r1738 - in packages: . libreturn-value-perl libreturn-value-perl/branches libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Return libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak eloy at costa.debian.org
Sat Dec 24 15:10:23 UTC 2005

Author: eloy
Date: 2005-12-24 15:10:22 +0000 (Sat, 24 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 1738

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libreturn-value-perl

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+1.20   2005-09-18 23:30
+       minor POD cleanup
+       added pod coverage test (kwalitee suckup)
+1.28   2004-12-20	16:00
+       changed bool return to just call ->bool
+       (returning undef crashes 5.6.1, argh! thanks, HDP!)
+1.26   2004-12-20	16:00
+       fixed: properties couldn't be undefined after defining
+       "use warnings" removed from tests to keep 5.005 happy
+1.24   2004-09-23 09:00
+       allow omission of message
+       ...even with other attributes
+       100% coverage
+1.22   2004-08-30	19:25
+       array and hash dereference will get the return data
+       full test coverage
+       'type' attribute is key to success/failure
+       POD improved
+1.1    2004-07-15
+       Initial Revision.

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+MANIFEST			This list of files

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Return-Value
+version:      1.30
+version_from: lib/Return/Value.pm
+installdirs:  site
+    Test::More:                    0.47
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+WriteMakefile (
+               AUTHOR        => 'Casey West <casey at geeknest.com>',
+               ABSTRACT      => "Polymorphic Return Values",
+               NAME          => 'Return::Value',
+               PREREQ_PM     => {
+                                 'Test::More' => '0.47',
+                                },
+               VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/Return/Value.pm',
+              );

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+    Return::Value - Polymorphic Return Values
+      use Return::Value;
+      sub send_over_network {
+          my ($net, $send) = @_:
+          if ( $net->transport( $send ) ) {
+              return success;
+          } else {
+              return failure "Was not able to transport info.";
+          }
+      }
+      my $result = $net->send_over_network(  "Data" );
+      # boolean
+      unless ( $result ) {
+          # string
+          print $result;
+      }
+      sub build_up_return {
+          my $return = failure;
+          if ( ! foo() ) {
+              $return->string("Can't foo!");
+              return $return;
+          }
+          if ( ! bar() ) {
+              $return->string("Can't bar");
+              $return->prop(failures => \@bars);
+              return $return;
+          }
+          # we're okay if we made it this far.
+          $return++;
+          return $return; # success!
+      }
+    Polymorphic return values are really useful. Often, we just want to know
+    if something worked or not. Other times, we'd like to know what the
+    error text was. Still others, we may want to know what the error code
+    was, and what the error properties were. We don't want to handle objects
+    or data structures for every single return value, but we do want to
+    check error conditions in our code because that's what good programmers
+    do.
+    When functions are successful they may return true, or perhaps some
+    useful data. In the quest to provide consistent return values, this gets
+    confusing between complex, informational errors and successful return
+    values.
+    This module provides these features with a simple API that should get
+    you what you're looking for in each contex a return value is used in.
+  Functions
+    The functional interface is highly recommended for use within functions
+    that are using "Return::Value"s.
+    success
+    failure
+  Methods
+    The object API is useful in code that is catching "Return::Value"
+    objects.
+    new
+          my $return = Return::Value->new(
+              bool   => 0,
+              string => "YOU FAIL",
+              prop   => {
+                  failed_objects => \@objects,
+              },
+          );
+        Creates a new "Return::Value" object. You can set the following
+        options.
+        "bool", the boolean representation of the result. Defaults to false.
+        "errno", the error number. Defaults to 1 or 0 based on the value of
+        "bool".
+        "string", the string representation of the result.
+        "data", data associated with the result, usually for success.
+        "prop", properties assigned to the result.
+    bool
+          print "it worked" if $result->bool;
+        Returns a boolean describing the result as success or failure.
+    errno
+          print "it worked" if $result->errno == 0;
+        Returns an errno for the result.
+    string
+          print $result->string unless $result->bool;
+        Returns a boolean describing the result as success or failure.
+    data
+          if ( $result->bool ) {
+              my $data = $result->data;
+              print foreach @{$data};
+          }
+        Returns the data structure passed to it.
+    prop
+          printf "%s: %s',
+            $result->string, join ' ', @{$result->prop('strings')}
+              unless $result->bool;
+        Returns the return value's properties. Accepts the name of a
+        property retured, or returns the properties hash reference if given
+        no name.
+  Overloading
+    Several operators are overloaded for "Return::Value" objects. They are
+    listed here.
+    Stringify
+          print "$result\n";
+        Stringifies to the "string" representation.
+    Boolean
+          print $result unless $result;
+        Returns the "bool" representation.
+    Numeric
+        Also returns the "bool" value.

