[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [qtkeychain] 28/115: Refactor API to asynchronous job-based classes. As all Linux solutions will require async calls to DBus etc., they'd have to use local event loops otherwise.

Sandro Knauß hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Mar 15 19:25:43 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository qtkeychain.

commit 2b6e40b992d80ba11fe277c735ced1cced8a6d0e
Author: Frank Osterfeld <frank.osterfeld at kdab.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 5 16:16:22 2012 +0200

    Refactor API to asynchronous job-based classes.
    As all Linux solutions will require async calls to DBus etc., they'd have to use local event loops otherwise.
 keychain.cpp      | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 keychain.h        | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 keychain_dbus.cpp |   8 +--
 keychain_mac.cpp  | 115 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 keychain_p.h      | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 keychain_win.cpp  |   8 +--
 testclient.cpp    |  43 +++++++++----
 7 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/keychain.cpp b/keychain.cpp
index b4455b1..1c691e4 100644
--- a/keychain.cpp
+++ b/keychain.cpp
@@ -11,9 +11,130 @@
 using namespace QKeychain;
+Job::Job( const QString& service, QObject *parent )
+    : QObject( parent )
+    , d ( new Private( service ) ) {
+Job::~Job() {
+    delete d;
+QString Job::service() const {
+    return d->service;
+QSettings* Job::settings() const {
+    return d->settings;
+void Job::setSettings( QSettings* settings ) {
+    d->settings = settings;
+void Job::start() {
+    QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "doStart", Qt::QueuedConnection );
+bool Job::autoDelete() const {
+    return d->autoDelete;
+void Job::setAutoDelete( bool autoDelete ) {
+    d->autoDelete = autoDelete;
+void Job::emitFinished() {
+    emit finished( this );
+    if ( d->autoDelete )
+        deleteLater();
+void Job::emitFinishedWithError( Error error, const QString& errorString ) {
+    d->error = error;
+    d->errorString = errorString;
+    emitFinished();
+Error Job::error() const {
+    return d->error;
+QString Job::errorString() const {
+    return d->errorString;
+void Job::setError( Error error ) {
+    d->error = error;
+void Job::setErrorString( const QString& errorString ) {
+    d->errorString = errorString;
+ReadPasswordJob::ReadPasswordJob( const QString& service, QObject* parent )
+    : Job( service, parent )
+    , d( new Private( this ) )
+ReadPasswordJob::~ReadPasswordJob() {
+    delete d;
+QString ReadPasswordJob::textData() const {
+    return QString::fromUtf8( d->data );
+QByteArray ReadPasswordJob::binaryData() const {
+    return d->data;
+QString ReadPasswordJob::key() const {
+    return d->key;
+void ReadPasswordJob::setKey( const QString& key ) {
+    d->key = key;
+void ReadPasswordJob::doStart() {
+    d->doStart();
+WritePasswordJob::WritePasswordJob( const QString& service, QObject* parent )
+    : Job( service, parent )
+    , d( new Private( this ) ) {
+WritePasswordJob::~WritePasswordJob() {
+    delete d;
+QString WritePasswordJob::key() const {
+    return d->key;
+void WritePasswordJob::setKey( const QString& key ) {
+    d->key = key;
+void WritePasswordJob::setBinaryData( const QByteArray& data ) {
+    d->binaryData = data;
+    d->mode = Private::Binary;
+void WritePasswordJob::setTextData( const QString& data ) {
+    d->textData = data;
+    d->mode = Private::Text;
+void WritePasswordJob::doStart() {
+    d->doStart();
+#if 0
 Keychain::Keychain( const QString& service, QSettings* settings )
-    : d( new Private( service, settings ) )
+    : d( new Private( service, settings ) ) {
     Q_ASSERT( !service.isEmpty() );
@@ -25,7 +146,7 @@ QString Keychain::service() const {
     return d->service;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::error() const {
+QKeychain::Error Keychain::error() const {
     return d->error;
@@ -76,3 +197,5 @@ void Keychain::deleteEntry( const QString& key ) {
     d->error = ret;
     d->errorString = err;
diff --git a/keychain.h b/keychain.h
index 13cc052..5ddb0bb 100644
--- a/keychain.h
+++ b/keychain.h
@@ -11,127 +11,100 @@
 #include "qkeychain_export.h"
+#include <QtCore/QObject>
 #include <QtCore/QString>
 class QSettings;
 namespace QKeychain {
- * Provides access to platform-specific key stores for secure persistence of
- * passwords and other sensitive user data.
- *
- * On Windows, TODO
- * On Mac OS X, the OS X keychain is used.
