[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-doc] 38/270: finish routing
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 31 03:52:59 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-doc.
commit 58dc9aceaf08d4497450a410e08d94cc8e11d420
Author: Bernhard Posselt <dev at bernhard-posselt.com>
Date: Wed May 7 19:06:29 2014 +0200
finish routing
developer_manual/app/routes.rst | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/developer_manual/app/routes.rst b/developer_manual/app/routes.rst
index e4c9d37..b581daa 100644
--- a/developer_manual/app/routes.rst
+++ b/developer_manual/app/routes.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,151 @@
-.. sectionauthor:: Bernhard Posselt <dev at bernhard-posselt.com>
\ No newline at end of file
+.. sectionauthor:: Bernhard Posselt <dev at bernhard-posselt.com>
+Routes map an URL and a method to a controller method. Routes are defined inside :file:`appinfo/routes.php` by passing a configuration array to the registerRoutes method. An example route would look like this:
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
+ $application = new Application();
+ $application->registerRoutes($this, array(
+ 'routes' => array(
+ array('name' => 'page#index', 'url' => '/', 'verb' => 'GET'),
+ )
+ ));
+The route array contains the following parts:
+* **url**: The url that is matched after */index.php/apps/myapp*
+* **name**: The controller and the method to call; *page#index* is being mapped to *PageController->index()*, *articles_api#drop_latest* would be mapped to *ArticlesApiController->dropLatest()*. The controller that matches the page#index name would have to be registered in the following way inside :file:`appinfo/application.php`:
+ .. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
+ use \OCP\AppFramework\App;
+ use \OCA\MyApp\Controller\PageController;
+ class Application extends App {
+ public function __construct(array $urlParams=array()){
+ parent::__construct('myapp', $urlParams);
+ $container = $this->getContainer();
+ /**
+ * Controllers
+ */
+ $container->registerService('PageController', function($c) {
+ return new PageController(
+ $c->query('AppName'),
+ $c->query('Request')
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+* **method** (Optional, defaults to GET): The HTTP method that should be matched, (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH)
+* **requirements** (Optional): lets you match and extract urls that have slashes in them (see **Matching suburls**)
+Extracting values from the URL
+It is possible to extract values from the URL to allow RESTful url design. To extract a value, you have to wrap it inside curly braces:
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ // Request: GET /index.php/apps/myapp/authors/3
+ // appinfo/routes.php
+ array('name' => 'author#show', 'url' => '/authors/{id}', 'verb' => 'GET'),
+ // controller/authorcontroller.php
+ class AuthorController {
+ public function show($id) {
+ // $id is '3'
+ }
+ }
+The identifier used inside the route is being passed into controller method by reflecting the method parameters. So basially if you want to get the value **{id}** in your method, you need to add **$id** to your method parameters.
+Matching suburls
+Sometimes its needed to match more than one URL fragment. An example would be to match a request for all urls that start with **OPTIONS /index.php/apps/myapp/api**. To do this, use the **requirements** parameter in your route which is an array containing pairs of **'key' => 'regex'**:
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ // Request: OPTIONS /index.php/apps/myapp/api/my/route
+ // appinfo/routes.php
+ array('name' => 'author_api#cors', 'url' => '/api/{path}', 'verb' => 'OPTIONS'),
+ 'requirements' => array('path' => '.+')),
+ // controller/authorapicontroller.php
+ class AuthorApiController {
+ public function cors($path) {
+ // $path will be 'my/route'
+ }
+ }
+Registering resources
+When dealing with resources, writing routes can become quite repetitive since most of the time routes for the following tasks are needed:
+* Get all entries
+* Get one entry by id
+* Create an entry
+* Update an entry
+* Delete an entry
+To prevent reptition, it's possible define resources. The following routes:
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
+ $application = new Application();
+ $application->registerRoutes($this, array(
+ 'routes' => array(
+ array('name' => 'author#index', 'url' => '/authors', 'verb' => 'GET'),
+ array('name' => 'author#show', 'url' => '/authors/{authorId}', 'verb' => 'GET'),
+ array('name' => 'author#create', 'url' => '/authors', 'verb' => 'POST'),
+ array('name' => 'author#update', 'url' => '/authors/{authorId}', 'verb' => 'PUT'),
+ array('name' => 'author#destroy', 'url' => '/authors/{authorId}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'),
+ // your other routes here
+ )
+ ));
+can be abbreviated by using the **resources** key:
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
+ $application = new Application();
+ $application->registerRoutes($this, array(
+ 'resources' => array(
+ array('authors' => array('url' => '/authors'))
+ ),
+ 'routes' => array(
+ // your other routes here
+ )
+ ));
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