[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 195/484: Add share manager and the share objects

Sandro Knauß hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 16 00:37:42 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owncloud-client.

commit 918c06aba3efdb8ad62976efef44d13f4c91d8d8
Author: Roeland Jago Douma <rullzer at owncloud.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 29 11:09:10 2015 +0100

    Add share manager and the share objects
 src/gui/CMakeLists.txt  |   1 +
 src/gui/ocsjob.cpp      |   4 +-
 src/gui/ocsjob.h        |   2 +-
 src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp |  17 ++-
 src/gui/ocssharejob.h   |  30 ++++-
 src/gui/share.cpp       | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gui/share.h         | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gui/sharedialog.cpp | 321 +++++++++++-------------------------------------
 src/gui/sharedialog.h   |  22 ++--
 9 files changed, 625 insertions(+), 271 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
index 7b60630..af73933 100644
--- a/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ set(client_SRCS
+    share.cpp
diff --git a/src/gui/ocsjob.cpp b/src/gui/ocsjob.cpp
index 9381908..76c1605 100644
--- a/src/gui/ocsjob.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/ocsjob.cpp
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ void OcsJob::addPassStatusCode(int code)
-void OcsJob::appendPath(int id)
+void OcsJob::appendPath(const QString &id)
-    setPath(path() + QString("/%1").arg(id));
+    setPath(path() + "/" + id);
 void OcsJob::start()
diff --git a/src/gui/ocsjob.h b/src/gui/ocsjob.h
index 7d30aca..a6c405d 100644
--- a/src/gui/ocsjob.h
+++ b/src/gui/ocsjob.h
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ protected:
      * This function appends the common id. so <PATH>/<ID>
-    void appendPath(int id);
+    void appendPath(const QString &id);
diff --git a/src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp b/src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp
index ea0529b..daf90f6 100644
--- a/src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OcsShareJob::OcsShareJob(AccountPtr account, QObject* parent)
 : OcsJob(account, parent)
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(jobDone(QVariantMap)));
 void OcsShareJob::getShares(const QString &path)
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ void OcsShareJob::getShares(const QString &path)
-void OcsShareJob::deleteShare(int shareId)
+void OcsShareJob::deleteShare(const QString &shareId)
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ void OcsShareJob::deleteShare(int shareId)
-void OcsShareJob::setExpireDate(int shareId, const QDate &date)
+void OcsShareJob::setExpireDate(const QString &shareId, const QDate &date)
@@ -54,27 +55,30 @@ void OcsShareJob::setExpireDate(int shareId, const QDate &date)
     } else {
         addParam(QString::fromLatin1("expireDate"), QString());
+    _value = date;
-void OcsShareJob::setPassword(int shareId, const QString &password)
+void OcsShareJob::setPassword(const QString &shareId, const QString &password)
     addParam(QString::fromLatin1("password"), password);
+    _value = password;
-void OcsShareJob::setPublicUpload(int shareId, bool publicUpload)
+void OcsShareJob::setPublicUpload(const QString &shareId, bool publicUpload)
     const QString value = QString::fromLatin1(publicUpload ? "true" : "false");
     addParam(QString::fromLatin1("publicUpload"), value);
+    _value = publicUpload;
@@ -99,4 +103,9 @@ void OcsShareJob::createShare(const QString &path, ShareType shareType, const QS
+void OcsShareJob::jobDone(QVariantMap reply)
+    emit shareJobFinished(reply, _value);
diff --git a/src/gui/ocssharejob.h b/src/gui/ocssharejob.h
index 87043c0..665eecc 100644
--- a/src/gui/ocssharejob.h
+++ b/src/gui/ocssharejob.h
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ public:
      * Support sharetypes
-    enum class ShareType : int {
+    enum ShareType : int {
         Link = 3
      * Possible permissions
-    enum class Permission : int {
+    enum Permission : int {
         Read = 1,
         Update = 2,
         Create = 4,
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
      * Delete the current Share
-    void deleteShare(int shareId);
+    void deleteShare(const QString &shareId);
      * Set the expiration date of a share
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
      * @param date The expire date, if this date is invalid the expire date
      * will be removed
-    void setExpireDate(int shareId, const QDate& date);
+    void setExpireDate(const QString &shareId, const QDate& date);
      * Set the password of a share
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ public:
      * @param password The password of the share, if the password is empty the
      * share will be removed
-    void setPassword(int shareId, const QString& password);
+    void setPassword(const QString &shareId, const QString& password);
      * Void set the share to be public upload
      * @param publicUpload Set or remove public upload
-    void setPublicUpload(int shareId, bool publicUpload);
+    void setPublicUpload(const QString &shareId, bool publicUpload);
      * Create a new share
@@ -100,6 +100,24 @@ public:
      * @param date Optionally an expire date for the share
     void createShare(const QString& path, ShareType shareType, const QString& password = "", const QDate& date = QDate());
+    /**
+     * Result of the OCS request
+     * The value parameter is only set if this was a put request.