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Return/Value.pm
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Return/Value.pm	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Return/Value.pm	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+package Return::Value;
+# vi:et:sw=4 ts=4
+use strict;
+use vars qw[$VERSION @EXPORT];
+$VERSION = '1.30';
+ at EXPORT  = qw[success failure];
+use base qw[Exporter];
+=head1 NAME
+Return::Value - Polymorphic Return Values
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.30
+ $Id: Value.pm,v 1.5 2005/01/06 17:15:09 rjbs Exp $
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Used with basic function-call interface:
+  use Return::Value;
+  sub send_over_network {
+      my ($net, $send) = @_:
+      if ( $net->transport( $send ) ) {
+          return success;
+      } else {
+          return failure "Was not able to transport info.";
+      }
+  }
+  my $result = $net->send_over_network(  "Data" );
+  # boolean
+  unless ( $result ) {
+      # string
+      print $result;
+  }
+Or, build your Return::Value as an object:
+  sub build_up_return {
+      my $return = failure;
+      if ( ! foo() ) {
+          $return->string("Can't foo!");
+          return $return;
+      }
+      if ( ! bar() ) {
+          $return->string("Can't bar");
+          $return->prop(failures => \@bars);
+          return $return;
+      }
+      # we're okay if we made it this far.
+      $return++;
+      return $return; # success!
+  }
+Polymorphic return values are really useful.  Often, we just want to know if
+something worked or not.  Other times, we'd like to know what the error text
+was.  Still others, we may want to know what the error code was, and what the
+error properties were.  We don't want to handle objects or data structures for
+every single return value, but we do want to check error conditions in our code
+because that's what good programmers do.
+When functions are successful they may return true, or perhaps some useful
+data.  In the quest to provide consistent return values, this gets confusing
+between complex, informational errors and successful return values.
+This module provides these features with a simple API that should get you what
+you're looking for in each contex a return value is used in.
+=head2 Attributes
+All return values have a set of attributes that package up the information
+returned.  All attributes can be accessed or changed via methods of the same
+name, unless otherwise noted.  Many can also be accessed via overloaded
+operations on the object, as noted below.
+=over 4
+=item type
+A value's type is either "success" or "failure" and (obviously) reflects
+whether the value is returning success or failure.
+=item errno
+The errno attribute stores the error number of the return value.  For
+success-type results, it is by default undefined.  For other results, it
+defaults to 1.
+=item string
+The value's string attribute is a simple message describing the value.
+=item data
+The data attribute stores a reference to a hash or array, and can be used as a
+simple way to return extra data.  Data stored in the data attribute can be
+accessed by dereferencing the return value itself.  (See below.)
+=item prop
+The most generic attribute of all, prop is a hashref that can be used to pass
+an arbitrary number of data structures, just like the data attribute.  Unlike
+the data attribute, though, these structures must be retrived via method calls.
+The functional interface is highly recommended for use within functions
+that are using C<Return::Value> for return values.  It's simple and
+straightforward, and builds the entire return value in one statement.
+=over 4
+# This hack probably impacts performance more than I'd like to know, but it's
+# needed to have a hashref object that can deref into a different hash.
+# _ah($self,$key, [$value) sets or returns the value for the given key on the
+# $self blessed-ref
+sub _ah {
+    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
+    my $class = ref $self;
+    bless $self => "ain't::overloaded";
+    $self->{$key} = $value if @_ > 2;
+    my $return = $self->{$key};
+    bless $self => $class;
+    return $return;
+sub _builder {
+    my %args = (type => shift);
+    $args{string} = shift if (@_ % 2);
+    %args = (%args, @_);
+    $args{string} = $args{type} unless defined $args{string};
+    $args{errno}  = ($args{type} eq 'success' ? undef : 1)
+        unless defined $args{errno};
+    __PACKAGE__->new(%args);
+=item C<< success >>
+The C<success> function returns a C<Return::Value> with the type "success".
+Additional named parameters may be passed to set the returned object's
+attributes.  The first, optional, parameter is the string attribute and does
+not need to be named.  All other parameters must be passed by name.
+ # simplest possible case
+ return success;
+sub success { _builder('success', @_) }
+=item C<< failure >>
+C<failure> is identical to C<success>, but returns an object with the type
+sub failure { _builder('failure', @_) }
+=head1 METHODS
+The object API is useful in code that is catching C<Return::Value> objects.
+=over 4
+=item new
+  my $return = Return::Value->new(
+      type   => 'failure',
+      string => "YOU FAIL",
+      prop   => {
+          failed_objects => \@objects,
+      },
+  );
+Creates a new C<Return::Value> object.  Named parameters can be used to set the
+object's attributes.
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    bless { type => 'failure', string => '', prop => {}, @_ } => $class;
+=item bool
+  print "it worked" if $result->bool;
+Returns the result in boolean context: true for success, false for failure.
+=item prop
+  printf "%s: %s',
+    $result->string, join ' ', @{$result->prop('strings')}
+      unless $result->bool;
+Returns the return value's properties. Accepts the name of
+a property retured, or returns the properties hash reference
+if given no name.
+=item other attribute accessors
+Simple accessors exist for the object's other attributes: C<type>, C<errno>,
+C<string>, and C<data>.
+sub bool { _ah($_[0],'type') eq 'success' ? 1 : 0 }
+sub type {
+    my ($self, $value) = @_;
+    return _ah($self, 'type') unless @_ > 1;
+    die "invalid result type: $value"
+        unless $value eq 'success' or $value eq 'failure';
+    return _ah($self, 'type', $value);
+foreach my $name ( qw[errno string data] ) {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{$name} = sub {
+        my ($self, $value) = @_;
+        return _ah($self, $name) unless @_ > 1;
+        return _ah($self, $name, $value);
+    };
+sub prop   {
+    my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
+    return _ah($self, 'prop')          unless $name;
+    return _ah($self, 'prop')->{$name} unless @_ > 2;
+    return _ah($self, 'prop')->{$name} = $value;
+=head2 Overloading
+Several operators are overloaded for C<Return::Value> objects. They are
+listed here.
+=over 4
+=item Stringif
+  print "$result\n";
+Stringifies to the string attribute.
+=item Boolean
+  print $result unless $result;
+Returns the C<bool> representation.
+=item Numeric
+Also returns the C<bool> value.
+=item Dereference
+Dereferencing the value as a hash or array will return the value of the data
+attribute, if it matches that type, or an empty reference otherwise.  You can
+check C<< ref $result->data >> to determine what kind of data (if any) was
+use overload
+    '""'   => sub { shift->string  },
+    'bool' => sub { shift->bool },
+    '=='   => sub { shift->bool   == shift },
+    '!='   => sub { shift->bool   != shift },
+    '>'    => sub { shift->bool   >  shift },
+    '<'    => sub { shift->bool   <  shift },
+    'eq'   => sub { shift->string eq shift },
+    'ne'   => sub { shift->string ne shift },
+    'gt'   => sub { shift->string gt shift },
+    'lt'   => sub { shift->string lt shift },
+    '++'   => sub { _ah(shift,'type','success') },
+    '--'   => sub { _ah(shift,'type','failure') },
+    '${}'  => sub { my $data = _ah($_[0],'data'); $data ? \$data : \undef },
+    '%{}'  => sub { ref _ah($_[0],'data') eq 'HASH'  ? _ah($_[0],'data') : {} },
+    '@{}'  => sub { ref _ah($_[0],'data') eq 'ARRAY' ? _ah($_[0],'data') : [] },
+    fallback => 1;
+=head1 TODO
+No plans!
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Casey West, <F<casey at geeknest.com>>.
+Ricardo Signes, <F<rjbs at cpan.org>>.
+  Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West and Ricardo SIGNES.  All rights reserved.
+  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  under the same terms as Perl itself.
+"This return value is true.";

