9 Don't strip slashes before comma and semi-colon to be able to unserialize compound values.
new b43de1d Remove getValue() method.
new 879a448 Don't use stripSlashes(), instead omit commas and semi-colons from the regex.
new b435d4c Merge git://github.com/evert/sabre-vobject
new 1a4821e Make Travis happier.
new 28b16b2 Removed ownCloud reference that had snook in.
new 69606c2 Reference latest RFC.
new 176d837 Correcting copyright statement.
new 9f95900 Don't use SabreDav exceptions.
new 288982c *Array() -> *Parts().
new adc888b *Array() -> *Parts() in tests as well.
new 9a09e6b *Array() -> *Parts() again because apparently I'm blind :-P
new b2bbaf1 Make internal value protected.
new 2d9c9a0 Use strtr() instead of str_replace().
new 52a9325 Removed unnecessary count().
new 761ec0f array_map() strtr(). Knit-picking can be fun ;)
new 10b1f83 Don't keep internal parsed data. This also obsoletes serialize().
new bf2ecba And also on setParts().
new e02f5f4 Merge pull request #1 from tanghus/master
new 2f121e7 Fixed key in X-MICROSOFT-CDO-TZID mapping
new 1d5d5c3 Merge pull request #2 from pborreli/patch-1
new 7331555 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/sabre-vobject
new f5f2efd Updated missing items from changelog
new a1ef3ca Forward-ported fix from @PHPGangsta
new b5cce52 Fixed test
new 30283a5 25% faster parsing
new 11eb638 added vobject/splitter
new 3514580 getting uri correctly
new 8deaa34 simplyfied VObject/Splitter/VCard quite a bit, thanks @evert
new cd00982 added docblocks
new 20d94a7 Merge pull request #3 from DominikTo/import
new ab44813 Splitter fixes.
new e97b94b Updated changelog
new 1d5f19e testing if objects are valid
new 0d8d838 handling timezones and made tests a bit stricter
new b8e5d45 adding base properties to Splitter\VObject\ICalendar objects
new 359daf3 Merge pull request #4 from DominikTo/master
new 1b81fc8 Updated changelog with some credz
new 3aed1a9 vcard splitter tweak, thanks @staabm
new 7f6f4c8 Merge pull request #6 from DominikTo/splitter-tweaks
new a1b664e Some tweaks.
new 66c85df added VObject\StringUtil tests
new 73a45e9 Merge pull request #5 from DominikTo/stringUtilTests
new 6cb0a88 Correctly encoding DTEND for freebusy reports
new e80d79e Updated changelog
new f0a4eb2 Added the VFreeBusy component.
new c9eb2ab Updated changelog
new 2244ce7 Forgiving mode for Reader class.
new 22a06b0 The reader now has an option to completely ignore invalid lines.
new 32a60ee Updated changelog
new 476cafa Ignoring closing braces for php unittest coverage, as they will never be reached.
new cc19578 Consistency fixes.
new 97845f1 hopefully improved memory usage of iCalendar splitter a bit
new 48f9beb simplified getNext() in iCalendar splitter
new c9cee71 typo
new b826abc Merge pull request #7 from DominikTo/master
new 19f2e44 cleaned readme a bit
new 1910073 Merge pull request #8 from DominikTo/master
new 659888a Simplified the Compound property a great deal.
new 0bd0727 One more test. Now really 100%
new c63a9da Updated changelog for 2.0.1 release
new 277ba63 Added includes file
new be402e9 Updated changelog
new 515f597 Bumped version
new 60a262e Updated changelog
new 69e70ed Merged a bugfix from 1.3 vobject.
new 49ab1d6 Small correction
new d8cb84c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/sabre-vobject
new 52a7746 Added hourly checks.
new f42bd1d Removed a reference to a hourlymap, no need for this.
new 250c3bb Found an issue with the format, now we use hours.
new 7c72e38 Added tests.
new 632f914 Chenged the hour output format.
new da031b7 Added byhour support to daily freq.
new d923ffb Merge pull request #12 from clubmaster/hourly
new 688562e Removed some duplicate code. Updated changelog.
new 641fd3a Support for GMT+0100, GMT-0500, etc..
new ae79cd3 Support for "SystemV/EST5EDT" tzid.
