[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 102/159: LsColJob: Create a XML parser object for better unit testability.
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 13:05:31 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.
commit 4283ab3b44e8801a9707ff24baf2dd7b1d6e09b8
Author: Klaas Freitag <freitag at owncloud.com>
Date: Tue Apr 14 08:36:17 2015 +0200
LsColJob: Create a XML parser object for better unit testability.
src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp b/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
index e8a571a..18837ea 100644
--- a/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
+++ b/src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp
@@ -321,6 +321,124 @@ bool MkColJob::finished()
+// supposed to read <D:collection> when pointing to <D:resourcetype><D:collection></D:resourcetype>..
+static QString readContentsAsString(QXmlStreamReader &reader) {
+ QString result;
+ int level = 0;
+ do {
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader.readNext();
+ if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
+ level++;
+ result += "<" + reader.name().toString() + ">";
+ } else if (type == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+ result += reader.text();
+ } else if (type == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ level--;
+ if (level < 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ result += "</" + reader.name().toString() + ">";
+ }
+ } while (!reader.atEnd());
+ return result;
+bool LsColXMLParser::parse( const QByteArray& xml, QHash<QString, qint64> *sizes)
+ // Parse DAV response
+ QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
+ reader.addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration("d", "DAV:"));
+ QStringList folders;
+ QString currentHref;
+ QMap<QString, QString> currentTmpProperties;
+ QMap<QString, QString> currentHttp200Properties;
+ bool currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
+ bool insidePropstat = false;
+ bool insideProp = false;
+ while (!reader.atEnd()) {
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader.readNext();
+ QString name = reader.name().toString();
+ // Start elements with DAV:
+ if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.namespaceUri() == QLatin1String("DAV:")) {
+ if (name == QLatin1String("href")) {
+ currentHref = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(reader.readElementText().toUtf8());
+ } else if (name == QLatin1String("response")) {
+ } else if (name == QLatin1String("propstat")) {
+ insidePropstat = true;
+ } else if (name == QLatin1String("status") && insidePropstat) {
+ QString httpStatus = reader.readElementText();
+ if (httpStatus.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 200")) {
+ currentPropsHaveHttp200 = true;
+ } else {
+ currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
+ }
+ } else if (name == QLatin1String("prop")) {
+ insideProp = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && insidePropstat && insideProp) {
+ // All those elements are properties
+ QString propertyContent = readContentsAsString(reader);
+ if (name == QLatin1String("resourcetype") && propertyContent.contains("collection")) {
+ folders.append(currentHref);
+ } else if (name == QLatin1String("quota-used-bytes")) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ auto s = propertyContent.toLongLong(&ok);
+ if (ok && sizes) {
+ sizes->insert(currentHref, s);
+ }
+ }
+ currentTmpProperties.insert(reader.name().toString(), propertyContent);
+ }
+ // End elements with DAV:
+ if (type == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
+ if (reader.namespaceUri() == QLatin1String("DAV:")) {
+ if (reader.name() == "response") {
+ if (currentHref.endsWith('/')) {
+ currentHref.chop(1);
+ }
+ emit directoryListingIterated(currentHref, currentHttp200Properties);
+ currentHref.clear();
+ currentHttp200Properties.clear();
+ } else if (reader.name() == "propstat") {
+ insidePropstat = false;
+ if (currentPropsHaveHttp200) {
+ currentHttp200Properties = QMap<QString,QString>(currentTmpProperties);
+ }
+ currentTmpProperties.clear();
+ currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
+ } else if (reader.name() == "prop") {
+ insideProp = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (reader.hasError()) {
+ // XML Parser error? Whatever had been emitted before will come as directoryListingIterated
+ qDebug() << "ERROR" << reader.errorString();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ emit directoryListingSubfolders(folders);
+ emit finishedWithoutError();
+ }
+ return true;
LsColJob::LsColJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, QObject *parent)
: AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent)
@@ -377,29 +495,6 @@ void LsColJob::start()
-// supposed to read <D:collection> when pointing to <D:resourcetype><D:collection></D:resourcetype>..
