[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] 32/66: Removed URLUtil tests.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jan 18 20:08:20 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabredav.
commit 9b85ccc415bfdb305e0a403e379e17917fd142bd
Author: Evert Pot <evert at rooftopsolutions.nl>
Date: Tue Dec 31 20:42:49 2013 +0100
Removed URLUtil tests.
They are part of the http package now.
tests/Sabre/DAV/URLUtilTest.php | 131 ----------------------------------------
1 file changed, 131 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/Sabre/DAV/URLUtilTest.php b/tests/Sabre/DAV/URLUtilTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f17ca4b..0000000
--- a/tests/Sabre/DAV/URLUtilTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-namespace Sabre\DAV;
-class URLUtilTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{
- function testEncodePath() {
- $str = '';
- for($i=0;$i<128;$i++) $str.=chr($i);
- $newStr = URLUtil::encodePath($str);
- $this->assertEquals(
- '%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f'.
- '%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f'.
- '%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27()%2a%2b%2c-./'.
- '0123456789%3a%3b%3c%3d%3e%3f'.
- 'PQRSTUVWXYZ%5b%5c%5d%5e_' .
- '%60abcdefghijklmno' .
- 'pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f',
- $newStr);
- $this->assertEquals($str,URLUtil::decodePath($newStr));
- }
- function testEncodePathSegment() {
- $str = '';
- for($i=0;$i<128;$i++) $str.=chr($i);
- $newStr = URLUtil::encodePathSegment($str);
- // Note: almost exactly the same as the last test, with the
- // exception of the encoding of / (ascii code 2f)
- $this->assertEquals(
- '%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f'.
- '%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f'.
- '%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27()%2a%2b%2c-.%2f'.
- '0123456789%3a%3b%3c%3d%3e%3f'.
- 'PQRSTUVWXYZ%5b%5c%5d%5e_' .
- '%60abcdefghijklmno' .
- 'pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f',
- $newStr);
- $this->assertEquals($str,URLUtil::decodePathSegment($newStr));
- }
- function testDecode() {
- $str = 'Hello%20Test+Test2.txt';
- $newStr = URLUtil::decodePath($str);
- $this->assertEquals('Hello Test+Test2.txt',$newStr);
- }
- /**
- * @depends testDecode
- */
- function testDecodeUmlaut() {
- $str = 'Hello%C3%BC.txt';
- $newStr = URLUtil::decodePath($str);
- $this->assertEquals("Hello\xC3\xBC.txt",$newStr);
- }
- /**
- * @depends testDecodeUmlaut
- */
- function testDecodeUmlautLatin1() {
- $str = 'Hello%FC.txt';
- $newStr = URLUtil::decodePath($str);
- $this->assertEquals("Hello\xC3\xBC.txt",$newStr);
- }
- /**
- * This testcase was sent by a bug reporter
- *
- * @depends testDecode
- */
- function testDecodeAccentsWindows7() {
- $str = '/webdav/%C3%A0fo%C3%B3';
- $newStr = URLUtil::decodePath($str);
- $this->assertEquals(strtolower($str),URLUtil::encodePath($newStr));
- }
- function testSplitPath() {
- $strings = array(
- // input // expected result
- '/foo/bar' => array('/foo','bar'),
- '/foo/bar/' => array('/foo','bar'),
- 'foo/bar/' => array('foo','bar'),
- 'foo/bar' => array('foo','bar'),
- 'foo/bar/baz' => array('foo/bar','baz'),
- 'foo/bar/baz/' => array('foo/bar','baz'),
- 'foo' => array('','foo'),
- 'foo/' => array('','foo'),
- '/foo/' => array('','foo'),
- '/foo' => array('','foo'),
- '' => array(null,null),
- // UTF-8
- "/\xC3\xA0fo\xC3\xB3/bar" => array("/\xC3\xA0fo\xC3\xB3",'bar'),
- "/\xC3\xA0foo/b\xC3\xBCr/" => array("/\xC3\xA0foo","b\xC3\xBCr"),
- "foo/\xC3\xA0\xC3\xBCr" => array("foo","\xC3\xA0\xC3\xBCr"),
- );
- foreach($strings as $input => $expected) {
- $output = URLUtil::splitPath($input);
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $output, 'The expected output for \'' . $input . '\' was incorrect');
- }
- }
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