[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] 14/19: Merge branch '2.1' into 3.0

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 5 03:12:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to tag 3.0.6
in repository php-sabredav.

commit c879eae595a9dc38daade3bc1b10dc34dd37a3ce
Merge: 4d83ffb d521d04
Author: Evert Pot <me at evertpot.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 31 11:52:59 2015 -0500

    Merge branch '2.1' into 3.0

 CHANGELOG.md                                                | 6 ++++++
 LICENSE                                                     | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/AbstractBackend.php                      | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/BackendInterface.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php                                  | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/SchedulingSupport.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php                       | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/SubscriptionSupport.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Backend/SyncSupport.php                          | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Calendar.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/CalendarHome.php                                 | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/CalendarObject.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/CalendarQueryValidator.php                       | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/CalendarRoot.php                                 | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Exception/InvalidComponentType.php               | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ICSExportPlugin.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ICalendar.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObject.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObjectContainer.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/IShareableCalendar.php                           | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ISharedCalendar.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Collection.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Notifications/ICollection.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Notifications/INode.php                          | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Plugin.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php                                       | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/Collection.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/IProxyRead.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/IProxyWrite.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyRead.php                          | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/ProxyWrite.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Principal/User.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IInbox.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IMipPlugin.php                          | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IOutbox.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Inbox.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Outbox.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/ShareableCalendar.php                            | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/SharedCalendar.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/SharingPlugin.php                                | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/ISubscription.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/Plugin.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Subscriptions/Subscription.php                   | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/InviteReply.php                 | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/NotificationInterface.php       | 2 +-
 lib/CalDAV/Xml/Notification/SystemStatus.php                | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/AddressBook.php                                 | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/AddressBookRoot.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Backend/AbstractBackend.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Backend/BackendInterface.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Backend/PDO.php                                 | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Backend/SyncSupport.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Card.php                                        | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/IAddressBook.php                                | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/ICard.php                                       | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/IDirectory.php                                  | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/Plugin.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/CardDAV/VCFExportPlugin.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractBasic.php                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/AbstractDigest.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/Apache.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/BackendInterface.php                   | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/File.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Backend/PDO.php                                | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Browser/GuessContentType.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Browser/MapGetToPropFind.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Browser/Plugin.php                                  | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Browser/PropFindAll.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Client.php                                          | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Collection.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/CorePlugin.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/BadRequest.php                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/Conflict.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/ConflictingLock.php                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/Forbidden.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/InsufficientStorage.php                   | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/InvalidResourceType.php                   | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/InvalidSyncToken.php                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/LengthRequired.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/LockTokenMatchesRequestUri.php            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/Locked.php                                | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/MethodNotAllowed.php                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/NotAuthenticated.php                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/NotFound.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/NotImplemented.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/PaymentRequired.php                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/PreconditionFailed.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/ReportNotSupported.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable.php          | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/ServiceUnavailable.php                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/TooManyMatches.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Exception/UnsupportedMediaType.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/FS/Directory.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/FS/File.php                                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/FS/Node.php                                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/FSExt/Directory.php                                 | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/FSExt/File.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/File.php                                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/ICollection.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IExtendedCollection.php                             | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IFile.php                                           | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IMoveTarget.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IMultiGet.php                                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/INode.php                                           | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IProperties.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/IQuota.php                                          | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/AbstractBackend.php                   | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/BackendInterface.