[Pkg-pciutils-discuss] new uploads to fix list address and new cvs module

Matt Taggart taggart at debian.org
Tue Jun 13 07:17:25 UTC 2006


As you've just seen, I just uploaded new pciutils (2.2.1-2) and libpci2 
(2.1.11-2) packages. This was to fix the typo of the list address in the 
maintainer field, it being wrong was causing us not to see messages from the 
archive tools or BTS. So that's fixed now.

Barring any bugs in those uploads, we won't upload the new 2.2.4 stuff to 
unstable until things make it into testing. So until then we'll use 

While I was doing the uploaded I decided to add more documentation to our 
HOWTO document. The current version was in the alioth project document area, 
but that's hard to use/update, so I decided to keep it in cvs. I created a new 
project cvs module called "misc" and put it in there. We can also add other 
documents, tests, script, etc to that module if we like. So just "cvs co misc" 
to check it out.

Matt Taggart
taggart at debian.org

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