[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] 267/275: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.0_alpha1'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 25 14:56:17 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabredav.
commit bd3017701df5e629a6d5b87a2d875b14e47ce901
Merge: 9f23443 e93693c
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Tue Sep 23 21:50:31 2014 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.0_alpha1'
Upstream version 2.1.0~alpha1
# gpg: Signature faite le mar. 23 sept. 2014 21:50:28 AST
# gpg: avec la clef RSA B82A217AFDFE09F2
# gpg: Bonne signature de « David Prévot <david at tilapin.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at altern.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at no-log.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> »
# gpg: Attention : cette clef n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance.
# gpg: Rien n'indique que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
# Empreinte de clef principale : AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF 7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
.gitignore | 1 +
.travis.yml | 1 +
ChangeLog.md | 78 ++
README.md | 1 +
bin/build.php | 35 +-
bin/migrateto21.php | 189 +++++
composer.json | 11 +-
examples/addressbookserver.php | 2 +-
examples/calendarserver.php | 7 +-
examples/groupwareserver.php | 2 +-
examples/sql/mysql.calendars.sql | 11 +
examples/sql/pgsql.calendars.sql | 11 +
examples/sql/pgsql.principals.sql | 7 +-
examples/sql/pgsql.propertystorage.sql | 2 +-
examples/sql/sqlite.calendars.sql | 13 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/AbstractBackend.php | 77 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/BackendInterface.php | 46 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php | 4 +-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 168 +++-
lib/CalDAV/Backend/SchedulingSupport.php | 65 ++
lib/CalDAV/Backend/SubscriptionSupport.php | 8 +-
lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php | 125 ++-
lib/CalDAV/{UserCalendars.php => CalendarHome.php} | 99 ++-
lib/CalDAV/CalendarObject.php | 52 +-
lib/CalDAV/CalendarQueryParser.php | 32 +-
lib/CalDAV/CalendarQueryValidator.php | 2 +-
.../{CalendarRootNode.php => CalendarRoot.php} | 13 +-
lib/CalDAV/CalendarRootNode.php | 69 +-
lib/CalDAV/Exception/InvalidComponentType.php | 2 +-
lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php | 13 +-
lib/CalDAV/ICalendar.php | 23 +-
lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObject.php | 1 -
...{ICalendar.php => ICalendarObjectContainer.php} | 17 +-
lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Collection.php | 30 +-
lib/CalDAV/Notifications/ICollection.php | 1 -
lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Node.php | 32 +-
lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Notification/Invite.php | 14 +-
.../Notifications/Notification/InviteReply.php | 14 +-
.../Notifications/Notification/SystemStatus.php | 10 +-
lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php | 632 ++------------
lib/CalDAV/Principal/Collection.php | 2 +-
lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyRead.php | 24 +-
lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyWrite.php | 22 +-
lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php | 22 +-
lib/CalDAV/Property/AllowedSharingModes.php | 14 +-
lib/CalDAV/Property/EmailAddressSet.php | 73 ++
lib/CalDAV/Property/Invite.php | 184 ++---
lib/CalDAV/Property/ScheduleCalendarTransp.php | 6 +-
.../Property/SupportedCalendarComponentSet.php | 14 +-
lib/CalDAV/Property/SupportedCalendarData.php | 2 +-
lib/CalDAV/Property/SupportedCollationSet.php | 2 +-
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/{IOutbox.php => IInbox.php} | 7 +-
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IMip.php | 111 ---
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IMipPlugin.php | 170 ++++
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IOutbox.php | 1 -
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/ISchedulingObject.php | 13 +
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Inbox.php | 268 ++++++
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Outbox.php | 26 +-
lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php | 913 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../SchedulingObject.php} | 117 ++-
lib/CalDAV/ShareableCalendar.php | 6 +-
lib/CalDAV/SharedCalendar.php | 12 +-
lib/CalDAV/SharingPlugin.php | 48 +-
lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/Plugin.php | 6 +-
lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/Subscription.php | 24 +-
lib/CalDAV/UserCalendars.php | 360 +-------
lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php | 40 +-
lib/CardDAV/AddressBookQueryParser.php | 24 +-
lib/CardDAV/AddressBookRoot.php | 6 +-
lib/CardDAV/Backend/AbstractBackend.php | 2 +-
lib/CardDAV/Backend/BackendInterface.php | 20 +-
lib/CardDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 44 +-
lib/CardDAV/Backend/SyncSupport.php | 2 +-
lib/CardDAV/Card.php | 42 +-
lib/CardDAV/IAddressBook.php | 2 -
lib/CardDAV/IDirectory.php | 1 -
lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php | 274 ++++++-
lib/CardDAV/Property/SupportedAddressData.php | 17 +-
.../Property/SupportedCollationSet.php | 10 +-
lib/CardDAV/UserAddressBooks.php | 45 +-