- * On other Unixes, TODO
- *
- * TODO we don't guarantee anything
+ * Error codes
-class QKEYCHAIN_EXPORT Keychain {
+enum Error {
+    NoError=0, /**< No error occurred, operation was successful */
+    EntryNotFound, /**< For the given key no data was found */
+    CouldNotDeleteEntry, /**< Could not delete existing secret data */
+    AccessDeniedByUser, /**< User denied access to keychain */
+    AccessDenied, /**< Access denied for other reasons */
+    EntryAlreadyExists, /**< There is already an entry for the given key and overwriting was not enforced */
+    NotImplemented, /**< Not implemented on platform */
+    OtherError /**< Something else went wrong (errorString() might provide details) */
+class QKEYCHAIN_EXPORT Job : public QObject {
-    /**
-     * Creates a Keychain object.
-     *
-     * @param service The service name of your service/application. Used as identifier,
-     *        to disambiguate keys and avoid clashes with other applications.
-     *        Must not be empty.
-     * @param settings An optional settings object that is used to store the encrypted data
-     *        if no keychain is available on the platform. Currently only used on Windows.
-     *        If 0, a default-constructed QSettings object will be used.
-     */
-    explicit Keychain( const QString& service, QSettings* settings=0 );
-    /**
-     * Destructor
-     */
-    ~Keychain();
-    /**
-     * Error codes
-     */
-    enum Error {
-        NoError=0, /**< No error occurred, operation was successful */
-        EntryNotFound, /**< For the given key no data was found */
-        CouldNotDeleteEntry, /**< Could not delete existing secret data */
-        AccessDeniedByUser, /**< User denied access to keychain */
-        AccessDenied, /**< Access denied for other reasons */
-        EntryAlreadyExists, /**< There is already an entry for the given key and overwriting was not enforced */
-        NotImplemented, /**< Not implemented on platform */
-        OtherError /**< Something else went wrong (errorString() might provide details) */
-    };
-    /**
-     * The service name used as identifier.
-     */
+    explicit Job( const QString& service, QObject* parent=0 );
+    ~Job();
+    QSettings* settings() const;
+    void setSettings( QSettings* settings );
+    void start();
     QString service() const;
-    /**
-     * The error code of the last operation.
-     */
     Error error() const;
-    /**
-     * Human-readable error description of the last operation.
-     */
     QString errorString() const;
-    /**
-     * Stores a @p password in the keychain, for a given @p key.
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the write operation.
-     *
-     * @param key the key to store a password for
-     * @param password the password to store
-     * @param om Whether to overwrite existing passwords
-     */
-    void writePassword( const QString& key,
-                        const QString& password );
-    /**
-     * Stores @p data in the keychain, for a given @p key.
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the write operation.
-     *
-     * @param key the key to store a password for
-     * @param data the data to store
-     * @param om Whether to overwrite existing passwords
-     */
-    void writeEntry( const QString& key,
-                     const QByteArray& data );
-    /**
-     * Reads the password for a given @p key from the keychain.
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
-     *
-     * @param key the key to read the password for
-     */
-    QString readPassword( const QString& key );
-    /**
-     * Reads data for a given @p key from the keychain.
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
-     *
-     * @param key the key to read the password for
-     */
-    QByteArray readEntry( const QString& key );
-    /**
-     * Returns whether the keychain has an entry with key @p key
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
-     *
-     * @param key the key to check for
-     */
-    bool entryExists( const QString& key );
-    /**
-     * Deletes the data for a @p key from the keychain.
-     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the delete operation.
