[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [php-sabredav] 34/220: Disconnected sharing from notifications.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 12 01:21:04 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository php-sabredav.
commit 85a8a0abb5f10577c81c681afa4d3dd6e44a8831
Author: Evert Pot <me at evertpot.com>
Date: Tue Oct 20 18:06:19 2015 -0400
Disconnected sharing from notifications.
lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php | 15 +++++
lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php | 47 ---------------
lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php | 95 ++++++++----------------------
3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php
index 6ccac64..8b20b67 100644
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/NotificationSupport.php
@@ -43,4 +43,19 @@ interface NotificationSupport extends BackendInterface {
function deleteNotification($principalUri, NotificationInterface $notification);
+ /**
+ * This method is called when a user replied to a request to share.
+ *
+ * If the user chose to accept the share, this method should return the
+ * newly created calendar url.
+ *
+ * @param string href The sharee who is replying (often a mailto: address)
+ * @param int status One of the SharingPlugin::STATUS_* constants
+ * @param string $calendarUri The url to the calendar thats being shared
+ * @param string $inReplyTo The unique id this message is a response to
+ * @param string $summary A description of the reply
+ * @return null|string
+ */
+ function shareReply($href, $status, $calendarUri, $inReplyTo, $summary = null);
diff --git a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php
index e109283..ef10f7d 100644
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/PDO.php
@@ -1369,26 +1369,6 @@ SQL;
- /**
- * This method is called when a user replied to a request to share.
- *
- * If the user chose to accept the share, this method should return the
- * newly created calendar url.
- *
- * @param string href The sharee who is replying (often a mailto: address)
- * @param int status One of the SharingPlugin::STATUS_* constants
- * @param string $calendarUri The url to the calendar thats being shared
- * @param string $inReplyTo The unique id this message is a response to
- * @param string $summary A description of the reply
- * @return null|string
- */
- function shareReply($href, $status, $calendarUri, $inReplyTo, $summary = null) {
- throw new \Exception('Not implemented');
- }
* Publishes a calendar
@@ -1402,31 +1382,4 @@ SQL;
- /**
- * Returns a list of notifications for a given principal url.
- *
- * @param string $principalUri
- * @return NotificationInterface[]
- */
- function getNotificationsForPrincipal($principalUri) {
- throw new \Exception('Not implemented');
- }
- /**
- * This deletes a specific notifcation.
- *
- * This may be called by a client once it deems a notification handled.
- *
- * @param string $principalUri
- * @param NotificationInterface $notification
- * @return void
- */
- function deleteNotification($principalUri, NotificationInterface $notification) {
- throw new \Exception('Not implemented');
- }
diff --git a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php
index df5453f..5d2adde 100644
--- a/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php
+++ b/lib/CalDAV/Backend/SharingSupport.php
@@ -26,34 +26,6 @@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend;
* When a user shares a calendar, the updateShares() method will be called with
* a list of sharees that are now added, and a list of sharees that have been
* removed.
- * Removal is instant, but when a sharee is added the sharee first gets a
- * chance to accept or reject the invitation for a share.
- *
- * After a share is accepted, the calendar will be returned from
- * getUserCalendars for both the sharer, and the sharee.
- *
- * If the sharee deletes the calendar, only their share gets deleted. When the
- * owner deletes a calendar, it will be removed for everybody.
- *
- *
- * Notifications
- * =============
- *
- * During all these sharing operations, a lot of notifications are sent back
- * and forward.
- *
- * Whenever the list of sharees for a calendar has been changed (they have been
- * added, removed or modified) all sharees should get a notification for this
- * change.
- * This notification is always represented by:
- *
- * Sabre\CalDAV\Xml\Notification\Invite
- *
- * In the case of an invite, the sharee may reply with an 'accept' or
- * 'decline'. These are always represented by:
- *
- * Sabre\CalDAV\Xml\Notification\InviteReply
- *
* Calendar access by sharees
* ==========================
@@ -61,34 +33,28 @@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend;
* As mentioned earlier, shared calendars must now also be returned for
* getCalendarsForUser for sharees. A few things change though.
- * The following properties must be specified:
+ * The following key must be returned for shared calendars:
- * 1. share-access
+ * share-access
* If the calendar is shared, share-access must be provided and must be one of
* the Sabre\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::ACCESS_ constants.
- * 2. read-only
- *
- * This should be either 0 or 1, depending on if the user has read-only or
- * read-write access to the calendar.
- *
* Only when this is done, the calendar will correctly be marked as a calendar
* that's shared to him, thus allowing clients to display the correct interface
* and ACL enforcement.
+ * Deleting calendars
+ * ==================
+ *
+ * As an implementor you also need to make sure that deleting calendars
+ * behaves as expected.
+ *
* If a sharee deletes their calendar, only their instance of the calendar
* should be deleted, the original should still exists.
- * Pretty much any 'dead' WebDAV properties on these shared calendars should be
- * specific to a user. This means that if the displayname is changed by a
- * sharee, the original is not affected. This is also true for:
- * * The description
- * * The color
- * * The order
- * * And any other dead properties.
- * Properties like a ctag should not be different for multiple instances of the
- * calendar.
+ * Per user-data
+ * ============
* Lastly, objects *within* calendars should also have user-specific data. The
* two things that are user-specific are:
@@ -99,9 +65,6 @@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend;
* this has no effect on the original VALARM.
* Understandably, the this last requirement is one of the hardest.
- * Realisticly, I can see people ignoring this part of the spec, but that could
- * cause a different set of issues.
- *
* Publishing
* ==========
@@ -131,23 +94,26 @@ namespace Sabre\CalDAV\Backend;
* will actually publish it.
- * Selectively disabling publish or share feature
- * ==============================================
+ * Integration with notifications
+ * ==============================
+ *
+ * If the SharingSupport interface is implemented, it's possible to allow
+ * people to immediately share calendars with other users.
- * If Sabre\CalDAV\Property\AllowedSharingModes is returned from
- * getCalendarsForUser, this allows the server to specify whether either sharing,
- * or publishing is supported.
+ * However, in some cases it may be desired to let the invitee first know
+ * that someone is trying to share something with them, and allow them to
+ * accept or reject the share.
- * This allows a client to determine in advance which features are available,
- * and update the interface appropriately. If this property is not returned by
- * the backend, the SharingPlugin automatically injects it and assumes both
- * features are available.
+ * If this behavior is desired, it's also required to implement the
+ * NotificationSupport interface. Implementing that interface will allow
+ * supporting clients to display invitations and let users accept or reject
+ * them straight from within their calendaring application.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
* @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
* @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
-interface SharingSupport extends NotificationSupport {
+interface SharingSupport extends BackendInterface {
* Updates the list of shares.
@@ -195,21 +161,6 @@ interface SharingSupport extends NotificationSupport {
function getShares($calendarId);
- * This method is called when a user replied to a request to share.
- *
- * If the user chose to accept the share, this method should return the
- * newly created calendar url.
- *
- * @param string href The sharee who is replying (often a mailto: address)
- * @param int status One of the SharingPlugin::STATUS_* constants
- * @param string $calendarUri The url to the calendar thats being shared
- * @param string $inReplyTo The unique id this message is a response to
- * @param string $summary A description of the reply
- * @return null|string
- */
- function shareReply($href, $status, $calendarUri, $inReplyTo, $summary = null);
- /**
* Publishes a calendar
* @param mixed $calendarId
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