[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 267/333: Added t5.pl which does basic testing with a Shared directory.
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 17 23:17:02 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.
commit 384a8d0d7216058b6820afb7b3609d482bf3e870
Author: Klaas Freitag <freitag at owncloud.com>
Date: Fri Mar 28 15:03:45 2014 +0100
Added t5.pl which does basic testing with a Shared directory.
csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.cfg.in | 7 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/t5.pl | 61 +++++++++++
3 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm b/csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm
index b2c288f..b97312a 100644
--- a/csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm
+++ b/csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm
@@ -45,21 +45,26 @@ use open ':encoding(utf8)';
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $d %config);
our $owncloud = "http://localhost/oc/remote.php/webdav/";
+our $owncloud_plain; # the server url without the uniq testing dir
our $user = "joe";
our $passwd = 'XXXXX'; # Mind to be secure.
our $ld_libpath = "/home/joe/owncloud.com/buildcsync/modules";
our $csync = "/home/joe/owncloud.com/buildcsync/client/ocsync";
+our $ocs_url;
+our $share_user;
+our $share_passwd;
our $remoteDir;
our $localDir;
our $infoCnt = 1;
+our %config;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( initTesting createRemoteDir createLocalDir cleanup csync
assertLocalDirs assertLocalAndRemoteDir glob_put put_to_dir
putToDirLWP localDir remoteDir localCleanup createLocalFile md5OfFile
remoteCleanup server initLocalDir initRemoteDir moveRemoteFile
- printInfo remoteFileId);
+ printInfo remoteFileId createShare
+ configValue testDirUrl);
sub server
@@ -86,15 +91,19 @@ sub initTesting(;$)
$cfgFile = "/etc/ownCloud/t1.cfg" if( -r "/etc/ownCloud/t1.cfg" );
if( -r "$cfgFile" ) {
- my %config = do $cfgFile;
+ %config = do $cfgFile;
warn "Could not parse t1.cfg: $!\n" unless %config;
warn "Could not do t1.cfg: $@\n" if $@;
- $user = $config{user} if( $config{user} );
- $passwd = $config{passwd} if( $config{passwd} );
- $owncloud = $config{url} if( $config{url} );
- $ld_libpath = $config{ld_libpath} if( $config{ld_libpath} );
- $csync = $config{csync} if( $config{csync} );
+ $user = $config{user} if( $config{user} );
+ $passwd = $config{passwd} if( $config{passwd} );
+ $owncloud = $config{url} if( $config{url} );
+ $ld_libpath = $config{ld_libpath} if( $config{ld_libpath} );
+ $csync = $config{csync} if( $config{csync} );
+ $ocs_url = $config{ocs_url} if( $config{ocs_url} );
+ $share_user = $config{share_user} if( $config{share_user} );
+ $share_passwd = $config{share_passwd} if( $config{share_passwd} );
print "Read config from $cfgFile: $config{url}\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Could not read a config file $cfgFile\n";
@@ -124,19 +133,38 @@ sub initTesting(;$)
printf( "Test directory name is %s\n", $dir );
+sub configValue($;$)
+ my ($configName, $default) = @_;
+ if( $config{$configName} ) {
+ return $config{$configName} ;
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ }
+# Returns the full url to the testing dir, ie.
+# http://localhost/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/t1-0543
+sub testDirUrl()
+ print "WARN: Remote dir still empty, first call initRemoteDir!\n" unless($remoteDir);
+ return $owncloud . $remoteDir;
# Call this first to create the unique test dir stored in
# the global var $remoteDir;
sub initRemoteDir
$d->open( $owncloud );
- $owncloud .= $remoteDir;
- my $re = $d->mkcol( $owncloud );
+ my $url = testDirUrl();
+ my $re = $d->mkcol( $url );
if( $re == 0 ) {
- print "Failed to create test dir $owncloud\n";
+ print "Failed to create test dir $url\n";
exit 1;
- # $owncloud .= $remoteDir;
sub initLocalDir
@@ -148,7 +176,7 @@ sub createRemoteDir(;$)
my ($dir) = @_;
- my $url = $owncloud . $dir;
+ my $url = testDirUrl() . $dir;
$d->open( $owncloud );
print $d->message . "\n";
@@ -159,6 +187,7 @@ sub createRemoteDir(;$)
exit 1;
$d->open( $url );
return $re;
@@ -191,14 +220,15 @@ sub cleanup()
sub remoteCleanup($)
my ($dir) = @_;
- $d->open( -url => $owncloud . $dir );
+ my $url = testDirUrl().$dir;
+ $d->open( -url => $url );
print "Cleaning Remote!\n";
- my $re = $d->delete( $owncloud . $dir );
+ my $re = $d->delete( $url );
if( $re == 0 ) {
- print "Failed to clenup directory <$owncloud $dir>\n";
+ print "Failed to cleanup directory <$url>\n";
return $re;
@@ -211,9 +241,15 @@ sub localCleanup($)
system( "rm -rf $dir" );
-sub csync( )
+# parameter: An optional full url to the owncloud sync dir.
