[Pkg-pdns-maintainers] Bug#685808: pdns-backend-pgsql: schema out-of-date, please provide no-dnssec.schema

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Thu Mar 21 10:25:57 UTC 2013

>>>>> "MH" == Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de> writes:

MH> So we can agree that everything is fine and no changes are necessary
MH> (aside from the database schema)?

I think I got out of sync with this.  It was too long w/o context.

Even in the case where dbconfig is set to manage the schema, anyone who
runs pdns as a seconday with signed zones will have to have updated the
schema on said secondaries to make it work.

I wouldn't want any changes made by dbconfig to what I already had to fix.
At least not w/o first reading the update script.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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