r1709 - in packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk: . debian eg t

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak eloy at costa.debian.org
Tue Dec 20 09:56:44 UTC 2005

Author: eloy
Date: 2005-12-20 09:56:44 +0000 (Tue, 20 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 1709

eloy: new upstream version

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/CBC.pm
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/CBC.pm	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/CBC.pm	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -4,64 +4,83 @@
 use Carp;
 use strict;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '2.12';
+$VERSION = '2.15';
+use constant RANDOM_DEVICE => '/dev/urandom';
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
-    my $arg1 = shift;
-    my $arg2 = shift;
     my $options = {};
-    if (ref($arg1) eq 'HASH') {
-	$options = $arg1;
-    } else {
-	$options->{key} = $arg1;
+    # hashref arguments
+    if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
+      $options = shift;
-    if ($arg2) {
-	$options->{cipher} = $arg2;
+    # CGI style arguments
+    elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-[a-zA-Z]{1,20}$/) {
+      my %tmp = @_;
+      while ( my($key,$value) = each %tmp) {
+	$key =~ s/^-//;
+	$options->{lc $key} = $value;
+      }
-    my $key = $options->{key};
-    croak "Please provide an encryption/decryption key" unless defined $key;
+    else {
+	$options->{key}    = shift;
+	$options->{cipher} = shift;
+    }
-    # get key from key?
-    my $gkfk = 1;
-    $gkfk = $options->{regenerate_key} if (exists($options->{regenerate_key}));
+    # "key" is a misnomer here, because it is actually usually a passphrase that is used
+    # to derive the true key
+    my $pass = $options->{key};
+    croak "Please provide an encryption/decryption key" unless defined $pass;
+    # confusing logic, but if the regenerate_key option is present but false, we
+    # use the passphrase for the key
+    my $key  = $pass if $options->{literal_key}
+                 or (exists $options->{regenerate_key} && !$options->{regenerate_key});
+    my $salt = $options->{salt};
+    # if salt is equal to the string "1", then we replace it with random bytes
+    $salt = $class->_get_random_bytes(8) if $salt and $salt eq '1';
+    my $prepend_header = 1;
+    for ('prepend_iv','add_header') {
+      $prepend_header = 0 if exists $options->{$_} && !$options->{$_};
+    }
+    # note: iv will be autogenerated by start() if not specified in options
+    my $iv = $options->{iv};
+       croak "Initialization vector must be 8 bytes" if $prepend_header && defined $iv && length $iv != 8;
     my $cipher = $options->{cipher};
     $cipher = 'Crypt::DES' unless $cipher;
     $cipher = $cipher=~/^Crypt::/ ? $cipher : "Crypt::$cipher";
-    eval "require $cipher";
-    croak "Couldn't load $cipher: $@" if $@;
+    eval "require $cipher; 1" or croak "Couldn't load $cipher: $@";
     # some crypt modules use the class Crypt::, and others don't
     $cipher =~ s/^Crypt::// unless $cipher->can('keysize');
-    my $iv = $options->{iv};
     my $ks = eval {$cipher->keysize};
     my $bs = eval {$cipher->blocksize};
-    my $padding = $options->{padding};
-    $padding ||= \&_standard_padding;
+    my $padding = $options->{padding} || 'standard';
     if ($padding && ref($padding) eq 'CODE') {
       # check to see that this code does its padding correctly
       for my $i (1..$bs-1) {
 	my $rbs = length($padding->(" "x$i,$bs,'e'));
-	croak "padding method callback does not behave properly: expected $bs bytes back, got $rbs bytes back." unless ($rbs == $bs);
+	croak "padding method callback does not behave properly: expected $bs bytes back, got $rbs bytes back." 
+	  unless ($rbs == $bs);
-    } elsif ($padding eq 'null') {
-      $padding = \&_null_padding;
-    } elsif ($padding eq 'space') {
-      $padding = \&_space_padding;
-    } elsif ($padding eq 'oneandzeroes') {
-      $padding = \&_oneandzeroes_padding;