+sub csync( ;$ )
- my $url = $owncloud;
+ my ($aurl) = @_;
+ my $url = testDirUrl();
+ if( $aurl ) {
+ $url = $aurl;
+ }
$url =~ s#^http://##; # Remove the leading http://
$url = "owncloud://$user:$passwd@". $url;
print "CSync URL: $url\n";
@@ -290,15 +326,23 @@ sub registerSeen($$)
$seenRef->{$file} = 1;
-sub traverse( $$ )
+sub traverse( $$;$ )
- my ($remote, $acceptConflicts) = @_;
+ my ($remote, $acceptConflicts, $aurl) = @_;
$remote .= '/' unless $remote =~ /(^|\/)$/;
- printf("===============> $remote\n");
- my $url = $owncloud . $remote;
+ my $url = testDirUrl() . $remote;
+ if( $aurl ) {
+ $url = $aurl . $remote;
+ }
+ printf("===============> $url\n");
my %seen;
+ $d->credentials( -url=> $owncloud, -realm=>"ownCloud",
+ -user=> $user,
+ -pass=> $passwd );
if( my $r = $d->propfind( -url => $url, -depth => 1 ) ) {
if( $r->get_resourcelist ) {
@@ -309,12 +353,15 @@ sub traverse( $$ )
# print "Checking " . $res-> get_uri()->as_string ."\n";
print "Traversing into directory: $filename\n";
my $dirname = $remote . $filename;
- traverse( $dirname, $acceptConflicts );
- registerSeen( \%seen, $localDir . $dirname );
+ traverse( $dirname, $acceptConflicts, $aurl );
+ my $localDirName = $localDir . $dirname;
+ $localDirName =~ s/Shared\///g;
+ registerSeen( \%seen, $localDirName); # . $dirname
} else {
# Check files here.
print "Checking file: $remote$filename\n";
my $localFile = $localDir . $remote . $filename;
+ $localFile =~ s/Shared\///g;
registerSeen( \%seen, $localFile );
# $localFile =~ s/t1-\d+\//t1\//;
@@ -329,7 +376,8 @@ sub traverse( $$ )
# Check the directory contents
my $localpath = localDir();
$localpath .= $remote if( $remote ne "/" );
- print "#### localpath = " . $localpath . "\n";
+ $localpath =~ s/Shared\///g;
+ print "#### localpath = " . $localpath . "\n";
opendir(my $dh, $localpath ) || die;
# print Dumper( %seen );
while( readdir $dh ) {
@@ -361,20 +409,19 @@ sub traverse( $$ )
closedir $dh;
-sub assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $$ )
+sub assertLocalAndRemoteDir( $$;$ )
- my ($remote, $acceptConflicts ) = @_;
- # %seen = ();
- traverse( $remote, $acceptConflicts );
+ my ($remote, $acceptConflicts, $aurl ) = @_;
+ traverse( $remote, $acceptConflicts, $aurl );
-sub glob_put( $$ )
+# the third parameter is an optional hash ref that can contain
+# the keys user, passwd and url for alternative connection settings
+sub glob_put( $$;$ )
- my( $globber, $target ) = @_;
- # $target = $owncloud . $target;
- $d->open( $target );
+ my( $globber, $target, $optionsRef ) = @_;
my @puts = bsd_glob( $globber );
foreach my $llfile( @puts ) {
@@ -389,7 +436,7 @@ sub glob_put( $$ )
$puturl = $target;
print " *** Putting $lfile to $puturl\n";
# putToDirLWP( $lfile, $puturl );
- put_to_dir($lfile, $puturl);
+ put_to_dir($lfile, $puturl, $optionsRef);
# if( ! $d->put( -local=>$lfile, -url=> $puturl ) ) {
#print " ### FAILED to put: ". $d->message . '\n';
@@ -400,16 +447,26 @@ sub glob_put( $$ )
-sub put_to_dir( $$ )
+sub put_to_dir( $$;$ )
- my ($file, $dir) = @_;
+ my ($file, $dir, $optionsRef) = @_;
$dir .="/" unless $dir =~ /\/$/;
+ my $targetUrl = testDirUrl();
+ if( $optionsRef && $optionsRef->{user} && $optionsRef->{passwd} ) {
+ $d->credentials( -url=> $owncloud, -realm=>"ownCloud",
+ -user=> $optionsRef->{user},
+ -pass=> $optionsRef->{passwd} );
+ if( $optionsRef->{url} ) {
+ $targetUrl = $optionsRef->{url};
+ }
+ }
my $filename = $file;
$filename =~ s/^.*\///;
- my $puturl = $owncloud . $dir. $filename;
+ my $puturl = $targetUrl . $dir. $filename;
print "put_to_dir puts to $puturl\n";
unless ($d->put( -local => $file, -url => $puturl )) {
print " ### FAILED to put a single file!\n";
@@ -429,7 +486,7 @@ sub putToDirLWP($$)
my $basename = basename $filename;
$dir =~ s/^\.\///;
- my $puturl = $owncloud . $dir. $basename;
+ my $puturl = testDirUrl() . $dir. $basename;
# print "putToDir LWP puts $filename to $puturl\n";
die("Could not open $filename: $!") unless( open FILE, "$filename" );
binmode FILE, ":utf8";;
@@ -494,8 +551,8 @@ sub moveRemoteFile($$)
