[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabre-vobject] 324/341: First attempt at calculating VAVAILABILITY.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 11 13:36:01 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabre-vobject.
commit 69e55a381572b044e1cc80f0fb6b4fd60a8a5e17
Author: Evert Pot <me at evertpot.com>
Date: Thu Jul 16 21:40:34 2015 -0400
First attempt at calculating VAVAILABILITY.
Shockingly no syntax errors on the first try.
lib/Component/Available.php | 23 ++++++
lib/Component/VAvailability.php | 55 +++++++++++++++
lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
3 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/lib/Component/Available.php b/lib/Component/Available.php
index 832c737..8f11cf6 100644
--- a/lib/Component/Available.php
+++ b/lib/Component/Available.php
@@ -17,6 +17,29 @@ use Sabre\VObject;
class Available extends VObject\Component {
+ * Returns the 'effective start' and 'effective end' of this VAVAILABILITY
+ * component.
+ *
+ * We use the DTSTART and DTEND or DURATION to determine this.
+ *
+ * The returned value is an array containing DateTimeImmutable instances.
+ * If either the start or end is 'unbounded' its value will be null
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function getEffectiveStartEnd() {
+ $effectiveStart = $this->DTSTART->getDateTime();
+ if (isset($this->DTEND)) {
+ $effectiveEnd = $this->DTEND->getDateTime();
+ } else {
+ $effectiveEnd = $effectiveStart->add(VObject\DateTimeParser::parseDuration($this->DURATION));
+ }
+ return [$effectiveStart, $effectiveEnd];
+ /**
* A simple list of validation rules.
* This is simply a list of properties, and how many times they either
diff --git a/lib/Component/VAvailability.php b/lib/Component/VAvailability.php
index 4f9aa24..7e40b7c 100644
--- a/lib/Component/VAvailability.php
+++ b/lib/Component/VAvailability.php
@@ -17,6 +17,61 @@ use Sabre\VObject;
class VAvailability extends VObject\Component {
+ * Returns true or false depending on if the event falls in the specified
+ * time-range. This is used for filtering purposes.
+ *
+ * The rules used to determine if an event falls within the specified
+ * time-range is based on:
+ *
+ * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-daboo-calendar-availability-05#section-3.1
+ *
+ * @param DateTimeInterface $start
+ * @param DateTimeInterface $end
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ function isInTimeRange(DateTimeInterface $start, DateTimeInterface $end) {
+ list($effectiveStart, $effectiveEnd) = $this->getEffectiveStartEnd();
+ return (
+ (is_null($start) || $start < $effectiveEnd) &&
+ (is_null($end) || $end > $effectiveStart)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the 'effective start' and 'effective end' of this VAVAILABILITY
+ * component.
+ *
+ * We use the DTSTART and DTEND or DURATION to determine this.
+ *
+ * The returned value is an array containing DateTimeImmutable instances.
+ * If either the start or end is 'unbounded' its value will be null
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function getEffectiveStartEnd() {
+ $effectiveStart = null;
+ $effectiveEnd = null;
+ if (isset($this->DTSTART)) {
+ $effectiveStart = $this->DTSTART->getDateTime();
+ }
+ if (isset($this->DTEND)) {
+ $effectiveEnd = $this->DTEND->getDateTime();
+ } elseif ($effectiveStart && isset($this->DURATION)) {
+ $effectiveEnd = $effectiveStart->add(VObject\DateTimeParser::parseDuration($this->DURATION));
+ }
+ return [$effectiveStart, $effectiveEnd];
+ }
+ /**
* A simple list of validation rules.
* This is simply a list of properties, and how many times they either
diff --git a/lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php b/lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php
index fd1ca77..147f491 100644
--- a/lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php
+++ b/lib/FreeBusyGenerator.php
@@ -235,6 +235,156 @@ class FreeBusyGenerator {
protected function calculateAvailability(FreeBusyData $fbData, VCalendar $vavailability) {
+ $vavailComps = usort(
+ iterator_to_array($vavailability->VAVAILABILITY),
+ function($a, $b) {
+ // We need to order the components by priority. Priority 1
+ // comes first, up until priority 9. Priority 0 comes after
+ // priority 9. No priority implies priority 0.
+ //
+ // Yes, I'm serious.