new 03a9336 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/sabre-vobject
new ca06d40 Fix for recurring events where RRULE:UNTIL < DTSTART
new 1dcd6b6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
new 81a7ad1 Merge pull request #17 from DominikTo/master
new f2f3e85 Slightly better comments. Need to remember the why, not just the what.
new 5090d78 Changed composer.json file.
new 2c8fdad Added support for hourly events.
new f6d1807 Merge branch 'hourly'
new 52fa780 Merge git://github.com/evert/sabre-vobject
new d04c957 Some code cleanup
new acc3d00 Use date object in the nextWeekly object.
new 3a5239e Added support for weekly byday and byhour.
new d79efcc Submitted tests to prove me right.
new ddae81a Reverted composer file to original.
new 4eccf5b Added test for hourly frequences, and removed the byHour in the hourly run.
new 1fcd222 Merge pull request #16 from clubmaster/hourly
new 2683d5c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:evert/sabre-vobject
new 3e76631 Updated changelog
new a6ae357 Small docblock change
new a4f061c Releasing the new vobject.
new 6f83aaa Lotus domino timezones.
new d1e05b0 Releasing 2.0.4.
new 7b80100 The freebusygenerator is now using the factory methods.
new 6f9d50d Updated changelog
new 81dc781 Bumped version
new f91c975 Small tweak. Thanks @tanghus.
new 626f912 Happy new year!
new 30f3f3b Bumped copyright year.
new 66d9417 Now testing php 5.5
new 3d3914d Adding a test for testing empty parameter serialization.
new 03cac30 Correctly parsing empty parameters now.
new 2e7b6fc Microsoft re-uses their magic numbers for different timezones.
new fe9a051 Updated changelog and bumped version
new 9e39009 Set release date.
new 294831a Not sure how I missed these CS problems.
new 0f8db7c Added a Text property
new 1540a81 Updated changelog
new c23860d Bumped version
new 4881bad Revert "Bumped version"
new 55e1f07 Revert "Updated changelog"
new dc7217d Revert "Added a Text property"
new fa41580 Added design doc.
new 4bd310e fixed a few typos
new b009ecb Merge pull request #25 from DominikTo/patch-1
new 8928aa7 One more small fix
new 116ae8c Making sure unittests can also run when vobject is a composer dependency.
new fe20656 We are still on PHP 5.3 here.
new 94ca7af Updated copyright statements to fruux, and changed my homepage.
new ca02259 Updated readme
new 8908bb1 Adding changes to README so that the expand example works with copy-paste
new 0b5b23b Merge pull request #30 from stevetauber/master
new cb4127c Added a simple benchmark script
new 7de2904 Added a script to generate test data
new a3762c9 Fixed link
new 7fb0afb New github location
new 6493a7d New travis location
new 73c7b74 Fixed the second one
new 587f6ce Added a test for Issue #32.
new 1b47d53 First steps towards the new parser.
new 94e749e Refactored the parameter reader into its own function.
new fc2d622 Some work on quoted printable. Currently stuck :)
new 5d46df2 Reader is now using the new parser.
new 759469e Bench is executable
new 3c3a9e3 Merge branch 'master' into 3.0parser
new 28539ab Another parser concept
new 8ff3234 Parameter not used.
new e69d722 Another parser concept.
new 9433226 Passing most tests now..
new 2f775d9 Skipping invalid lines.
new 1b0c6d4 Using strtr instead of preg_replace_callback
new 3905de9 Quoted printable WIP
new 3d3c0e5 quoted-printable support. (whew)
new 3dfbfc9 Simplified tokenizer
new 3b7203d Added unittests for quoted-printable support
new 8d8b859 preg_replace_callback is a LOT faster than strtr.
new fc14446 Slightly faster.
new 9ba1bb1 Tiny steps
new c13b673 Recursion is faster than stack management
new 60aa9af Detail
new 8472e06 Version 3.0
new d04e730 Updated includes file
new bb4baca A fresh look at the API, and fixing a whole bunch of bothersome things.
new 76e8e69 Forgot to add the node factory
new 7809e37 I actually have no good reason to keep these protected.
