[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] 139/145: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.2_rc1+dfsg'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 26 16:27:51 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud.
commit 066ec48a2bcca49c463fb0461330a1fd1b0e2463
Merge: 1faf678 52ff8c3
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Tue Feb 25 14:54:23 2014 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.2_rc1+dfsg'
Upstream version 6.0.2~rc1+dfsg
# gpg: Signature faite le mar. 25 févr. 2014 14:51:40 AST
# gpg: avec la clef RSA 058C1CF944F6BD3C
# gpg: Bonne signature de « David Prévot <david at tilapin.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at altern.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at no-log.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> »
# gpg: Attention : cette clef n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance.
# gpg: Rien n'indique que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
# Empreinte de clef principale : AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF 7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
# Empreinte de la sous-clef : 7875 4D07 BC09 5C74 48F7 8D66 058C 1CF9 44F6 BD3C
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.../Introduction.html} | 40 +-
.../Utilization.html} | 42 +-
.../installation_linux.html => viewers/index.html} | 49 +-
core/doc/admin/web_guide/Adding_Data.html | 195 ++
.../Initial_Log_In.html} | 48 +-
.../Introduction.html} | 41 +-
.../Main_ownCloud_screen.html} | 50 +-
.../Navigation.html} | 68 +-
.../Personal_Configurations.html} | 83 +-
.../Table_of_Contents.html} | 39 +-
.../index.html} | 68 +-
core/doc/user/_sources/pim/contacts.txt | 6 +
core/doc/user/_sources/pim/troubleshooting.txt | 50 +
core/doc/user/contents.html | 3 +
core/doc/user/pim/contacts.html | 5 +
core/doc/user/pim/troubleshooting.html | 45 +
core/img/actions/toggle-filelist.png | Bin 0 -> 195 bytes
core/img/actions/toggle-filelist.svg | 11 +
core/img/actions/toggle-pictures.png | Bin 0 -> 193 bytes
core/img/actions/toggle-pictures.svg | 9 +
core/js/config.php | 6 +
core/js/js.js | 53 +-
core/js/share.js | 6 +-
core/skeleton/ownCloudUserManual.pdf | Bin 1558473 -> 1571890 bytes
core/templates/layout.base.php | 2 +-
core/templates/layout.guest.php | 2 +-
lib/base.php | 4 +-
lib/private/app.php | 4 +
.../connector/sabre/exceptionloggerplugin.php | 50 +
lib/private/connector/sabre/file.php | 6 +-
lib/private/connector/sabre/objecttree.php | 15 +-
lib/private/files.php | 3 +
lib/private/files/cache/storage.php | 19 +
lib/private/files/view.php | 4 +-
lib/private/l10n.php | 4 +-
lib/private/log/errorhandler.php | 31 +-
lib/private/log/owncloud.php | 1 -
lib/private/memcache/apc.php | 2 +
lib/private/ocs/result.php | 18 +-
lib/private/request.php | 48 +-
lib/private/setup.php | 1 +
lib/private/share/searchresultsorter.php | 59 +
lib/private/updater.php | 15 +
lib/private/urlgenerator.php | 3 +-
lib/private/user.php | 5 +-
lib/public/share.php | 2 +-
lib/public/util.php | 8 +-
ocs/providers.php | 2 +
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settings/templates/apps.php | 13 +-
settings/templates/personal.php | 48 +-
version.php | 8 +-
789 files changed, 16437 insertions(+), 45996 deletions(-)
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