[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] 48/52: Imported Upstream version 6.0.0~rc2+dfsg

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 2 01:49:42 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud.

commit e31443bb28c9b6d1b89f2de8e1d91fad4b197d11
Merge: 3392c56 c2e83e6
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 1 20:53:57 2013 -0400

    Imported Upstream version 6.0.0~rc2+dfsg

 apps/activity/l10n/hu_HU.php                      |   1 +
 apps/activity/l10n/uk.php                         |   5 +-
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/cs_CZ/bookmarks.po            |   6 +-
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB.php                     |   1 +
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB/bookmarks.po            |   8 +-
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP.php                     |   1 +
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP/bookmarks.po            |   8 +-
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/templates/bookmarks.pot       |   2 +-
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk.php                        |   1 +
 apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk/bookmarks.po               |   8 +-
 apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php                      |   6 +-
 apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po              |  12 +--
 apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB.php                      |  16 ++++
 apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB/calendar.po              |  40 ++++-----
 apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php                      |  13 +++
 apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po              |  34 +++----
 apps/calendar/l10n/templates/calendar.pot         |   2 +-
 apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php                         |  16 ++++
 apps/calendar/l10n/uk/calendar.po                 |  41 ++++-----
 apps/contacts/appinfo/version                     |   2 +-
 apps/contacts/js/groups.js                        |   5 +-
 apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po              |   8 +-
 apps/contacts/l10n/templates/contacts.pot         |   4 +-
 apps/contacts/l10n/uk.php                         |  48 ++++++++++
 apps/contacts/l10n/uk/contacts.po                 | 104 +++++++++++-----------
 apps/contacts/lib/backend/database.php            |  34 ++++++-
 apps/contacts/lib/share/addressbook.php           |   2 +-
 apps/contacts/lib/utils/properties.php            |   2 +-
 apps/documents/appinfo/update.php                 |   2 +-
 apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ.php                     |  12 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ/documents.po            |  18 ++--
 apps/documents/l10n/de.php                        |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/de/documents.po               |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/de_DE.php                     |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/de_DE/documents.po            |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/en_GB.php                     |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/en_GB/documents.po            |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/gl.php                        |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/gl/documents.po               |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU.php                     |  37 ++++++++
 apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU/documents.po            |  81 ++++++++---------
 apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP.php                     |  42 ++++++++-
 apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP/documents.po            |  88 +++++++++---------
 apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR.php                     |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR/documents.po            |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/sl.php                        |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/sl/documents.po               |  10 +--
 apps/documents/l10n/templates/documents.pot       |   2 +-
 apps/documents/l10n/tr.php                        |   2 +
 apps/documents/l10n/tr/documents.po               |  10 +--
 apps/files/css/files.css                          |   2 +-
 apps/files/js/filelist.js                         |   2 +-
 apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php                         |   2 +-
 apps/files/l10n/es.php                            |   1 +
 apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php                         |   3 +
 apps/files/l10n/ja_JP.php                         |   1 +
 apps/files/lib/app.php                            |   6 ++
 apps/files_encryption/ajax/getMigrationStatus.php |   9 +-
 apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php              |   2 +-
 apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php              |   9 +-
 apps/files_external/lib/ftp.php                   |  19 ++++
 apps/files_external/lib/smb.php                   |  12 ++-
 apps/files_external/lib/streamwrapper.php         |  12 ++-
 apps/files_external/tests/ftp.php                 |  12 +++
 apps/files_sharing/l10n/uk.php                    |  11 ++-
 apps/files_sharing/lib/updater.php                |  23 +++--
 apps/files_texteditor/l10n/cs_CZ.php              |   2 +-
 apps/files_texteditor/l10n/hu_HU.php              |   1 +
 apps/files_texteditor/l10n/ja_JP.php              |   1 +
 apps/files_texteditor/l10n/uk.php                 |   1 +
 apps/files_trashbin/ajax/preview.php              |  10 ++-
 apps/files_versions/ajax/preview.php              |   5 +-
 apps/files_versions/appinfo/app.php               |   1 +
 apps/files_versions/l10n/uk.php                   |   3 +
 apps/files_versions/lib/hooks.php                 |  15 +++-
 apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php              |  51 ++++++++---
 apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/ja_JP.php                |   1 +
 apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/uk.php                   |   1 +
 apps/gallery/l10n/en_GB.php                       |   5 +-
 apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php                          |   5 +-
 apps/gallery/l10n/hu_HU.php                       |   5 +-
 apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php                       |   5 +-
 apps/gallery/l10n/uk.php                          |   6 +-
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/ja_JP.php                     |   3 +
 core/css/fixes.css                                |   5 ++
 core/css/styles.css                               |  16 ++--
 core/l10n/cs_CZ.php                               |   8 +-
 core/l10n/en_GB.php                               |   3 +
 core/l10n/fr.php                                  |   9 +-
 core/l10n/ja_JP.php                               |   6 +-
 core/setup.php                                    |   1 +
 core/skeleton/ownCloudUserManual.pdf              | Bin 1393379 -> 1393380 bytes
 core/templates/login.php                          |   2 +
 l10n/ach/files.po                                 |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ach/files_encryption.po                      |   8 +-
 l10n/ady/files.po                                 |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ady/files_encryption.po                      |   8 +-
 l10n/af/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/af/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/af_ZA/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/af_ZA/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/ar/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ar/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/be/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/be/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/bg_BG/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/bg_BG/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/bn_BD/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/bn_BD/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/bs/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/bs/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ca/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ca/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/cs_CZ/core.po                                |  28 +++---
 l10n/cs_CZ/files.po                               |  44 +++++----
 l10n/cs_CZ/files_encryption.po                    |  12 ++-
 l10n/cs_CZ/files_sharing.po                       |   6 +-
 l10n/cs_CZ/lib.po                                 |  12 +--
 l10n/cy_GB/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/cy_GB/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/da/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/da/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/de/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/de/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/de/settings.po                               |  10 +--
 l10n/de_AT/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/de_AT/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/de_CH/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/de_CH/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/de_DE/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/de_DE/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/de_DE/settings.po                            |  10 +--
 l10n/el/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/el/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/en at pirate/files.po                           |  40 +++++----
 l10n/en at pirate/files_encryption.po                |   8 +-
 l10n/en_GB/core.po                                |  26 +++---
 l10n/en_GB/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/en_GB/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/en_GB/settings.po                            |  12 +--
 l10n/eo/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/eo/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/es/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/es/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/es/settings.po                               |  10 +--
 l10n/es_AR/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/es_AR/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/es_MX/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/es_MX/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/et_EE/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/et_EE/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/eu/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/eu/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/fa/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/fa/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/fi_FI/files.po                               |  49 +++++-----
 l10n/fi_FI/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/fr/core.po                                   |  33 +++----
 l10n/fr/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/fr/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/fr/settings.po                               |  13 +--
 l10n/fr_CA/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/fr_CA/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/gl/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/gl/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/gl/settings.po                               |  10 +--
 l10n/he/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/he/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/hi/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/hi/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/hr/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/hr/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/hu_HU/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/hu_HU/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/hy/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/hy/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ia/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ia/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/id/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/id/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/is/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/is/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/it/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/it/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/ja_JP/core.po                                |  30 +++----
 l10n/ja_JP/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/ja_JP/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/ja_JP/lib.po                                 |  14 +--
 l10n/ja_JP/settings.po                            |  18 ++--
 l10n/ja_JP/user_ldap.po                           |  12 +--
 l10n/ka/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ka/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ka_GE/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ka_GE/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/km/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/km/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/kn/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/kn/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ko/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ko/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/ku_IQ/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ku_IQ/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/lb/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/lb/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/lt_LT/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/lt_LT/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/lv/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/lv/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/mk/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/mk/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ml_IN/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ml_IN/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/ms_MY/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ms_MY/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/my_MM/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/my_MM/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/nb_NO/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/nb_NO/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/nds/files.po                                 |  40 +++++----
 l10n/nds/files_encryption.po                      |   8 +-
 l10n/ne/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ne/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/nl/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/nl/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/nn_NO/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/nn_NO/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/nqo/files.po                                 |  40 +++++----
 l10n/nqo/files_encryption.po                      |   8 +-
 l10n/oc/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/oc/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/pa/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/pa/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/pl/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/pl/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/pt_BR/files.po                               |  42 +++++----
 l10n/pt_BR/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/pt_BR/settings.po                            |  10 +--
 l10n/pt_PT/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/pt_PT/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/ro/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ro/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/ru/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ru/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/ru_RU/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ru_RU/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/si_LK/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/si_LK/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/sk/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sk/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/sk_SK/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sk_SK/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 l10n/sl/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/sl/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/sl/lib.po                                    |  18 ++--
 l10n/sl/settings.po                               |  20 ++---
 l10n/sq/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sq/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/sr/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sr/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/sr at latin/files.po                            |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sr at latin/files_encryption.po                 |   8 +-
 l10n/sv/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/sv/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/sw_KE/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/sw_KE/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/ta_LK/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ta_LK/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/te/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/te/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/templates/core.pot                           |  16 ++--
 l10n/templates/files.pot                          |  38 ++++----
 l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot               |   6 +-
 l10n/templates/files_external.pot                 |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/files_sharing.pot                  |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/files_trashbin.pot                 |   4 +-
 l10n/templates/files_versions.pot                 |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/lib.pot                            |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/private.pot                        |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/settings.pot                       |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/user_ldap.pot                      |   2 +-
 l10n/templates/user_webdavauth.pot                |   2 +-
 l10n/th_TH/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/th_TH/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/tr/files.po                                  |  42 +++++----
 l10n/tr/files_encryption.po                       |  10 ++-
 l10n/tr/settings.po                               |  10 +--
 l10n/tzm/files.po                                 |  40 +++++----
 l10n/tzm/files_encryption.po                      |   8 +-
 l10n/ug/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ug/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/uk/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/uk/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/uk/files_sharing.po                          |  25 +++---
 l10n/uk/files_versions.po                         |  25 +++---
 l10n/ur_PK/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/ur_PK/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/uz/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/uz/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/vi/files.po                                  |  40 +++++----
 l10n/vi/files_encryption.po                       |   8 +-
 l10n/zh_CN/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/zh_CN/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/zh_HK/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/zh_HK/files_encryption.po                    |   8 +-
 l10n/zh_TW/files.po                               |  40 +++++----
 l10n/zh_TW/files_encryption.po                    |  10 ++-
 lib/l10n/cs_CZ.php                                |   2 +-
 lib/l10n/ja_JP.php                                |   1 +
 lib/l10n/sl.php                                   |   5 ++
 lib/private/connector/sabre/file.php              |   2 +-
 lib/private/files/cache/updater.php               |   6 +-
 lib/private/preview.php                           |  41 +++++----
 lib/private/util.php                              |   8 +-
 lib/public/contacts/imanager.php                  |   4 +
 lib/public/iservercontainer.php                   |  11 ++-
 lib/public/share.php                              |  26 +++++-
 settings/l10n/de.php                              |   2 +
 settings/l10n/de_DE.php                           |   2 +
 settings/l10n/en_GB.php                           |   3 +
 settings/l10n/es.php                              |   2 +
 settings/l10n/fr.php                              |   3 +
 settings/l10n/gl.php                              |   2 +
 settings/l10n/ja_JP.php                           |   6 ++
 settings/l10n/pt_BR.php                           |   2 +
 settings/l10n/sl.php                              |   7 ++
 settings/l10n/tr.php                              |   2 +
 version.php                                       |   6 +-
 327 files changed, 3816 insertions(+), 2261 deletions(-)

diff --cc apps/activity/l10n/hu_HU.php
index 274f57d,0000000..c740770
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/activity/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/activity/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@@ -1,5 -1,0 +1,6 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Activity" => "Tevékenységek",
++"Loading older activities" => "Korábbi aktivitások betöltése",
 +"RSS feed" => "RSS hírcsatorna",
 +"No activities yet." => "Nem volt még aktívitás."
diff --cc apps/activity/l10n/uk.php
index 1aa9fe7,0000000..bb3d774
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/activity/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/activity/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,5 -1,0 +1,8 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Activity" => "Активність",
++"No more activities to load." => "Більше немає заходів для завантаження.",
++"Loading older activities" => "Завантаження старіших заходів",
 +"RSS feed" => "Стрічка RSS",
- "No activities yet." => "Поки ніякої активності"
++"No activities yet." => "Поки ніякої активності",
++"You will see a list of events here when you start to use your %s." => "Ви тут побачите список подій, коли починаєте використовувати свій %s."
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/cs_CZ/bookmarks.po
index c1a08fc,0000000..b313077
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/cs_CZ/bookmarks.po
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/cs_CZ/bookmarks.po
@@@ -1,156 -1,0 +1,156 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# liska_, 2013
 +# Martin <fireball at atlas.cz>, 2012
 +# pstast <petr at stastny.eu>, 2013
 +# Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chvatal at gmail.com>, 2012-2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 12:21-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 14:20+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: liska_\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 14:17-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 18:03+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: pstast <petr at stastny.eu>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: cs_CZ\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 +#: ajax/import.php:9
 +msgid "No file provided for import"
 +msgstr "Nebyl vybrán soubor k importu"
 +#: ajax/import.php:21
 +msgid "Unsupported file type for import"
 +msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ souboru pro import"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:17
 +msgid "Bookmarks"
 +msgstr "Záložky"
 +#: js/addBm.js:42 js/bookmarks.js:235
 +msgid "Tags"
 +msgstr "Značky"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:22
 +msgid "Filter by tag"
 +msgstr "Filtrovat podle značky"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:132
 +msgid "Edit bookmark"
 +msgstr "Upravit záložku"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:369
 +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +msgstr "Opravdu jste si jisti, že si přejete odstranit tuto značku z každého záznamu?"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:370
 +msgid "Warning"
 +msgstr "Varování"
 +#: js/settings.js:18
 +msgid "Import error"
 +msgstr "Chyba při importu"
 +#: js/settings.js:29
 +msgid "Import completed successfully."
 +msgstr "Import úspěšně dokončen."
 +#: js/settings.js:61
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "Odesílám..."
 +#: lib/search.php:38
 +msgid "Bookm."
 +msgstr "Zál."
 +#: templates/addBm.php:5
 +msgid "Add a bookmark"
 +msgstr "Přidat záložku"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:8
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Zavřít"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:16 templates/js_tpl.php:27
 +msgid "The title of the page"
 +msgstr "Název stránky"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:21 templates/js_tpl.php:31
 +msgid "The address of the page"
 +msgstr "Adresa stránky"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:34 templates/js_tpl.php:40
 +msgid "Description of the page"
 +msgstr "Popis stránky"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:38 templates/js_tpl.php:45
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Uložit"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:6 templates/js_tpl.php:59
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Smazat"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:14 templates/js_tpl.php:55
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Upravit"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:44
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Zrušit"
 +#: templates/list.php:14
 +msgid ""
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark "
 +"a webpage quickly:"
 +msgstr "Přetáhněte do Vašeho prohlížeče a klikněte, pokud si přejete rychle uložit stránku do záložek:"
 +#: templates/list.php:15
 +msgid "Add to ownCloud"
 +msgstr "Přidat do ownCloudu"
 +#: templates/list.php:22
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "Adresa"
 +#: templates/list.php:23
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "Přidat"
 +#: templates/list.php:31
 +msgid "Related Tags"
 +msgstr "Podobné značky"
 +#: templates/list.php:38 templates/list.php:40
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Nastavení"
 +#: templates/list.php:54
 +msgid "You have no bookmarks"
 +msgstr "Nemáte žádné záložky"
 +#: templates/list.php:59
 +msgid "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +msgstr "Můžete také zkusit importovat soubor záložek"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Bookmarklet"
 +msgstr "Rutina pro záložky"
 +#: templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "Export & Import"
 +msgstr "Export a import"
 +#: templates/settings.php:24
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "Exportovat"
 +#: templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Importovat"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB.php
index 90e271c,0000000..132fbcd
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB.php
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB.php
@@@ -1,34 -1,0 +1,35 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"No file provided for import" => "No file provided for import",
 +"Unsupported file type for import" => "Unsupported file type for import",
 +"Bookmarks" => "Bookmarks",
 +"Tags" => "Tags",
 +"Filter by tag" => "Filter by tag",
 +"Edit bookmark" => "Edit bookmark",
 +"Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?" => "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?",
 +"Warning" => "Warning",
 +"Import error" => "Import error",
 +"Import completed successfully." => "Import completed successfully.",
 +"Uploading..." => "Uploading...",
 +"Bookm." => "Bookm.",
 +"Add a bookmark" => "Add a bookmark",
 +"Close" => "Close",
 +"The title of the page" => "The title of the page",
 +"The address of the page" => "The address of the page",
 +"Description of the page" => "Description of the page",
 +"Save" => "Save",
 +"Delete" => "Delete",
 +"Edit" => "Edit",
 +"Cancel" => "Cancel",
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:" => "Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:",
++"Add to ownCloud" => "Add to ownCloud",
 +"Address" => "Address",
 +"Add" => "Add",
 +"Related Tags" => "Related Tags",
 +"Settings" => "Settings",
 +"You have no bookmarks" => "You have no bookmarks",
 +"You can also try to import a bookmark file" => "You can also try to import a bookmark file",
 +"Bookmarklet" => "Bookmarklet",
 +"Export & Import" => "Export & Import",
 +"Export" => "Export",
 +"Import" => "Import"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB/bookmarks.po
index caadb77,0000000..b4e5698
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB/bookmarks.po
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/en_GB/bookmarks.po
@@@ -1,153 -1,0 +1,153 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-21 21:15-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:15+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 14:17-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 14:20+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>\n"
 +"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/en_GB/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: en_GB\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: ajax/import.php:9
 +msgid "No file provided for import"
 +msgstr "No file provided for import"
 +#: ajax/import.php:21
 +msgid "Unsupported file type for import"
 +msgstr "Unsupported file type for import"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:17
 +msgid "Bookmarks"
 +msgstr "Bookmarks"
 +#: js/addBm.js:42 js/bookmarks.js:235
 +msgid "Tags"
 +msgstr "Tags"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:22
 +msgid "Filter by tag"
 +msgstr "Filter by tag"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:132
 +msgid "Edit bookmark"
 +msgstr "Edit bookmark"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:369
 +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:370
 +msgid "Warning"
 +msgstr "Warning"
 +#: js/settings.js:18
 +msgid "Import error"
 +msgstr "Import error"
 +#: js/settings.js:29
 +msgid "Import completed successfully."
 +msgstr "Import completed successfully."
 +#: js/settings.js:61
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "Uploading..."
 +#: lib/search.php:38
 +msgid "Bookm."
 +msgstr "Bookm."
 +#: templates/addBm.php:5
 +msgid "Add a bookmark"
 +msgstr "Add a bookmark"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:8
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Close"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:16 templates/js_tpl.php:27
 +msgid "The title of the page"
 +msgstr "The title of the page"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:21 templates/js_tpl.php:31
 +msgid "The address of the page"
 +msgstr "The address of the page"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:34 templates/js_tpl.php:40
 +msgid "Description of the page"
 +msgstr "Description of the page"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:38 templates/js_tpl.php:45
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Save"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:6 templates/js_tpl.php:59
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Delete"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:14 templates/js_tpl.php:55
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Edit"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:44
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Cancel"
 +#: templates/list.php:14
 +msgid ""
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark "
 +"a webpage quickly:"
 +msgstr "Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:"
 +#: templates/list.php:15
 +msgid "Add to ownCloud"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Add to ownCloud"
 +#: templates/list.php:22
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "Address"
 +#: templates/list.php:23
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "Add"
 +#: templates/list.php:31
 +msgid "Related Tags"
 +msgstr "Related Tags"
 +#: templates/list.php:38 templates/list.php:40
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Settings"
 +#: templates/list.php:54
 +msgid "You have no bookmarks"
 +msgstr "You have no bookmarks"
 +#: templates/list.php:59
 +msgid "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +msgstr "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Bookmarklet"
 +msgstr "Bookmarklet"
 +#: templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "Export & Import"
 +msgstr "Export & Import"
 +#: templates/settings.php:24
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "Export"
 +#: templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Import"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP.php
index baf8d04,0000000..336d704
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,34 -1,0 +1,35 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"No file provided for import" => "インポートするファイルが指定されていません",
 +"Unsupported file type for import" => "インポートでは未サポートのファイルタイプ",
 +"Bookmarks" => "ブックマーク",
 +"Tags" => "タグ",
 +"Filter by tag" => "タグによるフィルタ",
 +"Edit bookmark" => "ブックマークを編集",
 +"Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?" => "すべてのエントリからこのタグを削除してもよろしいですか?",
 +"Warning" => "警告",
 +"Import error" => "インポートエラー",
 +"Import completed successfully." => "インポートは正常に完了しました。",
 +"Uploading..." => "アップロード中...",
 +"Bookm." => "ブックマーク",
 +"Add a bookmark" => "ブックマークを追加",
 +"Close" => "閉じる",
 +"The title of the page" => "ページのタイトル",
 +"The address of the page" => "ページのアドレス",
 +"Description of the page" => "ページの説明",
 +"Save" => "保存",
 +"Delete" => "削除",
 +"Edit" => "編集",
 +"Cancel" => "キャンセル",
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:" => "Webページをすぐにブックマークしたい場合は、これをブラウザのブックマークにドラッグし、クリックしてください:",
++"Add to ownCloud" => "ownCloud に追加",
 +"Address" => "アドレス",
 +"Add" => "追加",
 +"Related Tags" => "関連タグ",
 +"Settings" => "設定",
 +"You have no bookmarks" => "ブックマークがありません",
 +"You can also try to import a bookmark file" => "ブックマークファイルのインポートも可能です",
 +"Bookmarklet" => "ブックマークレット",
 +"Export & Import" => "エクスポート&インポート",
 +"Export" => "エクスポート",
 +"Import" => "インポート"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP/bookmarks.po
index 3046902,0000000..1182765
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP/bookmarks.po
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/ja_JP/bookmarks.po
@@@ -1,154 -1,0 +1,154 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>, 2012
 +# Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-21 21:15-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:15+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 14:17-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-29 11:40+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: ja_JP\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 +#: ajax/import.php:9
 +msgid "No file provided for import"
 +msgstr "インポートするファイルが指定されていません"
 +#: ajax/import.php:21
 +msgid "Unsupported file type for import"
 +msgstr "インポートでは未サポートのファイルタイプ"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:17
 +msgid "Bookmarks"
 +msgstr "ブックマーク"
 +#: js/addBm.js:42 js/bookmarks.js:235
 +msgid "Tags"
 +msgstr "タグ"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:22
 +msgid "Filter by tag"
 +msgstr "タグによるフィルタ"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:132
 +msgid "Edit bookmark"
 +msgstr "ブックマークを編集"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:369
 +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +msgstr "すべてのエントリからこのタグを削除してもよろしいですか?"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:370
 +msgid "Warning"
 +msgstr "警告"
 +#: js/settings.js:18
 +msgid "Import error"
 +msgstr "インポートエラー"
 +#: js/settings.js:29
 +msgid "Import completed successfully."
 +msgstr "インポートは正常に完了しました。"
 +#: js/settings.js:61
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "アップロード中..."
 +#: lib/search.php:38
 +msgid "Bookm."
 +msgstr "ブックマーク"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:5
 +msgid "Add a bookmark"
 +msgstr "ブックマークを追加"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:8
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "閉じる"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:16 templates/js_tpl.php:27
 +msgid "The title of the page"
 +msgstr "ページのタイトル"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:21 templates/js_tpl.php:31
 +msgid "The address of the page"
 +msgstr "ページのアドレス"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:34 templates/js_tpl.php:40
 +msgid "Description of the page"
 +msgstr "ページの説明"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:38 templates/js_tpl.php:45
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "保存"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:6 templates/js_tpl.php:59
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "削除"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:14 templates/js_tpl.php:55
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "編集"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:44
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "キャンセル"
 +#: templates/list.php:14
 +msgid ""
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark "
 +"a webpage quickly:"
 +msgstr "Webページをすぐにブックマークしたい場合は、これをブラウザのブックマークにドラッグし、クリックしてください:"
 +#: templates/list.php:15
 +msgid "Add to ownCloud"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "ownCloud に追加"
 +#: templates/list.php:22
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "アドレス"
 +#: templates/list.php:23
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "追加"
 +#: templates/list.php:31
 +msgid "Related Tags"
 +msgstr "関連タグ"
 +#: templates/list.php:38 templates/list.php:40
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "設定"
 +#: templates/list.php:54
 +msgid "You have no bookmarks"
 +msgstr "ブックマークがありません"
 +#: templates/list.php:59
 +msgid "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +msgstr "ブックマークファイルのインポートも可能です"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Bookmarklet"
 +msgstr "ブックマークレット"
 +#: templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "Export & Import"
 +msgstr "エクスポート&インポート"
 +#: templates/settings.php:24
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "エクスポート"
 +#: templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "インポート"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/templates/bookmarks.pot
index 44dd705,0000000..3f4f855
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/templates/bookmarks.pot
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/templates/bookmarks.pot
@@@ -1,152 -1,0 +1,152 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +#, fuzzy
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud bookmarks 5.0.0\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 12:21-0500\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 14:17-0500\n"
 +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 +"Language: \n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +#: ajax/import.php:9
 +msgid "No file provided for import"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/import.php:21
 +msgid "Unsupported file type for import"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: appinfo/app.php:17
 +msgid "Bookmarks"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addBm.js:42 js/bookmarks.js:235
 +msgid "Tags"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:22
 +msgid "Filter by tag"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:132
 +msgid "Edit bookmark"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:369
 +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:370
 +msgid "Warning"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:18
 +msgid "Import error"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:29
 +msgid "Import completed successfully."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:61
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/search.php:38
 +msgid "Bookm."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:5
 +msgid "Add a bookmark"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:8
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:16 templates/js_tpl.php:27
 +msgid "The title of the page"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:21 templates/js_tpl.php:31
 +msgid "The address of the page"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:34 templates/js_tpl.php:40
 +msgid "Description of the page"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/addBm.php:38 templates/js_tpl.php:45
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:6 templates/js_tpl.php:59
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:14 templates/js_tpl.php:55
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:44
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:14
 +msgid ""
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark "
 +"a webpage quickly:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:15
 +msgid "Add to ownCloud"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:22
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:23
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:31
 +msgid "Related Tags"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:38 templates/list.php:40
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:54
 +msgid "You have no bookmarks"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/list.php:59
 +msgid "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Bookmarklet"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "Export & Import"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:24
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr ""
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk.php
index 8f4bea8,0000000..420748c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,34 -1,0 +1,35 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"No file provided for import" => "Немає файла для імпорту",
 +"Unsupported file type for import" => "Імпорт файлу даного типу не підтримується",
 +"Bookmarks" => "Закладки",
 +"Tags" => "Теги",
 +"Filter by tag" => "Фільтр по тегах",
 +"Edit bookmark" => "Редагувати закладку",
 +"Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?" => "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити цей тег з кожного запису ?",
 +"Warning" => "Попередження",
 +"Import error" => "Помилка імпорту",
 +"Import completed successfully." => "Імпорт завершено успішно.",
 +"Uploading..." => "Вивантаження...",
 +"Bookm." => "Заклд.",
 +"Add a bookmark" => "Додати закладку",
 +"Close" => "Закрити",
 +"The title of the page" => "Заголовок сторінки",
 +"The address of the page" => "Адреса сторінки",
 +"Description of the page" => "Опис сторінки",
 +"Save" => "Зберегти",
 +"Delete" => "Видалити",
 +"Edit" => "Редагувати",
 +"Cancel" => "Відмінити",
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:" => "Перетягніть це в закладки вашого броузера і клікніть для того, щоб швидко закласти web-сторінку:",
++"Add to ownCloud" => "Додати до ownCloud",
 +"Address" => "Адреса",
 +"Add" => "Додати",
 +"Related Tags" => "Пов'язані теги",
 +"Settings" => "Налаштування",
 +"You have no bookmarks" => "У вас немає закладок",
 +"You can also try to import a bookmark file" => "Ви можете також спробувати імпортувати файл закладок",
 +"Bookmarklet" => "Закладка-аплет",
 +"Export & Import" => "Експорт та Імпорт",
 +"Export" => "Експорт",
 +"Import" => "Імпорт"
diff --cc apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk/bookmarks.po
index 2b6a29b,0000000..d34adca
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk/bookmarks.po
+++ b/apps/bookmarks/l10n/uk/bookmarks.po
@@@ -1,154 -1,0 +1,154 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Soul Kim <warlock.rf at gmail.com>, 2012
 +# volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-21 21:15-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:15+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 14:17-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 09:20+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/uk/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: uk\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 +#: ajax/import.php:9
 +msgid "No file provided for import"
 +msgstr "Немає файла для імпорту"
 +#: ajax/import.php:21
 +msgid "Unsupported file type for import"
 +msgstr "Імпорт файлу даного типу не підтримується"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:17
 +msgid "Bookmarks"
 +msgstr "Закладки"
 +#: js/addBm.js:42 js/bookmarks.js:235
 +msgid "Tags"
 +msgstr "Теги"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:22
 +msgid "Filter by tag"
 +msgstr "Фільтр по тегах"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:132
 +msgid "Edit bookmark"
 +msgstr "Редагувати закладку"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:369
 +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from every entry?"
 +msgstr "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте видалити цей тег з кожного запису ?"
 +#: js/bookmarks.js:370
 +msgid "Warning"
 +msgstr "Попередження"
 +#: js/settings.js:18
 +msgid "Import error"
 +msgstr "Помилка імпорту"
 +#: js/settings.js:29
 +msgid "Import completed successfully."
 +msgstr "Імпорт завершено успішно."
 +#: js/settings.js:61
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "Вивантаження..."
 +#: lib/search.php:38
 +msgid "Bookm."
 +msgstr "Заклд."
 +#: templates/addBm.php:5
 +msgid "Add a bookmark"
 +msgstr "Додати закладку"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:8
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Закрити"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:16 templates/js_tpl.php:27
 +msgid "The title of the page"
 +msgstr "Заголовок сторінки"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:21 templates/js_tpl.php:31
 +msgid "The address of the page"
 +msgstr "Адреса сторінки"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:34 templates/js_tpl.php:40
 +msgid "Description of the page"
 +msgstr "Опис сторінки"
 +#: templates/addBm.php:38 templates/js_tpl.php:45
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Зберегти"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:6 templates/js_tpl.php:59
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Видалити"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:14 templates/js_tpl.php:55
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Редагувати"
 +#: templates/js_tpl.php:44
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Відмінити"
 +#: templates/list.php:14
 +msgid ""
 +"Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark "
 +"a webpage quickly:"
 +msgstr "Перетягніть це в закладки вашого броузера і клікніть для того, щоб швидко закласти web-сторінку:"
 +#: templates/list.php:15
 +msgid "Add to ownCloud"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Додати до ownCloud"
 +#: templates/list.php:22
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "Адреса"
 +#: templates/list.php:23
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "Додати"
 +#: templates/list.php:31
 +msgid "Related Tags"
 +msgstr "Пов'язані теги"
 +#: templates/list.php:38 templates/list.php:40
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Налаштування"
 +#: templates/list.php:54
 +msgid "You have no bookmarks"
 +msgstr "У вас немає закладок"
 +#: templates/list.php:59
 +msgid "You can also try to import a bookmark file"
 +msgstr "Ви можете також спробувати імпортувати файл закладок"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Bookmarklet"
 +msgstr "Закладка-аплет"
 +#: templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "Export & Import"
 +msgstr "Експорт та Імпорт"
 +#: templates/settings.php:24
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "Експорт"
 +#: templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Імпорт"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
index 2aae196,0000000..5c01db9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php
@@@ -1,217 -1,0 +1,217 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Not all calendars are completely cached" => "V paměti nejsou úplně uloženy všechny kalendáře",
 +"Everything seems to be completely cached" => "Zdá se, že úplně vše je uloženo v paměti",
 +"No calendars found." => "Žádné kalendáře nenalezeny.",
 +"No events found." => "Žádné události nenalezeny.",
 +"Wrong calendar" => "Nesprávný kalendář",
 +"You do not have the permissions to edit this event." => "Nemáte práva upravovat tuto událost.",
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar." => "Soubor neobsahoval žádné události, nebo jsou všechny události již ve Vašem kalendáři.",
 +"events has been saved in the new calendar" => "události byly uloženy v novém kalendáři",
 +"Import failed" => "Import selhal",
 +"events has been saved in your calendar" => "událostí bylo uloženo ve Vašem kalendáři",
 +"New Timezone:" => "Nové časové pásmo:",
 +"Timezone changed" => "Časové pásmo bylo změněno",
 +"Invalid request" => "Neplatný požadavek",
 +"Calendar" => "Kalendář",
 +"Deletion failed" => "Mazání selhalo",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}",
 +"group" => "skupina",
 +"can edit" => "lze upravovat",
 +"can share" => "může sdílet",
 +"ddd" => "ddd",
 +"ddd M/d" => "ddd M/d",
 +"dddd M/d" => "dddd M/d",
 +"MMMM yyyy" => "MMMM yyyy",
 +"MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}" => "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}",
 +"dddd, MMM d, yyyy" => "dddd, MMM d, yyyy",
 +"Sunday" => "Neděle",
 +"Monday" => "Pondělí",
 +"Tuesday" => "Úterý",
 +"Wednesday" => "Středa",
 +"Thursday" => "Čtvrtek",
 +"Friday" => "Pátek",
 +"Saturday" => "Sobota",
 +"Sun." => "Ne",
 +"Mon." => "Po",
 +"Tue." => "Út",
 +"Wed." => "St",
 +"Thu." => "Čt",
 +"Fri." => "Pá",
 +"Sat." => "So",
 +"January" => "Leden",
 +"February" => "Únor",
 +"March" => "Březen",
 +"April" => "Duben",
 +"May" => "Květen",
 +"June" => "Červen",
 +"July" => "Červenec",
 +"August" => "Srpen",
 +"September" => "Září",
 +"October" => "Říjen",
 +"November" => "Listopad",
 +"December" => "Prosinec",
 +"Jan." => "leden",
 +"Feb." => "únor",
 +"Mar." => "březen",
 +"Apr." => "duben",
 +"May." => "květen",
 +"Jun." => "červen",
 +"Jul." => "červenec",
 +"Aug." => "srpen",
 +"Sep." => "září",
 +"Oct." => "říjen",
 +"Nov." => "listopad",
 +"Dec." => "prosinec",
 +"All day" => "Celý den",
 +"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendář",
 +"Missing or invalid fields" => "Chybějící nebo neplatná pole",
 +"Title" => "Název",
 +"From Date" => "Od data",
 +"From Time" => "Od",
 +"To Date" => "Do data",
 +"To Time" => "Do",
 +"The event ends before it starts" => "Událost končí před svým zahájením",
 +"There was a database fail" => "Chyba v databázi",
 +"Birthday" => "Narozeniny",
 +"Business" => "Obchodní",
 +"Call" => "Hovor",
 +"Clients" => "Klienti",
 +"Deliverer" => "Doručovatel",
 +"Holidays" => "Prázdniny",
 +"Ideas" => "Nápady",
 +"Journey" => "Cesta",
 +"Jubilee" => "Výročí",
 +"Meeting" => "Schůzka",
 +"Other" => "Jiné",
 +"Personal" => "Osobní",
 +"Projects" => "Projekty",
 +"Questions" => "Dotazy",
 +"Work" => "Práce",
 +"by" => "od",
 +"unnamed" => "nepojmenováno",
 +"You do not have the permissions to update this calendar." => "Nemáte práva pro aktualizaci tohoto kalendáře.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar." => "Nemáte práva pro smazání tohoto kalendáře.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar." => "Nemáte práva pro přidání do tohoto kalendáře.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar." => "Nemáte práva pro přidání událostí do tohoto kalendáře.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this event." => "Nemáte práva smazat tuto událost.",
 +"Busy" => "Zaneprázdněná",
 +"Show full event" => "Zobraz celou událost",
 +"Show only busy" => "Zobrazit pouze zaneprázdněné",
 +"Hide event" => "Skrýt událost",
 +"Does not repeat" => "Neopakuje se",
 +"Daily" => "Denně",
 +"Weekly" => "Týdně",
 +"Every Weekday" => "Každý všední den",
 +"Bi-Weekly" => "Jednou za dva týdny",
 +"Monthly" => "Měsíčně",
 +"Yearly" => "Ročně",
 +"never" => "nikdy",
 +"by occurrences" => "podle výskytu",
 +"by date" => "podle data",
 +"by monthday" => "podle dne v měsíci",
 +"by weekday" => "podle dne v týdnu",
 +"events week of month" => "týdenní události v měsíci",
 +"first" => "první",
 +"second" => "druhý",
 +"third" => "třetí",
 +"fourth" => "čtvrtý",
 +"fifth" => "pátý",
 +"last" => "poslední",
 +"by events date" => "podle data události",
 +"by yearday(s)" => "po dni (dnech)",
 +"by weeknumber(s)" => "podle čísel týdnů",
 +"by day and month" => "podle dne a měsíce",
 +"Contact birthdays" => "Narozeniny kontaktů",
 +"Date" => "Datum",
 +"Cal." => "Kal.",
- "Day" => "den",
++"Day" => "Den",
 +"Week" => "Týden",
 +"Month" => "Měsíc",
 +"Today" => "Dnes",
 +"Settings" => "Nastavení",
 +"Share Calendar" => "Sdílet kalendář",
 +"CalDav Link" => "Odkaz CalDav",
 +"Download" => "Stáhnout",
 +"Edit" => "Upravit",
 +"Delete" => "Smazat",
 +"New calendar" => "Nový kalendář",
 +"Edit calendar" => "Upravit kalendář",
 +"Displayname" => "Zobrazované jméno",
 +"Calendar color" => "Barva kalendáře",
 +"Save" => "Uložit",
 +"Submit" => "Odeslat",
 +"Cancel" => "Zrušit",
 +"Edit event" => "Upravit událost",
 +"Save event" => "Uložit událost",
 +"Delete event" => "Smazat událost",
 +"Eventinfo" => "Informace o události",
 +"Repeating" => "Opakování",
 +"Alarm" => "Upomínka",
 +"Attendees" => "Účastníci",
 +"Share" => "Sdílet",
 +"Title of the Event" => "Název události",
 +"from" => "z",
 +"to" => "do",
 +"All Day Event" => "Celodenní událost",
 +"Advanced options" => "Pokročilé možnosti",
 +"Location" => "Umístění",
 +"Categories (separate by comma)" => "Kategorie (oddělené čárkou)",
 +"Edit categories" => "Upravit kategorie",
 +"Description" => "Popis",
- "Export event" => "Exportuj událost",
++"Export event" => "Exportovat událost",
 +"Repeat" => "Opakovat",
 +"Advanced" => "Pokročilé",
 +"Select weekdays" => "Vybrat dny v týdnu",
 +"Select days" => "Vybrat dny",
 +"and the events day of year." => "a denní události v roce.",
 +"and the events day of month." => "a denní události v měsíci.",
 +"Select months" => "Vybrat měsíce",
 +"Select weeks" => "Vybrat týdny",
 +"and the events week of year." => "a týden s událostmi v roce.",
 +"Interval" => "Interval",
 +"End" => "Konec",
 +"occurrences" => "výskyty",
 +"Visibility to people shared with" => "Viditelnost pro lidi, se kterými je sdílena",
 +"create a new calendar" => "vytvořit nový kalendář",
 +"Import a calendar file" => "Importovat soubor kalendáře",
 +"Please choose a calendar" => "Vyberte, prosím, kalendář",
 +"Name of new calendar" => "Název nového kalendáře",
 +"Take an available name!" => "Použijte dostupný název!",
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these calendars will be merged." => "Kalendář s tímto názvem již existuje. Pokud název použijete, budou tyto kalendáře sloučeny.",
 +"Remove all events from the selected calendar" => "Odebrat všechny události z vybraného kalendáře",
 +"Import" => "Importovat",
 +"Close Dialog" => "Zavřít dialog",
 +"Create a new event" => "Vytvořit novou událost",
 +"Create event" => "Vytvořit událost",
- "Share with user or group" => "Sdílej s uživatelem nebo skupinou",
++"Share with user or group" => "Sdílet s uživatelem nebo skupinou",
 +"Unshare" => "Zrušit sdílení",
 +"Not shared with anyone" => "Nesdíleno s nikým",
 +"Send Email" => "Odeslat e-mail",
 +"Shared via calendar" => "Sdíleno skrze kalendář",
 +"Not shared with anyone via calendar" => "Nesdíleno s nikým skrze kalendář",
 +"View an event" => "Zobrazit událost",
 +"Category" => "Kategorie",
 +"No categories selected" => "Žádné kategorie nevybrány",
 +"of" => "z",
 +"Access Class" => "Třída přístupu",
 +"From" => "Od",
 +"at" => "v",
 +"To" => "Do",
 +"Your calendars" => "Vaše kalendáře",
 +"General" => "Hlavní",
 +"Timezone" => "Časové pásmo",
 +"Update timezone automatically" => "Aktualizovat automaticky časové pásmo",
 +"Time format" => "Formát času",
 +"24h" => "24h",
 +"12h" => "12h",
 +"Start week on" => "Týden začíná v",
 +"Cache" => "Vyrovnávací paměť",
 +"Clear cache for repeating events" => "Vymazat paměť pro opakující se události",
 +"URLs" => "URL",
 +"Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses" => "Kalendář CalDAV synchronizuje adresy",
 +"more info" => "podrobnosti",
 +"Primary address (Kontact et al)" => "Primární adresa (veřejná)",
 +"iOS/OS X" => "iOS/OS X",
 +"Read only iCalendar link(s)" => "Odkaz(y) kalendáře pouze pro čtení"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po
index 253627f,0000000..3171109
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po
@@@ -1,890 -1,0 +1,890 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Jan Krejci <krejca85 at gmail.com>, 2011-2012
 +# liska_, 2013
 +# Martin <fireball at atlas.cz>, 2011-2012
 +# Michal Hrušecký <Michal at hrusecky.net>, 2012
 +# pstast <petr at stastny.eu>, 2013
 +# Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chvatal at gmail.com>, 2012
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 12:03-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 14:18+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: liska_\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 13:20-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 18:10+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: pstast <petr at stastny.eu>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: cs_CZ\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:19
 +msgid "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +msgstr "V paměti nejsou úplně uloženy všechny kalendáře"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:21
 +msgid "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +msgstr "Zdá se, že úplně vše je uloženo v paměti"
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:29
 +msgid "No calendars found."
 +msgstr "Žádné kalendáře nenalezeny."
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:37
 +msgid "No events found."
 +msgstr "Žádné události nenalezeny."
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:21
 +msgid "Wrong calendar"
 +msgstr "Nesprávný kalendář"
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:226 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this event."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva upravovat tuto událost."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:29 ajax/import/import.php:66
 +msgid ""
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your "
 +msgstr "Soubor neobsahoval žádné události, nebo jsou všechny události již ve Vašem kalendáři."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:31 ajax/import/import.php:69
 +msgid "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +msgstr "události byly uloženy v novém kalendáři"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:58
 +msgid "Import failed"
 +msgstr "Import selhal"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:71
 +msgid "events has been saved in your calendar"
 +msgstr "událostí bylo uloženo ve Vašem kalendáři"
 +#: ajax/settings/guesstimezone.php:26
 +msgid "New Timezone:"
 +msgstr "Nové časové pásmo:"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:23
 +msgid "Timezone changed"
 +msgstr "Časové pásmo bylo změněno"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:25
 +msgid "Invalid request"
 +msgstr "Neplatný požadavek"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:38 js/l10n.php:87 templates/part.eventform.php:20
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:37
 +msgid "Calendar"
 +msgstr "Kalendář"
 +#: js/calendar.js:176
 +msgid "Deletion failed"
 +msgstr "Mazání selhalo"
 +#: js/calendar.js:263
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:265
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:581
 +msgid "group"
 +msgstr "skupina"
 +#: js/calendar.js:583 templates/part.share.php:46 templates/part.share.php:81
 +msgid "can edit"
 +msgstr "lze upravovat"
 +#: js/calendar.js:584 templates/part.share.php:50 templates/part.share.php:87
 +msgid "can share"
 +msgstr "může sdílet"
 +#: js/calendar.js:855
 +msgid "ddd"
 +msgstr "ddd"
 +#: js/calendar.js:856
 +msgid "ddd M/d"
 +msgstr "ddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:857
 +msgid "dddd M/d"
 +msgstr "dddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:860
 +msgid "MMMM yyyy"
 +msgstr "MMMM yyyy"
 +#: js/calendar.js:862
 +msgid "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +msgstr "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:864
 +msgid "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +msgstr "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:588 templates/settings.php:93
 +msgid "Sunday"
 +msgstr "Neděle"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:582 templates/settings.php:92
 +msgid "Monday"
 +msgstr "Pondělí"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:583
 +msgid "Tuesday"
 +msgstr "Úterý"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:584
 +msgid "Wednesday"
 +msgstr "Středa"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:585
 +msgid "Thursday"
 +msgstr "Čtvrtek"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:586
 +msgid "Friday"
 +msgstr "Pátek"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:587 templates/settings.php:94
 +msgid "Saturday"
 +msgstr "Sobota"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sun."