new b66134f Fixing a few tests for PHP 5.3
new 6bc2031 Added get/setValue
new 1c5b230 Added 2.0 build status
new 5bbe17b Added the text property.
new 0b9632d Removed old build status indicator
new 964d681 Forcing a travis build
new ae86abf Merge branch '2.0'
new c2cbf74 Added getDocumentType
new 2190f9d Added the validator back in
new 19e712b Added some documentation about escaping
new c1b92ba Documenting escaping mechanisms for every supported format.
new a344b1d Decoding rfc6868-escaped parameter values.
new 00d00e4 Updated changelog
new 06b75a5 Fixed parameter parsing.
new 76dfc89 Using rfc6868 for encoding as well.
new ba67db0 Caching the version number
new 2f4afc2 Document version tweaks
new 4222fb7 The Document is now responsible for creating components, properties and parameters.
new c8c204d First properties with a correct escaping mechanism.
new 5a8de29 Most of date-time stuff is working again.
new 97492f0 @staabm's suggesstions.
new 88e4bf5 Most recurrence functions appear to be working
new 67258ac VCalendar tests are passing
new c22afce vCard validation works again.
new 5eb7c2f Most tests are working again.
new e70e4fe You can now set multi-part values using magic __set on components.
new bdece2a Couple more tests.
new bc0f5fa Early return..
new 4488e98 Nicer parameter behavior. Removed support for mac newlines.
new e5395b7 More tests.. going home.. bye!
new a502d06 Parameter fully tested.
new 0ac513a Tests for Document
new bc97feb Created the full propertyMap. Still missing a few value types.
new c721978 Missing value types..
new c66f4ec Added Integer and Recur property classes.
new aecf152 Thnx @DominikTO
new 87747b1 Unused import.
new 6c77d6f Added Binary and Uri properties.
new c33d27c Bunch more items in the changelog.
new ea66d43 Allowing much easier creation of components and sub-components.
new dd77082 Support for floating time.
new 49d3cce DateTime::setParts and DateTime::setValue now also allow \DateTime objects.
new cdb35a9 Automatically adding CALSCALE, PRODID and VERSION.
new 458f720 Removed some unneeded stuff
new d1a3ae2 Added first version of migration doc.
new 65eb115 Few bugs
new 0cff5a7 More stuff.
new f07d947 A bunch of documentation additions.
new 3a0e5c5 Marking this version as 3.0.0-alpha1
new e2a4961 Includes file is up to date.
new 0c208e3 Added stuff that was missing from the changelog.
new 43db7e2 Uri properties were referenced as Url
new c82d186 Aliasing dev-master as 3.0.x.dev
new cdb5286 Bumped version
new 4e9730f STABILITY constant had been removed
new 2fc8120 Added DateTime::hasTime
new 9eb5e1e Bumped version.
new a958f1e Added Property::getValue()
new bbc78a1 Added a Document class.
new 99b3bac Added a Document class.
new 889f3ba Merge branch '2.1'
new 8b39a43 Making the test work again.
new abd9caa Set release date.
new 474e908 Tweaks from @tanghus
new 9976c6d component/value/propertyMap are all now statically accessed.
new e1eec4f Few extra unittests.
new 1fd4e0c Updated changelog
new f3cc28d Splitters more efficiently use streams.
new d1ae56f Forgot to commit EofException.
new 7e87ecb Updated the migration docs
new 503efe8 oops.
new ee2f600 Fixed vobjectvalidate.php
new eb61b19 Stripping \r
new c957d17 Delegating quoted-printable decoding to property classes.
new 51b4b46 Proper vCard 2.1 quoted printable encoding and decoding
new 8d5bb3b Updated changelog
new e1d79db Testing quoted-printable encoding.
new 35ebe67 Updated changelog, preparing for an alpha release
new 8cde22c typo
new 484a09f Defaulting to vCard 2.1 if no VERSION is set.
new e578e64 Updated changelog
new 9515477 MOre unittests and tiny tweaks
new c16b7d4 More tests.
new 68db79e Splitters now allow overriding of parser options.
new 6a11081 Most of jCal serialization done.
new 0cb0577 The top-level iCalendar object may be omitted, so we will..
new 00fe3bc Some changes for jCard.
new b106483 Missing properties for vCards.
new f60aff9 Corrected a few value types.
