[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 209/211: Merge tag 'upstream/1.7.0_beta4+dfsg'
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Oct 25 09:10:47 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.
commit 9682519087af8f7783dce3d70179e9f414a7d50c
Merge: 735a142 dd13ce3
Author: Sandro Knauß <bugs at sandroknauss.de>
Date: Fri Oct 24 22:21:29 2014 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/1.7.0_beta4+dfsg'
Upstream version 1.7.0~beta4+dfsg
# gpg: Unterschrift vom Fr 24 Okt 2014 22:21:28 CEST mittels RSA-Schlüssel ID 50605636
# gpg: Korrekte Unterschrift von "Sandro Knauß <bugs at sandroknauss.de>"
.tag | 2 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 6 +
VERSION.cmake | 2 +-
cmake/modules/DefineCompilerFlags.cmake | 3 +-
cmake/modules/FindSQLite3.cmake | 14 +-
cmake/modules/NSIS.template.in | 1 +
cmake/modules/QtVersionAbstraction.cmake | 13 +-
csync/src/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
csync/src/csync.c | 7 +
csync/src/csync_owncloud.c | 3 +-
csync/src/csync_private.h | 6 +-
csync/src/csync_reconcile.c | 6 +
csync/src/csync_statedb.c | 97 +-
csync/src/csync_statedb.h | 21 +-
csync/src/csync_update.c | 55 +-
.../tests/csync_tests/check_csync_statedb_query.c | 87 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_update.c | 89 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm | 62 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.pl | 13 +
csync/tests/ownCloud/t6.pl | 51 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/t8.pl | 9 +-
shell_integration/MacOSX/CMakeLists.txt | 11 -
.../OwnCloud.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata | 10 -
.../xcshareddata/OwnCloud.xccheckout | 41 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/ContentManager.h | 47 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/ContentManager.m | 390 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/ContextMenuHandlers.h | 28 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/ContextMenuHandlers.m | 106 -
.../OwnCloudFinder/ContextMenuHandlers.m.unc | 74 -
.../OwnCloudFinder/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/Finder/Finder.h | 1016 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/FinderHook.h | 22 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/FinderHook.m | 125 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/GCDAsyncSocket.h | 1094 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/GCDAsyncSocket.m | 7952 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/IconCache.h | 29 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/IconCache.m | 116 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/IconOverlayHandlers.h | 23 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/IconOverlayHandlers.m | 163 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/Info.plist | 46 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/JSONKit.h | 251 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/JSONKit.m | 3065 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/MenuManager.h | 29 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/MenuManager.m | 188 -
.../OwnCloudFinder.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 340 -
.../project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 -
.../xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist | 14 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/RequestManager.h | 40 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudFinder/RequestManager.m | 274 -
.../English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudInjector/Info.plist | 59 -
.../OwnCloudInjector/LNStandardVersionComparator.h | 35 -
.../OwnCloudInjector/LNStandardVersionComparator.m | 158 -
.../OwnCloudInjector/LNVersionComparisonProtocol.h | 27 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudInjector/OwnCloudInjector.m | 270 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudInjector/OwnCloudInjector.sdef | 9 -
.../OwnCloudInjector.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 269 -
.../project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 -
.../xcschemes/OwnCloudFinder.osax.xcscheme | 73 -
.../xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist | 14 -
.../MacOSX/OwnCloudInjector/license.txt | 25 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/check.scpt | 9 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/deploy.sh | 17 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/load.scpt | 6 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/loadPlugin.sh | 8 -
shell_integration/MacOSX/unload.scpt | 6 -
shell_integration/nautilus/syncstate.py | 16 +-
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/DllMain.cpp | 204 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/OCOverlay.cpp | 187 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/OCOverlay.h | 50 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/OCOverlay.rc | Bin 6122 -> 0 bytes
.../OCOverlays/OCOverlayFactory.cpp | 91 -
.../OCOverlays/OCOverlayFactory.h | 48 -
.../OCOverlays/OCOverlayRegistrationHandler.cpp | 151 -
.../OCOverlays/OCOverlayRegistrationHandler.h | 31 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/OCOverlays.def | 6 -
.../OCOverlays/OCOverlays.vcxproj | 198 -
.../OCOverlays/OverlayConstants.h | 50 -