+     * e.g. if we set the password to 'foo' the QVariant will hold a QString with 'foo'.
+     * This is needed so we can update the share objects properly
+     *
+     * @param reply The reply
+     * @param value To what did we set a varialble (if we set any).
+     */
+    void shareJobFinished(QVariantMap reply, QVariant value);
+private slots:
+    void jobDone(QVariantMap reply);
+    QVariant _value;
diff --git a/src/gui/share.cpp b/src/gui/share.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f749b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/share.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ * Copyright (C) by Roeland Jago Douma <rullzer at owncloud.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#include "share.h"
+#include "ocssharejob.h"
+#include "account.h"
+#include <QUrl>
+namespace OCC {
+Share::Share(AccountPtr account, const QString& id, const QString& path, int shareType,
+             int permissions, QObject *parent)
+: QObject(parent),
+  _account(account),
+  _id(id),
+  _path(path),
+  _shareType(shareType),
+  _permissions(permissions)
+const QString Share::getId()
+    return _id;
+int Share::getShareType()
+    return _shareType;
+int Share::getPermissions()
+    return _permissions;
+void Share::deleteShare()
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotDeleted(QVariantMap)));
+    job->deleteShare(getId());
+void Share::slotDeleted(const QVariantMap &reply)
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    if (code != 100) {
+        //emit error!
+    }
+    emit shareDeleted();
+const QUrl LinkShare::getLink()
+    return _url;
+const QDate LinkShare::getExpireDate()
+    return _expireDate;
+bool LinkShare::isPasswordSet()
+    return _passwordSet;
+LinkShare::LinkShare(AccountPtr account,
+                     const QString& id,
+                     const QString& path,
+                     int shareType,
+                     int permissions,
+                     bool passwordSet,
+                     const QUrl& url,
+                     const QDate& expireDate,
+                     QObject *parent)
+: Share(account, id, path, shareType, permissions, parent),
+  _passwordSet(passwordSet),
+  _expireDate(expireDate),
+  _url(url)
+void LinkShare::setPublicUpload(bool publicUpload)
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(shareJobFinished(QVariantMap, QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotPublicUploadSet(QVariantMap, QVariant)));
+    job->setPublicUpload(getId(), publicUpload);
+void LinkShare::slotPublicUploadSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value)
+    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << reply;
+    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << value;
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    if (code != 100) {
+        //emit error
+    }
+    //TODO FIX permission with names
+    if (value.toBool()) {
+        _permissions = 7;
+    } else {
+        _permissions = 1;
+    }
+    emit publicUploadSet();
+void LinkShare::setPassword(const QString &password)
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(shareJobFinished(QVariantMap, QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotPasswordSet(QVariantMap, QVariant)));
+    job->setPassword(getId(), password);
+void LinkShare::slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value)
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    if (code != 100) {
+        //emit error
+    }
+    _passwordSet = value.toString() == "";
+    emit passwordSet();
+void LinkShare::setExpireDate(const QDate &date)
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(shareJobFinished(QVariantMap, QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotExpireDateSet(QVariantMap, QVariant)));
+    job->setExpireDate(getId(), date);
+void LinkShare::slotExpireDateSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value)
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    if (code != 100) {
+        //emit error
+    }
+    _expireDate = value.toDate();
+    emit expireDateSet();
+ShareManager::ShareManager(AccountPtr account, QObject *parent)
+: QObject(parent),
+  _account(account)
+void ShareManager::createLinkShare(const QString &path,
+                                   const QString &password)
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotLinkShareCreated(QVariantMap)));
+    job->createShare(path, OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link, password);
+void ShareManager::slotLinkShareCreated(const QVariantMap &reply)
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    /*
+     * Before we had decent sharing capabilities on the server a 403 "generally"
+     * ment that a share was password protected
+     */
