[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] 05/28: Merge branch '3.0' into 3.1

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 13 17:59:07 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabredav.

commit f307c743e9d0f48806c5e7f11e0eb197ddabc0c4
Merge: 9dbdbc3 0e401e1
Author: Evert Pot <me at evertpot.com>
Date:   Sat Feb 20 16:50:54 2016 -0500

    Merge branch '3.0' into 3.1

 CHANGELOG.md | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --cc CHANGELOG.md
index 6708a11,667a960..bc43f34
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@@ -1,82 -1,7 +1,81 @@@
 +3.1.1 (2016-01-25)
 +* #755: The brower plugin and some operations would break when scheduling and
 +  delegation would both be enabled.
 +* #757: A bunch of unittest improvements (@jakobsack).
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 4.0.2][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.2.1][http], [sabre/event 3.0.0][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.3.0][xml].
 +3.1.0 (2016-01-06)
 +* Better error message when the browser plugin is not enabled.
 +* Added a super minimal server example.
 +* #730: Switched all mysql tables to `utf8mb4` character set, allowing you to
 +  use emoji in some tables where you couldn't before.
 +* #710: Provide an Auth backend that acts as a helper for people implementing
 +  OAuth2 Bearer token. (@fkooman).
 +* #729: Not all calls to `Sabre\DAV\Tree::getChildren()` were properly cached.
 +* #727: Added another workaround to make CalDAV work for Windows 10 clients.
 +* #742: Fixes to make sure that vobject 4 is correctly supported.
 +* #726: Better error reporting in `Client::propPatch`. We're now throwing
 +  exceptions.
 +* #608: When a HTTP error is triggered during `Client:propFind`, we're now
 +  throwing `Sabre\HTTP\ClientHttpException` instead of `Sabre\DAV\Exception`.
 +  This new exception contains a LOT more information about the problem.
 +* #721: Events are now handled in the correct order for `COPY` requests.
 +  Before this subtle bugs could appear that could cause data-loss.
 +* #747: Now throwing exceptions and setting the HTTP status to 500 in subtle
 +  cases where no other plugin set a correct HTTP status.
 +* #686: Corrected PDO principal backend's findByURI for email addresses that
 +  don't match the exact capitalization.
 +* #512: The client now has it's own `User-Agent`.
 +* #720: Some browser improvements.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 4.0.1][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.2.1][http], [sabre/event 3.0.0][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.3.0][xml].
 +3.1.0-alpha2 (2015-09-05)
 +* Massive calendars and addressbooks should see a big drop in peak memory
 +  usage.
 +* Fixed a privilege bug in the availability system.
 +* #697: Added a "tableName" member to the PropertyStorage PDO backend. (@Frzk).
 +* #699: PostgreSQL fix for the Locks PDO backend. (@TCKnet)
 +* Removed the `simplefsserver.php` example file. It's not simple enough.
 +* #703: PropPatch in client is not correctly encoded.
 +* #709: Throw exception when running into empty
 +  `supported-calendar-component-set`.
 +* #711: Don't trigger deserializers for empty elements in `{DAV:}prop`. This
 +  fixes issues when using sabre/dav as a client.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 4.0.0-alpha2][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.1.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.2.0][xml].
 +3.1.0-alpha1 (2015-07-19)
 +* Now requires PHP 5.5
 +* Upgraded to vobject 4, which is a lot faster.
 +* Support for PHP 7.
 +* #690: Support for `calendar-availability`, draft 05.
 +  [reference][calendar-availability].
 +* #691: Workaround for broken Windows Phone client.
 +* The zip release ships with [sabre/vobject 4.0.0-alpha1][vobj],
 +  [sabre/http 4.0.0][http], [sabre/event 2.0.2][evnt],
 +  [sabre/uri 1.0.1][uri] and [sabre/xml 1.1.0][xml].
- 3.0.8 (2016-01-12)
+ 3.0.8 (2016-??-??)
  * #784: Sync logs for address books were not correctly cleaned up after

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-php/php-sabredav.git

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