[Pkg-owncloud-commits] [owncloud-client] 01/03: Merge branch 'master' into experimental
Sandro Knauß
hefee-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jun 8 11:06:17 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hefee-guest pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository owncloud-client.
commit cef754fee83bbc788c0dbee665fbb0f7ea595513
Merge: d7e1ada 3f6b955
Author: Sandro Knauß <bugs at sandroknauss.de>
Date: Wed Jun 8 11:32:35 2016 +0200
Merge branch 'master' into experimental
.tag | 2 +-
.travis.yml | 14 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 12 +
ChangeLog | 13 +
VERSION.cmake | 2 +-
csync/src/csync_update.c | 1 +
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/patches/0005-remove_admin.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/0006-move-configfile.patch | 10 +-
debian/patches/fix_testutility.patch | 21 --
debian/patches/series | 2 -
debian/patches/use-guilesstests.patch | 195 -----------
doc/conf.py.in | 4 +-
doc/images/client-9.png | Bin 87985 -> 53694 bytes
doc/images/client6.png | Bin 50517 -> 59580 bytes
doc/images/mac-share.png | Bin 59496 -> 229153 bytes
doc/images/menu.png | Bin 23242 -> 20710 bytes
doc/images/share-2.png | Bin 24573 -> 35142 bytes
doc/index.rst | 6 +-
doc/introduction.rst | 28 +-
doc/navigating.rst | 59 ++--
mirall.desktop.in | 124 ++++++-
src/3rdparty/certificates/p12topem.cpp | 10 +-
src/gui/accountstate.cpp | 6 +-
src/gui/creds/shibboleth/shibbolethwebview.cpp | 7 +-
src/gui/folder.cpp | 3 +-
src/gui/folderwizard.cpp | 23 +-
src/gui/main.cpp | 4 +-
src/gui/owncloudgui.cpp | 2 +-
src/gui/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp | 2 +-
src/gui/protocolwidget.cpp | 13 +-
src/gui/shareusergroupwidget.cpp | 4 +-
src/gui/updater/ocupdater.cpp | 2 +
src/libsync/abstractnetworkjob.cpp | 1 +
src/libsync/account.cpp | 23 +-
src/libsync/account.h | 7 +-
src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.h | 8 +-
src/libsync/progressdispatcher.cpp | 66 +++-
src/libsync/progressdispatcher.h | 20 +-
src/libsync/propagatedownload.cpp | 1 -
src/libsync/propagateupload.cpp | 18 +-
src/libsync/syncengine.cpp | 26 +-
src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.cpp | 14 +-
src/libsync/syncjournaldb.cpp | 19 +-
src/libsync/syncjournalfilerecord.cpp | 1 +
src/libsync/syncjournalfilerecord.h | 1 +
src/libsync/utility.cpp | 19 +-
test/owncloud_add_test.cmake | 2 +-
test/testchecksumvalidator.cpp | 7 +-
test/testconcaturl.cpp | 2 +-
test/testcsyncsqlite.cpp | 2 +-
test/testexcludedfiles.cpp | 2 +-
test/testfilesystem.cpp | 2 +-
test/testfolder.cpp | 2 +-
test/testfolderman.cpp | 2 +-
test/testfolderwatcher.cpp | 7 +-
test/testinotifywatcher.cpp | 2 +-
test/testnetrcparser.cpp | 2 +-
test/testowncloudpropagator.cpp | 2 +-
test/testownsql.cpp | 2 +-
test/testsyncfileitem.cpp | 2 +-
test/testsyncjournaldb.cpp | 2 +-
test/testupdater.cpp | 2 +-
test/testutility.cpp | 4 +-
test/testxmlparse.cpp | 7 +-
translations/client_ca.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_cs.ts | 358 ++++++++++----------
translations/client_de.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_el.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_en.ts | 264 ++++++++-------
translations/client_es.ts | 250 +++++++-------
translations/client_es_AR.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_et.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_eu.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_fa.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_fi.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_fr.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_gl.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_hu.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_it.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_ja.ts | 250 +++++++-------
translations/client_nb_NO.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_nl.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_pl.ts | 258 +++++++-------
translations/client_pt.ts | 445 +++++++++++++------------
translations/client_pt_BR.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_ru.ts | 328 +++++++++---------
translations/client_sk.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_sl.ts | 262 +++++++--------
translations/client_sr.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_sv.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_th.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_tr.ts | 246 +++++++-------
translations/client_uk.ts | 334 +++++++++----------
translations/client_zh_CN.ts | 341 +++++++++----------
translations/client_zh_TW.ts | 250 +++++++-------
96 files changed, 4590 insertions(+), 4530 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-owncloud/owncloud-client.git
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