+    if (code == 403) {
+        emit linkShareRequiresPassword();
+    } else if (code != 100) {
+        //emit error
+    }
+    //Parse share
+    auto data = reply.value("ocs").toMap().value("data").toMap();
+    QSharedPointer<LinkShare> share(parseLinkShare(data));
+    emit linkShareCreated(share);
+void ShareManager::fetchShares(const QString &path)
+    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
+    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotSharesFetched(QVariantMap)));
+    job->getShares(path);
+void ShareManager::slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
+    QString message;
+    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
+    if (code != 100 && code != 404) {
+        //emit error!
+    }
+    auto tmpShares = reply.value("ocs").toMap().value("data").toList();
+    const QString versionString = _account->serverVersion();
+    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << versionString << "Fetched" << tmpShares.count() << "shares";
+    QList<QSharedPointer<Share>> shares;
+    Q_FOREACH(auto share, tmpShares) {
+        auto data = share.toMap();
+        auto shareType = data.value("share_type").toInt();
+        Share *newShare = NULL;
+        if (shareType == OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link) {
+            newShare = parseLinkShare(data);
+        } else {
+            newShare = new Share(_account,
+                                 data.value("id").toString(),
+                                 data.value("path").toString(),
+                                 shareType,
+                                 data.value("permissions").toInt(),
+                                 this);
+        }
+        shares.append(QSharedPointer<Share>(newShare));    
+    }
+    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sending " << shares.count() << "shares";
+    emit sharesFetched(shares);
+LinkShare *ShareManager::parseLinkShare(const QVariantMap &data) {
+    QUrl url;
+    const QString versionString = _account->serverVersion();
+    // From ownCloud server 8.2 the url field is always set for public shares
+    if (data.contains("url")) {
+        url = QUrl(data.value("url").toString());
+    } else if (versionString.contains('.') && versionString.split('.')[0].toInt() >= 8) {
+        // From ownCloud server version 8 on, a different share link scheme is used.
+        url = QUrl(Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("index.php/s/%1").arg(data.value("token").toString())).toString());
+    } else {
+        QList<QPair<QString, QString>> queryArgs;
+        queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("service"), QString("files")));
+        queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("t"), data.value("token").toString()));
+        url = QUrl(Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("public.php"), queryArgs).toString());
+    }
+    QDate expireDate;
+    if (data.value("expiration").isValid()) {
+       expireDate = QDate::fromString(data.value("expiration").toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
+    }
+    return new LinkShare(_account,
+                         data.value("id").toString(),
+                         data.value("path").toString(),
+                         data.value("share_type").toInt(),
+                         data.value("permissions").toInt(),
+                         data.value("share_with").isValid(),
+                         url,
+                         expireDate,
+                         this);
diff --git a/src/gui/share.h b/src/gui/share.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a275f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/share.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Copyright (C) by Roeland Jago Douma <rullzer at owncloud.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef SHARE_H
+#define SHARE_H
+#include "accountfwd.h"
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QDate>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QSharedPointer>
+#include <QUrl>
+namespace OCC {
+class Share : public QObject {
+    /*
+     * Constructor for link shares
+     */
+    explicit Share(AccountPtr account,
+                   const QString& id,
+                   const QString& path,
+                   int shareType,
+                   int permissions,
+                   QObject *parent = NULL);
+    /*
+     * Get the id
+     */
+    const QString getId();
+    /*
+     * Get the shareType
+     */
+    int getShareType();
+    /*
+     * Get permissions
+     */
+    int getPermissions();
+    /*
+     * Set the permissions of a share
+     *
+     * On success the permissionsSet signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted.