-    } elsif ($padding eq 'standard') {
-      $padding = \&_standard_padding;
     } else {
-      croak "padding method $padding not supported.  Please create your own sub to do it, and pass in a coderef to that";
+      $padding = $padding eq 'null'          ? \&_null_padding
+	        :$padding eq 'space'         ? \&_space_padding
+		:$padding eq 'oneandzeroes'  ? \&_oneandzeroes_padding
+                :$padding eq 'standard'      ? \&_standard_padding
+	        :croak "'$padding' padding not supported.  See perldoc Crypt::CBC for instructions on creating your own.";
     # Some of the cipher modules are busted and don't report the
@@ -71,37 +90,23 @@
     $ks ||= $cipher =~ /blowfish/i ? 56 : 8;
     $bs ||= $ks;
-    if ($gkfk) {
-      # generate the keysize from the
-      # MD5 hash of the provided key.
-      my $material = md5($key);
-      # if that's not enough, keep adding to it
-      while (length($material) < $ks)  {
-	$material .= md5($material);
-      }
-      $key = substr($material,0,$ks);
+    if (defined $key && length($key) > $ks) {
+      carp "keysize is greater than allowed keysize of $ks for cipher $cipher - using only first $ks bytes";
+      $key = substr($key, 0, $ks);
-    if (length($key) > $ks) {
-	carp "keysize is greater than allowed keysize of $ks for cipher $cipher - using only first $ks bytes";
-	$key = substr($key, 0, $ks);
-    }
-    my $prepend_iv = exists $options->{'prepend_iv'} 
-       ? $options->{'prepend_iv'} 
-       : 1;
+    my $pcbc = $options->{'pcbc'};
-    my $pcbc = exists $options->{'pcbc'} 
-       ? $options->{'pcbc'} 
-       : 0;
-    return bless {'crypt'     => $cipher->new($key),
-		  'iv'        => $iv,
-		  'padding'   => $padding,
-		  'blocksize' => $bs,
-                  'prepend_iv' => $prepend_iv,
-                  'pcbc'      => $pcbc,
+    return bless {'cipher'     => $cipher,
+		  'passphrase' => $pass,
+		  'key'        => $key,
+		  'iv'         => $iv,
+		  'salt'       => $salt,
+		  'padding'    => $padding,
+		  'blocksize'  => $bs,
+		  'keysize'    => $ks,
+                  'prepend_header' => $prepend_header,
+                  'pcbc'       => $pcbc,
@@ -137,10 +142,6 @@
     my $operation = shift;
     croak "Specify <e>ncryption or <d>ecryption" unless $operation=~/^[ed]/i;
-    unless (defined($self->{'iv'})) {
-    	$self->{'iv'} = pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..8);
-    }
     $self->{'buffer'} = '';
     $self->{'decrypt'} = $operation=~/^d/i;
@@ -149,41 +150,26 @@
 sub crypt (\$$){
     my $self = shift;
     my $data = shift;
+    my $result;
     croak "crypt() called without a preceding start()"
       unless exists $self->{'buffer'};
     my $d = $self->{'decrypt'};
-    my $iv;
-    my $result = '';
-    if ( !$self->{'civ'} ) {
-	if ($d) { # decrypting
-		if (($iv) = $data=~ /^RandomIV(.{8})/s) {
-		  $self->{'iv'} = $iv;
-		  substr($data,0,16) = ''; #truncate
-		}
-	} else { # encrypting
-	  if ($self->{'prepend_iv'}) {
-	    $result = 'RandomIV';
-	    $result .= $self->{'iv'};
-	  }
-	}
-	$self->{'civ'} = $self->{'iv'};
+    unless ($self->{civ}) { # block cipher has not yet been initialized
+      $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream(\$data)      if $d;
+      $result = $self->_generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options()           unless $d;
-    $iv = $self->{'civ'};
+    my $iv = $self->{'civ'};
     $self->{'buffer'} .= $data;
-     my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
+    my $bs = $self->{'blocksize'};
     return $result unless (length($self->{'buffer'}) >= $bs);
-    # split into blocksize chunks
-    # used to be:
-    # my @blocks = $self->{'buffer'}=~/(.{1,$bs})/ogs;
-    # but this is a little faster (about 1.5 times)
     my @blocks = unpack("a$bs "x(int(length($self->{'buffer'})/$bs)) . "a*", $self->{'buffer'});
     $self->{'buffer'} = '';
@@ -234,6 +220,126 @@
     return $result;
+# this subroutine will generate the actual {en,de}cryption key, the iv
