[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-doc] 58/60: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20140225'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 25 19:06:58 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-doc.
commit 2dadb4c6ea879c2e923b1d0b5f1c094cff252660
Merge: 93adada 44935de
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Tue Feb 25 14:22:55 2014 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/0_20140225'
Upstream version 0~20140225
README.rst | 25 +-
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.../themes/owncloud_com/static/less/reset.less | 2 +-
admin_manual/LDAP/CONFIGURATION.rst | 485 ++++++++++++
admin_manual/LDAP/Introduction.rst | 21 +
admin_manual/LDAP/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
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admin_manual/LDAP/index.rst | 8 +
admin_manual/activity/Configuration.rst | 15 +
admin_manual/activity/Introduction.rst | 22 +
admin_manual/activity/RSS_Feed.rst | 33 +
admin_manual/activity/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/activity/Utilization.rst | 136 ++++
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admin_manual/antivirus/Configuration.rst | 127 +++
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admin_manual/antivirus/index.rst | 8 +
admin_manual/config/APPS.rst | 50 ++
admin_manual/config/Code_Locations.rst | 38 +
admin_manual/config/Default_Parameters.rst | 63 ++
admin_manual/config/Deleted_Items.rst | 18 +
admin_manual/config/Introduction.rst | 10 +
admin_manual/config/Logging.rst | 52 ++
admin_manual/config/Mail_Parameters.rst | 63 ++
admin_manual/config/Maintenance.rst | 19 +
admin_manual/config/Miscellaneous.rst | 56 ++
admin_manual/config/Previews.rst | 35 +
.../config/Reverse_Proxy_Configurations.rst | 51 ++
admin_manual/config/Session_Info.rst | 24 +
admin_manual/config/Table_of_Contents.rst | 5 +
admin_manual/config/User_Experience.rst | 35 +
admin_manual/config/Verification.rst | 29 +
admin_manual/config/index.rst | 20 +
admin_manual/configuration/auth_ldap.rst | 8 +
admin_manual/configuration/background_jobs.rst | 2 +-
admin_manual/cron/Introduction.rst | 5 +
admin_manual/cron/Usage.rst | 24 +
admin_manual/cron/index.rst | 7 +
admin_manual/dependencies/Configuration.rst | 12 +
admin_manual/dependencies/Introduction.rst | 6 +
admin_manual/dependencies/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/dependencies/Utilization.rst | 17 +
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admin_manual/dependencies/index.rst | 9 +
admin_manual/encryption/Configuration.rst | 88 +++
admin_manual/encryption/File_Systems.rst | 65 ++
admin_manual/encryption/Introduction.rst | 57 ++
admin_manual/encryption/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
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admin_manual/external/Configuration.rst | 875 +++++++++++++++++++++
admin_manual/external/Introduction.rst | 54 ++
admin_manual/external/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
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admin_manual/first_run/Configuration.rst | 12 +
admin_manual/first_run/Introduction.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/first_run/Links.rst | 54 ++
admin_manual/first_run/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/first_run/Usage.rst | 21 +
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admin_manual/first_run/index.rst | 10 +
admin_manual/installation/installation_linux.rst | 2 +-
admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst | 346 ++++++--
admin_manual/installation/installation_windows.rst | 2 +-
admin_manual/maintenance/update.rst | 9 +-
admin_manual/quota/Checking_available_space.rst | 22 +
admin_manual/quota/Excluded_from_quota.rst | 40 +
admin_manual/quota/Introduction.rst | 21 +
admin_manual/quota/Sharing.rst | 26 +
admin_manual/quota/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
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admin_manual/quota/index.rst | 10 +
admin_manual/share_app/Configuration.rst | 32 +
admin_manual/share_app/Introduction.rst | 7 +
admin_manual/share_app/Retrieving_shared_data.rst | 46 ++
admin_manual/share_app/Table_of_Contents.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/share_app/Utilization.rst | 96 +++
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admin_manual/share_app/index.rst | 11 +
admin_manual/sharing_api/Contents.rst | 4 +
admin_manual/sharing_api/Create_a_new_Share.rst | 261 ++++++
admin_manual/sharing_api/Delete_Share.rst | 89 +++
admin_manual/sharing_api/Get_All_Shares.rst | 155 ++++
.../Get_Information_about_a_known_share.rst | 160 ++++
.../Get_Shares_from_a_Specific_File_or_Folder.rst | 364 +++++++++
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admin_manual/sync_client/Introduction.rst | 9 +
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admin_manual/sync_client/Setting_up_an_Account.rst | 54 ++
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developer_manual/core/webdav/index.rst | 8 +
developer_manual/devenv/index.rst | 10 +-
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328 files changed, 7218 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-doc.git
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