new 8b6511d Testing all iCalendar properties.
new 7a69386 Retaining default property order.
new ed940eb vCard date/time parser.
new e27f1e9 Insane code to generate jCard date-times
new 43938ba Some jCard tests. To be continued.
new 1868c5a Oops!
new 3a1148c Using empty()
new 37be452 array_map ftw.
new 12f8d20 Removed CommaSeparatedText and instead using Text for all text-values.
new 7a7c599 Differentiating between structured and multi-values for jCard.
new ea6fe81 Few API tweaks, and marking a new release.
new d9894fb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into json
new 60af5c5 Added a json parser.
new e606f05 Making sure structured values are also correctly parsed.
new efc8d95 Added a bunch more tests.
new ca7a516 'timestamp' and 'date-and-or-time' do not exist in jCard.
new 6933572 Revert "'timestamp' and 'date-and-or-time' do not exist in jCard."
new 03d6767 Correct interpretation of vCard dates.
new 1dc7b60 json serialization is now correct.
new d16c86a Using the parent's constructor.
new 934f39c Correctly encoding TIMESTAMP in jCard.
new 80416dd Test for float values.
new 258180c Removing the json parser for this release.
new 7d48656 Revert "Removing the json parser for this release."
new 4418a6a A bunch more tests and corrections.
new 785d9ec Correctly encoding parameters.
new 1b45edd Added the 'unknown' value type.
new c5624e0 Also added 'unknown' to valueMap.
new fc11ecd Updated version and changelog
new bbf08b8 PHP 5.3 compat.
new a93a291 Correctly encoding multi-valued structured text components. Issue #40.
new 71ab57f Also enclosing parameters in double-quotes when a value contains a comma.
new 094a3af Simplified parameters a great deal.
new 1c2a817 Fixing iterating parameter values. Issue #39.
new 9fc8ada Added parameter::getValue()
new 5fbb291 Merge branch '2.1'
new 5bd9e28 Created v3 documentation
new a7a1c3d A few tweaks.
new 699752f A few tweaks and a link to the API docs.
new 26939c5 Caching the array object.
new 8fdd965 typos
new eda2d60 unity of php code blocks
new 372737b typos and more consequential order
new f4b3310 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new efd5f82 Support for nameless parameters. Fixes Issue #34.
new 9c2ec8a 100% coverage for the parameter class.
new 9d3fc48 Added documentation for the Splitter classes.
new 245505d valueMap, componentMap, propertyMap now use FQ class names.
new 702a678 Updated changelog
new 49db143 Fixed changing the VALUE type from DATE-TIME to DATE.
new cd7f0e3 Updated changelog
new 366ef84 We're gonna call it beta.
new d19a264 ironically, I suck at reading out dates.
new 43e7c14 More efficiently unsetting TZID.
new 7c430ef Updated includes file.
new a3a9c23 Bumped version
new 987fd24 Support for extended-format dates.
new 4ec636f Fixed problems with vCard / jCard dates and times.
new 7635bcc Avoiding the possiblity of a recursive loop.
new 19c6d26 Updated changelog
new e3df784 This was the actual recursive loop. The statement was unneeded anyway.
new 5dba91a Fixed unittest.
new be0c157 More extensive docs for parameter access. See Issue #42.
new e65d241 3.0.0beta2
new 2da7446 Allowing slashes in property names when FORGIVING is turned on.
new b0af05b Added mbstring dependency.
new 541316b Merge branch '2.1'
new 5a0db2e DateTimeParser no longer fails on dates with years < 1000 & > 4999
new 9b5003a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new 6cc971c Added workaround for Issue #36.
new 3179d60 More jCard tests and fixed TIME encoding.
new 108b7e3 jCal fixes.
new c5c84b6 100% code coverage again.
new 813a3f4 Releasing beta3.
new a987f5a PHP 5.3 syntax.
new f79b21e Strict testing.
new 471c44b Releasing vobject 2.1.0
new 1dccfbc Merge branch '2.1'
new 02947fe Fixed includes file, and marked this as beta4.
new 0d3916b Correct includes file again. Our includes file generator was broken :(
new 9b520af Updated changelog
new 6e21a00 Releasing vobject 3.
new f2b18c0 Updated docs.