.../OCOverlays/OverlayConstants.h.original | 32 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/ico/Error.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCOverlays/ico/Error_Shared.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/ico/OK.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/ico/OK_Shared.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/ico/Sync.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCOverlays/ico/Sync_Shared.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/ico/Warning.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCOverlays/ico/Warning_Shared.ico | Bin 30166 -> 0 bytes
.../OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/resource.h | Bin 1536 -> 0 bytes
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCOverlays/stdafx.h | 30 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCShellExtensions.sln | 41 -
.../OCUtil/CommunicationSocket.cpp | 129 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/CommunicationSocket.h | 42 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/FileUtil.cpp | 84 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/FileUtil.h | 40 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/OCMessage.cpp | 74 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/OCMessage.h | 42 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/OCUtil.vcxproj | 160 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/ParserUtil.cpp | 389 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/RegistryUtil.cpp | 70 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/RegistryUtil.h | 35 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/RemotePathChecker.cpp | 127 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/RemotePathChecker.h | 42 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/StringUtil.cpp | 32 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/StringUtil.h | 35 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtil/UtilConstants.h | 30 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtilTest/OCUtilTest.cpp | 37 -
.../OCUtilTest/OCUtilTest.filters | 33 -
.../OCUtilTest/OCUtilTest.vcxproj | 97 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtilTest/ReadMe.txt | 40 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtilTest/stdafx.cpp | 8 -
.../windows/OCShellExtensions/OCUtilTest/stdafx.h | 15 -
.../OCShellExtensions/OCUtilTest/targetver.h | 8 -
src/3rdparty/sqlite3/sqlite3.c | 148882 ++++++++++++++++++
src/3rdparty/sqlite3/sqlite3.h | 7494 +
src/CMakeLists.txt | 15 +-
src/creds/httpcredentials.cpp | 6 +-
src/creds/httpcredentials.h | 1 +
src/main.cpp | 1 +
src/mirall/accountsettings.cpp | 2 +-
src/mirall/application.cpp | 13 +-
src/mirall/discoveryphase.cpp | 25 +-
src/mirall/discoveryphase.h | 4 +-
src/mirall/folder.cpp | 134 +-
src/mirall/folder.h | 17 +-
src/mirall/folderman.cpp | 27 +-
src/mirall/folderwatcher.cpp | 2 +-
src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp | 3 +
src/mirall/logger.cpp | 2 +
src/mirall/mirallconfigfile.cpp | 46 +-
src/mirall/mirallconfigfile.h | 1 +
src/mirall/networkjobs.cpp | 19 +-
src/mirall/networkjobs.h | 3 +
src/mirall/owncloudgui.cpp | 9 +-
src/mirall/owncloudgui.h | 2 +-
src/mirall/owncloudpropagator.cpp | 9 +-
src/mirall/owncloudtheme.cpp | 2 +-
src/mirall/ownsql.cpp | 289 +
src/mirall/ownsql.h | 83 +
src/mirall/propagator_qnam.cpp | 83 +-
src/mirall/propagatorjobs.cpp | 11 +
src/mirall/protocolwidget.cpp | 4 +-
src/mirall/selectivesyncdialog.cpp | 15 +-
src/mirall/selectivesyncdialog.h | 2 +-
src/mirall/socketapi.cpp | 372 +-
src/mirall/socketapi.h | 28 +-
src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp | 5 +-
src/mirall/syncengine.cpp | 150 +-
src/mirall/syncengine.h | 10 +-
src/mirall/syncfileitem.h | 17 +-
src/mirall/syncjournaldb.cpp | 491 +-
src/mirall/syncjournaldb.h | 34 +-
src/mirall/utility.cpp | 12 +
src/mirall/utility.h | 4 +
src/owncloudcmd/owncloudcmd.cpp | 167 +-
src/updater/updater.cpp | 6 +-
test/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
test/testownsql.h | 155 +
translations/mirall_ca.ts | 361 +-
translations/mirall_cs.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_de.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_el.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_en.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_es.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_es_AR.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_et.ts | 385 +-
translations/mirall_eu.ts | 361 +-
translations/mirall_fa.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_fi.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_fr.ts | 431 +-
translations/mirall_gl.ts | 361 +-
translations/mirall_hu.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_it.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_ja.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_nl.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_pl.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_pt.ts | 387 +-
translations/mirall_pt_BR.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_ru.ts | 363 +-
translations/mirall_sk.ts | 361 +-
translations/mirall_sl.ts | 367 +-
translations/mirall_sv.ts | 387 +-
translations/mirall_th.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_tr.ts | 365 +-
translations/mirall_uk.ts | 921 +-
translations/mirall_zh_CN.ts | 359 +-
translations/mirall_zh_TW.ts | 359 +-
186 files changed, 164110 insertions(+), 25521 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git
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