r1578 - in packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags: . debian_version_0_11-1 debian_version_0_11-1/debian debian_version_0_11-1/lib/Data/Dumper

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at costa.debian.org
Mon Dec 5 18:57:42 UTC 2005

Author: gwolf
Date: 2005-12-05 18:57:42 +0000 (Mon, 05 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 1578

Uploaded version 0.11-1

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1 (from rev 1576, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk)

Deleted: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/Changes
--- packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/Changes	2005-12-05 18:48:09 UTC (rev 1576)
+++ packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/Changes	2005-12-05 18:57:42 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Revision history for Perl extension Data::Dumper::Simple.
-0.10  2005-10-08
-    - Added POD tests.
-    - Converted to Module::Build
-    - Fixed tiny bug where import list error wasn't getting
-      reported correctly (because I was missing 'strict'.  Fancy
-      that).
-0.07  Thu May 19 2005
-    - Implemented patch from Tom Phoenix that makes parentheses
-      optional (and a doc fix, too).
-    - Fixed little-known bug that triggered indirect method call
-      syntax.  You can now do "diag Dumper($foo)" or
-      "diag Dumper $foo" if you wish.
-0.06  Monday Aug 2 2004
-    - Fixed variable with whitespace bug ($foo[   4   ]).
-      Added autowarning.
-      Added ability to choose own name for &Dumper (helps with
-      namespace collisions).
-0.05  Sun Aug 01 2004
-    - taking a reference to an array or hash now lists the data
-      structure as a reference in the output.  Shoulda done that
-      the first time.
-      Perl Barbie says "Source filtering is *hard*"
-0.04  Sun Aug 01 2004
-    - Commenting out a Dumper statement now works.
-0.03  Sat Jul 31 15:30:00 PDT 2004
-    - Changed the filter from "code" to "executable".  This
-      will sometimes mean that quoted data could be inappropriately
-      interpolated, but there appears to be an obscure bug in 
-      Filter::Simple.  Still, this is a debugging module and it
-      should not really be an issue.
-0.02  Sat Jul 31 12:30:00 PDT 2004
-    - fixed tiny bug with how scalars were represented when
-      a reference to one is taken.
-0.01  Fri Jul 30 16:29:14 PDT 2004
-    - original version; created by make_project 0.1

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/Changes (from rev 1577, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/Changes)

Deleted: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/META.yml
--- packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/META.yml	2005-12-05 18:48:09 UTC (rev 1576)
+++ packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/META.yml	2005-12-05 18:57:42 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-name: Data-Dumper-Simple
-version: 0.10
-  - Curtis "Ovid" Poe <ovid at cpan.org>
-abstract: Easily dump variables with names
-license: perl
-  license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
-  Filter::Simple: 0.77
-  Test::More: 0
-  Data::Dumper::Simple:
-    file: lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm
-    version: 0.10
-generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2702

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/META.yml (from rev 1577, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/META.yml)

Deleted: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/changelog
--- packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-12-05 18:48:09 UTC (rev 1576)
+++ packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/changelog	2005-12-05 18:57:42 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-libdata-dumper-simple-perl (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release
-  * Added build-dependency on libmodule-build-perl
-  * Bumped up standards-version to 3.6.2
- -- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:03:08 -0500
-libdata-dumper-simple-perl (0.07-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release
- -- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>  Wed, 25 May 2005 09:57:55 -0500
-libdata-dumper-simple-perl (0.06-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial Debian version (Closes: #287471)
- -- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>  Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:35:50 -0600

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/changelog (from rev 1577, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/debian/changelog)

