[Pkg-parrot-devel] Packages files for Parrot 3.[03].0 imported in git (was: Re: Parrot 3.3.0-1 package is in mentors)

Alessandro Ghedini al3xbio at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 13:39:42 UTC 2011

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 02:18:56PM +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> Le dimanche 24 avril 2011 22:29:31, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> > git-import-dscs (note the final 's') imports all the versions of a package 
> > but it does not preserve changelog messages, it only saves e.g. 
> > "Imported Upstream version X.Y.Z" and "Imported Debian patch X.Y.Z".
> > 
> > You can try this with:
> > 
> >     $ git import-dscs --pristine-tar --debsnap parrot
> Thanks for the tip.
> I've used git-import-dscs --pristine-tar to import both parrot packages (3.0.0 
> and 3.3.0)

Given that Allison merged only some parts of the 3.3.0 changes we'll have 
to redo the import (no need to rush, we can wait untill 3.3.0 gets uploaded)
maybe including also all the previous parrot versions. IMHO the cleanest 
solution would be to re-start with a blank repository, so that unused 
changes does not float around in the repository.

We should also arrange some sort of policy on how to interact with the
repository (e.g. [0], [1] and [2]) in order to avoid future problems.

Anyway, it seems like you forgot to push the git tags (do it with 
"git push --tags") :)


[0] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging#Packaging_guidelines
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging#Workflow_guidelines
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging#Common_tasks_for_team_members

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