new be3482d Migration document.
new 77c8b18 Missing new features.
new a7a7e3d URI values should never be escaped.
new dc5afaa Adding a bit more flexibility to the creation and mapping of properties.
new dc7b505 PHOTO, SOUND, LOGO should be URI in vCard 4.
new 110d376 Missing docblock. thnx @staabm.
new 1a67ab9 Adding a utility to convert 3.0 vCard to 4.0.
new 2526d85 Updated changelog
new da637e1 CS.
new ded3378 Missing visibility for some properties.
new 37c147c Adding a bunch of docblocks.
new c8922a2 Small tweaks
new 6247055 Converting to vCard 3.
new 2d2a3ad Minor bugfixes and 100% coverage.
new 607329f $duration property should be public
new c0fff20 New debugging utlity.
new 7aac0ba Colorizing help output.
new 56e8299 Dropping the extension.
new a4542ca Improvements from @staabm
new 13b97c4 Correctly working with - input.
new 23408f4 Merge branch 'master' into parsing-json
new 663bfc5 jCard parsing works.
new 32ee242 jCal parsing.
new 5aadd05 PHP 5.3 -_-
new de556bb Adding parseJson to the Reader object.
new ea2dd93 Updated includes file.
new 936b17e This release is significant enough to warrant a 3.1.
new aab1611 Lame...
new e939ed2 Added Parameter::has and VCard::preferred
new f73e73b Cli tests.
new fcbb5f5 Only supporting pretty-print on PHP 5.4 and up.
new 62fb2eb Showing vobject output to see it works well on PHP 5.3.
new 156bd45 Skipping the pretty-print test on old php..
new d5aeffc Hopefully this will run both scripts.
new 84b7d7c I don't know yml
new 908cd08 Cli is mostly tested.
new bd1bfb9 Fixed method signature.
new 558b77b A few VCalendar validators.
new a3883b8 Add missing input/output to data provider
new 267a130 Merge pull request #49 from Pause-Inc/master
new ccd8f5a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new 7c6dc51 Converting X-ABShowAs:COMPANY <-> KIND:org
new 78e9a96 Also converting KIND:group <-> X-ADDRESSBOOKSERVER-KIND
new 0674393 Tweaks.
new b84d3d2 Added a test to confirm Issue #50.
new 2fd761a Fixes Issue #50.
new 44451e9 Updated changelog, bumped version.
new 4daffb2 Merge branch '2.1'
new cb81363 Confirmed Issue #48 with a unittest.
new ceee490 ::valid is corrected, but ::next is still behaving incorrectly.
new 5ce7675 Fix for Issue #48.
new a050295 Merge branch '2.1'
new 6e8e3ff Updated changelog
new e0ebcb6 Added getDuration(). Fixes Issue #47 and Issue #46.
new a747561 Updated changelog.
new d2b9697 Set release date.
new a847349 - fixed multiple nameless parameters can be lost When nameless property has standard value, name can be guessed based on it's value. If parameter has multiple such properties, only last property is saved, other are lost.
new 1cd7372 Merge pull request #52 from Vedmak/master
new b8c54b7 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new 2202f48 Set release date.
new 00b14fb Merge branch '2.1'
new c886d72 Documentation updates.
new 2af8eef Simplified the migration document.
new 9a45db3 Fixed link
new 6834750 Another bug slipped through.
new 5baf51a Removed the design document.
new e83620b Fixed Issue #53.
new 676c9c0 Bumped version and set release date.
new 5f29736 Merge branch '2.1'
new 83b8291 Minor fixes in unittests.
new 698c574 English
new 0b44e0c Setting correct property group on VCard conversion
new 5673c01 \r is now stripped from property values.
new d5496c9 Bumped version, updated changelog
new 97cee27 Merge branch '2.1'
new 600c964 Making sure the test works for master as well.
new 3afb46b Properties from draft-daboo-valarm-extensions-04.
new d95b6d3 - fixed vCard parser cannot read multiple vCards separated with more than one line break
new 0a72e66 Merge pull request #54 from Vedmak/master
new 211f5b6 Updated changelog
new a19bc0d Fixed serializing vcard 2.1 parameters with no name.
