[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] branch upstream updated (3f0223f -> a3355b7)
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 13:05:42 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository owncloud-client.
from 3f0223f Imported Upstream version 1.8.0+dfsg
new b87d557 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 06a2f58 Propagator: Introduce custom property to make error soft
new 04db332 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 86fd39e [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 917b840 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 89f831e Remote delete: Consider 404 a success. #2919
new 57c14a0 Windows: Reset QNAM as a workaround. #2899 #2895 #2973
new 4ef0ce1 CookieJar: Session cookies should *not* be stored in cookies.db.
new 8f728dd [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new c9eccd7 Remove forgotten file.
new 033f2cd Merge pull request #2998 from owncloud/remove-old-mirall-translation
new b1100cd fix python3 syntax errors
new f455c71 Merge pull request #2997 from owncloud/fix_shell-integration-python3
new ad5620e Disable asserts in official builds
new e81d1ab application: --confdir option with invalid direcotry now exit
new 3c9acdf Fix a crash when accessing a dangling UploadDevice pointer #2984
new 653a00d Add-folder wizard: Make sure there is a scrollbar if folder names are too long
new 4df455f Add-folder Wizard: Select the newly created folder
new c7eb85e Activity: Correctly restore column sizes
new 9c05150 SSLButton: Fix a crash
new 5b8c9eb add note re password managers
new 2fdf6dd Merge pull request #3008 from owncloud/passman
new b5ea56d Add docker buildscript for win32
new 48c9222 Switch back to an existing sha
new 807267c [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 0bd2edd Revert "Switch back to an existing sha"
new dafc2d2 Sync engine: Check the blacklist for the right tree
new 450a815 Add user id param
new 570a0bb [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 99734f8 Account: Unusued variable
new 83c3d76 Proxy: Look up system proxy from different thread
new a202203 Proxy: Fix issues with previous patch
new a9a24c9 Themes: Cache icons instead of rebuilding a lot.
new e0ae34f SslButton: Make menu creation lazy
new 59b20de [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 3cef771 HttpCreds: Fill pw dialog with previous password. #2848 #2879
new 4b56cc6 On creation of a share always retrieve the share
new 418185a Qt4: Fix compile
new 5c87a35 Proxy: Fix compile
new 0889991 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 588129d HttpCreds: Delete password from old location. #2186
new 88bc96f ConValidator: Delete instance if no credentials.
new 2a8c23a Account: Destroy on exit.
new 5483682 CookieJar: Don't accidentally overwrite cookies. #2808
new cfada67 Proxy: Fix compile harder
new 2578832 Fix clang warnings about deleting incomplete 'Account'.
new ea985a8 ProtocolWidget: Always add seconds to the DateTime locale. #2535
new c6bc388 Proxy: More debug, always set returned system proxy
new 9123fac owncloudcmd: Always trail path with /
new b6fe5d2 Propagator: Debug output regarding OC-ETag
new ba0c325 Remove unused HttpConfigFile.
new 61ff904 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 32af637 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new ae74a21 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new ef89582 Propagator: Fix compile
new f2fa812 Updater: Give context as to which app is about to be updated
new cb57cda [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 7d7142d [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 2473183 Windows: Add version information for owncloud.exe
new 4a893c5 Fix a crash on shutdown in ~SocketApi #3057
new c2fd7d6 Clean up remains of SOCKETAPI_TCP
new ee0aec5 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 9b9f0bd SyncEngine: Show more timing measurements #3064
new 7f22134 Discovery: Add warning if returned etag is 0
new 9f7aed7 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 71d9f23 theme: fix compilation of libsync without QtGui
new 4f27750 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new f4e2c84 AccountState: Fix uninitialized memory access spotted by valgrind
new 750cdc1 AbstractSslErrorHandler: Also give QSslConfiguration
new 50ba738 Merge remote-tracking branch into 1.8
new 16600fe [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 1617c9d PropfindJob: fix xml parsing
new e15b9b5 Merge remote-tracking branch into 1.8
new 1240a81 ShareDialog: Some GUI rework requested by Jan.
new b98040c ShareDialog: handle resize properly with elided text
new 4a6f491 More GUI refinements.
new 96ebf2b [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 760e11b Sharedialog: Fix compiler warnings.
new 4a890ea SyncEngine: Fix a crash caused by an invalid DiscoveryDirectoryResult::iterator #3051
new d475628 SyncEngine: Fix a crash in csync_vio_file_stat_copy #3051
new 5a83636 Only show share dialog if we are connected.