+     */
+    void setPermissions(int permissions);
+    /**
+     * Deletes a share
+     *
+     * On success the shareDeleted signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server rror the serverError signal is emitted.
+     */
+    void deleteShare();
+    void permissionsSet();
+    void shareDeleted();
+    void serverError(int code, const QString &message);
+    AccountPtr _account;
+    QString _id;
+    QString _path;
+    int _shareType;
+    int _permissions;
+private slots:
+    void slotDeleted(const QVariantMap &reply);
+ * A Link share is just like a regular share but then slightly different.
+ * There are several methods in the API that either work differently for
+ * link shares or are only available to link shares.
+ */
+class LinkShare : public Share {
+    explicit LinkShare(AccountPtr account,
+                       const QString& id,
+                       const QString& path,
+                       int shareType,
+                       int permissions,
+                       bool passwordSet,
+                       const QUrl& url,
+                       const QDate& expireDate,
+                       QObject *parent = NULL);
+    /*
+     * Get the share link
+     */
+    const QUrl getLink();
+    /*
+     * Set a share to be public upload
+     * This function can only be called on link shares
+     *
+     * On success the publicUploadSet signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted.
+     */
+    void setPublicUpload(bool publicUpload);
+    /*
+     * Set the password
+     *
+     * On success the passwordSet signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted.
+     */
+    void setPassword(const QString& password);
+    /*
+     * Is the password set?
+     */
+    bool isPasswordSet();
+    /*
+     * Get the expiration date
+     */
+    const QDate getExpireDate();
+    /*
+     * Set the expiration date
+     *
+     * On success the expireDateSet signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted.
+     */
+    void setExpireDate(const QDate& expireDate);
+    void expireDateSet();
+    void publicUploadSet();
+    void passwordSet();
+private slots:
+    void slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value);
+    void slotPublicUploadSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value);
+    void slotExpireDateSet(const QVariantMap &reply, const QVariant &value);
+    bool _passwordSet;
+    QDate _expireDate;
+    QUrl _url;
+ * The share manager allows for creating, retrieving and deletion
+ * of shares. It abstracts away from the OCS Share API, all the usages
+ * shares should talk to this manager and not use OCS Share Job directly
+ */
+class ShareManager : public QObject {
+    explicit ShareManager(AccountPtr _account, QObject *parent = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Tell the manager to create a link share
+     *
+     * @param path The path of the linkshare relative to the user folder on the server
+     * @param password The password of the share
+     *
+     * On success the signal linkShareCreated is emitted
+     * For older server the linkShareRequiresPassword signal is emitted when it seems appropiate
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted
+     */
+    void createLinkShare(const QString& path,
+                         const QString& password="");
+    /**
+     * Fetch all the shares for path
+     *
+     * @param path The path to get the shares for relative to the users folder on the server
+     *
+     * On success the sharesFetched signal is emitted
+     * In case of a server error the serverError signal is emitted
+     */
+    void fetchShares(const QString& path);
+    void linkShareCreated(const QSharedPointer<LinkShare> share);
+    void linkShareRequiresPassword();
+    void sharesFetched(QList<QSharedPointer<Share>>);
+    void serverError(int code, const QString &message);
+private slots:
+    void slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply);
+    void slotLinkShareCreated(const QVariantMap &reply);
+    LinkShare *parseLinkShare(const QVariantMap &data);
+    AccountPtr _account;
+#endif // SHARE_H
diff --git a/src/gui/sharedialog.cpp b/src/gui/sharedialog.cpp
index e59888e..086f300 100644
--- a/src/gui/sharedialog.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/sharedialog.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "ocssharejob.h"
 #include "thumbnailjob.h"
+#include "share.h"
 #include "QProgressIndicator.h"
 #include <QBuffer>
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ ShareDialog::ShareDialog(AccountPtr account, const QString &sharePath, const QSt
-    _public_share_id(0),
+    _manager(NULL),
+    _share(NULL),
@@ -90,7 +92,6 @@ ShareDialog::ShareDialog(AccountPtr account, const QString &sharePath, const QSt
-    _ui->calendar->setDate(QDate::currentDate().addDays(1));
     QFileInfo f_info(_localPath);
@@ -168,6 +169,15 @@ ShareDialog::ShareDialog(AccountPtr account, const QString &sharePath, const QSt
+    /*
+     * Create the share manager and connect it properly
+     */
+    _manager = QSharedPointer<ShareManager>(new ShareManager(_account, this));