new 0806a46 A bunch of improvements. (See changelog)
new 8d0731d Adding a bunch of unittests.
new d79f461 Syntax highlighting.
new 0e909be proper syntax highlighting
new 6bcd998 Fixed problem with dates and times
new bbfb347 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new 2c54d17 Added information adding a parameters with ->add.
new 5e6f20c Check Document::$componentMap when parsing document.
new ad0714c Namespace default classes
new 3199cda Merge pull request #60 from tanghus/use_componentMap
new fe618ab Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new 622ae89 Updated changelog.
new 3d904ba added failing test for a line folding issue
new 3d20bdf Merge pull request #63 from DominikTo/linefolding-issue
new c76b625 added failing test for an attach property parsing issue
new 697876c Merge pull request #62 from DominikTo/attach-parsing-issue
new 8688e7a Parsing empty parameters.
new 60c9ec6 Fixed Issue 62.
new bedefa1 Tweaked test to come out correctly.
new 7e272f3 Ignoring vim swap files
new d5fb594 removed pointless debug code.
new 725f8f0 Added the --forgiving option to the vobject cli utility.
new c3c8f56 Remove QUOTED_PRINTABLE when converting to vCard 3 and up.
new f50566b Spliting vCard 2.1 quoted-printable encoded compound properties.
new 446320c Fixes Issue #65.
new 36f19f1 Merge branch '2.1'
new 78677cc Releasing 3.1.3
new 2214007 added test for binary converter issue
new 4c80c8d potential fix for #64
new 929af63 Moved fix for #64 to Property\Binary
new 509eba2 Updated changelog #64
new 792ca98 Merge pull request #64 from DominikTo/master
new 961546d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:fruux/sabre-vobject
new afb5cf7 Imported Upstream version 3.1.3
new ce74843 Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.3'
new d4dcc37 Ship new documentation
new 245ddd2 Bump standards version to 3.9.5
new ace61ac Update changelog for 3.1.3-1 release
The 786 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 3 +
.travis.yml | 4 +-
ChangeLog | 149 ++++-
README.md | 365 +---------
bin/vobject | 27 +
bin/vobjectvalidate.php | 139 ----
composer.json | 9 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/docs | 1 +
doc/MigratingFrom2to3.md | 277 ++++++++
README.md => doc/usage_2.md | 12 +-
doc/usage_3.md | 656 ++++++++++++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Cli.php | 735 +++++++++++++++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Component.php | 380 ++++++-----
lib/Sabre/VObject/Component/VCalendar.php | 201 ++++--
lib/Sabre/VObject/Component/VCard.php | 260 +++++++-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Component/VEvent.php | 2 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Component/VJournal.php | 2 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/DateTimeParser.php | 240 ++++++-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Document.php | 184 +++++-
.../{ParseException.php => EofException.php} | 5 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/FreeBusyGenerator.php | 26 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Node.php | 66 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Parameter.php | 293 +++++++-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/Json.php | 188 ++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/MimeDir.php | 602 +++++++++++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/Parser.php | 77 +++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property.php | 416 +++++++-----
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Binary.php | 127 ++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Boolean.php | 63 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Compound.php | 125 ----
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/DateTime.php | 245 -------
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/FlatText.php | 49 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Float.php | 101 +++
.../VObject/Property/ICalendar/CalAddress.php | 41 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Date.php | 24 +
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/DateTime.php | 308 +++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Duration.php | 86 +++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Period.php | 126 ++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Recur.php | 189 ++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Integer.php | 72 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/MultiDateTime.php | 180 -----
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Text.php | 330 +++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Time.php | 94 +++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Unknown.php | 50 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Uri.php | 70 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/UtcOffset.php | 37 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/Date.php | 33 +
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTime.php | 144 ++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/DateTime.php | 33 +
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/LanguageTag.php | 59 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/TimeStamp.php | 69 ++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Reader.php | 196 +-----
lib/Sabre/VObject/RecurrenceIterator.php | 55 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Splitter/ICalendar.php | 13 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/Splitter/VCard.php | 36 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/TimeZoneUtil.php | 2 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/VCardConverter.php | 382 +++++++++++
lib/Sabre/VObject/Version.php | 7 +-
lib/Sabre/VObject/includes.php | 33 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/AttachIssueTest.php | 22 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/CliTest.php | 664 +++++++++++++++++++
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VAlarmTest.php | 52 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VCalendarTest.php | 150 ++++-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VCardTest.php | 80 ++-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VEventTest.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VJournalTest.php | 8 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Component/VTodoTest.php | 14 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/ComponentTest.php | 268 +++++---
