[Pkg-pagekite-devel] PageKite and Debian (forked from FreedomBox thead)
Edvin Dunaway
edvin at eddinn.net
Tue Apr 26 21:24:29 UTC 2011
so where do we stand in this? I gather that I'll be creating a second set of
.deb packages for the PageKite project, along with .rpm packages for the
Fedora Project later on.
Jonas: you mentioned "CDBS and git-buildpackage", I'll be looking into that,
but is there anything you'd like to add to the specific structure and making
of the .deb package?
thought it was appropriate to ask since you're quite nailed down on how to
do things :)
I've already registered to the project and followed the steps described by
you in the post earlier.
Edvin Dunaway
edvin at eddinn.net
+354 8229344
2011/4/26 Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson <bre at pagekite.net>
> Hello again!
> Resurrecting this thread, I'd like to introduce Edvin Dunaway (cc'ed), who
> is going to work on packaging and some other related PageKite things this
> summer. He's still catching up on all the background, but I expect he'll be
> actively contributing pretty soon.
> 2011/2/7 Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson <bre at pagekite.net>
>> Progress has been made!
>> * https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-pagekite/ - the project page
>> * http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-pagekite-devel -
>> the mailing list
>> Also:
>> * https://alioth.debian.org/projects/collab-maint/
>> Hrafnkell: in order to apply form membership of pkg-pagekite and
>> collab-maint, as recommended by Jonas, you'll need to create an account and
>> look for an "Request to join" link at the bottom of the sidebar on the
>> project-page for each group. It's a long scroll for collab-maint. :-)
>> I am CC-ing the mailing list on this, so the quoted chit chat now becomes
>> public record.
>> 2011/1/30 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
>>> Hi Bjarni and, assumably, Hrafnkell,
>>> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 09:31:36PM +0000, Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson wrote:
>>>> Have you had a chance to take a look at any of our work yet? Just
>>>> wondering if there is anything else we can do to make progress with this,
>>>> now that the bug report has been filed and sitting there for a little while.
>>>> Also, I was wondering if you were planning to be at FOSDEM next weekend?
>>>> I'll be there, if you're around it might be nice to meet in person. :-)
>>> Sorry for my silence. Things have just piled up around me lately - a
>>> whole slew of interesting projects I let myself get involved in, including
>>> yours! :-D
>>> No, only now that you poke me again (and thanks for that, it helps!) did
>>> I have a look at the KiteNet concept on your website. And skimmed a bit of
>>> the surrounding as well (great gimmick Már did with his blog photo!).
>>> Not sure if you already told about your skills in packaging. But I am
>>> pretty sure I already warned you that I am stubborn about packaging style
>>> (but quite happy to let others in on it): CDBS and git-buildpackage!
>>> You are upstream for this code, I believe. It might be tempting to then
>>> release your code directly packaged for Debian, but I strongly recommend
>>> against that: Instead, I believe best is to keep upstream work and Debian
>>> packaging strictly separate even if both works share collaborators: You
>>> release your upstream code as sensibly versioned tarballs, and then we grab
>>> those tarballs as a packaging team, add a debian subdir, and release it for
>>> Debian.
>>> You already filed an ITP bugreport for it. Great!
>>> Next is to create a space for us to work. Here I prefer that we make it
>>> as easy as possible for any Debian Developer to casually contribute to our
>>> packaging efforts. It might never happen that anyone but us few team members
>>> actually do contribute directly to our packaging git, but since git is a
>>> _distributed_ VCS, there is little possibility that anyone can interrupt our
>>> work by wrong/garbled/bogus commits. So I propose that our canonical git is
>>> stored in the collab-maint area at Debian Alioth. This does mean that any
>>> non-DD (like you, I guess) need to jump through one additional hoop compared
>>> to using another hosting - but as argued above I find that this is a
>>> reasonable price to pay for making it easier to gain contributions from DDs.
>>> Here's the logic:
>>> 1) Each of you create an account at https://alioth.debian.org/
>>> 2) One of you request a project for Debian packaging of KiteNet -
>>> e.g. pkg-kitenet. Also request a mailinglist "pkg-kitenet-devel",
>>> but no other services than that (not even VCS!).
>>> 3) All of us join that new pkg-kitenet group
>>> 4) Each of you request membership of collab-maint, mentioning as
>>> argument in the request that you need it as code contributing member of
>>> the pkg-kitenet team
>>> We could avoid step 4 (and the annoyance of any new non-DD member of our
>>> team needing to similarly request membership twice. The benefit of this is
>>> that _all_ DDs by have write-access to collab-maint area, and I find it
>>> beneficial to us making it easiest possible for DDs to contribute.
>>> When that's setup we can start packaging. Well, we could do that
>>> already, but I really do want us to discuss transparently so want to move to
>>> a list as soon as possible and continue from there :-)
>>> All ok?
>>> - Jonas
>>> --
>>> * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>>> * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>>> [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private
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>>> =oy+8
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> --
>> Bjarni R. Einarsson
>> The Beanstalks Project ehf.
>> Making personal web-pages fly: http://pagekite.net/
> --
> Bjarni R. Einarsson
> The Beanstalks Project ehf.
> Making personal web-pages fly: http://pagekite.net/
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