+# and the block cipher object.  This is called when reading from a datastream
+# and so it uses previous values of salt or iv if they are encoded in datastream
+# header
+sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_datastream {
+  my $self         = shift;
+  my $input_stream = shift;
+  # if the input stream contains the salt, then it is used to derive the
+  # IV and the encryption key from the passphrase
+  if (my($salt) = $$input_stream =~ /^Salted__(.{8})/s) {
+    $self->{salt} = $salt;          # Replace manually-specified salt
+    undef $self->{key};             # reset the key and iv
+    undef $self->{iv};
+    substr($$input_stream,0,16) = '';
+  }
+  # if the input stream contains the IV, then we use it to set the IV
+  elsif ( my($iv) = $$input_stream =~ /^RandomIV(.{8})/s) {
+    undef $self->{salt};              # message contents overrides salt option
+    $self->{'iv'} = $iv;
+    substr($$input_stream,0,16) = ''; # truncate
+  }
+  if (my $salt = $self->{salt}) {
+    my ($key,$iv) = $self->_salted_key_and_iv($self->{passphrase},$salt);
+    $self->{key}  ||= $key;   # don't replace manually-specified key
+    $self->{iv}   ||= $iv;    # don't replace manually-specified IV
+  } else {
+    $self->{key}  ||= $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});  # don't replace manually-specified key
+  }
+  # we should have the key and iv now, or we are dead in the water
+  croak "Cipher stream did not contain IV or salt, and you did not specify these values in new()"
+    unless $self->{key} && $self->{iv};
+  $self->{civ} = $self->{iv};  # 'civ' == "current IV"
+  # now we can generate the crypt object itself
+  $self->{crypt} = $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
+    or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
+  return '';
+sub _generate_iv_and_cipher_from_options {
+  my $self   = shift;
+  my $result = '';
+  # if salt is provided, then we use that to generate our key and iv
+  if (my $salt = $self->{salt}) {
+    my ($key,$iv) = $self->_salted_key_and_iv($self->{passphrase},$salt);
+    $self->{key} ||= $key;
+    $self->{iv}  ||= $iv;
+    $result  = "Salted__${salt}" if $self->{'prepend_header'};
+  }
+  else {
+    $self->{key} ||= $self->_key_from_key($self->{passphrase});
+    $self->{iv}  ||= $self->_get_random_bytes(8);
+    $result = "RandomIV$self->{iv}" if $self->{'prepend_header'};
+  }
+  croak "key and/or iv are missing" unless $self->{key} && $self->{iv};
+  $self->{crypt} = $self->{cipher}->new($self->{key})
+    or croak "Could not create $self->{cipher} object: $@";
+  $self->{'civ'} = $self->{'iv'};
+  return $result;
+sub _key_from_key {
+  my $self  = shift;
+  my $pass  = shift;
+  my $ks    = $self->{keysize};
+  my $material = md5($pass);
+  while (length($material) < $ks)  {
+    $material .= md5($material);
+  }
+  return substr($material,0,$ks);
+sub _salted_key_and_iv {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my ($pass,$salt)  = @_;
+  croak "Salt must be 8 bytes long" unless length $salt == 8;
+  my $key_len = $self->{keysize};
+  my $iv_len  = $self->{blocksize};
+  my $desired_len = $key_len+$iv_len;
+  my $data  = '';
+  my $d = '';
+  while (length $data < $desired_len) {
+    $d = md5($d . $pass . $salt);
+    $data .= $d;
+  }
+  return (substr($data,0,$key_len),substr($data,$key_len,$iv_len));
+sub _get_random_bytes {
+  my $self   = shift;
+  my $length = shift;
+  my $result;
+  if (-r RANDOM_DEVICE && open(F,RANDOM_DEVICE)) {
+    read(F,$result,$length);
+    close F;
+  } else {
+    $result = pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..$length);
+  }
+  $result;
 sub _standard_padding ($$$) {
   my ($b,$bs,$decrypt) = @_;
   $b = length $b ? $b : '';
@@ -292,6 +398,44 @@
   $self->{'iv'} = $iv;
+sub salt {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $d    = $self->{salt};
+  $self->{salt} = shift if @_;
+  $d;
+sub iv {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $d    = $self->{iv};
+  $self->{iv} = shift if @_;
+  $d;