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/File.php                              | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/Backend/PDO.php                               | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/LockInfo.php                                  | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Locks/Plugin.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Mount/Plugin.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Node.php                                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/IPatchSupport.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PartialUpdate/Plugin.php                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PropPatch.php                                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PropertyStorage/Backend/BackendInterface.php        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PropertyStorage/Backend/PDO.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/PropertyStorage/Plugin.php                          | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Server.php                                          | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/ServerPlugin.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/SimpleCollection.php                                | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/SimpleFile.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/StringUtil.php                                      | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Sync/ISyncCollection.php                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Sync/Plugin.php                                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/TemporaryFileFilterPlugin.php                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Tree.php                                            | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/UUIDUtil.php                                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAV/Version.php                                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/AbstractPrincipalCollection.php                  | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Exception/AceConflict.php                        | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Exception/NeedPrivileges.php                     | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Exception/NoAbstract.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Exception/NotRecognizedPrincipal.php             | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Exception/NotSupportedPrivilege.php              | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/IACL.php                                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/IPrincipal.php                                   | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/IPrincipalCollection.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Plugin.php                                       | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/Principal.php                                    | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/AbstractBackend.php             | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/BackendInterface.php            | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/PrincipalBackend/PDO.php                         | 2 +-
 lib/DAVACL/PrincipalCollection.php                          | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Backend/MockSubscriptionSupport.php      | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/ExpandEventsDTSTARTandDTENDTest.php      | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/ExpandEventsDTSTARTandDTENDbyDayTest.php | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/ExpandEventsDoubleEventsTest.php         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/GetEventsByTimerangeTest.php             | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Issue203Test.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Issue205Test.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Issue211Test.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Issue220Test.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Issue228Test.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/CalDAV/Schedule/IMip/MockPlugin.php             | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/HttpDeleteTest.php                          | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/HttpMoveTest.php                            | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/HttpPutTest.php                             | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/Locks/Backend/Mock.php                      | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/Mock/Collection.php                         | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/Mock/File.php                               | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/Mock/PropertiesCollection.php               | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAV/Sync/MockSyncCollection.php                 | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/DAVServerTest.php                               | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/HTTP/ResponseMock.php                           | 2 +-
 tests/Sabre/HTTP/SapiMock.php                               | 2 +-
 172 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

diff --cc CHANGELOG.md
index bd3e267,0aeba68..e869bc4
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@@ -1,229 -1,12 +1,235 @@@
 +3.0.6 (2015-??-??)
 +* #730: Switched all mysql tables to `utf8mb4` character set, allowing you to
 +  use emoji in some tables where you couldn't before.
 +* #729: Not all calls to `Sabre\DAV\Tree::getChildren()` were properly cached.
 +* #734: Return `418 I'm a Teapot` when generating a multistatus response that
 +  has resources with no returned properties.
 +3.0.5 (2015-09-15)
 +* #704: Fixed broken uri encoding in multistatus responses. This affected
 +  at least CyberDuck, but probably also others.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.7][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.1.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.2.0][xml].
 +3.0.4 (2015-09-06)
 +* #703: PropPatch in client is not correctly encoded.
 +* #709: Throw exception when running into empty
 +  `supported-calendar-component-set`.
 +* #711: Don't trigger deserializers for empty elements in `{DAV:}prop`. This
 +  fixes issues when using sabre/dav as a client.
 +* #705: A `MOVE` request that gets prevented from deleting the source resource
 +  will still remove the target resource. Now all events are triggered before
 +  any destructive operations.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.7][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.1.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.2.0][xml].
 +3.0.3 (2015-08-06)
 +* #700: Digest Auth fails on `HEAD` requests.
 +* Fixed example files to no longer use now-deprecated realm argument.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.6][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.1.0][xml].
 +3.0.2 (2015-07-21)
 +* #657: Migration script would break when coming a cross an iCalendar object
 +  with no UID.
 +* #691: Workaround for broken Windows Phone client.
 +* Fixed a whole bunch of incorrect php docblocks.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.5][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.1.0][xml].
 +3.0.1 (2015-07-02)
 +* #674: Postgres sql file fixes. (@davesouthey)
 +* #677: Resources with the name '0' would not get retrieved when using
 +  `Depth: infinity` in a `PROPFIND` request.
 +* #680: Fix 'autoprefixing' of dead `{DAV:}href` properties.
 +* #675: NTLM support in DAV\Client. (@k42b3)
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.5][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.1.0][xml].
 +3.0.0 (2015-06-02)
 +* No changes since last beta.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.5][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.0.0][xml].
 +3.0.0-beta3 (2015-05-29)
 +* Fixed deserializing href properties with no value.
 +* Fixed deserializing `{DAV:}propstat` without a `{DAV:}prop`.
 +* #668: More information about vcf-export-plugin in browser plugin.
 +* #669: Add export button to browser plugin for address books. (@mgee)
 +* #670: multiget report hrefs were not decoded.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.4][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.0.0][xml].
 +3.0.0-beta2 (2015-05-27)
 +* A node's properties should not overwrite properties that were already set.
 +* Some uris were not correctly encoded in notifications.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.4][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.0.0][xml].
 +3.0.0-beta1 (2015-05-25)
 +* `migrate22.php` is now called `migrate30.php`.
 +* Using php-cs-fixer for automated coding standards enforcement and fixing.
 +* #660: principals could break html output.
 +* #662: Fixed several bugs in the `share` request parser.
 +* #665: Fix a bug in serialization of complex properties in the proppatch
 +  request in the client.
 +* #666: expand-property report did not correctly prepend the base uri when
 +  generating uris, this caused delegation to break.