-     *
-     * @param key The key to delete the data for
-     */
-    void deleteEntry( const QString& key );
+    bool autoDelete() const;
+    void setAutoDelete( bool autoDelete );
+    void finished( QKeychain::Job* );
+    Q_INVOKABLE virtual void doStart() = 0;
+    void setError( Error error );
+    void setErrorString( const QString& errorString );
+    void emitFinished();
+    void emitFinishedWithError(Error, const QString& errorString);
+    class Private;
+    Private* const d;
+class QKEYCHAIN_EXPORT ReadPasswordJob : public Job {
+    explicit ReadPasswordJob( const QString& service, QObject* parent=0 );
+    ~ReadPasswordJob();
+    QString key() const;
+    void setKey( const QString& key );
+    QByteArray binaryData() const;
+    QString textData() const;
+    void doStart();
+    class Private;
+    Private* const d;
+class QKEYCHAIN_EXPORT WritePasswordJob : public Job {
+    explicit WritePasswordJob( const QString& service, QObject* parent=0 );
+    ~WritePasswordJob();
+    QString key() const;
+    void setKey( const QString& key );
+    void setBinaryData( const QByteArray& data );
+    void setTextData( const QString& data );
+    void doStart();
     class Private;
     Private* const d;
-    Q_DISABLE_COPY(Keychain)
diff --git a/keychain_dbus.cpp b/keychain_dbus.cpp
index 3c1fde7..6c67f7c 100644
--- a/keychain_dbus.cpp
+++ b/keychain_dbus.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 using namespace QKeychain;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
+QKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
                                                   const QString& key,
                                                   QString* err ) {
     Q_UNUSED( key )
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
     return NotImplemented;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& key,
+QKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& key,
                                                    const QByteArray& data_,
                                                    QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( err );
     return NotImplemented;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
+QKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
                                                     QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( err );
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
+QKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
                                                     const QString& key,
                                                     QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( exists );
diff --git a/keychain_mac.cpp b/keychain_mac.cpp
index b835f13..d81ecf5 100644
--- a/keychain_mac.cpp
+++ b/keychain_mac.cpp
@@ -61,28 +61,54 @@ static OSStatus readPw( QByteArray* pw,
     return ret;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
-                                                  const QString& account,
-                                                  QString* err ) {
-    Q_ASSERT( pw );
-    Q_ASSERT( err );
-    err->clear();
-    const OSStatus ret = readPw( pw, service, account, 0 );
+void ReadPasswordJob::Private::doStart()
+    QString errorString;
+    Error error = NoError;
+    const OSStatus ret = readPw( &data, q->service(), q->key(), 0 );
     switch ( ret ) {
     case noErr:
-        return NoError;
+        break;
     case errSecItemNotFound:
-        *err = tr("Password not found");
-        return EntryNotFound;
+        errorString = tr("Password not found");
+        error = EntryNotFound;
+        break;
-        *err = strForStatus( ret );
+        errorString = strForStatus( ret );
+        error = OtherError;
+        break;
+    }
+    q->emitFinishedWithError( error, errorString );
+static QKeychain::Error deleteEntryImpl( const QString& service, const QString& account, QString* err ) {
+    SecKeychainItemRef ref;
+    QByteArray pw;
+    const OSStatus ret1 = readPw( &pw, service, account, &ref );
+    if ( ret1 == errSecItemNotFound )
+        return NoError; // No item stored, we're done
+    if ( ret1 != noErr ) {
+        *err = strForStatus( ret1 );
+        //TODO map error code, set errstr
         return OtherError;
+    const Releaser<SecKeychainItemRef> releaser( ref );
+    const OSStatus ret2 = SecKeychainItemDelete( ref );
+    if ( ret2 == noErr )
+        return NoError;
+    //TODO map error code
+    *err = strForStatus( ret2 );
+    return CouldNotDeleteEntry;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& account,
-                                                   const QByteArray& data,
-                                                   QString* err ) {
+static QKeychain::Error writeEntryImpl( const QString& service,
+                                        const QString& account,
+                                        const QByteArray& data,
+                                        QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( err );
     const QByteArray serviceData = service.toUtf8();
@@ -100,11 +126,11 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& account,
         switch ( ret ) {
         case errSecDuplicateItem:
-            Error derr = deleteEntryImpl( account, err );
+            Error derr = deleteEntryImpl( service, account, err );
             if ( derr != NoError )
                 return CouldNotDeleteEntry;
-                return writeEntryImpl( account, data, err );
+                return writeEntryImpl( service, account, data, err );
             *err = strForStatus( ret );
@@ -115,48 +141,19 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& account,
     return NoError;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& account,
-                                                    QString* err ) {