 +msgstr "Ne"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Mon."
 +msgstr "Po"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Tue."
 +msgstr "Út"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Wed."
 +msgstr "St"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Thu."
 +msgstr "Čt"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Fri."
 +msgstr "Pá"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sat."
 +msgstr "So"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:638
 +msgid "January"
 +msgstr "Leden"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:639
 +msgid "February"
 +msgstr "Únor"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:640
 +msgid "March"
 +msgstr "Březen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:641
 +msgid "April"
 +msgstr "Duben"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:642
 +msgid "May"
 +msgstr "Květen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:643
 +msgid "June"
 +msgstr "Červen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:644
 +msgid "July"
 +msgstr "Červenec"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:645
 +msgid "August"
 +msgstr "Srpen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:646
 +msgid "September"
 +msgstr "Září"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:647
 +msgid "October"
 +msgstr "Říjen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:648
 +msgid "November"
 +msgstr "Listopad"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:649
 +msgid "December"
 +msgstr "Prosinec"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jan."
 +msgstr "leden"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Feb."
 +msgstr "únor"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Mar."
 +msgstr "březen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Apr."
 +msgstr "duben"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "May."
 +msgstr "květen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jun."
 +msgstr "červen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jul."
 +msgstr "červenec"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Aug."
 +msgstr "srpen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Sep."
 +msgstr "září"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Oct."
 +msgstr "říjen"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Nov."
 +msgstr "listopad"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Dec."
 +msgstr "prosinec"
 +#: js/l10n.php:83
 +msgid "All day"
 +msgstr "Celý den"
 +#: js/l10n.php:84 lib/import.php:214 templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "New Calendar"
 +msgstr "Nový kalendář"
 +#: js/l10n.php:85
 +msgid "Missing or invalid fields"
 +msgstr "Chybějící nebo neplatná pole"
 +#: js/l10n.php:86 templates/part.showevent.php:11
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "Název"
 +#: js/l10n.php:88
 +msgid "From Date"
 +msgstr "Od data"
 +#: js/l10n.php:89
 +msgid "From Time"
 +msgstr "Od"
 +#: js/l10n.php:90
 +msgid "To Date"
 +msgstr "Do data"
 +#: js/l10n.php:91
 +msgid "To Time"
 +msgstr "Do"
 +#: js/l10n.php:92
 +msgid "The event ends before it starts"
 +msgstr "Událost končí před svým zahájením"
 +#: js/l10n.php:93
 +msgid "There was a database fail"
 +msgstr "Chyba v databázi"
 +#: lib/app.php:121
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "Narozeniny"
 +#: lib/app.php:122
 +msgid "Business"
 +msgstr "Obchodní"
 +#: lib/app.php:123
 +msgid "Call"
 +msgstr "Hovor"
 +#: lib/app.php:124
 +msgid "Clients"
 +msgstr "Klienti"
 +#: lib/app.php:125
 +msgid "Deliverer"
 +msgstr "Doručovatel"
 +#: lib/app.php:126
 +msgid "Holidays"
 +msgstr "Prázdniny"
 +#: lib/app.php:127
 +msgid "Ideas"
 +msgstr "Nápady"
 +#: lib/app.php:128
 +msgid "Journey"
 +msgstr "Cesta"
 +#: lib/app.php:129
 +msgid "Jubilee"
 +msgstr "Výročí"
 +#: lib/app.php:130
 +msgid "Meeting"
 +msgstr "Schůzka"
 +#: lib/app.php:131
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "Jiné"
 +#: lib/app.php:132
 +msgid "Personal"
 +msgstr "Osobní"
 +#: lib/app.php:133
 +msgid "Projects"
 +msgstr "Projekty"
 +#: lib/app.php:134
 +msgid "Questions"
 +msgstr "Dotazy"
 +#: lib/app.php:135
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "Práce"
 +#: lib/app.php:411
 +msgid "by"
 +msgstr "od"
 +#: lib/app.php:474
 +msgid "unnamed"
 +msgstr "nepojmenováno"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:178 lib/calendar.php:211
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to update this calendar."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva pro aktualizaci tohoto kalendáře."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva pro smazání tohoto kalendáře."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:280
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva pro přidání do tohoto kalendáře."
 +#: lib/object.php:122 lib/object.php:162 lib/object.php:317
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva pro přidání událostí do tohoto kalendáře."
 +#: lib/object.php:267 lib/object.php:297
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this event."
 +msgstr "Nemáte práva smazat tuto událost."
 +#: lib/object.php:491
 +msgid "Busy"
 +msgstr "Zaneprázdněná"
 +#: lib/object.php:531
 +msgid "Show full event"
 +msgstr "Zobraz celou událost"
 +#: lib/object.php:532
 +msgid "Show only busy"
 +msgstr "Zobrazit pouze zaneprázdněné"
 +#: lib/object.php:533
 +msgid "Hide event"
 +msgstr "Skrýt událost"
 +#: lib/object.php:543
 +msgid "Does not repeat"
 +msgstr "Neopakuje se"
 +#: lib/object.php:544
 +msgid "Daily"
 +msgstr "Denně"
 +#: lib/object.php:545
 +msgid "Weekly"
 +msgstr "Týdně"
 +#: lib/object.php:546
 +msgid "Every Weekday"
 +msgstr "Každý všední den"
 +#: lib/object.php:547
 +msgid "Bi-Weekly"
 +msgstr "Jednou za dva týdny"
 +#: lib/object.php:548
 +msgid "Monthly"
 +msgstr "Měsíčně"
 +#: lib/object.php:549
 +msgid "Yearly"
 +msgstr "Ročně"
 +#: lib/object.php:559
 +msgid "never"
 +msgstr "nikdy"
 +#: lib/object.php:560
 +msgid "by occurrences"
 +msgstr "podle výskytu"
 +#: lib/object.php:561
 +msgid "by date"
 +msgstr "podle data"
 +#: lib/object.php:571
 +msgid "by monthday"
 +msgstr "podle dne v měsíci"
 +#: lib/object.php:572
 +msgid "by weekday"
 +msgstr "podle dne v týdnu"
 +#: lib/object.php:598
 +msgid "events week of month"
 +msgstr "týdenní události v měsíci"
 +#: lib/object.php:599
 +msgid "first"
 +msgstr "první"
 +#: lib/object.php:600
 +msgid "second"
 +msgstr "druhý"
 +#: lib/object.php:601
 +msgid "third"
 +msgstr "třetí"
 +#: lib/object.php:602
 +msgid "fourth"
 +msgstr "čtvrtý"
 +#: lib/object.php:603
 +msgid "fifth"
 +msgstr "pátý"
 +#: lib/object.php:604
 +msgid "last"
 +msgstr "poslední"
 +#: lib/object.php:659
 +msgid "by events date"
 +msgstr "podle data události"
 +#: lib/object.php:660
 +msgid "by yearday(s)"
 +msgstr "po dni (dnech)"
 +#: lib/object.php:661
 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)"
 +msgstr "podle čísel týdnů"
 +#: lib/object.php:662
 +msgid "by day and month"
 +msgstr "podle dne a měsíce"
 +#: lib/sabre/backend.php:66
 +msgid "Contact birthdays"
 +msgstr "Narozeniny kontaktů"
 +#: lib/search.php:35 lib/search.php:37 lib/search.php:40
 +msgid "Date"
 +msgstr "Datum"
 +#: lib/search.php:43
 +msgid "Cal."
 +msgstr "Kal."
 +#: templates/calendar.php:6
 +msgid "Day"
- msgstr "den"
++msgstr "Den"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:7
 +msgid "Week"
 +msgstr "Týden"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:8
 +msgid "Month"
 +msgstr "Měsíc"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/calendar.php:18
 +msgid "Today"
 +msgstr "Dnes"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:13
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Nastavení"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:13
 +msgid "Share Calendar"
 +msgstr "Sdílet kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:24 templates/settings.php:28
 +msgid "CalDav Link"
 +msgstr "Odkaz CalDav"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:27
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "Stáhnout"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:31
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Upravit"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:36
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Smazat"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "New calendar"
 +msgstr "Nový kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "Edit calendar"
 +msgstr "Upravit kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12
 +msgid "Displayname"
 +msgstr "Zobrazované jméno"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:20
 +msgid "Calendar color"
 +msgstr "Barva kalendáře"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Uložit"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Submit"
 +msgstr "Odeslat"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:34
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Zrušit"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1
 +msgid "Edit event"
 +msgstr "Upravit událost"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:8
 +msgid "Save event"
 +msgstr "Uložit událost"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9
 +msgid "Delete event"
 +msgstr "Smazat událost"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 templates/part.showevent.php:3
 +msgid "Eventinfo"
 +msgstr "Informace o události"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:6 templates/part.showevent.php:4
 +msgid "Repeating"
 +msgstr "Opakování"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:7 templates/part.showevent.php:5
 +msgid "Alarm"
 +msgstr "Upomínka"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:8 templates/part.showevent.php:6
 +msgid "Attendees"
 +msgstr "Účastníci"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:10
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Sdílet"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:15
 +msgid "Title of the Event"
 +msgstr "Název události"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:31
 +msgid "from"
 +msgstr "z"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:36
 +msgid "to"
 +msgstr "do"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:44 templates/part.showevent.php:66
 +msgid "All Day Event"
 +msgstr "Celodenní událost"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:47 templates/part.showevent.php:86
 +msgid "Advanced options"
 +msgstr "Pokročilé možnosti"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:51 templates/part.showevent.php:91
 +msgid "Location"
 +msgstr "Umístění"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:56
 +msgid "Categories (separate by comma)"
 +msgstr "Kategorie (oddělené čárkou)"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:58 templates/part.eventform.php:59
 +msgid "Edit categories"
 +msgstr "Upravit kategorie"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 templates/part.showevent.php:99
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "Popis"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:63
 +msgid "Export event"
- msgstr "Exportuj událost"
++msgstr "Exportovat událost"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:70 templates/part.showevent.php:109
 +msgid "Repeat"
 +msgstr "Opakovat"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:77 templates/part.showevent.php:116
 +msgid "Advanced"
 +msgstr "Pokročilé"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:121 templates/part.showevent.php:160
 +msgid "Select weekdays"
 +msgstr "Vybrat dny v týdnu"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:134 templates/part.eventform.php:147
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:186
 +msgid "Select days"
 +msgstr "Vybrat dny"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:139 templates/part.showevent.php:178
 +msgid "and the events day of year."
 +msgstr "a denní události v roce."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:152 templates/part.showevent.php:191
 +msgid "and the events day of month."
 +msgstr "a denní události v měsíci."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:160 templates/part.showevent.php:199
 +msgid "Select months"
 +msgstr "Vybrat měsíce"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:212
 +msgid "Select weeks"
 +msgstr "Vybrat týdny"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:178 templates/part.showevent.php:217
 +msgid "and the events week of year."
 +msgstr "a týden s událostmi v roce."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:184 templates/part.showevent.php:223
 +msgid "Interval"
 +msgstr "Interval"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:190 templates/part.showevent.php:229
 +msgid "End"
 +msgstr "Konec"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:203 templates/part.showevent.php:242
 +msgid "occurrences"
 +msgstr "výskyty"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:222
 +msgid "Visibility to people shared with"
 +msgstr "Viditelnost pro lidi, se kterými je sdílena"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:14
 +msgid "create a new calendar"
 +msgstr "vytvořit nový kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:17
 +msgid "Import a calendar file"
 +msgstr "Importovat soubor kalendáře"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:24
 +msgid "Please choose a calendar"
 +msgstr "Vyberte, prosím, kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:36
 +msgid "Name of new calendar"
 +msgstr "Název nového kalendáře"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:44
 +msgid "Take an available name!"
 +msgstr "Použijte dostupný název!"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:45
 +msgid ""
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these "
 +"calendars will be merged."
 +msgstr "Kalendář s tímto názvem již existuje. Pokud název použijete, budou tyto kalendáře sloučeny."
 +#: templates/part.import.php:48
 +msgid "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +msgstr "Odebrat všechny události z vybraného kalendáře"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:50
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Importovat"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:59
 +msgid "Close Dialog"
 +msgstr "Zavřít dialog"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1
 +msgid "Create a new event"
 +msgstr "Vytvořit novou událost"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:8
 +msgid "Create event"
 +msgstr "Vytvořit událost"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:32
 +msgid "Share with user or group"
- msgstr "Sdílej s uživatelem nebo skupinou"
++msgstr "Sdílet s uživatelem nebo skupinou"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:53
 +msgid "Unshare"
 +msgstr "Zrušit sdílení"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:59
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone"
 +msgstr "Nesdíleno s nikým"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:63
 +msgid "Send Email"
 +msgstr "Odeslat e-mail"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:67
 +msgid "Shared via calendar"
 +msgstr "Sdíleno skrze kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:94
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
 +msgstr "Nesdíleno s nikým skrze kalendář"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:1
 +msgid "View an event"
 +msgstr "Zobrazit událost"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:19
 +msgid "Category"
 +msgstr "Kategorie"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:23
 +msgid "No categories selected"
 +msgstr "Žádné kategorie nevybrány"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:41
 +msgid "of"
 +msgstr "z"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:50
 +msgid "Access Class"
 +msgstr "Třída přístupu"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:70
 +msgid "From"
 +msgstr "Od"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:73 templates/part.showevent.php:81
 +msgid "at"
 +msgstr "v"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:78
 +msgid "To"
 +msgstr "Do"
 +#: templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Your calendars"
 +msgstr "Vaše kalendáře"
 +#: templates/settings.php:34
 +msgid "General"
 +msgstr "Hlavní"
 +#: templates/settings.php:39
 +msgid "Timezone"
 +msgstr "Časové pásmo"
 +#: templates/settings.php:70
 +msgid "Update timezone automatically"
 +msgstr "Aktualizovat automaticky časové pásmo"
 +#: templates/settings.php:75
 +msgid "Time format"
 +msgstr "Formát času"
 +#: templates/settings.php:80
 +msgid "24h"
 +msgstr "24h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:81
 +msgid "12h"
 +msgstr "12h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:87
 +msgid "Start week on"
 +msgstr "Týden začíná v"
 +#: templates/settings.php:100
 +msgid "Cache"
 +msgstr "Vyrovnávací paměť"
 +#: templates/settings.php:104
 +msgid "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +msgstr "Vymazat paměť pro opakující se události"
 +#: templates/settings.php:109
 +msgid "URLs"
 +msgstr "URL"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "Kalendář CalDAV synchronizuje adresy"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "podrobnosti"
 +#: templates/settings.php:113
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "Primární adresa (veřejná)"
 +#: templates/settings.php:115
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:117
 +msgid "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
 +msgstr "Odkaz(y) kalendáře pouze pro čtení"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB.php
index 977ddca,0000000..1b6a833
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB.php
@@@ -1,201 -1,0 +1,217 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Not all calendars are completely cached" => "Not all calendars are completely cached",
 +"Everything seems to be completely cached" => "Everything seems to be completely cached",
 +"No calendars found." => "No calendars found.",
 +"No events found." => "No events found.",
 +"Wrong calendar" => "Wrong calendar",
 +"You do not have the permissions to edit this event." => "You do not have permission to edit this event.",
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar." => "The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar.",
 +"events has been saved in the new calendar" => "events has been saved in the new calendar",
 +"Import failed" => "Import failed",
 +"events has been saved in your calendar" => "events have been saved in your calendar",
 +"New Timezone:" => "New Timezone:",
 +"Timezone changed" => "Timezone changed",
 +"Invalid request" => "Invalid request",
 +"Calendar" => "Calendar",
 +"Deletion failed" => "Deletion failed",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}",
 +"group" => "group",
 +"can edit" => "can edit",
++"can share" => "can share",
 +"ddd" => "ddd",
 +"ddd M/d" => "ddd M/d",
 +"dddd M/d" => "dddd M/d",
 +"MMMM yyyy" => "MMMM yyyy",
 +"MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}" => "d MMM[ yyyy]{ '–' d [MMM ]yyyy}",
 +"dddd, MMM d, yyyy" => "dddd, MMM d, yyyy",
 +"Sunday" => "Sunday",
 +"Monday" => "Monday",
 +"Tuesday" => "Tuesday",
 +"Wednesday" => "Wednesday",
 +"Thursday" => "Thursday",
 +"Friday" => "Friday",
 +"Saturday" => "Saturday",
 +"Sun." => "Sun.",
 +"Mon." => "Mon.",
 +"Tue." => "Tue.",
 +"Wed." => "Wed.",
 +"Thu." => "Thu.",
 +"Fri." => "Fri.",
 +"Sat." => "Sat.",
 +"January" => "January",
 +"February" => "February",
 +"March" => "March",
 +"April" => "April",
 +"May" => "May",
 +"June" => "June",
 +"July" => "July",
 +"August" => "August",
 +"September" => "September",
 +"October" => "October",
 +"November" => "November",
 +"December" => "December",
 +"Jan." => "Jan.",
 +"Feb." => "Feb.",
 +"Mar." => "Mar.",
 +"Apr." => "Apr.",
 +"May." => "May.",
 +"Jun." => "Jun.",
 +"Jul." => "Jul.",
 +"Aug." => "Aug.",
 +"Sep." => "Sep.",
 +"Oct." => "Oct.",
 +"Nov." => "Nov.",
 +"Dec." => "Dec.",
 +"All day" => "All day",
 +"New Calendar" => "New Calendar",
 +"Missing or invalid fields" => "Missing or invalid fields",
 +"Title" => "Title",
 +"From Date" => "From Date",
 +"From Time" => "From Time",
 +"To Date" => "To Date",
 +"To Time" => "To Time",
 +"The event ends before it starts" => "The event ends before it starts",
 +"There was a database fail" => "There was a database failure",
 +"Birthday" => "Birthday",
 +"Business" => "Business",
 +"Call" => "Call",
 +"Clients" => "Clients",
 +"Deliverer" => "Deliverer",
 +"Holidays" => "Holidays",
 +"Ideas" => "Ideas",
 +"Journey" => "Journey",
 +"Jubilee" => "Jubilee",
 +"Meeting" => "Meeting",
 +"Other" => "Other",
 +"Personal" => "Personal",
 +"Projects" => "Projects",
 +"Questions" => "Questions",
 +"Work" => "Work",
 +"by" => "by",
 +"unnamed" => "unnamed",
 +"You do not have the permissions to update this calendar." => "You do not have permission to update this calendar.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar." => "You do not have permission to delete this calendar.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar." => "You do not have permission to add to this calendar.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar." => "You do not have permission to add events to this calendar.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this event." => "You do not have permission to delete this event.",
 +"Busy" => "Busy",
++"Show full event" => "Show full event",
++"Show only busy" => "Show only busy",
++"Hide event" => "Hide event",
 +"Does not repeat" => "Does not repeat",
 +"Daily" => "Daily",
 +"Weekly" => "Weekly",
 +"Every Weekday" => "Every Weekday",
 +"Bi-Weekly" => "Bi-Weekly",
 +"Monthly" => "Monthly",
 +"Yearly" => "Yearly",
 +"never" => "never",
 +"by occurrences" => "by occurrences",
 +"by date" => "by date",
 +"by monthday" => "by day of month",
 +"by weekday" => "by weekday",
 +"events week of month" => "event's week of month",
 +"first" => "first",
 +"second" => "second",
 +"third" => "third",
 +"fourth" => "fourth",
 +"fifth" => "fifth",
 +"last" => "last",
 +"by events date" => "by event's date",
 +"by yearday(s)" => "by yearday(s)",
 +"by weeknumber(s)" => "by week number(s)",
 +"by day and month" => "by day and month",
 +"Contact birthdays" => "Contact birthdays",
 +"Date" => "Date",
 +"Cal." => "Cal.",
++"Day" => "Day",
 +"Week" => "Week",
 +"Month" => "Month",
 +"Today" => "Today",
 +"Settings" => "Settings",
 +"Share Calendar" => "Share Calendar",
 +"CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link",
 +"Download" => "Download",
 +"Edit" => "Edit",
 +"Delete" => "Delete",
 +"New calendar" => "New calendar",
 +"Edit calendar" => "Edit calendar",
 +"Displayname" => "Displayname",
 +"Calendar color" => "Calendar colour",
 +"Save" => "Save",
 +"Submit" => "Submit",
 +"Cancel" => "Cancel",
++"Edit event" => "Edit event",
++"Save event" => "Save event",
++"Delete event" => "Delete event",
 +"Eventinfo" => "Eventinfo",
 +"Repeating" => "Repeating",
 +"Alarm" => "Alarm",
 +"Attendees" => "Attendees",
 +"Share" => "Share",
 +"Title of the Event" => "Title of the Event",
 +"from" => "from",
++"to" => "to",
 +"All Day Event" => "All Day Event",
 +"Advanced options" => "Advanced options",
 +"Location" => "Location",
++"Categories (separate by comma)" => "Categories (separate by comma)",
 +"Edit categories" => "Edit categories",
 +"Description" => "Description",
++"Export event" => "Export event",
 +"Repeat" => "Repeat",
 +"Advanced" => "Advanced",
 +"Select weekdays" => "Select weekdays",
 +"Select days" => "Select days",
 +"and the events day of year." => "and the event's day of year.",
 +"and the events day of month." => "and the event's day of month.",
 +"Select months" => "Select months",
 +"Select weeks" => "Select weeks",
 +"and the events week of year." => "and the event's week of year.",
 +"Interval" => "Interval",
 +"End" => "End",
 +"occurrences" => "occurrences",
++"Visibility to people shared with" => "Visibility to people shared with",
 +"create a new calendar" => "create a new calendar",
 +"Import a calendar file" => "Import a calendar file",
 +"Please choose a calendar" => "Please choose a calendar",
 +"Name of new calendar" => "Name of new calendar",
 +"Take an available name!" => "Take an available name!",
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these calendars will be merged." => "A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyway, these calendars will be merged.",
 +"Remove all events from the selected calendar" => "Remove all events from the selected calendar",
 +"Import" => "Import",
 +"Close Dialog" => "Close Dialog",
 +"Create a new event" => "Create a new event",
++"Create event" => "Create event",
++"Share with user or group" => "Share with user or group",
 +"Unshare" => "Unshare",
++"Not shared with anyone" => "Not shared with anyone",
 +"Send Email" => "Send Email",
 +"Shared via calendar" => "Shared via calendar",
++"Not shared with anyone via calendar" => "Not shared with anyone via calendar",
 +"View an event" => "View an event",
 +"Category" => "Category",
 +"No categories selected" => "No categories selected",
 +"of" => "of",
 +"Access Class" => "Access Class",
 +"From" => "From",
 +"at" => "at",
 +"To" => "To",
 +"Your calendars" => "Your calendars",
 +"General" => "General",
 +"Timezone" => "Timezone",
 +"Update timezone automatically" => "Update timezone automatically",
 +"Time format" => "Time format",
 +"24h" => "24h",
 +"12h" => "12h",
 +"Start week on" => "Start week on",
 +"Cache" => "Cache",
 +"Clear cache for repeating events" => "Clear cache for repeating events",
 +"URLs" => "URLs",
 +"Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses" => "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses",
 +"more info" => "more info",
 +"Primary address (Kontact et al)" => "Primary address (Kontact et al)",
 +"iOS/OS X" => "iOS/OS X",
 +"Read only iCalendar link(s)" => "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB/calendar.po
index 29b35f9,0000000..16652a8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB/calendar.po
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/en_GB/calendar.po
@@@ -1,885 -1,0 +1,885 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-24 00:09-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:20+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 13:20-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 14:10+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>\n"
 +"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/en_GB/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: en_GB\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:19
 +msgid "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +msgstr "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:21
 +msgid "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +msgstr "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:29
 +msgid "No calendars found."
 +msgstr "No calendars found."
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:37
 +msgid "No events found."
 +msgstr "No events found."
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:21
 +msgid "Wrong calendar"
 +msgstr "Wrong calendar"
- #: ajax/event/edit.form.php:224 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
++#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:226 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this event."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to edit this event."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:29 ajax/import/import.php:66
 +msgid ""
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your "
 +msgstr "The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:31 ajax/import/import.php:69
 +msgid "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +msgstr "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:58
 +msgid "Import failed"
 +msgstr "Import failed"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:71
 +msgid "events has been saved in your calendar"
 +msgstr "events have been saved in your calendar"
 +#: ajax/settings/guesstimezone.php:26
 +msgid "New Timezone:"
 +msgstr "New Timezone:"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:23
 +msgid "Timezone changed"
 +msgstr "Timezone changed"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:25
 +msgid "Invalid request"
 +msgstr "Invalid request"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:38 js/l10n.php:87 templates/part.eventform.php:20
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:37
 +msgid "Calendar"
 +msgstr "Calendar"
 +#: js/calendar.js:176
 +msgid "Deletion failed"
 +msgstr "Deletion failed"
 +#: js/calendar.js:263
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:265
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:581
 +msgid "group"
 +msgstr "group"
 +#: js/calendar.js:583 templates/part.share.php:46 templates/part.share.php:81
 +msgid "can edit"
 +msgstr "can edit"
 +#: js/calendar.js:584 templates/part.share.php:50 templates/part.share.php:87
 +msgid "can share"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "can share"
 +#: js/calendar.js:855
 +msgid "ddd"
 +msgstr "ddd"
 +#: js/calendar.js:856
 +msgid "ddd M/d"
 +msgstr "ddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:857
 +msgid "dddd M/d"
 +msgstr "dddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:860
 +msgid "MMMM yyyy"
 +msgstr "MMMM yyyy"
 +#: js/calendar.js:862
 +msgid "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +msgstr "d MMM[ yyyy]{ '–' d [MMM ]yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:864
 +msgid "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +msgstr "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:588 templates/settings.php:93
 +msgid "Sunday"
 +msgstr "Sunday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:582 templates/settings.php:92
 +msgid "Monday"
 +msgstr "Monday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:583
 +msgid "Tuesday"
 +msgstr "Tuesday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:584
 +msgid "Wednesday"
 +msgstr "Wednesday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:585
 +msgid "Thursday"
 +msgstr "Thursday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:586
 +msgid "Friday"
 +msgstr "Friday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:587 templates/settings.php:94
 +msgid "Saturday"
 +msgstr "Saturday"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sun."
 +msgstr "Sun."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Mon."
 +msgstr "Mon."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Tue."
 +msgstr "Tue."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Wed."
 +msgstr "Wed."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Thu."
 +msgstr "Thu."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Fri."
 +msgstr "Fri."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sat."
 +msgstr "Sat."
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:638
 +msgid "January"
 +msgstr "January"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:639
 +msgid "February"
 +msgstr "February"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:640
 +msgid "March"
 +msgstr "March"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:641
 +msgid "April"
 +msgstr "April"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:642
 +msgid "May"
 +msgstr "May"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:643
 +msgid "June"
 +msgstr "June"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:644
 +msgid "July"
 +msgstr "July"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:645
 +msgid "August"
 +msgstr "August"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:646
 +msgid "September"
 +msgstr "September"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:647
 +msgid "October"
 +msgstr "October"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:648
 +msgid "November"
 +msgstr "November"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:649
 +msgid "December"
 +msgstr "December"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jan."
 +msgstr "Jan."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Feb."
 +msgstr "Feb."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Mar."
 +msgstr "Mar."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Apr."
 +msgstr "Apr."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "May."
 +msgstr "May."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jun."
 +msgstr "Jun."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jul."
 +msgstr "Jul."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Aug."
 +msgstr "Aug."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Sep."
 +msgstr "Sep."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Oct."
 +msgstr "Oct."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Nov."
 +msgstr "Nov."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Dec."
 +msgstr "Dec."
 +#: js/l10n.php:83
 +msgid "All day"
 +msgstr "All day"
 +#: js/l10n.php:84 lib/import.php:214 templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "New Calendar"
 +msgstr "New Calendar"
 +#: js/l10n.php:85
 +msgid "Missing or invalid fields"
 +msgstr "Missing or invalid fields"
 +#: js/l10n.php:86 templates/part.showevent.php:11
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "Title"
 +#: js/l10n.php:88
 +msgid "From Date"
 +msgstr "From Date"
 +#: js/l10n.php:89
 +msgid "From Time"
 +msgstr "From Time"
 +#: js/l10n.php:90
 +msgid "To Date"
 +msgstr "To Date"
 +#: js/l10n.php:91
 +msgid "To Time"
 +msgstr "To Time"
 +#: js/l10n.php:92
 +msgid "The event ends before it starts"
 +msgstr "The event ends before it starts"
 +#: js/l10n.php:93
 +msgid "There was a database fail"
 +msgstr "There was a database failure"
 +#: lib/app.php:121
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "Birthday"
 +#: lib/app.php:122
 +msgid "Business"
 +msgstr "Business"
 +#: lib/app.php:123
 +msgid "Call"
 +msgstr "Call"
 +#: lib/app.php:124
 +msgid "Clients"
 +msgstr "Clients"
 +#: lib/app.php:125
 +msgid "Deliverer"
 +msgstr "Deliverer"
 +#: lib/app.php:126
 +msgid "Holidays"
 +msgstr "Holidays"
 +#: lib/app.php:127
 +msgid "Ideas"
 +msgstr "Ideas"
 +#: lib/app.php:128
 +msgid "Journey"
 +msgstr "Journey"
 +#: lib/app.php:129
 +msgid "Jubilee"
 +msgstr "Jubilee"
 +#: lib/app.php:130
 +msgid "Meeting"
 +msgstr "Meeting"
 +#: lib/app.php:131
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "Other"
 +#: lib/app.php:132
 +msgid "Personal"
 +msgstr "Personal"
 +#: lib/app.php:133
 +msgid "Projects"
 +msgstr "Projects"
 +#: lib/app.php:134
 +msgid "Questions"
 +msgstr "Questions"
 +#: lib/app.php:135
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "Work"
 +#: lib/app.php:411
 +msgid "by"
 +msgstr "by"
 +#: lib/app.php:474
 +msgid "unnamed"
 +msgstr "unnamed"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:178 lib/calendar.php:211
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to update this calendar."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to update this calendar."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to delete this calendar."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:280
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to add to this calendar."
 +#: lib/object.php:122 lib/object.php:162 lib/object.php:317
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to add events to this calendar."
 +#: lib/object.php:267 lib/object.php:297
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this event."
 +msgstr "You do not have permission to delete this event."
 +#: lib/object.php:491
 +msgid "Busy"
 +msgstr "Busy"
 +#: lib/object.php:531
 +msgid "Show full event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Show full event"
 +#: lib/object.php:532
 +msgid "Show only busy"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Show only busy"
 +#: lib/object.php:533
 +msgid "Hide event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hide event"
 +#: lib/object.php:543
 +msgid "Does not repeat"
 +msgstr "Does not repeat"
 +#: lib/object.php:544
 +msgid "Daily"
 +msgstr "Daily"
 +#: lib/object.php:545
 +msgid "Weekly"
 +msgstr "Weekly"
 +#: lib/object.php:546
 +msgid "Every Weekday"
 +msgstr "Every Weekday"
 +#: lib/object.php:547
 +msgid "Bi-Weekly"
 +msgstr "Bi-Weekly"
 +#: lib/object.php:548
 +msgid "Monthly"
 +msgstr "Monthly"
 +#: lib/object.php:549
 +msgid "Yearly"
 +msgstr "Yearly"
 +#: lib/object.php:559
 +msgid "never"
 +msgstr "never"
 +#: lib/object.php:560
 +msgid "by occurrences"
 +msgstr "by occurrences"
 +#: lib/object.php:561
 +msgid "by date"
 +msgstr "by date"
 +#: lib/object.php:571
 +msgid "by monthday"
 +msgstr "by day of month"
 +#: lib/object.php:572
 +msgid "by weekday"
 +msgstr "by weekday"
 +#: lib/object.php:598
 +msgid "events week of month"
 +msgstr "event's week of month"
 +#: lib/object.php:599
 +msgid "first"
 +msgstr "first"
 +#: lib/object.php:600
 +msgid "second"
 +msgstr "second"
 +#: lib/object.php:601
 +msgid "third"
 +msgstr "third"
 +#: lib/object.php:602
 +msgid "fourth"
 +msgstr "fourth"
 +#: lib/object.php:603
 +msgid "fifth"
 +msgstr "fifth"
 +#: lib/object.php:604
 +msgid "last"
 +msgstr "last"
 +#: lib/object.php:659
 +msgid "by events date"
 +msgstr "by event's date"
 +#: lib/object.php:660
 +msgid "by yearday(s)"
 +msgstr "by yearday(s)"
 +#: lib/object.php:661
 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)"
 +msgstr "by week number(s)"
 +#: lib/object.php:662
 +msgid "by day and month"
 +msgstr "by day and month"
 +#: lib/sabre/backend.php:66
 +msgid "Contact birthdays"
 +msgstr "Contact birthdays"
 +#: lib/search.php:35 lib/search.php:37 lib/search.php:40
 +msgid "Date"
 +msgstr "Date"
 +#: lib/search.php:43
 +msgid "Cal."
 +msgstr "Cal."
 +#: templates/calendar.php:6
 +msgid "Day"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Day"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:7
 +msgid "Week"
 +msgstr "Week"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:8
 +msgid "Month"
 +msgstr "Month"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/calendar.php:18
 +msgid "Today"
 +msgstr "Today"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:13
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Settings"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:13
 +msgid "Share Calendar"
 +msgstr "Share Calendar"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:24 templates/settings.php:28
 +msgid "CalDav Link"
 +msgstr "CalDav Link"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:27
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "Download"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:31
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Edit"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:36
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Delete"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "New calendar"
 +msgstr "New calendar"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "Edit calendar"
 +msgstr "Edit calendar"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12
 +msgid "Displayname"
 +msgstr "Displayname"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:20
 +msgid "Calendar color"
 +msgstr "Calendar colour"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Save"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Submit"
 +msgstr "Submit"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:34
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Cancel"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1
 +msgid "Edit event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Edit event"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:8
 +msgid "Save event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Save event"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9
 +msgid "Delete event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Delete event"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 templates/part.showevent.php:3
 +msgid "Eventinfo"
 +msgstr "Eventinfo"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:6 templates/part.showevent.php:4
 +msgid "Repeating"
 +msgstr "Repeating"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:7 templates/part.showevent.php:5
 +msgid "Alarm"
 +msgstr "Alarm"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:8 templates/part.showevent.php:6
 +msgid "Attendees"
 +msgstr "Attendees"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:10
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Share"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:15
 +msgid "Title of the Event"
 +msgstr "Title of the Event"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:31
 +msgid "from"
 +msgstr "from"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:36
 +msgid "to"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "to"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:44 templates/part.showevent.php:66
 +msgid "All Day Event"
 +msgstr "All Day Event"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:47 templates/part.showevent.php:86
 +msgid "Advanced options"
 +msgstr "Advanced options"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:51 templates/part.showevent.php:91
 +msgid "Location"
 +msgstr "Location"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:56
 +msgid "Categories (separate by comma)"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Categories (separate by comma)"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:58 templates/part.eventform.php:59
 +msgid "Edit categories"
 +msgstr "Edit categories"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 templates/part.showevent.php:99
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "Description"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:63
 +msgid "Export event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Export event"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:70 templates/part.showevent.php:109
 +msgid "Repeat"
 +msgstr "Repeat"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:77 templates/part.showevent.php:116
 +msgid "Advanced"
 +msgstr "Advanced"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:121 templates/part.showevent.php:160
 +msgid "Select weekdays"
 +msgstr "Select weekdays"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:134 templates/part.eventform.php:147
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:186
 +msgid "Select days"
 +msgstr "Select days"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:139 templates/part.showevent.php:178
 +msgid "and the events day of year."
 +msgstr "and the event's day of year."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:152 templates/part.showevent.php:191
 +msgid "and the events day of month."
 +msgstr "and the event's day of month."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:160 templates/part.showevent.php:199
 +msgid "Select months"
 +msgstr "Select months"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:212
 +msgid "Select weeks"
 +msgstr "Select weeks"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:178 templates/part.showevent.php:217
 +msgid "and the events week of year."
 +msgstr "and the event's week of year."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:184 templates/part.showevent.php:223
 +msgid "Interval"
 +msgstr "Interval"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:190 templates/part.showevent.php:229
 +msgid "End"
 +msgstr "End"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:203 templates/part.showevent.php:242
 +msgid "occurrences"
 +msgstr "occurrences"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:222
 +msgid "Visibility to people shared with"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Visibility to people shared with"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:14
 +msgid "create a new calendar"
 +msgstr "create a new calendar"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:17
 +msgid "Import a calendar file"
 +msgstr "Import a calendar file"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:24
 +msgid "Please choose a calendar"
 +msgstr "Please choose a calendar"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:36
 +msgid "Name of new calendar"
 +msgstr "Name of new calendar"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:44
 +msgid "Take an available name!"
 +msgstr "Take an available name!"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:45
 +msgid ""
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these "
 +"calendars will be merged."
 +msgstr "A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyway, these calendars will be merged."
 +#: templates/part.import.php:48
 +msgid "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +msgstr "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:50
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Import"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:59
 +msgid "Close Dialog"
 +msgstr "Close Dialog"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1
 +msgid "Create a new event"
 +msgstr "Create a new event"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:8
 +msgid "Create event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Create event"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:32
 +msgid "Share with user or group"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Share with user or group"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:53
 +msgid "Unshare"
 +msgstr "Unshare"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:59
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Not shared with anyone"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:63
 +msgid "Send Email"
 +msgstr "Send Email"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:67
 +msgid "Shared via calendar"
 +msgstr "Shared via calendar"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:94
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:1
 +msgid "View an event"
 +msgstr "View an event"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:19
 +msgid "Category"
 +msgstr "Category"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:23
 +msgid "No categories selected"
 +msgstr "No categories selected"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:41
 +msgid "of"
 +msgstr "of"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:50
 +msgid "Access Class"
 +msgstr "Access Class"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:70
 +msgid "From"
 +msgstr "From"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:73 templates/part.showevent.php:81
 +msgid "at"
 +msgstr "at"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:78
 +msgid "To"
 +msgstr "To"
 +#: templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Your calendars"
 +msgstr "Your calendars"
 +#: templates/settings.php:34
 +msgid "General"
 +msgstr "General"
 +#: templates/settings.php:39
 +msgid "Timezone"
 +msgstr "Timezone"
 +#: templates/settings.php:70
 +msgid "Update timezone automatically"
 +msgstr "Update timezone automatically"
 +#: templates/settings.php:75
 +msgid "Time format"
 +msgstr "Time format"
 +#: templates/settings.php:80
 +msgid "24h"
 +msgstr "24h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:81
 +msgid "12h"
 +msgstr "12h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:87
 +msgid "Start week on"
 +msgstr "Start week on"
 +#: templates/settings.php:100
 +msgid "Cache"
 +msgstr "Cache"
 +#: templates/settings.php:104
 +msgid "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +msgstr "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +#: templates/settings.php:109
 +msgid "URLs"
 +msgstr "URLs"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "more info"
 +#: templates/settings.php:113
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +#: templates/settings.php:115
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:117
 +msgid "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
 +msgstr "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
index 167ede1,0000000..fcdcb5e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,201 -1,0 +1,214 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Not all calendars are completely cached" => "すべてのカレンダーは完全にキャッシュされていません",
 +"Everything seems to be completely cached" => "すべて完全にキャッシュされていると思われます",
 +"No calendars found." => "カレンダーが見つかりませんでした。",
 +"No events found." => "イベントが見つかりませんでした。",
 +"Wrong calendar" => "誤ったカレンダーです",
 +"You do not have the permissions to edit this event." => "このイベントを編集する権限がありません。",
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar." => "イベントの無いもしくはすべてのイベントを含むファイルは既にあなたのカレンダーに保存されています。",
 +"events has been saved in the new calendar" => "イベントは新しいカレンダーに保存されました",
 +"Import failed" => "インポートに失敗",
 +"events has been saved in your calendar" => "イベントはあなたのカレンダーに保存されました",
 +"New Timezone:" => "新しいタイムゾーン:",
 +"Timezone changed" => "タイムゾーンが変更されました",
 +"Invalid request" => "無効なリクエストです",
 +"Calendar" => "カレンダー",
 +"Deletion failed" => "削除に失敗しました",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}",
 +"group" => "グループ",
 +"can edit" => "編集を許可",
++"can share" => "共有可",
 +"ddd" => "dddd",
 +"ddd M/d" => "M月d日 (dddd)",
 +"dddd M/d" => "M月d日 (dddd)",
 +"MMMM yyyy" => "yyyy年M月",
 +"MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}" => "yyyy年MMMMd日{ '~' yyyy年MMMMd日}",
 +"dddd, MMM d, yyyy" => "yyyy年M月d日 (dddd)",
 +"Sunday" => "日",
 +"Monday" => "月",
 +"Tuesday" => "火",
 +"Wednesday" => "水",
 +"Thursday" => "木",
 +"Friday" => "金",
 +"Saturday" => "土",
 +"Sun." => "日",
 +"Mon." => "月",
 +"Tue." => "火",
 +"Wed." => "水",
 +"Thu." => "木",
 +"Fri." => "金",
 +"Sat." => "土",
 +"January" => "1月",
 +"February" => "2月",
 +"March" => "3月",
 +"April" => "4月",
 +"May" => "5月",
 +"June" => "6月",
 +"July" => "7月",
 +"August" => "8月",
 +"September" => "9月",
 +"October" => "10月",
 +"November" => "11月",
 +"December" => "12月",
 +"Jan." => "1月",
 +"Feb." => "2月",
 +"Mar." => "3月",
 +"Apr." => "4月",
 +"May." => "5月",
 +"Jun." => "6月",
 +"Jul." => "7月",
 +"Aug." => "8月",
 +"Sep." => "9月",
 +"Oct." => "10月",
 +"Nov." => "11月",
 +"Dec." => "12月",
 +"All day" => "終日",
 +"New Calendar" => "新しくカレンダーを作成",
 +"Missing or invalid fields" => "不明もしくは無効なフィールド",
 +"Title" => "タイトル",
 +"From Date" => "開始日",
 +"From Time" => "開始時間",
 +"To Date" => "終了日",
 +"To Time" => "終了時間",
 +"The event ends before it starts" => "イベント終了時間が開始時間より先です",
 +"There was a database fail" => "データベースのエラーがありました",
 +"Birthday" => "誕生日",
 +"Business" => "ビジネス",
 +"Call" => "電話をかける",
 +"Clients" => "顧客",
 +"Deliverer" => "運送会社",
 +"Holidays" => "休日",
 +"Ideas" => "アイデア",
 +"Journey" => "旅行",
 +"Jubilee" => "記念祭",
 +"Meeting" => "ミーティング",
 +"Other" => "その他",
 +"Personal" => "個人",
 +"Projects" => "プロジェクト",
 +"Questions" => "質問事項",
 +"Work" => "週の始まり",
 +"by" => "による",
 +"unnamed" => "無名",
 +"You do not have the permissions to update this calendar." => "このカレンダーを更新する権限がありません。",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar." => "このカレンダーを削除する権限がありません。",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar." => "このカレンダーに追加する権限がありません。",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar." => "このカレンダーにイベントを追加する権限がありません。",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this event." => "このイベントを削除する権限がありません。",
 +"Busy" => "多忙",
++"Show full event" => "すべてのイベントを表示",
++"Hide event" => "イベントを非表示",
 +"Does not repeat" => "繰り返さない",
 +"Daily" => "毎日",
 +"Weekly" => "毎週",
 +"Every Weekday" => "毎平日",
 +"Bi-Weekly" => "2週間ごと",
 +"Monthly" => "毎月",
 +"Yearly" => "毎年",
 +"never" => "無し",
 +"by occurrences" => "回数で指定",
 +"by date" => "日付で指定",
 +"by monthday" => "日にちで指定",
 +"by weekday" => "曜日で指定",
 +"events week of month" => "予定のある週を指定",
 +"first" => "1週目",
 +"second" => "2週目",
 +"third" => "3週目",
 +"fourth" => "4週目",
 +"fifth" => "5週目",
 +"last" => "最終週",
 +"by events date" => "日付で指定",
 +"by yearday(s)" => "日番号で指定",
 +"by weeknumber(s)" => "週番号で指定",
 +"by day and month" => "月と日で指定",
 +"Contact birthdays" => "連絡先の誕生日",
 +"Date" => "日付",
 +"Cal." => "カレンダー",
++"Day" => "日",
 +"Week" => "週",
 +"Month" => "月",
 +"Today" => "今日",
 +"Settings" => "設定",
 +"Share Calendar" => "カレンダーを共有する",
 +"CalDav Link" => "CalDavへのリンク",
 +"Download" => "ダウンロード",
 +"Edit" => "編集",
 +"Delete" => "削除",
 +"New calendar" => "新しいカレンダー",
 +"Edit calendar" => "カレンダーを編集",
 +"Displayname" => "表示名",
 +"Calendar color" => "カレンダーの色",
 +"Save" => "保存",
 +"Submit" => "完了",
 +"Cancel" => "キャンセル",
++"Edit event" => "イベントを編集",
++"Save event" => "イベントを保存",
++"Delete event" => "イベントを削除",
 +"Eventinfo" => "イベント情報",
 +"Repeating" => "繰り返し",
 +"Alarm" => "アラーム",
 +"Attendees" => "参加者",
 +"Share" => "共有",
 +"Title of the Event" => "イベントのタイトル",
 +"from" => "から",
 +"All Day Event" => "終日イベント",
 +"Advanced options" => "詳細設定",
 +"Location" => "場所",
++"Categories (separate by comma)" => "カテゴリ(コンマ区切り)",
 +"Edit categories" => "カテゴリを編集",
 +"Description" => "メモ",
++"Export event" => "イベントをエクスポート",
 +"Repeat" => "繰り返し",
 +"Advanced" => "詳細設定",
 +"Select weekdays" => "曜日を指定",
 +"Select days" => "日付を指定",
 +"and the events day of year." => "対象の年を選択する。",
 +"and the events day of month." => "対象の月を選択する。",
 +"Select months" => "月を指定する",
 +"Select weeks" => "週を指定する",
 +"and the events week of year." => "対象の週を選択する。",
 +"Interval" => "間隔",
 +"End" => "繰り返す期間",
 +"occurrences" => "回繰り返す",
 +"create a new calendar" => "新規カレンダーの作成",
 +"Import a calendar file" => "カレンダーファイルをインポート",
 +"Please choose a calendar" => "カレンダーを選択してください",
 +"Name of new calendar" => "新規カレンダーの名称",
 +"Take an available name!" => "利用可能な名前を指定してください!",
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these calendars will be merged." => "このカレンダー名はすでに使われています。もし続行する場合は、これらのカレンダーはマージされます。",
 +"Remove all events from the selected calendar" => "選択したカレンダーから全てのイベントを削除",
 +"Import" => "インポート",
 +"Close Dialog" => "ダイアログを閉じる",
 +"Create a new event" => "新しいイベントを作成",
++"Create event" => "イベントを作成",
++"Share with user or group" => "ユーザもしくはグループと共有",
 +"Unshare" => "非共有",
++"Not shared with anyone" => "誰とも共有していません",
 +"Send Email" => "メールを送信",
 +"Shared via calendar" => "カレンダー経由で共有中",
++"Not shared with anyone via calendar" => "カレンダーを介して誰とも共有していません",
 +"View an event" => "イベントを閲覧",
 +"Category" => "カテゴリー",
 +"No categories selected" => "カテゴリが選択されていません",
 +"of" => "of",
 +"Access Class" => "公開設定",
 +"From" => "開始",
 +"at" => "at",
 +"To" => "終了",
 +"Your calendars" => "あなたのカレンダー",
 +"General" => "一般",
 +"Timezone" => "タイムゾーン",
 +"Update timezone automatically" => "自動的にタイムゾーンを更新",
 +"Time format" => "時刻の表示形式",
 +"24h" => "24h",
 +"12h" => "12h",
 +"Start week on" => "1週間の初めの曜日",
 +"Cache" => "キャッシュ",
 +"Clear cache for repeating events" => "繰り返しイベントのキャッシュをクリア",
 +"URLs" => "URL",
 +"Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses" => "CalDAVカレンダーの同期用アドレス",
 +"more info" => "さらに",
 +"Primary address (Kontact et al)" => "プライマリアドレス(コンタクト等)",
 +"iOS/OS X" => "iOS/OS X",
 +"Read only iCalendar link(s)" => "読み取り専用のiCalendarリンク"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po
index 593f1d7,0000000..76d3ac2
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po
@@@ -1,887 -1,0 +1,887 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>, 2012
 +# Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>, 2012-2013
 +# tt yn <tetuyano+transi at gmail.com>, 2012
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-24 00:09-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:20+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 13:20-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-29 11:50+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: ja_JP\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:19
 +msgid "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +msgstr "すべてのカレンダーは完全にキャッシュされていません"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:21
 +msgid "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +msgstr "すべて完全にキャッシュされていると思われます"
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:29
 +msgid "No calendars found."
