[Pkg-pagekite-devel] Pkg-pagekite-devel Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2

Edvin Dunaway edvin at eddinn.net
Thu Apr 28 21:25:24 UTC 2011

Jonas: ok, I'll take a look at that Wiki, thanks.
regarding the all-in-one file, we have broken the configuration down to a
few rc files (pagekite.rc, which can include local.rc, and also .pagekite.rc
in ~/ ) but I guess we could use a conf file if needed.
although the pagekite.py is doing all the work, you can customize alot in
the .rc/.conf.

I was thinking of the following structure for default locations of files and
binaries, for starters:

-pagekite.conf (if needed?)
/home/user/pagekite/wwwroot/ (optional for the built in pyhttp daemon?)

most of this can be done via .rc/.conf and daemon parameters
BRE: what's your input on this?

Jonas: yes, I forgot to switch when I subscribed, but after getting the
batch yesterday I promptly changed the settings :p

Edvin Dunaway
edvin at eddinn.net
+354 8229344

2011/4/28 Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>

> On 11-04-28 at 08:00pm, Edvin Dunaway wrote:
> > yes, I agree.
> > we need to settle on what will be in that tarball and as well create a
> > reposatory for git-buildpackage; BRE: I'll contact you tomorrow about
> > it. I've been looking into it and so far it's been quite straight
> > forward, though I'm still getting used to git.
> > the documentation that I've been reading is here:
> > http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.html
> >
> > Jonas: any hints, ideas or specifications on your behalf?
> Above looks like the official documentation for git-buildpackage.
> That's a good read, but beware that it covers several ways to use the
> tool, not necessarily the most common or the one currently best
> integrated with other packaging tools.  Have a look here as well - that
> seems (from a quick glance) to better cover that other end of the scale:
> http://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit
> Regarding upstream tarball releases: The description on your code being
> all contained in a single script unfolding itself automagically and
> therefore not needing common things like config file or documentation,
> really really worries me!  That might be cool when you serve the code
> directly to your end-users, but un-cool when distributed by e.g. Debian.
> Commonly sysadmins are conservative - hate it when scripts try to be
> clever.  Distributors are even more conservative - if needing to later
> change a comma in the script e.g. due to a security bug, thousands or
> millions of users may be affected and not expect an already installed
> tool to change behaviour *at* *all* during a stable security update.
> Tools should be reliable, not clever.  Not create config files
> automagically, but contain sensible internal defaults and/or fail if
> crucial config info is missing.
> So I stringly urge you to revisit how you design your tool.  To store
> boring old-style config files separately, to include a README containing
> runtime usage info, an INSTALL document containing setup info, and a man
> page containing more or less the same as the README but in a very strict
> composition. And so on and so on.  Basically: Look at how others ship
> code, and mimick most possible of that, instead of trying to be smarter!
> Edvin: I recommend to avoid the "digest" mode of subscription to the
> mailinglist, as that disrupts the naming of threads. :-)
> Kind regards,
>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
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