Deleted: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/rules
--- packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/debian/rules	2005-12-05 18:48:09 UTC (rev 1576)
+++ packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/rules	2005-12-05 18:57:42 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/make -f
-# -*-makefile-*-
-# debian/rules file for libfile-touch-perl
-export DH_COMPAT=4
-PERL	?= /usr/bin/perl
-package	:= $(firstword $(shell dh_listpackages))
-prefix	:= $(PWD)/debian/$(package)/usr
-version	:= $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | \
-			sed -ne 's/^Version: *\([0-9]\+:\)*//p')
-	cvs tag -c -F $(subst .,_,debian_version_$(version))
-ifeq ($(findstring -,$(version)),)
-	cvs tag -c -F $(subst .,_,upstream_version_$(version))
-build:	build-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	$(PERL) Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor PERL=$(PERL)
-	$(MAKE) test
-	touch $@
-clean:	checkroot
-	rm -f build-stamp
-	dh_clean
-	-$(MAKE) distclean
-binary-indep:	checkroot build
-	dh_clean
-	dh_installdirs
-	$(MAKE) pure_install PREFIX=$(prefix)
-	dh_installdocs
-	dh_installchangelogs Changes
-	dh_compress
-	dh_fixperms
-	dh_perl
-	dh_installdeb
-	dh_gencontrol
-	dh_md5sums
-	dh_builddeb
-binary-arch:	checkroot build
-binary:	binary-indep binary-arch
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-.PHONY:	binary binary-arch binary-indep clean checkroot build

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/debian/rules (from rev 1577, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/debian/rules)