 +msgstr "カレンダーが見つかりませんでした。"
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:37
 +msgid "No events found."
 +msgstr "イベントが見つかりませんでした。"
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:21
 +msgid "Wrong calendar"
 +msgstr "誤ったカレンダーです"
- #: ajax/event/edit.form.php:224 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
++#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:226 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this event."
 +msgstr "このイベントを編集する権限がありません。"
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:29 ajax/import/import.php:66
 +msgid ""
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your "
 +msgstr "イベントの無いもしくはすべてのイベントを含むファイルは既にあなたのカレンダーに保存されています。"
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:31 ajax/import/import.php:69
 +msgid "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +msgstr "イベントは新しいカレンダーに保存されました"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:58
 +msgid "Import failed"
 +msgstr "インポートに失敗"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:71
 +msgid "events has been saved in your calendar"
 +msgstr "イベントはあなたのカレンダーに保存されました"
 +#: ajax/settings/guesstimezone.php:26
 +msgid "New Timezone:"
 +msgstr "新しいタイムゾーン:"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:23
 +msgid "Timezone changed"
 +msgstr "タイムゾーンが変更されました"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:25
 +msgid "Invalid request"
 +msgstr "無効なリクエストです"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:38 js/l10n.php:87 templates/part.eventform.php:20
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:37
 +msgid "Calendar"
 +msgstr "カレンダー"
 +#: js/calendar.js:176
 +msgid "Deletion failed"
 +msgstr "削除に失敗しました"
 +#: js/calendar.js:263
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:265
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:581
 +msgid "group"
 +msgstr "グループ"
 +#: js/calendar.js:583 templates/part.share.php:46 templates/part.share.php:81
 +msgid "can edit"
 +msgstr "編集を許可"
 +#: js/calendar.js:584 templates/part.share.php:50 templates/part.share.php:87
 +msgid "can share"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "共有可"
 +#: js/calendar.js:855
 +msgid "ddd"
 +msgstr "dddd"
 +#: js/calendar.js:856
 +msgid "ddd M/d"
 +msgstr "M月d日 (dddd)"
 +#: js/calendar.js:857
 +msgid "dddd M/d"
 +msgstr "M月d日 (dddd)"
 +#: js/calendar.js:860
 +msgid "MMMM yyyy"
 +msgstr "yyyy年M月"
 +#: js/calendar.js:862
 +msgid "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +msgstr "yyyy年MMMMd日{ '~' yyyy年MMMMd日}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:864
 +msgid "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +msgstr "yyyy年M月d日 (dddd)"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:588 templates/settings.php:93
 +msgid "Sunday"
 +msgstr "日"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:582 templates/settings.php:92
 +msgid "Monday"
 +msgstr "月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:583
 +msgid "Tuesday"
 +msgstr "火"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:584
 +msgid "Wednesday"
 +msgstr "水"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:585
 +msgid "Thursday"
 +msgstr "木"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:586
 +msgid "Friday"
 +msgstr "金"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:587 templates/settings.php:94
 +msgid "Saturday"
 +msgstr "土"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sun."
 +msgstr "日"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Mon."
 +msgstr "月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Tue."
 +msgstr "火"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Wed."
 +msgstr "水"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Thu."
 +msgstr "木"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Fri."
 +msgstr "金"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sat."
 +msgstr "土"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:638
 +msgid "January"
 +msgstr "1月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:639
 +msgid "February"
 +msgstr "2月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:640
 +msgid "March"
 +msgstr "3月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:641
 +msgid "April"
 +msgstr "4月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:642
 +msgid "May"
 +msgstr "5月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:643
 +msgid "June"
 +msgstr "6月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:644
 +msgid "July"
 +msgstr "7月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:645
 +msgid "August"
 +msgstr "8月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:646
 +msgid "September"
 +msgstr "9月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:647
 +msgid "October"
 +msgstr "10月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:648
 +msgid "November"
 +msgstr "11月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:649
 +msgid "December"
 +msgstr "12月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jan."
 +msgstr "1月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Feb."
 +msgstr "2月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Mar."
 +msgstr "3月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Apr."
 +msgstr "4月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "May."
 +msgstr "5月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jun."
 +msgstr "6月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jul."
 +msgstr "7月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Aug."
 +msgstr "8月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Sep."
 +msgstr "9月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Oct."
 +msgstr "10月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Nov."
 +msgstr "11月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Dec."
 +msgstr "12月"
 +#: js/l10n.php:83
 +msgid "All day"
 +msgstr "終日"
 +#: js/l10n.php:84 lib/import.php:214 templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "New Calendar"
 +msgstr "新しくカレンダーを作成"
 +#: js/l10n.php:85
 +msgid "Missing or invalid fields"
 +msgstr "不明もしくは無効なフィールド"
 +#: js/l10n.php:86 templates/part.showevent.php:11
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "タイトル"
 +#: js/l10n.php:88
 +msgid "From Date"
 +msgstr "開始日"
 +#: js/l10n.php:89
 +msgid "From Time"
 +msgstr "開始時間"
 +#: js/l10n.php:90
 +msgid "To Date"
 +msgstr "終了日"
 +#: js/l10n.php:91
 +msgid "To Time"
 +msgstr "終了時間"
 +#: js/l10n.php:92
 +msgid "The event ends before it starts"
 +msgstr "イベント終了時間が開始時間より先です"
 +#: js/l10n.php:93
 +msgid "There was a database fail"
 +msgstr "データベースのエラーがありました"
 +#: lib/app.php:121
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "誕生日"
 +#: lib/app.php:122
 +msgid "Business"
 +msgstr "ビジネス"
 +#: lib/app.php:123
 +msgid "Call"
 +msgstr "電話をかける"
 +#: lib/app.php:124
 +msgid "Clients"
 +msgstr "顧客"
 +#: lib/app.php:125
 +msgid "Deliverer"
 +msgstr "運送会社"
 +#: lib/app.php:126
 +msgid "Holidays"
 +msgstr "休日"
 +#: lib/app.php:127
 +msgid "Ideas"
 +msgstr "アイデア"
 +#: lib/app.php:128
 +msgid "Journey"
 +msgstr "旅行"
 +#: lib/app.php:129
 +msgid "Jubilee"
 +msgstr "記念祭"
 +#: lib/app.php:130
 +msgid "Meeting"
 +msgstr "ミーティング"
 +#: lib/app.php:131
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "その他"
 +#: lib/app.php:132
 +msgid "Personal"
 +msgstr "個人"
 +#: lib/app.php:133
 +msgid "Projects"
 +msgstr "プロジェクト"
 +#: lib/app.php:134
 +msgid "Questions"
 +msgstr "質問事項"
 +#: lib/app.php:135
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "週の始まり"
 +#: lib/app.php:411
 +msgid "by"
 +msgstr "による"
 +#: lib/app.php:474
 +msgid "unnamed"
 +msgstr "無名"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:178 lib/calendar.php:211
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to update this calendar."
 +msgstr "このカレンダーを更新する権限がありません。"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar."
 +msgstr "このカレンダーを削除する権限がありません。"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:280
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar."
 +msgstr "このカレンダーに追加する権限がありません。"
 +#: lib/object.php:122 lib/object.php:162 lib/object.php:317
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar."
 +msgstr "このカレンダーにイベントを追加する権限がありません。"
 +#: lib/object.php:267 lib/object.php:297
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this event."
 +msgstr "このイベントを削除する権限がありません。"
 +#: lib/object.php:491
 +msgid "Busy"
 +msgstr "多忙"
 +#: lib/object.php:531
 +msgid "Show full event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "すべてのイベントを表示"
 +#: lib/object.php:532
 +msgid "Show only busy"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:533
 +msgid "Hide event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントを非表示"
 +#: lib/object.php:543
 +msgid "Does not repeat"
 +msgstr "繰り返さない"
 +#: lib/object.php:544
 +msgid "Daily"
 +msgstr "毎日"
 +#: lib/object.php:545
 +msgid "Weekly"
 +msgstr "毎週"
 +#: lib/object.php:546
 +msgid "Every Weekday"
 +msgstr "毎平日"
 +#: lib/object.php:547
 +msgid "Bi-Weekly"
 +msgstr "2週間ごと"
 +#: lib/object.php:548
 +msgid "Monthly"
 +msgstr "毎月"
 +#: lib/object.php:549
 +msgid "Yearly"
 +msgstr "毎年"
 +#: lib/object.php:559
 +msgid "never"
 +msgstr "無し"
 +#: lib/object.php:560
 +msgid "by occurrences"
 +msgstr "回数で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:561
 +msgid "by date"
 +msgstr "日付で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:571
 +msgid "by monthday"
 +msgstr "日にちで指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:572
 +msgid "by weekday"
 +msgstr "曜日で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:598
 +msgid "events week of month"
 +msgstr "予定のある週を指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:599
 +msgid "first"
 +msgstr "1週目"
 +#: lib/object.php:600
 +msgid "second"
 +msgstr "2週目"
 +#: lib/object.php:601
 +msgid "third"
 +msgstr "3週目"
 +#: lib/object.php:602
 +msgid "fourth"
 +msgstr "4週目"
 +#: lib/object.php:603
 +msgid "fifth"
 +msgstr "5週目"
 +#: lib/object.php:604
 +msgid "last"
 +msgstr "最終週"
 +#: lib/object.php:659
 +msgid "by events date"
 +msgstr "日付で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:660
 +msgid "by yearday(s)"
 +msgstr "日番号で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:661
 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)"
 +msgstr "週番号で指定"
 +#: lib/object.php:662
 +msgid "by day and month"
 +msgstr "月と日で指定"
 +#: lib/sabre/backend.php:66
 +msgid "Contact birthdays"
 +msgstr "連絡先の誕生日"
 +#: lib/search.php:35 lib/search.php:37 lib/search.php:40
 +msgid "Date"
 +msgstr "日付"
 +#: lib/search.php:43
 +msgid "Cal."
 +msgstr "カレンダー"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:6
 +msgid "Day"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "日"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:7
 +msgid "Week"
 +msgstr "週"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:8
 +msgid "Month"
 +msgstr "月"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/calendar.php:18
 +msgid "Today"
 +msgstr "今日"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:13
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "設定"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:13
 +msgid "Share Calendar"
 +msgstr "カレンダーを共有する"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:24 templates/settings.php:28
 +msgid "CalDav Link"
 +msgstr "CalDavへのリンク"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:27
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "ダウンロード"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:31
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "編集"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:36
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "削除"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "New calendar"
 +msgstr "新しいカレンダー"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "Edit calendar"
 +msgstr "カレンダーを編集"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12
 +msgid "Displayname"
 +msgstr "表示名"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:20
 +msgid "Calendar color"
 +msgstr "カレンダーの色"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "保存"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Submit"
 +msgstr "完了"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:34
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "キャンセル"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1
 +msgid "Edit event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントを編集"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:8
 +msgid "Save event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントを保存"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9
 +msgid "Delete event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントを削除"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 templates/part.showevent.php:3
 +msgid "Eventinfo"
 +msgstr "イベント情報"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:6 templates/part.showevent.php:4
 +msgid "Repeating"
 +msgstr "繰り返し"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:7 templates/part.showevent.php:5
 +msgid "Alarm"
 +msgstr "アラーム"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:8 templates/part.showevent.php:6
 +msgid "Attendees"
 +msgstr "参加者"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:10
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "共有"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:15
 +msgid "Title of the Event"
 +msgstr "イベントのタイトル"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:31
 +msgid "from"
 +msgstr "から"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:36
 +msgid "to"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:44 templates/part.showevent.php:66
 +msgid "All Day Event"
 +msgstr "終日イベント"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:47 templates/part.showevent.php:86
 +msgid "Advanced options"
 +msgstr "詳細設定"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:51 templates/part.showevent.php:91
 +msgid "Location"
 +msgstr "場所"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:56
 +msgid "Categories (separate by comma)"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "カテゴリ(コンマ区切り)"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:58 templates/part.eventform.php:59
 +msgid "Edit categories"
 +msgstr "カテゴリを編集"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 templates/part.showevent.php:99
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "メモ"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:63
 +msgid "Export event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントをエクスポート"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:70 templates/part.showevent.php:109
 +msgid "Repeat"
 +msgstr "繰り返し"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:77 templates/part.showevent.php:116
 +msgid "Advanced"
 +msgstr "詳細設定"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:121 templates/part.showevent.php:160
 +msgid "Select weekdays"
 +msgstr "曜日を指定"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:134 templates/part.eventform.php:147
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:186
 +msgid "Select days"
 +msgstr "日付を指定"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:139 templates/part.showevent.php:178
 +msgid "and the events day of year."
 +msgstr "対象の年を選択する。"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:152 templates/part.showevent.php:191
 +msgid "and the events day of month."
 +msgstr "対象の月を選択する。"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:160 templates/part.showevent.php:199
 +msgid "Select months"
 +msgstr "月を指定する"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:212
 +msgid "Select weeks"
 +msgstr "週を指定する"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:178 templates/part.showevent.php:217
 +msgid "and the events week of year."
 +msgstr "対象の週を選択する。"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:184 templates/part.showevent.php:223
 +msgid "Interval"
 +msgstr "間隔"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:190 templates/part.showevent.php:229
 +msgid "End"
 +msgstr "繰り返す期間"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:203 templates/part.showevent.php:242
 +msgid "occurrences"
 +msgstr "回繰り返す"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:222
 +msgid "Visibility to people shared with"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:14
 +msgid "create a new calendar"
 +msgstr "新規カレンダーの作成"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:17
 +msgid "Import a calendar file"
 +msgstr "カレンダーファイルをインポート"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:24
 +msgid "Please choose a calendar"
 +msgstr "カレンダーを選択してください"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:36
 +msgid "Name of new calendar"
 +msgstr "新規カレンダーの名称"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:44
 +msgid "Take an available name!"
 +msgstr "利用可能な名前を指定してください!"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:45
 +msgid ""
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these "
 +"calendars will be merged."
 +msgstr "このカレンダー名はすでに使われています。もし続行する場合は、これらのカレンダーはマージされます。"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:48
 +msgid "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +msgstr "選択したカレンダーから全てのイベントを削除"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:50
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "インポート"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:59
 +msgid "Close Dialog"
 +msgstr "ダイアログを閉じる"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1
 +msgid "Create a new event"
 +msgstr "新しいイベントを作成"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:8
 +msgid "Create event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イベントを作成"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:32
 +msgid "Share with user or group"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "ユーザもしくはグループと共有"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:53
 +msgid "Unshare"
 +msgstr "非共有"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:59
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "誰とも共有していません"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:63
 +msgid "Send Email"
 +msgstr "メールを送信"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:67
 +msgid "Shared via calendar"
 +msgstr "カレンダー経由で共有中"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:94
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "カレンダーを介して誰とも共有していません"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:1
 +msgid "View an event"
 +msgstr "イベントを閲覧"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:19
 +msgid "Category"
 +msgstr "カテゴリー"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:23
 +msgid "No categories selected"
 +msgstr "カテゴリが選択されていません"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:41
 +msgid "of"
 +msgstr "of"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:50
 +msgid "Access Class"
 +msgstr "公開設定"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:70
 +msgid "From"
 +msgstr "開始"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:73 templates/part.showevent.php:81
 +msgid "at"
 +msgstr "at"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:78
 +msgid "To"
 +msgstr "終了"
 +#: templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Your calendars"
 +msgstr "あなたのカレンダー"
 +#: templates/settings.php:34
 +msgid "General"
 +msgstr "一般"
 +#: templates/settings.php:39
 +msgid "Timezone"
 +msgstr "タイムゾーン"
 +#: templates/settings.php:70
 +msgid "Update timezone automatically"
 +msgstr "自動的にタイムゾーンを更新"
 +#: templates/settings.php:75
 +msgid "Time format"
 +msgstr "時刻の表示形式"
 +#: templates/settings.php:80
 +msgid "24h"
 +msgstr "24h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:81
 +msgid "12h"
 +msgstr "12h"
 +#: templates/settings.php:87
 +msgid "Start week on"
 +msgstr "1週間の初めの曜日"
 +#: templates/settings.php:100
 +msgid "Cache"
 +msgstr "キャッシュ"
 +#: templates/settings.php:104
 +msgid "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +msgstr "繰り返しイベントのキャッシュをクリア"
 +#: templates/settings.php:109
 +msgid "URLs"
 +msgstr "URL"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "CalDAVカレンダーの同期用アドレス"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "さらに"
 +#: templates/settings.php:113
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "プライマリアドレス(コンタクト等)"
 +#: templates/settings.php:115
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:117
 +msgid "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
 +msgstr "読み取り専用のiCalendarリンク"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/templates/calendar.pot
index 0023d74,0000000..3dd960a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/templates/calendar.pot
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/templates/calendar.pot
@@@ -1,884 -1,0 +1,884 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +#, fuzzy
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud calendar 5.0.0\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 12:03-0500\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 13:20-0500\n"
 +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 +"Language: \n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:19
 +msgid "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:21
 +msgid "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:29
 +msgid "No calendars found."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:37
 +msgid "No events found."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:21
 +msgid "Wrong calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:226 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this event."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:29 ajax/import/import.php:66
 +msgid ""
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:31 ajax/import/import.php:69
 +msgid "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:58
 +msgid "Import failed"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:71
 +msgid "events has been saved in your calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/settings/guesstimezone.php:26
 +msgid "New Timezone:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:23
 +msgid "Timezone changed"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:25
 +msgid "Invalid request"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: appinfo/app.php:38 js/l10n.php:87 templates/part.eventform.php:20
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:37
 +msgid "Calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:176
 +msgid "Deletion failed"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:263
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:265
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:581
 +msgid "group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:583 templates/part.share.php:46 templates/part.share.php:81
 +msgid "can edit"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:584 templates/part.share.php:50 templates/part.share.php:87
 +msgid "can share"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:855
 +msgid "ddd"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:856
 +msgid "ddd M/d"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:857
 +msgid "dddd M/d"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:860
 +msgid "MMMM yyyy"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:862
 +msgid "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/calendar.js:864
 +msgid "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:588 templates/settings.php:93
 +msgid "Sunday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:582 templates/settings.php:92
 +msgid "Monday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:583
 +msgid "Tuesday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:584
 +msgid "Wednesday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:585
 +msgid "Thursday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:586
 +msgid "Friday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:587 templates/settings.php:94
 +msgid "Saturday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sun."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Mon."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Tue."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Wed."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Thu."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Fri."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sat."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:638
 +msgid "January"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:639
 +msgid "February"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:640
 +msgid "March"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:641
 +msgid "April"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:642
 +msgid "May"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:643
 +msgid "June"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:644
 +msgid "July"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:645
 +msgid "August"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:646
 +msgid "September"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:647
 +msgid "October"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:648
 +msgid "November"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:649
 +msgid "December"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jan."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Feb."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Mar."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Apr."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "May."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jun."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jul."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Aug."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Sep."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Oct."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Nov."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Dec."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:83
 +msgid "All day"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:84 lib/import.php:214 templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "New Calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:85
 +msgid "Missing or invalid fields"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:86 templates/part.showevent.php:11
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:88
 +msgid "From Date"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:89
 +msgid "From Time"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:90
 +msgid "To Date"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:91
 +msgid "To Time"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:92
 +msgid "The event ends before it starts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/l10n.php:93
 +msgid "There was a database fail"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:121
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:122
 +msgid "Business"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:123
 +msgid "Call"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:124
 +msgid "Clients"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:125
 +msgid "Deliverer"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:126
 +msgid "Holidays"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:127
 +msgid "Ideas"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:128
 +msgid "Journey"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:129
 +msgid "Jubilee"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:130
 +msgid "Meeting"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:131
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:132
 +msgid "Personal"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:133
 +msgid "Projects"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:134
 +msgid "Questions"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:135
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:411
 +msgid "by"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:474
 +msgid "unnamed"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/calendar.php:178 lib/calendar.php:211
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to update this calendar."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/calendar.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/calendar.php:280
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:122 lib/object.php:162 lib/object.php:317
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:267 lib/object.php:297
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this event."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:491
 +msgid "Busy"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:531
 +msgid "Show full event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:532
 +msgid "Show only busy"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:533
 +msgid "Hide event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:543
 +msgid "Does not repeat"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:544
 +msgid "Daily"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:545
 +msgid "Weekly"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:546
 +msgid "Every Weekday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:547
 +msgid "Bi-Weekly"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:548
 +msgid "Monthly"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:549
 +msgid "Yearly"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:559
 +msgid "never"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:560
 +msgid "by occurrences"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:561
 +msgid "by date"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:571
 +msgid "by monthday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:572
 +msgid "by weekday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:598
 +msgid "events week of month"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:599
 +msgid "first"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:600
 +msgid "second"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:601
 +msgid "third"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:602
 +msgid "fourth"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:603
 +msgid "fifth"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:604
 +msgid "last"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:659
 +msgid "by events date"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:660
 +msgid "by yearday(s)"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:661
 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/object.php:662
 +msgid "by day and month"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/sabre/backend.php:66
 +msgid "Contact birthdays"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/search.php:35 lib/search.php:37 lib/search.php:40
 +msgid "Date"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/search.php:43
 +msgid "Cal."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/calendar.php:6
 +msgid "Day"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/calendar.php:7
 +msgid "Week"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/calendar.php:8
 +msgid "Month"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/calendar.php:18
 +msgid "Today"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/calendar.php:13
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:13
 +msgid "Share Calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:24 templates/settings.php:28
 +msgid "CalDav Link"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:27
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:31
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:36
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "New calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "Edit calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12
 +msgid "Displayname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:20
 +msgid "Calendar color"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Submit"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:34
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1
 +msgid "Edit event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:8
 +msgid "Save event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9
 +msgid "Delete event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 templates/part.showevent.php:3
 +msgid "Eventinfo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:6 templates/part.showevent.php:4
 +msgid "Repeating"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:7 templates/part.showevent.php:5
 +msgid "Alarm"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:8 templates/part.showevent.php:6
 +msgid "Attendees"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:10
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:15
 +msgid "Title of the Event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:31
 +msgid "from"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:36
 +msgid "to"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:44 templates/part.showevent.php:66
 +msgid "All Day Event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:47 templates/part.showevent.php:86
 +msgid "Advanced options"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:51 templates/part.showevent.php:91
 +msgid "Location"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:56
 +msgid "Categories (separate by comma)"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:58 templates/part.eventform.php:59
 +msgid "Edit categories"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 templates/part.showevent.php:99
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:63
 +msgid "Export event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:70 templates/part.showevent.php:109
 +msgid "Repeat"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:77 templates/part.showevent.php:116
 +msgid "Advanced"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:121 templates/part.showevent.php:160
 +msgid "Select weekdays"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:134 templates/part.eventform.php:147
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:186
 +msgid "Select days"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:139 templates/part.showevent.php:178
 +msgid "and the events day of year."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:152 templates/part.showevent.php:191
 +msgid "and the events day of month."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:160 templates/part.showevent.php:199
 +msgid "Select months"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:212
 +msgid "Select weeks"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:178 templates/part.showevent.php:217
 +msgid "and the events week of year."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:184 templates/part.showevent.php:223
 +msgid "Interval"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:190 templates/part.showevent.php:229
 +msgid "End"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:203 templates/part.showevent.php:242
 +msgid "occurrences"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:222
 +msgid "Visibility to people shared with"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:14
 +msgid "create a new calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:17
 +msgid "Import a calendar file"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:24
 +msgid "Please choose a calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:36
 +msgid "Name of new calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:44
 +msgid "Take an available name!"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:45
 +msgid ""
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these "
 +"calendars will be merged."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:48
 +msgid "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:50
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.import.php:59
 +msgid "Close Dialog"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1
 +msgid "Create a new event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:8
 +msgid "Create event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:32
 +msgid "Share with user or group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:53
 +msgid "Unshare"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:59
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:63
 +msgid "Send Email"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:67
 +msgid "Shared via calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.share.php:94
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:1
 +msgid "View an event"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:19
 +msgid "Category"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:23
 +msgid "No categories selected"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:41
 +msgid "of"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:50
 +msgid "Access Class"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:70
 +msgid "From"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:73 templates/part.showevent.php:81
 +msgid "at"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:78
 +msgid "To"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Your calendars"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:34
 +msgid "General"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:39
 +msgid "Timezone"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:70
 +msgid "Update timezone automatically"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:75
 +msgid "Time format"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:80
 +msgid "24h"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:81
 +msgid "12h"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:87
 +msgid "Start week on"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:100
 +msgid "Cache"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:104
 +msgid "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:109
 +msgid "URLs"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:113
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:115
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:117
 +msgid "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
 +msgstr ""
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php
index d8e3ad7,0000000..7db05a5
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,201 -1,0 +1,217 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Not all calendars are completely cached" => "Не всі календарі повністю закешовано",
 +"Everything seems to be completely cached" => "Все, начебто, закешовано повністю",
 +"No calendars found." => "Календарів не знадено.",
 +"No events found." => "Подій не знайдено.",
 +"Wrong calendar" => "Невірний календар",
 +"You do not have the permissions to edit this event." => "У вас немає прав редагувати цю подію.",
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your calendar." => "Файл або не містить подій, або всі події вже збережені у вашому календарі.",
 +"events has been saved in the new calendar" => "подій було збережено в новому календарі",
 +"Import failed" => "Імпорт не був виконаний",
 +"events has been saved in your calendar" => "подій було збережено у вашому календарі",
 +"New Timezone:" => "Новий часовий пояс",
 +"Timezone changed" => "Часовий пояс змінено",
 +"Invalid request" => "Некоректний запит",
 +"Calendar" => "Календар",
 +"Deletion failed" => "Видалення не було виконано",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}",
 +"ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}" => "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}",
 +"group" => "група",
 +"can edit" => "може редагувати",
++"can share" => "можна поділитися",
 +"ddd" => "ddd",
 +"ddd M/d" => "ddd M/d",
 +"dddd M/d" => "dddd M/d",
 +"MMMM yyyy" => "MMMM yyyy",
 +"MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}" => "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}",
 +"dddd, MMM d, yyyy" => "dddd, MMM d, yyyy",
 +"Sunday" => "Неділя",
 +"Monday" => "Понеділок",
 +"Tuesday" => "Вівторок",
 +"Wednesday" => "Середа",
 +"Thursday" => "Четвер",
 +"Friday" => "П'ятниця",
 +"Saturday" => "Субота",
 +"Sun." => "Нед.",
 +"Mon." => "Пн.",
 +"Tue." => "Вт.",
 +"Wed." => "Ср.",
 +"Thu." => "Чт.",
 +"Fri." => "Пт.",
 +"Sat." => "Сб.",
 +"January" => "Січень",
 +"February" => "Лютий",
 +"March" => "Березень",
 +"April" => "Квітень",
 +"May" => "Травень",
 +"June" => "Червень",
 +"July" => "Липень",
 +"August" => "Серпень",
 +"September" => "Вересень",
 +"October" => "Жовтень",
 +"November" => "Листопад",
 +"December" => "Грудень",
 +"Jan." => "Січ.",
 +"Feb." => "Лют.",
 +"Mar." => "Бер.",
 +"Apr." => "Кві.",
 +"May." => "Тра.",
 +"Jun." => "Чер.",
 +"Jul." => "Лип.",
 +"Aug." => "Сер.",
 +"Sep." => "Вер.",
 +"Oct." => "Жов.",
 +"Nov." => "Лис.",
 +"Dec." => "Гру.",
 +"All day" => "Увесь день",
 +"New Calendar" => "Новий Календар",
 +"Missing or invalid fields" => "Відсутні або невірні поля",
 +"Title" => "Назва",
 +"From Date" => "Від Дати",
 +"From Time" => "З Часу",
 +"To Date" => "До Часу",
 +"To Time" => "По Дату",
 +"The event ends before it starts" => "Подія завершається до її початку",
 +"There was a database fail" => "Сталася помилка бази даних",
 +"Birthday" => "День народження",
 +"Business" => "Справи",
 +"Call" => "Зателефонувати",
 +"Clients" => "Клієнти",
 +"Deliverer" => "Постачальник",
 +"Holidays" => "Свята",
 +"Ideas" => "Ідеї",
 +"Journey" => "Поїздка",
 +"Jubilee" => "Ювілей",
 +"Meeting" => "Зустріч",
 +"Other" => "Інше",
 +"Personal" => "Особисте",
 +"Projects" => "Проекти",
 +"Questions" => "Запитання",
 +"Work" => "Робота",
 +"by" => "по",
 +"unnamed" => "неназваний",
 +"You do not have the permissions to update this calendar." => "У вас немає прав оновлювати цей календар.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar." => "У вас немає прав видаляти цей календар.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar." => "У вас немає прав додавати у цей календар.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar." => "У вас немає прав додавати події у цей календар.",
 +"You do not have the permissions to delete this event." => "У вас немає прав видалити цю подію.",
 +"Busy" => "Зайнято",
++"Show full event" => "Показати всю подію",
++"Show only busy" => "Показати лише зайняті",
++"Hide event" => "Сховати подію",
 +"Does not repeat" => "Не повторювати",
 +"Daily" => "Щоденно",
 +"Weekly" => "Щотижня",
 +"Every Weekday" => "По будням",
 +"Bi-Weekly" => "Кожні дві неділі",
 +"Monthly" => "Щомісяця",
 +"Yearly" => "Щорічно",
 +"never" => "ніколи",
 +"by occurrences" => "по нагодах",
 +"by date" => "по датах",
 +"by monthday" => "по днях місяця",
 +"by weekday" => "по днях тижня",
 +"events week of month" => "подій тижня місяця",
 +"first" => "перший",
 +"second" => "другий",
 +"third" => "третій",
 +"fourth" => "четвертий",
 +"fifth" => "п'ятий",
 +"last" => "останній",
 +"by events date" => "по датах подій",
 +"by yearday(s)" => "по днях року",
 +"by weeknumber(s)" => "по номеру тижня",
 +"by day and month" => "по дню та місяцю",
 +"Contact birthdays" => "Дні народження контактів",
 +"Date" => "Дата",
 +"Cal." => "Кал.",
++"Day" => "День",
 +"Week" => "Тиждень",
 +"Month" => "Місяць",
 +"Today" => "Сьогодні",
 +"Settings" => "Налаштування",
 +"Share Calendar" => "Розподілити Календар",
 +"CalDav Link" => "CalDav З'єднання",
 +"Download" => "Завантажити",
 +"Edit" => "Редагувати",
 +"Delete" => "Видалити",
 +"New calendar" => "Новий календар",
 +"Edit calendar" => "Редагувати календар",
 +"Displayname" => "Відображуване ім'я",
 +"Calendar color" => "Колір календаря",
 +"Save" => "Зберегти",
 +"Submit" => "Передати",
 +"Cancel" => "Відмінити",
++"Edit event" => "Редагувати подію",
++"Save event" => "Зберегти подію",
++"Delete event" => "Видалити подію",
 +"Eventinfo" => "Інформація про подію",
 +"Repeating" => "Повторення",
 +"Alarm" => "Тривога",
 +"Attendees" => "Учасників",
 +"Share" => "Поділитися",
 +"Title of the Event" => "Назва події",
 +"from" => "З",
++"to" => "в",
 +"All Day Event" => "Подія на весь день",
 +"Advanced options" => "Додаткові опції",
 +"Location" => "Місце",
++"Categories (separate by comma)" => "Категорії (розділені комою)",
 +"Edit categories" => "Редагувати категорії",
 +"Description" => "Опис",
++"Export event" => "Експорт подій",
 +"Repeat" => "Повторювати",
 +"Advanced" => "Додатково",
 +"Select weekdays" => "Вибрати дні тижня",
 +"Select days" => "Вибрати дні",
 +"and the events day of year." => "і день подій в році.",
 +"and the events day of month." => "і день подій в місяці.",
 +"Select months" => "Вибрати місяці",
 +"Select weeks" => "Вибрати тижні",
 +"and the events week of year." => "і тиждень подій в році.",
 +"Interval" => "Інтервал",
 +"End" => "Кінець",
 +"occurrences" => "нагоди",
++"Visibility to people shared with" => "Видимість людям спільних з",
 +"create a new calendar" => "створити новий календар",
 +"Import a calendar file" => "Імпортувати файл календаря",
 +"Please choose a calendar" => "Будь ласка, оберіть календар",
 +"Name of new calendar" => "Назва нового календаря",
 +"Take an available name!" => "Візьміть доступне ім'я!",
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these calendars will be merged." => "Календар з такою назвою вже існує. Якщо ви продовжите, ці календарі будуть поєднані.",
 +"Remove all events from the selected calendar" => "Видаліть всі події з обраного календаря",
 +"Import" => "Імпорт",
 +"Close Dialog" => "Закрити Діалог",
 +"Create a new event" => "Створити нову подію",
++"Create event" => "Створити подію",
++"Share with user or group" => "Поділитися з користувачем або групою",
 +"Unshare" => "Закрити доступ",
++"Not shared with anyone" => "Не поділено ні з ким",
 +"Send Email" => "Надіслати Email",
 +"Shared via calendar" => "Розподілено за допомогою календаря",
++"Not shared with anyone via calendar" => "Не поділено ні з ким через календар",
 +"View an event" => "Подивитися подію",
 +"Category" => "Категорія",
 +"No categories selected" => "Жодної категорії не вибрано",
 +"of" => "з",
 +"Access Class" => "Клас Доступу",
 +"From" => "З",
 +"at" => "в",
 +"To" => "По",
 +"Your calendars" => "Ваші календарі",
 +"General" => "Загалом",
 +"Timezone" => "Часовий пояс",
 +"Update timezone automatically" => "Оновити часовий пояс автоматично",
 +"Time format" => "Формат часу",
 +"24h" => "24Рі",
 +"12h" => "12Рі",
 +"Start week on" => "Тиждень починається з",
 +"Cache" => "Кеш",
 +"Clear cache for repeating events" => "Чистити кеш для подій, що повторюються",
 +"URLs" => "URL-ів",
 +"Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses" => "Адреси синхронізації CalDAV Календаря",
 +"more info" => "більше інформації",
 +"Primary address (Kontact et al)" => "Початкова адреса",
 +"iOS/OS X" => "iOS/OS X",
 +"Read only iCalendar link(s)" => "Читати лише iCalendar з'єднання"
diff --cc apps/calendar/l10n/uk/calendar.po
index a0c171f,0000000..1f66dd7
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/calendar/l10n/uk/calendar.po
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/uk/calendar.po
@@@ -1,887 -1,0 +1,888 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Soul Kim <warlock.rf at gmail.com>, 2012
 +# volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>, 2012
 +# zubr139 <zubr139 at ukr.net>, 2013
++# volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-24 00:09-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-22 02:20+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 13:20-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 13:40+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/uk/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: uk\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:19
 +msgid "Not all calendars are completely cached"
 +msgstr "Не всі календарі повністю закешовано"
 +#: ajax/cache/status.php:21
 +msgid "Everything seems to be completely cached"
 +msgstr "Все, начебто, закешовано повністю"
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:29
 +msgid "No calendars found."
 +msgstr "Календарів не знадено."
 +#: ajax/categories/rescan.php:37
 +msgid "No events found."
 +msgstr "Подій не знайдено."
 +#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:21
 +msgid "Wrong calendar"
 +msgstr "Невірний календар"
- #: ajax/event/edit.form.php:224 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
++#: ajax/event/edit.form.php:226 lib/object.php:197 lib/object.php:233
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this event."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав редагувати цю подію."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:29 ajax/import/import.php:66
 +msgid ""
 +"The file contained either no events or all events are already saved in your "
 +msgstr "Файл або не містить подій, або всі події вже збережені у вашому календарі."
 +#: ajax/import/dropimport.php:31 ajax/import/import.php:69
 +msgid "events has been saved in the new calendar"
 +msgstr "подій було збережено в новому календарі"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:58
 +msgid "Import failed"
 +msgstr "Імпорт не був виконаний"
 +#: ajax/import/import.php:71
 +msgid "events has been saved in your calendar"
 +msgstr "подій було збережено у вашому календарі"
 +#: ajax/settings/guesstimezone.php:26
 +msgid "New Timezone:"
 +msgstr "Новий часовий пояс"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:23
 +msgid "Timezone changed"
 +msgstr "Часовий пояс змінено"
 +#: ajax/settings/settimezone.php:25
 +msgid "Invalid request"
 +msgstr "Некоректний запит"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:38 js/l10n.php:87 templates/part.eventform.php:20
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:37
 +msgid "Calendar"
 +msgstr "Календар"
 +#: js/calendar.js:176
 +msgid "Deletion failed"
 +msgstr "Видалення не було виконано"
 +#: js/calendar.js:263
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy]{ - [ddd d] MMMM yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:265
 +msgid "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +msgstr "ddd d MMMM[ yyyy] HH:mm{ - [ ddd d MMMM yyyy] HH:mm}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:581
 +msgid "group"
 +msgstr "група"
 +#: js/calendar.js:583 templates/part.share.php:46 templates/part.share.php:81
 +msgid "can edit"
 +msgstr "може редагувати"
 +#: js/calendar.js:584 templates/part.share.php:50 templates/part.share.php:87
 +msgid "can share"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "можна поділитися"
 +#: js/calendar.js:855
 +msgid "ddd"
 +msgstr "ddd"
 +#: js/calendar.js:856
 +msgid "ddd M/d"
 +msgstr "ddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:857
 +msgid "dddd M/d"
 +msgstr "dddd M/d"
 +#: js/calendar.js:860
 +msgid "MMMM yyyy"
 +msgstr "MMMM yyyy"
 +#: js/calendar.js:862
 +msgid "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +msgstr "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '–'[ MMM] d yyyy}"
 +#: js/calendar.js:864
 +msgid "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +msgstr "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:588 templates/settings.php:93
 +msgid "Sunday"
 +msgstr "Неділя"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:582 templates/settings.php:92
 +msgid "Monday"
 +msgstr "Понеділок"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:583
 +msgid "Tuesday"
 +msgstr "Вівторок"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:584
 +msgid "Wednesday"
 +msgstr "Середа"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:585
 +msgid "Thursday"
 +msgstr "Четвер"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:586
 +msgid "Friday"
 +msgstr "П'ятниця"
 +#: js/l10n.php:77 lib/object.php:587 templates/settings.php:94
 +msgid "Saturday"
 +msgstr "Субота"
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sun."
 +msgstr "Нед."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Mon."
 +msgstr "Пн."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Tue."
 +msgstr "Вт."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Wed."
 +msgstr "Ср."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Thu."
 +msgstr "Чт."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Fri."
 +msgstr "Пт."
 +#: js/l10n.php:78
 +msgid "Sat."
 +msgstr "Сб."
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:638
 +msgid "January"
 +msgstr "Січень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:639
 +msgid "February"
 +msgstr "Лютий"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:640
 +msgid "March"
 +msgstr "Березень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:641
 +msgid "April"
 +msgstr "Квітень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:642
 +msgid "May"
 +msgstr "Травень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:643
 +msgid "June"
 +msgstr "Червень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:644
 +msgid "July"
 +msgstr "Липень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:645
 +msgid "August"
 +msgstr "Серпень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:646
 +msgid "September"
 +msgstr "Вересень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:647
 +msgid "October"
 +msgstr "Жовтень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:648
 +msgid "November"
 +msgstr "Листопад"
 +#: js/l10n.php:79 lib/object.php:649
 +msgid "December"
 +msgstr "Грудень"
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jan."
 +msgstr "Січ."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Feb."
 +msgstr "Лют."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Mar."
 +msgstr "Бер."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Apr."
 +msgstr "Кві."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "May."
 +msgstr "Тра."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jun."
 +msgstr "Чер."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Jul."
 +msgstr "Лип."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Aug."
 +msgstr "Сер."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Sep."
 +msgstr "Вер."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Oct."
 +msgstr "Жов."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Nov."
 +msgstr "Лис."
 +#: js/l10n.php:80
 +msgid "Dec."
 +msgstr "Гру."