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/failure.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/failure.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/failure.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+use Test::More tests => 31;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+my $class;
+BEGIN { $class = 'Return::Value'; use_ok($class); }
+	my $message = "I've got a bad feelin' about this.";
+	my $value = failure $message;
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "failure value");
+	ok(not($value),          "failure value is false");
+	ok($value == 0,          "failure value is 0");
+	ok($value eq $message,   "failure value has a bad feelin'");
+	is($value->errno, 1,     "failure value errno is default (1)");
+	my $message = "I've got a bad feelin' about this.";
+	my $value = failure $message, errno => 501, data => { cause => 'sunspots' };
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "failure value");
+	ok(not($value),          "failure value is false");
+	ok($value == 0,          "failure value is 0");
+	ok($value eq $message,   "failure value has a bad feelin'");
+	is($value->errno, 501,   "failure value has 501 errno");
+	is(ref $value->data,   'HASH',     "failure value includes hashref");
+	is($value->{cause},    'sunspots', "failure value derefs correctly");
+	my $message = "I've got a bad feelin' about this.";
+	my $value = failure $message, errno => 501, data => [ cause => 'sunspots' ];
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "failure value");
+	ok(not($value),          "failure value is false");
+	ok($value == 0,          "failure value is 0");
+	ok($value eq $message,   "failure value has a bad feelin'");
+	is($value->errno, 501,   "failure value has 501 errno");
+	is(ref $value->data,   'ARRAY',    "failure value includes hashref");
+	is($value->[1],        'sunspots', "failure value derefs correctly");
+	my $value = failure errno => 501, data => [ cause => 'sunspots' ];
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "failure value");
+	ok(not($value),          "failure value is false");
+	ok($value == 0,          "failure value is 0");
+	ok($value eq 'failure',  "failure value has default stringification");
+	is($value->errno, 501,   "failure value has 501 errno");
+	is(ref $value->data,   'ARRAY',    "failure value includes hashref");
+	is($value->[1],        'sunspots', "failure value derefs correctly");
+	my $value = failure;
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "failure value");
+	ok(not($value),          "failure value is true");
+	ok($value == 0,          "failure value is 0");
+	ok($value eq 'failure',  "failure has default stringification");