+    connect(_manager.data(), SIGNAL(sharesFetched(QList<QSharedPointer<Share>>)), this, SLOT(slotSharesFetched(QList<QSharedPointer<Share>>)));
+    connect(_manager.data(), SIGNAL(linkShareCreated(const QSharedPointer<LinkShare>)), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareFetched(const QSharedPointer<LinkShare>)));
+    connect(_manager.data(), SIGNAL(linkShareRequiresPassword()), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareRequiresPassword()));
 void ShareDialog::done( int r ) {
@@ -178,25 +188,12 @@ void ShareDialog::done( int r ) {
 void ShareDialog::setExpireDate(const QDate &date)
-    if( _public_share_id == 0 ) {
-        // no public share so far.
-        return;
-    }
-    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotExpireSet(QVariantMap)));
-    job->setExpireDate(_public_share_id, date);
+    _share->setExpireDate(date);
-void ShareDialog::slotExpireSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotExpireSet()
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code != 100) {
-        displayError(code);
-    } 
@@ -234,37 +231,21 @@ void ShareDialog::setPassword(const QString &password)
     QString path;
-    if( _public_share_id > 0 ) {
-        OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-        connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotPasswordSet(QVariantMap)));
-        job->setPassword(_public_share_id, password);
+    if( !_share.isNull() ) {
+        _share->setPassword(password);
     } else {
-        OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-        connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotPasswordSet(QVariantMap)));
-        connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
-        QDate date;
-        if( _ui->checkBox_expire->isChecked() ) {
-            date = _ui->calendar->date();
-        }
-        job->createShare(_sharePath, OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link, password, date);
+        _manager->createLinkShare(_sharePath, password);
     _passwordJobRunning = true;
-void ShareDialog::slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotPasswordSet()
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code != 100) {
-        displayError(code);
-    }
-         * When setting/deleting a password from a share the old share is
-         * deleted and a new one is created. So we need to refetch the shares
-         * at this point.
-         */
+     * When setting/deleting a password from a share the old share is
+     * deleted and a new one is created. So we need to refetch the shares
+     * at this point.
+     */
     _passwordJobRunning = false;
@@ -273,9 +254,7 @@ void ShareDialog::slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
 void ShareDialog::getShares()
-    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotSharesFetched(QVariantMap)));
-    job->getShares(_sharePath);
+    _manager->fetchShares(_sharePath);
     if (QFileInfo(_localPath).isFile()) {
         ThumbnailJob *job2 = new ThumbnailJob(_sharePath, _account, this);
@@ -284,34 +263,25 @@ void ShareDialog::getShares()
-void ShareDialog::slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotSharesFetched(const QList<QSharedPointer<Share>> &shares)
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code != 100 && code != 404) {
-        displayError(code);
-    }
-    ShareDialog::_shares = reply.value("ocs").toMap().value("data").toList();
     const QString versionString = _account->serverVersion();
-    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << versionString << "Fetched" << ShareDialog::_shares.count() << "shares";
+    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << versionString << "Fetched" << shares.count() << "shares";
     //Show link checkbox now
-    Q_FOREACH(auto share, ShareDialog::_shares) {
-        QVariantMap data = share.toMap();
+    Q_FOREACH(auto share, shares) {
-        if (data.value("share_type").toInt() == static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link)) {
-            _public_share_id = data.value("id").toULongLong();
+        if (share->getShareType() == static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link)) {
+            _share = qSharedPointerDynamicCast<LinkShare>(share);
-            if (data.value("share_with").isValid()) {
+            if (_share->isPasswordSet()) {
@@ -323,8 +293,8 @@ void ShareDialog::slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
-            if (data.value("expiration").isValid()) {
-                _ui->calendar->setDate(QDate::fromString(data.value("expiration").toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
+            if (_share->getExpireDate().isValid()) {
+                _ui->calendar->setDate(_share->getExpireDate());
@@ -333,38 +303,29 @@ void ShareDialog::slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
-            if (data.value("permissions").isValid()) {
-                int permissions = data.value("permissions").toInt();
-                /*
-                 * Only directories can have public upload set
-                 * For public links the server sets CREATE and UPDATE permissions.