 +#: js/l10n.php:83
 +msgid "All day"
 +msgstr "Увесь день"
 +#: js/l10n.php:84 lib/import.php:214 templates/settings.php:23
 +msgid "New Calendar"
 +msgstr "Новий Календар"
 +#: js/l10n.php:85
 +msgid "Missing or invalid fields"
 +msgstr "Відсутні або невірні поля"
 +#: js/l10n.php:86 templates/part.showevent.php:11
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "Назва"
 +#: js/l10n.php:88
 +msgid "From Date"
 +msgstr "Від Дати"
 +#: js/l10n.php:89
 +msgid "From Time"
 +msgstr "З Часу"
 +#: js/l10n.php:90
 +msgid "To Date"
 +msgstr "До Часу"
 +#: js/l10n.php:91
 +msgid "To Time"
 +msgstr "По Дату"
 +#: js/l10n.php:92
 +msgid "The event ends before it starts"
 +msgstr "Подія завершається до її початку"
 +#: js/l10n.php:93
 +msgid "There was a database fail"
 +msgstr "Сталася помилка бази даних"
 +#: lib/app.php:121
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "День народження"
 +#: lib/app.php:122
 +msgid "Business"
 +msgstr "Справи"
 +#: lib/app.php:123
 +msgid "Call"
 +msgstr "Зателефонувати"
 +#: lib/app.php:124
 +msgid "Clients"
 +msgstr "Клієнти"
 +#: lib/app.php:125
 +msgid "Deliverer"
 +msgstr "Постачальник"
 +#: lib/app.php:126
 +msgid "Holidays"
 +msgstr "Свята"
 +#: lib/app.php:127
 +msgid "Ideas"
 +msgstr "Ідеї"
 +#: lib/app.php:128
 +msgid "Journey"
 +msgstr "Поїздка"
 +#: lib/app.php:129
 +msgid "Jubilee"
 +msgstr "Ювілей"
 +#: lib/app.php:130
 +msgid "Meeting"
 +msgstr "Зустріч"
 +#: lib/app.php:131
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "Інше"
 +#: lib/app.php:132
 +msgid "Personal"
 +msgstr "Особисте"
 +#: lib/app.php:133
 +msgid "Projects"
 +msgstr "Проекти"
 +#: lib/app.php:134
 +msgid "Questions"
 +msgstr "Запитання"
 +#: lib/app.php:135
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "Робота"
 +#: lib/app.php:411
 +msgid "by"
 +msgstr "по"
 +#: lib/app.php:474
 +msgid "unnamed"
 +msgstr "неназваний"
 +#: lib/calendar.php:178 lib/calendar.php:211
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to update this calendar."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав оновлювати цей календар."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this calendar."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав видаляти цей календар."
 +#: lib/calendar.php:280
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add to this calendar."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав додавати у цей календар."
 +#: lib/object.php:122 lib/object.php:162 lib/object.php:317
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to add events to this calendar."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав додавати події у цей календар."
 +#: lib/object.php:267 lib/object.php:297
 +msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this event."
 +msgstr "У вас немає прав видалити цю подію."
 +#: lib/object.php:491
 +msgid "Busy"
 +msgstr "Зайнято"
 +#: lib/object.php:531
 +msgid "Show full event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Показати всю подію"
 +#: lib/object.php:532
 +msgid "Show only busy"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Показати лише зайняті"
 +#: lib/object.php:533
 +msgid "Hide event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Сховати подію"
 +#: lib/object.php:543
 +msgid "Does not repeat"
 +msgstr "Не повторювати"
 +#: lib/object.php:544
 +msgid "Daily"
 +msgstr "Щоденно"
 +#: lib/object.php:545
 +msgid "Weekly"
 +msgstr "Щотижня"
 +#: lib/object.php:546
 +msgid "Every Weekday"
 +msgstr "По будням"
 +#: lib/object.php:547
 +msgid "Bi-Weekly"
 +msgstr "Кожні дві неділі"
 +#: lib/object.php:548
 +msgid "Monthly"
 +msgstr "Щомісяця"
 +#: lib/object.php:549
 +msgid "Yearly"
 +msgstr "Щорічно"
 +#: lib/object.php:559
 +msgid "never"
 +msgstr "ніколи"
 +#: lib/object.php:560
 +msgid "by occurrences"
 +msgstr "по нагодах"
 +#: lib/object.php:561
 +msgid "by date"
 +msgstr "по датах"
 +#: lib/object.php:571
 +msgid "by monthday"
 +msgstr "по днях місяця"
 +#: lib/object.php:572
 +msgid "by weekday"
 +msgstr "по днях тижня"
 +#: lib/object.php:598
 +msgid "events week of month"
 +msgstr "подій тижня місяця"
 +#: lib/object.php:599
 +msgid "first"
 +msgstr "перший"
 +#: lib/object.php:600
 +msgid "second"
 +msgstr "другий"
 +#: lib/object.php:601
 +msgid "third"
 +msgstr "третій"
 +#: lib/object.php:602
 +msgid "fourth"
 +msgstr "четвертий"
 +#: lib/object.php:603
 +msgid "fifth"
 +msgstr "п'ятий"
 +#: lib/object.php:604
 +msgid "last"
 +msgstr "останній"
 +#: lib/object.php:659
 +msgid "by events date"
 +msgstr "по датах подій"
 +#: lib/object.php:660
 +msgid "by yearday(s)"
 +msgstr "по днях року"
 +#: lib/object.php:661
 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)"
 +msgstr "по номеру тижня"
 +#: lib/object.php:662
 +msgid "by day and month"
 +msgstr "по дню та місяцю"
 +#: lib/sabre/backend.php:66
 +msgid "Contact birthdays"
 +msgstr "Дні народження контактів"
 +#: lib/search.php:35 lib/search.php:37 lib/search.php:40
 +msgid "Date"
 +msgstr "Дата"
 +#: lib/search.php:43
 +msgid "Cal."
 +msgstr "Кал."
 +#: templates/calendar.php:6
 +msgid "Day"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "День"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:7
 +msgid "Week"
 +msgstr "Тиждень"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:8
 +msgid "Month"
 +msgstr "Місяць"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/calendar.php:18
 +msgid "Today"
 +msgstr "Сьогодні"
 +#: templates/calendar.php:13
 +msgid "Settings"
 +msgstr "Налаштування"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:13
 +msgid "Share Calendar"
 +msgstr "Розподілити Календар"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:24 templates/settings.php:28
 +msgid "CalDav Link"
 +msgstr "CalDav З'єднання"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:27
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "Завантажити"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:31
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Редагувати"
 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:36
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Видалити"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "New calendar"
 +msgstr "Новий календар"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9
 +msgid "Edit calendar"
 +msgstr "Редагувати календар"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12
 +msgid "Displayname"
 +msgstr "Відображуване ім'я"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:20
 +msgid "Calendar color"
 +msgstr "Колір календаря"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Зберегти"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:33
 +msgid "Submit"
 +msgstr "Передати"
 +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:34
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Відмінити"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1
 +msgid "Edit event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Редагувати подію"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:8
 +msgid "Save event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Зберегти подію"
 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9
 +msgid "Delete event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Видалити подію"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 templates/part.showevent.php:3
 +msgid "Eventinfo"
 +msgstr "Інформація про подію"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:6 templates/part.showevent.php:4
 +msgid "Repeating"
 +msgstr "Повторення"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:7 templates/part.showevent.php:5
 +msgid "Alarm"
 +msgstr "Тривога"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:8 templates/part.showevent.php:6
 +msgid "Attendees"
 +msgstr "Учасників"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:10
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Поділитися"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:15
 +msgid "Title of the Event"
 +msgstr "Назва події"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:31
 +msgid "from"
 +msgstr "З"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:36
 +msgid "to"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "в"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:44 templates/part.showevent.php:66
 +msgid "All Day Event"
 +msgstr "Подія на весь день"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:47 templates/part.showevent.php:86
 +msgid "Advanced options"
 +msgstr "Додаткові опції"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:51 templates/part.showevent.php:91
 +msgid "Location"
 +msgstr "Місце"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:56
 +msgid "Categories (separate by comma)"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Категорії (розділені комою)"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:58 templates/part.eventform.php:59
 +msgid "Edit categories"
 +msgstr "Редагувати категорії"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 templates/part.showevent.php:99
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "Опис"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:63
 +msgid "Export event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Експорт подій"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:70 templates/part.showevent.php:109
 +msgid "Repeat"
 +msgstr "Повторювати"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:77 templates/part.showevent.php:116
 +msgid "Advanced"
 +msgstr "Додатково"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:121 templates/part.showevent.php:160
 +msgid "Select weekdays"
 +msgstr "Вибрати дні тижня"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:134 templates/part.eventform.php:147
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:186
 +msgid "Select days"
 +msgstr "Вибрати дні"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:139 templates/part.showevent.php:178
 +msgid "and the events day of year."
 +msgstr "і день подій в році."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:152 templates/part.showevent.php:191
 +msgid "and the events day of month."
 +msgstr "і день подій в місяці."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:160 templates/part.showevent.php:199
 +msgid "Select months"
 +msgstr "Вибрати місяці"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:173 templates/part.showevent.php:212
 +msgid "Select weeks"
 +msgstr "Вибрати тижні"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:178 templates/part.showevent.php:217
 +msgid "and the events week of year."
 +msgstr "і тиждень подій в році."
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:184 templates/part.showevent.php:223
 +msgid "Interval"
 +msgstr "Інтервал"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:190 templates/part.showevent.php:229
 +msgid "End"
 +msgstr "Кінець"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:203 templates/part.showevent.php:242
 +msgid "occurrences"
 +msgstr "нагоди"
 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:222
 +msgid "Visibility to people shared with"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Видимість людям спільних з"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:14
 +msgid "create a new calendar"
 +msgstr "створити новий календар"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:17
 +msgid "Import a calendar file"
 +msgstr "Імпортувати файл календаря"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:24
 +msgid "Please choose a calendar"
 +msgstr "Будь ласка, оберіть календар"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:36
 +msgid "Name of new calendar"
 +msgstr "Назва нового календаря"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:44
 +msgid "Take an available name!"
 +msgstr "Візьміть доступне ім'я!"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:45
 +msgid ""
 +"A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these "
 +"calendars will be merged."
 +msgstr "Календар з такою назвою вже існує. Якщо ви продовжите, ці календарі будуть поєднані."
 +#: templates/part.import.php:48
 +msgid "Remove all events from the selected calendar"
 +msgstr "Видаліть всі події з обраного календаря"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:50
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Імпорт"
 +#: templates/part.import.php:59
 +msgid "Close Dialog"
 +msgstr "Закрити Діалог"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1
 +msgid "Create a new event"
 +msgstr "Створити нову подію"
 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:8
 +msgid "Create event"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Створити подію"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:32
 +msgid "Share with user or group"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Поділитися з користувачем або групою"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:53
 +msgid "Unshare"
 +msgstr "Закрити доступ"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:59
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не поділено ні з ким"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:63
 +msgid "Send Email"
 +msgstr "Надіслати Email"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:67
 +msgid "Shared via calendar"
 +msgstr "Розподілено за допомогою календаря"
 +#: templates/part.share.php:94
 +msgid "Not shared with anyone via calendar"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не поділено ні з ким через календар"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:1
 +msgid "View an event"
 +msgstr "Подивитися подію"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:19
 +msgid "Category"
 +msgstr "Категорія"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:23
 +msgid "No categories selected"
 +msgstr "Жодної категорії не вибрано"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:41
 +msgid "of"
 +msgstr "з"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:50
 +msgid "Access Class"
 +msgstr "Клас Доступу"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:70
 +msgid "From"
 +msgstr "З"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:73 templates/part.showevent.php:81
 +msgid "at"
 +msgstr "в"
 +#: templates/part.showevent.php:78
 +msgid "To"
 +msgstr "По"
 +#: templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Your calendars"
 +msgstr "Ваші календарі"
 +#: templates/settings.php:34
 +msgid "General"
 +msgstr "Загалом"
 +#: templates/settings.php:39
 +msgid "Timezone"
 +msgstr "Часовий пояс"
 +#: templates/settings.php:70
 +msgid "Update timezone automatically"
 +msgstr "Оновити часовий пояс автоматично"
 +#: templates/settings.php:75
 +msgid "Time format"
 +msgstr "Формат часу"
 +#: templates/settings.php:80
 +msgid "24h"
 +msgstr "24Рі"
 +#: templates/settings.php:81
 +msgid "12h"
 +msgstr "12Рі"
 +#: templates/settings.php:87
 +msgid "Start week on"
 +msgstr "Тиждень починається з"
 +#: templates/settings.php:100
 +msgid "Cache"
 +msgstr "Кеш"
 +#: templates/settings.php:104
 +msgid "Clear cache for repeating events"
 +msgstr "Чистити кеш для подій, що повторюються"
 +#: templates/settings.php:109
 +msgid "URLs"
 +msgstr "URL-ів"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "Адреси синхронізації CalDAV Календаря"
 +#: templates/settings.php:111
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "більше інформації"
 +#: templates/settings.php:113
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "Початкова адреса"
 +#: templates/settings.php:115
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:117
 +msgid "Read only iCalendar link(s)"
 +msgstr "Читати лише iCalendar з'єднання"
diff --cc apps/contacts/appinfo/version
index e72ac58,0000000..1d71ef9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/appinfo/version
+++ b/apps/contacts/appinfo/version
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- 0.2.90
diff --cc apps/contacts/js/groups.js
index b0fd093,0000000..a0aa765
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/js/groups.js
+++ b/apps/contacts/js/groups.js
@@@ -1,784 -1,0 +1,787 @@@
 +OC.Contacts = OC.Contacts || {};
 +(function(window, $, OC) {
 +	'use strict';
 +	/**
 +	 * GroupList object
 +	 * Currently all data but the categories array is saved in the jquery DOM elements.
 +	 * This may change in the future.
 +	 * Each group element has a data-id and a data-type attribute. data-type can be
 +	 * 'fav' for favorites, 'all' for all elements, 'category' for group and 'shared' for
 +	 * a shared addressbook.
 +	 * data-id can be 'fav', 'all' or a numeric group or addressbook id.
 +	 * In addition each elements holds data entries for:
 +	 *   'contacts': An array of contact ids belonging to that group
 +	 *   'obj': A reference to the groupList object.
 +	 */
 +	var GroupList = function(storage, groupList, listItemTmpl) {
 +		this.storage = storage;
 +		this.$groupList = groupList;
 +		var self = this;
 +		var numtypes = ['category', 'fav', 'all'];
 +		this.$groupList.on('click', 'li.group', function(event) {
 +			$('.tipsy').remove();
 +			if(wrongKey(event)) {
 +				return;
 +			}
 +			console.log('group click', $(this));
 +			if($(event.target).is('.action.delete')) {
 +				$('.tipsy').remove();
 +				$(this).addClass('loading').removeClass('active');
 +				event.stopPropagation();
 +				event.preventDefault();
 +				var id = $(event.target).parents('li').first().data('id');
 +				self.deleteGroup(id, function(response) {
 +					if(response.error) {
 +						OC.notify({message:response.message});
 +					}
 +				});
 +			} else if($(event.target).is('.action.edit')) {
 +				event.stopPropagation();
 +				event.preventDefault();
 +				self.editGroup($(this));
 +			} else {
 +				if($(this).is(':not(.editing)')) {
 +					self.selectGroup({element:$(this)});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		});
 +		var $addInput = this.$groupList.find('.add-group');
 +		$addInput.addnew({
 +			addText: t('core', 'Add'),
 +			ok: function(event, name) {
 +				$addInput.addClass('loading');
 +				self.addGroup({name:name}, function(response) {
 +					if(response.error) {
 +						$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +					} else {
 +						$addInput.addnew('close');
 +					}
 +					$addInput.removeClass('loading');
 +				});
 +			}
 +		});
 +		$(document).bind('status.contacts.count', function(e, data) {
 +			console.log('Num contacts:', data.count);
 +			self.findById('all').find('.numcontacts').text(data.count);
 +		});
 +		this.$groupListItemTemplate = listItemTmpl;
 +		this.categories = [];
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Set a group as being currently selected
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param object params. A map containing either a group id
 +	 * or a jQuery group element.
 +	 * This triggers a 'status.group.selected' event unless if
 +	 * the group hasn't been saved/created yet.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.selectGroup = function(params) {
 +		var self = this;
 +		/*if(!this.loaded) {
 +			console.log('Not loaded');
 +			setTimeout(function() {
 +				self.selectGroup(params);
 +			}, 100);
 +			return;
 +		}*/
 +		var id, $elem;
 +		if(typeof params.id !== 'undefined') {
 +			id = params.id;
 +			$elem = this.findById(id);
 +		} else if(typeof params.element !== 'undefined') {
 +			id = params.element.data('id');
 +			$elem = params.element;
 +		}
 +		if(!$elem.length) {
 +			self.selectGroup({id:'all'});
 +			return;
 +		}
 +		console.log('selectGroup', id, $elem);
 +		this.$groupList.find('li').removeClass('active');
 +		$elem.addClass('active');
 +		if(id === 'new') {
 +			return;
 +		}
 +		this.lastgroup = id;
 +		$(document).trigger('status.group.selected', {
 +			id: this.lastgroup,
 +			type: $elem.data('type'),
 +			contacts: $elem.data('contacts')
 +		});
 +	};
 +	GroupList.prototype.triggerLastGroup = function() {
 +		this.selectGroup({id:this.lastgroup});
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Test if a group with this name exists (case-insensitive)
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string name
 +	 * @return bool
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.hasGroup = function(name) {
 +		return (this.findByName(name) !== null);
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Get the group name by id.
 +	 * 
 +	 * Kind of a hack. Need to get the immidiate text without the enclosed spans with number etc.
 +	 * Not sure this works in IE8 and maybe others.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param integer id. The numeric group or addressbook id.
 +	 * @returns string The name of the group.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.nameById = function(id) {
 +		return $.trim(this.findById(id).data('rawname'));
 +		//return $.trim(this.findById(id).clone().find("*").remove().end().text()); //.contents().filter(function(){ return(this.nodeType == 3); }).text().trim();
 +	};
 +	/** Get the group element by name.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string name. The name of the group to search for (case-insensitive).
 +	 * @returns object|null The jQuery object.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.findByName = function(name) {
 +		var $elem = null;
 +		this.$groupList.find('li[data-type="category"]').each(function() {
 +			if ($(this).data('rawname').toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
 +				$elem = $(this);
 +				return false; //break out of loop
 +			}
 +		});
 +		return $elem;
 +	};
 +	/** Get the group element by id.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param integer id. The numeric group or addressbook id.
 +	 * @returns object The jQuery object.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.findById = function(id) {
 +		return this.$groupList.find('li[data-id="' + id + '"]');
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Check if a contact is favorited.
 +	 * @param integer contactid.
 +	 * @returns boolean.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.isFavorite = function(contactid) {
 +		return this.inGroup(contactid, 'fav');
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Check if a contact is in a specfic group.
 +	 * @param integer contactid.
 +	 * @param integer groupid.
 +	 * @returns boolean.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.inGroup = function(contactid, groupid) {
 +		var $groupelem = this.findById(groupid);
 +		var contacts = $groupelem.data('contacts');
 +		return (contacts.indexOf(contactid) !== -1);
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Mark/unmark a contact as favorite.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param integer contactid.
 +	 * @param boolean state.
 +	 * @param function cb. Optional callback function.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.setAsFavorite = function(contactid, state, cb) {
 +		var $groupelem = this.findById('fav');
 +		var contacts = $groupelem.data('contacts');
 +		if(state) {
 +			$.when(OC.Tags.addToFavorites(contactid, 'contact'))
 +			.then(function(response) {
 +				console.log(response);
 +				contacts.push(contactid);
 +				$groupelem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +				$groupelem.find('.numcontacts').text(contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '');
 +				if(contacts.length > 0 && $groupelem.is(':hidden')) {
 +					$groupelem.show();
 +				}
 +				if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +					cb(response);
 +				}
 +			})
 +			.fail(function(response) {
 +				console.warn(response);
 +			});
 +		} else {
 +			$.when(OC.Tags.removeFromFavorites(contactid, 'contact'))
 +			.then(function(response) {
 +				contacts.splice(contacts.indexOf(contactid), 1);
 +				//console.log('contacts', contacts, contacts.indexOf(id), contacts.indexOf(String(id)));
 +				$groupelem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +				$groupelem.find('.numcontacts').text(contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '');
 +				if(contacts.length === 0 && $groupelem.is(':visible')) {
 +					$groupelem.hide();
 +				}
 +				if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +					cb(response);
 +				}
 +			})
 +			.fail(function(response) {
 +				console.warn(response);
 +			});
 +		}
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	* Add one or more contact ids to a group
 +	* @param integer|array contactid. An integer id or an array of integer ids.
 +	* @param integer groupid. The integer id of the group
 +	* @param function cb. Optional call-back function
 +	*/
 +	GroupList.prototype.addTo = function(contactid, groupid, cb) {
 +		console.log('GroupList.addTo', contactid, groupid);
 +		var $groupelem = this.findById(groupid);
 +		var contacts = $groupelem.data('contacts');
 +		var ids = [];
 +		if(!contacts) {
 +			console.log('Contacts not found, adding list!!!');
 +			contacts = [];
 +		}
 +		var self = this;
 +		var doPost = false;
 +		if(typeof contactid === 'string') {
 +			if(contacts.indexOf(contactid) === -1) {
 +				ids.push(contactid);
 +				doPost = true;
 +			} else {
 +				if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +					cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'Contact is already in this group.')});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		} else if(utils.isArray(contactid)) {
 +			$.each(contactid, function(i, id) {
 +				if(contacts.indexOf(id) === -1) {
 +					ids.push(id);
 +				}
 +			});
 +			if(ids.length > 0) {
 +				doPost = true;
 +			} else {
 +				if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +					cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'Contacts are already in this group.')});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		} else {
 +			console.warn('Invalid data type: ' + typeof contactid);
 +		}
 +		if(doPost) {
 +			var groupname = self.nameById(groupid);
 +			$.when(this.storage.addToGroup(ids, groupid, groupname)).then(function(response) {
 +				if(!response.error) {
 +					contacts = contacts.concat(ids).sort();
 +					$groupelem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +					var $numelem = $groupelem.find('.numcontacts');
 +					$numelem.text(contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '').switchClass('', 'active', 200);
 +					setTimeout(function() {
 +						$numelem.switchClass('active', '', 1000);
 +					}, 2000);
 +					if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +						cb({ids:ids});
 +					}
 +					$.each(ids, function(idx, contactid) {
 +						$(document).trigger('status.group.contactadded', {
 +							contactid: contactid,
 +							groupid: groupid,
 +							groupname: groupname
 +						});
 +					});
 +				} else {
 +					if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +						cb({error:true, message:response.message});
 +					}
 +				}
 +			});
 +		}
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	* Removes one or more contact ids from a group
 +	* TODO: When deleting contacts this method should just remove the contact id
 +	* from its internal list without saving.
 +	* @param integer|array contactid. An integer id or an array of integer ids.
 +	* @param integer groupid. The integer id of the group
 +	* @param boolean onlyInternal If true don't save to backend
 +	* @param function cb. Optional call-back function
 +	*/
 +	GroupList.prototype.removeFrom = function(contactid, groupid, onlyInternal, cb) {
 +		console.log('GroupList.removeFrom', contactid, groupid);
 +		var $groupelem = this.findById(groupid);
 +		var groupname = this.nameById(groupid);
 +		var contacts = $groupelem.data('contacts');
 +		var ids = [];
 +		// If it's the 'all' group simply decrement the number
 +		if(groupid === 'all') {
 +			var $numelem = $groupelem.find('.numcontacts');
 +			$numelem.text(parseInt($numelem.text()-1)).switchClass('', 'active', 200);
 +			setTimeout(function() {
 +				$numelem.switchClass('active', '', 1000);
 +			}, 2000);
 +			if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +				cb({ids:[id]});
 +			}
 +		}
 +		// If the contact is in the category remove it from internal list.
 +		if(!contacts) {
 +			if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +				cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'Couldn\'t get contact list.')});
 +			}
 +			return;
 +		}
 +		var doPost = false;
 +		if(typeof contactid === 'string') {
 +			if(contacts.indexOf(contactid) !== -1) {
 +				ids.push(contactid);
 +				doPost = true;
 +			} else {
 +				if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +					cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'Contact is not in this group.')});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		} else if(utils.isArray(contactid)) {
 +			$.each(contactid, function(i, id) {
 +				if(contacts.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
 +					ids.push(id);
 +				}
 +			});
 +			if(ids.length > 0) {
 +				doPost = true;
 +			} else {
 +				console.log(contactid, 'not in', contacts);
 +				if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +					cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'Contacts are not in this group.')});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		}
 +		$.each(ids, function(idx, id) {
 +			contacts.splice(contacts.indexOf(id), 1);
 +		});
 +		$groupelem.find('.numcontacts').text(contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '');
 +		//console.log('contacts', contacts, contacts.indexOf(id), contacts.indexOf(String(id)));
 +		$groupelem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +		if(doPost) {
 +			// If a group is selected the contact has to be removed from the list
 +			$.each(ids, function(idx, contactid) {
 +				$(document).trigger('status.group.contactremoved', {
 +					contactid: contactid,
 +					groupid: parseInt(groupid),
 +					groupname: groupname
 +				});
 +			});
 +			if(!onlyInternal) {
 +				$.when(this.storage.removeFromGroup(ids, groupid, groupname)).then(function(response) {
 +					if(!response.error) {
 +						if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +							cb({ids:ids});
 +						}
 +					} else {
 +						if(typeof cb == 'function') {
 +							cb({error:true, message:response.message});
 +						}
 +					}
 +				});
 +			}
 +		}
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Remove a contact from all groups. Used on contact deletion.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param integer contactid.
 +	 * @param boolean alsoSpecial. Whether the contact should also be
 +	 *    removed from non 'category' groups.
 +	 * @param boolean onlyInternal If true don't save to backend
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.removeFromAll = function(contactid, alsoSpecial, onlyInternal) {
 +		var self = this;
 +		var selector = alsoSpecial ? 'li' : 'li[data-type="category"]';
 +		$.each(this.$groupList.find(selector), function(i, group) {
 +			self.removeFrom(contactid, $(this).data('id'), onlyInternal);
 +		});
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Handler that will be called by OCCategories if any groups have changed.
 +	 * This is called when categories are edited by the generic categories edit
 +	 * dialog, and will probably not be used in this app.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.categoriesChanged = function(newcategories) {
 +		console.log('GroupList.categoriesChanged, I should do something');
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Drop handler for for adding contact to group/favorites.
 +	 * FIXME: The drag helper object goes below the group elements
 +	 * during drag, and the drop target is hard to hit.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.contactDropped = function(event, ui) {
 +		var dragitem = ui.draggable, droptarget = $(this);
 +		console.log('dropped', dragitem);
 +		if(dragitem.is('.name')) {
 +			var id = String(dragitem.parent().data('id'));
 +			console.log('contact dropped', id, 'on', $(this).data('id'));
 +			if($(this).data('type') === 'fav') {
 +				$(this).data('obj').setAsFavorite(id, true);
 +			} else {
 +				$(this).data('obj').addTo(id, $(this).data('id'));
 +			}
 +		}
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Remove a group from backend.
 +	 * 
 +	 * On success this triggers a 'status.group.groupremoved' event with an object
 +	 * containing the properties:
 +	 * 
 +	 *   groupid: The numeric id of the removed group
 +	 *   groupname: The string value of the group.
 +	 *   newgroupid: The id of the group that is selected after deletion.
 +	 *   contacts: An array of integer ids of contacts that must updated.
 +	 * 
 +	 * The handler for that event must take care of updating all contact objects
 +	 * internal CATEGORIES value and saving them to backend.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param integer groupid.
 +	 * @param function cb. Optional callback function.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.deleteGroup = function(groupid, cb) {
 +		var $elem = this.findById(groupid);
 +		var $newelem = $elem.prev('li');
 +		var name = this.nameById(groupid);
 +		var contacts = $elem.data('contacts');
 +		var self = this;
 +		console.log('delete group', $elem, groupid, contacts);
 +		$.when(this.storage.deleteGroup(name)).then(function(response) {
 +			if (!response.error) {
 +				$.each(self.categories, function(idx, category) {
 +					if(category.id === groupid) {
 +						self.categories.splice(self.categories.indexOf(category), 1);
 +						return false; // Break loop
 +					}
 +				});
 +				$(document).trigger('status.group.groupremoved', {
 +					groupid: groupid,
 +					newgroupid: parseInt($newelem.data('id')),
 +					groupname: name,
 +					contacts: contacts
 +				});
 +				$elem.remove();
 +				self.selectGroup({element:$newelem});
 +			} else {
 +				console.log('Error', response);
 +			}
 +			if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +				cb(response);
 +			}
 +		})
 +		.fail(function(response) {
 +			console.log( "Request Failed: " + response.message);
 +			$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +		});
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Edit a groups name.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param object $element jQuery element
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.editGroup = function($element) {
 +		console.log('editGroup', $element);
 +		var self = this;
 +		var oldname = $element.data('rawname');
 +		var id = $element.data('id');
 +		var $editInput = $('<input type="text" />').val(oldname);
 +		$element.hide();
 +		$editInput.insertBefore($element).wrap('<li class="group editing" />');
 +		var $tmpelem = $editInput.parent('li');
 +		console.log('tmpelem', $tmpelem);
 +		$editInput.addnew({
 +			autoOpen: true,
 +			addText: t('contacts', 'Save'),
 +			ok: function(event, newname) {
 +				console.log('New name', newname);
 +				$editInput.addClass('loading');
 +				self.renameGroup(oldname, newname, function(response) {
 +					if(response.error) {
 +						$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +					} else {
 +						$editInput.addnew('close');
 +						$(document).trigger('status.group.grouprenamed', {
 +							groupid: id,
 +							from: oldname,
 +							to: newname,
 +							contacts: $element.data('contacts')
 +						});
 +						$element.data('rawname', newname);
 +						$element.find('.name').text(escapeHTML(newname));
 +					}
 +					$editInput.removeClass('loading');
 +				});
 +			},
 +			cancel: function(event) {
 +				console.log('cancel');
 +				$editInput.removeClass('loading');
 +			},
 +			close: function() {
 +				console.log('close');
 +				$tmpelem.remove();
 +				$element.show();
 +			}
 +		});
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Rename a group.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string from
 +	 * @param string to
 +	 * @param function cb
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.renameGroup = function(from, to, cb) {
 +		$.when(this.storage.renameGroup(from, to)).then(function(response) {
 +			cb({error:false});
 +		})
 +		.fail(function(response) {
 +			console.log( "Request Failed: " + response);
 +			cb({error:true});
 +			response.message = t('contacts', 'Failed renaming group: {error}', {error:response.message});
 +			$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +		});
 +	};
 +	/**
 +	 * Add a new group.
 +	 * 
 +	 * After the addition a group element will be inserted in the list of group
 +	 * elements with data-type="category".
 +	 * NOTE: The element is inserted (semi) alphabetically, but since group elements
 +	 * can now be rearranged by dragging them it should probably be dropped.
 +	 * 
 +	 * @param object params. Map that can have the following properties:
 +	 *   'name': Mandatory. If a group with the same name already exists
 +	 *       (not case sensitive) the callback will be called with its 'status'
 +	 *       set to 'error' and the function returns.
 +	 *   'element': A jQuery group element. If this property isn't present
 +	 *       a new element will be created.
 +	 * @param function cb. On success the only parameter is an object with
 +	 *    'status': 'success', id: new id from the backend and 'name' the group name.
 +	 *     On error 'status' will be 'error' and 'message' will hold any error message
 +	 *     from the backend.
 +	 */
 +	GroupList.prototype.addGroup = function(params, cb) {
 +		//console.log('GroupList.addGroup', params);
 +		var name = params.name;
 +		var contacts = []; // $.map(contacts, function(c) {return parseInt(c)});
 +		var self = this;
 +		if(this.hasGroup(name)) {
 +			if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +				cb({error:true, message:t('contacts', 'A group named {group} already exists', {group: escapeHTML(name)})});
 +			}
 +			return;
 +		}
 +		$.when(this.storage.addGroup(name)).then(function(response) {
 +			if (!response.error) {
 +				name = response.data.name;
 +				var id = response.data.id;
 +				var tmpl = self.$groupListItemTemplate;
 +				var $elem = (tmpl).octemplate({
 +						id: id,
 +						type: 'category',
 +						num: (contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || ''),
 +						name: escapeHTML(name)
 +					});
 +				self.categories.push({id: id, name: name});
 +				$elem.data('obj', self);
 +				$elem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +				$elem.data('rawname', name);
 +				$elem.data('id', id);
 +				var added = false;
 +				self.$groupList.find('li.group[data-type="category"]').each(function() {
 +					if ($(this).data('rawname').toLowerCase().localeCompare(name.toLowerCase()) > 0) {
 +						$(this).before($elem);
 +						added = true;
 +						return false;
 +					}
 +				});
 +				if(!added) {
 +					var $insertAfter = self.$groupList.find('li.group[data-type="category"]').last()
 +						|| self.$groupList.find('li.group[data-id="fav"]')
 +						|| self.$groupList.find('li.group[data-id="all"]');
 +					$elem.insertAfter($insertAfter);
 +				}
 +				self.selectGroup({element:$elem});
 +				$elem.tipsy({trigger:'manual', gravity:'w', fallback: t('contacts', 'You can drag groups to\narrange them as you like.')});
 +				$elem.tipsy('show');
 +				if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +					cb({id:parseInt(id), name:name});
 +				}
 +			} else {
 +				if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +					cb({error:true, message:response.data.message});
 +				}
 +			}
 +		})
 +		.fail(function(response) {
 +			console.log( "Request Failed: " + response);
 +			response.message = t('contacts', 'Failed adding group: {error}', {error:response.message})
 +			$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +		});
 +	};
 +	GroupList.prototype.loadGroups = function(cb) {
 +		var self = this;
 +		var acceptdrop = '.dragContact';
 +		var $groupList = this.$groupList;
 +		var tmpl = this.$groupListItemTemplate;
 +		if(!this.findById('all').length) {
 +			tmpl.octemplate({id: 'all', type: 'all', num: '', name: t('contacts', 'All')}).appendTo($groupList);
 +		}
 +		return $.when(this.storage.getGroupsForUser()).then(function(response) {
 +			if (response && !response.error) {
 +				self.lastgroup = response.data.lastgroup;
 +				self.sortorder = contacts_groups_sortorder;
 +				console.log('sortorder', self.sortorder);
 +				// Favorites
 +				// Map to strings to easier lookup in contacts list.
 +				var contacts = $.map(response.data.favorites, function(c) {return String(c);});
 +				var $elem = self.findById('fav');
 +				$elem = $elem.length ? $elem : tmpl.octemplate({
 +					id: 'fav',
 +					type: 'fav',
 +					num: contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '',
 +					name: t('contacts', 'Favorites')
 +				}).appendTo($groupList);
 +				$elem.data('obj', self);
 +				$elem.data('rawname', t('contacts', 'Favorites'));
 +				if(!$elem.find('.starred').length) {
 +					$elem.data('contacts', contacts).find('.numcontacts').before('<span class="starred action" />');
 +				}
 +				$elem.droppable({
 +							drop: self.contactDropped,
 +							over: function( event, ui ) {
 +								console.log('over favorites', ui.draggable);
 +							},
 +							activeClass: 'ui-state-active',
 +							hoverClass: 'ui-state-hover',
 +							scope: 'contacts'
 +						});
 +				if(contacts.length === 0) {
 +					$elem.hide();
 +				}
 +				console.log('favorites', $elem.data('contacts'));
 +				// Normal groups
 +				$.each(response.data.categories, function(c, category) {
 +					var contacts = $.map(category.contacts, function(c) {return String(c);});
 +					var $elem = self.findById(category.id);
 +					if($elem.length) {
 +						$elem.find('.numcontacts').text(contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '');
 +					} else {
 +						$elem = $elem.length ? $elem : (tmpl).octemplate({
 +							id: category.id,
 +							type: 'category',
 +							num: contacts.length > 0 && contacts.length || '',
 +							name: category.name
 +						});
 +						self.categories.push({id: category.id, name: category.name});
 +						$elem.data('obj', self);
 +						$elem.data('rawname', category.name);
 +						$elem.data('id', category.id);
 +						$elem.droppable({
 +										drop: self.contactDropped,
 +										over: function( event, ui ) {
 +											console.log('over group', ui.draggable);
 +										},
 +										activeClass: 'ui-state-active',
 +										hoverClass: 'ui-state-hover',
 +										scope: 'contacts'
 +									});
 +						$elem.appendTo($groupList);
 +					}
 +					$elem.data('contacts', contacts);
 +				});
 +				var elems = $groupList.find('li[data-type="category"]').get();
 +				elems.sort(function(a, b) {
 +					return self.sortorder.indexOf(parseInt($(a).data('id'))) > self.sortorder.indexOf(parseInt($(b).data('id')));
 +				});
 +				$.each(elems, function(index, elem) {
 +					$groupList.append(elem);
 +				});
 +				// Shared addressbook
 +				$.each(response.data.shared, function(c, shared) {
 +					var sharedindicator = '<img class="shared svg" src="' + OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/shared') + '"'
 +						+ 'title="' + t('contacts', 'Shared by {owner}', {owner:shared.owner}) + '" />';
 +					var $elem = self.findById(shared.id);
 +					$elem = $elem.length ? $elem : (tmpl).octemplate({
 +						id: shared.id,
 +						type: 'shared',
 +						num: response.data.shared.length,
 +						name: shared.displayname
 +					});
 +					$elem.find('.numcontacts').after(sharedindicator);
 +					$elem.data('obj', self);
 +					$elem.data('rawname', shared.displayname);
 +					$elem.data('id', shared.id);
 +					$elem.appendTo($groupList);
 +				});
 +				if(!self.findById('uncategorized').length) {
 +					tmpl.octemplate({id: 'uncategorized', type: 'uncategorized', num: '', name: t('contacts', 'Not grouped')}).appendTo($groupList);
 +				}
 +				$groupList.sortable({
 +					items: 'li[data-type="category"]',
 +					stop: function() {
 +						console.log('stop sorting', $(this));
 +						var ids = [];
 +						$.each($(this).children('li[data-type="category"]'), function(i, elem) {
- 							ids.push($(elem).data('id'));
++							var id = $(elem).data('id');
++							if(typeof id === 'number' && id % 1 == 0) {
++								ids.push(id);
++							}
 +						});
 +						self.sortorder = ids;
 +						$(document).trigger('status.groups.sorted', {
 +							sortorder: self.sortorder.join(',')
 +						});
 +					}
 +				});
 +				var $elem = self.findById(self.lastgroup);
 +				$elem.addClass('active');
 +				self.loaded = true;
 +			} // TODO: else
 +			if(typeof cb === 'function') {
 +				cb();
 +			}
 +		})
 +		.fail(function(response) {
 +			console.log( "Request Failed:", response);
 +			response.message = t('contacts', 'Failed loading groups: {error}', {error:response.message});
 +			$(document).trigger('status.contacts.error', response);
 +		});
 +	};
 +	OC.Contacts.GroupList = GroupList;
 +})(window, jQuery, OC);
diff --cc apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po
index a9433ff,0000000..fde65e4
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po
+++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po
@@@ -1,1170 -1,0 +1,1170 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Twiguard, 2013
 +# Honza K. <honza889 at gmail.com>, 2013
 +# Jan Krejci <krejca85 at gmail.com>, 2011-2012
 +# liska_, 2013
 +# Martin <fireball at atlas.cz>, 2013
 +# Martin <fireball at atlas.cz>, 2011-2012
 +# Michal Hrušecký <Michal at hrusecky.net>, 2012-2013
 +# pstast <petr at stastny.eu>, 2013
 +# Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chvatal at gmail.com>, 2012-2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:17-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 14:18+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: liska_\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 12:06-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 18:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: pstast <petr at stastny.eu>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: cs_CZ\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:28 lib/app.php:103
 +msgid "Contacts"
 +msgstr "Kontakty"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:83 js/groups.js:518 templates/settings.php:61
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Uložit"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:298
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "Odesílám..."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:301 js/loader.js:68
 +msgid "Importing..."
 +msgstr "Importuji..."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:324
 +msgid "Preparing..."
 +msgstr "Příprava..."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:372
 +msgid "Imported {count} of {total} contacts"
 +msgstr "Naimportováno {count} z celkového množství {total} kontaktů"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:394
 +msgid "Imported {imported} contacts. {failed} failed."
 +msgstr "Naimportováno {imported} kontaktů. {failed} selhalo."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:550
 +msgid "An address book called {name} already exists"
 +msgstr "Adresář kontaktů s názvem {name} již existuje"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:584
 +msgid "Failed adding address book: {error}"
 +msgstr "Přidání adresáře kontaktů selhalo: {error}"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:626
 +msgid "Failed loading address books: {error}"
 +msgstr "Načtení adresářů kontaktů selhalo: {error}"
 +#: js/app.js:215
 +msgid "Indexing contacts"
 +msgstr "Indexuji kontakty"
 +#: js/app.js:225
 +msgid "Unrecoverable error loading address books: {msg}"
 +msgstr "Neodstranitelná chyba při načítání adresářů kontaktů: {msg}"
 +#: js/app.js:226
 +msgid "Error."
 +msgstr "Chyba."
 +#: js/app.js:317 js/app.js:331
 +msgid "Add to..."
 +msgstr "Přidat do..."
 +#: js/app.js:321 js/app.js:333
 +msgid "Remove from..."
 +msgstr "Odebrat z..."
 +#: js/app.js:338
 +msgid "Add group..."
 +msgstr "Přidat skupinu..."
 +#: js/app.js:468
 +msgid "Invalid URL: \"{url}\""
 +msgstr "Neplatná URL: \"{url}\""
 +#: js/app.js:479
 +msgid "There was an error opening a mail composer."
 +msgstr "Nastala chyba při otevírání editoru e-malů."
 +#: js/app.js:484
 +msgid "Invalid email: \"{url}\""
 +msgstr "Neplatný e-mail: \"{url}\""
 +#: js/app.js:562
 +msgid "Merge failed. Cannot find contact: {id}"
 +msgstr "Sloučení selhalo. Nelze nalézt kontakt: {id}"
 +#: js/app.js:575
 +msgid "Merge failed."
 +msgstr "Sloučení selhalo."
 +#: js/app.js:582
 +msgid "Merge failed. Error saving contact."
 +msgstr "Sloučení selhalo. Chyba při ukládání kontaktu."
 +#: js/app.js:602
 +msgid "Select photo"
 +msgstr "Vybrat fotku"
 +#: js/app.js:678 js/app.js:1570
 +msgid "Network or server error. Please inform administrator."
 +msgstr "Chyba sítě či serveru. Kontaktujte prosím správce."
 +#: js/app.js:894
 +msgid "Error adding to group."
 +msgstr "Chyba při přidávání do skupiny"
 +#: js/app.js:917
 +msgid "Error removing from group."
 +msgstr "Chyba při odebírání ze skupiny"
 +#: js/app.js:1104
 +msgid "Error setting {name} as favorite."
 +msgstr "Chyba při nastavování {name} jako oblíbený."
 +#: js/app.js:1243 js/app.js:1247 templates/contacts.php:182
 +msgid "Merge contacts"
 +msgstr "Sloučit kontakty"
 +#: js/app.js:1269 js/app.js:1322 js/settings.js:120 templates/contacts.php:321
 +#: templates/settings.php:62
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Zrušit"
 +#: js/app.js:1296 templates/contacts.php:163
 +msgid "Add group"
 +msgstr "Přidat skupinu"
 +#: js/app.js:1300
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/app.js:1394
 +msgid "Could not find contact: {id}"
 +msgstr "Nelze nalézt kontakt: {id}"
 +#: js/app.js:1417
 +msgid "No files selected for upload."
 +msgstr "Žádné soubory nebyly vybrány k nahrání."
 +#: js/app.js:1427
 +msgid ""
 +"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads "
 +"on this server."
 +msgstr "Soubor, který se pokoušíte odeslat, přesahuje maximální velikost povolenou na serveru."
 +#: js/app.js:1528
 +msgid "Edit profile picture"
 +msgstr "Upravit obrázek profilu"
 +#: js/app.js:1532
 +msgid "Crop photo"
 +msgstr "Oříznout fotku"
 +#: js/contacts.js:589
 +msgid "Is this correct?"
 +msgstr "Je to správně?"
 +#: js/contacts.js:856
 +msgid "Error parsing date: {date}"
 +msgstr "Chyba při parsování data: {date}"
 +#: js/contacts.js:1053
 +msgid "# groups"
 +msgstr "počet skupin"
 +#: js/contacts.js:1125
 +msgid "Error parsing birthday {bday}: {error}"
 +msgstr "Chyba parsování narozenin {bday}: {error}"
 +#: js/contacts.js:2162
 +msgid ""
 +"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for "
 +"them to be deleted."