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/objects.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/objects.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/objects.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use Test::More tests => 24;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use_ok 'Return::Value';
+my $ret = Return::Value->new;
+isa_ok $ret, 'Return::Value';
+ok ! $ret->bool, 'false';
+is $ret->errno, undef, 'errno 0';
+is $ret->string, "", 'empty string';
+ok ! $ret->data, 'no data';
+is scalar(keys %{$ret->prop}), 0, 'no properties';
+$ret = Return::Value->new(
+    type   => 'success',
+    errno  => 128,
+    string => 'string',
+    data   => [ 'one' ],
+    prop   => { one => 1 },
+isa_ok $ret, 'Return::Value';
+ok $ret->bool, 'true';
+is $ret->errno, 128, 'errno 128';
+is $ret->errno(undef), undef, 'errno undef';
+is $ret->errno,        undef, 'errno still undef';
+is $ret->string, 'string', 'string is string';
+is ref($ret->data), 'ARRAY', 'data array ref';
+is scalar(@{$ret->data}), 1, 'one element in data';
+is ref($ret->prop), 'HASH', 'hash in prop';
+is $ret->prop->{one}, 1, 'one prop set';
+ok ! $ret->bool, 'now false';
+is $ret->prop('one'), 1, 'object access for one';
+is $ret->prop(two => 2), 2, 'prop create for two';
+is $ret->errno(10), 10, 'set errno with method';
+is $ret->type(), 'failure', 'type is currently failure';
+is $ret->type("success"), 'success', 'set type with method';
+eval { $ret->type("top secret"); };
+like($@, qr/invalid result type/, "death on unknown type");

