r300 - in packages: . libio-multiplex-perl libio-multiplex-perl/branches libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/contrib libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/IO libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at haydn.debian.org
Sun Jul 17 08:08:48 UTC 2005

Author: gwolf
Date: 2004-09-03 09:58:36 -0600 (Fri, 03 Sep 2004)
New Revision: 300

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libio-multiplex-perl

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension IO::Multiplex.
+1.08  Fri Nov 11 2003
+	- Solaris/FreeBSD compatibility fixes.
+	- Add mux_epipe EPIPE hook, patch by
+	  leo at strike.wu-wien.ac.at (Alexander Bergolth)
+1.07  Wed Jul 30 01:00:00 MDT 2003
+	- Handle certain eof conditions better.
+	  Spot by win at edx.de (Winfried Koenig)
+	- Fixed contrib/portfw to handle partly
+	  shutdown sockets more accurately.
+	- Add udp support to contrib/portfw.
+1.06  Mon Jul 28 14:45:00 MDT 2003
+	- Added contrib/portfw demo script.
+1.05  Web Apr 23 01:30:00 MST 2003
+	- Handle rare ECONNRESET condition that can occur
+	  when reading from the client on a socket that
+	  has already been torn down.
+	- Added support for UDP (experimental).
+	  Thanks klimkin at mcst.ru (Alexey Klimkin)
+	- Add writeable detection hook for sockets
+	  even when the outbuffer is empty.
+	  Patch by klimkin at mcst.ru (Alexey Klimkin)
+1.04  Sat Nov 23 12:00:00 MST 2002
+	- Compatibility generalizations
+	  perl 5.004 / 5.005 / 5.6.0 / 5.6.1 / 5.8.0
+	  Thanks muir at idiom.com (David Muir Sharnoff)
+	  for bug reports and testing help.
+	- Rid old MVModule::MVmux::Handle package name.
+	- New Timeout Structure
+	  Thanks dwebb at ovid.com (Douglas Webb)
+	- Use POSIX::read/write instead to avoid TIEHANDLE.
+1.03  Mon Jun 03 15:00:00 MDT 2002
+	- Fix NAME for ABSTRACT_FROM setting.
+	- Added spec file for RPM
+	- Added TODO doc
+	- Avoid using Tie::RefHash to improve performance.
+	  by dwebb at ovid.com (Douglas Webb)
+1.02  Tue Feb 05 13:05:00 MDT 2002
+	- Allow the rest of input buffer to be consumed
+	  when doing shutdown.
+	- Fix {_fhs} keys dereference race condition.
+1.01  Wed Oct 17 13:00:00 MDT 2001
+	- The following by Rob Brown <bbb at cpan.org>
+	- Ported to work with Perl 5.6.0
+	- Added optional code ref for loop
+	- Added tie FILENO method
+	- Fixed tie CLOSE and shutdown to flush both
+          input {inbuffer} and output {outbuffer} correctly
+1.00  Wed Feb 23 12:07:07 PST 2000
+	- Stable enough now.  Call it a release.
+0.08  Thu Oct 28 16:06:33 MDT 1999
+        - More autovivification ailments
+0.07  Mon Oct 25 15:01:46 PDT 1999
+	- Fix documentation
+0.06  Sun Oct 10 13:25:03 MDT 1999
+	- Fix autovivification evils
+0.05  Fri Oct  8 17:23:08 MDT 1999
+        - Yet more EOF/close fixes
+0.04  Wed Sep 29 12:50:44 MDT 1999
+	- Fix yesterday's fix
+0.03  Tue Sep 28 12:04:53 MDT 1999
+	- Remove some debugging stuff
+	- Deal properly with the situation where a fd is shutdown in
+	  response to EOF
+0.02  Wed Sep 22 15:44:28 PDT 1999
+	- Check for errors on accept
+0.01  Fri Jul  2 10:39:23 1999
+	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+  NAME          => 'IO::Multiplex',
+  ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/IO/Multiplex.pm',
+  VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/IO/Multiplex.pm', # finds $VERSION
+  PREREQ_PM     => { # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    'IO::Socket' => 0,
+  },
+  dist => {
+    COMPRESS => 'gzip -vf',
+  },
+  ;
+package MY;
+sub processPL {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $block = $self->SUPER::processPL(@_);
+  # "Version:" in spec needs to match
+  $block =~ s%(spec.PL\s*)$%$1 \$\(VERSION_FROM\)%m;
+  $block;