 +msgstr "Některé kontakty jsou označeny ke smazání, ale ještě smazány nejsou. Počkejte, prosím, na dokončení operace."
 +#: js/contacts.js:2173
 +msgid "Click to undo deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr "Klikněte pro navrácení smazání {num} kontaktů"
 +#: js/contacts.js:2182
 +msgid "Cancelled deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr "Smazání {num} kontaktů zrušeno"
 +#: js/groups.js:53
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "Přidat"
 +#: js/groups.js:263
 +msgid "Contact is already in this group."
 +msgstr "Kontakt je již v této skupině."
 +#: js/groups.js:276
 +msgid "Contacts are already in this group."
 +msgstr "Kontakty jsou již v této skupině."
 +#: js/groups.js:342
 +msgid "Couldn't get contact list."
 +msgstr "Nelze získat seznam kontaktů."
 +#: js/groups.js:353
 +msgid "Contact is not in this group."
 +msgstr "Kontakt není v této skupině."
 +#: js/groups.js:367
 +msgid "Contacts are not in this group."
 +msgstr "Kontakty nejsou v této skupině."
 +#: js/groups.js:566
 +msgid "Failed renaming group: {error}"
 +msgstr "Chyba při přejmenování skupiny: {error}"
 +#: js/groups.js:597
 +msgid "A group named {group} already exists"
 +msgstr "Skupina s názvem {group} již existuje"
 +#: js/groups.js:632
 +msgid ""
 +"You can drag groups to\n"
 +"arrange them as you like."
 +msgstr "Můžete přesouvat skupiny, pro\nsnadné seřazení dle vašich potřeb."
 +#: js/groups.js:645
 +msgid "Failed adding group: {error}"
 +msgstr "Přidání skupiny se nezdařilo: {error}"
 +#: js/groups.js:657
 +msgid "All"
 +msgstr "Vše"
 +#: js/groups.js:672 js/groups.js:675
 +msgid "Favorites"
 +msgstr "Oblíbené"
 +#: js/groups.js:736
 +msgid "Shared by {owner}"
 +msgstr "Sdílí {owner}"
 +#: js/groups.js:751
 +msgid "Not grouped"
 +msgstr "Neseskupené"
- #: js/groups.js:777
++#: js/groups.js:780
 +msgid "Failed loading groups: {error}"
 +msgstr "Načtení skupin se nezdařilo: {error}"
 +#: js/loader.js:21
 +msgid "Please choose the addressbook"
 +msgstr "Prosím zvolte adresář kontaktů"
 +#: js/loader.js:22 templates/contacts.php:29
 +msgid "Import into..."
 +msgstr "Importovat do..."
 +#: js/loader.js:31
 +msgid "Error loading import template"
 +msgstr "Chyba při nahrávání šablony importu"
 +#: js/loader.js:48
 +msgid "Import contacts"
 +msgstr "Importovat kontakty"
 +#: js/loader.js:61 templates/contacts.php:25
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Importovat"
 +#: js/loader.js:92
 +msgid "Import done"
 +msgstr "Import dokončen"
 +#: js/loader.js:95 templates/contacts.php:91 templates/contacts.php:322
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Zavřít"
 +#: js/settings.js:25 js/settings.js:45 js/settings.js:75 js/settings.js:112
 +msgid "Error"
 +msgstr "Chyba"
 +#: js/settings.js:75
 +msgid "Displayname cannot be empty."
 +msgstr "Zobrazované jméno nemůže být prázdné."
 +#: js/settings.js:97 templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Show CardDav link"
 +msgstr "Zobrazit odkaz CardDAV"
 +#: js/settings.js:98 templates/settings.php:29
 +msgid "Show read-only VCF link"
 +msgstr "Zobrazit odkaz VCF pouze pro čtení"
 +#: js/settings.js:99 templates/contacts.php:57 templates/contacts.php:78
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323 templates/settings.php:40
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "Stáhnout"
 +#: js/settings.js:101 templates/contacts.php:467 templates/settings.php:45
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Upravit"
 +#: js/settings.js:102 templates/contacts.php:58 templates/contacts.php:77
 +#: templates/contacts.php:268 templates/contacts.php:275
 +#: templates/contacts.php:282 templates/contacts.php:289
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337 templates/contacts.php:468
 +#: templates/settings.php:50
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Smazat"
 +#: js/settings.js:159 templates/settings.php:66
 +msgid "More..."
 +msgstr "Více..."
 +#: js/settings.js:162
 +msgid "Less..."
 +msgstr "Méně..."
 +#: js/storage.js:30
 +msgid "Server error! Please inform system administator"
 +msgstr "Chyba serveru! Prosím informujte systémového správce."
 +#: js/storage.js:335 js/storage.js:374
 +msgid "Failed loading photo: {error}"
 +msgstr "Načtení fotografie se nezdařilo: {error}"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:152
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contacts"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro zobrazení těchto kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:159
 +msgid "Contact not found"
 +msgstr "Kontakt nebyl nalezen"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:186
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see these contacts"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro zobrazení těchto kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:213
 +msgid "You do not have permissions add contacts to the address book"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro přidání kontaktů do adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:216
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr "Úložiště tohoto adresáře kontaktů nepodporuje přidávání kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:240 lib/addressbook.php:266 lib/contact.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete this contact"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání tohoto kontaktu"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:243 lib/addressbook.php:269
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support deleting contacts"
 +msgstr "Úložiště tohoto adresáře kontaktů nepodporuje mazání kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:290
 +msgid "Unknown error"
 +msgstr "Neznámá chyba"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:332
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support updating"
 +msgstr "Úložiště tohoto adresáře kontaktů nepodporuje změnu kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:358
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to update the address book."
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro provádění změn v adresáři kontaktů"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:369
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to delete the address book."
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro mazání v adresáři kontaktů"
 +#: lib/app.php:144
 +msgid "Address book not found"
 +msgstr "Adresář kontaktů nenalezen"
 +#: lib/contact.php:112 lib/contact.php:159
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contact"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění k zobrazení tohoto kontaktu"
 +#: lib/contact.php:261
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to update this contact"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění ke změně tohoto kontaktu"
 +#: lib/contact.php:272
 +msgid "The backend for this contact does not support updating it"
 +msgstr "Úložiště tohoto kontaktu nepodporuje jeho změnu"
 +#: lib/contact.php:290
 +msgid "This backend not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr "Toto úložiště nepodporuje přidávání kontaktů"
 +#: lib/contact.php:400 lib/contact.php:417
 +msgid "Property not found"
 +msgstr "Vlastnost nenalezena"
 +#: lib/contact.php:465
 +msgid " Missing IM parameter for: "
 +msgstr "Chybí IM parametr pro:"
 +#: lib/contact.php:473
 +msgid "Unknown IM: "
 +msgstr "Neznámý komunikátor: "
 +#: lib/contact.php:750
 +msgid "{name}'s Birthday"
 +msgstr "Narozeniny {name}"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:112
 +msgid "Error creating address book"
 +msgstr "Chyba při vytváření adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:129
 +msgid "Error updating address book"
 +msgstr "Chyba při změně adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:157
 +#, php-format
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete the \"%s\" address book"
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání adresáře kontaktů \"%s\""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:163
 +msgid "Error deleting address book"
 +msgstr "Chyba při mazání adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:201
 +msgid "Error creating contact."
 +msgstr "Chyba při vytváření kontaktu"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:237
 +msgid "Error deleting contact."
 +msgstr "Chyba při mazání kontaktu"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:277
 +msgid "Error retrieving contact."
 +msgstr "Chyba při otevírání kontaktu."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:287
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:332
 +msgid "Error saving contact."
 +msgstr "Chyba při ukládání kontaktu."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:291
 +msgid "Error removing contact from other address book."
 +msgstr "Chyba při odebírání kontaktu z jiného adresáře kontaktů."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:37
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:64
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:38
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:274
 +#: lib/controller/exportcontroller.php:66
 +msgid "Couldn't find contact."
 +msgstr "Kontakt se nepodařilo nalézt"
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:60
 +msgid "No contact data in request."
 +msgstr "Žádná data kontaktu v požadavku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:68
 +msgid "Error merging into contact."
 +msgstr "Chyba při slučování do kontaktu."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:71
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend."
 +msgstr "Chyba při zápisu kontaktu do úložiště."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:102
 +msgid "Property name is not set."
 +msgstr "Název vlastnosti není nastaven."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:107
 +msgid "Property checksum is not set."
 +msgstr "Kontrolní součet vlastnosti není nastaven."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:126
 +msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."
 +msgstr "Informace o vCard je neplatná. Obnovte, prosím, stránku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:135
 +msgid "Error updating contact"
 +msgstr "Chyba při ukládání kontaktu"
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:140
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend"
 +msgstr "Chyba při zápisu kontaktu do úložiště"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:69
 +msgid "Error getting user photo"
 +msgstr "Chyba při získávání uživatelovy fotky"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:87
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:36
 +msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
 +msgstr "Soubor nebyl odeslán. Neznámá chyba"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:95
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:44
 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
 +msgstr "Soubor byl odeslán úspěšně"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:96
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:45
 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"
 +msgstr "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl svou velikostí parametr upload_max_filesize v php.ini"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:47
 +msgid ""
 +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
 +"the HTML form"
 +msgstr "Odeslaný soubor přesáhl svou velikostí parametr MAX_FILE_SIZE specifikovaný v formuláři HTML"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:98
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:48
 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
 +msgstr "Soubor byl odeslán pouze částečně"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:99
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:49
 +msgid "No file was uploaded"
 +msgstr "Žádný soubor nebyl odeslán"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:100
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
 +msgstr "Chybí adresář pro dočasné soubory"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:115
 +msgid "Couldn't load temporary image: "
 +msgstr "Nelze načíst dočasný obrázek: "
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:124
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:162
 +msgid "Couldn't save temporary image: "
 +msgstr "Nelze uložit dočasný obrázek: "
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:191
 +msgid "No photo path was submitted."
 +msgstr "Žádná fotka nebyla odeslána."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:198
 +msgid "File doesn't exist:"
 +msgstr "Soubor neexistuje:"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:203
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:206
 +msgid "Error loading image."
 +msgstr "Chyba při načítání obrázku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:279
 +msgid "Image has been removed from cache"
 +msgstr "Obrázek byl odstraněn z mezipaměti"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:285
 +msgid "Error creating temporary image"
 +msgstr "Chyba při vytváření dočasného obrázku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:292
 +msgid "Error cropping image"
 +msgstr "Chyba při ořezávání obrázku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:297
 +msgid "Error resizing image"
 +msgstr "Chyba při změně velikosti obrázku."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:315
 +msgid "Error getting PHOTO property."
 +msgstr "Chyba při získávání vlastností fotky."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:57 lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:79
 +msgid "No group name given."
 +msgstr "Nebyl zadán název skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:64
 +msgid "Error adding group."
 +msgstr "Chyba při přidávání skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:127
 +msgid "No group name to rename from given."
 +msgstr "Nebyl zadán název skupiny k přejmenování."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:131
 +msgid "No group name to rename to given."
 +msgstr "Nebyl zadán nový název skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error renaming group."
 +msgstr "Chyba při přejmenování skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:175
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:223
 +msgid "Group ID missing from request."
 +msgstr "V požadavku chybí ID skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:180
 +msgid "Group name missing from request."
 +msgstr "V požadavku chybí název skupiny."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:185
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:228
 +msgid "Contact ID missing from request."
 +msgstr "V požadavku chybí ID kontaktu."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:51
 +msgid "Failed to write to disk"
 +msgstr "Zápis na disk selhal"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:62
 +msgid "Not enough storage available"
 +msgstr "Nedostatek dostupného úložného prostoru"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:70
 +msgid "Attempt to upload blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr "Pokud o nahrání zakázaného souboru:"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:92
 +msgid "Error uploading contacts to storage."
 +msgstr "Chyba při nahrávání kontaktů do úložiště."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error moving file to imports folder."
 +msgstr "Chyba při přesunu souboru do složky pro importy."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:154
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to import into this address book."
 +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění pro import do tohoto adresáře kontaktů."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:162
 +msgid "File name missing from request."
 +msgstr "V požadavku chybí název souboru."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:167
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:283
 +msgid "Progress key missing from request."
 +msgstr "V požadavku chybí položka průběhu."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:173
 +msgid "Attempt to access blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr "Pokus o přístup k zakázanému souboru:"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:215
 +msgid "No contacts found in: "
 +msgstr "Žádné kontakty v:"
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:35
 +msgid "No key is given."
 +msgstr "Nebyl zadán klíč."
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:39
 +msgid "No value is given."
 +msgstr "Nebyla zadána hodnota."
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Could not set preference: "
 +msgstr "Nelze nastavit předvolby:"
 +#: lib/searchprovider.php:24
 +msgid "Contact"
 +msgstr "Kontakt"
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:111 lib/utils/properties.php:160
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:173 lib/utils/properties.php:180
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:195
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "Jiný"
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:114
 +msgid "HomePage"
 +msgstr "Domovská stránka"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:71
 +msgid "Jabber"
 +msgstr "Jabber"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:76
 +msgid "Internet call"
 +msgstr "Internetový hovor"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:81
 +msgid "AIM"
 +msgstr "AIM"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:86
 +msgid "MSN"
 +msgstr "MSN"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:91
 +msgid "Twitter"
 +msgstr "Twitter"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:96
 +msgid "GoogleTalk"
 +msgstr "GoogleTalk"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:101
 +msgid "Facebook"
 +msgstr "Facebook"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:106
 +msgid "XMPP"
 +msgstr "XMPP"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:111
 +msgid "ICQ"
 +msgstr "ICQ"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:116
 +msgid "Yahoo"
 +msgstr "Yahoo"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:121
 +msgid "Skype"
 +msgstr "Skype"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:126
 +msgid "QQ"
 +msgstr "QQ"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:131
 +msgid "GaduGadu"
 +msgstr "GaduGadu"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:158 lib/utils/properties.php:166
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:177 lib/utils/properties.php:194
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "Práce"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:159 lib/utils/properties.php:164
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:178
 +msgid "Home"
 +msgstr "Domů"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:165
 +msgid "Mobile"
 +msgstr "Mobil"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:167
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Text"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:168
 +msgid "Voice"
 +msgstr "Hlas"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:169
 +msgid "Message"
 +msgstr "Zpráva"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:170
 +msgid "Fax"
 +msgstr "Fax"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:171
 +msgid "Video"
 +msgstr "Video"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:172
 +msgid "Pager"
 +msgstr "Pager"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:179
 +msgid "Internet"
 +msgstr "Internet"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:192
 +msgid "Friends"
 +msgstr "Přátelé"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:193
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Rodina"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:6
 +msgid "New Contact"
 +msgstr "Nový kontakt"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "Group name"
 +msgstr "Název skupiny"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "New Group"
 +msgstr "Nová skupina"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:19
 +msgid "Address books"
 +msgstr "Adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22 templates/contacts.php:47
 +#: templates/contacts.php:67
 +msgid "Display name"
 +msgstr "Zobrazované jméno"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22
 +msgid "Add Address Book"
 +msgstr "Přidat adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:31 templates/contacts.php:32
 +msgid "Select file..."
 +msgstr "Vybrat soubor..."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:45 templates/contacts.php:65
 +msgid "(De-)select all"
 +msgstr "Vybrat (odznačit) vše"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:46 templates/contacts.php:66
 +msgid "Sort order"
 +msgstr "Řazení"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:48 templates/contacts.php:68
 +msgid "First- Lastname"
 +msgstr "Jméno, Příjmení"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:49 templates/contacts.php:69
 +msgid "Last-, Firstname"
 +msgstr "Příjmení, Jméno"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:53 templates/contacts.php:80
 +msgid "Groups"
 +msgstr "Skupiny"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:55 templates/contacts.php:82
 +msgid "Favorite"
 +msgstr "Oblíbit"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:56 templates/contacts.php:83
 +msgid "Merge selected"
 +msgstr "Sjednotit vybrané"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:92
 +msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
 +msgstr "Klávesové zkratky"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:94
 +msgid "Navigation"
 +msgstr "Navigace"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:97
 +msgid "Next contact in list"
 +msgstr "Následující kontakt v seznamu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:99
 +msgid "Previous contact in list"
 +msgstr "Předchozí kontakt v seznamu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:101
 +msgid "Expand/collapse current addressbook"
 +msgstr "Rozbalit/svinout současnou knihu adres"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:103
 +msgid "Next addressbook"
 +msgstr "Následující adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:105
 +msgid "Previous addressbook"
 +msgstr "Předchozí adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:109
 +msgid "Actions"
 +msgstr "Činnosti"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:112
 +msgid "Refresh contacts list"
 +msgstr "Obnovit seznam kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:114
 +msgid "Add new contact"
 +msgstr "Přidat nový kontakt"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:116
 +msgid "Add new addressbook"
 +msgstr "Přidat nový adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:118
 +msgid "Delete current contact"
 +msgstr "Odstranit současný kontakt"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:124
 +msgid ""
 +"<h3>You have no contacts in your address book or your address book is "
 +"disabled.</h3><p>Add a new contact or import existing contacts from a VCF "
 +msgstr "<h3>Váš adresář kontaktů je buď vypnutý nebo prázdný.</h3><p>Vložte nový kontakt nebo importujte již existující kontakty ze souboru VCF.</p>"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:127
 +msgid "Add contact"
 +msgstr "Přidat kontakt"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:174
 +msgid "Delete group"
 +msgstr "Smazat skupinu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:175
 +msgid "Rename group"
 +msgstr "Přejmenovat skupinu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:183
 +msgid "Which contact should the data be merged into?"
 +msgstr "Do kterého kontaktu mají být data sjednocena?"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:191
 +msgid "Delete the other(s) after successful merge?"
 +msgstr "Smazat ostatní po úspěšném sjednocení?"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:203
 +msgid "Compose mail"
 +msgstr "Napsat e-mail"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:225
 +msgid "Delete current photo"
 +msgstr "Smazat současnou fotku"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:226
 +msgid "Edit current photo"
 +msgstr "Upravit současnou fotku"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:227
 +msgid "Upload new photo"
 +msgstr "Nahrát novou fotku"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:228
 +msgid "Select photo from ownCloud"
 +msgstr "Vybrat fotku z ownCloudu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:233 templates/settings.php:59
 +msgid "Name"
 +msgstr "Název"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:239 templates/contacts.php:240
 +msgid "First name"
 +msgstr "Křestní jméno"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:244 templates/contacts.php:245
 +msgid "Additional names"
 +msgstr "Další jména"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:249 templates/contacts.php:250
 +msgid "Last name"
 +msgstr "Příjmení"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:257
 +msgid "Select groups"
 +msgstr "Vyberte skupiny"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:260
 +msgid "Select address book"
 +msgstr "Vyberte adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:264 templates/contacts.php:328
 +msgid "Nickname"
 +msgstr "Přezdívka"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:267
 +msgid "Enter nickname"
 +msgstr "Zadejte přezdívku"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:271 templates/contacts.php:327
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "Název"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:274
 +msgid "Enter title"
 +msgstr "Zadejte titul"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:278 templates/contacts.php:326
 +msgid "Organization"
 +msgstr "Organizace"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:281
 +msgid "Enter organization"
 +msgstr "Zadejte organizaci"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:285 templates/contacts.php:329
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "Narozeniny"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:316
 +msgid "Notes go here..."
 +msgstr "Sem vložte poznámky..."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323
 +msgid "Export as VCF"
 +msgstr "Exportovat jako VCF"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:325
 +msgid "Add field..."
 +msgstr "Přidat položku..."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:330
 +msgid "Phone"
 +msgstr "Telefon"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:331
 +msgid "Email"
 +msgstr "E-mail"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:332
 +msgid "Instant Messaging"
 +msgstr "Komunikátor"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:333
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "Adresa"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:334
 +msgid "Note"
 +msgstr "Poznámka"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:335
 +msgid "Web site"
 +msgstr "Webová stránka"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337
 +msgid "Delete contact"
 +msgstr "Smazat kontakt"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:351 templates/contacts.php:366
 +#: templates/contacts.php:380 templates/contacts.php:405
 +#: templates/contacts.php:443
 +msgid "Preferred"
 +msgstr "Preferované"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "Please specify a valid email address."
 +msgstr "Prosím zadejte platnou e-mailovou adresu."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "someone at example.com"
 +msgstr "někdo at example.com"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:355
 +msgid "Mail to address"
 +msgstr "Odeslat na adresu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:356
 +msgid "Delete email address"
 +msgstr "Smazat e-mailovou adresu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:368
 +msgid "Enter phone number"
 +msgstr "Zadejte telefonní číslo"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:370
 +msgid "Delete phone number"
 +msgstr "Smazat telefonní číslo"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:384
 +msgid "Go to web site"
 +msgstr "Přejít na webovou stránku"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:385
 +msgid "Delete URL"
 +msgstr "Smazat URL"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:396
 +msgid "View on map"
 +msgstr "Zobrazit na mapě"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:397
 +msgid "Delete address"
 +msgstr "Smazat adresu"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:410
 +msgid "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW"
 +msgstr "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:411
 +msgid "Street address"
 +msgstr "Ulice"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:415
 +msgid "20500"
 +msgstr "20500"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:416
 +msgid "Postal code"
 +msgstr "Směrovací číslo"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:418
 +msgid "Washington, DC"
 +msgstr "Washington, DC"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:419
 +msgid "City"
 +msgstr "Město"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:423
 +msgid "District of Columbia"
 +msgstr "District of Columbia"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:424
 +msgid "State or province"
 +msgstr "Stát nebo provincie"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:428
 +msgid "USA"
 +msgstr "USA"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:429
 +msgid "Country"
 +msgstr "Země"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:451
 +msgid "Instant Messenger"
 +msgstr "Komunikátor"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:453
 +msgid "Delete IM"
 +msgstr "Smazat komunikátor"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:461
 +msgid "Active"
 +msgstr "Aktivní"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:464 templates/settings.php:36
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Sdílet"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:465
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "Exportovat"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:466
 +msgid "CardDAV link"
 +msgstr "CardDAV odkaz"
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "CardDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "Adresy pro synchronizaci pomocí CardDAV"
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "podrobnosti"
 +#: templates/settings.php:5
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "Hlavní adresa (Kontakt etc.)"
 +#: templates/settings.php:7
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Addressbooks"
 +msgstr "Adresáře kontaktů"
 +#: templates/settings.php:58
 +msgid "New Address Book"
 +msgstr "Nový adresář kontaktů"
 +#: templates/settings.php:60
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "Popis"
diff --cc apps/contacts/l10n/templates/contacts.pot
index dba9b80,0000000..45f097d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/l10n/templates/contacts.pot
+++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/templates/contacts.pot
@@@ -1,1161 -1,0 +1,1161 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +#, fuzzy
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud contacts 5.0.0\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:17-0500\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 12:06-0500\n"
 +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 +"Language: \n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:28 lib/app.php:103
 +msgid "Contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:83 js/groups.js:518 templates/settings.php:61
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:298
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:301 js/loader.js:68
 +msgid "Importing..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:324
 +msgid "Preparing..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:372
 +msgid "Imported {count} of {total} contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:394
 +msgid "Imported {imported} contacts. {failed} failed."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:550
 +msgid "An address book called {name} already exists"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:584
 +msgid "Failed adding address book: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:626
 +msgid "Failed loading address books: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:215
 +msgid "Indexing contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:225
 +msgid "Unrecoverable error loading address books: {msg}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:226
 +msgid "Error."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:317 js/app.js:331
 +msgid "Add to..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:321 js/app.js:333
 +msgid "Remove from..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:338
 +msgid "Add group..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:468
 +msgid "Invalid URL: \"{url}\""
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:479
 +msgid "There was an error opening a mail composer."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:484
 +msgid "Invalid email: \"{url}\""
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:562
 +msgid "Merge failed. Cannot find contact: {id}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:575
 +msgid "Merge failed."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:582
 +msgid "Merge failed. Error saving contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:602
 +msgid "Select photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:678 js/app.js:1570
 +msgid "Network or server error. Please inform administrator."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:894
 +msgid "Error adding to group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:917
 +msgid "Error removing from group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1104
 +msgid "Error setting {name} as favorite."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1243 js/app.js:1247 templates/contacts.php:182
 +msgid "Merge contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1269 js/app.js:1322 js/settings.js:120 templates/contacts.php:321
 +#: templates/settings.php:62
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1296 templates/contacts.php:163
 +msgid "Add group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1300
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1394
 +msgid "Could not find contact: {id}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1417
 +msgid "No files selected for upload."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1427
 +msgid ""
 +"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads "
 +"on this server."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1528
 +msgid "Edit profile picture"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/app.js:1532
 +msgid "Crop photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:589
 +msgid "Is this correct?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:856
 +msgid "Error parsing date: {date}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:1053
 +msgid "# groups"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:1125
 +msgid "Error parsing birthday {bday}: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:2162
 +msgid ""
 +"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for "
 +"them to be deleted."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:2173
 +msgid "Click to undo deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:2182
 +msgid "Cancelled deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:53
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:263
 +msgid "Contact is already in this group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:276
 +msgid "Contacts are already in this group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:342
 +msgid "Couldn't get contact list."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:353
 +msgid "Contact is not in this group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:367
 +msgid "Contacts are not in this group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:566
 +msgid "Failed renaming group: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:597
 +msgid "A group named {group} already exists"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:632
 +msgid ""
 +"You can drag groups to\n"
 +"arrange them as you like."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:645
 +msgid "Failed adding group: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:657
 +msgid "All"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:672 js/groups.js:675
 +msgid "Favorites"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:736
 +msgid "Shared by {owner}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:751
 +msgid "Not grouped"
 +msgstr ""
- #: js/groups.js:777
++#: js/groups.js:780
 +msgid "Failed loading groups: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:21
 +msgid "Please choose the addressbook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:22 templates/contacts.php:29
 +msgid "Import into..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:31
 +msgid "Error loading import template"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:48
 +msgid "Import contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:61 templates/contacts.php:25
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:92
 +msgid "Import done"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:95 templates/contacts.php:91 templates/contacts.php:322
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:25 js/settings.js:45 js/settings.js:75 js/settings.js:112
 +msgid "Error"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:75
 +msgid "Displayname cannot be empty."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:97 templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Show CardDav link"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:98 templates/settings.php:29
 +msgid "Show read-only VCF link"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:99 templates/contacts.php:57 templates/contacts.php:78
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323 templates/settings.php:40
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:101 templates/contacts.php:467 templates/settings.php:45
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:102 templates/contacts.php:58 templates/contacts.php:77
 +#: templates/contacts.php:268 templates/contacts.php:275
 +#: templates/contacts.php:282 templates/contacts.php:289
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337 templates/contacts.php:468
 +#: templates/settings.php:50
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:159 templates/settings.php:66
 +msgid "More..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/settings.js:162
 +msgid "Less..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/storage.js:30
 +msgid "Server error! Please inform system administator"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/storage.js:335 js/storage.js:374
 +msgid "Failed loading photo: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:152
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:159
 +msgid "Contact not found"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:186
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see these contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:213
 +msgid "You do not have permissions add contacts to the address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:216
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:240 lib/addressbook.php:266 lib/contact.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete this contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:243 lib/addressbook.php:269
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support deleting contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:290
 +msgid "Unknown error"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:332
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support updating"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:358
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to update the address book."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:369
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to delete the address book."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/app.php:144
 +msgid "Address book not found"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:112 lib/contact.php:159
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:261
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to update this contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:272
 +msgid "The backend for this contact does not support updating it"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:290
 +msgid "This backend not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:400 lib/contact.php:417
 +msgid "Property not found"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:465
 +msgid " Missing IM parameter for: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:473
 +msgid "Unknown IM: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:750
 +msgid "{name}'s Birthday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:112
 +msgid "Error creating address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:129
 +msgid "Error updating address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:157
 +#, php-format
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete the \"%s\" address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:163
 +msgid "Error deleting address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:201
 +msgid "Error creating contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:237
 +msgid "Error deleting contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:277
 +msgid "Error retrieving contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:287
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:332
 +msgid "Error saving contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:291
 +msgid "Error removing contact from other address book."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:37
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:64
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:38
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:274
 +#: lib/controller/exportcontroller.php:66
 +msgid "Couldn't find contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:60
 +msgid "No contact data in request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:68
 +msgid "Error merging into contact."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:71
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:102
 +msgid "Property name is not set."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:107
 +msgid "Property checksum is not set."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:126
 +msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:135
 +msgid "Error updating contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:140
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:69
 +msgid "Error getting user photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:87
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:36
 +msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:95
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:44
 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:96
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:45
 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:47
 +msgid ""
 +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
 +"the HTML form"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:98
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:48
 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:99
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:49
 +msgid "No file was uploaded"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:100
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:115
 +msgid "Couldn't load temporary image: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:124
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:162
 +msgid "Couldn't save temporary image: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:191
 +msgid "No photo path was submitted."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:198
 +msgid "File doesn't exist:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:203
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:206
 +msgid "Error loading image."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:279
 +msgid "Image has been removed from cache"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:285
 +msgid "Error creating temporary image"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:292
 +msgid "Error cropping image"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:297
 +msgid "Error resizing image"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:315
 +msgid "Error getting PHOTO property."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:57 lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:79
 +msgid "No group name given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:64
 +msgid "Error adding group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:127
 +msgid "No group name to rename from given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:131
 +msgid "No group name to rename to given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error renaming group."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:175
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:223
 +msgid "Group ID missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:180
 +msgid "Group name missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:185
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:228
 +msgid "Contact ID missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:51
 +msgid "Failed to write to disk"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:62
 +msgid "Not enough storage available"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:70
 +msgid "Attempt to upload blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:92
 +msgid "Error uploading contacts to storage."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error moving file to imports folder."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:154
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to import into this address book."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:162
 +msgid "File name missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:167
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:283
 +msgid "Progress key missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:173
 +msgid "Attempt to access blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:215
 +msgid "No contacts found in: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:35
 +msgid "No key is given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:39
 +msgid "No value is given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Could not set preference: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/searchprovider.php:24
 +msgid "Contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:111 lib/utils/properties.php:160
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:173 lib/utils/properties.php:180
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:195
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:114
 +msgid "HomePage"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:71
 +msgid "Jabber"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:76
 +msgid "Internet call"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:81
 +msgid "AIM"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:86
 +msgid "MSN"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:91
 +msgid "Twitter"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:96
 +msgid "GoogleTalk"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:101
 +msgid "Facebook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:106
 +msgid "XMPP"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:111
 +msgid "ICQ"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:116
 +msgid "Yahoo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:121
 +msgid "Skype"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:126
 +msgid "QQ"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:131
 +msgid "GaduGadu"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:158 lib/utils/properties.php:166
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:177 lib/utils/properties.php:194
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:159 lib/utils/properties.php:164
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:178
 +msgid "Home"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:165
 +msgid "Mobile"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:167
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:168
 +msgid "Voice"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:169
 +msgid "Message"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:170
 +msgid "Fax"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:171
 +msgid "Video"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:172
 +msgid "Pager"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:179
 +msgid "Internet"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:192
 +msgid "Friends"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:193
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:6
 +msgid "New Contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "Group name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "New Group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:19
 +msgid "Address books"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22 templates/contacts.php:47
 +#: templates/contacts.php:67
 +msgid "Display name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22
 +msgid "Add Address Book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:31 templates/contacts.php:32
 +msgid "Select file..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:45 templates/contacts.php:65
 +msgid "(De-)select all"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:46 templates/contacts.php:66
 +msgid "Sort order"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:48 templates/contacts.php:68
 +msgid "First- Lastname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:49 templates/contacts.php:69
 +msgid "Last-, Firstname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:53 templates/contacts.php:80
 +msgid "Groups"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:55 templates/contacts.php:82
 +msgid "Favorite"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:56 templates/contacts.php:83
 +msgid "Merge selected"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:92
 +msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:94
 +msgid "Navigation"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:97
 +msgid "Next contact in list"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:99
 +msgid "Previous contact in list"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:101
 +msgid "Expand/collapse current addressbook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:103
 +msgid "Next addressbook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:105
 +msgid "Previous addressbook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:109
 +msgid "Actions"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:112
 +msgid "Refresh contacts list"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:114
 +msgid "Add new contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:116
 +msgid "Add new addressbook"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:118
 +msgid "Delete current contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:124
 +msgid ""
 +"<h3>You have no contacts in your address book or your address book is "
 +"disabled.</h3><p>Add a new contact or import existing contacts from a VCF "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:127
 +msgid "Add contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:174
 +msgid "Delete group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:175
 +msgid "Rename group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:183
 +msgid "Which contact should the data be merged into?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:191
 +msgid "Delete the other(s) after successful merge?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:203
 +msgid "Compose mail"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:225
 +msgid "Delete current photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:226
 +msgid "Edit current photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:227
 +msgid "Upload new photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:228
 +msgid "Select photo from ownCloud"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:233 templates/settings.php:59
 +msgid "Name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:239 templates/contacts.php:240
 +msgid "First name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:244 templates/contacts.php:245
 +msgid "Additional names"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:249 templates/contacts.php:250
 +msgid "Last name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:257
 +msgid "Select groups"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:260
 +msgid "Select address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:264 templates/contacts.php:328
 +msgid "Nickname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:267
 +msgid "Enter nickname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:271 templates/contacts.php:327
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:274
 +msgid "Enter title"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:278 templates/contacts.php:326
 +msgid "Organization"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:281
 +msgid "Enter organization"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:285 templates/contacts.php:329
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:316
 +msgid "Notes go here..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323
 +msgid "Export as VCF"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:325
 +msgid "Add field..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:330
 +msgid "Phone"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:331
 +msgid "Email"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:332
 +msgid "Instant Messaging"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:333
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:334
 +msgid "Note"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:335
 +msgid "Web site"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337
 +msgid "Delete contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:351 templates/contacts.php:366
 +#: templates/contacts.php:380 templates/contacts.php:405
 +#: templates/contacts.php:443
 +msgid "Preferred"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "Please specify a valid email address."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "someone at example.com"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:355
 +msgid "Mail to address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:356
 +msgid "Delete email address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:368
 +msgid "Enter phone number"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:370
 +msgid "Delete phone number"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:384
 +msgid "Go to web site"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:385
 +msgid "Delete URL"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:396
 +msgid "View on map"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:397
 +msgid "Delete address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:410
 +msgid "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:411
 +msgid "Street address"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:415
 +msgid "20500"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:416
 +msgid "Postal code"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:418
 +msgid "Washington, DC"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:419
 +msgid "City"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:423
 +msgid "District of Columbia"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:424
 +msgid "State or province"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:428
 +msgid "USA"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:429
 +msgid "Country"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:451
 +msgid "Instant Messenger"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:453
 +msgid "Delete IM"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:461
 +msgid "Active"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:464 templates/settings.php:36
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:465
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:466
 +msgid "CardDAV link"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "CardDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:5
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:7
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Addressbooks"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:58
 +msgid "New Address Book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:60
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr ""
diff --cc apps/contacts/l10n/uk.php
index 44f8a55,0000000..5f39ad2
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,171 -1,0 +1,219 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Contacts" => "Контакти",
 +"Save" => "Зберегти",
 +"Uploading..." => "Вивантаження...",
 +"Importing..." => "Імпортування...",
++"Imported {count} of {total} contacts" => "Імпортовано {count} з {total} контактів",
++"Imported {imported} contacts. {failed} failed." => "Імпортовано {imported} контактів. {failed} змарновано.",
++"An address book called {name} already exists" => "Адресна книга з назвою {name} вже існує",
++"Failed adding address book: {error}" => "Неможливо додати адресну книгу: {error}",
++"Failed loading address books: {error}" => "Неможливо завантажити адресні книги: {error}",
 +"Indexing contacts" => "Індексування контактів",
++"Unrecoverable error loading address books: {msg}" => "Невиправна помилка завантаження адресних книг: {msg}",
++"Error." => "Помилка.",
 +"Add to..." => "Додати до...",
 +"Remove from..." => "Видалити з...",
 +"Add group..." => "Додати групу...",
++"Invalid URL: \"{url}\"" => "Невірний URL: \"{url}\"",
 +"There was an error opening a mail composer." => "Виникла помилка при відкриванні поштової програми.",
++"Invalid email: \"{url}\"" => "Невірний email: \"{url}\"",
++"Merge failed. Cannot find contact: {id}" => "Об'єднання не відбулося. Неможливо знайти контакт: {id}",
++"Merge failed." => "Об'єднання не відбулося.",
++"Merge failed. Error saving contact." => "Об'єднання не відбулося. Помилка при збереженні контакту.",
 +"Select photo" => "Оберіть фото",
 +"Network or server error. Please inform administrator." => "Мережева або серверна помилка. Будь ласка, проінформуйте адміністратора.",
 +"Error adding to group." => "Помилка при додаванні у групу.",
 +"Error removing from group." => "Помилка при видаленні з групи.",
++"Error setting {name} as favorite." => "Помилка при встановленні {name} як улюбленого.",
++"Merge contacts" => "Об'єднання контактів",
 +"Cancel" => "Відмінити",
 +"Add group" => "Додати групу",
 +"OK" => "OK",
++"Could not find contact: {id}" => "Неможливо знайти контакт: {id}",
 +"No files selected for upload." => "Не обрано файлів для завантаження.",
 +"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Файл, який Ви намагаєтесь завантажити перевищує максимальний розмір файлу, що дозволено завантажувати на даний сервер.",
 +"Edit profile picture" => "Редагувати зображення облікового запису",
 +"Is this correct?" => "Це вірно?",
++"# groups" => "# groups",
 +"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for them to be deleted." => "Деякі контакти помічено для видалення, але ще не видалені. Будь ласка, зачекайте, доки вони будуть видалені.",
 +"Click to undo deletion of {num} contacts" => "Натисніть для відміни видалення {num} контактів",
 +"Add" => "Додати",
 +"Contact is already in this group." => "Контакт вже у даній групі.",
 +"Contacts are already in this group." => "Контакти вже у даній групі.",
 +"Couldn't get contact list." => "Не вдалося отримати список контактів.",
 +"Contact is not in this group." => "Контакт не в даній групі.",
 +"Contacts are not in this group." => "Контакти не в даній групі.",
++"Failed renaming group: {error}" => "Не вдалося перейменувати групу: {error}",
 +"A group named {group} already exists" => "Група з назвою {group} вже існує",
++"You can drag groups to\narrange them as you like." => "Ви можете перетягнути групи для того,\nщоб організувати їх, як вам заманеться.",
++"Failed adding group: {error}" => "Не вдалося додати групу: {error}",
 +"All" => "Всі",
 +"Favorites" => "Улюблені",
 +"Shared by {owner}" => "Опублікував {owner}",
++"Not grouped" => "Не згруповані",
++"Failed loading groups: {error}" => "Не вдалося завантажити групи: {error}",
 +"Please choose the addressbook" => "Будь ласка, оберіть адресну книгу",
 +"Import" => "Імпорт",
 +"Import done" => "Імпортування виконано",
 +"Close" => "Закрити",
 +"Error" => "Помилка",
 +"Displayname cannot be empty." => "Ім'я для відображення не може бути порожнім.",
 +"Show CardDav link" => "Показати посилання CardDav",
 +"Show read-only VCF link" => "Показати VCF посилання тільки для читання",
 +"Download" => "Завантажити",
 +"Edit" => "Редагувати",
 +"Delete" => "Видалити",
 +"More..." => "Більше...",
 +"Less..." => "Менше...",
++"Failed loading photo: {error}" => "Не вдалося завантажити фото: {error}",
++"You do not have permissions to see this contacts" => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити цей контакт",
++"You do not have permissions to see these contacts" => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити ці контакти",
++"You do not have permissions add contacts to the address book" => "Вам бракує прав щоб додати контакти до адресної книги",
++"You do not have permissions to delete this contact" => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб видалити цей контакт",
 +"Unknown error" => "Невідома помилка",
++"You don't have permissions to update the address book." => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб оновити адресну книгу",
++"You don't have permissions to delete the address book." => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб видалити адресну книгу",
++"Address book not found" => "Адресна книга не знайдена",
++"You do not have permissions to see this contact" => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити цей контакт",
++"You do not have permissions to update this contact" => "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб оновити цей контакт",
++"Property not found" => "Властивість не знайдено",
++" Missing IM parameter for: " => "Відсутній IM параметр для:",
 +"Unknown IM: " => "Невідомий IM: ",
 +"{name}'s Birthday" => "День народження {name}",
++"Error creating address book" => "Помилка створення адресної книги",
++"Error updating address book" => "Помилка оновлення адресної книги",
++"Error deleting address book" => "Помилка видалення адресної книги",
++"Error creating contact." => "Помилка при створенні контакту.",
++"Error deleting contact." => "Помилка при видаленні контакту.",
++"Error retrieving contact." => "Помилка при отриманні контакту.",
 +"Error saving contact." => "Помилка при збереженні контакту.",
++"Error removing contact from other address book." => "Помилка при переміщенні контакту з іншої адресної книги.",
++"Couldn't find contact." => "Не вдалося знайти контакт.",
++"Error merging into contact." => "Помилка злиття в контакт.",
++"Property name is not set." => "Ім'я властивості не встановлено.",
++"Property checksum is not set." => "Контрольна сума властивості не встановлена.",
 +"Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Інформація про vCard помилкова. Будь ласка, перезавантажте сторінку.",
 +"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Не завантажено жодного файлу. Невідома помилка",
 +"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Файл успішно вивантажено без помилок.",
 +"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Розмір відвантаженого файлу перевищує директиву upload_max_filesize в php.ini",
 +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Розмір відвантаженого файлу перевищує директиву MAX_FILE_SIZE вказану в HTML формі",
 +"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Файл відвантажено лише частково",
 +"No file was uploaded" => "Не відвантажено жодного файлу",
 +"Missing a temporary folder" => "Відсутній тимчасовий каталог",
 +"Couldn't load temporary image: " => "Не вдалося завантажити тимчасове зображення: ",
 +"Couldn't save temporary image: " => "Неможливо зберегти тимчасовий образ: ",
 +"No photo path was submitted." => "Не надано шлях до зображення.",
 +"File doesn't exist:" => "Файл не існує:",
 +"Error loading image." => "Помилка завантаження зображення.",
 +"Error creating temporary image" => "Помилка при створенні тимчасового зображення",
 +"Error cropping image" => "Помилка обрізки зображення",
 +"Error resizing image" => "Помилка при зміні розміру зображення",
 +"Error getting PHOTO property." => "Помилка при отриманні ФОТО властивості.",
++"No group name given." => "Не задано ім'я групи.",
 +"Error adding group." => "Помилка при додаванні групи.",
++"Error renaming group." => "Помилка при перейменуванні групи.",
 +"Group ID missing from request." => "В запиті відсутній ID групи.",
++"Group name missing from request." => "В запиті відсутнє ім'я групи.",
 +"Contact ID missing from request." => "В запиті відсутній ID контакту.",
 +"Failed to write to disk" => "Невдалося записати на диск",
 +"Not enough storage available" => "Місця більше немає",
 +"Error uploading contacts to storage." => "Помилка завантаження контактів у сховище.",
++"You do not have permissions to import into this address book." => "У вас немає дозволу імпортувати щось у цю адресну книгу.",
 +"Could not set preference: " => "Не вдалося встановити важливість: ",
 +"Contact" => "Контакт",
 +"Other" => "Інше",
 +"HomePage" => "Домашня Сторінка",
 +"Jabber" => "Jabber",
 +"AIM" => "AIM",
 +"MSN" => "MSN",
 +"Twitter" => "Twitter",
 +"GoogleTalk" => "GoogleTalk",
 +"Facebook" => "Facebook",
 +"XMPP" => "XMPP",
 +"ICQ" => "ICQ",
 +"Yahoo" => "Yahoo",
 +"Skype" => "Skype",
 +"QQ" => "QQ",
 +"GaduGadu" => "GaduGadu",
 +"Work" => "Робота",
 +"Home" => "Домашня адреса",
 +"Mobile" => "Мобільний",
 +"Text" => "Текст",
 +"Voice" => "Голос",
 +"Message" => "Повідомлення",
 +"Fax" => "Факс",
 +"Video" => "Відео",
 +"Pager" => "Пейджер",
 +"Internet" => "Інтернет",
 +"Friends" => "Друзі",
 +"Family" => "Сім'я",
 +"New Contact" => "Новий контакт",
 +"New Group" => "Нова група",
 +"(De-)select all" => "(Відміна) виділення усіх",
 +"Groups" => "Групи",
 +"Favorite" => "Улюблений",
 +"Keyboard shortcuts" => "Сполучення клавіш",
 +"Navigation" => "Навігація",
 +"Next contact in list" => "Наступний контакт у списку",
 +"Previous contact in list" => "Попередній контакт у списку",
 +"Expand/collapse current addressbook" => "Розгорнути/згорнути поточну адресну книгу",
 +"Next addressbook" => "Наступна адресна книга",
 +"Previous addressbook" => "Попередня адресна книга",
 +"Actions" => "Дії",
 +"Refresh contacts list" => "Оновити список контактів",
 +"Add new contact" => "Додати новий контакт",
 +"Add new addressbook" => "Додати нову адресну книгу",
 +"Delete current contact" => "Видалити даний контакт",
 +"Add contact" => "Додати контакт",
 +"Delete group" => "Видалити групу",
 +"Compose mail" => "Написати листа",
 +"Delete current photo" => "Видалити поточне фото",
 +"Edit current photo" => "Редагувати поточне фото",
 +"Upload new photo" => "Завантажити нове фото",
 +"Select photo from ownCloud" => "Обрати фото з ownCloud",
 +"Name" => "Ім'я",
 +"First name" => "Ім'я",
 +"Additional names" => "Додаткові імена",
 +"Last name" => "Прізвище",
 +"Select groups" => "Оберіть групи",
 +"Nickname" => "Прізвисько",
 +"Enter nickname" => "Ввести прізвисько",
 +"Title" => "Назва",
 +"Organization" => "Організація",
 +"Birthday" => "День народження",
 +"Notes go here..." => "Тут будуть примітки...",
 +"Phone" => "Телефон",
 +"Email" => "Ел.пошта",
 +"Instant Messaging" => "Instant Messaging",
 +"Address" => "Адреса",
 +"Note" => "Примітка",
 +"Web site" => "Веб-сайт",
 +"Delete contact" => "Видалити контакт",
 +"Preferred" => "Пріоритетний",
 +"Please specify a valid email address." => "Будь ласка, вкажіть вірну адресу електронної пошти.",
 +"someone at example.com" => "someone at example.com",
 +"Mail to address" => "Написати листа за адресою",
 +"Delete email address" => "Видалити адресу електронної пошти",
 +"Enter phone number" => "Ввести номер телефону",
 +"Delete phone number" => "Видалити номер телефону",
 +"Go to web site" => "Перейти на веб-сайт",
 +"Delete URL" => "Видалити URL",
 +"View on map" => "Переглянути на карті",
 +"Delete address" => "Видалити адресу",
 +"Street address" => "Адреса",
 +"Postal code" => "Поштовий індекс",
 +"City" => "Місто",
 +"Country" => "Країна",
 +"Instant Messenger" => "Instant Messenger",
 +"Delete IM" => "Видалити IM",
 +"Active" => "Активний",
 +"Share" => "Поділитися",
 +"Export" => "Експорт",
 +"CardDAV syncing addresses" => "CardDAV синхронізує адреси",
 +"more info" => "більше інформації",
 +"Primary address (Kontact et al)" => "Початкова адреса",
 +"iOS/OS X" => "iOS/OS X",
 +"Addressbooks" => "Адресні книги",
 +"New Address Book" => "Нова адресна книга",
 +"Description" => "Опис"
diff --cc apps/contacts/l10n/uk/contacts.po
index 397bd66,0000000..07b55f9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/l10n/uk/contacts.po
+++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/uk/contacts.po
@@@ -1,1166 -1,0 +1,1166 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# skoptev <skoptev at ukr.net>, 2012
 +# Soul Kim <warlock.rf at gmail.com>, 2012
 +# VicDeo <victor.dubiniuk at gmail.com>, 2012
 +# volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>, 2012-2013
 +# volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-21 18:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-16 07:41+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 12:06-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 13:10+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: volodya327 <volodya327 at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/uk/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: uk\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:28 lib/app.php:103
 +msgid "Contacts"
 +msgstr "Контакти"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:83 js/groups.js:518 templates/settings.php:61
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Зберегти"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:298
 +msgid "Uploading..."