 +* #659: Don't throw errors when when etag-related checks are done on
 +  collections.
 +* Fully supporting the updated `Prefer` header syntax, as defined in
 +  [rfc7240][rfc7240].
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.3][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.0.0][xml].
 +3.0.0-alpha1 (2015-05-19)
 +* It's now possible to get all property information from files using the
 +  browser plugin.
 +* Browser plugin will now show a 'calendar export' button when the
 +  ics-export plugin is enabled.
 +* Some nodes that by default showed the current time as their last
 +  modification time, now no longer has a last modification time.
 +* CardDAV namespace was missing from default namespaceMap.
 +* #646: Properties can now control their own HTML output in the browser plugin.
 +* #646: Nicer HTML output for the `{DAV:}acl` property.
 +* Browser plugin no longer shows a few properties that take up a lot of space,
 +  but are likely not really interesting for most users.
 +* #654: Added a collection, `Sabre\DAVACL\FS\HomeCollection` for automatically
 +  creating a private home collection per-user.
 +* Changed all MySQL columns from `VARCHAR` to `VARBINARY` where possible.
 +* Improved older migration scripts a bit to allow easier testing.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.3][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0-alpha3][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 0.4.3][xml].
 +2.2.0-alpha4 (2015-04-13)
 +* Complete rewrite of the XML system. We now use our own [sabre/xml][xml],
 +  which has a much smarter XML Reader and Writer.
 +* BC Break: It's no longer possible to instantiate the Locks plugin without
 +  a locks backend. I'm not sure why this ever made sense.
 +* Simplified the Locking system and fixed a bug related to if tokens checking
 +  locks unrelated to the current request.
 +* `FSExt` Directory and File no longer do custom property storage. This
 +  functionality is already covered pretty well by the `PropertyStorage` plugin,
 +  so please switch.
 +* Renamed `Sabre\CardDAV\UserAddressBooks` to `Sabre\CardDAV\AddressBookHome`
 +  to be more consistent with `CalendarHome` as well as the CardDAV
 +  specification.
 +* `Sabre\DAV\IExtendedCollection` now receives a `Sabre\DAV\MkCol` object as
 +  its second argument, and no longer receives seperate properties and
 +  resourcetype arguments.
 +* `MKCOL` now integrates better with propertystorage plugins.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.2][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0-alpha1][http], [sabre/event 2.0.1][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.0][uri] and [sabre/xml 0.4.3][xml].
 +2.2.0-alpha3 (2015-02-25)
 +* Contains all the changes introduced between 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.4.2][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0-alpha1][http], [sabre/event 2.0.1][evnt] and
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.0][uri].
 +2.2.0-alpha2 (2015-01-09)
 +* Renamed `Sabre\DAV\Auth\Backend\BackendInterface::requireAuth` to
 +  `challenge`, which is a more correct and better sounding name.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 3.3.5][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 3.0.4][http], [sabre/event 2.0.1][evnt].
 +2.2.0-alpha1 (2014-12-10)
 +* The browser plugin now has a new page with information about your sabredav
 +  server, and shows information about every plugin that's loaded in the
 +  system.
 +* #191: The Authentication system can now support multiple authentication
 +  backends.
 +* Removed: all `$tableName` arguments from every PDO backend. This was already
 +  deprecated, but has now been fully removed. All of these have been replaced
 +  with public properties.
 +* Deleted several classes that were already deprecated much earlier:
 +  * `Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRootNode`
 +  * `Sabre\CalDAV\UserCalendars`
 +  * `Sabre\DAV\Exception\FileNotFound`
 +  * `Sabre\DAV\Locks\Backend\FS`
 +  * `Sabre\DAV\PartialUpdate\IFile`
 +  * `Sabre\DAV\URLUtil`
 +* Removed: `Sabre\DAV\Client::addTrustedCertificates` and
 +  `Sabre\DAV\Client::setVerifyPeer`.
 +* Removed: `Sabre\DAV\Plugin::getPlugin()` can now no longer return plugins
 +  based on its class name.
 +* Removed: `Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin::getPrincipalByEmail()`.
 +* #560: GuessContentType plugin will now set content-type to
 +  `application/octet-stream` if a better content-type could not be determined.
 +* #568: Added a `componentType` argument to `ICSExportPlugin`, allowing you to
 +  specifically fetch `VEVENT`, `VTODO` or `VJOURNAL`.
 +* #582: Authentication backend interface changed to be stateless. If you
 +  implemented your own authentication backend, make sure you upgrade your class
 +  to the latest API!