-    SecKeychainItemRef ref;
-    QByteArray pw;
-    const OSStatus ret1 = readPw( &pw, service, account, &ref );
-    if ( ret1 == errSecItemNotFound )
-        return NoError; // No item stored, we're done
-    if ( ret1 != noErr ) {
-        *err = strForStatus( ret1 );
-        //TODO map error code, set errstr
-        return OtherError;
+void WritePasswordJob::Private::doStart()
+    QString errorString;
+    Error error = NoError;
+    if ( mode == Delete ) {
+        const Error derr = deleteEntryImpl( q->service(), key, &errorString );
+        if ( derr != NoError )
+            error = CouldNotDeleteEntry;
+        q->emitFinishedWithError( error, errorString );
+        return;
-    const Releaser<SecKeychainItemRef> releaser( ref );
-    const OSStatus ret2 = SecKeychainItemDelete( ref );
-    if ( ret2 == noErr )
-        return NoError;
-    //TODO map error code
-    *err = strForStatus( ret2 );
-    return CouldNotDeleteEntry;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
-                                                    const QString& account,
-                                                    QString* err ) {
-    Q_ASSERT( exists );
-    *exists = false;
-    SecKeychainItemRef ref;
-    QByteArray pw;
-    const OSStatus ret1 = readPw( &pw, service, account, &ref );
-    if ( ret1 == errSecItemNotFound ) {
-        return NoError;
-    }
-    if ( ret1 != noErr ) {
-        *err = strForStatus( ret1 );
-        //TODO map error code, set errstr
-        return OtherError;
-    }
-    CFRelease( ref );
-    *exists = true;
-    return NoError;
+    const QByteArray data = mode == Text ?  textData.toUtf8() : binaryData;
+    error = writeEntryImpl( q->service(), key, data, &errorString );
+    q->emitFinishedWithError( error, errorString );
diff --git a/keychain_p.h b/keychain_p.h
index 316388b..821287c 100644
--- a/keychain_p.h
+++ b/keychain_p.h
@@ -10,34 +10,186 @@
 #define KEYCHAIN_P_H
 #include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QObject>
 #include <QPointer>
 #include <QSettings>
 #include "keychain.h"
 namespace QKeychain {
+class Job::Private : public QObject {
+    Private( const QString& service_ )
+        : error( NoError )
+        , service( service_ )
+        , autoDelete( true ) {}
+    QKeychain::Error error;
+    QString errorString;
+    QString service;
+    bool autoDelete;
+    QPointer<QSettings> settings;
+class ReadPasswordJob::Private : public QObject {
+    explicit Private( ReadPasswordJob* qq ) : q( qq ) {}
+    void doStart();
+    ReadPasswordJob* const q;
+    QByteArray data;
+    QString key;
+class WritePasswordJob::Private : public QObject {
+    explicit Private( WritePasswordJob* qq ) : q( qq ), mode( Delete ) {}
+    void doStart();
+    enum Mode {
+        Delete,
+        Text,
+        Binary
+    };
+    WritePasswordJob* const q;
+    Mode mode;
+    QString key;
+    QByteArray binaryData;
+    QString textData;
+#if 0
+ * Provides access to platform-specific key stores for secure persistence of
+ * passwords and other sensitive user data.
+ *
+ * On Windows, TODO
+ * On Mac OS X, the OS X keychain is used.
+ * On other Unixes, TODO
+ *
+ * TODO we don't guarantee anything
+ */
+class Keychain {
+    /**
+     * Creates a Keychain object.
+     *
+     * @param service The service name of your service/application. Used as identifier,
+     *        to disambiguate keys and avoid clashes with other applications.
+     *        Must not be empty.
+     * @param settings An optional settings object that is used to store the encrypted data
+     *        if no keychain is available on the platform. Currently only used on Windows.
+     *        If 0, a default-constructed QSettings object will be used.
+     */
+    explicit Keychain( const QString& service, QSettings* settings=0 );
+    /**
+     * Destructor
+     */
+    ~Keychain();
+    /**
+     * The service name used as identifier.
+     */
+    QString service() const;
+    /**
+     * The error code of the last operation.
+     */
+    Error error() const;
+    /**
+     * Human-readable error description of the last operation.
+     */
+    QString errorString() const;
+    /**
+     * Stores a @p password in the keychain, for a given @p key.
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the write operation.
+     *
+     * @param key the key to store a password for
+     * @param password the password to store
+     * @param om Whether to overwrite existing passwords
+     */
+    void writePassword( const QString& key,
+                        const QString& password );
+    /**
+     * Stores @p data in the keychain, for a given @p key.
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the write operation.
+     *
+     * @param key the key to store a password for
+     * @param data the data to store
+     * @param om Whether to overwrite existing passwords
+     */
+    void writeEntry( const QString& key,
+                     const QByteArray& data );
+    /**
+     * Reads the password for a given @p key from the keychain.
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
+     *
+     * @param key the key to read the password for
+     */
+    QString readPassword( const QString& key );
+    /**
+     * Reads data for a given @p key from the keychain.
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
+     *
+     * @param key the key to read the password for
+     */
+    QByteArray readEntry( const QString& key );
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the keychain has an entry with key @p key
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the read operation.
+     *
+     * @param key the key to check for
+     */
+    bool entryExists( const QString& key );
+    /**
+     * Deletes the data for a @p key from the keychain.
+     * error() and errorString() hold the result of the delete operation.