+sub key {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $d    = $self->{key};
+  $self->{key} = shift if @_;
+  $d;
+sub passphrase {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $d    = $self->{passphrase};
+  if (@_) {
+    undef $self->{key};
+    undef $self->{iv};
+    $self->{passphrase} = shift;
+  }
+  $d;
+sub cipher  { shift->{cipher}  }
+sub padding { shift->{padding} }
+sub keysize { shift->{keysize} }
+sub blocksize { shift->{blocksize} }
+sub pcbc    { shift->{pcbc}    }
@@ -302,18 +446,14 @@
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
   use Crypt::CBC;
-  $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( {'key'             => 'my secret key',
-                              'cipher'          => 'Blowfish',
-                              'iv'              => '$KJh#(}q',
-                              'regenerate_key'  => 0,   # default true
-                              'padding'         => 'space',
-                              'prepend_iv'      => 0,
-			      'pcbc'            => 1  #default 0
-                           });
+  $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key    => 'my secret key',
+			     -cipher => 'Blowfish',
+			     -salt   => 1,
+			    );
   $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("This data is hush hush");
   $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext);
   while (read(F,$buffer,1024)) {
@@ -328,7 +468,8 @@
 block chaining mode (CBC).  In combination with a block cipher such as
 DES or IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long
 length.  The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption
-format used by B<SSLeay>.
+format used by B<SSLeay>, and can be made compatible with the newer
+B<OpenSSL> package by specifying the B<-salt> argument.
 To use this module, you will first create a Crypt::CBC cipher object with
 new().  At the time of cipher creation, you specify an encryption key
@@ -341,46 +482,121 @@
 =head2 new()
-  $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( {'key'             => 'my secret key',
-                              'cipher'          => 'Blowfish',
-                              'iv'              => '$KJh#(}q',
-                              'regenerate_key'  => 0,   # default true
-                              'padding'         => 'space',
-                              'prepend_iv'      => 0
-                           });
-  # or (for compatibility with earlier versions)
-  $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($key,$algorithm);
+  $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key    => 'my secret key',
+			     -cipher => 'Blowfish',
+			     -salt   => 1
+			   );
-The new() method creates a new Crypt::CBC object.  
+  # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.13)
+  $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( {key    => 'my secret key',
+			      cipher => 'Blowfish',
+			      salt   => 1}
+			   );
-You must provide an encryption/decryption key, which can be any series
-of characters of any length.  If regenerate_key is not specified as a
-false value, the actual key used is derived from the MD5 hash of the
-key you provide.  The cipher is optional and will default to DES unless
+  # or (for compatibility with versions prior to 2.0)
+  $cipher = new Crypt::CBC('my secret key','Blowfish');
+The new() method creates a new Crypt::CBC object. It accepts a list of
+-argument => value pairs selected from the following list:
+  Argument        Description
+  --------        -----------
+  -key            The encryption/decryption key (required)
+  -cipher         The cipher algorithm (defaults to Crypt::DES)
+  -salt           Enables OpenSSL-compatibility. If equal to a value
+                    of "1" then causes a random salt to be generated
+                    and used to derive the encryption key and IV. Other
+                    true values are taken to be the literal salt.
+  -iv             The initialization vector (IV)