-                 */
-                if (!_isFile && 
-                       (permissions & static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::Permission::Update)) &&
-                       (permissions & static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::Permission::Create))) {
+            /*
+             * Only directories can have public upload set
+             * For public links the server sets CREATE and UPDATE permissions.
+             */
+            if (!_isFile && 
+                (_share->getPermissions() & static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::Permission::Update)) &&
+                (_share->getPermissions() & static_cast<int>(OcsShareJob::Permission::Create))) {
-                }
-            }
-            QString url;
-            // From ownCloud server 8.2 the url field is always set for public shares
-            if (data.contains("url")) {
-                url = data.value("url").toString();
-            } else if (versionString.contains('.') && versionString.split('.')[0].toInt() >= 8) {
-                // From ownCloud server version 8 on, a different share link scheme is used.
-                url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QString("index.php/s/%1").arg(data.value("token").toString())).toString();
-            } else {
-                QList<QPair<QString, QString>> queryArgs;
-                queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("service"), QString("files")));
-                queryArgs.append(qMakePair(QString("t"), data.value("token").toString()));
-                url = Account::concatUrlPath(_account->url(), QLatin1String("public.php"), queryArgs).toString();
-            setShareLink(url);
+            setShareLink(_share->getLink().toString());
+            // Connect all shares signals to gui slots
+            connect(_share.data(), SIGNAL(expireDateSet()), this, SLOT(slotExpireSet()));
+            connect(_share.data(), SIGNAL(publicUploadSet()), this, SLOT(slotPublicUploadSet()));
+            connect(_share.data(), SIGNAL(passwordSet()), this, SLOT(slotPasswordSet()));
+            connect(_share.data(), SIGNAL(shareDeleted()), this, SLOT(slotDeleteShareFetched()));
+            break;
-    if( _shares.count()>0 ) {
+    if( !_share.isNull() ) {
     } else {
         // If there are no shares yet, check the checkbox to create a link automatically.
@@ -416,15 +377,9 @@ void ShareDialog::setShareLink( const QString& url )
-void ShareDialog::slotDeleteShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotDeleteShareFetched()
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code != 100) {
-        displayError(code);
-    }
-    _public_share_id = 0;
+    _share.clear();
@@ -440,7 +395,6 @@ void ShareDialog::slotDeleteShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
 void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxShareLinkClicked()
@@ -466,44 +420,35 @@ void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxShareLinkClicked()
-        OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-        connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotCreateShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
-        job->createShare(_sharePath, OcsShareJob::ShareType::Link);
+        _manager->createLinkShare(_sharePath);
     } else {
-        OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-        connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotDeleteShareFetched(QVariantMap)));
-        job->deleteShare(_public_share_id);
+        _share->deleteShare();
-void ShareDialog::slotCreateShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotCreateShareFetched(const QSharedPointer<LinkShare> share)
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code == 403) {
-        // there needs to be a password
-        _ui->checkBox_password->setChecked(true);
-        _ui->checkBox_password->setEnabled(false);
-        _ui->checkBox_password->setText(tr("Public sh&aring requires a password"));
-        _ui->lineEdit_password->setFocus();
-        _ui->pushButton_copy->hide();