 +msgstr "Вивантаження..."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:301 js/loader.js:68
 +msgid "Importing..."
 +msgstr "Імпортування..."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:324
 +msgid "Preparing..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:372
 +msgid "Imported {count} of {total} contacts"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Імпортовано {count} з {total} контактів"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:394
 +msgid "Imported {imported} contacts. {failed} failed."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Імпортовано {imported} контактів. {failed} змарновано."
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:550
 +msgid "An address book called {name} already exists"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Адресна книга з назвою {name} вже існує"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:584
 +msgid "Failed adding address book: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Неможливо додати адресну книгу: {error}"
 +#: js/addressbooks.js:626
 +msgid "Failed loading address books: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Неможливо завантажити адресні книги: {error}"
 +#: js/app.js:215
 +msgid "Indexing contacts"
 +msgstr "Індексування контактів"
 +#: js/app.js:225
 +msgid "Unrecoverable error loading address books: {msg}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Невиправна помилка завантаження адресних книг: {msg}"
 +#: js/app.js:226
 +msgid "Error."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка."
 +#: js/app.js:317 js/app.js:331
 +msgid "Add to..."
 +msgstr "Додати до..."
 +#: js/app.js:321 js/app.js:333
 +msgid "Remove from..."
 +msgstr "Видалити з..."
 +#: js/app.js:338
 +msgid "Add group..."
 +msgstr "Додати групу..."
 +#: js/app.js:468
 +msgid "Invalid URL: \"{url}\""
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Невірний URL: \"{url}\""
 +#: js/app.js:479
 +msgid "There was an error opening a mail composer."
 +msgstr "Виникла помилка при відкриванні поштової програми."
 +#: js/app.js:484
 +msgid "Invalid email: \"{url}\""
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Невірний email: \"{url}\""
 +#: js/app.js:562
 +msgid "Merge failed. Cannot find contact: {id}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Об'єднання не відбулося. Неможливо знайти контакт: {id}"
 +#: js/app.js:575
 +msgid "Merge failed."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Об'єднання не відбулося."
 +#: js/app.js:582
 +msgid "Merge failed. Error saving contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Об'єднання не відбулося. Помилка при збереженні контакту."
 +#: js/app.js:602
 +msgid "Select photo"
 +msgstr "Оберіть фото"
 +#: js/app.js:678 js/app.js:1570
 +msgid "Network or server error. Please inform administrator."
 +msgstr "Мережева або серверна помилка. Будь ласка, проінформуйте адміністратора."
 +#: js/app.js:894
 +msgid "Error adding to group."
 +msgstr "Помилка при додаванні у групу."
 +#: js/app.js:917
 +msgid "Error removing from group."
 +msgstr "Помилка при видаленні з групи."
 +#: js/app.js:1104
 +msgid "Error setting {name} as favorite."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при встановленні {name} як улюбленого."
 +#: js/app.js:1243 js/app.js:1247 templates/contacts.php:182
 +msgid "Merge contacts"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Об'єднання контактів"
 +#: js/app.js:1269 js/app.js:1322 js/settings.js:120 templates/contacts.php:321
 +#: templates/settings.php:62
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Відмінити"
 +#: js/app.js:1296 templates/contacts.php:163
 +msgid "Add group"
 +msgstr "Додати групу"
 +#: js/app.js:1300
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/app.js:1394
 +msgid "Could not find contact: {id}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Неможливо знайти контакт: {id}"
 +#: js/app.js:1417
 +msgid "No files selected for upload."
 +msgstr "Не обрано файлів для завантаження."
 +#: js/app.js:1427
 +msgid ""
 +"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads "
 +"on this server."
 +msgstr "Файл, який Ви намагаєтесь завантажити перевищує максимальний розмір файлу, що дозволено завантажувати на даний сервер."
 +#: js/app.js:1528
 +msgid "Edit profile picture"
 +msgstr "Редагувати зображення облікового запису"
 +#: js/app.js:1532
 +msgid "Crop photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:589
 +msgid "Is this correct?"
 +msgstr "Це вірно?"
 +#: js/contacts.js:856
 +msgid "Error parsing date: {date}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:1053
 +msgid "# groups"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "# groups"
 +#: js/contacts.js:1125
 +msgid "Error parsing birthday {bday}: {error}"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/contacts.js:2162
 +msgid ""
 +"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for "
 +"them to be deleted."
 +msgstr "Деякі контакти помічено для видалення, але ще не видалені. Будь ласка, зачекайте, доки вони будуть видалені."
 +#: js/contacts.js:2173
 +msgid "Click to undo deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr "Натисніть для відміни видалення {num} контактів"
 +#: js/contacts.js:2182
 +msgid "Cancelled deletion of {num} contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/groups.js:53
 +msgid "Add"
 +msgstr "Додати"
 +#: js/groups.js:263
 +msgid "Contact is already in this group."
 +msgstr "Контакт вже у даній групі."
 +#: js/groups.js:276
 +msgid "Contacts are already in this group."
 +msgstr "Контакти вже у даній групі."
 +#: js/groups.js:342
 +msgid "Couldn't get contact list."
 +msgstr "Не вдалося отримати список контактів."
 +#: js/groups.js:353
 +msgid "Contact is not in this group."
 +msgstr "Контакт не в даній групі."
 +#: js/groups.js:367
 +msgid "Contacts are not in this group."
 +msgstr "Контакти не в даній групі."
 +#: js/groups.js:566
 +msgid "Failed renaming group: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося перейменувати групу: {error}"
 +#: js/groups.js:597
 +msgid "A group named {group} already exists"
 +msgstr "Група з назвою {group} вже існує"
 +#: js/groups.js:632
 +msgid ""
 +"You can drag groups to\n"
 +"arrange them as you like."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ви можете перетягнути групи для того,\nщоб організувати їх, як вам заманеться."
 +#: js/groups.js:645
 +msgid "Failed adding group: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося додати групу: {error}"
 +#: js/groups.js:657
 +msgid "All"
 +msgstr "Всі"
 +#: js/groups.js:672 js/groups.js:675
 +msgid "Favorites"
 +msgstr "Улюблені"
 +#: js/groups.js:736
 +msgid "Shared by {owner}"
 +msgstr "Опублікував {owner}"
 +#: js/groups.js:751
 +msgid "Not grouped"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не згруповані"
- #: js/groups.js:777
++#: js/groups.js:780
 +msgid "Failed loading groups: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити групи: {error}"
 +#: js/loader.js:21
 +msgid "Please choose the addressbook"
 +msgstr "Будь ласка, оберіть адресну книгу"
 +#: js/loader.js:22 templates/contacts.php:29
 +msgid "Import into..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:31
 +msgid "Error loading import template"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:48
 +msgid "Import contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/loader.js:61 templates/contacts.php:25
 +msgid "Import"
 +msgstr "Імпорт"
 +#: js/loader.js:92
 +msgid "Import done"
 +msgstr "Імпортування виконано"
 +#: js/loader.js:95 templates/contacts.php:91 templates/contacts.php:322
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Закрити"
 +#: js/settings.js:25 js/settings.js:45 js/settings.js:75 js/settings.js:112
 +msgid "Error"
 +msgstr "Помилка"
 +#: js/settings.js:75
 +msgid "Displayname cannot be empty."
 +msgstr "Ім'я для відображення не може бути порожнім."
 +#: js/settings.js:97 templates/settings.php:26
 +msgid "Show CardDav link"
 +msgstr "Показати посилання CardDav"
 +#: js/settings.js:98 templates/settings.php:29
 +msgid "Show read-only VCF link"
 +msgstr "Показати VCF посилання тільки для читання"
 +#: js/settings.js:99 templates/contacts.php:57 templates/contacts.php:78
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323 templates/settings.php:40
 +msgid "Download"
 +msgstr "Завантажити"
 +#: js/settings.js:101 templates/contacts.php:467 templates/settings.php:45
 +msgid "Edit"
 +msgstr "Редагувати"
 +#: js/settings.js:102 templates/contacts.php:58 templates/contacts.php:77
 +#: templates/contacts.php:268 templates/contacts.php:275
 +#: templates/contacts.php:282 templates/contacts.php:289
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337 templates/contacts.php:468
 +#: templates/settings.php:50
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Видалити"
 +#: js/settings.js:159 templates/settings.php:66
 +msgid "More..."
 +msgstr "Більше..."
 +#: js/settings.js:162
 +msgid "Less..."
 +msgstr "Менше..."
 +#: js/storage.js:30
 +msgid "Server error! Please inform system administator"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/storage.js:335 js/storage.js:374
 +msgid "Failed loading photo: {error}"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити фото: {error}"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:152
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contacts"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити цей контакт"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:159
 +msgid "Contact not found"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:186
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see these contacts"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити ці контакти"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:213
 +msgid "You do not have permissions add contacts to the address book"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав щоб додати контакти до адресної книги"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:216
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:240 lib/addressbook.php:266 lib/contact.php:246
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete this contact"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб видалити цей контакт"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:243 lib/addressbook.php:269
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support deleting contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:290
 +msgid "Unknown error"
 +msgstr "Невідома помилка"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:332
 +msgid "The backend for this address book does not support updating"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:358
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to update the address book."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб оновити адресну книгу"
 +#: lib/addressbook.php:369
 +msgid "You don't have permissions to delete the address book."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб видалити адресну книгу"
 +#: lib/app.php:144
 +msgid "Address book not found"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Адресна книга не знайдена"
 +#: lib/contact.php:112 lib/contact.php:159
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to see this contact"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб побачити цей контакт"
 +#: lib/contact.php:261
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to update this contact"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Вам бракує прав для того, щоб оновити цей контакт"
 +#: lib/contact.php:272
 +msgid "The backend for this contact does not support updating it"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:290
 +msgid "This backend not support adding contacts"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/contact.php:400 lib/contact.php:417
 +msgid "Property not found"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Властивість не знайдено"
 +#: lib/contact.php:465
 +msgid " Missing IM parameter for: "
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Відсутній IM параметр для:"
 +#: lib/contact.php:473
 +msgid "Unknown IM: "
 +msgstr "Невідомий IM: "
 +#: lib/contact.php:750
 +msgid "{name}'s Birthday"
 +msgstr "День народження {name}"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:112
 +msgid "Error creating address book"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка створення адресної книги"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:129
 +msgid "Error updating address book"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка оновлення адресної книги"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:157
 +#, php-format
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to delete the \"%s\" address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:163
 +msgid "Error deleting address book"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка видалення адресної книги"
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:201
 +msgid "Error creating contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при створенні контакту."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:237
 +msgid "Error deleting contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при видаленні контакту."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:277
 +msgid "Error retrieving contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при отриманні контакту."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:287
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:332
 +msgid "Error saving contact."
 +msgstr "Помилка при збереженні контакту."
 +#: lib/controller/addressbookcontroller.php:291
 +msgid "Error removing contact from other address book."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при переміщенні контакту з іншої адресної книги."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:37
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:64
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:38
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:274
 +#: lib/controller/exportcontroller.php:66
 +msgid "Couldn't find contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не вдалося знайти контакт."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:60
 +msgid "No contact data in request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:68
 +msgid "Error merging into contact."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка злиття в контакт."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:71
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:102
 +msgid "Property name is not set."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ім'я властивості не встановлено."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:107
 +msgid "Property checksum is not set."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Контрольна сума властивості не встановлена."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:126
 +msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."
 +msgstr "Інформація про vCard помилкова. Будь ласка, перезавантажте сторінку."
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:135
 +msgid "Error updating contact"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactcontroller.php:140
 +msgid "Error saving contact to backend"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:69
 +msgid "Error getting user photo"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:87
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:36
 +msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
 +msgstr "Не завантажено жодного файлу. Невідома помилка"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:95
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:44
 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
 +msgstr "Файл успішно вивантажено без помилок."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:96
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:45
 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"
 +msgstr "Розмір відвантаженого файлу перевищує директиву upload_max_filesize в php.ini"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:97
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:47
 +msgid ""
 +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
 +"the HTML form"
 +msgstr "Розмір відвантаженого файлу перевищує директиву MAX_FILE_SIZE вказану в HTML формі"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:98
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:48
 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
 +msgstr "Файл відвантажено лише частково"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:99
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:49
 +msgid "No file was uploaded"
 +msgstr "Не відвантажено жодного файлу"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:100
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
 +msgstr "Відсутній тимчасовий каталог"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:115
 +msgid "Couldn't load temporary image: "
 +msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити тимчасове зображення: "
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:124
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:162
 +msgid "Couldn't save temporary image: "
 +msgstr "Неможливо зберегти тимчасовий образ: "
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:191
 +msgid "No photo path was submitted."
 +msgstr "Не надано шлях до зображення."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:198
 +msgid "File doesn't exist:"
 +msgstr "Файл не існує:"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:203
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:206
 +msgid "Error loading image."
 +msgstr "Помилка завантаження зображення."
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:279
 +msgid "Image has been removed from cache"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:285
 +msgid "Error creating temporary image"
 +msgstr "Помилка при створенні тимчасового зображення"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:292
 +msgid "Error cropping image"
 +msgstr "Помилка обрізки зображення"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:297
 +msgid "Error resizing image"
 +msgstr "Помилка при зміні розміру зображення"
 +#: lib/controller/contactphotocontroller.php:315
 +msgid "Error getting PHOTO property."
 +msgstr "Помилка при отриманні ФОТО властивості."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:57 lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:79
 +msgid "No group name given."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Не задано ім'я групи."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:64
 +msgid "Error adding group."
 +msgstr "Помилка при додаванні групи."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:127
 +msgid "No group name to rename from given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:131
 +msgid "No group name to rename to given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error renaming group."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилка при перейменуванні групи."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:175
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:223
 +msgid "Group ID missing from request."
 +msgstr "В запиті відсутній ID групи."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:180
 +msgid "Group name missing from request."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "В запиті відсутнє ім'я групи."
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:185
 +#: lib/controller/groupcontroller.php:228
 +msgid "Contact ID missing from request."
 +msgstr "В запиті відсутній ID контакту."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:51
 +msgid "Failed to write to disk"
 +msgstr "Невдалося записати на диск"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:62
 +msgid "Not enough storage available"
 +msgstr "Місця більше немає"
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:70
 +msgid "Attempt to upload blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:92
 +msgid "Error uploading contacts to storage."
 +msgstr "Помилка завантаження контактів у сховище."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:137
 +msgid "Error moving file to imports folder."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:154
 +msgid "You do not have permissions to import into this address book."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "У вас немає дозволу імпортувати щось у цю адресну книгу."
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:162
 +msgid "File name missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:167
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:283
 +msgid "Progress key missing from request."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:173
 +msgid "Attempt to access blacklisted file:"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/importcontroller.php:215
 +msgid "No contacts found in: "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:35
 +msgid "No key is given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:39
 +msgid "No value is given."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/controller/settingscontroller.php:50
 +msgid "Could not set preference: "
 +msgstr "Не вдалося встановити важливість: "
 +#: lib/searchprovider.php:24
 +msgid "Contact"
 +msgstr "Контакт"
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:111 lib/utils/properties.php:160
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:173 lib/utils/properties.php:180
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:195
 +msgid "Other"
 +msgstr "Інше"
 +#: lib/utils/jsonserializer.php:114
 +msgid "HomePage"
 +msgstr "Домашня Сторінка"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:71
 +msgid "Jabber"
 +msgstr "Jabber"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:76
 +msgid "Internet call"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:81
 +msgid "AIM"
 +msgstr "AIM"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:86
 +msgid "MSN"
 +msgstr "MSN"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:91
 +msgid "Twitter"
 +msgstr "Twitter"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:96
 +msgid "GoogleTalk"
 +msgstr "GoogleTalk"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:101
 +msgid "Facebook"
 +msgstr "Facebook"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:106
 +msgid "XMPP"
 +msgstr "XMPP"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:111
 +msgid "ICQ"
 +msgstr "ICQ"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:116
 +msgid "Yahoo"
 +msgstr "Yahoo"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:121
 +msgid "Skype"
 +msgstr "Skype"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:126
 +msgid "QQ"
 +msgstr "QQ"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:131
 +msgid "GaduGadu"
 +msgstr "GaduGadu"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:158 lib/utils/properties.php:166
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:177 lib/utils/properties.php:194
 +msgid "Work"
 +msgstr "Робота"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:159 lib/utils/properties.php:164
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:178
 +msgid "Home"
 +msgstr "Домашня адреса"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:165
 +msgid "Mobile"
 +msgstr "Мобільний"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:167
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Текст"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:168
 +msgid "Voice"
 +msgstr "Голос"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:169
 +msgid "Message"
 +msgstr "Повідомлення"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:170
 +msgid "Fax"
 +msgstr "Факс"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:171
 +msgid "Video"
 +msgstr "Відео"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:172
 +msgid "Pager"
 +msgstr "Пейджер"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:179
 +msgid "Internet"
 +msgstr "Інтернет"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:192
 +msgid "Friends"
 +msgstr "Друзі"
 +#: lib/utils/properties.php:193
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Сім'я"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:6
 +msgid "New Contact"
 +msgstr "Новий контакт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "Group name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:10
 +msgid "New Group"
 +msgstr "Нова група"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:19
 +msgid "Address books"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22 templates/contacts.php:47
 +#: templates/contacts.php:67
 +msgid "Display name"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:22
 +msgid "Add Address Book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:31 templates/contacts.php:32
 +msgid "Select file..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:45 templates/contacts.php:65
 +msgid "(De-)select all"
 +msgstr "(Відміна) виділення усіх"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:46 templates/contacts.php:66
 +msgid "Sort order"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:48 templates/contacts.php:68
 +msgid "First- Lastname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:49 templates/contacts.php:69
 +msgid "Last-, Firstname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:53 templates/contacts.php:80
 +msgid "Groups"
 +msgstr "Групи"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:55 templates/contacts.php:82
 +msgid "Favorite"
 +msgstr "Улюблений"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:56 templates/contacts.php:83
 +msgid "Merge selected"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:92
 +msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
 +msgstr "Сполучення клавіш"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:94
 +msgid "Navigation"
 +msgstr "Навігація"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:97
 +msgid "Next contact in list"
 +msgstr "Наступний контакт у списку"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:99
 +msgid "Previous contact in list"
 +msgstr "Попередній контакт у списку"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:101
 +msgid "Expand/collapse current addressbook"
 +msgstr "Розгорнути/згорнути поточну адресну книгу"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:103
 +msgid "Next addressbook"
 +msgstr "Наступна адресна книга"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:105
 +msgid "Previous addressbook"
 +msgstr "Попередня адресна книга"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:109
 +msgid "Actions"
 +msgstr "Дії"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:112
 +msgid "Refresh contacts list"
 +msgstr "Оновити список контактів"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:114
 +msgid "Add new contact"
 +msgstr "Додати новий контакт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:116
 +msgid "Add new addressbook"
 +msgstr "Додати нову адресну книгу"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:118
 +msgid "Delete current contact"
 +msgstr "Видалити даний контакт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:124
 +msgid ""
 +"<h3>You have no contacts in your address book or your address book is "
 +"disabled.</h3><p>Add a new contact or import existing contacts from a VCF "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:127
 +msgid "Add contact"
 +msgstr "Додати контакт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:174
 +msgid "Delete group"
 +msgstr "Видалити групу"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:175
 +msgid "Rename group"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:183
 +msgid "Which contact should the data be merged into?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:191
 +msgid "Delete the other(s) after successful merge?"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:203
 +msgid "Compose mail"
 +msgstr "Написати листа"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:225
 +msgid "Delete current photo"
 +msgstr "Видалити поточне фото"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:226
 +msgid "Edit current photo"
 +msgstr "Редагувати поточне фото"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:227
 +msgid "Upload new photo"
 +msgstr "Завантажити нове фото"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:228
 +msgid "Select photo from ownCloud"
 +msgstr "Обрати фото з ownCloud"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:233 templates/settings.php:59
 +msgid "Name"
 +msgstr "Ім'я"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:239 templates/contacts.php:240
 +msgid "First name"
 +msgstr "Ім'я"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:244 templates/contacts.php:245
 +msgid "Additional names"
 +msgstr "Додаткові імена"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:249 templates/contacts.php:250
 +msgid "Last name"
 +msgstr "Прізвище"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:257
 +msgid "Select groups"
 +msgstr "Оберіть групи"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:260
 +msgid "Select address book"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:264 templates/contacts.php:328
 +msgid "Nickname"
 +msgstr "Прізвисько"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:267
 +msgid "Enter nickname"
 +msgstr "Ввести прізвисько"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:271 templates/contacts.php:327
 +msgid "Title"
 +msgstr "Назва"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:274
 +msgid "Enter title"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:278 templates/contacts.php:326
 +msgid "Organization"
 +msgstr "Організація"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:281
 +msgid "Enter organization"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:285 templates/contacts.php:329
 +msgid "Birthday"
 +msgstr "День народження"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:316
 +msgid "Notes go here..."
 +msgstr "Тут будуть примітки..."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:323
 +msgid "Export as VCF"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:325
 +msgid "Add field..."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:330
 +msgid "Phone"
 +msgstr "Телефон"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:331
 +msgid "Email"
 +msgstr "Ел.пошта"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:332
 +msgid "Instant Messaging"
 +msgstr "Instant Messaging"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:333
 +msgid "Address"
 +msgstr "Адреса"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:334
 +msgid "Note"
 +msgstr "Примітка"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:335
 +msgid "Web site"
 +msgstr "Веб-сайт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:337
 +msgid "Delete contact"
 +msgstr "Видалити контакт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:351 templates/contacts.php:366
 +#: templates/contacts.php:380 templates/contacts.php:405
 +#: templates/contacts.php:443
 +msgid "Preferred"
 +msgstr "Пріоритетний"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "Please specify a valid email address."
 +msgstr "Будь ласка, вкажіть вірну адресу електронної пошти."
 +#: templates/contacts.php:353
 +msgid "someone at example.com"
 +msgstr "someone at example.com"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:355
 +msgid "Mail to address"
 +msgstr "Написати листа за адресою"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:356
 +msgid "Delete email address"
 +msgstr "Видалити адресу електронної пошти"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:368
 +msgid "Enter phone number"
 +msgstr "Ввести номер телефону"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:370
 +msgid "Delete phone number"
 +msgstr "Видалити номер телефону"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:384
 +msgid "Go to web site"
 +msgstr "Перейти на веб-сайт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:385
 +msgid "Delete URL"
 +msgstr "Видалити URL"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:396
 +msgid "View on map"
 +msgstr "Переглянути на карті"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:397
 +msgid "Delete address"
 +msgstr "Видалити адресу"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:410
 +msgid "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:411
 +msgid "Street address"
 +msgstr "Адреса"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:415
 +msgid "20500"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:416
 +msgid "Postal code"
 +msgstr "Поштовий індекс"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:418
 +msgid "Washington, DC"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:419
 +msgid "City"
 +msgstr "Місто"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:423
 +msgid "District of Columbia"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:424
 +msgid "State or province"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:428
 +msgid "USA"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/contacts.php:429
 +msgid "Country"
 +msgstr "Країна"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:451
 +msgid "Instant Messenger"
 +msgstr "Instant Messenger"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:453
 +msgid "Delete IM"
 +msgstr "Видалити IM"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:461
 +msgid "Active"
 +msgstr "Активний"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:464 templates/settings.php:36
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Поділитися"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:465
 +msgid "Export"
 +msgstr "Експорт"
 +#: templates/contacts.php:466
 +msgid "CardDAV link"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "CardDAV syncing addresses"
 +msgstr "CardDAV синхронізує адреси"
 +#: templates/settings.php:3
 +msgid "more info"
 +msgstr "більше інформації"
 +#: templates/settings.php:5
 +msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
 +msgstr "Початкова адреса"
 +#: templates/settings.php:7
 +msgid "iOS/OS X"
 +msgstr "iOS/OS X"
 +#: templates/settings.php:11
 +msgid "Addressbooks"
 +msgstr "Адресні книги"
 +#: templates/settings.php:58
 +msgid "New Address Book"
 +msgstr "Нова адресна книга"
 +#: templates/settings.php:60
 +msgid "Description"
 +msgstr "Опис"
diff --cc apps/contacts/lib/backend/database.php
index 7ad7f89,0000000..ac894da
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/lib/backend/database.php
+++ b/apps/contacts/lib/backend/database.php
@@@ -1,785 -1,0 +1,811 @@@
 + * ownCloud - Database backend for Contacts
 + *
 + * @author Thomas Tanghus
 + * @copyright 2013 Thomas Tanghus (thomas at tanghus.net)
 + *
 + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 + * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 + *
 + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 + * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 + *
 + */
 +namespace OCA\Contacts\Backend;
- use OCA\Contacts\Contact;
- use OCA\Contacts\VObject\VCard;
- use Sabre\VObject\Reader;
++use OCA\Contacts\Contact,
++	OCA\Contacts\VObject\VCard,
++	OCA\Contacts\Utils\Properties,
++	Sabre\VObject\Reader;
 + * Subclass this class for Cantacts backends
 + */
 +class Database extends AbstractBackend {
 +	public $name = 'local';
 +	static private $preparedQueries = array();
 +	/**
 +	* Sets up the backend
 +	*
 +	* @param string $addressBooksTableName
 +	* @param string $cardsTableName
 +	*/
 +	public function __construct(
 +		$userid = null,
 +		$options = array(
 +			'addressBooksTableName' => '*PREFIX*contacts_addressbooks',
 +			'cardsTableName' => '*PREFIX*contacts_cards',
 +			'indexTableName' => '*PREFIX*contacts_cards_properties'
 +		)
 +	) {
 +		$this->userid = $userid ? $userid : \OCP\User::getUser();
 +		$this->addressBooksTableName = $options['addressBooksTableName'];
 +		$this->cardsTableName = $options['cardsTableName'];
 +		$this->indexTableName = $options['indexTableName'];
 +		$this->addressbooks = array();
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Returns the list of addressbooks for a specific user.
 +	 *
 +	 * @see AbstractBackend::getAddressBooksForUser
 +	 * @return array
 +	 */
 +	public function getAddressBooksForUser(array $options = array()) {
 +		try {
 +			if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['addressbooksforuser'])) {
 +				$sql = 'SELECT `id`, `displayname`, `description`, `ctag` AS `lastmodified`, `userid` AS `owner`, `uri` FROM `'
 +					. $this->addressBooksTableName
 +					. '` WHERE `userid` = ? ORDER BY `displayname`';
 +				self::$preparedQueries['addressbooksforuser'] = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
 +			}
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries['addressbooksforuser']->execute(array($this->userid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::write('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return $this->addressbooks;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return $this->addressbooks;
 +		}
 +		while($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 +			$row['permissions'] = \OCP\PERMISSION_ALL;
 +			$this->addressbooks[$row['id']] = $row;
 +		}
 +		return $this->addressbooks;
 +	}
 +	public function getAddressBook($addressbookid, array $options = array()) {
 +		//\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' id: '
 +		//	. $addressbookid, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +			//print(__METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__ .' addressBookInfo: ' . print_r($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid], true));
 +			return $this->addressbooks[$addressbookid];
 +		}
 +		// Hmm, not found. Lets query the db.
 +		try {
 +			$query = 'SELECT `id`, `displayname`, `description`, `userid` AS `owner`, `ctag` AS `lastmodified`, `uri` FROM `'
 +				. $this->addressBooksTableName
 +				. '` WHERE `id` = ?';
 +			if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['getaddressbook'])) {
 +				self::$preparedQueries['getaddressbook'] = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +			}
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries['getaddressbook']->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::write('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: '
 +					. \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return null;
 +			}
 +			if((int)$result->numRows() === 0) {
 +				throw new \Exception('Address Book not found', 404);
 +			}
 +			$row = $result->fetchRow();
 +			$row['permissions'] = \OCP\PERMISSION_ALL;
 +			$row['backend'] = $this->name;
 +			$this->addressbooks[$addressbookid] = $row;
 +			return $row;
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' exception: '
 +				. $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return null;
 +		}
 +		return null;
 +	}
 +	public function hasAddressBook($addressbookid, array $options = array()) {
 +		// First check if it's already cached
 +		if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +			return true;
 +		}
 +		return count($this->getAddressBook($addressbookid)) > 0;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Updates an addressbook's properties
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param array $changes
 +	 * @return bool
 +	 */
 +	public function updateAddressBook($addressbookid, array $changes, array $options = array()) {
 +		if(count($changes) === 0) {
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$query = 'UPDATE `' . $this->addressBooksTableName . '` SET ';
 +		$updates = array();
 +		if(isset($changes['displayname'])) {
 +			$query .= '`displayname` = ?, ';
 +			$updates[] = $changes['displayname'];
 +			if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +				$this->addressbooks[$addressbookid]['displayname'] = $changes['displayname'];
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if(isset($changes['description'])) {
 +			$query .= '`description` = ?, ';
 +			$updates[] = $changes['description'];
 +			if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +				$this->addressbooks[$addressbookid]['description'] = $changes['description'];
 +			}
 +		}
 +		$query .= '`ctag` = ? + 1 WHERE `id` = ?';
 +		$updates[] = time();
 +		$updates[] = $addressbookid;
 +		try {
 +			$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +			$result = $stmt->execute($updates);
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts',
 +					__METHOD__. 'DB error: '
 +					. \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts',
 +				__METHOD__ . ', exception: '
 +				. $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Creates a new address book
 +	 *
 +	 * Supported properties are 'displayname', 'description' and 'uri'.
 +	 * 'uri' is supported to allow to add from CardDAV requests, and MUST
 +	 * be used for the 'uri' database field if present.
 +	 * 'displayname' MUST be present.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param array $properties
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @return string|false The ID if the newly created AddressBook or false on error.
 +	 */
 +	public function createAddressBook(array $properties, array $options = array()) {
 +		if(count($properties) === 0 || !isset($properties['displayname'])) {
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $this->addressBooksTableName . '` '
 +			. '(`userid`,`displayname`,`uri`,`description`,`ctag`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)';
 +		$updates = array($this->userid, $properties['displayname']);
 +		$updates[] = isset($properties['uri'])
 +			? $properties['uri']
 +			: $this->createAddressBookURI($properties['displayname']);
 +		$updates[] = isset($properties['description']) ? $properties['description'] : '';
 +		$ctag = time();
 +		$updates[] = $ctag;
 +		try {
 +			if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['createaddressbook'])) {
 +				self::$preparedQueries['createaddressbook'] = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +			}
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries['createaddressbook']->execute($updates);
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$newid = \OCP\DB::insertid($this->addressBooksTableName);
 +		if($this->addressbooks) {
 +			$updates['id'] = $newid;
 +			$updates['ctag'] = $ctag;
 +			$updates['lastmodified'] = $ctag;
 +			$updates['permissions'] = \OCP\PERMISSION_ALL;
 +			$this->addressbooks[$newid] = $updates;
 +		}
 +		return $newid;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Deletes an entire addressbook and all its contents
 +	 *
 +	 * NOTE: For efficience this method bypasses the cleanup hooks and deletes
 +	 * property indexes and category/group relations by itself.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @return bool
 +	 */
 +	public function deleteAddressBook($addressbookid, array $options = array()) {
 +		// Get all contact ids for this address book
 +		$ids = array();
 +		$result = null;
 +		$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `' . $this->cardsTableName . '`'
 +					. ' WHERE `addressbookid` = ?');
 +		try {
 +			$result = $stmt->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: '
 +					. \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.
 +				', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		if(!is_null($result)) {
 +			while($id = $result->fetchOne()) {
 +				$ids[] = $id;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		\OCP\Util::emitHook('OCA\Contacts', 'pre_deleteAddressBook',
 +			array('addressbookid' => $addressbookid, 'contactids' => $ids)
 +		);
 +		// Delete contacts in address book.
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbookcontacts'])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbookcontacts'] =
 +				\OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `' . $this->cardsTableName
 +					. '` WHERE `addressbookid` = ?');
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbookcontacts']
 +				->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.
 +				', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		// Delete the address book.
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbook'])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbook'] =
 +				\OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `'
 +					. $this->addressBooksTableName . '` WHERE `id` = ?');
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['deleteaddressbook']
 +				->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.
 +				', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +			unset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid]);
 +		}
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * @brief Updates ctag for addressbook
 +	 * @param integer $id
 +	 * @return boolean
 +	 */
 +	public function setModifiedAddressBook($id) {
 +		$query = 'UPDATE `' . $this->addressBooksTableName
 +			. '` SET `ctag` = ? + 1 WHERE `id` = ?';
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['touchaddressbook'])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['touchaddressbook'] = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +		}
 +		$ctag = time();
 +		self::$preparedQueries['touchaddressbook']->execute(array($ctag, $id));
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	public function lastModifiedAddressBook($addressbookid) {
 +		if($this->addressbooks && isset($this->addressbooks[$addressbookid])) {
 +			return $this->addressbooks[$addressbookid]['lastmodified'];
 +		}
 +		$addressBook = $this->getAddressBook($addressbookid);
 +		return $addressBook ? $addressBook['lastmodified'] : null;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Returns the number of contacts in a specific address book.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param bool $omitdata Don't fetch the entire carddata or vcard.
 +	 * @return array
 +	 */
 +	public function numContacts($addressbookid) {
 +		$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `' . $this->cardsTableName . '` WHERE '
 +			. '`addressbookid` = ?';
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries['count'])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries['count'] = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +		}
 +		$result = self::$preparedQueries['count']->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +		if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return null;
 +		}
 +		return (int)$result->fetchOne();
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Returns all contacts for a specific addressbook id.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @param bool $omitdata Don't fetch the entire carddata or vcard.
 +	 * @return array
 +	 */
 +	public function getContacts($addressbookid, array $options = array() ) {
 +		//\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' addressbookid: ' . $addressbookid, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		$cards = array();
 +		try {
 +			$omitdata = isset($options['omitdata']) ? $options['omitdata'] : false;
 +			$qfields = $omitdata ? '`id`, `fullname` AS `displayname`' : '*';
 +			$query = 'SELECT ' . $qfields . ' FROM `' . $this->cardsTableName
 +				. '` WHERE `addressbookid` = ? ORDER BY `fullname`';
 +			$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(
 +				$query,
 +				isset($options['limit']) ? $options['limit'] : null,
 +				isset($options['offset']) ? $options['offset'] : null
 +			);
 +			$result = $stmt->execute(array($addressbookid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return $cards;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return $cards;
 +		}
 +		if(!is_null($result)) {
 +			while($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 +				$row['permissions'] = \OCP\PERMISSION_ALL;
 +				$cards[] = $row;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		return $cards;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Returns a specific contact.
 +	 *
 +	 * The $id for Database and Shared backends can be an array containing
 +	 * either 'id' or 'uri' to be able to play seamlessly with the
 +	 * CardDAV backend.
 +	 * FIXME: $addressbookid isn't used in the query, so there's no access control.
 +	 * 	OTOH the groups backend - OC_VCategories - doesn't no about parent collections
 +	 * 	only object IDs. Hmm.
 +	 * 	I could make a hack and add an optional, not documented 'nostrict' argument
 +	 * 	so it doesn't look for addressbookid.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param mixed $id Contact ID
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @return array|null
 +	 */
 +	public function getContact($addressbookid, $id, array $options = array()) {
 +		//\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' identifier: ' . $addressbookid . ' ' . $id['uri'], \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		$noCollection = isset($options['noCollection']) ? $options['noCollection'] : false;
 +		$where_query = '`id` = ?';
 +		if(is_array($id)) {
 +			$where_query = '';
 +			if(isset($id['id'])) {
 +				$id = $id['id'];
 +			} elseif(isset($id['uri'])) {
 +				$where_query = '`uri` = ?';
 +				$id = $id['uri'];
 +			} else {
 +				throw new \Exception(
 +					__METHOD__ . ' If second argument is an array, either \'id\' or \'uri\' has to be set.'
 +				);
 +				return null;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		$ids = array($id);
 +		if(!$noCollection) {
 +			$where_query .= ' AND `addressbookid` = ?';
 +			$ids[] = $addressbookid;
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			$query =  'SELECT `id`, `uri`, `carddata`, `lastmodified`, `addressbookid` AS `parent`, `fullname` AS `displayname` FROM `'
 +				. $this->cardsTableName . '` WHERE ' . $where_query;
 +			$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +			$result = $stmt->execute($ids);
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return null;
 +			}
 +			if((int)$result->numRows() === 0) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', Not found, id: '. $id, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +				return null;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', id: '. $id, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +			return null;
 +		}
 +		$row = $result->fetchRow();
 +		$row['permissions'] = \OCP\PERMISSION_ALL;
 +		return $row;
 +	}
 +	public function hasContact($addressbookid, $id) {
 +		return $this->getContact($addressbookid, $id) !== false;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Creates a new contact
 +	 *
 +	 * In the Database and Shared backends contact be either a Contact object or a string
 +	 * with carddata to be able to play seamlessly with the CardDAV backend.
 +	 * If this method is called by the CardDAV backend, the carddata is already validated.
 +	 * NOTE: It's assumed that this method is called either from the CardDAV backend, the
 +	 * import script, or from the ownCloud web UI in which case either the uri parameter is
 +	 * set, or the contact has a UID. If neither is set, it will fail.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param VCard|string $contact
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @return string|bool The identifier for the new contact or false on error.
 +	 */
 +	public function createContact($addressbookid, $contact, array $options = array()) {
 +		$qname = 'createcontact';
 +		$uri = isset($options['uri']) ? $options['uri'] : null;
 +		if(!$contact instanceof VCard) {
 +			try {
 +				$contact = Reader::read($contact);
 +			} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			$contact->validate(VCard::REPAIR|VCard::UPGRADE);
 +		} catch (\Exception $e) {
 +			OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ' ' .
 +				'Error validating vcard: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
- 		$uri = is_null($uri) ? $contact->UID . '.vcf' : $uri;
++		$uri = is_null($uri) ? $this->uniqueURI($addressbookid, $contact->UID . '.vcf') : $uri;
 +		$now = new \DateTime;
 +		$contact->REV = $now->format(\DateTime::W3C);
 +		$appinfo = \OCP\App::getAppInfo('contacts');
 +		$appversion = \OCP\App::getAppVersion('contacts');
 +		$prodid = '-//ownCloud//NONSGML '.$appinfo['name'].' '.$appversion.'//EN';
 +		$contact->PRODID = $prodid;
 +		$data = $contact->serialize();
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries[$qname])) {
 +		self::$preparedQueries[$qname] = \OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `'
 +			. $this->cardsTableName
 +			. '` (`addressbookid`,`fullname`,`carddata`,`uri`,`lastmodified`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)' );
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries[$qname]
 +				->execute(
 +					array(
 +						$addressbookid,
 +						(string)$contact->FN,
 +						$contact->serialize(),
 +						$uri,
 +						time()
 +					)
 +				);
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$newid = \OCP\DB::insertid($this->cardsTableName);
 +		$this->setModifiedAddressBook($addressbookid);
 +		\OCP\Util::emitHook('OCA\Contacts', 'post_createContact',
 +			array('id' => $newid, 'parent' => $addressbookid, 'backend' => $this->name, 'contact' => $contact)
 +		);
 +		return (string)$newid;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Updates a contact
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param mixed $id Contact ID
 +	 * @param VCard|string $contact
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @see getContact
 +	 * @return bool
 +	 */
 +	public function updateContact($addressbookid, $id, $contact, array $options = array()) {
 +		$noCollection = isset($options['noCollection']) ? $options['noCollection'] : false;
 +		$isBatch = isset($options['isBatch']) ? $options['isBatch'] : false;
 +		$qname = 'updatecontact';
 +		$updateRevision = true;
 +		$isCardDAV = false;
 +		if(!$contact instanceof VCard) {
 +			try {
 +				$contact = Reader::read($contact);
 +			} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if(is_array($id)) {
 +			$where_query = '';
 +			if(isset($id['id'])) {
 +				$id = $id['id'];
 +			} elseif(isset($id['uri'])) {
 +				$updateRevision = false;
 +				$isCardDAV = true;
 +				$id = $this->getIdFromUri($id['uri']);
 +				if(is_null($id)) {
 +					\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ' Couldn\'t find contact', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +					return false;
 +				}
 +			} else {
 +				throw new \Exception(
 +					__METHOD__ . ' If second argument is an array, either \'id\' or \'uri\' has to be set.'