Deleted: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm
--- packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm	2005-12-05 18:48:09 UTC (rev 1576)
+++ packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm	2005-12-05 18:57:42 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-package Data::Dumper::Simple;
-$REVISION = '$Id: Simple.pm,v 1.10 2005/05/20 01:37:08 ovid Exp $';
-$VERSION  = '0.10';
-use Filter::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper ();
-use strict;
-my $DUMPER_FUNCTION = 'Dumper';
-my $COMMA      = qr/(?:,|=>)/;
-my $ATOM       = qr/(?!\d)[[:word:]]+/;
-my $SEP        = qr/::/;
-my $NAME       = qr/$SEP?$ATOM(?:$SEP$ATOM)*/;
-my $SCALAR     = qr/\$$NAME/;
-my $ARRAY_ELEM = qr/\$$NAME\[[^]]+\]/;
-my $ARRAY      = qr/\@$NAME/;
-my $HASH_ELEM  = qr/\$$NAME\{[^}]+\}/;
-my $HASH       = qr/\%$NAME/;
-my $VAR        = qr/(?:$ARRAY|$HASH|$ARRAY_ELEM|$HASH_ELEM|$SCALAR)/;
-my $END_STMT   = qr/(?=\s*[;}])/;
-my $ARG_LIST   = qr/$VAR(?:\s*$COMMA\s*$VAR)*$END_STMT/;
-my $PAREN_LIST = qr/\([^)]+\)/;
-sub import {
-    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
-    @args = $class->_validate_args(@args);
-    my %args = @args;
-    $DUMPER_FUNCTION = $args{as}       if $args{as};
-    $AUTOWARN        = $args{autowarn} if $args{autowarn};
-FILTER_ONLY executable =>
-  sub {    # not using code due to a possible bug in Filter::Simple
-    s{
-        }{
-            my $args = $1;
-            $args =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/s;        # strip parens, if any
-            my ($references, $names) = _munge_argument_list($args);
-            # keep it on a single line so users can comment it out
-            my $output = "Data::Dumper->Dump( [$references], [qw/$names/] )";
-            if ($AUTOWARN) {
-                $output = "$AUTOWARN($output)";
-            }
-            "($output)"; # parens prevent accidental indirect method syntax
-        }gex
-  };
-sub _validate_args {
-    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
-    if ( @args % 2 ) {
-        _croak("$class->import requires an even sized list");
-    }
-    my %args = @args;
-    if ( $args{as} && !_valid_sub_name( $args{as} ) ) {
-        _croak("$args{as} is not a valid name for a subroutine");
-    }
-    if ( $args{autowarn} ) {
-        $args{autowarn} = 'warn' unless _valid_sub_name( $args{autowarn} );
-    }
-    return %args;
-sub _valid_sub_name { shift =~ /^[[:alpha:]][[:word:]]*$/ }
-sub _croak {
-    require Carp;
-    Carp::croak(shift);
-sub _munge_argument_list {
-    my $arguments     = shift;
-    my $sigils        = '@%&';
-    my @raw_var_names =
-      map { _strip_whitespace($_) }
-      split /(?:,|=>)/ => $arguments;
-    my @raw_escaped = @raw_var_names;
-    my $varnames = join ' ' => map {
-        s/(\\)?[$sigils]/$1 ? '$' : '*'/ge;
-        s/\\//g;
-        $_
-      }    # turn @array into => [$*]array
-      @raw_var_names;
-    my $escaped_vars =
-      join ', ' => map { s/\\\$/\$/g; $_ } # do not take a reference to a scalar
-      map { s/(?<!\\)(?=[$sigils])/\\/g; $_ }    # take references to all else
-      @raw_escaped;
-    return ( $escaped_vars, $varnames );
-sub _strip_whitespace {
-    $_[0] =~ s/\s//g;
-    return $_[0];
-=head1 NAME
-Data::Dumper::Simple - Easily dump variables with names
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Data::Dumper::Simple;
-  warn Dumper($scalar,  @array,  %hash);
-  warn Dumper($scalar, \@array, \%hash);
-  warn Dumper $scalar, @array, %hash;
-=head1 ABSTRACT
-  This module allow the user to dump variables in a Data::Dumper format.
-  Unlike the default behavior of Data::Dumper, the variables are named
-  (instead of $VAR1, $VAR2, etc.)  Data::Dumper provides an extended 
-  interface that allows the programmer to name the variables, but this
-  interface requires a lot of typing and is prone to tyops (sic).  This 
-  module fixes that.
-C<Data::Dumper::Simple> is actually a source filter that replaces all instances
-of C<Dumper($some, @args)> in your code with a call to
-C<Data::Dumper-E<gt>Dump()>.  You can use the one function provided to make
-dumping variables for debugging a trivial task.
-Note that this is primarily a debugging tool.  C<Data::Dumper> offers a bit
-more than that, so don't expect this module to be more than it is.
-Note that if you strongly object to source filters, I've also released
-L<Data::Dumper::Names>.  It does what this module does by it uses L<PadWalker>
-instead of a source filter.  Unfortunately, it has a few limitations and is not
-as powerful as this module.  Think of L<Data::Dumper::Names> as a "proof of
-=head2 The Problem
-Frequently, we use C<Data::Dumper> to dump out some variables while debugging.
-When this happens, we often do this:
- use Data::Dumper;
- warn Dumper($foo, $bar, $baz);
-And we get simple output like:
- $VAR1 = 3;
- $VAR2 = 2;
- $VAR3 = 1;
-While this is usually what we want, this can be confusing if we forget which
-variable corresponds to which variable printed.  To get around this, there is
-an extended interface to C<Data::Dumper>:
-  warn Data::Dumper->Dump(
-    [$foo, $bar, $baz],
-    [qw/*foo *bar *baz/]
-  );
-This provides much more useful output.
-  $foo = 3;
-  $bar = 2;
