r189 - in packages: . libtext-formattable-perl libtext-formattable-perl/branches libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Text

Gunnar Wolf gwolf@haydn.debian.org
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 09:52:08 -0600

Author: gwolf
Date: 2004-06-10 09:52:05 -0600 (Thu, 10 Jun 2004)
New Revision: 189

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libtext-formattable-perl

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Text::FormatTable.
+     * released 1.00 (code seems to be stable, no problems since 1.5 years)
+     * small documentation fix
+     * first version (0.01)

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    'NAME'		=> 'Text::FormatTable',
+    'VERSION_FROM'	=> 'lib/Text/FormatTable.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    'PREREQ_PM'		=> {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Text/FormatTable.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR     => 'David Schweikert <dws@ee.ethz.ch>') : ()),

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  Text::FormatTable renders simple tables as text. You pass to the constructor
+  a table format specification similar to LaTeX (e.g. "r|l|l") and you call
+  methods to fill the table data and insert rules. After the data is filled,
+  you render the table as text.
+  To install this module type the following:
+  perl Makefile.PL
+  make
+  make test
+  make install
+  The documentation is embedded in the module itself. Type 'perldoc
+  lib/Text/FormatTable.pm' (or 'man Text::FormatTable' if the
+  man-page was installed) to see it.
+  Copyright (c) 2001, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/example.pl
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/example.pl	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/example.pl	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Text::FormatTable;
+my $table = Text::FormatTable->new('r|l');
+$table->head('a', 'b');
+$table->row('this a test, a nice test', 'a test!');
+$table->row('you mean it\'s really a test?', 'yep');
+print $table->render(20);