+ $priorityA = isset($a->PRIORITY) ? (int)$a->PRIORITY->getValue() : 0;
+ $priorityB = isset($b->PRIORITY) ? (int)$b->PRIORITY->getValue() : 0;
+ if ($priorityA === 0) $priorityA = 10;
+ if ($priorityB === 0) $priorityB = 10;
+ return $priorityA - $priorityB;
+ }
+ );
+ // Now we go over all the VAVAILABILITY components and figure if
+ // there's any we don't need to consider.
+ //
+ // This is can be because of one of two reasons: either the
+ // VAVAILABILITY component falls outside the time we are interested in,
+ // or a different VAVAILABILITY component with a higher priority has
+ // already completely covered the time-range.
+ $old = $vavailComps;
+ $new = [];
+ foreach($old as $vavail) {
+ list($compStart, $compEnd) = $vavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
+ // We don't care about datetimes that are earlier or later than the
+ // start and end of the freebusy report, so this gets normalized
+ // first.
+ if (is_null($compStart) || $compStart < $this->start) {
+ $compStart = $this->start;
+ }
+ if (is_null($compEnd) || $compEnd < $this->end) {
+ $compEnd = $this->end;
+ }
+ // If the item fell out of the timerange, we can just skip it.
+ if ($compStart > $this->end || $compEnd < $this->start) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Going through our existing list of components to see if there's
+ // a higher priority component that already fully covers this one.
+ foreach($new as $higherVavail) {
+ list($higherStart, $higherEnd) = $higherVavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
+ if (
+ (is_null($higherStart) || $higherStart < $compStart) &&
+ (is_null($higherEnd) || $higherEnd > $compEnd)
+ ) {
+ // Component is fully covered by a higher priority
+ // component. We can skip this component.
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ // We're keeping it!
+ $new[] = $vavail;
+ }
+ // Lastly, we need to traverse the remaining components and fill in the
+ // freebusydata slots.
+ //
+ // We traverse the components in reverse, because we want the higher
+ // priority components to override the lower ones.
+ foreach(array_reverse($new) as $vavail) {
+ $busyType = isset($vavail->busyType) ? strtoupper($vavail->busyType) : 'BUSY-UNAVAILABLE';
+ list($vavailStart, $vavailEnd) = $vavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
+ // Making the component size no larger than the requested free-busy
+ // report range.
+ if (!$vavailStart || $vavailStart < $this->start) {
+ $vavailStart = $this->start;
+ }
+ if (!$vavailEnd || $vavailEnd > $this->end) {
+ $vavailEnd = $this->end;
+ }
+ // Marking the entire time range of the VAVAILABILITY component as
+ // busy.
+ $fbData->add(
+ $vavailStart->getTimeStamp(),
+ $vavailEnd->getTimeStamp(),
+ $busyType
+ );
+ // Looping over the AVAILABLE components.
+ foreach($vavail->AVAILABLE as $available) {
+ list($availStart, $availEnd) = $available->getEffectiveStartEnd();
+ $fbData->add(
+ $availStart->getTimeStamp(),
+ $availEnd->getTimeStamp(),
+ 'FREE'
+ );
+ if ($available->RRULE) {
+ // Our favourite thing: recurrence!!
+ $rruleIterator = new Recur\RRuleIterator(
+ $available->RRULE->getValue(),
+ $availStart
+ );
+ $rruleIterator->fastForward($vavailStart);
+ $startEndDiff = $availStart->diff($availEnd);
+ while($rruleIterator->valid()) {
+ $recurStart = $rruleIterator->current();
+ $recurEnd = $recurStart->add($startEndDiff);
+ if ($recurStart > $vavailEnd) {
+ // We're beyond the legal timerange.
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($recurEnd > $vavailEnd) {
+ // Truncating the end if it exceeds the
+ $recurEnd = $vavailEnd;
+ }
+ $fbData->add(
+ $recurStart->getTimeStamp(),
+ $recurEnd->getTimeStamp(),
+ 'FREE'
+ );
+ $rruleIterator->next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -392,7 +542,7 @@ class FreeBusyGenerator {
* @return VCalendar
- function generateFreeBusyCalendar(FreeBusyData $fbData) {
+ protected function generateFreeBusyCalendar(FreeBusyData $fbData) {
if ($this->baseObject) {
$calendar = $this->baseObject;
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