new d986011 Sync: Fix sync of deletions during 503. #2894
new adcf40a Discovery: Speed up initial run. #2796
new c805c5d [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new c917251 Reconcile: Fix clang warning
new d9ea693 Handle redirect of auth request. #3082
new 57ac1d9 AuthRedirect: Use the configured DAV path. #3082
new 9d8fc4a ProtocolWidget: Fix adding of seconds. #2535
new 785b59e [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 454d5b5 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new ec81cde Networkjobs: Only log a subset of the account url.
new 7b99877 owncloudcmd: Filter out empty lines in selectivesync
new 9d88ef5 Restore submodule
new fa80a00 CSync: Log if file_id is too long
new 0634a4d Discovery: Add a sanity check when results are parsed
new 2dbd27a Discovery: Initialize error with EIO
new 9d5f5ea Discovery: Initialize error with EIO in constructor
new 9ffacd4 Discovery: Explicitly check for XML parser errors
new 21594e9 Translations: Try to add Serbian #3083
new 88488c6 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new c579069 LsColXMLParser: let parse return bool.
new 4283ab3 LsColJob: Create a XML parser object for better unit testability.
new d2bae21 Added unit test for XML Parser class.
new d212ac7 test xmlparser: Verify call to parse()
new 2074bdb LsColXMLParser: More testing
new 2866e56 LsColXMLParser: More testing 2
new ed80a71 Sort folder sizes SelectiveSyncTreeView numerically
new b8e7555 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 9962231 Translations: Attempt two for Serbian #3083
new 7c9cffa ConfigFile: Remove unused functions
new 3f3f27d 1.8.1 beta 1
new 458f336 PropagateDownload: Read the mtime from the file system after writing it
new df0df76 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 8bb4af0 Propagate download: Fix restoring files for which the conflict file exists
new 96ff007 Fix mac deployment again
new c3dca7a OS X: Actually Make the signing script fail on failure
new 56edae6 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new d8275cd Use identical User Agents for csync and the Qt parts
new 2518fd7 Merge pull request #3126 from owncloud/equal_user_agents
new 6c73f25 HTTP creds: Fix translation of the password input dialog
new 155c965 Prevent another crash in ~SocketApi #3118
new bc1bc2a [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 32a4b40 Remove wrongly-commited file
new 7390ddb Mac OS: The Resource/ folder in Qt frameworks might not exist
new d77c1f3 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new a91f54f [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new ba65187 Fix compilation with Qt 5.5
new 5a6d286 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new b039c2c More change to compile with 5.5
new a6ec8f3 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 6c5ca05 ShareDialog: Unused/invalid forward declaration
new 99c8118 create_mac_pkg.sh.cmake: increase space-in-filename resiliance
new 8be6881 add note to restart windows after update
new c6a62a4 Merge pull request #3139 from owncloud/updates
new 1fe86bc note that linux users need password manager
new 0b0ecfc [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 60729f2 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 7c1281d Windows: Fix rename of finished file. #3073
new f000e6c [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 137bce6 Folder: Clear _syncResult better
new 3a52db4 Discovery: Fix another empty-local-directory bug
new 3c91a1a [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 78e82eb AccountWizard: Fix auth error handling. #3155
new 7c4deec add more warning that 1.7 clients and older are blocked
new 96fa3a3 Merge pull request #3160 from owncloud/blockoldclient
new ee9d5e6 Update introduction.rst
new c7f3791 Update autoupdate.rst
new 60c18f7 update owncloud and owncloudcmd docs
new d1fe25c Update owncloudcmd.rst
new fde5ccd [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new b2b176b [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new 1dc05f9 [tx-robot] updated from transifex
new e0d2bd4 Updated changelog for 1.8.1
new 520e2eb Updated version tag rc1
new a3355b7 Imported Upstream version 1.8.1~rc1+dfsg
The 155 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.tag | 2 +-
ChangeLog | 46 +-
VERSION.cmake | 4 +-
csync/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +-
csync/src/csync.c | 10 +-
csync/src/csync.h | 7 -
csync/src/csync_owncloud.c | 6 +-
csync/src/csync_private.h | 12 +-
csync/src/csync_reconcile.c | 4 +-
csync/src/csync_statedb.c | 8 +-
csync/src/csync_update.c | 2 +-