 +				);
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if($updateRevision || !isset($contact->REV)) {
 +			$now = new \DateTime;
 +			$contact->REV = $now->format(\DateTime::W3C);
 +		}
 +		$data = $contact->serialize();
 +		if($noCollection) {
 +			$me = $this->getContact(null, $id, $options);
 +			$addressbookid = $me['parent'];
 +		}
 +		$updates = array($contact->FN, $data, time(), $id, $addressbookid);
 +		$query = 'UPDATE `' . $this->cardsTableName
 +				. '` SET `fullname` = ?,`carddata` = ?, `lastmodified` = ? WHERE `id` = ? AND `addressbookid` = ?';
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries[$qname])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries[$qname] = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries[$qname]->execute($updates);
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '
 +				. $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', id' . $id, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$this->setModifiedAddressBook($addressbookid);
 +		if(!$isBatch) {
 +			\OCP\Util::emitHook('OCA\Contacts', 'post_updateContact',
 +				array(
 +					'backend' => $this->name,
 +					'addressBookId' => $addressbookid,
 +					'contactId' => $id,
 +					'contact' => $contact,
 +					'carddav' => $isCardDAV
 +				)
 +			);
 +		}
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Deletes a contact
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param string $id
 +	 * @param array $options - Optional (backend specific options)
 +	 * @see getContact
 +	 * @return bool
 +	 */
 +	public function deleteContact($addressbookid, $id, array $options = array()) {
 +		// TODO: pass the uri in $options instead.
 +		$qname = 'deletecontact';
 +		$noCollection = isset($options['noCollection']) ? $options['noCollection'] : false;
 +		$isBatch = isset($options['isBatch']) ? $options['isBatch'] : false;
 +		if(is_array($id)) {
 +			if(isset($id['id'])) {
 +				$id = $id['id'];
 +			} elseif(isset($id['uri'])) {
 +				$id = $this->getIdFromUri($id['uri']);
 +				if(is_null($id)) {
 +					\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ' Couldn\'t find contact', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +					return false;
 +				}
 +			} else {
 +				throw new Exception(
 +					__METHOD__ . ' If second argument is an array, either \'id\' or \'uri\' has to be set.'
 +				);
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if(!$isBatch) {
 +			\OCP\Util::emitHook('OCA\Contacts', 'pre_deleteContact',
 +				array('id' => $id)
 +			);
 +		}
 +		if($noCollection) {
 +			$me = $this->getContact(null, $id, $options);
 +			$addressbookid = $me['parent'];
 +		}
 +		if(!isset(self::$preparedQueries[$qname])) {
 +			self::$preparedQueries[$qname] = \OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `'
 +				. $this->cardsTableName
 +				. '` WHERE `id` = ? AND `addressbookid` = ?');
 +		}
 +		\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ' updates: ' . $id . '/' . $addressbookid, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		try {
 +			$result = self::$preparedQueries[$qname]->execute(array($id, $addressbookid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: '
 +					. \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.
 +				', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', id: '
 +				. $id, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		$this->setModifiedAddressBook($addressbookid);
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * @brief Get the last modification time for a contact.
 +	 *
 +	 * Must return a UNIX time stamp or null if the backend
 +	 * doesn't support it.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $addressbookid
 +	 * @param mixed $id
 +	 * @returns int | null
 +	 */
 +	public function lastModifiedContact($addressbookid, $id) {
 +		$contact = $this->getContact($addressbookid, $id);
 +		return ($contact ? $contact['lastmodified'] : null);
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * @brief Get the contact id from the uri.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param mixed $id
 +	 * @returns int | null
 +	 */
 +	public function getIdFromUri($uri) {
 +		$query =  'SELECT `id` FROM `'. $this->cardsTableName . '` WHERE `uri` = ?';
 +		$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare($query);
 +		$result = $stmt->execute(array($uri));
 +		if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return null;
 +		}
 +		if((int)$result->numRows() === 0) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', Not found, uri: '. $uri, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +			return null;
 +		}
 +		return $result->fetchOne();
 +	}
 +	private function createAddressBookURI($displayname, $userid = null) {
 +		$userid = $userid ? $userid : \OCP\User::getUser();
 +		$name = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($displayname));
 +		try {
 +			$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `uri` FROM `' . $this->addressBooksTableName . '` WHERE `userid` = ? ');
 +			$result = $stmt->execute(array($userid));
 +			if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return $name;
 +			}
 +		} catch(Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__ . ' exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return $name;
 +		}
 +		$uris = array();
 +		while($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 +			$uris[] = $row['uri'];
 +		}
 +		$newname = $name;
 +		$i = 1;
 +		while(in_array($newname, $uris)) {
 +			$newname = $name.$i;
 +			$i = $i + 1;
 +		}
 +		return $newname;
 +	}
++	/**
++	* @brief Checks if a contact with the same URI already exist in the address book.
++	* @param string $addressBookId Address book ID.
++	* @param string $uri
++	* @returns string Unique URI
++	*/
++	protected function uniqueURI($addressBookId, $uri) {
++		$stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->cardsTableName . '` WHERE `addressbookid` = ? AND `uri` = ?' );
++		$result = $stmt->execute(array($addressBookId, $uri));
++		if($result->numRows() > 0) {
++			while(true) {
++				$uri = Properties::generateUID() . '.vcf';
++				$result = $stmt->execute(array($addressBookId, $uri));
++				if($result->numRows() > 0) {
++					continue;
++				} else {
++					return $uri;
++				}
++			}
++		} else {
++			return $uri;
++		}
++	}
diff --cc apps/contacts/lib/share/addressbook.php
index 71eae5d,0000000..6a5ddf0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/lib/share/addressbook.php
+++ b/apps/contacts/lib/share/addressbook.php
@@@ -1,127 -1,0 +1,127 @@@
 + * Copyright (c) 2012 Bart Visscher <bartv at thisnet.nl>
 + * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 + * later.
 + * See the COPYING-README file.
 + */
 +namespace OCA\Contacts\Share;
 +use OCA\Contacts\App;
 +class Addressbook implements \OCP\Share_Backend_Collection {
 +	/**
 +	 * @var \OCA\Contacts\App;
 +	 */
 +	public $app;
 +	public function __construct() {
 +		$this->app = new App(\OCP\User::getUser());
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	* @brief Get the source of the item to be stored in the database
 +	* @param string Item
 +	* @param string Owner of the item
 +	* @return mixed|array|false Source
 +	*
 +	* Return an array if the item is file dependent, the array needs two keys: 'item' and 'file'
 +	* Return false if the item does not exist for the user
 +	*
 +	* The formatItems() function will translate the source returned back into the item
 +	*/
 +	public function isValidSource($itemSource, $uidOwner) {
 +		$app = new App($uidOwner);
 +		try {
 +			$app->getAddressBook('local', $itemSource);
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		return true;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	* @brief Get a unique name of the item for the specified user
 +	* @param string Item
 +	* @param string|false User the item is being shared with
 +	* @param array|null List of similar item names already existing as shared items
 +	* @return string Target name
 +	*
 +	* This function needs to verify that the user does not already have an item with this name.
 +	* If it does generate a new name e.g. name_#
 +	*/
 +	public function generateTarget($itemSource, $shareWith, $exclude = null) {
 +		// Get app for the sharee
 +		$app = new App($shareWith);
 +		$backend = $app->getBackend('local');
 +		// Get address book for the owner
 +		$addressBook = $this->app->getBackend('local')->getAddressBook($itemSource);
 +		$userAddressBooks = array();
 +		foreach($backend->getAddressBooksForUser() as $userAddressBook) {
 +			$userAddressBooks[] = $userAddressBook['displayname'];
 +		}
- 		$name = $addressBook['displayname'] . '(' . $addressBook['userid'] . ')';
++		$name = $addressBook['displayname'] . '(' . $addressBook['owner'] . ')';
 +		$suffix = '';
 +		while (in_array($name.$suffix, $userAddressBooks)) {
 +			$suffix++;
 +		}
 +		$suffix = $suffix ? ' ' . $suffix : '';
 +		return $name.$suffix;
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	* @brief Converts the shared item sources back into the item in the specified format
 +	* @param array Shared items
 +	* @param int Format
 +	* @return ?
 +	*
 +	* The items array is a 3-dimensional array with the item_source as the first key and the share id as the second key to an array with the share info.
 +	* The key/value pairs included in the share info depend on the function originally called:
 +	* If called by getItem(s)Shared: id, item_type, item, item_source, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source
 +	* If called by getItem(s)SharedWith: id, item_type, item, item_source, item_target, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source, file_target
 +	* This function allows the backend to control the output of shared items with custom formats.
 +	* It is only called through calls to the public getItem(s)Shared(With) functions.
 +	*/
 +	public function formatItems($items, $format, $parameters = null, $include = false) {
 +		//\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__
 +		//	. ' ' . $include . ' ' . print_r($items, true), \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		$addressBooks = array();
 +		$backend = $this->app->getBackend('local');
 +		if ($format === self::FORMAT_ADDRESSBOOKS) {
 +			foreach ($items as $item) {
 +				//\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' item_source: ' . $item['item_source'] . ' include: '
 +				//	. (int)$include, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +				$addressBook = $backend->getAddressBook($item['item_source']);
 +				if ($addressBook) {
 +					$addressBook['displayname'] = $addressBook['displayname'] . ' (' . $addressBook['owner'] . ')';
 +					$addressBook['permissions'] = $item['permissions'];
 +					$addressBooks[] = $addressBook;
 +				}
 +			}
 +		} elseif ($format === self::FORMAT_COLLECTION) {
 +			foreach ($items as $item) {
 +			}
 +		}
 +		return $addressBooks;
 +	}
 +	public function getChildren($itemSource) {
 +		\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.' item_source: ' . $itemSource, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		$contacts = $this->app->getBackend('local')->getContacts($itemSource);
 +		$children = array();
 +		foreach($contacts as $contact) {
 +			$children[] = array('source' => $contact['id'], 'target' => $contact['displayname']);
 +		}
 +		return $children;
 +	}
diff --cc apps/contacts/lib/utils/properties.php
index 09402ab,0000000..cdf42d5
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/contacts/lib/utils/properties.php
+++ b/apps/contacts/lib/utils/properties.php
@@@ -1,334 -1,0 +1,334 @@@
 + * ownCloud - Interface for PIM object
 + *
 + * @author Thomas Tanghus
 + * @copyright 2013 Thomas Tanghus (thomas at tanghus.net)
 + *
 + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 + * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 + *
 + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 + * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 + *
 + */
 +namespace OCA\Contacts\Utils;
 +use OCA\Contacts\App;
 +Properties::$l10n = \OCP\Util::getL10N('contacts');
 +Class Properties {
 +	const THUMBNAIL_PREFIX = 'contact-thumbnail-';
 +	const THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 28;
 +	private static $deleteindexstmt;
 +	private static $updateindexstmt;
 +	protected static $cardsTableName = '*PREFIX*contacts_cards';
 +	protected static $indexTableName = '*PREFIX*contacts_cards_properties';
 +	/**
 +	 * @brief language object for calendar app
 +	 *
 +	 * @var OC_L10N
 +	 */
 +	public static $l10n;
 +	/**
 +	 * Properties there can be more than one of.
 +	 *
 +	 * @var array
 +	 */
 +	public static $multi_properties = array('EMAIL', 'TEL', 'IMPP', 'ADR', 'URL');
 +	/**
 +	 * Properties to index.
 +	 *
 +	 * @var array
 +	 */
 +	public static $index_properties = array(
 +		'BDAY', 'UID', 'N', 'FN', 'TITLE', 'ROLE', 'NOTE', 'NICKNAME',
 +		'ORG', 'CATEGORIES', 'EMAIL', 'TEL', 'IMPP', 'ADR', 'URL', 'GEO', 'PHOTO');
 +	/**
 +	 * Get options for IMPP properties
 +	 * @param string $im
 +	 * @return array of vcard prop => label
 +	 */
 +	public static function getIMOptions($im = null) {
 +		$l10n = self::$l10n;
 +		$ims = array(
 +				'jabber' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Jabber'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-JABBER',
 +					'protocol' => 'xmpp',
 +				),
 +				'sip' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Internet call'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-SIP',
 +					'protocol' => 'sip',
 +				),
 +				'aim' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('AIM'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-AIM',
 +					'protocol' => 'aim',
 +				),
 +				'msn' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('MSN'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-MSN',
 +					'protocol' => 'msn',
 +				),
 +				'twitter' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Twitter'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-TWITTER',
 +					'protocol' => 'twitter',
 +				),
 +				'googletalk' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('GoogleTalk'),
 +					'xname' => null,
 +					'protocol' => 'xmpp',
 +				),
 +				'facebook' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Facebook'),
 +					'xname' => null,
 +					'protocol' => 'xmpp',
 +				),
 +				'xmpp' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('XMPP'),
 +					'xname' => null,
 +					'protocol' => 'xmpp',
 +				),
 +				'icq' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('ICQ'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-ICQ',
 +					'protocol' => 'icq',
 +				),
 +				'yahoo' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Yahoo'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-YAHOO',
 +					'protocol' => 'ymsgr',
 +				),
 +				'skype' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('Skype'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-SKYPE',
 +					'protocol' => 'skype',
 +				),
 +				'qq' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('QQ'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-SKYPE',
 +					'protocol' => 'x-apple',
 +				),
 +				'gadugadu' => array(
 +					'displayname' => (string)$l10n->t('GaduGadu'),
 +					'xname' => 'X-SKYPE',
 +					'protocol' => 'x-apple',
 +				),
 +		);
 +		if(is_null($im)) {
 +			return $ims;
 +		} else {
 +			$ims['ymsgr'] = $ims['yahoo'];
 +			$ims['gtalk'] = $ims['googletalk'];
 +			return isset($ims[$im]) ? $ims[$im] : null;
 +		}
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Get standard set of TYPE values for different properties.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $prop
 +	 * @return array Type values for property $prop
 +	 */
 +	public static function getTypesForProperty($prop) {
 +		$l = self::$l10n;
 +		switch($prop) {
 +			case 'LABEL':
 +			case 'ADR':
 +			case 'IMPP':
 +				return array(
 +					'WORK' => (string)$l->t('Work'),
 +					'HOME' => (string)$l->t('Home'),
 +					'OTHER' => (string)$l->t('Other'),
 +				);
 +			case 'TEL':
 +				return array(
 +					'HOME'  =>  (string)$l->t('Home'),
 +					'CELL'  =>  (string)$l->t('Mobile'),
 +					'WORK'  =>  (string)$l->t('Work'),
 +					'TEXT'  =>  (string)$l->t('Text'),
 +					'VOICE' =>  (string)$l->t('Voice'),
 +					'MSG'   =>  (string)$l->t('Message'),
 +					'FAX'   =>  (string)$l->t('Fax'),
 +					'VIDEO' =>  (string)$l->t('Video'),
 +					'PAGER' =>  (string)$l->t('Pager'),
 +					'OTHER' =>  (string)$l->t('Other'),
 +				);
 +			case 'EMAIL':
 +				return array(
 +					'WORK' => (string)$l->t('Work'),
 +					'HOME' => (string)$l->t('Home'),
 +					'INTERNET' => (string)$l->t('Internet'),
 +					'OTHER' =>  (string)$l->t('Other'),
 +				);
 +		}
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * @brief returns the default categories of ownCloud
 +	 * @return (array) $categories
 +	 */
 +	public static function getDefaultCategories() {
 +		$l10n = self::$l10n;
 +		return array(
 +			(string)$l10n->t('Friends'),
 +			(string)$l10n->t('Family'),
 +			(string)$l10n->t('Work'),
 +			(string)$l10n->t('Other'),
 +		);
 +	}
 +	public static function generateUID($app = 'contacts') {
- 		return date('Ymd\\THis') . '.' . time(). '@' . \OCP\Util::getServerHostName();
++		return date('Ymd\\THis') . '.' . substr(md5(rand().time()), 0, 10). '@' . \OCP\Util::getServerHostName();
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Purge indexed properties.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string[] $ids
 +	 * @param \OCA\VObject\VCard|null $vcard
 +	 */
 +	public static function purgeIndexes($ids) {
 +		\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', ids: ' . print_r($ids, true), \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		if(!is_array($ids) || count($ids) === 0) {
 +			throw new \Exception(__METHOD__ . ' takes only arrays with at least one value.');
 +		}
 +		\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', ids: ' . print_r($ids, true), \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		if(!isset(self::$deleteindexstmt)) {
 +			self::$deleteindexstmt
 +				= \OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `' . self::$indexTableName . '`'
 +					. ' WHERE `contactid` IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($ids)-1) . '?) ');
 +		}
 +		try {
 +			self::$deleteindexstmt->execute($ids);
 +		} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.
 +				', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', ids: '
 +				. $ids, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +	}
 +	/**
 +	 * Update the contact property index.
 +	 *
 +	 * If vcard is null the properties for that contact will be purged.
 +	 * If it is a valid object the old properties will first be purged
 +	 * and the current properties indexed.
 +	 *
 +	 * @param string $contactid
 +	 * @param \OCA\VObject\VCard|null $vcard
 +	 */
 +	public static function updateIndex($contactid, $vcard = null) {
 +		self::purgeIndexes(array($contactid));
 +		if(is_null($vcard)) {
 +			return;
 +		}
 +		if(!isset(self::$updateindexstmt)) {
 +			self::$updateindexstmt = \OCP\DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO `' . self::$indexTableName . '` '
 +				. '(`userid`, `contactid`,`name`,`value`,`preferred`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)' );
 +		}
 +		foreach($vcard->children as $property) {
 +			if(!in_array($property->name, self::$index_properties)) {
 +				continue;
 +			}
 +			$preferred = 0;
 +			foreach($property->parameters as $parameter) {
 +				if($parameter->name == 'TYPE' && strtoupper($parameter->value) == 'PREF') {
 +					$preferred = 1;
 +					break;
 +				}
 +			}
 +			try {
 +				$result = self::$updateindexstmt->execute(
 +					array(
 +						\OCP\User::getUser(),
 +						$contactid,
 +						$property->name,
 +						$property->value,
 +						$preferred,
 +					)
 +				);
 +				if (\OCP\DB::isError($result)) {
 +					\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__. 'DB error: '
 +						. \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +					return false;
 +				}
 +			} catch(\Exception $e) {
 +				\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', __METHOD__.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		}
 +	}
 +	public static function cacheThumbnail($backendName, $addressBookId, $contactId,
 +		\OCP\Image $image = null, $vcard = null, $options = array()) {
 +		$cache = \OC::$server->getCache();
 +		$key = self::THUMBNAIL_PREFIX . $backendName . '::' . $addressBookId . '::' . $contactId;
 +		//$cache->remove($key);
 +		if($cache->hasKey($key) && $image === null
 +			&& (isset($options['remove']) && $options['remove'] === false)
 +			&& (isset($options['update']) && $options['update'] === false)) {
 +			return $cache->get($key);
 +		}
 +		if(isset($options['remove']) && $options['remove']) {
 +			$cache->remove($key);
 +			if(!isset($options['update']) || !$options['update']) {
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if(is_null($image)) {
 +			if(is_null($vcard)) {
 +				$app = new App();
 +				$vcard = $app->getContact($backendName, $addressBookId, $contactId);
 +			}
 +			$image = new \OCP\Image();
 +			if(!isset($vcard->PHOTO) && !isset($vcard->LOGO)) {
 +				return false;
 +			}
 +			if(!$image->loadFromBase64((string)$vcard->PHOTO)) {
 +				if(!$image->loadFromBase64((string)$vcard->LOGO)) {
 +					return false;
 +				}
 +			}
 +		}
 +		if(!$image->centerCrop()) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts',
 +				__METHOD__ .'. Couldn\'t crop thumbnail for ID ' . $key,
 +				\OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		if(!$image->resize(self::THUMBNAIL_SIZE)) {
 +			\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts',
 +				__METHOD__ . '. Couldn\'t resize thumbnail for ID ' . $key,
 +				\OCP\Util::ERROR);
 +			return false;
 +		}
 +		 // Cache as base64 for around a month
 +		$cache->set($key, strval($image), 3000000);
 +		\OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts', 'Caching ' . $key, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
 +		return $cache->get($key);
 +	}
diff --cc apps/documents/appinfo/update.php
index b89894d,0000000..18ed655
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/appinfo/update.php
+++ b/apps/documents/appinfo/update.php
@@@ -1,31 -1,0 +1,31 @@@
 + * ownCloud - Documents App
 + *
 + * @author Victor Dubiniuk
 + * @copyright 2013 Victor Dubiniuk victor.dubiniuk at gmail.com
 + *
 + * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 + * later.
 + */
 +$installedVersion = \OCP\Config::getAppValue('documents', 'installed_version');
- $cleanup = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*documents_member` WHERE `member_id` NOT IN(SELECT `member_id` from `*PREFIX*documents_member` WHERE `last_activity`>0)');
++$cleanup = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*documents_member` WHERE `last_activity`=0 or `last_activity` is NULL');
 +if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.7', '<=')) {
 +	\OCP\Config::setAppValue('documents', 'unstable', 'false');
 +	$session = new \OCA\Documents\Db_Session();
 +	$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*documents_session` SET `genesis_url`=? WHERE `es_id`=?');
 +	foreach ($session->getCollection() as $sessionData){
 +		$sessionData['genesis_url'] = \OCA\Documents\Genesis::DOCUMENTS_DIRNAME . $sessionData['genesis_url'];
 +		$query->execute(array(
 +			$sessionData['genesis_url'],
 +			$sessionData['es_id']
 +		));
 +	}
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ.php
index dce1559,0000000..593dce5
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,71 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Dokumenty",
 +"Close" => "Zavřít",
 +"Share" => "Sdílet",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ztráta připojení k serveru. Zkouším znovu.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Ponecháním této stránky v módu editoru může dojít k neuložení změn. Místo toho je doporučeno použít tlačítko 'Zavřít'.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Nepodařilo se otevřít tento dokument. Prosím zkontrolujte, zda je možné jej otevřít externím editorem odt. Může to také znamenat, že byl nedávno odsdílen nebo smazán.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Nepodařilo se načíst dokumenty.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Žádné dokumenty nebyly nalezeny. Nahrajte nebo vytvořte dokument!",
 +"Align Left" => "Zarovnat vlevo",
 +"Alignment" => "Zarovnání",
 +"Align Right" => "Zarovnat vpravo",
 +"Annotate" => "Komentovat",
 +"Background" => "Pozadí",
 +"Bold" => "Tučné",
 +"Bottom" => "Dolní",
 +"Cancel" => "Zrušit",
 +"Center" => "Vystředit",
- "Clone" => "Klonuj",
- "Clone this Style" => "Klonuj tento styl",
++"Clone" => "Klonovat",
++"Clone this Style" => "Klonovat tento styl",
 +"Color" => "Barva",
 +"Create" => "Vytvořit",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Zmenšit odsazení",
 +"Default Style" => "Výchozí styl",
 +"Delete" => "Smazat",
 +"Family" => "Rodina",
 +"Font" => "Font",
 +"Font Effects" => "Efekty písma",
 +"Format" => "Formát",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Zvětšit odsazení",
 +"Insert Image" => "Vlož obrázek",
 +"Invite Members" => "Pozvat členy",
 +"Italic" => "Kurzíva",
 +"Justified" => "Zarovnaný",
 +"Justify" => "Zarovnat",
 +"Left" => "Vlevo",
 +"Loading" => "Načítám",
 +"Members" => "Členové",
- "New Name:" => "Nový název",
++"New Name:" => "Nový název:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Otevřít",
 +"Options" => "Možnosti",
- "Paragraph..." => "Odstavec",
++"Paragraph..." => "Odstavec...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Styly odstavce",
 +"Redo" => "Znovu",
 +"Right" => "Vpravo",
 +"Save" => "Uložit",
 +"Size" => "Velikost",
 +"Spacing" => "Řádkování",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Přeškrtnuté",
 +"Style" => "Styl",
 +"Text" => "Text",
 +"Top" => "Horní",
 +"Underline" => "Podtržené",
 +"Undo" => "Zpět",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Autor neznámý",
 +"Sent" => "Odesláno",
 +"Declined" => "Zamítnuto",
 +"Accepted" => "Schváleno",
 +"Incoming" => "Příchozí",
 +"New document" => "Nový dokument",
 +"Upload" => "Odeslat",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Uložit nové dokumenty do",
- "Wrong password. Please retry." => "Nesprávné heslo",
++"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
 +"Password" => "Heslo",
- "Please enter your nickname" => "Zadejte přezdívku",
++"Please enter your nickname" => "Zadejte vaši přezdívku",
 +"Join" => "Vstoupit",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Tento odkaz expiroval nebo neexistuje. Pro podrobnosti kontaktujte osobu, která jej s vámi sdílela.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Pokročilá sada možností",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Nestabilní)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ/documents.po
index 0827340,0000000..41347e4
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/cs_CZ/documents.po
@@@ -1,313 -1,0 +1,313 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Twiguard, 2013
 +# liska_, 2013
 +# cvanca <mrs.jenkins.oh.yeah at gmail.com>, 2013
 +# pstast <petr at stastny.eu>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 18:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: pstast <petr at stastny.eu>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: cs_CZ\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Dokumenty"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Zavřít"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Sdílet"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Ztráta připojení k serveru. Zkouším znovu."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Ponecháním této stránky v módu editoru může dojít k neuložení změn. Místo toho je doporučeno použít tlačítko 'Zavřít'."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Nepodařilo se otevřít tento dokument. Prosím zkontrolujte, zda je možné jej otevřít externím editorem odt. Může to také znamenat, že byl nedávno odsdílen nebo smazán."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Nepodařilo se načíst dokumenty."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Žádné dokumenty nebyly nalezeny. Nahrajte nebo vytvořte dokument!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Zarovnat vlevo"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Zarovnání"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Zarovnat vpravo"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Komentovat"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Pozadí"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Tučné"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Dolní"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Zrušit"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Vystředit"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
- msgstr "Klonuj"
++msgstr "Klonovat"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
- msgstr "Klonuj tento styl"
++msgstr "Klonovat tento styl"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Barva"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Vytvořit"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Zmenšit odsazení"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Výchozí styl"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Smazat"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Rodina"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Font"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Efekty písma"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Formát"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Zvětšit odsazení"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Vlož obrázek"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Pozvat členy"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Kurzíva"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Zarovnaný"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Zarovnat"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Vlevo"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Načítám"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Členové"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
- msgstr "Nový název"
++msgstr "Nový název:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Otevřít"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Možnosti"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
- msgstr "Odstavec"
++msgstr "Odstavec..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Styly odstavce"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Znovu"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Vpravo"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Uložit"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Velikost"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Řádkování"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Přeškrtnuté"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Styl"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Text"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Horní"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Podtržené"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Zpět"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Autor neznámý"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Odesláno"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Zamítnuto"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Schváleno"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Příchozí"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Nový dokument"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Odeslat"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Uložit nové dokumenty do"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
- msgstr "Nesprávné heslo"
++msgstr "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Heslo"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
- msgstr "Zadejte přezdívku"
++msgstr "Zadejte vaši přezdívku"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Vstoupit"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Tento odkaz expiroval nebo neexistuje. Pro podrobnosti kontaktujte osobu, která jej s vámi sdílela."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Pokročilá sada možností"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Nestabilní)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/de.php
index 2dd9950,0000000..b6de085
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/de.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/de.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Dokumente",
++"document-styles" => "Formatvorlagen",
++"document-content" => "Dokumenteninhalt",
 +"Close" => "Schließen",
 +"Share" => "Teilen",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Versuche wiederzuverbinden.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Das Verlassen dieser Seite im Editor-Modus kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Es wird empfohlen, den 'Schließen' - Button zu verwenden.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfe ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, das die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder kürzlich gelöscht wurde.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte lade Dokumente hoch, oder erstelle ein Dokument!",
 +"Align Left" => "Linksbündig",
 +"Alignment" => "Ausrichtung",
 +"Align Right" => "Rechtsbündig",
 +"Annotate" => "Kommentieren",
 +"Background" => "Hintergrund",
 +"Bold" => "Fett",
 +"Bottom" => "Unten",
 +"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
 +"Center" => "Zentriert",
 +"Clone" => "Klonen",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Diesen Stil klonen",
 +"Color" => "Farbe",
 +"Create" => "Anlegen",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Einzug verkleinern",
 +"Default Style" => "Standard-Stil",
 +"Delete" => "Löschen",
 +"Family" => "Familie",
 +"Font" => "Schriftart",
 +"Font Effects" => "Schriftarten-Effekte",
 +"Format" => "Format",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Einzug vergrößern",
 +"Insert Image" => "Bild einfügen",
 +"Invite Members" => "Mitglied einladen",
 +"Italic" => "Kursiv",
 +"Justified" => "Bündig",
 +"Justify" => "Ausrichten",
 +"Left" => "Links",
 +"Loading" => "Laden",
 +"Members" => "Mitglied",
 +"New Name:" => "Neuer Name:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Öffnen",
 +"Options" => "Optionen",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Absatz...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Absatz-Stile",
 +"Redo" => "Wiederholen",
 +"Right" => "Rechts",
 +"Save" => "Speichern",
 +"Size" => "Größe",
 +"Spacing" => "Abstand",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Durchgestrichen",
 +"Style" => "Stil",
 +"Text" => "Text",
 +"Top" => "Oben",
 +"Underline" => "Unterstrichen",
 +"Undo" => "Rückgängig",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Unbekannter Autor",
 +"Sent" => "Senden",
 +"Declined" => "Abgelehnt",
 +"Accepted" => "Akzeptiert",
 +"Incoming" => "Eingehend",
 +"New document" => "Neues Dokument",
 +"Upload" => "Hochladen",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
 +"Password" => "Passwort",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Bitte gib Deinen Spitznamen ein",
 +"Join" => "Beitreten",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktiere, für nähere Details, die Person, die dies mit dir teilt.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Instabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/de/documents.po
index aef37ad,0000000..394f15d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/de/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/de/documents.po
@@@ -1,311 -1,0 +1,311 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Mario Siegmann <mario_siegmann at web.de>, 2013
 +# stefanniedermann <stefan.niedermann at googlemail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 15:20+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Mario Siegmann <mario_siegmann at web.de>\n"
 +"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/de/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: de\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Dokumente"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Formatvorlagen"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dokumenteninhalt"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Schließen"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Teilen"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Versuche wiederzuverbinden."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Das Verlassen dieser Seite im Editor-Modus kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Es wird empfohlen, den 'Schließen' - Button zu verwenden."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfe ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, das die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder kürzlich gelöscht wurde."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte lade Dokumente hoch, oder erstelle ein Dokument!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Linksbündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Ausrichtung"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Rechtsbündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Kommentieren"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Hintergrund"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Fett"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Unten"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Abbrechen"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Zentriert"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
 +msgstr "Klonen"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
 +msgstr "Diesen Stil klonen"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Farbe"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Anlegen"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Einzug verkleinern"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Standard-Stil"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Löschen"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Familie"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Schriftart"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Schriftarten-Effekte"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Format"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Einzug vergrößern"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Bild einfügen"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Mitglied einladen"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Kursiv"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Bündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Ausrichten"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Links"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Laden"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Mitglied"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "Neuer Name:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Öffnen"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Optionen"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Absatz..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Absatz-Stile"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Wiederholen"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Rechts"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Speichern"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Größe"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Abstand"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Durchgestrichen"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Stil"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Text"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Oben"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Unterstrichen"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Rückgängig"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Unbekannter Autor"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Senden"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Abgelehnt"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Akzeptiert"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Eingehend"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Neues Dokument"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Hochladen"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Neues Dokument speichern unter"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Passwort"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Bitte gib Deinen Spitznamen ein"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Beitreten"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktiere, für nähere Details, die Person, die dies mit dir teilt."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Instabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/de_DE.php
index 4c33fca,0000000..11fa327
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/de_DE.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/de_DE.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Dokumente",
++"document-styles" => "Formatvorlagen",
++"document-content" => "Dokumenteninhalt",
 +"Close" => "Schließen",
 +"Share" => "Teilen",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Es wird versucht diese wiederherzustellen.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Das Verlassen dieser Seite kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Bitte verwenden die den 'Schließen'-Button.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, dass die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder vor kurzem gelöscht wurde.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte laden Sie ein Dokument hoch, oder erstellen Sie eins!",
 +"Align Left" => "Linksbündig",
 +"Alignment" => "Ausrichtung",
 +"Align Right" => "Rechtsbündig",
 +"Annotate" => "Kommentieren",
 +"Background" => "Hintergrund",
 +"Bold" => "Fett",
 +"Bottom" => "Unten",
 +"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
 +"Center" => "Zentriert",
 +"Clone" => "Klonen",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Diesen Stil klonen",
 +"Color" => "Farbe",
 +"Create" => "Erstellen",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Einrückung verkleinern",
 +"Default Style" => "Standard-Stil",
 +"Delete" => "Löschen",
 +"Family" => "Familie",
 +"Font" => "Schriftart",
 +"Font Effects" => "Schriftarten-Effekte",
 +"Format" => "Format",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Einrückung vergrößern",
 +"Insert Image" => "Bild einfügen",
 +"Invite Members" => "Mitglied einladen",
 +"Italic" => "Kursiv",
 +"Justified" => "Bündig",
 +"Justify" => "Ausrichten",
 +"Left" => "Links",
 +"Loading" => "Lade",
 +"Members" => "Mitglieder",
 +"New Name:" => "Neuer Name:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Öffnen",
 +"Options" => "Optionen",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Absatz...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Absatz-Stile",
 +"Redo" => "Wiederholen",
 +"Right" => "Rechts",
 +"Save" => "Speichern",
 +"Size" => "Größe",
 +"Spacing" => "Abstand",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Durchgestrichen",
 +"Style" => "Stil",
 +"Text" => "Text",
 +"Top" => "Oben",
 +"Underline" => "Unterstrichen",
 +"Undo" => "Rückgängig",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Unbekannter Autor",
 +"Sent" => "Senden",
 +"Declined" => "Abgelehnt",
 +"Accepted" => "Akzeptiert",
 +"Incoming" => "Eingehend",
 +"New document" => "Neues Dokument",
 +"Upload" => "Hochladen",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
 +"Password" => "Passwort",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Spitznamen ein",
 +"Join" => "Beitreten",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für nähere Details die Person, die dieses Dokument mit Ihnen geteilt hat.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Instabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/de_DE/documents.po
index 0438153,0000000..e109168
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/de_DE/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/de_DE/documents.po
@@@ -1,312 -1,0 +1,312 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>, 2013
 +# Mario Siegmann <mario_siegmann at web.de>, 2013
 +# stefanniedermann <stefan.niedermann at googlemail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 15:20+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Mario Siegmann <mario_siegmann at web.de>\n"
 +"Language-Team: German (Germany) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/de_DE/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: de_DE\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Dokumente"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Formatvorlagen"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dokumenteninhalt"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Schließen"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Teilen"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Es wird versucht diese wiederherzustellen."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Das Verlassen dieser Seite kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Bitte verwenden die den 'Schließen'-Button."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, dass die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder vor kurzem gelöscht wurde."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte laden Sie ein Dokument hoch, oder erstellen Sie eins!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Linksbündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Ausrichtung"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Rechtsbündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Kommentieren"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Hintergrund"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Fett"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Unten"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Abbrechen"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Zentriert"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
 +msgstr "Klonen"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
 +msgstr "Diesen Stil klonen"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Farbe"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Erstellen"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Einrückung verkleinern"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Standard-Stil"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Löschen"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Familie"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Schriftart"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Schriftarten-Effekte"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Format"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Einrückung vergrößern"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Bild einfügen"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Mitglied einladen"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Kursiv"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Bündig"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Ausrichten"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Links"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Lade"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Mitglieder"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "Neuer Name:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Öffnen"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Optionen"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Absatz..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Absatz-Stile"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Wiederholen"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Rechts"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Speichern"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Größe"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Abstand"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Durchgestrichen"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Stil"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Text"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Oben"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Unterstrichen"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Rückgängig"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Unbekannter Autor"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Senden"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Abgelehnt"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Akzeptiert"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Eingehend"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Neues Dokument"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Hochladen"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Neues Dokument speichern unter"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Passwort"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihren Spitznamen ein"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Beitreten"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für nähere Details die Person, die dieses Dokument mit Ihnen geteilt hat."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Instabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/en_GB.php
index ffcc432,0000000..b346f78
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/en_GB.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/en_GB.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Documents",
++"document-styles" => "document-styles",
++"document-content" => "document-content",
 +"Close" => "Close",
 +"Share" => "Share",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external ODT editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Failed to load documents.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "No documents can be found. Please upload or create a document!",
 +"Align Left" => "Align Left",
 +"Alignment" => "Alignment",
 +"Align Right" => "Align Right",
 +"Annotate" => "Annotate",
 +"Background" => "Background",
 +"Bold" => "Bold",
 +"Bottom" => "Bottom",
 +"Cancel" => "Cancel",
 +"Center" => "Centre",
 +"Clone" => "Clone",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Clone this Style",
 +"Color" => "Colour",
 +"Create" => "Create",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Decrease Indent",
 +"Default Style" => "Default Style",
 +"Delete" => "Delete",
 +"Family" => "Family",
 +"Font" => "Font",
 +"Font Effects" => "Font Effects",
 +"Format" => "Format",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Increase Indent",
 +"Insert Image" => "Insert Image",
 +"Invite Members" => "Invite Members",
 +"Italic" => "Italic",
 +"Justified" => "Justified",
 +"Justify" => "Justify",
 +"Left" => "Left",
 +"Loading" => "Loading",
 +"Members" => "Members",
 +"New Name:" => "New Name:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Open",
 +"Options" => "Options",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Paragraph...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Paragraph Styles",
 +"Redo" => "Redo",
 +"Right" => "Right",
 +"Save" => "Save",
 +"Size" => "Size",
 +"Spacing" => "Spacing",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Strikethrough",
 +"Style" => "Style",
 +"Text" => "Text",
 +"Top" => "Top",
 +"Underline" => "Underline",
 +"Undo" => "Undo",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Unknown Author",
 +"Sent" => "Sent",
 +"Declined" => "Declined",
 +"Accepted" => "Accepted",
 +"Incoming" => "Incoming",
 +"New document" => "New document",
 +"Upload" => "Upload",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Save new documents to",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
 +"Password" => "Password",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Please enter your nickname",
 +"Join" => "Join",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Advanced feature-set",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Unstable)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/en_GB/documents.po
index 0b155b3,0000000..2b36928
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/en_GB/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/en_GB/documents.po
@@@ -1,310 -1,0 +1,310 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 14:20+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: mnestis <transifex at mnestis.net>\n"
 +"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/en_GB/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: en_GB\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Documents"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "document-styles"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "document-content"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Close"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Share"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external ODT editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Failed to load documents."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "No documents can be found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Align Left"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Alignment"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Align Right"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Annotate"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Background"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Bold"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Bottom"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Cancel"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Centre"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
 +msgstr "Clone"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
 +msgstr "Clone this Style"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Colour"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Create"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Decrease Indent"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Default Style"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Delete"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Family"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Font"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Font Effects"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Format"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Increase Indent"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Insert Image"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Invite Members"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Italic"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Justified"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Justify"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Left"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Loading"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Members"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "New Name:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Open"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Options"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Paragraph..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Paragraph Styles"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Redo"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Right"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Save"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Size"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Spacing"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Strikethrough"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Style"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Text"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Top"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Underline"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Undo"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Unknown Author"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Sent"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Declined"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Accepted"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Incoming"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "New document"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Upload"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Save new documents to"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Incorrect password. Please try again."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Password"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Please enter your nickname"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Join"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Advanced feature-set"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Unstable)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/gl.php
index 8e6f50f,0000000..34f084d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/gl.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/gl.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Documentos",
++"document-styles" => "estilos do documento",
++"document-content" => "contido do documento",
 +"Close" => "Pechar",
 +"Share" => "Compartir",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Sen conexión co servidor. Tentando conectar de novo.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Deixar esta páxina no modo Editor pode provocar que non se garden os datos. Recomendámoslle que empregue o botón «Pechar» no seu canto.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Non foi posíbel cargar o documento. Comprobe se pode abrirse cun editor «odt» externo. Isto tamén pode deberse a que foi eliminado ou a que deixou de compartires recentemente.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Non foi posíbel cargar os documentos.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Non se atopou ningún documento. Envíe ou cree un documento.",
 +"Align Left" => "Aliñar á esquerda",
 +"Alignment" => "Aliñamento",
 +"Align Right" => "Aliñar á dereita",
 +"Annotate" => "Anotar",
 +"Background" => "Fondo",
 +"Bold" => "Negra",
 +"Bottom" => "Abaixo",
 +"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
 +"Center" => "Centrar",
 +"Clone" => "Clonar",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este estilo",
 +"Color" => "Cor",
 +"Create" => "Crear",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Diminuír a sangría",
 +"Default Style" => "Estilo predeterminado",
 +"Delete" => "Eliminar",
 +"Family" => "Familia",
 +"Font" => "Tipo de letra",
 +"Font Effects" => "Efectos das letras",
 +"Format" => "Formato",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Aumentar a sangría",
 +"Insert Image" => "Inserir unha imaxe",
 +"Invite Members" => "Convidar a membros",
 +"Italic" => "Cursiva",
 +"Justified" => "Xustificado",
 +"Justify" => "Xustificar",
 +"Left" => "Esquerda",
 +"Loading" => "Cargando",
 +"Members" => "Membros",
 +"New Name:" => "Novo nome:",
 +"OK" => "Aceptar",
 +"Open" => "Abrir",
 +"Options" => "Opcións",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Parágrafo...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilos de parágrafo",
 +"Redo" => "Refacer",
 +"Right" => "Dereita",
 +"Save" => "Gardar",
 +"Size" => "Tamaño",
 +"Spacing" => "Espazado",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Riscado",
 +"Style" => "Estilo",
 +"Text" => "Texto",
 +"Top" => "Arriba",
 +"Underline" => "Subliñado",
 +"Undo" => "Desfacer",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Autor descoñecido",
 +"Sent" => "Enviado",
 +"Declined" => "Rexeitado",
 +"Accepted" => "Aceptado",
 +"Incoming" => "Entrante",
 +"New document" => "Novo documento",
 +"Upload" => "Enviar",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Gardar os novos documentos en",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contrasinal incorrecto. Tenteo de novo.",
 +"Password" => "Contrasinal",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Introduza o seu alcume",
 +"Join" => "Unirse",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Esta ligazón caducou ou xa non existe. Póñase en contacto coa persoa que o compartiu con vostede para obter máis información.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Conxunto de funcións avanzadas",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Inestábel)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/gl/documents.po
index 6488c5e,0000000..5027c8b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/gl/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/gl/documents.po
@@@ -1,310 -1,0 +1,310 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# mbouzada <mbouzada at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 16:50+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: mbouzada <mbouzada at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/gl/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: gl\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Documentos"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "estilos do documento"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "contido do documento"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Pechar"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Compartir"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Sen conexión co servidor. Tentando conectar de novo."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Deixar esta páxina no modo Editor pode provocar que non se garden os datos. Recomendámoslle que empregue o botón «Pechar» no seu canto."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Non foi posíbel cargar o documento. Comprobe se pode abrirse cun editor «odt» externo. Isto tamén pode deberse a que foi eliminado ou a que deixou de compartires recentemente."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Non foi posíbel cargar os documentos."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Non se atopou ningún documento. Envíe ou cree un documento."