-        _ui->widget_shareLink->show();
-        slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked();
-        return;
-    } else if (code != 100) {
-        displayError(code);
-        return;
-    }
-    _public_share_id = reply.value("ocs").toMap().values("data")[0].toMap().value("id").toULongLong();
+    _share = share;
+void ShareDialog::slotCreateShareRequiresPassword()
+    // there needs to be a password
+    _ui->checkBox_password->setChecked(true);
+    _ui->checkBox_password->setEnabled(false);
+    _ui->checkBox_password->setText(tr("Public sh&aring requires a password"));
+    _ui->lineEdit_password->setFocus();
+    _ui->pushButton_copy->hide();
+    _ui->widget_shareLink->show();
+    slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked();
 void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked()
     if (_ui->checkBox_password->checkState() == Qt::Checked) {
@@ -532,7 +477,7 @@ void ShareDialog::slotCheckBoxExpireClicked()
-        ShareDialog::setExpireDate(QDate());
+        setExpireDate(QDate());
@@ -561,23 +506,13 @@ void ShareDialog::setPublicUpload(bool publicUpload)
-    OcsShareJob *job = new OcsShareJob(_account, this);
-    connect(job, SIGNAL(jobFinished(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(slotPublicUploadSet(QVariantMap)));
-    job->setPublicUpload(_public_share_id, publicUpload);
+    _share->setPublicUpload(publicUpload);
-void ShareDialog::slotPublicUploadSet(const QVariantMap &reply)
+void ShareDialog::slotPublicUploadSet()
-    QString message;
-    int code = OcsShareJob::getJsonReturnCode(reply, message);
-    if (code == 100) {
-        _ui->checkBox_editing->setEnabled(true);
-    } else {
-        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << reply;
-        displayError(code);
-    }
+    _ui->checkBox_editing->setEnabled(true);
 void ShareDialog::setShareCheckBoxTitle(bool haveShares)
@@ -605,120 +540,6 @@ void ShareDialog::displayError(int code)
-#if 0
-void ShareDialog::displayInfo( const QString& msg )
-    _ui->label_sharePath->setText(msg);
- * This code is disabled for now as we do not have answers for all the questions involved
- * here, see https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/2732
- */
-bool ShareDialog::uploadExternalFile()
-    bool re = false;
-    const QString folderName = QString("ownCloud"); // FIXME: get a proper folder name
-    Folder *folder = 0;
-    Folder::Map folders = FolderMan::instance()->map();
-    if( folders.isEmpty() ) {
-        displayInfo(tr("There is no sync folder configured."));
-        return false;
-    }
-    if( folders.contains( Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()) ) {
-        folder = folders.value(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI());
-    }
-    if( !folder ) {
-        folder = folders.value( folders.keys().at(0));
-    }
-    FolderMan::instance()->folder(folderName);
-    if( ! folder ) {
-        qDebug() << "Folder not defined: " << folderName;
-        displayInfo(tr("Cannot find a folder to upload to."));
-        return false;
-    }
-    QFileInfo fi(_localPath);
-    if( fi.isDir() ) {
-        // we can not do this for directories yet.
-        displayInfo(tr("Sharing of external directories is not yet working."));
-        return false;
-    }
-    _sharePath = folder->remotePath()+QLatin1Char('/')+fi.fileName();
-    _folderAlias = folderName;
-    // connect the finish signal of the folder before the file to upload
-    // is copied to the sync folder.
-    connect( folder, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), this, SLOT(slotNextSyncFinished(SyncResult)) );
-    // copy the file
-    _expectedSyncFile = folder->path()+fi.fileName();
-    QFileInfo target(_expectedSyncFile);
-    if( target.exists() ) {
-        _ui->label_sharePath->setText(tr("A sync file with the same name exists. "
-                                         "The file cannot be registered to sync."));
-        // TODO: Add a file comparison here. If the existing file is still the same
-        // as the file-to-copy we can share it.
