[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] branch experimental updated (ed54e4e -> 1730687)
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 10 23:26:13 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository owncloud-client.
from ed54e4e relaxing dependency for owncloud-client for dolphin plugin
new 1b9d0ad Imported Upstream version 2.2.0~beta2+dfsg
new 4a30d1a Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.0_beta2+dfsg' into experimental
new f237980 New upstream release
new 4be101b Update copyright file
new c7c2a49 remove patch that was applied upstream
new 36a260b Update patches with new upstream
new 8739802 help gbp with different branches
new d181fcb update changelog
new a2a6b57 Imported Upstream version 2.2.0~rc1+dfsg
new f1dbfa9 Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.0_rc1+dfsg' into experimental
new 46d590a New upstream release
new 0384ae9 Update patchs environment
new 1730687 Add patch to keep tests running without a XServer.
The 13 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitmodules | 2 +-
.tag | 2 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 35 +-
ChangeLog | 23 +
VERSION.cmake | 7 +-
client.qrc | 1 +
cmake/modules/AddCMockaTest.cmake | 11 -
cmake/modules/MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in | 4 +-
cmake/modules/NSIS.template.in | 12 +-
cmake/modules/QtVersionAbstraction.cmake | 3 +
csync/src/CMakeLists.txt | 6 -
csync/src/csync.c | 80 +-
csync/src/csync.h | 54 +-
csync/src/csync_exclude.c | 62 +-
csync/src/csync_exclude.h | 33 +-
csync/src/csync_misc.h | 1 +
csync/src/csync_statedb.h | 2 +-
csync/src/csync_update.c | 68 +-
csync/src/std/c_rbtree.c | 13 +-
csync/src/std/c_rbtree.h | 26 +-
csync/src/vio/csync_vio_local_win.c | 18 +-
csync/tests/CMakeLists.txt | 4 -
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_commit.c | 19 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_create.c | 3 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_exclude.c | 106 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_init.c | 23 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_log.c | 3 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_statedb_load.c | 3 +-
.../tests/csync_tests/check_csync_statedb_query.c | 6 +-
csync/tests/csync_tests/check_csync_update.c | 12 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/ownCloud/Test.pm | 42 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/t1.pl | 4 +-
csync/tests/ownCloud/t9.pl | 2 +-
csync/tests/std_tests/check_std_c_rbtree.c | 31 +-
csync/tests/vio_tests/check_vio.c | 3 +-
csync/tests/vio_tests/check_vio_ext.c | 3 +-
debian/changelog | 10 +
debian/copyright | 9 +-
debian/gbp.conf | 1 +
debian/patches/0001-disable-updatecheck.patch | 18 +-
debian/patches/0003-skip_tests_freebsd.patch | 14 +-
debian/patches/0005-remove_admin.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/0006-move-configfile.patch | 12 +-
debian/patches/0007-move-translations.patch | 10 +-
debian/patches/0008-make-reproducable.patch | 6 +-
.../0009-fix-installpath-of-dolphin-plugin.patch | 39 +-
debian/patches/fix_typo.patch | 424 -------
debian/patches/series | 2 +-
debian/patches/use-guilesstests.patch | 195 +++
doc/advancedusage.rst | 5 +
doc/autoupdate.rst | 10 +-
doc/building.rst | 60 +-
doc/conffile.rst | 6 +
doc/images/client-8.png | Bin 83622 -> 73618 bytes
doc/images/client-9.png | Bin 53065 -> 87985 bytes
doc/images/menu.png | Bin 101298 -> 23242 bytes
doc/introduction.rst | 10 +-
doc/lowdiskspace.rst | 5 +
doc/navigating.rst | 56 +-
doc/owncloudcmd.rst | 2 +-
doc/troubleshooting.rst | 2 +-
mirall.desktop.in | 11 +
resources/bell.png | Bin 0 -> 900 bytes
shell_integration/dolphin/CMakeLists.txt | 27 +-
shell_integration/nautilus/syncstate.py | 116 +-
src/3rdparty/fancylineedit/fancylineedit.cpp | 353 ------
src/3rdparty/fancylineedit/fancylineedit.h | 121 --
