[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] annotated tag upstream/6.0.3_rc1+dfsg created (now a0ba105)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 23 18:59:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/6.0.3_rc1+dfsg
in repository owncloud.

        at  a0ba105   (tag)
   tagging  61eba845ee81c057f24fe191e2817a703362b7d5 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/6.0.3_20140418+dfsg
 tagged by  David Prévot
        on  Wed Apr 23 13:06:42 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 6.0.3~rc1+dfsg
Version: GnuPG v1


Arthur Schiwon (12):
      LDAP: cache display names immediately on retrieval, saves tens of unecessary queries to LDAP server in the share dialog for example
      add additional comments, PHPdoc and check whether it's really applicable
      remove OC_GROUP_BACKEND_GET_DISPLAYNAME option for group backends
      LDAP: getDisplayNamesInGroup is not an option for group backends anymore
      clean up group backends
      remove now unnecessary test
      implement getDisplayNames in group manager
      adjust user manager tests
      test for group manager's displayNamesInGroup
      trim must not be used in empty in PHP < 5.5
      keep the constant to not provoke PHP warnings
      fix after rebase

Bernhard Posselt (6):
      Correctly process request parameters other than GET or POST, dont use globals in the class but inject it
      default to GET request when no method is set to fix unittests, also set parsed json parameters on the post attribute
      merge dicontainer
      use references for middleware to fix problems on 5.3
      merge middleware string registration
      Merge pull request #8265 from owncloud/appframework-fix-backports

David Prévot (1):
      Imported Upstream version 6.0.3~rc1+dfsg

Frank Karlitschek (1):
      6.0.3 RC1

Lukas Reschke (4):
      Backport of #8183 to stable6
      Backport of #8197 to stable6
      Check whether the user has permissions to add personal storage backends
      Merge pull request #8261 from owncloud/stable6-backport-8182

Thomas Müller (2):
      Update 3rdparty submodule
      Merge pull request #8260 from owncloud/stable6-backport-8183-and-co

ben-denham (1):
      Backport of #8164

blizzz (2):
      Merge pull request #8232 from owncloud/fix_8135
      Merge pull request #7745 from owncloud/fix_6946_stable6


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  97d6db9   LDAP: cache display names immediately on retrieval, saves tens of unecessary queries to LDAP server in the share dialog for example
       new  02de48e   add additional comments, PHPdoc and check whether it's really applicable
       new  9f1788f   Backport of #8183 to stable6
       new  9b36224   Backport of #8197 to stable6
       new  22485fe   Correctly process request parameters other than GET or POST, dont use globals in the class but inject it
       new  980b11f   default to GET request when no method is set to fix unittests, also set parsed json parameters on the post attribute
       new  3405342   merge dicontainer
       new  33bdab1   use references for middleware to fix problems on 5.3
       new  a53ec9e   merge middleware string registration
       new  130f241   Merge pull request #8265 from owncloud/appframework-fix-backports
       new  1403a85   Merge pull request #8232 from owncloud/fix_8135
       new  d3a15b6   Check whether the user has permissions to add personal storage backends
       new  7424114   Update 3rdparty submodule
       new  a314508   Backport of #8164
       new  1041617   Merge pull request #8260 from owncloud/stable6-backport-8183-and-co
       new  60edf98   remove OC_GROUP_BACKEND_GET_DISPLAYNAME option for group backends
       new  8d00f1c   LDAP: getDisplayNamesInGroup is not an option for group backends anymore
       new  649233e   clean up group backends
       new  637aa56   remove now unnecessary test
       new  f93ab11   implement getDisplayNames in group manager
       new  af45da9   adjust user manager tests
       new  6aeb599   test for group manager's displayNamesInGroup
       new  72b9081   trim must not be used in empty in PHP < 5.5
       new  fcffccf   keep the constant to not provoke PHP warnings
       new  0a9487e   fix after rebase
       new  4696b06   Merge pull request #8261 from owncloud/stable6-backport-8182
       new  14c9508   Merge pull request #7745 from owncloud/fix_6946_stable6
       new  53df9c9   6.0.3 RC1
       new  61eba84   Imported Upstream version 6.0.3~rc1+dfsg

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git

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