[Pkg-pdns-maintainers] URGENT JOB VACANCY !!

Mr. Michael Williams, "michaelwilliams845@yahoo.co.uk" devester.goo at iol.pt
Mon Mar 10 17:00:13 UTC 2014


No 138 School Lane

Hello Dear:

I am Mr. Michael Williams, Native of Scotland . I am residing in Rome
for about Three months now working, but my family is in London,
I will
love to hire a caring male or female house keeper directly who is
willing to work in my house in London as a house keeper.
I will like you
to know that I have 2 daughters 10 and 8 years old, I can afford to be
paying you 3000 pounds every four weeks and 
an up keep money every week
as 200 Pounds per week and this is outside your 3000 pounds, your
responsibility in my house is just 
to take care of the house.Kindly get
back to me if you are interested in this offer. 

N.B Please do not
apply if you don't have an international 

Thanks and best
Email.michael.williams845 at yahoo.co.uk 
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