+     *
+     * @param key The key to delete the data for
+     */
+    void deleteEntry( const QString& key );
+    class Private;
+    Private* const d;
+    Q_DISABLE_COPY(Keychain)
 class Keychain::Private {
     explicit Private( const QString& service_, QSettings* settings_ ) : service( service_ ), settings( settings_ ), error( NoError ) {}
-    Keychain::Error writeEntryImpl( const QString& account,
+    QKeychain::Error writeEntryImpl( const QString& account,
                                     const QByteArray& data,
                                     QString* errorString );
-    Keychain::Error deleteEntryImpl( const QString& account,
+    QKeychain::Error deleteEntryImpl( const QString& account,
                                      QString* errorString );
-    Keychain::Error readEntryImpl( QByteArray* password,
+    QKeychain::Error readEntryImpl( QByteArray* password,
                                    const QString& account,
                                    QString* errorString );
-    Keychain::Error entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
+    QKeychain::Error entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
                                      const QString& key,
                                      QString* errorString );
     const QString service;
     QPointer<QSettings> settings;
-    Keychain::Error error;
+    QKeychain::Error error;
     QString errorString;
 #endif // KEYCHAIN_P_H
diff --git a/keychain_win.cpp b/keychain_win.cpp
index 8ebc406..e118873 100644
--- a/keychain_win.cpp
+++ b/keychain_win.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 using namespace QKeychain;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
+QtKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
                                                   const QString& key,
                                                   QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( pw );
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::readEntryImpl( QByteArray* pw,
     return NoError;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& key,
+QtKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& key,
                                                    const QByteArray& data_,
                                                    QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( err );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::writeEntryImpl( const QString& key,
     return NoError;
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
+QtKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
                                                     QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( err );
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::deleteEntryImpl( const QString& key,
-Keychain::Error Keychain::Private::entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
+QtKeychain::Error Keychain::Private::entryExistsImpl( bool* exists,
                                                     const QString& key,
                                                     QString* err ) {
     Q_ASSERT( exists );
diff --git a/testclient.cpp b/testclient.cpp
index 0507a2d..70e923a 100644
--- a/testclient.cpp
+++ b/testclient.cpp
@@ -39,10 +39,16 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
         const QString pass = *it;
         if ( ++it != args.constEnd() )
             return printUsage();
-        Keychain k( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
-        k.writePassword( acc, pass );
-        if ( k.error() ) {
-            std::cerr << "Storing password failed: " << qPrintable(k.errorString()) << std::endl;
+        WritePasswordJob job( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
+        job.setAutoDelete( false );
+        job.setKey( acc );
+        job.setTextData( pass );
+        QEventLoop loop;
+        job.connect( &job, SIGNAL(finished(QKeychain::Job*)), &loop, SLOT(quit()) );
+        job.start();
+        loop.exec();
+     if ( job.error() ) {
+            std::cerr << "Storing password failed: " << qPrintable(job.errorString()) << std::endl;
             return 1;
         std::cout << "Password stored successfully" << std::endl;
@@ -52,10 +58,17 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
         const QString acc = *it;
         if ( ++it != args.constEnd() )
             return printUsage();
-        Keychain k( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
-        const QString pw = k.readPassword( acc );
-        if ( k.error() ) {
-            std::cerr << "Restoring password failed: " << qPrintable(k.errorString()) << std::endl;
+        ReadPasswordJob job( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
+        job.setAutoDelete( false );
+        job.setKey( acc );
+        QEventLoop loop;
+        job.connect( &job, SIGNAL(finished(QKeychain::Job*)), &loop, SLOT(quit()) );
+        job.start();
+        loop.exec();
+        const QString pw = job.textData();
+        if ( job.error() ) {
+            std::cerr << "Restoring password failed: " << qPrintable(job.errorString()) << std::endl;
             return 1;
         std::cout << qPrintable(pw) << std::endl;
@@ -65,10 +78,16 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
         const QString acc = *it;
         if ( ++it != args.constEnd() )
             return printUsage();
-        Keychain k( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
-        k.deleteEntry( acc );
-        if ( k.error() ) {
-            std::cerr << "Deleting password failed: " << qPrintable(k.errorString()) << std::endl;
+        WritePasswordJob job( QLatin1String("qtkeychain-testclient") );
+        job.setAutoDelete( false );
+        job.setKey( acc );
+        QEventLoop loop;
+        job.connect( &job, SIGNAL(finished(QKeychain::Job*)), &loop, SLOT(quit()) );
+        job.start();
+        loop.exec();
+        if ( job.error() ) {
+            std::cerr << "Deleting password failed: " << qPrintable(job.errorString()) << std::endl;
             return 1;
         std::cout << "Password deleted successfully" << std::endl;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/qtkeychain.git

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