[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] 71/74: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.4_rc1+dfsg'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 2 22:04:41 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud.
commit c8e8fb76b511799c3348a485eca91f0ee425da67
Merge: 0337804 d262dbd
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Mon Dec 1 17:23:05 2014 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.4_rc1+dfsg'
Upstream version 7.0.4~rc1+dfsg
# gpg: Signature faite le lun. 01 déc. 2014 17:22:50 AST
# gpg: avec la clef RSA 058C1CF944F6BD3C
# gpg: Bonne signature de « David Prévot <david at tilapin.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at altern.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at no-log.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> »
# gpg: Attention : cette clef n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance.
# gpg: Rien n'indique que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
# Empreinte de clef principale : AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF 7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
# Empreinte de la sous-clef : 7875 4D07 BC09 5C74 48F7 8D66 058C 1CF9 44F6 BD3C
apps/calendar/js/calendar.js | 4 +
apps/documents/js/viewer/viewer.js | 4 +-
apps/documents/lib/db/session.php | 2 +-
apps/files/appinfo/remote.php | 2 +-
apps/files/tests/ajax_rename.php | 14 +-
.../ajax/updatePrivateKeyPassword.php | 3 +-
apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php | 1 +
apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php | 30 +-
apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php | 91 +++---
apps/files_encryption/tests/helper.php | 44 +--
apps/files_encryption/tests/hooks.php | 45 +--
apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php | 18 +-
apps/files_encryption/tests/proxy.php | 15 +-
apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php | 121 ++++----
apps/files_encryption/tests/stream.php | 40 ++-
apps/files_encryption/tests/testcase.php | 53 ++++
apps/files_encryption/tests/trashbin.php | 130 ++++----
apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php | 92 ++++--
apps/files_encryption/tests/webdav.php | 21 +-
apps/files_external/lib/config.php | 8 +
apps/files_external/lib/smb_oc.php | 30 +-
apps/files_sharing/public.php | 5 +-
apps/files_sharing/templates/public.php | 7 +-
apps/files_sharing/tests/cache.php | 18 +-
apps/updater/templates/update.php | 2 +-
apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php | 50 +--
apps/user_ldap/tests/access.php | 63 ++--
apps/user_ldap/tests/data/sid.dat | Bin 24 -> 0 bytes
apps/user_ldap/tests/user_ldap.php | 24 +-
apps/user_ldap/user_ldap.php | 8 +-
config/config.sample.php | 15 +-
...n-antivirus.txt => antivirus_configuration.txt} | 0
..._automation.txt => automatic_configuration.txt} | 21 +-
..._jobs.txt => background_jobs_configuration.txt} | 0
...pload.txt => big_file_upload_configuration.txt} | 2 +-
...t => collaborative_documents_configuration.txt} | 0
...le_php.txt => config_sample_php_parameters.txt} | 10 +-
.../_sources/configuration/configuration_apps.txt | 123 --------
...clients.txt => custom_client_configuration.txt} | 0
...ion_database.txt => database_configuration.txt} | 0
...figuration_mail.txt => email_configuration.txt} | 4 +-
...encryption.txt => encryption_configuration.txt} | 81 +++--
...nfig.txt => external_storage_configuration.txt} | 2 +-
....txt => external_storage_configuration_gui.txt} | 2 +-
..._sharing.txt => file_sharing_configuration.txt} | 0
...iles_locking.txt => files_locking_enabling.txt} | 4 +-
core/doc/admin/_sources/configuration/index.txt | 54 ++--
...t => js_css_asset_management_configuration.txt} | 4 +-
...dgebase.txt => knowledgebase_configuration.txt} | 0
...ion_language.txt => language_configuration.txt} | 0
...ation_logging.txt => logging_configuration.txt} | 0
...tion_preview.txt => previews_configuration.txt} | 4 +-
...seproxy.txt => reverse_proxy_configuration.txt} | 0
...iguring_search.txt => search_configuration.txt} | 0
...ging.txt => server_to_server_configuration.txt} | 0
....txt => serving_static_files_configuration.txt} | 5 +-
...dparty.txt => thirdparty_php_configuration.txt} | 4 +-
...user_backend.txt => user_auth_ftp_smb_imap.txt} | 8 +-
.../{auth_ldap.txt => user_auth_ldap.txt} | 0
...figuration_users.txt => user_configuration.txt} | 2 +-
core/doc/admin/_sources/contents.txt | 5 -
core/doc/admin/_sources/index.txt | 107 ++++---
...on_appliance.txt => appliance_installation.txt} | 4 +-
.../installation/apps_management_installation.txt | 137 +++++++++
...ion_hiawatha.txt => hiawatha_configuration.txt} | 0
core/doc/admin/_sources/installation/index.txt | 23 +-
.../_sources/installation/installation_wizard.txt | 2 +-
...ion_lighttpd.txt => lighttpd_configuration.txt} | 0