src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/qtokenizer.h | 264 ++++
src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/qtokenizer.pro | 2 +
src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/test/test.pro | 8 +
src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/test/tst_qtokenizer.cpp | 139 +++
src/CMakeLists.txt | 22 +
src/cmd/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
src/cmd/cmd.cpp | 74 +-
src/cmd/netrcparser.cpp | 46 +-
src/cmd/netrcparser.h | 4 +-
src/gui/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
src/gui/accountmanager.cpp | 73 +-
src/gui/accountmanager.h | 17 +-
src/gui/accountsettings.cpp | 77 +-
src/gui/accountsettings.h | 1 -
src/gui/accountstate.cpp | 13 +
src/gui/accountstate.h | 21 +-
.../activitydata.cpp} | 31 +-
src/gui/activitydata.h | 89 ++
src/gui/activitylistmodel.cpp | 228 ++++
src/gui/activitylistmodel.h | 67 +
src/gui/activitywidget.cpp | 636 ++++++----
src/gui/activitywidget.h | 139 +--
src/gui/activitywidget.ui | 64 +-
src/gui/application.cpp | 12 +-
src/gui/creds/shibbolethcredentials.cpp | 7 +-
src/gui/folder.cpp | 505 +++-----
src/gui/folder.h | 66 +-
src/gui/folderman.cpp | 129 +-
src/gui/folderman.h | 25 +-
src/gui/folderstatusdelegate.cpp | 42 +-
src/gui/folderstatusmodel.cpp | 75 +-
src/gui/folderwatcher_linux.cpp | 2 +-
src/gui/folderwatcher_win.cpp | 173 ++-
src/gui/folderwatcher_win.h | 17 +-
src/gui/folderwizard.cpp | 55 +-
src/gui/folderwizard.h | 1 +
src/gui/folderwizardsourcepage.ui | 19 +-
src/gui/generalsettings.cpp | 7 +-
src/gui/lockwatcher.cpp | 51 +
src/gui/lockwatcher.h | 66 +
src/gui/main.cpp | 18 +-
src/gui/networksettings.cpp | 5 +
src/gui/notificationconfirmjob.cpp | 82 ++
src/gui/notificationconfirmjob.h | 90 ++
src/gui/notificationwidget.cpp | 147 +++
src/gui/notificationwidget.h | 60 +
src/gui/notificationwidget.ui | 124 ++
src/gui/ocsjob.cpp | 2 +-
src/gui/ocsjob.h | 2 +
src/gui/ocssharejob.cpp | 9 +-
src/gui/ocssharejob.h | 7 +-
src/gui/owncloudgui.cpp | 132 +-
src/gui/owncloudgui.h | 5 +-
src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp | 7 -
src/gui/protocolwidget.cpp | 62 +-
src/gui/protocolwidget.h | 2 +-
src/gui/quotainfo.cpp | 9 +-
src/gui/quotainfo.h | 3 +
src/gui/selectivesyncdialog.cpp | 50 +-
src/gui/selectivesyncdialog.h | 1 +
src/gui/servernotificationhandler.cpp | 103 ++
src/gui/servernotificationhandler.h | 47 +
src/gui/settingsdialog.cpp | 12 +-
src/gui/share.cpp | 79 +-
src/gui/share.h | 21 +-
src/gui/sharedialog.cpp | 139 ++-
src/gui/sharedialog.h | 24 +-
src/gui/sharedialog.ui | 2 +-
src/gui/sharelinkwidget.cpp | 21 +-
src/gui/sharelinkwidget.h | 5 +-
src/gui/sharelinkwidget.ui | 57 +-
src/gui/sharepermissions.h | 37 +
src/gui/shareusergroupwidget.cpp | 93 +-
src/gui/shareusergroupwidget.h | 12 +-
src/gui/shareusergroupwidget.ui | 73 +-
src/gui/socketapi.cpp | 377 ++----
src/gui/socketapi.h | 14 +-
src/gui/tooltipupdater.cpp | 59 +
src/gui/tooltipupdater.h | 52 +
src/gui/version.rc.in | 20 +-
src/gui/wizard/owncloudadvancedsetuppage.cpp | 4 +-
src/gui/wizard/owncloudhttpcredspage.cpp | 16 +
src/gui/wizard/owncloudhttpcredspage.ui | 4 +-
src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetupnocredspage.ui | 9 +-
src/gui/wizard/owncloudsetuppage.cpp | 16 +-
src/gui/wizard/postfixlineedit.cpp | 81 ++
src/gui/wizard/postfixlineedit.h | 55 +
src/libsync/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +-
src/libsync/abstractnetworkjob.cpp | 7 +-
src/libsync/abstractnetworkjob.h | 1 +
src/libsync/account.cpp | 32 +-
src/libsync/account.h | 21 +-
src/libsync/accountfwd.h | 2 +-
src/libsync/capabilities.cpp | 35 +-
src/libsync/capabilities.h | 37 +-
src/libsync/checksums.cpp | 9 +-
src/libsync/checksums.h | 5 +-
src/libsync/configfile.cpp | 50 +-
src/libsync/configfile.h | 12 +-
src/libsync/connectionvalidator.cpp | 9 +-
src/libsync/connectionvalidator.h | 2 +-
src/libsync/discoveryphase.cpp | 12 +-
