[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 70/89: NSIS: Can only use global variables in translation strings

Sandro Knauß hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Dec 14 01:02:38 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.

commit e774bbacde55160a9d2e55e0da3a89aebe09ce65
Author: Daniel Molkentin <danimo at owncloud.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 12 10:44:05 2013 +0100

    NSIS: Can only use global variables in translation strings
    fixes #1273
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh       | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Czech.nsh        | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Dutch.nsh        | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/English.nsh      | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Estonian.nsh     | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Finnish.nsh      | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Galician.nsh     | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/German.nsh       | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Greek.nsh        | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Italian.nsh      | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Japanese.nsh     | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/PortugueseBR.nsh | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovak.nsh       | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovenian.nsh    | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Spanish.nsh      | 4 ++--
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Turkish.nsh      | 4 ++--
 16 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
index fe92577..2663dab 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "${processName} prozesuak hiltzen."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} prozesuak hiltzen."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "kill prozesua ez da aurkitu!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstalatu instalatu baino lehen"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "Ez desinstalatu"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Instalatzailea dagoeneko martxan da."
 StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "Desinstalatzaile honek administratzaile baimenak behar ditu, saiatu berriro"
 StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "Desinstalatzailea dagoeneko martxan da."
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} ${VERSION} is already installed.\r\nSelect the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Czech.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Czech.nsh
index abe0ae3..f0aab48 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Czech.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Czech.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Zobraz poznámky k vydání"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Nalezen proces(y) ${processName}, které je nutné ukončit .$\nPřejete si, aby je instalátor ukončil?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Ukončuji proces ${processName}."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Nalezen proces(y) ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}, které je nutné ukončit .$\nPřejete si, aby je instalátor ukončil?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Ukončuji proces ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Proces k ukončení nebyl nalezen! "
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Starší verze ${APPLICATION_NAME} je nainstalována na tomto systému. Doporučuje se předem tuto verzi odinstalovat. Zvolte operaci, kterou chcete uskutečnit a klikněte na tlačítko Další pro pokračování."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Odinstalovat před instalací"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Dutch.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Dutch.nsh
index 027ac8c..b114474 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Dutch.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Dutch.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "toon releaseopmerkingen"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Proces(sen) ${processName} moet worden gestopt.$\nWilt u dat het installatieprogramma dat voor u doet?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Stoppen ${processName} processen."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Proces(sen) ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} moet worden gestopt.$\nWilt u dat het installatieprogramma dat voor u doet?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Stoppen ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processen."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Het te stoppen proces is niet gevonden!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Er is een oudere versie van ${APPLICATION_NAME} ge�nstalleerd op uw systeem. geadviseerd wordt om de huidige versie te de-installeren voordat de nieuwe versie wordt ge�nstalleerd. Selecteer de uit te voeren actie en klik op Verder om door te gaan."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "De-installeren voor installeren"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/English.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/English.nsh
index 71a220c..04bd012 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/English.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/English.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${processName} processes."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Process to kill not found!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Uninstall before installing"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Estonian.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Estonian.nsh
index 3d57694..fdbcf9f 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Estonian.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Estonian.nsh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "N�ita v�ljalaske m�rkmeid"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Protsessi ${processName} l�petamine."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Protsessi ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} l�petamine."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Ei leitud protsessi, mida tappa!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Eemalda enne paigaldamist"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "�ra paigalda"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "See paigaldaja vajab admini ligip
 StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Paigaldaja on juba k�imas."
 StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "See desinstallija vajab admini ligip��su, proovi uuesti"
 StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "See desinstallija on juba k�imas"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} ${VERSION} is already installed.\r\nSelect the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Finnish.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Finnish.nsh
index 09eda7e..be07571 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Finnish.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Finnish.nsh
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "T
 StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Asennusohjelma on jo k�ynniss�."
 StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "T�m� poisto-ohjelma vaatii yll�pit�j�n oikeudet, yrit� uudelleen."
 StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "Poisto-ohjelma on jo k�ynniss�."
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${processName} processes."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} ${VERSION} is already installed.\r\nSelect the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Galician.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Galician.nsh
index 0132fee..4f98c79 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Galician.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Galician.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Amosar as notas de publicaci�n"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Atopouse o proceso ${processName} que ten que ser detido.$\nQuere que sexa o instalador quen o dete�a?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Matando os procesos ${processName}."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Atopouse o proceso ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} que ten que ser detido.$\nQuere que sexa o instalador quen o dete�a?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Matando os procesos ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Non se atopou o proceso para matalo!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "No seu sistema hai instalada unha versi�n anterior do ${APPLICATION_NAME}. Recomend�moslle que desinstale a versi�n actual antes de instalar. Seleccione a operaci�n que quere realizar e prema en Seguinte para continuar."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstalar antes de instalar"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/German.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/German.nsh