+  -padding        The padding method, one of "standard", "space",
+                     "onesandzeroes", or "null". (default "standard")
+  -literal_key    If true, the key provided by "key" is used directly
+                      for encryption/decryption.  Otherwise the actual
+                      key used will be a hash of the provided key.
+		      (default false)
+  -pcbc           Whether to use the PCBC chaining algorithm rather than
+                    the standard CBC algorithm (default false).
+  -add_header     Whether to add the salt and IV to the header of the output
+                    cipher text.
+  -regenerate_key [deprecated; use literal_key instead]
+                  Whether to use a hash of the provided key to generate
+                    the actual encryption key (default true)
+  -prepend_iv     [deprecated; use add_header instead]
+                  Whether to prepend the IV to the beginning of the
+                    encrypted stream (default true)
+You must provide an encryption/decryption B<-key>, which can be any
+series of characters of any length.  If B<-regenerate_key> is true (the
+default), then the actual key used is derived from the MD5 hash of the
+key you provide; otherwise the actual binary bits of the key are used.
+The B<-cipher> option specifies which block cipher algorithm to use to
+encode each section of the message.  This argument is optional and
+will default to the quick-but-not-very-secure DES algorithm unless
 specified otherwise. You may use any compatible block encryption
-algorithm that you have installed. Currently, this includes Crypt::DES,
-Crypt::DES_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish, and Crypt::Rijndael. You
-may refer to them using their full names ("Crypt::IDEA") or in 
-abbreviated form ("IDEA").  
+algorithm that you have installed. Currently, this includes
+Crypt::DES, Crypt::DES_EDE3, Crypt::IDEA, Crypt::Blowfish,
+Crypt::CAST5 and Crypt::Rijndael. You may refer to them using their
+full names ("Crypt::IDEA") or in abbreviated form ("IDEA").
-An initialization vector may be specified, either by passing in a key of
-'iv' as an option to new, or by calling 
-$cipher->set_initialization_key($iv) before calling $cipher->start().  
-The IV will be ignored in decryption if the ciphertext is prepended by 
-text which matches the regex /^RandomIV.{8}/, in which case the 8 
-characters following "RandomIV" will be used as the IV. When encrypting,
-by default the ciphertext will be prepended with "RandomIVE<lt>IVE<gt>"
-(16 bytes). To disable this, set 'prepend_iv' to a false value. The 
-padding method can be specified by the 'padding' option. If no padding 
-method is specified, PKCS#5 ("standard") padding is assumed.
+The B<-salt> argument actives an OpenSSL-compatible method of
+generating the encryption/decryption key and IV. If salt has the value
+"1", then a random salt is computed (highly recommended).  Any other
+non-false value will be interpreted as the bytes of the actual salt to
+use.  If you provide the salt, it must be exactly 8 bytes in length.
+It is highly recommended that you use -salt=>1, as this may become the
+default in future versions of this module.
-Instead of the default cipher-block-chaining mode a modified algorithm
-PCBC can be used. It provides better error propagation characteristics
-than CBC encryption. To switch it on you have to set 'pcbc' to a true value.
-The PCBC mode is part of the des library and required e.g. in Kerberos4
-authentication procedures as mentioned in RFC 2222 and other documents.
+The initialization vector (IV) is used to start the CBC chaining
+algorithm.  Unless you have also specified a false value for
+B<-add_header>, the IV should be exactly 8 bytes in length. The IV may
+be specified manually by passing in a key of B<-iv> as an option to
+new() or by calling $cipher->set_initialization_vector($iv) before
+calling $cipher->start().  If no IV is specified, then one will be
+generated randomly for you.  This is backwardly compatible with CBC