csync/src/csync_version.h.in | 17 +-
csync/src/vio/csync_vio_file_stat.c | 6 +-
doc/advancedusage.rst | 1 +
doc/autoupdate.rst | 10 +-
doc/installing.rst | 6 +
doc/introduction.rst | 3 +
doc/options.rst | 21 +-
doc/owncloudcmd.rst | 66 +-
shell_integration/nautilus/syncstate.py | 6 +-
src/3rdparty/qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp | 1 +
src/cmd/cmd.cpp | 7 +-
src/cmd/simplesslerrorhandler.cpp | 3 +-
src/cmd/simplesslerrorhandler.h | 2 +-
src/gui/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
src/gui/accountmigrator.h | 3 -
src/gui/accountstate.cpp | 17 +-
src/gui/application.cpp | 8 +-
src/gui/folder.cpp | 1 +
src/gui/folderman.cpp | 7 +
src/gui/folderwizard.cpp | 8 +
src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp | 96 +-
src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.h | 4 +-
src/gui/protocolwidget.cpp | 35 +-
src/gui/protocolwidget.h | 6 +-
src/gui/selectivesyncdialog.cpp | 31 +-
src/gui/sharedialog.cpp | 83 +-
src/gui/sharedialog.h | 5 +-
src/gui/sharedialog.ui | 217 +--
src/gui/socketapi.cpp | 36 +-
src/gui/socketapi.h | 20 +-
src/gui/sslbutton.cpp | 48 +-
src/gui/sslbutton.h | 5 +-
src/gui/sslerrordialog.cpp | 3 +-
src/gui/sslerrordialog.h | 2 +-
src/gui/updater/ocupdater.cpp | 7 +-
src/gui/version.rc.in | 25 +
src/libsync/CMakeLists.txt | 1 -
src/libsync/account.cpp | 30 +-
src/libsync/account.h | 4 +-
src/libsync/clientproxy.cpp | 55 +-
src/libsync/clientproxy.h | 20 +-
src/libsync/configfile.cpp | 26 +-
src/libsync/configfile.h | 2 +-
src/libsync/connectionvalidator.cpp | 36 +
src/libsync/connectionvalidator.h | 5 +
src/libsync/cookiejar.cpp | 4 +-
src/libsync/cookiejar.h | 3 +-
src/libsync/creds/http/httpconfigfile.cpp | 81 --
src/libsync/creds/http/httpconfigfile.h | 44 -
src/libsync/creds/httpcredentials.cpp | 13 +-
src/libsync/creds/httpcredentials.h | 2 +
src/libsync/discoveryphase.cpp | 59 +-
src/libsync/discoveryphase.h | 58 +-
src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp | 263 ++--
src/libsync/networkjobs.h | 18 +
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp | 8 +
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.h | 4 +
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator_p.h | 10 +-
src/libsync/propagatedownload.cpp | 22 +-
src/libsync/propagatedownload.h | 2 +
src/libsync/propagateremotedelete.cpp | 11 +-
src/libsync/propagateupload.cpp | 11 +-
src/libsync/propagateupload.h | 1 +
src/libsync/propagator_legacy.cpp | 3 +-
src/libsync/syncengine.cpp | 26 +-
src/libsync/syncengine.h | 14 +
src/libsync/syncjournaldb.cpp | 15 +-
src/libsync/syncjournaldb.h | 3 +-
src/libsync/theme.cpp | 18 +-
src/libsync/theme.h | 7 +-
test/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
test/testxmlparse.h | 245 ++++
translations/.tx/config | 1 +
translations/client_ca.ts | 898 ++++++------
translations/client_cs.ts | 884 ++++++------
translations/client_de.ts | 887 ++++++------
translations/client_el.ts | 940 +++++++------
translations/client_en.ts | 840 ++++++-----
translations/client_es.ts | 876 ++++++------
translations/client_es_AR.ts | 850 ++++++-----
translations/client_et.ts | 897 ++++++------
translations/client_eu.ts | 857 +++++++-----
translations/client_fa.ts | 848 ++++++-----
translations/client_fi.ts | 881 ++++++------
translations/client_fr.ts | 996 +++++++------
translations/client_gl.ts | 876 ++++++------
translations/client_hu.ts | 848 ++++++-----
translations/client_it.ts | 866 ++++++------
translations/client_ja.ts | 894 ++++++------
translations/client_nl.ts | 882 ++++++------
translations/client_pl.ts | 881 ++++++------
translations/client_pt.ts | 890 ++++++------
translations/client_pt_BR.ts | 887 ++++++------
translations/client_ru.ts | 878 ++++++------
translations/client_sk.ts | 889 ++++++------
translations/client_sl.ts | 879 ++++++------
translations/{mirall_en.ts => client_sr.ts} | 1626 +++++++++++-----------
translations/client_sv.ts | 875 ++++++------
translations/client_th.ts | 848 ++++++-----
translations/client_tr.ts | 889 ++++++------
translations/client_uk.ts | 941 +++++++------
translations/client_zh_CN.ts | 912 ++++++------
translations/client_zh_TW.ts | 860 ++++++------
114 files changed, 16223 insertions(+), 13113 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/gui/version.rc.in
delete mode 100644 src/libsync/creds/http/httpconfigfile.cpp
delete mode 100644 src/libsync/creds/http/httpconfigfile.h
create mode 100644 test/testxmlparse.h
rename translations/{mirall_en.ts => client_sr.ts} (60%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git
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