[Pkg-parrot-devel] Parrot 3.9.0 today

Allison Randal allison at parrot.org
Wed Nov 23 07:51:20 UTC 2011

On 11/22/2011 01:13 PM, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> Le Saturday 12 November 2011 17:11:15, Allison Randal a écrit :
>> Aye, this will happen on every new release I upload as a DM, because of
>> the way libraries are versioned.
>> I pinged my sponsor last night to push it through.
> Any news on that topic ?

Just found out today he's on holiday for two weeks, so I won't pester
him with it just now (he deserves the break).

If you're inclined to sponsor this release, let me know.


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