[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud] 210/215: Merge tag 'upstream/8.1.0_alpha3_dfsg' into stable8
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 5 01:01:54 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch stable8
in repository owncloud.
commit 01b1f94a0a06d7eee011ab2782b2a7786c450e1d
Merge: 9f168f1 63ed371
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Mon May 4 18:01:35 2015 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/8.1.0_alpha3_dfsg' into stable8
Upstream version 8.1.0~alpha3~dfsg
# gpg: Signature faite le lun. 04 mai 2015 18:01:09 AST
# gpg: avec la clef RSA 058C1CF944F6BD3C
# gpg: Bonne signature de « David Prévot <david at tilapin.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at altern.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at no-log.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> »
# gpg: Attention : cette clef n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance.
# gpg: Rien n'indique que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
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core/vendor/jsTimezoneDetect/jstz.js | 716 +++---
l10n/.tx/config | 70 +
lib/base.php | 2 +-
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lib/l10n/sr.json | 12 +-
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lib/private/app/codechecker.php | 2 +-
.../dependencyinjection/dicontainer.php | 11 +
lib/private/avatar.php | 14 +-
lib/private/avatarmanager.php | 1 +
.../connector/sabre/blocklegacyclientplugin.php | 79 +
lib/private/connector/sabre/file.php | 1 +
lib/private/defaults.php | 2 +-
lib/private/encryption/file.php | 4 +-
lib/private/encryption/keys/storage.php | 9 +
lib/private/encryption/manager.php | 47 +-
lib/private/encryption/update.php | 68 +-
lib/private/encryption/util.php | 20 +-
lib/private/files/cache/changepropagator.php | 5 +-
lib/private/files/cache/updater.php | 4 +
lib/private/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php | 95 +-
lib/private/files/stream/encryption.php | 60 +-
lib/private/files/view.php | 4 +
lib/private/helper.php | 9 +-
lib/private/l10n/string.php | 8 +-
lib/private/lock/memcachelockingprovider.php | 86 +
lib/private/memcache/apc.php | 60 +-
lib/private/memcache/arraycache.php | 72 +-
.../private/memcache/castrait.php | 52 +-
lib/private/memcache/memcached.php | 41 +-
lib/private/memcache/redis.php | 55 +-
lib/private/memcache/xcache.php | 70 +-
lib/private/ocsclient.php | 1 +
lib/private/security/securerandom.php | 2 +-
lib/private/server.php | 2 +-
lib/private/share/share.php | 69 +-
lib/private/tempmanager.php | 99 +-
lib/public/encryption/iencryptionmodule.php | 3 +-
lib/public/encryption/imanager.php | 19 +-
lib/public/encryption/keys/istorage.php | 2 +
lib/public/imemcache.php | 78 +
lib/public/iservercontainer.php | 2 +-
.../public/lock/ilockingprovider.php | 39 +-
.../public/lock/lockedexception.php | 36 +-
lib/public/security/isecurerandom.php | 2 +-
lib/public/share.php | 6 +-
settings/admin.php | 12 +-
settings/css/settings.css | 7 +
settings/js/apps.js | 2 +
settings/l10n/az.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/az.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/bg_BG.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/bg_BG.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/bs.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/bs.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/ca.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/ca.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js | 14 +-
settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json | 14 +-
settings/l10n/da.js | 3 +-
settings/l10n/da.json | 3 +-
settings/l10n/de.js | 17 +-
settings/l10n/de.json | 17 +-
settings/l10n/de_AT.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/de_AT.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/de_DE.js | 19 +-
settings/l10n/de_DE.json | 19 +-
settings/l10n/el.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/el.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/en_GB.js | 33 +-
settings/l10n/en_GB.json | 33 +-
settings/l10n/es.js | 8 +-
settings/l10n/es.json | 8 +-
settings/l10n/et_EE.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/et_EE.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/eu.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/eu.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/fi_FI.js | 4 +-
settings/l10n/fi_FI.json | 4 +-
settings/l10n/fr.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/fr.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/gl.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/gl.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/he.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/he.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/id.js | 54 +-
settings/l10n/id.json | 54 +-
settings/l10n/it.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/it.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/ja.js | 15 +-
settings/l10n/ja.json | 15 +-
settings/l10n/ko.js | 3 +-
settings/l10n/ko.json | 3 +-
settings/l10n/lb.js | 2 +
settings/l10n/lb.json | 2 +
settings/l10n/lt_LT.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/lt_LT.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/lv.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/lv.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/nb_NO.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/nb_NO.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/nl.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/nl.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/pl.js | 3 +-
settings/l10n/pl.json | 3 +-
settings/l10n/pt_BR.js | 6 +-
settings/l10n/pt_BR.json | 6 +-
settings/l10n/pt_PT.js | 3 +-
settings/l10n/pt_PT.json | 3 +-
settings/l10n/ru.js | 5 +-
settings/l10n/ru.json | 5 +-
settings/l10n/sk_SK.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/sk_SK.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/sl.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/sl.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/sr.js | 8 +-
settings/l10n/sr.json | 8 +-
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settings/l10n/sr at latin.json | 1 +
settings/l10n/sv.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/sv.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/tr.js | 15 +-
settings/l10n/tr.json | 15 +-
settings/l10n/uk.js | 3 +-
settings/l10n/uk.json | 3 +-
settings/l10n/zh_CN.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/zh_CN.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/zh_HK.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/zh_HK.json | 1 -
settings/l10n/zh_TW.js | 1 -
settings/l10n/zh_TW.json | 1 -
settings/templates/admin.php | 21 +-
settings/templates/apps.php | 3 -
version.php | 6 +-
560 files changed, 10584 insertions(+), 5452 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud.git
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