...stallation_linux.txt => linux_installation.txt} | 2 +-
...stallation_macos.txt => macos_installation.txt} | 0
...iguration_nginx.txt => nginx_configuration.txt} | 4 +-
...allation_others.txt => others_installation.txt} | 0
...allation_source.txt => source_installation.txt} | 20 +-
.../{installation_ucs.txt => ucs_installation.txt} | 0
...lation_windows.txt => windows_installation.txt} | 2 +-
...nfiguration_yaws.txt => yaws_configuration.txt} | 0
core/doc/admin/_sources/issues/index.txt | 4 +-
core/doc/admin/_sources/maintenance/convert_db.txt | 6 +
core/doc/admin/_sources/maintenance/upgrade.txt | 2 +-
...antivirus.html => antivirus_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...utomation.html => automatic_configuration.html} | 82 ++---
...obs.html => background_jobs_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...oad.html => big_file_upload_configuration.html} | 64 ++--
... => collaborative_documents_configuration.html} | 57 ++--
..._php.html => config_sample_php_parameters.html} | 68 +++--
...ients.html => custom_client_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...n_database.html => database_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...guration_mail.html => email_configuration.html} | 67 ++--
...cryption.html => encryption_configuration.html} | 143 +++++----
...ig.html => external_storage_configuration.html} | 61 ++--
...tml => external_storage_configuration_gui.html} | 61 ++--
...haring.html => file_sharing_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...es_locking.html => files_locking_enabling.html} | 43 ++-
core/doc/admin/configuration/index.html | 118 ++++----
... => js_css_asset_management_configuration.html} | 67 ++--
...ebase.html => knowledgebase_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...n_language.html => language_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...ion_logging.html => logging_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...on_preview.html => previews_configuration.html} | 67 ++--
...proxy.html => reverse_proxy_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...uring_search.html => search_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...ng.html => server_to_server_configuration.html} | 59 ++--
...tml => serving_static_files_configuration.html} | 67 ++--
...arty.html => thirdparty_php_configuration.html} | 67 ++--
...er_backend.html => user_auth_ftp_smb_imap.html} | 74 ++---
.../{auth_ldap.html => user_auth_ldap.html} | 59 ++--
...guration_users.html => user_configuration.html} | 61 ++--
core/doc/admin/contents.html | 337 ++++++++++-----------
core/doc/admin/index.html | 105 ++++---
..._appliance.html => appliance_installation.html} | 31 +-
.../apps_management_installation.html} | 151 +++++----
...n_hiawatha.html => hiawatha_configuration.html} | 27 +-
core/doc/admin/installation/index.html | 48 +--
.../admin/installation/installation_wizard.html | 29 +-
...n_lighttpd.html => lighttpd_configuration.html} | 25 +-
...allation_linux.html => linux_installation.html} | 29 +-
...allation_macos.html => macos_installation.html} | 27 +-
...uration_nginx.html => nginx_configuration.html} | 29 +-
...lation_others.html => others_installation.html} | 27 +-
...lation_source.html => source_installation.html} | 49 +--
...installation_ucs.html => ucs_installation.html} | 27 +-
...tion_windows.html => windows_installation.html} | 27 +-
...iguration_yaws.html => yaws_configuration.html} | 25 +-
core/doc/admin/maintenance/convert_db.html | 6 +
core/doc/admin/maintenance/index.html | 2 +-
core/doc/admin/maintenance/upgrade.html | 2 +-
core/doc/admin/objects.inv | Bin 297 -> 296 bytes
core/js/lostpassword.js | 6 +-
core/js/share.js | 2 +-
lib/base.php | 8 +-
lib/private/app.php | 4 -
.../middleware/security/securitymiddleware.php | 11 +
lib/private/config.php | 6 +-
lib/private/files/filesystem.php | 13 +-
lib/private/files/mapper.php | 75 +++--
lib/private/files/storage/dav.php | 2 +
lib/private/files/storage/mappedlocal.php | 3 -
lib/private/group/database.php | 6 +-
lib/private/largefilehelper.php | 2 +-
lib/private/preview.php | 125 ++++++--
lib/private/repair.php | 9 +-
lib/private/request.php | 17 +-
lib/private/security/crypto.php | 130 ++++++++
lib/private/security/stringutils.php | 46 +++
lib/private/server.php | 13 +
lib/private/setup.php | 5 +-
lib/private/share/helper.php | 9 +-
lib/private/share/share.php | 31 +-
lib/private/updater.php | 18 +-
lib/private/user/user.php | 2 +-
lib/private/util.php | 7 +
lib/public/security/icrypto.php | 46 +++
lib/public/security/stringutils.php | 25 ++
lib/repair/repairconfig.php | 65 ++++
settings/js/apps.js | 2 +-
version.php | 4 +-
156 files changed, 3063 insertions(+), 2115 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git
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