[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabre-vobject] 44/46: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.0_beta1'
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 02:12:42 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabre-vobject.
commit d124ea13089f3b56a8bcc9e545f4237dc1581a65
Merge: 484f13a d9a938e
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date: Wed Dec 9 21:42:08 2015 -0400
Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.0_beta1'
Upstream version 4.0.0~beta1
# gpg: Signature faite le mer. 09 déc. 2015 21:41:59 AST
# gpg: avec la clef RSA 058C1CF944F6BD3C
# gpg: Bonne signature de « David Prévot <david at tilapin.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at altern.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <davidp at no-log.org> »
# gpg: alias « David Prévot <taffit at debian.org> »
# gpg: Attention : cette clef n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance.
# gpg: Rien n'indique que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
# Empreinte de clef principale : AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF 7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
# Empreinte de la sous-clef : 7875 4D07 BC09 5C74 48F7 8D66 058C 1CF9 44F6 BD3C
.travis.yml | 3 +-
CHANGELOG.md | 23 +++++
README.md | 11 +--
bin/mergeduplicates.php | 32 +++---
composer.json | 9 +-
lib/BirthdayCalendarGenerator.php | 2 +-
lib/Component/VAlarm.php | 5 +-
lib/Component/VCalendar.php | 105 ++++++++++----------
lib/Component/VCard.php | 9 ++
lib/DateTimeParser.php | 14 ++-
lib/FreeBusyData.php | 2 +-
...ParseException.php => InvalidDataException.php} | 5 +-
lib/Parameter.php | 2 +-
lib/ParseException.php | 2 +-
lib/Parser/MimeDir.php | 71 ++++++++++++--
lib/Property.php | 4 +-
lib/Property/ICalendar/DateTime.php | 5 +-
lib/Property/ICalendar/Recur.php | 4 +-
lib/Property/Time.php | 33 ++++++-
lib/Property/Uri.php | 24 +++++
lib/Property/VCard/DateAndOrTime.php | 9 +-
lib/Recur/EventIterator.php | 18 ++++
lib/Recur/MaxInstancesExceededException.php | 16 +++
lib/Recur/RDateIterator.php | 3 +-
lib/Recur/RRuleIterator.php | 10 +-
lib/Version.php | 2 +-
tests/VObject/Component/VAlarmTest.php | 2 +-
tests/VObject/Component/VCalendarTest.php | 8 +-
tests/VObject/DateTimeParserTest.php | 10 +-
tests/VObject/Issue259Test.php | 21 ++++
tests/VObject/Parser/JsonTest.php | 10 +-
tests/VObject/Parser/MimeDirTest.php | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++
tests/VObject/Property/ICalendar/DateTimeTest.php | 2 +-
tests/VObject/Property/UriTest.php | 27 ++++++
tests/VObject/PropertyTest.php | 2 +-
tests/VObject/ReaderTest.php | 4 +-
.../Recur/EventIterator/ByMonthInDailyTest.php | 2 +-
.../Recur/EventIterator/BySetPosHangTest.php | 2 +-
.../EventIterator/ExpandFloatingTimesTest.php | 24 ++---
.../Recur/EventIterator/HandleRDateExpandTest.php | 60 ++++++++++++
.../Recur/EventIterator/IncorrectExpandTest.php | 12 +--
.../EventIterator/InfiniteLoopProblemTest.php | 2 +-
.../{ => Recur/EventIterator}/Issue26Test.php | 9 +-
tests/VObject/Recur/EventIterator/MainTest.php | 2 +-
.../Recur/EventIterator/MaxInstancesTest.php | 42 ++++++++
.../Recur/EventIterator/MissingOverriddenTest.php | 13 ++-
.../Recur/EventIterator/OverrideFirstEventTest.php | 26 +++--
tests/VObject/Recur/RDateIteratorTest.php | 24 +++++
tests/VObject/Recur/RRuleIteratorTest.php | 8 +-
49 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/php-sabre-vobject.git
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