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Aliñar á esquerda"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Aliñamento"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Aliñar á dereita"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Anotar"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Fondo"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Negra"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Abaixo"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Cancelar"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Centrar"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
 +msgstr "Clonar"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
 +msgstr "Clonar este estilo"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Cor"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Crear"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Diminuír a sangría"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Estilo predeterminado"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Eliminar"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Familia"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Tipo de letra"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Efectos das letras"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Formato"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Aumentar a sangría"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Inserir unha imaxe"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Convidar a membros"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Cursiva"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Xustificado"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Xustificar"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Esquerda"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Cargando"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Membros"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "Novo nome:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "Aceptar"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Abrir"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Opcións"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Parágrafo..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Estilos de parágrafo"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Refacer"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Dereita"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Gardar"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Tamaño"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Espazado"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Riscado"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Estilo"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Texto"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Arriba"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Subliñado"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Desfacer"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Autor descoñecido"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Enviado"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Rexeitado"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Aceptado"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Entrante"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Novo documento"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Enviar"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Gardar os novos documentos en"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Contrasinal incorrecto. Tenteo de novo."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Contrasinal"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Introduza o seu alcume"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Unirse"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Esta ligazón caducou ou xa non existe. Póñase en contacto coa persoa que o compartiu con vostede para obter máis información."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Conxunto de funcións avanzadas"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Inestábel)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU.php
index d006b17,0000000..5d101e8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@@ -1,32 -1,0 +1,69 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Dokumentumok",
++"document-styles" => "dokumentum-stílusok",
++"document-content" => "dokumentum-tartalom",
 +"Close" => "Bezárás",
 +"Share" => "Megosztás",
++"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nincs kapcsolat a szerverrel. Újracsatlakozás.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Ha elnavigálsz az oldalról miközben Szerkesztés módban vagy akkor lehet lesznek elvesztett adatok amiket még nem mentettél el. Ajánlott inkább a 'Bezár' gombbal befejezni az oldal szerkesztését.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "A dokumentum betöltése sikertelen. Próbáld külső odt szerkeszővel megnyitni. Ez hiba jelentheti azt, hogy már nincs megosztva vagy már törölve lett a dokumentum.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "A dokumentum betőltése sikertelen",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Nem található egy dokumentum sem. Tölts fel vagy hozz létre egy dokumentumot.",
++"Align Left" => "Balra igazítás",
++"Alignment" => "Igazítás",
++"Align Right" => "Jobbra igazítás",
++"Background" => "Háttér",
++"Bold" => "Félkövér",
++"Bottom" => "Alsó",
 +"Cancel" => "Mégsem",
++"Center" => "Közép",
++"Clone" => "Másolás",
++"Clone this Style" => "Stílus másolása",
++"Color" => "Szín",
 +"Create" => "Létrehozás",
++"Default Style" => "Alapértelmezett stílus",
 +"Delete" => "Törlés",
 +"Family" => "Család",
++"Font" => "Betűtípus",
++"Font Effects" => "Betűtípus effektek",
++"Format" => "Formátum",
++"Insert Image" => "Kép beillesztése",
++"Invite Members" => "Tagok meghívása",
++"Italic" => "Dőlt",
++"Justified" => "Sorkizárt",
++"Left" => "Bal",
++"Loading" => "Betöltés",
++"Members" => "Tagok",
++"New Name:" => "Új név:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Megnyitás",
 +"Options" => "Opciók",
++"Paragraph..." => "Paragrafus...",
++"Paragraph Styles" => "Paragrafus stílusok",
++"Redo" => "Helyrehoz",
++"Right" => "Jobb",
 +"Save" => "Mentés",
 +"Size" => "Méret",
++"Spacing" => "Ritkítás",
++"Strikethrough" => "Áthúzott",
++"Style" => "Stílus",
 +"Text" => "SMS",
++"Top" => "Felső",
++"Underline" => "Aláhúzás",
++"Undo" => "Visszavonás",
++"Unknown Author" => "Ismeretlen szerző",
 +"Sent" => "Elküldött",
 +"Declined" => "Elutasított",
 +"Accepted" => "Elfogadott",
 +"Incoming" => "Beérkező",
++"New document" => "Új dokumentum",
 +"Upload" => "Feltöltés",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Az új dokumentumokat ide mentese:",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
 +"Password" => "Jelszó",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Kérem adja meg a becenevét (nick)",
 +"Join" => "Belépés",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ez a link vagy lejárt vagy sohasem létezett. Kérdezd meg azt aki megosztotta veled ezt a linket.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Haladó funkciók",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(nem stabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU/documents.po
index 139c96e,0000000..7882fde
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/hu_HU/documents.po
@@@ -1,312 -1,0 +1,313 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
++# Ádám Radovits <adamradovits12 at hotmail.com>, 2013
 +# sherlock79 <david at interpont.hu>, 2013
 +# ebela <bela at dandre.hu>, 2013
 +# Laszlo Tornoci <torlasz at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 15:10+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Ádám Radovits <adamradovits12 at hotmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: hu_HU\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Dokumentumok"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "dokumentum-stílusok"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "dokumentum-tartalom"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Bezárás"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Megosztás"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nincs kapcsolat a szerverrel. Újracsatlakozás."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Ha elnavigálsz az oldalról miközben Szerkesztés módban vagy akkor lehet lesznek elvesztett adatok amiket még nem mentettél el. Ajánlott inkább a 'Bezár' gombbal befejezni az oldal szerkesztését."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "A dokumentum betöltése sikertelen. Próbáld külső odt szerkeszővel megnyitni. Ez hiba jelentheti azt, hogy már nincs megosztva vagy már törölve lett a dokumentum."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "A dokumentum betőltése sikertelen"
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Nem található egy dokumentum sem. Tölts fel vagy hozz létre egy dokumentumot."
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Balra igazítás"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Igazítás"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jobbra igazítás"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Háttér"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Félkövér"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Alsó"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Mégsem"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Közép"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Másolás"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Stílus másolása"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Szín"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Létrehozás"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Alapértelmezett stílus"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Törlés"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Család"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Betűtípus"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Betűtípus effektek"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Formátum"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kép beillesztése"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tagok meghívása"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dőlt"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sorkizárt"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bal"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Betöltés"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tagok"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Új név:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Megnyitás"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Opciók"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paragrafus..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paragrafus stílusok"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Helyrehoz"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jobb"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Mentés"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Méret"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ritkítás"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Áthúzott"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Stílus"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "SMS"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Felső"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aláhúzás"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Visszavonás"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ismeretlen szerző"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Elküldött"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Elutasított"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Elfogadott"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Beérkező"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "Új dokumentum"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Feltöltés"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Az új dokumentumokat ide mentese:"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!"
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Jelszó"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Kérem adja meg a becenevét (nick)"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Belépés"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Ez a link vagy lejárt vagy sohasem létezett. Kérdezd meg azt aki megosztotta veled ezt a linket."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Haladó funkciók"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(nem stabil)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP.php
index ab2eaa5,0000000..bada83f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,33 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "ドキュメント",
++"document-styles" => "ドキュメントースタイル",
++"document-content" => "ドキュメント-内容",
 +"Close" => "閉じる",
 +"Share" => "共有",
++"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "サーバに接続されていません。再接続してください。",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "このページを編集モードのままにしておくと、保存されないデータが出てきます。その代わりに「閉じる」ボタンを使うことをお勧めします。",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "ドキュメントの読み込みに失敗。外部の odtエディターで開けるかどうか確認してください。これは、ドキュメントが最近、非共有になっているか削除されているのかもしれません。",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "ドキュメントのロードに失敗しました。",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "ドキュメントはありません。アップロードするか、作成してください。",
++"Align Left" => "左揃え",
++"Alignment" => "配置",
++"Align Right" => "右揃え",
++"Annotate" => "注釈",
++"Background" => "背景",
++"Bold" => "ボールド",
++"Bottom" => "下",
 +"Cancel" => "キャンセル",
++"Center" => "中央",
++"Clone" => "複製",
++"Clone this Style" => "このスタイルを複製",
++"Color" => "色",
 +"Create" => "作成",
++"Decrease Indent" => "インデントを減らす",
++"Default Style" => "デフォルトスタイル",
 +"Delete" => "削除",
 +"Family" => "家族",
++"Font" => "フォント",
++"Font Effects" => "フォント効果",
++"Format" => "書式",
++"Increase Indent" => "インデントを増やす",
++"Insert Image" => "画像を挿入",
++"Invite Members" => "メンバーを招待",
++"Italic" => "イタリック",
++"Justified" => "両端揃え",
++"Justify" => "両端揃え",
++"Left" => "左",
 +"Loading" => "読込中",
++"Members" => "メンバー",
++"New Name:" => "新しい名前:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "開く",
 +"Options" => "オプション",
++"Paragraph..." => "段落...",
++"Paragraph Styles" => "段落スタイル",
++"Redo" => "やり直し",
++"Right" => "右",
 +"Save" => "保存",
 +"Size" => "サイズ",
++"Spacing" => "間隔",
++"Strikethrough" => "取消線",
++"Style" => "スタイル",
 +"Text" => "TTY TDD",
++"Top" => "上",
++"Underline" => "下線",
++"Undo" => "元に戻す",
++"Unknown Author" => "不明な作者",
 +"Sent" => "送信",
 +"Declined" => "拒否されました",
 +"Accepted" => "受け付けました",
 +"Incoming" => "受信箱",
++"New document" => "新しいドキュメント",
 +"Upload" => "アップロード",
 +"Save new documents to" => "ドキュメントを新しく保存する",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "間違ったパスワード。もう一度入力してください。",
 +"Password" => "パスワード",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "ニックネームを入力してください",
 +"Join" => "参加",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "このリンクは期限が切れているか、すでに存在しません。詳細は、それを共有した方に連絡していください。",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "高度な機能セット",
- "(Unstable)" => "(非安定的)"
++"(Unstable)" => "(不安定)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP/documents.po
index bbf9bfc,0000000..aefc05f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/ja_JP/documents.po
@@@ -1,312 -1,0 +1,312 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>, 2013
 +# plazmism <gomidori at live.jp>, 2013
 +# tt yn <tetuyano+transi at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-29 11:40+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi at nagoya-u.jp>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: ja_JP\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "ドキュメント"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "ドキュメントースタイル"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "ドキュメント-内容"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "閉じる"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "共有"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "サーバに接続されていません。再接続してください。"
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "このページを編集モードのままにしておくと、保存されないデータが出てきます。その代わりに「閉じる」ボタンを使うことをお勧めします。"
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "ドキュメントの読み込みに失敗。外部の odtエディターで開けるかどうか確認してください。これは、ドキュメントが最近、非共有になっているか削除されているのかもしれません。"
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "ドキュメントのロードに失敗しました。"
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "ドキュメントはありません。アップロードするか、作成してください。"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "左揃え"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "配置"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "右揃え"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "注釈"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "背景"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "ボールド"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "下"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "キャンセル"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "中央"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "複製"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "このスタイルを複製"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "色"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "作成"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "インデントを減らす"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "デフォルトスタイル"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "削除"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "家族"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "フォント"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "フォント効果"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "書式"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "インデントを増やす"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "画像を挿入"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "メンバーを招待"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "イタリック"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "両端揃え"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "両端揃え"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "左"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "読込中"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "メンバー"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "新しい名前:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "開く"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "オプション"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "段落..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "段落スタイル"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "やり直し"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "右"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "保存"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "サイズ"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "間隔"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "取消線"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "スタイル"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "TTY TDD"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "上"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "下線"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "元に戻す"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "不明な作者"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "送信"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "拒否されました"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "受け付けました"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "受信箱"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "新しいドキュメント"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "アップロード"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "ドキュメントを新しく保存する"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "間違ったパスワード。もう一度入力してください。"
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "パスワード"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "ニックネームを入力してください"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "参加"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "このリンクは期限が切れているか、すでに存在しません。詳細は、それを共有した方に連絡していください。"
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "高度な機能セット"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
- msgstr "(非安定的)"
++msgstr "(不安定)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR.php
index fe5dadd,0000000..c07a622
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Documentos",
++"document-styles" => "documento-estilos",
++"document-content" => "documento-conteúdo",
 +"Close" => "Fechar",
 +"Share" => "Compartilhar",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Sem conexão com o servidor. Tentando reconectar.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Deixando esta página aberta para o modo de Edição pode causar o não salvamento de dados. É recomendado usar o botão \"Fechar\".",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Falha ao carregar o documento. Por favor verifique se o arquivo derá ser aberto com um editor externo odt. Isso também pode significar que o arquivo foi descompartilhado ou eliminado recentemente.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Falha ao carregar documentos.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Nenhum documento foi encontrado. Por favor envie ou crie um documento!",
 +"Align Left" => "Alinhar a esquerda",
 +"Alignment" => "Alinhamento",
 +"Align Right" => "Alinhar a direita",
 +"Annotate" => "Anotar",
 +"Background" => "Fundo",
 +"Bold" => "Negrito",
 +"Bottom" => "Pé",
 +"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
 +"Center" => "Centro",
 +"Clone" => "Clone",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este estilo",
 +"Color" => "Cor",
 +"Create" => "Criar",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Diminuir recuo",
 +"Default Style" => "Estilo padrão",
 +"Delete" => "Eliminar",
 +"Family" => "Família",
 +"Font" => "Fonte",
 +"Font Effects" => "Fonte Efeitos",
 +"Format" => "Formato",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Aumentar recuo",
 +"Insert Image" => "Inserir Imagem",
 +"Invite Members" => "Convidar Membros",
 +"Italic" => "Itálico",
 +"Justified" => "Justificado",
 +"Justify" => "Justificar",
 +"Left" => "Esquerda",
 +"Loading" => "Carregando",
 +"Members" => "Membros",
 +"New Name:" => "Novo Nome:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Abrir",
 +"Options" => "Opções",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Parágrafo...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilo de Parágrafo",
 +"Redo" => "Refazer",
 +"Right" => "Direita",
 +"Save" => "Guardar",
 +"Size" => "Tamanho",
 +"Spacing" => "Espaçamento",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Tachado",
 +"Style" => "Estilo",
 +"Text" => "Texto",
 +"Top" => "Topo",
 +"Underline" => "Sublinhado",
 +"Undo" => "Desfazer",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Autor Desconhecido",
 +"Sent" => "Enviar",
 +"Declined" => "Declinado",
 +"Accepted" => "Aceito",
 +"Incoming" => "entrando",
 +"New document" => "Novo documento",
 +"Upload" => "Upload",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Salvar o novo documento para",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Senha errada. Por favor tente novamente.",
 +"Password" => "Senha",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Por favor entre seu apelido",
 +"Join" => "Juntar",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Este link espirou ou numca existiu. Por favor faça contato com a pessoa que compartilhou este link com você para maiores detalhes.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Avançado conjunto de funcionalidades",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Instável)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR/documents.po
index 0335f3c,0000000..cb0d318
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/pt_BR/documents.po
@@@ -1,310 -1,0 +1,310 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# Flávio Veras <flaviove at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-28 13:30+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Flávio Veras <flaviove at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pt_BR/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: pt_BR\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Documentos"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
 +msgid "document-styles"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "documento-estilos"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:832
 +msgid "document-content"
- msgstr ""
++msgstr "documento-conteúdo"
 +#: js/documents.js:23 js/locale.js:12 js/viewer/viewer.js:50
 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Fechar"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Compartilhar"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Sem conexão com o servidor. Tentando reconectar."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Deixando esta página aberta para o modo de Edição pode causar o não salvamento de dados. É recomendado usar o botão \"Fechar\"."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Falha ao carregar o documento. Por favor verifique se o arquivo derá ser aberto com um editor externo odt. Isso também pode significar que o arquivo foi descompartilhado ou eliminado recentemente."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Falha ao carregar documentos."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Nenhum documento foi encontrado. Por favor envie ou crie um documento!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Alinhar a esquerda"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
 +msgid "Alignment"
 +msgstr "Alinhamento"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
 +msgid "Align Right"
 +msgstr "Alinhar a direita"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
 +msgid "Annotate"
 +msgstr "Anotar"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
 +msgid "Background"
 +msgstr "Fundo"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
 +msgid "Bold"
 +msgstr "Negrito"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Pé"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
 +msgid "Cancel"
 +msgstr "Cancelar"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
 +msgid "Center"
 +msgstr "Centro"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
 +msgid "Clone"
 +msgstr "Clone"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
 +msgid "Clone this Style"
 +msgstr "Clonar este estilo"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
 +msgid "Color"
 +msgstr "Cor"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
 +msgid "Create"
 +msgstr "Criar"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
 +msgid "Decrease Indent"
 +msgstr "Diminuir recuo"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
 +msgid "Default Style"
 +msgstr "Estilo padrão"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
 +msgid "Delete"
 +msgstr "Eliminar"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Família"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Fonte"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Fonte Efeitos"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Formato"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Aumentar recuo"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Inserir Imagem"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Convidar Membros"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Itálico"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Justificado"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Justificar"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "Esquerda"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Carregando"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Membros"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "Novo Nome:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Abrir"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Opções"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Parágrafo..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Estilo de Parágrafo"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Refazer"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Direita"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Guardar"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Tamanho"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Espaçamento"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Tachado"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Estilo"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Texto"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Topo"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Sublinhado"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Desfazer"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Autor Desconhecido"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Enviar"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Declinado"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Aceito"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "entrando"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Novo documento"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Upload"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Salvar o novo documento para"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Senha errada. Por favor tente novamente."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Senha"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Por favor entre seu apelido"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Juntar"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Este link espirou ou numca existiu. Por favor faça contato com a pessoa que compartilhou este link com você para maiores detalhes."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Avançado conjunto de funcionalidades"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Instável)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/sl.php
index d7ba991,0000000..87fd5d1
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/sl.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/sl.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Dokumenti",
++"document-styles" => "slogi dokumenta",
++"document-content" => "vsebina dokumenta",
 +"Close" => "Zapri",
 +"Share" => "Souporaba",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ni povezave s strežnikom. Poskus povezave bo ponovljen.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Odhod s strani v načinu urejevalnika lahko vpliva na shranjevanje podatkov. Priporočljivo je raje uporabiti gumb za 'zapiranje' okna.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Nalaganje dokumenta je spodletelo. Preverite, ali ga je mogoče odpreti v zunanjem urejevalniku datotek odt. Do napake je lahko prišlo tudi, če je datoteka izbrisana, ali pa ni več v souporabi.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Nalaganje dokumentov je spodletelo.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Ni najdenih dokumentov. Pošljite dokument na strežnik, ali pa ga ustvarite.",
 +"Align Left" => "Poravnaj levo",
 +"Alignment" => "Poravnava",
 +"Align Right" => "Poravnaj desno",
 +"Annotate" => "Zabeleži",
 +"Background" => "Ozadje",
 +"Bold" => "Krepko",
 +"Bottom" => "Spodaj",
 +"Cancel" => "Prekliči",
 +"Center" => "Sredina",
 +"Clone" => "Kloniraj",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Kloniraj slog",
 +"Color" => "Barva",
 +"Create" => "Ustvari",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Zmanjšaj zamik",
 +"Default Style" => "Privzet slog",
 +"Delete" => "Izbriši",
 +"Family" => "Družina",
 +"Font" => "Pisava",
 +"Font Effects" => "Učinki pisave",
 +"Format" => "Zapis",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Povečaj zamik",
 +"Insert Image" => "Vstavi sliko",
 +"Invite Members" => "Povabi druge uporabnike",
 +"Italic" => "Ležeče",
 +"Justified" => "Poravnano",
 +"Justify" => "Poravnaj",
 +"Left" => "Levo",
 +"Loading" => "Nalaganje",
 +"Members" => "Člani",
 +"New Name:" => "Novo ime:",
 +"OK" => "V redu",
 +"Open" => "Odpri",
 +"Options" => "Možnosti",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Odstavek ...",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Slog odstavka",
 +"Redo" => "Ponovno uveljavi",
 +"Right" => "Desno",
 +"Save" => "Shrani",
 +"Size" => "Velikost",
 +"Spacing" => "Razmik",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Prečrtano",
 +"Style" => "Slog",
 +"Text" => "Besedilo",
 +"Top" => "Zgoraj",
 +"Underline" => "Podčrtano",
 +"Undo" => "Razveljavi",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Neznan avtor",
 +"Sent" => "Poslano",
 +"Declined" => "Zavrnjeno",
 +"Accepted" => "Sprejeto",
 +"Incoming" => "Prihajajoče",
 +"New document" => "Nov dokument",
 +"Upload" => "Pošlji",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Shrani nove dokumente v",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Napačno geslo. Poskusite znova.",
 +"Password" => "Geslo",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Vnesite vzdevek",
 +"Join" => "Pridruži se",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Povezava je pretekla ali pa ni nikoli obstajala. Za več podrobnosti stopite v stik z osebo, ki naj bi vam jo poslala.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Napredne zmožnosti",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(nestabilno)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/sl/documents.po
index fa3f9b3,0000000..a38fa58
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/sl/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/sl/documents.po
@@@ -1,310 -1,0 +1,310 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# mateju <>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 18:15+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: mateju <>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sl/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
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- msgstr ""
++msgstr "slogi dokumenta"
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- msgstr ""
++msgstr "vsebina dokumenta"
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 +#: js/documents.js:26
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 +msgstr "Souporaba"
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 +msgstr "Ni povezave s strežnikom. Poskus povezave bo ponovljen."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Odhod s strani v načinu urejevalnika lahko vpliva na shranjevanje podatkov. Priporočljivo je raje uporabiti gumb za 'zapiranje' okna."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Nalaganje dokumenta je spodletelo. Preverite, ali ga je mogoče odpreti v zunanjem urejevalniku datotek odt. Do napake je lahko prišlo tudi, če je datoteka izbrisana, ali pa ni več v souporabi."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Nalaganje dokumentov je spodletelo."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Ni najdenih dokumentov. Pošljite dokument na strežnik, ali pa ga ustvarite."
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Poravnaj levo"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
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 +msgstr "Poravnava"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
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 +#: js/locale.js:4
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 +#: js/locale.js:5
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 +#: js/locale.js:6
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 +#: js/locale.js:7
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 +#: js/locale.js:8
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 +#: js/locale.js:9
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 +#: js/locale.js:10
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 +msgstr "Kloniraj"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
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 +msgstr "Kloniraj slog"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
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 +msgstr "Barva"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
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 +msgstr "Ustvari"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
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 +msgstr "Zmanjšaj zamik"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
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 +msgstr "Privzet slog"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
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 +msgstr "Izbriši"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
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 +#: js/locale.js:22
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 +msgstr "Povečaj zamik"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
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 +msgstr "Vstavi sliko"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
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 +msgstr "Povabi druge uporabnike"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
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 +msgstr "Ležeče"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
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 +#: js/locale.js:27
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 +msgstr "Poravnaj"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
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 +#: js/locale.js:29
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 +msgstr "Nalaganje"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
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 +msgstr "Člani"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
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 +msgstr "Novo ime:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "V redu"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
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 +msgstr "Odpri"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
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 +msgstr "Možnosti"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
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 +msgstr "Odstavek ..."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
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 +msgstr "Slog odstavka"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
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 +msgstr "Ponovno uveljavi"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
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 +msgstr "Desno"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
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 +msgstr "Shrani"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
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 +msgstr "Velikost"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
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 +msgstr "Razmik"
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 +msgstr "Prečrtano"
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 +msgstr "Besedilo"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
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 +#: js/locale.js:46
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 +msgstr "Podčrtano"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
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 +msgstr "Razveljavi"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
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 +msgstr "Neznan avtor"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Poslano"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Zavrnjeno"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Sprejeto"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
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 +msgstr "Prihajajoče"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
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 +msgstr "Nov dokument"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
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 +msgstr "Pošlji"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Shrani nove dokumente v"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Napačno geslo. Poskusite znova."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Geslo"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Vnesite vzdevek"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Pridruži se"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Povezava je pretekla ali pa ni nikoli obstajala. Za več podrobnosti stopite v stik z osebo, ki naj bi vam jo poslala."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Napredne zmožnosti"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(nestabilno)"
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- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
 +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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 +#: js/documents.js:153
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 +"to use 'Close' button instead."
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 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr ""
 +#: js/documents.js:332
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 +#: js/documents.js:375
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 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
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 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/public.php:8
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 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr ""
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr ""
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/tr.php
index 9a7a1d9,0000000..9442918
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/tr.php
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/tr.php
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,73 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Documents" => "Belgeler",
++"document-styles" => "belge-biçemleri",
++"document-content" => "belge-içeriği",
 +"Close" => "Kapat",
 +"Share" => "Paylaş",
 +"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Sunucuya bağlantı yok. Yeniden bağlanmaya çalışıyor.",
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Düzenleyici kipinde bu sayfadan ayrılmak kaydedilmemiş veriye sebep olabilir. Bunun yerine 'Kapat' düğmesi kullanılması önerilir.",
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Bu belge yüklenemedi. Lütfen harici bir odt düzenleyicisi ile açılıp açılamayacağını denetleyin. Bu ayrıca paylaşımın yapılmadığı veya yakın zamanda silinmiş olabileceğinden de olabilir.",
 +"Failed to load documents." => "Belgeler yüklenemedi.",
 +"No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!" => "Hiçbir belge bulunamadı. Lütfen bir belge yükleyin veya oluşturun!",
 +"Align Left" => "Sola Hizala",
 +"Alignment" => "Hizalama",
 +"Align Right" => "Sağa Hizala",
 +"Annotate" => "Yorum Yap",
 +"Background" => "Arkapla",
 +"Bold" => "Kalı",
 +"Bottom" => "Alt",
 +"Cancel" => "İptal",
 +"Center" => "Orta",
 +"Clone" => "Kopyala",
 +"Clone this Style" => "Bu Biçemi Kopyala",
 +"Color" => "Renk",
 +"Create" => "Oluştur",
 +"Decrease Indent" => "Girintiyi Azalt",
 +"Default Style" => "Öntanımlı Biçem",
 +"Delete" => "Sil",
 +"Family" => "Aile",
 +"Font" => "Yazı Tipi",
 +"Font Effects" => "Yazı Tipi Efektleri",
 +"Format" => "Biçi",
 +"Increase Indent" => "Girintiyi Arttır",
 +"Insert Image" => "Resim Ekle",
 +"Invite Members" => "Üye Davet Et",
 +"Italic" => "Eğik",
 +"Justified" => "Yaslanmış",
 +"Justify" => "Yasla",
 +"Left" => "So",
 +"Loading" => "Yükleniyor",
 +"Members" => "Üyeler",
 +"New Name:" => "Yeni İsim:",
 +"OK" => "OK",
 +"Open" => "Aç",
 +"Options" => "Seçenekler",
 +"Paragraph..." => "Paragraf..",
 +"Paragraph Styles" => "Paragraf Biçemleri",
 +"Redo" => "Yenile",
 +"Right" => "Sağa",
 +"Save" => "Kaydet",
 +"Size" => "Boyut",
 +"Spacing" => "Boşluklar",
 +"Strikethrough" => "Üzeri Çizili",
 +"Style" => "Biçem",
 +"Text" => "Metin",
 +"Top" => "Üst",
 +"Underline" => "Altı Çizili",
 +"Undo" => "Geri A",
 +"Unknown Author" => "Bilinmeyen Yazar",
 +"Sent" => "Gönderildi",
 +"Declined" => "Reddedildi",
 +"Accepted" => "Kabul edildi",
 +"Incoming" => "Gelen",
 +"New document" => "Yeni belge",
 +"Upload" => "Yükle",
 +"Save new documents to" => "Yeni belgeleri şuraya kaydet",
 +"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Yanlış parola. Lütfen yeniden deneyin.",
 +"Password" => "Parola",
 +"Please enter your nickname" => "Lütfen takma adınızı girin",
 +"Join" => "Katıl",
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Bu bağlantının süresi dolmuş veya hiç mevcut olmamış. Lütfen ayrıntılar için paylaşımı yapan kişi ile iletişime geçin.",
 +"Advanced feature-set" => "Gelişmiş özellik seti",
 +"(Unstable)" => "(Kararsız)"
diff --cc apps/documents/l10n/tr/documents.po
index ac03321,0000000..a3ce84c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/documents/l10n/tr/documents.po
+++ b/apps/documents/l10n/tr/documents.po
@@@ -1,312 -1,0 +1,312 @@@
 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 +# Translators:
 +# DeeJaVu <ddejjavvu at gmail.com>, 2013
 +# Fatih Aşıcı <fatih.asici at gmail.com>, 2013
 +# volkangezer <volkangezer at gmail.com>, 2013
 +msgid ""
 +msgstr ""
 +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
 +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations at owncloud.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-27 09:16-0500\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 14:16+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-29 11:21-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 16:40+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: volkangezer <volkangezer at gmail.com>\n"
 +"Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/tr/)\n"
 +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 +"Language: tr\n"
 +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 +#: appinfo/app.php:35 templates/personal.php:2 templates/settings.php:2
 +msgid "Documents"
 +msgstr "Belgeler"
 +#: js/3rdparty/webodf/webodf.js:831
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- msgstr ""
++msgstr "belge-biçemleri"
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- msgstr ""
++msgstr "belge-içeriği"
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 +msgid "Close"
 +msgstr "Kapat"
 +#: js/documents.js:26
 +msgid "Share"
 +msgstr "Paylaş"
 +#: js/documents.js:102
 +msgid "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect."
 +msgstr "Sunucuya bağlantı yok. Yeniden bağlanmaya çalışıyor."
 +#: js/documents.js:153
 +msgid ""
 +"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended"
 +" to use 'Close' button instead."
 +msgstr "Düzenleyici kipinde bu sayfadan ayrılmak kaydedilmemiş veriye sebep olabilir. Bunun yerine 'Kapat' düğmesi kullanılması önerilir."
 +#: js/documents.js:166
 +msgid ""
 +"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an "
 +"external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted "
 +msgstr "Bu belge yüklenemedi. Lütfen harici bir odt düzenleyicisi ile açılıp açılamayacağını denetleyin. Bu ayrıca paylaşımın yapılmadığı veya yakın zamanda silinmiş olabileceğinden de olabilir."
 +#: js/documents.js:332
 +msgid "Failed to load documents."
 +msgstr "Belgeler yüklenemedi."
 +#: js/documents.js:375
 +msgid "No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!"
 +msgstr "Hiçbir belge bulunamadı. Lütfen bir belge yükleyin veya oluşturun!"
 +#: js/locale.js:1
 +msgid "Align Left"
 +msgstr "Sola Hizala"
 +#: js/locale.js:2
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 +msgstr "Hizalama"
 +#: js/locale.js:3
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 +msgstr "Sağa Hizala"
 +#: js/locale.js:4
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 +msgstr "Yorum Yap"
 +#: js/locale.js:5
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 +msgstr "Arkapla"
 +#: js/locale.js:6
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 +msgstr "Kalı"
 +#: js/locale.js:7
 +msgid "Bottom"
 +msgstr "Alt"
 +#: js/locale.js:8
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 +msgstr "İptal"
 +#: js/locale.js:9
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 +msgstr "Orta"
 +#: js/locale.js:10
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 +msgstr "Kopyala"
 +#: js/locale.js:11
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 +msgstr "Bu Biçemi Kopyala"
 +#: js/locale.js:13
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 +msgstr "Renk"
 +#: js/locale.js:14
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 +msgstr "Oluştur"
 +#: js/locale.js:15
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 +msgstr "Girintiyi Azalt"
 +#: js/locale.js:16
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 +msgstr "Öntanımlı Biçem"
 +#: js/locale.js:17
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 +msgstr "Sil"
 +#: js/locale.js:18
 +msgid "Family"
 +msgstr "Aile"
 +#: js/locale.js:19
 +msgid "Font"
 +msgstr "Yazı Tipi"
 +#: js/locale.js:20
 +msgid "Font Effects"
 +msgstr "Yazı Tipi Efektleri"
 +#: js/locale.js:21
 +msgid "Format"
 +msgstr "Biçi"
 +#: js/locale.js:22
 +msgid "Increase Indent"
 +msgstr "Girintiyi Arttır"
 +#: js/locale.js:23
 +msgid "Insert Image"
 +msgstr "Resim Ekle"
 +#: js/locale.js:24
 +msgid "Invite Members"
 +msgstr "Üye Davet Et"
 +#: js/locale.js:25
 +msgid "Italic"
 +msgstr "Eğik"
 +#: js/locale.js:26
 +msgid "Justified"
 +msgstr "Yaslanmış"
 +#: js/locale.js:27
 +msgid "Justify"
 +msgstr "Yasla"
 +#: js/locale.js:28
 +msgid "Left"
 +msgstr "So"
 +#: js/locale.js:29
 +msgid "Loading"
 +msgstr "Yükleniyor"
 +#: js/locale.js:30
 +msgid "Members"
 +msgstr "Üyeler"
 +#: js/locale.js:31
 +msgid "New Name:"
 +msgstr "Yeni İsim:"
 +#: js/locale.js:32 templates/public.php:12
 +msgid "OK"
 +msgstr "OK"
 +#: js/locale.js:33
 +msgid "Open"
 +msgstr "Aç"
 +#: js/locale.js:34
 +msgid "Options"
 +msgstr "Seçenekler"
 +#: js/locale.js:35
 +msgid "Paragraph..."
 +msgstr "Paragraf.."
 +#: js/locale.js:36
 +msgid "Paragraph Styles"
 +msgstr "Paragraf Biçemleri"
 +#: js/locale.js:37
 +msgid "Redo"
 +msgstr "Yenile"
 +#: js/locale.js:38
 +msgid "Right"
 +msgstr "Sağa"
 +#: js/locale.js:39
 +msgid "Save"
 +msgstr "Kaydet"
 +#: js/locale.js:40
 +msgid "Size"
 +msgstr "Boyut"
 +#: js/locale.js:41
 +msgid "Spacing"
 +msgstr "Boşluklar"
 +#: js/locale.js:42
 +msgid "Strikethrough"
 +msgstr "Üzeri Çizili"
 +#: js/locale.js:43
 +msgid "Style"
 +msgstr "Biçem"
 +#: js/locale.js:44
 +msgid "Text"
 +msgstr "Metin"
 +#: js/locale.js:45
 +msgid "Top"
 +msgstr "Üst"
 +#: js/locale.js:46
 +msgid "Underline"
 +msgstr "Altı Çizili"
 +#: js/locale.js:47
 +msgid "Undo"
 +msgstr "Geri A"
 +#: js/locale.js:48
 +msgid "Unknown Author"
 +msgstr "Bilinmeyen Yazar"
 +#: lib/invite.php:64
 +msgid "Sent"
 +msgstr "Gönderildi"
 +#: lib/invite.php:65 lib/invite.php:75
 +msgid "Declined"
 +msgstr "Reddedildi"
 +#: lib/invite.php:66 lib/invite.php:76
 +msgid "Accepted"
 +msgstr "Kabul edildi"
 +#: lib/invite.php:74
 +msgid "Incoming"
 +msgstr "Gelen"
 +#: templates/documents.php:5
 +msgid "New document"
 +msgstr "Yeni belge"
 +#: templates/documents.php:7 templates/documents.php:27
 +msgid "Upload"
 +msgstr "Yükle"
 +#: templates/personal.php:4
 +msgid "Save new documents to"
 +msgstr "Yeni belgeleri şuraya kaydet"
 +#: templates/public.php:8
 +msgid "Wrong password. Please retry."
 +msgstr "Yanlış parola. Lütfen yeniden deneyin."
 +#: templates/public.php:11
 +msgid "Password"
 +msgstr "Parola"
 +#: templates/public.php:17
 +msgid "Please enter your nickname"
 +msgstr "Lütfen takma adınızı girin"
 +#: templates/public.php:18
 +msgid "Join"
 +msgstr "Katıl"
 +#: templates/public.php:24
 +msgid ""
 +"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person "
 +"who shared it with you for details."
 +msgstr "Bu bağlantının süresi dolmuş veya hiç mevcut olmamış. Lütfen ayrıntılar için paylaşımı yapan kişi ile iletişime geçin."
 +#: templates/settings.php:9
 +msgid "Advanced feature-set"
 +msgstr "Gelişmiş özellik seti"
 +#: templates/settings.php:10
 +msgid "(Unstable)"
 +msgstr "(Kararsız)"
diff --cc apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
index 17bcac5,9aa631d..9aa631d
mode 100644,100755..100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
diff --cc apps/files_texteditor/l10n/cs_CZ.php
index b5f1bba,0000000..a4cef24
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ b/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/cs_CZ.php
@@@ -1,12 -1,0 +1,12 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Save" => "Uložit",
 +"Search" => "Hledat",
 +"Close" => "Zavřít",
 +"Next" => "Následující",
 +"Clear" => "Vyčistit",
 +"Saving..." => "Ukládám...",
 +"Failed to save file" => "Uložení souboru selhalo",
 +"An error occurred!" => "Nastala chyba!",
- "There are unsaved changes in the text editor" => "V editoru jsou neuložené změny.",
++"There are unsaved changes in the text editor" => "V editoru jsou neuložené změny",
 +"There were unsaved changes, click here to go back" => "Existují neuložené změny, klikněte zde pro návrat"
diff --cc apps/files_texteditor/l10n/hu_HU.php
index d67547c,0000000..a32ae72
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,12 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Save" => "Mentés",
 +"Search" => "Keresés",
 +"Close" => "Bezár",
 +"Next" => "Következő",
 +"Clear" => "Törlés",
 +"Saving..." => "Mentés...",
 +"Failed to save file" => "Nem sikerült elmenteni az állományt",
 +"An error occurred!" => "Hiba történt!",
++"There are unsaved changes in the text editor" => "Mentetlen változtatások vannak a szövegszerkesztőben",
 +"There were unsaved changes, click here to go back" => "Bizonyos módosítások nem lettek elmentve, kattintson ide a visszatéréshez!"
diff --cc apps/files_texteditor/l10n/ja_JP.php
index 4adeef0,0000000..9df502b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,12 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Save" => "保存",
 +"Search" => "検索",
 +"Close" => "閉じる",
 +"Next" => "次",
 +"Clear" => "クリア",
 +"Saving..." => "保存中...",
 +"Failed to save file" => "ファイルの保存に失敗しました",
 +"An error occurred!" => "エラーが発生しました。",
++"There are unsaved changes in the text editor" => "テキストエディタに未保存の変更があります",
 +"There were unsaved changes, click here to go back" => "変更が保存されていません、クリックして戻ります。"
diff --cc apps/files_texteditor/l10n/uk.php
index a29ec62,0000000..e17dd01
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/files_texteditor/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,11 -1,0 +1,12 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Save" => "Зберегти",
 +"Search" => "Пошук",
 +"Close" => "Закрити",
 +"Next" => "Наступний",
 +"Clear" => "Очистити",
 +"Saving..." => "Зберігаю...",
 +"Failed to save file" => "Неможливо зберегти файл",
 +"An error occurred!" => "Сталася помилка!",
++"There are unsaved changes in the text editor" => "Є незбережені зміни в текстовому редакторі",
 +"There were unsaved changes, click here to go back" => "Були незбережені зміни, натисніть сюди для повернення"
diff --cc apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/ja_JP.php
index ee1b609,0000000..9584ce5
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,10 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Welcome to ownCloud" => "ownCloud へようこそ",
 +"Your personal web services. All your files, contacts, calendar and more, in one place." => "あなたの個人WEBサービスです。あなたのすべてのファイル、連絡先、カレンダー、などを一つの場所で管理できます。",
 +"Get the apps to sync your files" => "あなたのファイルを同期するためのアプリを取得",
 +"Connect your desktop apps to ownCloud" => "デスクトップアプリを ownCloud に接続する",
 +"Connect your Calendar" => "あなたのカレンダーを接続する",
 +"Connect your Contacts" => "あなたの連絡先を接続する",
 +"Access files via WebDAV" => "WebDAV経由でファイルにアクセス",
++"There’s more information in the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a> and on our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://owncloud.org\">website</a>." => "より詳しい情報は、<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">ドキュメント</a> と <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://owncloud.org\">ウェブサイト</a> にあります。",
 +"If you like ownCloud, <a href=\"mailto:?subject=ownCloud&body=ownCloud is a great open software to sync and share your files. You can freely get it from http://owncloud.org\">recommend it to your friends</a>!" => "ownCloud を気に入っていただけたら、<a href=\"mailto:?subject=ownCloud&body=ownCloud はファイルの同期や共有のための素晴らしいオープンソース・ソフトウェアです。http://owncloud.org から自由にダウンロードすることができます。\">ぜひ友達に紹介してください</a>!"
diff --cc apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/uk.php
index 5bafe94,0000000..66cfe5c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/firstrunwizard/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,10 -1,0 +1,11 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Welcome to ownCloud" => "Ласкаво просимо до ownCloud",
 +"Your personal web services. All your files, contacts, calendar and more, in one place." => "Ваші приватні Web-сервіси. Усі ваші файли, контакти, календар та інше в одному місці.",
 +"Get the apps to sync your files" => "Отримати додатки для синхронізації ваших файлів",
 +"Connect your desktop apps to ownCloud" => "Під'єднати ваші додатки до ownCloud",
 +"Connect your Calendar" => "Під'єднати  ваш Календар",
 +"Connect your Contacts" => "Під'єднати ваші Контакти",
 +"Access files via WebDAV" => "Доступ до файлів за допомогою WebDAV",
++"There’s more information in the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a> and on our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://owncloud.org\">website</a>." => "Є більше інформації в <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">документації</a> і на нашому <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://owncloud.org\">сайті</a>.",
 +"If you like ownCloud, <a href=\"mailto:?subject=ownCloud&body=ownCloud is a great open software to sync and share your files. You can freely get it from http://owncloud.org\">recommend it to your friends</a>!" => "Якщо вам до вподоби ownCloud, <a href=\"mailto:?subject=ownCloud&body=ownCloud is a great open software to sync and share your files. You can freely get it from http://owncloud.org\">порекомендуйте його вашим друзям</a>!"
diff --cc apps/gallery/l10n/en_GB.php
index 2a1605b,0000000..f05a845
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/gallery/l10n/en_GB.php
+++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/en_GB.php
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,10 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Pictures" => "Pictures",
 +"Shared by" => "Shared by",
++"Picture view" => "Picture view",
 +"Error loading slideshow template" => "Error loading slideshow template",
 +"Share" => "Share",
- "The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "The \"Image Viewer\" application also needs to be enabled to use this application."
++"The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "The \"Image Viewer\" application also needs to be enabled to use this application.",
++"%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you" => "%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you",
++"File list" => "File list"
diff --cc apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php
index 978de4b,0000000..837ff8f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,10 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Pictures" => "Images",
 +"Shared by" => "Partagé par",
++"Picture view" => "Visualisation de l'image",
 +"Error loading slideshow template" => "Erreur lors du téléchargement du gabarit de diaporama ",
 +"Share" => "Partager",
- "The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "L'application \"Visualiseur d'Image\" nécessite également d'être activée pour utiliser cette application."
++"The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "L'application \"Visualiseur d'Image\" nécessite également d'être activée pour utiliser cette application.",
++"%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you" => "%s partagé <strong>%s</strong> avec vous",
++"File list" => "Liste des fichiers"
diff --cc apps/gallery/l10n/hu_HU.php
index 0766d7b,0000000..24cc744
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/gallery/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,10 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Pictures" => "Képek",
 +"Shared by" => "Megosztotta Önnel",
++"Picture view" => "Képnézet",
 +"Error loading slideshow template" => "Hiba történt a diasor sablonjának betöltésekor",
 +"Share" => "Megosztás",
- "The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "A képnézegető alkalmazásnak is engedélyezve kell lennie az alkalmazás használatához."
++"The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "A képnézegető alkalmazásnak is engedélyezve kell lennie az alkalmazás használatához.",
++"%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you" => "%s megosztotta veled ezt: <strong>%s</strong>",
++"File list" => "Fájllista"
diff --cc apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php
index e5bfc50,0000000..ceee695
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,10 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Pictures" => "ピクチャ",
 +"Shared by" => "共有者:",
++"Picture view" => "ピクチャビュー",
 +"Error loading slideshow template" => "スライドショーのテンプレートの読み込みエラー",
 +"Share" => "共有",
- "The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "このアプリケーションを利用するためには、\"画像ビューア\" も有効化する必要があります。"
++"The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "このアプリケーションを利用するためには、\"画像ビューア\" も有効化する必要があります。",
++"%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you" => "%s が <strong>%s</strong> を共有しています",
++"File list" => "ファイルリスト"
diff --cc apps/gallery/l10n/uk.php
index f15c5ae,0000000..caf703f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/apps/gallery/l10n/uk.php
+++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/uk.php
@@@ -1,6 -1,0 +1,10 @@@
 +<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
 +"Pictures" => "Зображення",
 +"Shared by" => "Опубліковано",
++"Picture view" => "Перегляд Зображення",
++"Error loading slideshow template" => "Помилка завантаження шаблона слайд-шоу",
 +"Share" => "Поділитися",
- "The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "Для використання цього додатку, додаток \"Перегляд зображень\" також повинен бути активований."
++"The \"Image Viewer\" application also need to be enabled to use this application." => "Для використання цього додатку, додаток \"Перегляд зображень\" також повинен бути активований.",
++"%s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you" => "%s розподілено <strong>%s</strong> з вами",
++"File list" => "Список файлів"
diff --cc core/skeleton/ownCloudUserManual.pdf
index d7e56e9,0000000..b68c767
mode 100644,000000..100644
Binary files differ
diff --cc lib/private/preview.php
index 266f779,ff93f43..ff93f43
mode 100644,100755..100644
--- a/lib/private/preview.php
+++ b/lib/private/preview.php
diff --cc lib/private/util.php
index b5c5546,38de07a..38de07a
mode 100644,100755..100644
--- a/lib/private/util.php
+++ b/lib/private/util.php
diff --cc version.php
index 554ea55,4f50b62..d61ebb9
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@@ -1,6 -1,17 +1,6 @@@
 -// We only can count up. The 4. digit is only for the internal patchlevel to trigger DB upgrades between betas, final and RCs. This is _not_ the public version number. Reset minor/patchlevel when updating major/minor version number.
 -$OC_Version=array(6, 00, 0, 10);
 -// The human readable string
 -$OC_VersionString='6.0 RC2';
 -// The ownCloud edition
 -// The ownCloud channel
 -// The build number
- $OC_Version = array(6,0,0,9);
- $OC_VersionString = '6.0 RC1';
++$OC_Version = array(6,0,0,10);
++$OC_VersionString = '6.0 RC2';
 +$OC_Edition = '';
 +$OC_Channel = 'testing';
- $OC_Build = '2013-11-28T12:10:40+00:00';
++$OC_Build = '2013-12-01T23:23:19+00:00';

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git

More information about the Pkg-owncloud-commits mailing list