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Text/FormatTable.pm
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Text/FormatTable.pm	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Text/FormatTable.pm	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+package Text::FormatTable;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '1.00';
+=head1 NAME
+Text::FormatTable - Format text tables
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $table = Text::FormatTable->new('r|l');
+ $table->head('a', 'b');
+ $table->rule('=');
+ $table->row('c', 'd');
+ print $table->render(20);
+Text::FormatTable renders simple tables as text. You pass to the constructor
+(I<new>) a table format specification similar to LaTeX (e.g. C<r|l|l>) and you
+call methods to fill the table data and insert rules. After the data is filled,
+you call the I<render> method and the table gets formatted as text.
+=over 4
+# minimal width of $1 if word-wrapped
+sub _min_width($)
+    my $str = shift;
+    my $min;
+    for my $s (split(/\s+/,$str)) {
+        my $l = length $s;
+        $min = $l if not defined $min or $l > $min;
+    }
+    return $min;
+# width of $1 if not word-wrapped
+sub _max_width($)
+    my $str = shift;
+    return length $str;
+sub _max($$)
+    my ($a,$b) = @_;
+    return $a if defined $a and (not defined $b or $a >= $b);
+    return $b;
+# word-wrap multi-line $2 with width $1
+sub _wrap($$)
+    my ($width, $text) = @_;
+    my @lines = split(/\n/, $text);
+    my @w = ();
+    for my $l (@lines) {
+        push @w, @{_wrap_line($width, $l)};
+    }
+    return \@w;
+sub _wrap_line($$)
+    my ($width, $text) = @_;
+    my $width_m1 = $width-1;
+    my @t = ($text);
+    while(1) {
+        my $t = pop @t;
+        my $l = length $t;
+        if($l <= $width){
+            # last line is ok => done
+            push @t, $t;
+            return \@t;
+        }
+        elsif($t =~ /^(.{0,$width_m1}\S)\s+(\S.*?)$/) {
+            # farest space < width
+            push @t, $1;
+            push @t, $2;
+        }
+        elsif($t =~ /(.{$width,}?\S)\s+(\S.*?)$/) {
+            # nearest space > width
+            push @t, $1;
+            push @t, $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            # can't break
+            push @t, $t;
+            return \@t;
+        }
+    }
+    return \@t;
+# render left-box $2 with width $1
+sub _l_box($$)
+    my ($width, $text) = @_;
+    my $lines = _wrap($width, $text);
+    map { $_ .= ' 'x($width-length($_)) } @$lines;
+    return $lines;
+# render right-box $2 with width $1
+sub _r_box($$)
+    my ($width, $text) = @_;
+    my $lines = _wrap($width, $text);
+    map { $_ = (' 'x($width-length($_)).$_) } @$lines;
+    return $lines;
+# Algorithm of:
+# http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/STORY.html
+sub _distribution_f($)
+    my $max_width = shift;
+    return log($max_width);
+sub _calculate_widths($$)
+    my ($self, $width) = @_;
+    my @widths = ();
+    # calculate min and max widths for each column
+    for my $r (@{$self->{data}})
+    {
+        $r->[0] eq 'data' or $r->[0] eq 'head' or next;
+        my $cn=0;
+        my ($max, $min) = (0,0);
+        for my $c (@{$r->[1]}) {
+            $widths[$cn][0] = _max($widths[$cn][0], _min_width $c);
+            $widths[$cn][1] = _max($widths[$cn][1], _max_width $c);
+            $cn++;
+        }
+    }
+    # calculate total min and max width
+    my ($total_min, $total_max) = (0,0);
+    for my $c (@widths) {
+        $total_min += $c->[0];
+        $total_max += $c->[1];
+    }
+    # extra space
+    my $extra_width += scalar grep {$_->[0] eq '|' or $_->[0] eq ' '}
+        (@{$self->{format}});
+    $total_min += $extra_width;
+    $total_max += $extra_width;
+    # if total_max <= screen width => use max as width
+    if($total_max <= $width) {
+        my $cn = 0;
+        for my $c (@widths) {
+            $self->{widths}[$cn]=$c->[1];
+            $cn++;
+        }
+        $self->{total_width} = $total_max;
+    }
+    else {
+        my @dist_width;
+        ITERATION: while(1) {
+            my $total_f = 0.0;
+            my $fixed_width = 0;
+            my $remaining=0;
+            for my $c (@widths) {
+                if(defined $c->[2]) {
+                    $fixed_width += $c->[2];
+                }
+                else {
+                    $total_f += _distribution_f($c->[1]);
+                    $remaining++;
+                }
+            }
+            my $available_width = $width-$extra_width-$fixed_width;
+            # enlarge width if it isn't enough
+            if($available_width < $remaining*5) {
+                $available_width = $remaining*5;
+                $width = $extra_width+$fixed_width+$available_width;
+            }
+            my $cn=-1;
+            COLUMN: for my $c (@widths) {
+                $cn++;
+                next COLUMN if defined $c->[2]; # skip fixed-widths
+                my $w = _distribution_f($c->[1]) * $available_width / $total_f;
+                if($c->[0] > $w) {
+                    $c->[2] = $c->[0];
+                    next ITERATION;
+                }
+                if($c->[1] < $w) {
+                    $c->[2] = $c->[1];
+                    next ITERATION;
+                }
+                $dist_width[$cn] = int($w);
+            }
+            last;
+        }
+        my $cn = 0;
+        for my $c (@widths) {
+            $self->{widths}[$cn]=defined $c->[2] ? $c->[2] : $dist_width[$cn];
+            $cn++;
+        }
+    }
+sub _render_rule($$)
+    my ($self, $char) = @_;
+    my $out = '';
+    my ($col,$data_col) = (0,0);
+    for my $c (@{$self->{format}}) {
+        if($c->[0] eq '|') {
+            $out .= $char eq '-' ? '+' : $char;
+        }