tests/Sabre/VObject/DateTimeParserTest.php | 237 ++++++-
tests/Sabre/VObject/DocumentTest.php | 41 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/ElementListTest.php | 3 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/FreeBusyGeneratorTest.php | 8 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue154Test.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue36WorkAroundTest.php | 39 ++
tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue40Test.php | 30 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue64Test.php | 19 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/JCalTest.php | 141 ++++
tests/Sabre/VObject/JCardTest.php | 195 ++++++
tests/Sabre/VObject/LineFoldingIssueTest.php | 23 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/ParameterTest.php | 71 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Parser/JsonTest.php | 395 +++++++++++
tests/Sabre/VObject/Parser/QuotedPrintableTest.php | 108 +++
tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/BooleanTest.php | 22 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/CompoundTest.php | 31 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/FloatTest.php | 30 +
.../Property/{ => ICalendar}/DateTimeTest.php | 174 +++--
.../VObject/Property/ICalendar/DurationTest.php | 20 +
.../Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/RecurTest.php | 46 ++
tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/MultiDateTimeTest.php | 208 ------
tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/TextTest.php | 95 +++
.../VObject/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTimeTest.php | 85 +++
.../VObject/Property/VCard/LanguageTagTest.php | 27 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/PropertyTest.php | 295 +++++----
tests/Sabre/VObject/ReaderTest.php | 186 ++++--
.../RecurrenceIteratorFifthTuesdayProblemTest.php | 1 +
.../RecurrenceIteratorIncorrectExpandTest.php | 4 +-
.../RecurrenceIteratorInfiniteLoopProblemTest.php | 28 +-
.../RecurrenceIteratorMissingOverriddenTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/RecurrenceIteratorTest.php | 255 +++----
tests/Sabre/VObject/SlashRTest.php | 3 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Splitter/ICalendarTest.php | 8 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/Splitter/VCardTest.php | 69 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/TimeZoneUtilTest.php | 1 +
tests/Sabre/VObject/VCard21Test.php | 52 ++
tests/Sabre/VObject/VCardConverterTest.php | 274 ++++++++
tests/Sabre/VObject/VersionTest.php | 5 +-
tests/Sabre/VObject/{issue153.vcf => issue64.vcf} | 13 +-
tests/phpunit.xml | 8 +-
110 files changed, 10642 insertions(+), 2586 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 bin/vobject
delete mode 100755 bin/vobjectvalidate.php
create mode 100644 debian/docs
create mode 100644 doc/MigratingFrom2to3.md
copy README.md => doc/usage_2.md (97%)
create mode 100644 doc/usage_3.md
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Cli.php
copy lib/Sabre/VObject/{ParseException.php => EofException.php} (61%)
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/Json.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/MimeDir.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Parser/Parser.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Binary.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Boolean.php
delete mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Compound.php
delete mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/DateTime.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/FlatText.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Float.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/CalAddress.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Date.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/DateTime.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Duration.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Period.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/Recur.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Integer.php
delete mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/MultiDateTime.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Text.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Time.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Unknown.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/Uri.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/UtcOffset.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/Date.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTime.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/DateTime.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/LanguageTag.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/TimeStamp.php
create mode 100644 lib/Sabre/VObject/VCardConverter.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/AttachIssueTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/CliTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue36WorkAroundTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue40Test.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Issue64Test.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/JCalTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/JCardTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/LineFoldingIssueTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Parser/JsonTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Parser/QuotedPrintableTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/BooleanTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/FloatTest.php
rename tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/{ => ICalendar}/DateTimeTest.php (50%)
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/DurationTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/ICalendar/RecurTest.php
delete mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/MultiDateTimeTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/TextTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTimeTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/Property/VCard/LanguageTagTest.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/VCard21Test.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/VObject/VCardConverterTest.php
copy tests/Sabre/VObject/{issue153.vcf => issue64.vcf} (99%)
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