-  $baz = 1;
-(There's more control over the output than what I've shown.)
-You can even use this to output more complex data structures:
-  warn Data::Dumper->Dump(
-    [$foo, \@array],
-    [qw/*foo *array/]
-  );
-And get something like this:
-  $foo = 3;
-  @array = (
-             8,
-             'Ovid'
-           );
-Unfortunately, this can involve a lot of annoying typing.
-  warn Data::Dumper->Dump(
-    [$foo, \%this, \@array, \%that],
-    [qw/*foo *that *array *this/]
-  );
-You'll also notice a typo in the second array ref which can cause great
-confusion while debugging.
-=head2 The Solution
-With C<Data::Dumper::Simple> you can do this instead:
-  use Data::Dumper::Simple.
-  warn Dumper($scalar, @array, %hash);
-Note that there's no need to even take a reference to the variables.  The 
-output of the above resembles this (sample data, of course):
-  $scalar = 'Ovid';
-  @array = (
-             'Data',
-             'Dumper',
-             'Simple',
-             'Rocks!'
-           );
-  %hash = (
-            'it' => 'does',
-            'I' => 'hope',
-            'at' => 'least'
-          );
-Taking a reference to an array or hash works as expected, but taking a
-reference to a scalar is effectively a no-op (because it can turn into a
-confusing reference to a reference);
- my $foo   = { hash => 'ref' };
- my @foo   = qw/foo bar baz/;
- warn Dumper ($foo, \@foo);
- $foo = {
-   'hash' => 'ref'
- };
- $foo = [
-   'foo',
-   'bar',
-   'baz'
- ];
-Note that this means similarly named variables can get quite confusing, as in
-the example above.
-If you already have a C<&Dumper> function, you can specify a different
-function name with the C<as> key in the import list:
-  use Data::Dumper::Simple as => 'display';
-  warn display( $scalar, @array, %hash );
-Also, if you really, really can't stand typing C<warn> or C<print>, you can
-turn on C<autodump>:
-  use Data::Dumper::Simple as => 'display', autodump => 1;
-  display($scalar, @array, $some->{ data });
-Or you can send the output (as a list) to a different function:
-  use Data::Dumper::Simple as => 'debug', autodump => 'to_log';
-  sub to_log {
-      my @data = @_;
-      # some logging function
-  }
-  debug(
-    $customer => @order_nums
-  ); # yeah, we support the fat comma "=>" and newlines
-=head1 EXPORT
-The only thing exported is the Dumper() function.
-Well, actually that's not really true.  Nothing is exported.  However, a source
-filter is used to automatically rewrite any apparent calls to C<Dumper()> so
-that it just Does The Right Thing.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=over 4
-=item * 
-Data::Dumper - Stringified perl data structures
-=item *
-Filter::Simple - Simplified source filtering
-=head1 BUGS
-This module uses a source filter.  If you don't like that, don't use this.
-There are no known bugs but there probably are some as this is B<Alpha Code>.
-=over 4
-=item * Calling with a sub
-Do not try to call C<Dumper()> with a subroutine in the argument list:
-  Dumper($foo, some_sub()); # Bad!
-The filter gets confused by the parentheses.  Your author was going to fix this
-but it became apparent that there was no way that C<Dumper()> could figure out
-how to name the return values from the subroutines, thus ensuring further
-breakage.  So don't do that.
-=item * Multiple enreferencing
-Getting really crazy by using multiple enreferencing will confuse things (e.g.,
-C<\\\\\\$foo>), don't do that, either.  I might use C<Text::Balanced> at some
-point to fix this if it's an issue.
-=item * Slices
-List and hash slices are not supported at this time.
-=item * String interpolation
-C<Dumper($foo)> can potentially interpolate if it's in a string.  This is
-because of a weird edge case with "FILTER_ONLY code" which caused a failure on
-some items being dumped.  I've fixed that, but made the module a wee bit less
-robust.  This will hopefully be fixed in the next release of Text::Balanced.
-=item * Line numbers may be wrong
-Because this module uses a source filter, line numbers reported from
-syntax or other errors may be thrown off a little. 
-This is probably a bug in the source filter implementation, which should
-use C<#line> directives. As a workaround until this is fixed, put a
-directive (such as C<#line 10000>) a few lines ahead of the suspected
-bug. If the error is reported as happening in line 10007, you know to
-look about eight lines below your directive for the bug. Be sure to
-remove the bogus directive once you find the bug!
-=item * The parentheses are optional, but the syntax isn't bulletproof
-If you try, it's not hard to confuse the parser. Patches welcome.
-Note that this is not a drop-in replacement for C<Data::Dumper>.  If you
-need the power of that module, use it.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Curtis "Ovid" Poe, E<lt>eop_divo_sitruc at yahoo.comE<gt>
-Reverse the name to email me.
-Copyright 2004 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Copied: packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/tags/debian_version_0_11-1/lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm (from rev 1577, packages/libdata-dumper-simple-perl/trunk/lib/Data/Dumper/Simple.pm)

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