+        elsif($c->[0] eq ' ') {
+            $out .= $char;
+        }
+        elsif($c->[0] eq 'l' or $c->[0] eq 'r') {
+            $out .= ($char)x($self->{widths}[$data_col]);
+            $data_col++;
+        }
+        $col++;
+    }
+    return $out."\n";
+sub _render_data($$)
+    my ($self,$data) = @_;
+    my @rdata; # rendered data
+    # render every column and find out number of lines
+    my ($col, $data_col) = (0,0);
+    my $lines=0;
+    for my $c (@{$self->{format}}) {
+        if($c->[0] eq 'l') {
+            my $lb = _l_box($self->{widths}[$data_col], $data->[$data_col]);
+            $rdata[$data_col] = $lb;
+            my $l = scalar @$lb ;
+            $lines = $l if $lines < $l;
+            $data_col++;
+        }
+        elsif($c->[0] eq 'r') {
+            my $rb = _r_box($self->{widths}[$data_col], $data->[$data_col]);
+            $rdata[$data_col] = $rb;
+            my $l = scalar @$rb ;
+            $lines = $l if $lines < $l;
+            $data_col++;
+        }
+        $col++;
+    }
+    # render each line
+    my $out = '';
+    for my $l (0..($lines-1)) {
+        my ($col, $data_col) = (0,0);
+        for my $c (@{$self->{format}}) {
+            if($c->[0] eq '|') {
+                $out .= '|';
+            }
+            elsif($c->[0] eq ' ') {
+                $out .= ' ';
+            }
+            elsif($c->[0] eq 'l' or $c->[0] eq 'r') {
+                if(defined $rdata[$data_col][$l]) {
+                    $out .= $rdata[$data_col][$l];
+                }
+                else {
+                    $out .= ' 'x($self->{widths}[$data_col]);
+                }
+                $data_col++;
+            }
+            $col++;
+        }
+        $out .= "\n";
+    }
+    return $out;
+sub _parse_format($$)
+    my ($self, $format) = @_;
+    my @f = split(//, $format);
+    my @format = ();
+    my ($col,$data_col) = (0,0);
+    for my $f (@f) {
+        if($f eq 'l' or $f eq 'r') {
+            $format[$col] = [$f, $data_col];
+            $data_col++;
+        }
+        elsif($f eq '|' or $f eq ' ') {
+            $format[$col] = [$f];
+        }
+        else {
+            croak "unknown column format: $f";
+        }
+        $col++;
+    }
+    $self->{format}=\@format;
+    $self->{col}=$col;
+    $self->{data_col}=$data_col;
+=item B<new>(I<$format>)
+Create a Text::FormatTable object, the format of each column is specified as a
+character of the $format string. The following formats are defined:
+=over 4
+=item l
+Left-justified word-wrapped text.
+=item r
+Right-justified word-wrapped text.
+=item ' '
+A space.
+=item |
+Column separator.
+sub new($$)
+    my ($class, $format) = @_;
+    croak "new() requires one argument: format" unless defined $format;
+    my $self = { col => '0', row => '0', data => [] };
+    bless $self, $class;
+    $self->_parse_format($format);
+    return $self;
+# remove head and trail space
+sub _preprocess_row_data($$)
+    my ($self,$data) = @_;
+    my $cn = 0;
+    for my $c (0..($#$data)) {
+        $data->[$c] =~ s/^\s+//m;
+        $data->[$c] =~ s/\s+$//m;
+    }
+=item B<head>(I<$col1>, I<$col2>, ...)
+Add a header row using $col1, $col2, etc. as cell contents. Note that, at the
+moment, header rows are treated like normal rows.
+sub head($@)
+    my ($self, @data) = @_;
+    scalar @data == $self->{data_col} or
+        croak "number of columns must be $self->{data_col}";
+    $self->_preprocess_row_data(\@data);
+    $self->{data}[$self->{row}++] = ['head', \@data];
+=item B<row>(I<$col1>, I<$col2>, ...)
+Add a row with $col1, $col2, etc. as cell contents.
+sub row($@)
+    my ($self, @data) = @_;
+    scalar @data == $self->{data_col} or
+        croak "number of columns must be $self->{data_col}";
+    $self->_preprocess_row_data(\@data);
+    $self->{data}[$self->{row}++] = ['data', \@data];
+=item B<rule>([I<$char>])
+Add an horizontal rule. If $char is specified it will be used as character to
+draw the rule, otherwise '-' will be used.
+sub rule($$)
+    my ($self, $char) = @_;
+    $char = '-' unless defined $char;
+    $self->{data}[$self->{row}++] = ['rule', $char];
+=item B<render>([I<$screen_width>])
+Return the rendered table formatted with $screen_width or 79 if it is not
+sub render($$)
+    my ($self, $width) = @_;
+    $width = 79 unless defined $width;
+    $self->_calculate_widths($width);
+    my $out = '';
+    for my $r (@{$self->{data}}) {
+        if($r->[0] eq 'rule') {
+            $out .= $self->_render_rule($r->[1]);
+        }
+        elsif($r->[0] eq 'head') {
+            $out .= $self->_render_data($r->[1]);
+        }
+        elsif($r->[0] eq 'data') {
+            $out .= $self->_render_data($r->[1]);
+        }
+    }
+    return $out;
+Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
+All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David Schweikert <dws@ee.ethz.ch>
+# vi: et sw=4

Added: packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl
--- packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl	2004-06-10 15:38:33 UTC (rev 188)
+++ packages/libtext-formattable-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl	2004-06-10 15:52:05 UTC (rev 189)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 2 };
+use Text::FormatTable;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
+my $table = Text::FormatTable->new('r| l l');
+$table->head('a', 'b', 'c');
+$table->row('this a test, a nice test', 'oh, cool, a test!', 'yep');
+$table->row('you mean it\'s really a test?', 'yes, it is.', 'z');
+my $is = $table->render(15);
+my $shouldbe = <<'END';
+     a| b     c  
+this a| oh,   yep
+ test,| cool,    
+a nice| a        
+  test| test!    
+   you| yes,  z  
+  mean| it       
+  it's| is.      
+     a|          
+ test?|          
+ok($is, $shouldbe);