-static QString readContentsAsString(QXmlStreamReader &reader) {
- QString result;
- int level = 0;
- do {
- QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader.readNext();
- if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
- level++;
- result += "<" + reader.name().toString() + ">";
- } else if (type == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) {
- result += reader.text();
- } else if (type == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
- level--;
- if (level < 0) {
- break;
- }
- result += "</" + reader.name().toString() + ">";
- }
- } while (!reader.atEnd());
- return result;
// TODO: Instead of doing all in this slot, we should iteratively parse in readyRead(). This
// would allow us to be more asynchronous in processing while data is coming from the network,
// not in all in one big blobb at the end.
@@ -408,88 +503,19 @@ bool LsColJob::finished()
QString contentType = reply()->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString();
int httpCode = reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (httpCode == 207 && contentType.contains("application/xml; charset=utf-8")) {
- // Parse DAV response
- QByteArray xml = reply()->readAll();
- QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
- reader.addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration("d", "DAV:"));
- QStringList folders;
- QString currentHref;
- QMap<QString, QString> currentTmpProperties;
- QMap<QString, QString> currentHttp200Properties;
- bool currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
- bool insidePropstat = false;
- bool insideProp = false;
- while (!reader.atEnd()) {
- QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader.readNext();
- QString name = reader.name().toString();
- // Start elements with DAV:
- if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.namespaceUri() == QLatin1String("DAV:")) {
- if (name == QLatin1String("href")) {
- currentHref = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(reader.readElementText().toUtf8());
- } else if (name == QLatin1String("response")) {
- } else if (name == QLatin1String("propstat")) {
- insidePropstat = true;
- } else if (name == QLatin1String("status") && insidePropstat) {
- QString httpStatus = reader.readElementText();
- if (httpStatus.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 200")) {
- currentPropsHaveHttp200 = true;
- } else {
- currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
- }
- } else if (name == QLatin1String("prop")) {
- insideProp = true;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (type == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && insidePropstat && insideProp) {
- // All those elements are properties
- QString propertyContent = readContentsAsString(reader);
- if (name == QLatin1String("resourcetype") && propertyContent.contains("collection")) {
- folders.append(currentHref);
- } else if (name == QLatin1String("quota-used-bytes")) {
- bool ok = false;
- auto s = propertyContent.toLongLong(&ok);
- if (ok) {
- _sizes[currentHref] = s;
- }
- }
- currentTmpProperties.insert(reader.name().toString(), propertyContent);
- }
- // End elements with DAV:
- if (type == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) {
- if (reader.namespaceUri() == QLatin1String("DAV:")) {
- if (reader.name() == "response") {
- if (currentHref.endsWith('/')) {
- currentHref.chop(1);
- }
- emit directoryListingIterated(currentHref, currentHttp200Properties);
- currentHref.clear();
- currentHttp200Properties.clear();
- } else if (reader.name() == "propstat") {
- insidePropstat = false;
- if (currentPropsHaveHttp200) {
- currentHttp200Properties = QMap<QString,QString>(currentTmpProperties);
- }
- currentTmpProperties.clear();
- currentPropsHaveHttp200 = false;
- } else if (reader.name() == "prop") {
- insideProp = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reader.hasError()) {
- // XML Parser error? Whatever had been emitted before will come as directoryListingIterated
- qDebug() << "ERROR" << reader.errorString();
+ LsColXMLParser parser;
+ connect( &parser, SIGNAL(directoryListingSubfolders(const QStringList&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(directoryListingSubfolders(const QStringList&)) );
+ connect( &parser, SIGNAL(directoryListingIterated(const QString&, const QMap<QString,QString>&)),
+ this, SIGNAL(directoryListingIterated(const QString&, const QMap<QString,QString>&)) );
+ connect( &parser, SIGNAL(finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *)),
+ this, SIGNAL(finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *)) );
+ connect( &parser, SIGNAL(finishedWithoutError()),
+ this, SIGNAL(finishedWithoutError()) );
+ if( !parser.parse( reply()->readAll(), &_sizes ) ) {
+ // XML parse error
emit finishedWithError(reply());
- } else {
- emit directoryListingSubfolders(folders);
- emit finishedWithoutError();
} else if (httpCode == 207) {
// wrong content type
@@ -498,6 +524,7 @@ bool LsColJob::finished()
// wrong HTTP code or any other network error
emit finishedWithError(reply());
return true;
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