lib/CardDAV/VCFExportPlugin.php | 10 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractBasic.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractDigest.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/Apache.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/BasicCallBack.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/File.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/PDO.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/Browser/GuessContentType.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/Browser/MapGetToPropFind.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Browser/Plugin.php | 95 ++-
lib/DAV/Browser/PropFindAll.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/Browser/assets/openiconic/open-iconic.css | 1 -
lib/DAV/Browser/assets/sabredav.css | 12 +
lib/DAV/Client.php | 48 +-
lib/DAV/Collection.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php | 217 +++--
lib/DAV/Exception.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/BadRequest.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/Conflict.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/ConflictingLock.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/Forbidden.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/InsufficientStorage.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/InvalidResourceType.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/InvalidSyncToken.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/LengthRequired.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/LockTokenMatchesRequestUri.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/Locked.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/MethodNotAllowed.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/NotAuthenticated.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/NotFound.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/NotImplemented.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/PaymentRequired.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/PreconditionFailed.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/ReportNotSupported.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/ServiceUnavailable.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/TooManyMatches.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/Exception/UnsupportedMediaType.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/FS/Directory.php | 20 +-
lib/DAV/FS/File.php | 12 +-
lib/DAV/FS/Node.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php | 59 +-
lib/DAV/FSExt/File.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/FSExt/Node.php | 16 +-
lib/DAV/File.php | 10 +-
lib/DAV/IMoveTarget.php | 44 +
lib/DAV/IMultiGet.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/IProperties.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/BackendInterface.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/FS.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/PDO.php | 34 +-
lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php | 34 +-
lib/DAV/Mount/Plugin.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Node.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/ObjectTree.php | 213 -----
lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php | 34 +-
lib/DAV/PropFind.php | 50 +-
lib/DAV/PropPatch.php | 18 +-
lib/DAV/Property/GetLastModified.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Property/Href.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Property/HrefList.php | 8 +-
lib/DAV/Property/LockDiscovery.php | 20 +-
lib/DAV/Property/ResourceType.php | 20 +-
lib/DAV/Property/Response.php | 12 +-
lib/DAV/Property/ResponseList.php | 10 +-
lib/DAV/Property/SupportedLock.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Property/SupportedMethodSet.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Property/SupportedReportSet.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/PropertyInterface.php | 4 +-
.../PropertyStorage/Backend/BackendInterface.php | 19 +-
lib/DAV/PropertyStorage/Backend/PDO.php | 46 +-
lib/DAV/PropertyStorage/Plugin.php | 35 +-
lib/DAV/Server.php | 92 ++-
lib/DAV/ServerPlugin.php | 10 +-
lib/DAV/SimpleCollection.php | 12 +-
lib/DAV/SimpleFile.php | 14 +-
lib/DAV/StringUtil.php | 6 +-
lib/DAV/Sync/ISyncCollection.php | 4 +-
lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php | 24 +-
lib/DAV/TemporaryFileFilterPlugin.php | 24 +-
lib/DAV/Tree.php | 163 +++-
lib/DAV/Tree/Filesystem.php | 133 ---
lib/DAV/Version.php | 2 +-
lib/DAV/XMLUtil.php | 15 +-
lib/DAVACL/AbstractPrincipalCollection.php | 43 +-
lib/DAVACL/Exception/AceConflict.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/Exception/NeedPrivileges.php | 4 +-
lib/DAVACL/Exception/NoAbstract.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/Exception/NotRecognizedPrincipal.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/Exception/NotSupportedPrivilege.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/IPrincipalCollection.php | 26 +-
lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php | 203 +++--
lib/DAVACL/Principal.php | 44 +-
lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/AbstractBackend.php | 34 +
lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/BackendInterface.php | 29 +-
lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/PDO.php | 83 +-
lib/DAVACL/PrincipalCollection.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/Property/Acl.php | 14 +-
lib/DAVACL/Property/AclRestrictions.php | 2 +-
lib/DAVACL/Property/CurrentUserPrivilegeSet.php | 12 +-
lib/DAVACL/Property/Principal.php | 10 +-