-        _sharePath.clear();
-    } else {
-        _uploadFails = 0;
-        _ui->pi_share->startAnimation();
-        QFile file( _localPath);
-        if( file.copy(_expectedSyncFile) ) {
-            // copying succeeded.
-            re = true;
-            displayInfo(tr("Waiting to upload..."));
-        } else {
-            displayInfo(tr("Unable to register in sync space."));
-        }
-    }
-    return re;
-void ShareDialog::slotNextSyncFinished( const SyncResult& result )
-    // FIXME: Check for state!
-    SyncFileItemVector itemVector = result.syncFileItemVector();
-    SyncFileItem targetItem;
-    Folder *folder = FolderMan::instance()->folder(_folderAlias);
-    const QString folderPath = folder->path();
-    _ui->pi_share->stopAnimation();
-    foreach( SyncFileItem item, itemVector ) {
-        const QString fullSyncedFile = folderPath + item._file;
-        if( item._direction == SyncFileItem::Up &&
-                fullSyncedFile == _expectedSyncFile) {
-            // found the item!
-            targetItem = item;
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    if( targetItem.isEmpty() ) {
-        // The item was not in this sync run. Lets wait for the next one. FIXME
-        _uploadFails ++;
-        if( _uploadFails > 2 ) {
-            // stop the upload job
-            displayInfo(tr("The file cannot be synced."));
-        }
-    } else {
-        // it's there and the sync was successful.
-        // The server should be able to generate a share link now.
-        // Enable the sharing link
-        if( targetItem._status == SyncFileItem::Success ) {
-            _ui->checkBox_shareLink->setEnabled(true);
-            _ui->label_sharePath->setText(tr("%1 path: %2").arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()).arg(_sharePath));
-        } else {
-            displayInfo(tr("Sync of registered file was not successful yet."));
-        }
-    }
-    _expectedSyncFile.clear();
 void ShareDialog::slotThumbnailFetched(const int &statusCode, const QByteArray &reply)
     if (statusCode != 200) {
diff --git a/src/gui/sharedialog.h b/src/gui/sharedialog.h
index 29f1a89..3fc9ee3 100644
--- a/src/gui/sharedialog.h
+++ b/src/gui/sharedialog.h
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
 #include "QProgressIndicator.h"
 #include <QDialog>
 #include <QVariantMap>
+#include <QSharedPointer>
+#include <QList>
+#include "share.h"
 namespace OCC {
@@ -45,11 +49,12 @@ public:
     void getShares();
 private slots:
-    void slotSharesFetched(const QVariantMap &reply);
-    void slotCreateShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply);
-    void slotDeleteShareFetched(const QVariantMap &reply);
-    void slotPasswordSet(const QVariantMap &reply);
-    void slotExpireSet(const QVariantMap &reply);
+    void slotSharesFetched(const QList<QSharedPointer<Share>> &shares);
+    void slotCreateShareFetched(const QSharedPointer<LinkShare> share);
+    void slotCreateShareRequiresPassword();
+    void slotDeleteShareFetched();
+    void slotPasswordSet();
+    void slotExpireSet();
     void slotCalendarClicked(const QDate &date);
     void slotCheckBoxShareLinkClicked();
     void slotCheckBoxPasswordClicked();
@@ -59,7 +64,7 @@ private slots:
     void slotPushButtonCopyLinkPressed();
     void slotThumbnailFetched(const int &statusCode, const QByteArray &reply);
     void slotCheckBoxEditingClicked();
-    void slotPublicUploadSet(const QVariantMap &reply);
+    void slotPublicUploadSet();
     void done( int r );
@@ -83,8 +88,6 @@ private:
     bool _passwordJobRunning;
-    QList<QVariant> _shares;
-    qulonglong _public_share_id;
     void setPassword(const QString &password);
     void setExpireDate(const QDate &date);
@@ -93,6 +96,9 @@ private:
     QProgressIndicator *_pi_date;
     QProgressIndicator *_pi_editing;
+    QSharedPointer<ShareManager> _manager;
+    QSharedPointer<LinkShare> _share;
     bool _resharingAllowed;
     bool _isFile;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git

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