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/overload.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/overload.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/overload.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+use Test::More tests => 18;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok 'Return::Value' };
+my $success = success;
+ok $success, 'good';
+my $failure = failure;
+ok ! $failure, 'bad';
+is ''.success("Good"), "Good", 'stringified good is good';
+ok failure() < 1 && failure() > -1 && failure() == 0, 'failure is zero';
+my $fail = failure;
+ok $fail, 'failure to success (success is true)';
+ok ! $fail, 'success to failure (failure is false)';
+cmp_ok($fail, '==', 0,  "failure is == 0");
+cmp_ok($fail, '!=', 1,  "failure is != 1");
+my $error = failure "stringy error message";
+cmp_ok($error, 'eq', "stringy error message");
+cmp_ok($error, 'ne', "some random string");
+cmp_ok($error, 'gt', "aaa");
+cmp_ok($error, 'lt', "zzz");
+is($$error, undef, "no built-in data");
+my $error_array = failure "I died!", data => [qw(array ref)];
+my $error_hash  = failure "I died!", data => { hash => 'ref' };
+ok(@$error_array, "can deref array data as array");
+ok(%$error_hash,  "can deref hash data as hash");
+is_deeply({%$error_array}, {}, "can't deref array data as array");
+is_deeply([@$error_hash ],  [], "can't deref hash data as hash");

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/success.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/success.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/success.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+use Test::More tests => 24;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+my $class;
+BEGIN { $class = 'Return::Value'; use_ok($class); }
+	my $message = "Feelin' fine.";
+	my $value = success $message;
+	isa_ok($value, $class,   "success value");
+	ok($value,               "success value is true");
+	ok($value == 1,          "success value is 1");
+	ok($value eq $message,   "success value is feelin' fine");
+	is($value->errno, undef, "success value errno is default (undef)");
+	my $message = "Feelin' fine.";
+	my $value = success $message, errno => 200, data => { cause => 'sunshine' };
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "success value");
+	ok($value,               "success value is true");
+	ok($value == 1,          "success value is 1");
+	ok($value eq $message,   "success value has a bad feelin'");
+	is($value->errno, 200,   "success value has 501 errno");
+	is(ref $value->data,   'HASH',     "success value includes hashref");
+	is(${$value}->{cause}, 'sunshine', "success value derefs correctly");
+	my $value = success errno => 200, data => { cause => 'sunshine' };
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "success value");
+	ok($value,               "success value is true");
+	ok($value == 1,          "success value is 1");
+	ok($value eq 'success',  "success value has a bad feelin'");
+	is($value->errno, 200,   "success value has 501 errno");
+	is(ref $value->data,   'HASH',     "success value includes hashref");
+	is(${$value}->{cause}, 'sunshine', "success value derefs correctly");
+	my $value = success;
+	isa_ok($value, $class, "success value");
+	ok($value,               "success value is true");
+	ok($value == 1,          "success value is 1");
+	ok($value eq 'success',  "success has default stringification");

Added: packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/use.t
--- packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/use.t	2005-12-23 22:17:51 UTC (rev 1737)
+++ packages/libreturn-value-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/use.t	2005-12-24 15:10:22 UTC (rev 1738)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok 'Return::Value'; }

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