[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] branch master updated (2d3dc69 -> 9f23443)
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 27 22:33:04 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository php-sabredav.
from 2d3dc69 Update changelog for 2.0.3-1 release
new f985b2a Adding the webdav sync plugin to all the sample servers.
new 468a618 Making the default synctoken revision 1 consistently.
new 1187863 Merge branch '2.0' of github.com:fruux/sabre-dav into 2.0
new 05d9ec4 Testing sabredav 1.8 with vobject 3.3.0
new 79c3292 Ensuring tests pass for vobject 3.3.0
new ae817b7 Disabling this test for the moment.
new 442603b Merge branch '1.8' into 2.0
new 9aa3cfa Fix a typo in calendars creation for PostgreSQL
new f2b70fa Bumped changelog and version.
new 94c6d86 Merge branch '2.0' of github.com:fruux/sabre-dav into 2.0
adds 738e92a Set the release date. This is the final release.
adds 70911e2 vobject note.
new 01fcf3f Merge branch '1.7' into 1.8
new 0886846 PHP 5.6 should no longer be optional for sabredav 1.8
new d3ced8e Lets see if we can add vobject 3 to the build matrix like this.
new 1d65e5b Missing fi;
new 1fecd14 Space
new 247be97 missing e.
new 240b986 Merge branch '1.8' of github.com:fruux/sabre-dav into 1.8
new 60afadb Merge branch '1.8' into 2.0
new 561aa18 SabreDAV 2.0 is getting the vobject 3.3.0 upgrade.
new 3046aa4 Unlocking nodes after they have been deleted.
new bf55006 Testing hhvm.
new bd33d87 Using a different property to internally pass the sync-token around.
new 9ff8bd6 Ensuring vobject tests are still running.
new feb7c3d Automatically populate getctag with the sync-token, if available.
new eb17bf6 PHPUnit 4.2
new e5ea11b Automatically exposing a 'ctag' if we have a token available that can take that role.
new b9afaca Preparing for release.
new 8d1274c Imported Upstream version 2.0.4
new d2635d9 Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.4'
new 3069666 Refresh patches
new 9f23443 Update changelog for 2.0.4-1 release
The 31 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.travis.yml | 1 -
ChangeLog.md | 17 +++-
bin/migrateto20.php | 2 +-
composer.json | 4 +-
debian/changelog | 14 +++
...ssLoader-from-Symfony-instead-of-autoload.patch | 17 ++--
debian/patches/0003-Increase-timeout.patch | 4 +-
examples/addressbookserver.php | 1 +
examples/calendarserver.php | 2 +
examples/sql/mysql.calendars.sql | 2 +-
examples/sql/pgsql.calendars.sql | 4 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 6 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/SyncSupport.php | 8 +-
lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php | 6 ++
lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 2 +-
lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php | 6 ++
lib/CardDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 6 +-
lib/CardDAV/Backend/SyncSupport.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 50 +++++++++++
lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php | 9 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 18 ++++
lib/DAV/Server.php | 9 ++
lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Version.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/AbstractPDOTest.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/CalendarQueryValidatorTest.php | 48 +++++-----
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/CalendarTest.php | 10 ++-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/AddressBookTest.php | 9 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/Backend/AbstractPDOTest.php | 12 +--
.../Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Mock.php | 59 ++----------
tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Plugin2Test.php | 69 ++++++++++++++
tests/Sabre/DAV/SyncTokenPropertyTest.php | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++
tests/Sabre/DAVServerTest.php | 16 ++++
tests/bootstrap.php | 5 ++
tests/phpunit.xml | 2 +-
35 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
copy lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php => tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Mock.php (66%)
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Plugin2Test.php
create mode 100644 tests/Sabre/DAV/SyncTokenPropertyTest.php
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/php-sabredav.git
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