+encrypted streams generated by the older SSLEay library.
+The B<-padding> argument controls how the last few bytes of the
+encrypted stream are dealt with when they not an exact multiple of the
+cipher block length. The default is "standard", the method specified
+in PKCS#5.
+The B<-pcbc> argument, if true, activates a modified chaining mode
+known as PCBC. It provides better error propagation characteristics
+than the default CBC encryption and is required for authenticating to
+Kerberos4 systems (see RFC 2222).
+When generating ciphertext, the IV or salt are inserted into the
+encrypted data as a 16 byte header. If the B<-salt> option was
+specified, the header will consist of the string "Salted__" followed
+by 8 bytes of salt data. Otherwise the header will consist of
+"RandomIV" followed by 8 bytes of IV data. During decryption, if the
+ciphertext is found to contain either of these headers, the IV or salt
+will be retrieved and used during the decryption process, ignoring any
+values that you might have set manually.
+You may disable the generation of the header, by specifying a false
+value for B<-add_header>.  You will then have to provide the correct
+values of IV or salt when you decrypt the resulting ciphertext.
+For compatibility with earlier versions of this module, you can
+provide new() with a hashref containing key/value pairs. The key names
+are the same as the arguments described earlier, but without the
+initial hyphen.  You may also call new() with one or two positional
+arguments, in which case the first argument is taken to be the key and
+the second to be the optional block cipher algorithm.
 =head2 start()
@@ -449,22 +665,58 @@
   $iv = $cipher->get_initialization_vector()
 This function will return the IV used in encryption and or decryption.
-This function may be useful to determine the random IV used when 
-encrypting if none is specified in new(). The IV is not guaranteed to
-be set when encrypting until start() is called, and when decrypting 
-until crypt() is called the first time.
+The IV is not guaranteed to be set when encrypting until start() is
+called, and when decrypting until crypt() is called the first time.
 =head2 set_initialization_vector()
-This function sets the IV used in encryption and/or decryption. This 
-function may be useful if the IV is not contained within the ciphertext
-string being decrypted, or if a particular IV is desired for encryption.
-If not set, a random IV will be generated. The IV is not guaranteed to
-be set when encrypting until start() is called, and when decrypting
-until crypt() is called the first time.
+This function sets the IV used in encryption and/or decryption. This
+function may be useful if the IV is not contained within the
+ciphertext string being decrypted, or if a particular IV is desired
+for encryption.  Note that the IV must be 8 bytes in length.
+=head2 iv()
+  $iv = $cipher->iv();
+  $cipher->iv($new_iv);
+As above, but using a single method call.
+=head2 key()
+  $key = $cipher->key();
+  $cipher->key($new_key);
+Get or set the actual key used for encryption/decryption.  When
+encrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until start() is
+called, and when decrypting, the key is not guaranteed to exist until
+after the first call to crypt(). The key must match the length
+required by the underlying block cipher.
+=head2 salt()
+  $salt = $cipher->salt();
+  $cipher->salt($new_salt);
+Get or set the salt used for deriving the encryption key and IV when
+in OpenSSL compatibility mode.
+=head2 passphrase()
+  $passphrase = $cipher->passphrase();
+  $cipher->passphrase($new_passphrase);
+This gets or sets the value of the B<key> passed to new() when
+B<literal_key> is false.
+=head2 cipher(), padding(), keysize(), blocksize(), pcbc()
+These read-only methods return the identity of the chosen block cipher
+algorithm, padding method, key and block size of the chosen block
+cipher, and whether PCBC chaining is in effect.
 =head2 Padding methods
 Use the 'padding' option to change the padding method.