src/libsync/excludedfiles.cpp | 47 +-
src/libsync/excludedfiles.h | 26 +-
src/libsync/filesystem.cpp | 35 +
src/libsync/filesystem.h | 5 +
src/libsync/networkjobs.cpp | 15 +-
src/libsync/networkjobs.h | 2 +-
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp | 83 +-
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.h | 19 +-
src/libsync/owncloudtheme.cpp | 1 +
src/libsync/owncloudtheme.h | 1 +
src/libsync/ownsql.cpp | 11 +-
src/libsync/ownsql.h | 4 +-
src/libsync/progressdispatcher.cpp | 2 +-
src/libsync/progressdispatcher.h | 2 -
src/libsync/propagatedownload.cpp | 104 +-
src/libsync/propagatedownload.h | 7 +
src/libsync/propagateremotedelete.cpp | 4 +-
src/libsync/propagateremotedelete.h | 3 +
src/libsync/propagateremotemkdir.cpp | 15 +-
src/libsync/propagateremotemkdir.h | 3 +
src/libsync/propagateremotemove.cpp | 23 +-
src/libsync/propagateupload.cpp | 43 +-
src/libsync/propagatorjobs.cpp | 16 +-
src/libsync/syncengine.cpp | 203 +++-
src/libsync/syncengine.h | 51 +-
src/libsync/syncfileitem.h | 1 +
src/libsync/syncfilestatus.cpp | 28 +-
src/libsync/syncfilestatus.h | 17 +-
src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.cpp | 250 ++++
src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.h | 67 +
src/libsync/syncjournaldb.cpp | 97 +-
src/libsync/syncjournaldb.h | 7 +-
src/libsync/theme.cpp | 57 +-
src/libsync/theme.h | 89 +-
src/libsync/utility.cpp | 85 +-
src/libsync/utility.h | 14 +-
sync-exclude.lst | 3 +
test/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
test/main.cpp.in | 22 -
test/oc_bin.h.in | 3 -
test/owncloud_add_test.cmake | 5 +-
test/stub.cpp | 2 +-
...ecksumvalidator.h => testchecksumvalidator.cpp} | 5 +-
test/{testconcaturl.h => testconcaturl.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testcsyncsqlite.h => testcsyncsqlite.cpp} | 6 +-
test/testexcludedfiles.cpp | 50 +
test/testexcludedfiles.h | 50 -
test/{testfilesystem.h => testfilesystem.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testfolder.h => testfolder.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testfolderman.h => testfolderman.cpp} | 11 +-
.../{testfolderwatcher.h => testfolderwatcher.cpp} | 6 +-
...testinotifywatcher.h => testinotifywatcher.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testnetrcparser.h => testnetrcparser.cpp} | 10 +-
...loudpropagator.h => testowncloudpropagator.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testownsql.h => testownsql.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testsyncfileitem.h => testsyncfileitem.cpp} | 6 +-
.../{testsyncjournaldb.h => testsyncjournaldb.cpp} | 6 +-
test/{testupdater.h => testupdater.cpp} | 6 +-
test/testutility.cpp | 171 +++
test/testutility.h | 123 --
test/{testxmlparse.h => testxmlparse.cpp} | 8 +-
translations/.tx/config | 5 +
translations/client_ca.ts | 1124 +++++++++--------
translations/client_cs.ts | 1049 +++++++++-------
translations/client_de.ts | 1059 +++++++++-------
translations/client_el.ts | 1048 +++++++++-------
translations/client_en.ts | 1057 +++++++++-------
translations/client_es.ts | 1048 +++++++++-------
translations/client_es_AR.ts | 1028 +++++++++-------
translations/client_et.ts | 1039 +++++++++-------
translations/client_eu.ts | 1035 +++++++++-------
translations/client_fa.ts | 1029 +++++++++-------
translations/client_fi.ts | 1043 +++++++++-------
translations/client_fr.ts | 1049 +++++++++-------
translations/client_gl.ts | 1040 +++++++++-------
translations/client_hu.ts | 1137 +++++++++--------
translations/client_it.ts | 1049 +++++++++-------
translations/client_ja.ts | 1045 +++++++++-------
translations/client_nb_NO.ts | 1053 +++++++++-------
translations/client_nl.ts | 1095 ++++++++++-------
translations/client_pl.ts | 1240 +++++++++++--------
translations/client_pt.ts | 1049 +++++++++-------
translations/client_pt_BR.ts | 1056 +++++++++-------
translations/client_ru.ts | 1055 +++++++++-------
