[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-doc] 42/80: Small format fix, improve instruction order in apache section

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jul 4 02:54:52 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-doc.

commit ba83c3e7bde25a7797d059498ac67c93286c63d1
Author: RandolfCarter <RandolphCarter at fantasymail.de>
Date:   Sat Feb 22 02:38:15 2014 +0100

    Small format fix, improve instruction order in apache section
 admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst | 96 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst b/admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst
index f0bc6da..50ab76e 100644
--- a/admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst
+++ b/admin_manual/installation/installation_source.rst
@@ -286,49 +286,7 @@ Example config for Apache 2.4:
   (this should be one of the last lines in the file).
-* For ownCloud to work correctly, we need the module mod_rewrite. Enable it by running::
-	sudo a2enmod rewrite
-* In distributions that do not come with a2enmod the module needs to be enabled
-  manually by editing the config Apache files, usually :file:`/etc/httpd/httpd.conf`.
-  consult the Apache documentation or your distributions documentation.
-* Then restart Apache.
-  * For Ubuntu systems (or distributions using upstartd), run::
-	sudo service apache2 restart
-  * For systemd systems (Fedora, ArchLinux, OpenSUSE), run::
-	systemctl restart httpd.service
-* In order for the maximum upload size to be configurable, the .htaccess file in the
-  ownCloud folder needs to be made writable by the server (this should already be done,
-  see section `Set the Directory Permissions`_).
-* You should make sure that any built-in WebDAV module of your web server is disabled
-  (at least for the ownCloud directory), as it will interfere with ownCloud's
-  built-in WebDAV support.
-  If you need the WebDAV support in the rest of your configuration, you can turn it off
-  specifically for the ownCloud entry by adding the following line in the
-  configuration of your ownCloud. In above "<Directory ..." code, add the following line
-  directly after the ``allow from all`` / ``Require all granted`` line): ::
-	Dav Off
-* Furthermore, you need to disable any server-configured authentication for ownCloud, as
-  it's internally using Basic authentication for its \*DAV services.
-  If you have turned on authentication on a parent folder (via e.g. an "AuthType Basic"
-  directive), you can turn off the authentication specifically for the ownCloud entry;
-  to do so, in above "<Directory ..." code, add the following line directly after the
-  ``allow from all`` / ``Require all granted`` line): ::
-	Satisfy Any
-A minimal site configuration on Ubuntu 12.04 might look like this:
+* A minimal site configuration on Ubuntu 12.04 might look like this:
 .. code-block:: xml
@@ -369,20 +327,62 @@ A minimal site configuration on Ubuntu 12.04 might look like this:
 			Order allow,deny
 			Allow from all
 			# add any possibly required additional directives here
-			# e.g. the Satisfy directive:
+			# e.g. the Satisfy directive (see below for details):
 			Satisfy Any
-When using ssl, take special note on the ServerName. You should specify one in the
-server configuration, as well as in the CommonName field of the certificate. If you want
-your ownCloud to be reachable via the internet, then set both these to the domain you
-want to reach your ownCloud under.
+* For ownCloud to work correctly, we need the module mod_rewrite. Enable it by running::
+	sudo a2enmod rewrite
+* In distributions that do not come with ``a2enmod``, the module needs to be
+  enabled manually by editing the Apache config files, usually :file:`/etc/httpd/httpd.conf`.
+  consult the Apache documentation or your distributions documentation.
+* In order for the maximum upload size to be configurable, the .htaccess file in the
+  ownCloud folder needs to be made writable by the server (this should already be done,
+  see section `Set the Directory Permissions`_).
+* You should make sure that any built-in WebDAV module of your web server is disabled
+  (at least for the ownCloud directory), as it will interfere with ownCloud's
+  built-in WebDAV support.
+  If you need the WebDAV support in the rest of your configuration, you can turn it off
+  specifically for the ownCloud entry by adding the following line in the
+  configuration of your ownCloud. In above "<Directory ..." code, add the following line
+  directly after the ``allow from all`` / ``Require all granted`` line): ::
+	Dav Off
+* Furthermore, you need to disable any server-configured authentication for ownCloud, as
+  it's internally using Basic authentication for its \*DAV services.
+  If you have turned on authentication on a parent folder (via e.g. an ``AuthType Basic``
+  directive), you can turn off the authentication specifically for the ownCloud entry;
+  to do so, in above "<Directory ..." code, add the following line directly after the
+  ``allow from all`` / ``Require all granted`` line): ::
+	Satisfy Any
+* When using ssl, take special note on the ServerName. You should specify one in the
+  server configuration, as well as in the CommonName field of the certificate. If you want
+  your ownCloud to be reachable via the internet, then set both these to the domain you
+  want to reach your ownCloud under.
 .. note:: By default, the certificates' CommonName will get set to the host name at the time
           when the ssl-cert package was installed.
+* Then restart Apache.
+  * For Ubuntu systems (or distributions using upstartd), run::
+	sudo service apache2 restart
+  * For systemd systems (Fedora, ArchLinux, OpenSUSE), run::
+	systemctl restart httpd.service
 Nginx Configuration

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-doc.git

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