[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 246/332: [tx-robot] updated from transifex

Sandro Knauß hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 14 21:07:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.

commit 5a4c023fc94d45f1af4f1f8e7e783afcc3c1f78c
Author: Jenkins for ownCloud <owncloud-bot at tmit.eu>
Date:   Mon Jul 28 02:06:11 2014 -0400

    [tx-robot] updated from transifex
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh    |  2 +-
 admin/win/nsi/l10n/Hungarian.nsh | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
index eeb368e..9deb824 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Basque.nsh
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # Auto-generated - do not modify
+StrCpy $MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT_STRING "Erakutsi bertsio-berritze oharrak"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "kill prozesua ez da aurkitu!"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_2 "Desinstalatu instalatu baino lehen"
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_3 "Ez desinstalatu"
@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Instalatzailea dagoeneko martxan da."
 StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "Desinstalatzaile honek administratzaile baimenak behar ditu, saiatu berriro"
 StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "Desinstalatzailea dagoeneko martxan da."
 StrCpy $SectionGroup_Shortcuts "Lasterbideak"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $PageReinstall_NEW_Field_1 "An older version of ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed on your system. It is recommended that you uninstall the current version before installing. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue."
diff --git a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Hungarian.nsh b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Hungarian.nsh
index f8bdf80..1c76238 100644
--- a/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Hungarian.nsh
+++ b/admin/win/nsi/l10n/Hungarian.nsh
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ StrCpy $PageReinstall_SAME_Field_3 "${APPLICATION_NAME} eltávolítása"
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_CHECKBOX "Igen, törölje ezt az adatkönyvtárat."
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FINISHED_Detail "Befejezve"
+StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Az eltávolítást egy felhasználó megszakította"
+StrCpy $INIT_NO_QUICK_LAUNCH "Gyorsindító Hivatkozás (N/A)"
+StrCpy $INIT_NO_DESKTOP "Asztali Hivatkozás (felülírja a meglévőt)"
+StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "A telepítő futtatásához adminisztrátori hozzáférés szükséges, próbáld újra."
+StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "A telepítő már fut."
+StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "Az  eltávolító futtatásához adminisztrátori hozzáférés szükséges, próbáld újra."
+StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "Az eltávolító már fut."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_MESSAGEBOX_TEXT "Found ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} process(s) which need to be stopped.$\nDo you want the installer to stop these for you?"
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILLING_PROCESSES_TEXT "Killing ${APPLICATION_EXECUTABLE} processes."
 StrCpy $ConfirmEndProcess_KILL_NOT_FOUND_TEXT "Process to kill not found!"
@@ -33,12 +40,5 @@ StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_APPDATA_LABEL_2 "Leave unchecked to keep the data folder for
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_FILE_Detail "Writing Uninstaller"
 StrCpy $UNINSTALLER_REGISTRY_Detail "Writing Installer Registry Keys"
 StrCpy $UNINSTALL_MESSAGEBOX "It does not appear that ${APPLICATION_NAME} is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?"
-StrCpy $UNINSTALL_ABORT "Uninstall aborted by user"
-StrCpy $INIT_NO_QUICK_LAUNCH "Quick Launch Shortcut (N/A)"
-StrCpy $INIT_NO_DESKTOP "Desktop Shortcut (overwrites existing)"
 StrCpy $UAC_ERROR_ELEVATE "Unable to elevate, error:"
-StrCpy $UAC_INSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "This installer requires admin access, try again"
-StrCpy $INIT_INSTALLER_RUNNING "The installer is already running."
-StrCpy $UAC_UNINSTALLER_REQUIRE_ADMIN "This uninstaller requires admin access, try again"
-StrCpy $INIT_UNINSTALLER_RUNNING "The uninstaller is already running."
 StrCpy $SectionGroup_Shortcuts "Shortcuts"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git

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