translations/client_sk.ts | 1059 +++++++++-------
translations/client_sl.ts | 1179 ++++++++++--------
translations/client_sr.ts | 1047 +++++++++-------
translations/client_sv.ts | 1278 +++++++++++---------
translations/client_th.ts | 1072 +++++++++-------
translations/client_tr.ts | 1062 +++++++++-------
translations/client_uk.ts | 1049 +++++++++-------
translations/client_zh_CN.ts | 1269 ++++++++++---------
translations/client_zh_TW.ts | 1053 +++++++++-------
262 files changed, 25729 insertions(+), 17768 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/fix_typo.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/use-guilesstests.patch
create mode 100644 doc/lowdiskspace.rst
create mode 100644 resources/bell.png
mode change 100755 => 100644 shell_integration/nautilus/syncstate.py
delete mode 100644 src/3rdparty/fancylineedit/fancylineedit.cpp
delete mode 100644 src/3rdparty/fancylineedit/fancylineedit.h
create mode 100644 src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/qtokenizer.h
create mode 100644 src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/qtokenizer.pro
create mode 100644 src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/test/test.pro
create mode 100644 src/3rdparty/qtokenizer/test/tst_qtokenizer.cpp
copy src/{cmd/simplesslerrorhandler.h => gui/activitydata.cpp} (53%)
create mode 100644 src/gui/activitydata.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/activitylistmodel.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/activitylistmodel.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/lockwatcher.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/lockwatcher.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/notificationconfirmjob.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/notificationconfirmjob.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/notificationwidget.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/notificationwidget.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/notificationwidget.ui
create mode 100644 src/gui/servernotificationhandler.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/servernotificationhandler.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/sharepermissions.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/tooltipupdater.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/tooltipupdater.h
create mode 100644 src/gui/wizard/postfixlineedit.cpp
create mode 100644 src/gui/wizard/postfixlineedit.h
create mode 100644 src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.cpp
create mode 100644 src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.h
delete mode 100644 test/main.cpp.in
delete mode 100644 test/oc_bin.h.in
rename test/{testchecksumvalidator.h => testchecksumvalidator.cpp} (98%)
rename test/{testconcaturl.h => testconcaturl.cpp} (97%)
rename test/{testcsyncsqlite.h => testcsyncsqlite.cpp} (97%)
create mode 100644 test/testexcludedfiles.cpp
delete mode 100644 test/testexcludedfiles.h
rename test/{testfilesystem.h => testfilesystem.cpp} (96%)
rename test/{testfolder.h => testfolder.cpp} (94%)
rename test/{testfolderman.h => testfolderman.cpp} (92%)
rename test/{testfolderwatcher.h => testfolderwatcher.cpp} (98%)
rename test/{testinotifywatcher.h => testinotifywatcher.cpp} (96%)
rename test/{testnetrcparser.h => testnetrcparser.cpp} (89%)
rename test/{testowncloudpropagator.h => testowncloudpropagator.cpp} (96%)
rename test/{testownsql.h => testownsql.cpp} (98%)
rename test/{testsyncfileitem.h => testsyncfileitem.cpp} (96%)
rename test/{testsyncjournaldb.h => testsyncjournaldb.cpp} (98%)
rename test/{testupdater.h => testupdater.cpp} (92%)
create mode 100644 test/testutility.cpp
delete mode 100644 test/testutility.h
rename test/{testxmlparse.h => testxmlparse.cpp} (99%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git
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