lib/DAVACL/Property/SupportedPrivilegeSet.php | 15 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/AbstractPDOTest.php | 41 +
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/AbstractTest.php | 66 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/Mock.php | 9 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/MockScheduling.php | 93 +++
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/PDOMySQLTest.php | 2 +-
...est.php => CalendarHomeSharedCalendarsTest.php} | 10 +-
...sTest.php => CalendarHomeSubscriptionsTest.php} | 10 +-
...{UserCalendarsTest.php => CalendarHomeTest.php} | 6 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/CalendarObjectTest.php | 12 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/CalendarTest.php | 26 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/FreeBusyReportTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/ICSExportPluginTest.php | 13 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/OutboxPostTest.php | 569 -------------
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/PluginTest.php | 26 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Principal/UserTest.php | 2 +-
.../Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/DeliverNewEventTest.php | 93 +++
.../CalDAV/{ => Schedule}/FreeBusyRequestTest.php | 55 +-
.../Schedule/IMip/{Mock.php => MockPlugin.php} | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/IMipPluginTest.php | 181 ++++
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/InboxTest.php | 186 +++++
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/OutboxPostTest.php | 136 +++
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/PluginBasicTest.php | 25 +
.../Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/PluginPropertiesTest.php | 48 ++
.../Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/ScheduleDeliverTest.php | 662 +++++++++++++++
.../SchedulingObjectTest.php} | 229 +++---
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/SharedCalendarTest.php | 41 +-
tests/Sabre/CalDAV/ValidateICalTest.php | 14 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/AddressBookQueryTest.php | 118 +++
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/Backend/AbstractPDOTest.php | 6 -
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/CardTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/MultiGetTest.php | 46 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/PluginTest.php | 35 +-
.../CardDAV/Property/SupportedAddressDataTest.php | 3 +-
...sDataTest.php => SupportedCollationSetTest.php} | 13 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/SogoStripContentTypeTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/CardDAV/ValidateVCardTest.php | 24 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractBasicTest.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Auth/PluginTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Browser/MapGetToPropFindTest.php | 9 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Browser/PluginTest.php | 72 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Browser/PropFindAllTest.php | 70 ++
tests/Sabre/DAV/ClientTest.php | 10 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/FSExt/ServerTest.php | 202 +++--
tests/Sabre/DAV/HttpDeleteTest.php | 6 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/HttpPutTest.php | 42 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Issue33Test.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/MSWordTest.php | 6 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/PluginTest.php | 125 +--
tests/Sabre/DAV/ObjectTreeTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/PropFindTest.php | 11 +
.../PropertyStorage/Backend/AbstractPDOTest.php | 34 +
tests/Sabre/DAV/PropertyStorage/Backend/Mock.php | 30 +
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerCopyMoveTest.php | 62 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerMKCOLTest.php | 87 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerPluginTest.php | 14 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerPreconditionTest.php | 93 +--
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerPropsInfiniteDepthTest.php | 9 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerPropsTest.php | 32 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerRangeTest.php | 87 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/ServerSimpleTest.php | 106 +--
tests/Sabre/DAV/Sync/PluginTest.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/SyncTokenPropertyTest.php | 4 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/TemporaryFileFilterTest.php | 52 +-
tests/Sabre/DAV/Tree/FilesystemTest.php | 88 --
tests/Sabre/DAV/TreeTest.php | 77 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php | 20 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/Mock.php | 14 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVACL/PrincipalPropertySearchTest.php | 173 +++-
.../DAVACL/PrincipalSearchPropertySetTest.php | 17 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVACL/PrincipalTest.php | 2 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVACL/Property/PrincipalTest.php | 8 +-
tests/Sabre/DAVServerTest.php | 25 +-
tests/Sabre/HTTP/ResponseMock.php | 1 -
tests/Sabre/HTTP/SapiMock.php | 6 +-
tests/phpcs/ruleset.xml | 57 ++
tests/phpunit.xml | 2 +-
261 files changed, 7464 insertions(+), 4378 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/php-sabredav.git
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