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/Changes
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/Changes	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/Changes	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
 Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::CBC.
+2.14	Thu May  5 16:08:15 EDT 2005
+	- RandomIV in message header overrides manually-supplied -salt, as one
+	would expect it should.
+2.13	Fri Apr 22 13:01:32 EDT 200
+	- Added OpenSSL compatibility
+	- Salt and IV generators take advantage of /dev/urandom device, if available
+	- Reorganized internal structure for coding clarity
+	- Added regression test for PCBC mode
 2.12	Thu Jun 17 11:52:04 EDT 2004
 	- quenched (again) uninitialized variable warnings

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/MANIFEST
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/MANIFEST	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/MANIFEST	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
+META.yml			Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
-META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/META.yml
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/META.yml	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/META.yml	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
 #XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
 name:         Crypt-CBC
-version:      2.11
+version:      2.15
 version_from: CBC.pm
 installdirs:  site

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+libcrypt-cbc-perl (2.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (closes: #329519)
+  * debian/control: 
+    - Standards-Version bumped to 3.6.2 without changes,
+    - added me to Uploaders
+ -- Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy at debian.org>  Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:54:38 +0100
 libcrypt-cbc-perl (2.12-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control:

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/control	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/debian/control	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 Section: perl
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> 
-Uploaders: Gustavo Franco <stratus at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Gustavo Franco <stratus at debian.org>, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy at debian.org>
 Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), perl (>= 5.8)
-Standards-Version: 3.6.1
+Standards-Version: 3.6.2
 Package: libcrypt-cbc-perl
 Architecture: all 

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/aes.pl (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/eg/aes.pl)

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/des.pl
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/des.pl	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/des.pl	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 use lib '../blib/lib';
 use Getopt::Std;
-use Crypt::DES;
 use Crypt::CBC;
 use strict vars;
@@ -28,7 +27,9 @@
 my $key = $options{'k'} || get_key();
 # DES used by default
-my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new($key) || die "Couldn't create CBC object";  
+my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key   => $key,
+			     -cipher=> 'DES',
+			     -salt  => 1) || die "Couldn't create CBC object";  
 my $decrypt = $options{'d'} and !$options{'e'};
 $cipher->start($decrypt ? 'decrypt' : 'encrypt');

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/idea.pl
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/idea.pl	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/eg/idea.pl	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 use lib '../blib/lib';
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@
     if $options{'o'};
 my $key = $options{'k'} || get_key();
-my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new($key,'IDEA') || die "Couldn't create CBC object";  
+my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key    =>  $key,
+			     -cipher => 'IDEA',
+			     -salt   => 1,
+			    ) || die "Couldn't create CBC object";  
 my $decrypt = $options{'d'} and !$options{'e'};
 $cipher->start($decrypt ? 'decrypt' : 'encrypt');

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Blowfish.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/Blowfish.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Blowfish_PP.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/Blowfish_PP.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/CAST5.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/CAST5.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/DES.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/DES.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/IDEA.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/IDEA.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/PCBC.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/PCBC.t)

Copied: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Rijndael.t (from rev 1708, packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/Rijndael.t)

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Rijndael_compat.t
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Rijndael_compat.t	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/Rijndael_compat.t	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
 eval "use Crypt::CBC";
 test(1,!$@,"Couldn't load module");
-test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new({key => 'a' x 16, 
-                             cipher => 'Rijndael',
-                             iv => 'f' x 16,
-                             regenerate_key => 0,
-                             prepend_iv => 0,
-                             padding => 'oneandzeroes'
-                           }),
+test(2,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key         => 'a' x 16,
+			    -cipher      => 'Rijndael',
+			    -iv          => 'f' x 16,
+			    -literal_key => 1,
+			    -add_header  => 0,
+			    -padding     => 'oneandzeroes'
+                           ),
                            "Couldn't create new object");
 test(3,$j = Crypt::Rijndael->new('a' x 16, Crypt::Rijndael->MODE_CBC),
                            "Couldn't create new object");

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/func.t
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/func.t	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/func.t	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
-      test(\$tnum,$i = Crypt::CBC->new({key => 'secret',
-                                        cipher => $mod,
-                                        padding => $pad
-                                      }),
+      test(\$tnum,$i = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'secret',
+                                        -cipher => $mod,
+                                        -padding => $pad
+                                      ),
                                       "Couldn't create new object");
       test(\$tnum,$c = $i->encrypt($test_data),"Couldn't encrypt");

Modified: packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/null_data.t
--- packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/null_data.t	2005-12-20 09:54:31 UTC (rev 1708)
+++ packages/libcrypt-cbc-perl/trunk/t/null_data.t	2005-12-20 09:56:44 UTC (rev 1709)
@@ -40,13 +40,12 @@
 for my $mod (@in) {
   for my $pad (@pads) {
-    my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({key => 'secret',
-				  cipher => $mod,
-				  padding => $pad
-				 });
+    my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => 'secret',
+				  -cipher => $mod,
+				  -padding => $pad
+				);
     for my $length (1..128) {
       my $test_data = 'a'x$length . '0';
       my $encrypted = $cipher->encrypt_hex($test_data);
       my $decrypted = $cipher->decrypt_hex($encrypted);
       test(\$tnum,$test_data eq $decrypted,"$mod/$pad: match failed on zero-terminated data length $length");

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