my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my $fromUrl = $owncloud . $from;
- my $toUrl = $owncloud . $to;
+ my $fromUrl = testDirUrl(). $from;
+ my $toUrl = testDirUrl() . $to;
$d->move($fromUrl, $toUrl);
@@ -518,7 +575,7 @@ sub printInfo($)
sub remoteFileId($$)
my ($fromDir, $file) = @_;
- my $fromUrl = $owncloud . $fromDir;
+ my $fromUrl = testDirUrl() . $fromDir;
my $id;
if( my $r = $d->propfind( -url => $fromUrl, -depth => 1 ) ) {
@@ -541,4 +598,47 @@ sub remoteFileId($$)
return $id;
+# Creates a read write share from the config file user 'share_user' to the
+# config file user 'user'
+# readWrite: permission flag. 31 for all permissions (read/write/create etc)
+# and 1 for read only
+sub createShare($$)
+ my ($dir, $readWrite) = @_;
+ my $dd = HTTP::DAV->new();
+ $dd->credentials( -url=> $owncloud, -realm=>"ownCloud",
+ -user=> $share_user,
+ -pass=> $share_passwd );
+ $dd->open( $owncloud);
+ # create a remote dir
+ my $url = $owncloud . $dir;
+ my $re = $dd->mkcol( $url );
+ if( $re == 0 ) {
+ print "Failed to create test dir $url\n";
+ }
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ $ua->agent( "ownCloudTest_sharing");
+ # http://localhost/ocm/ocs/v1.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares
+ my $puturl = $ocs_url . "apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares";
+ my $string = "path=$dir&shareType=0&shareWith=$user&publicUpload=false&permissions=$readWrite";
+ print ">>>>>>>>>> $string\n";
+ my $req = POST $puturl, Content => $string;
+ $req->authorization_basic($share_user, $share_passwd);
+ my $response = $ua->request($req);
+ if ($response->is_success()) {
+ # print "OK: ", $response->content;
+ } else {
+ die( "Create sharing failed: " . $response->as_string );
+ }
diff --git a/csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.cfg.in b/csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.cfg.in
index 0dcc0d9..31dfbfd 100644
--- a/csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.cfg.in
+++ b/csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.cfg.in
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
- user => "joe",
+ user => "joe",
passwd => "secret",
url => "http://localhost/ocm/remote.php/webdav/",
ld_libpath => "/home/joe/owncloud/csync/csync-build/modules",
- csync => "/home/joe/owncloud/csync/csync-build/client/csync"
+ csync => "/home/joe/owncloud/csync/csync-build/client/csync",
+ ocs_url => "http://localhost/owncloud/ocs/v1.php/",
+ share_user => "jenny",
+ share_passwd => "also_secret"
diff --git a/csync/tests/ownCloud/t5.pl b/csync/tests/ownCloud/t5.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8bd87ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csync/tests/ownCloud/t5.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Test script for the ownCloud module of csync.
+# This script requires a running ownCloud instance accessible via HTTP.
+# It does quite some fancy tests and asserts the results.
+# Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <freitag at owncloud.com>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+use lib ".";
+use Carp::Assert;
+use File::Copy;
+use ownCloud::Test;
+use strict;
+print "Hello, this is t5, a tester for syncing of files in Shares\n";
+# stat error occours on windsows when the file is busy for example
+my $share_dir = "share_source";
+printInfo( "Create a share." );
+createShare( $share_dir, 31 );
+# put a couple of files into the shared directory in the sharer account
+glob_put( 'sharing/*', $share_dir, { user => configValue('share_user'),
+ passwd => configValue('share_passwd'),
+ url => server() });
+# now user kf has a new directory in shared.
+# call csync, sync local t1 to remote t1
+printInfo("Initial sync, sync stuff down.");
+csync( server()."Shared" );
+assertLocalAndRemoteDir( 'Shared', 0, server() );
+printInfo("Put a file into the share.");
+createLocalFile( localDir(). $share_dir . "/foobar.txt", 8094 );
+csync( server()."Shared" );
+assertLocalAndRemoteDir( 'Shared', 0, server() );
+# --
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