 +* #582: `Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin::getCurrentUser()` is now deprecated. Use
 +  `Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin::getCurrentPrincipal()` instead.
 +* #193: Fix `Sabre\DAV\FSExt\Directory::getQuotaInfo()` on windows.
+ 2.1.8 (????-??-??)
+ ------------------
+ * #729: Fixed a caching problem in the Tree object.
  2.1.7 (2015-09-05)
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/Backend/SchedulingSupport.php
index 4fe9db0,ba3c369..6ec0bf0
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SchedulingSupport.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SchedulingSupport.php
@@@ -6,9 -6,9 +6,9 @@@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend
   * Implementing this interface adds CalDAV Scheduling support to your caldav
   * server, as defined in rfc6638.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  interface SchedulingSupport extends BackendInterface {
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObjectContainer.php
index 195ac45,669d39b..0308b8a
--- a/lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObjectContainer.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/ICalendarObjectContainer.php
@@@ -11,9 -11,9 +11,9 @@@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV
   * In most cases you will likely want to look at ICalendar instead of this
   * interface.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  interface ICalendarObjectContainer extends \Sabre\DAV\ICollection {
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Plugin.php
index ed0e522,8408d4a..546bf92
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Plugin.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Notifications/Plugin.php
@@@ -20,9 -21,9 +20,9 @@@ use Sabre\HTTP\ResponseInterface
   * Before version 2.1.0 this functionality was part of Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin but
   * this has since been split up.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  class Plugin extends ServerPlugin {
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IInbox.php
index 6bd3a39,b49b8a9..c9fd77d
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IInbox.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/IInbox.php
@@@ -6,9 -6,9 +6,9 @@@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule
   * Implement this interface to have a node be recognized as a CalDAV scheduling
   * inbox.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  interface IInbox extends \Sabre\CalDAV\ICalendarObjectContainer, \Sabre\DAVACL\IACL {
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Inbox.php
index c3b3662,ce75cdf..f5e98ff
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Inbox.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Inbox.php
@@@ -11,9 -12,9 +11,9 @@@ use Sabre\VObject
   * The CalDAV scheduling inbox
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  class Inbox extends DAV\Collection implements IInbox {
diff --cc lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php
index e068d51,3ef0841..d13a309
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Schedule/Plugin.php
@@@ -47,9 -49,9 +47,9 @@@ use Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotImplemented
   * iSchedule is something for later.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  class Plugin extends ServerPlugin {
diff --cc lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php
index fc399de,e0e8761..ebc2518
--- a/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php
+++ b/lib/CardDAV/AddressBookHome.php
@@@ -2,17 -2,17 +2,17 @@@
  namespace Sabre\CardDAV;
 -    Sabre\DAV,
 -    Sabre\DAVACL,
 -    Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil;
 +use Sabre\DAV;
 +use Sabre\DAV\MkCol;
 +use Sabre\DAVACL;
 +use Sabre\Uri;
 - * UserAddressBooks class
 + * AddressBook Home class
 - * The UserAddressBooks collection contains a list of addressbooks associated with a user
 + * This collection contains a list of addressbooks associated with one user.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
   * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
diff --cc lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php
index bea242e,43a6886..818d8a4
--- a/lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php
+++ b/lib/DAV/Auth/Plugin.php
@@@ -12,14 -10,13 +12,14 @@@ use Sabre\DAV\ServerPlugin
   * This plugin provides Authentication for a WebDAV server.
 - * It relies on a Backend object, which provides user information.
 + * It works by providing a Auth\Backend class. Several examples of these
 + * classes can be found in the Backend directory.
 - * Additionally, it provides support for:
 - *  * {DAV:}current-user-principal property from RFC5397
 - *  * {DAV:}principal-collection-set property from RFC3744
 + * It's possible to provide more than one backend to this plugin. If more than
 + * one backend was provided, each backend will attempt to authenticate. Only if
 + * all backends fail, we throw a 401.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
   * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
diff --cc lib/DAV/IMoveTarget.php
index ca56286,1dce76a..f0f67bc
--- a/lib/DAV/IMoveTarget.php
+++ b/lib/DAV/IMoveTarget.php
@@@ -13,9 -13,9 +13,9 @@@ namespace Sabre\DAV
   * If a backend supports a better optimized move operation, this can trigger
   * some huge speed gains.
-  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
+  * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/)
   * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 - * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
 + * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
  interface IMoveTarget extends ICollection {

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