index aafebca..d898b5a 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/German.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/German.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Release-Informationen anzeigen"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "${processName} Prozess(e) m�ssen gestoppt werden.$\nWollen Sie diese nun stoppen?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Beende  ${processName} Prozesse."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} Prozess(e) m�ssen gestoppt werden.$\nWollen Sie diese nun stoppen?"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Prozess zum Beenden nicht gefunden!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Eine �ltere Version von  ${APPLICATION_NAME} ist auf Ihrem System installiert. Es wird empfohlen, diese Version zun�chst zu entfernen. W�hlen Sie unter folgenden Vorgehenweisen und w�hlen Sie $\"Weiter$\"."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Vor der Installation entfernen"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Greek.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Greek.nsh
index c330e8e..e054c75 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Greek.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Greek.nsh
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_3 "
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_CHECKBOX "�� ��������� � ������� ���������."
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FINISHED_Detail "����������"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${processName} processes."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_SUBTITLE "Choose how you want to install ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Italian.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Italian.nsh
index 38fea50..c75380f 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Italian.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Italian.nsh
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_LABEL_1 "Vuoi eliminare la cartella dei dati di ${AP
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_CHECKBOX "S�, elimina questa cartella di dati."
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FINISHED_Detail "Completato"
 StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Disinstallazione interrotta dall'utente"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${processName} processes."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_SUBTITLE "Choose how you want to install ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_OLD_Field_1 "A newer version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is already installed! It is not recommended that you install an older version. If you really want to install this older version, it is better to uninstall the current version first. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Japanese.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Japanese.nsh
index bb91577..379c09f 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Japanese.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Japanese.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "���� ${processName} �̃v���Z�X��I������K�v������܂��B\n�C���X�g�[���[�����̃v���Z�X���~���Ă��낵���ł����H"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "${processName} �v���Z�X��I�����Ă��܂��B"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "���� ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} �̃v���Z�X��I������K�v������܂��B\n�C���X�g�[���[�����̃v���Z�X���~���Ă��낵���ł����H"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "�I������v���Z�X������܂���"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "�C���X�g�[���O�ɃA���C���X�g�[������"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "�A���C���X�g�[�����Ȃ�"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/PortugueseBR.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/PortugueseBR.nsh
index 9efd9b6..6f28081 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/PortugueseBR.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/PortugueseBR.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Mostrar notas de lan�amento"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Encontrados ${processName} processo(s) que precisam ser interrompidos. $ \n Voc� quer que o instalador pare estes para voc�?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Eliminar ${processName} processos."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Encontrados ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processo(s) que precisam ser interrompidos. $ \n Voc� quer que o instalador pare estes para voc�?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Eliminar ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processos."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Processo para eliminar n�o encontrado!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Uma vers�o mais antiga de ${APPLICATION_NAME} est� instalado em seu sistema. � recomendado que voc� desinstale a vers�o atual antes de instalar. Selecione a opera��o que deseja executar e clique em Avan�ar para continuar."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstalar antes de instalar"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovak.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovak.nsh
index 5c226e5..7833fcc 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovak.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovak.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Na�li sa ${processName} proces (y), ktor� je potrebn� zastavi�.$\nChcete, aby ich in�tal�tor zastavil?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Ukon�i� ${processName} procesy."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Na�li sa ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} proces (y), ktor� je potrebn� zastavi�.$\nChcete, aby ich in�tal�tor zastavil?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Ukon�i� ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} procesy."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Proces ukon�enia nebol n�jden�!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Star�ia verzia ${APPLICATION_NAME} je nain�talovan� vo va�om syst�me. Odpor��am v�m odin�talova� aktu�lnu verziu pred in�tal�ciou. Vyberte oper�ciu, ktor� chcete vykona�, a kliknite na tla�idlo �alej pre pokra�ovanie."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Odin�talova� pred in�tal�ciou"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovenian.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovenian.nsh
index a9acdf3..5a361ed 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovenian.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Slovenian.nsh
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "Ne odstrani namestitve"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_TITLE "Program je �e name��en"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_MUI_HEADER_TEXT_SUBTITLE "Izberite na�in namestitve programa ${APPLICATION_NAME}."
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FINISHED_Detail "Kon�ano"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${processName} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${processName} processes."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Process to kill not found!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Uninstall before installing"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Spanish.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Spanish.nsh
index f04690d..7b1b029 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Spanish.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Spanish.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
 StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Mostrar las notas de la versi�n"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Se encontr� el proceso(s) ${processName} el cual necesita detenerse. $\n�Desea que el instalador lo detenga por usted?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Terminando los procesos de ${processName}"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Se encontr� el proceso(s) ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} el cual necesita detenerse. $\n�Desea que el instalador lo detenga por usted?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Terminando los procesos de ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE}"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "�Proceso a detener no encontrado!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "Una versi�n anterior de ${APPLICATION_NAME} se encuentra instalada en el sistema. Se recomienda de instalar la versi�n actual antes de instalar la nueva. Seleccione la operacion deseada y haga click en Siguiente para continuar."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstalar antes de instalar"
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Turkish.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Turkish.nsh
index 0b31184..7c11910 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Turkish.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Turkish.nsh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Durdurulmas� gereken ${processName} s�reci bulunuyor.$\nY�kleyicinin bunu sizin i�in yapmas�n� ister misiniz?"
-StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "${processName} s�re� sonland�r�l�yor."
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Durdurulmas� gereken ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} s�reci bulunuyor.$\nY�kleyicinin bunu sizin i�in yapmas�n� ister misiniz?"
+StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} s�re� sonland�r�l�yor."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Sonland�r�lacak s�re� bulunamad�!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "${APPLICATION_NAME} �nceki s�r�m� sisteminizde y�kl�. Kurulumdan �nce bunu kald�rman�z �nerilir. Yapmak istedi�iniz i�lemi se�ip devam etmek i�in �leri t�klay�n."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Y�klemeden �nce kald�r"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git

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