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+README for IO::Multiplex
+IO::Multiplex is designed to take the effort out of managing
+multiple file handles.  It is essentially a really fancy front end to
+the C<select> system call.  In addition to maintaining the C<select>
+loop, it buffers all input and output to/from the file handles.  It
+can also accept incoming connections on one or more listen sockets.
+It is object oriented in design, and will notify you of significant events
+by calling methods on an object that you supply.  If you are not using
+objects, you can simply supply __PACKAGE__ instead of an object reference.
+You may have one callback object registered for each file handle, or
+one global one.  Possibly both -- the per-file handle callback object
+will be used instead of the global one.
+Each file handle may also have a timer associated with it.  A callback
+function is called when the timer expires.
+Here's an example which implements the beginnings of a multiuser game:
+    use IO::Socket;
+    use IO::Multiplex;
+    use Tie::RefHash;
+    my $mux  = new IO::Multiplex;
+    # Create a listening socket
+    my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto     => 'tcp',
+                                    LocalPort => shift || 2300,
+                                    Listen    => 4)
+        or die "socket: $@";
+    # We use the listen method instead of the add method.
+    $mux->listen($sock);
+    $mux->set_callback_object(__PACKAGE__);
+    $mux->loop;
+    # mux_connection is called when a new connection is accepted.
+    sub mux_connection {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $mux     = shift;
+        my $fh      = shift;
+        # Construct a new player object
+        Player->new($mux, $fh);
+    }
+    package Player;
+    my %players = ();
+    sub new {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $self    = bless { mux  => shift,
+                              fh   => shift } => $package;
+        # Register the new player object as the callback specifically for
+        # this file handle.
+        $mux->set_callback_object($self, $self->{fh});
+        print $self->{fh}
+            "Greetings, Professor.  Would you like to play a game?\n";
+        # Register this player object in the main list of players
+        $players{$self} = $self;
+        $mux->set_timeout($self->{fh}, 1);
+    }
+    sub players { return values %players; }
+    sub mux_input {
+        my $self = shift;
+        shift; shift;         # These two args are boring
+        my $input = shift;    # Scalar reference to the input
+        # Process each line in the input, leaving partial lines
+        # in the input buffer
+        while ($$input =~ s/^(.*?\n)//) {
+            $self->process_command($1);
+        }
+    }
+    sub mux_close {
+       my $self = shift;
+       # Player disconnected;
+       # [Notify other players or something...]
+       delete $players{$self};
+    }
+    # This gets called every second to update player info, etc...
+    sub mux_timeout {
+        my $self = shift;
+        my $mux  = shift;
+        $self->heartbeat;
+        $mux->set_timeout($self->{fh}, 1);
+    }

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/TODO
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/TODO	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/TODO	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Things still TODO
+Fix a few broken semantics (shutdown semantics are wrong, for one)
+Limits on the size of the buffers
+Maybe rewrite to use Event module at the core
+Make it work with SSL sockets (difficult)
+Benchmarking stats.
+More optimizations.
+More examples.
+Feature to let output buffer to switch to a file
+  after certain limits in order to save memory
+  and extend the buffer size.

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/contrib/portfw
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/contrib/portfw	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/contrib/portfw	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+portfw - Port forwarder
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+portfw [-p pidfile] [local_ip:]local_port[/proto] remote_ip[:remote_port]
+Forwards all incoming request from local_port to remote_port.  If
+local_ip is not specified, all addresses on all interfaces are used.
+If no remote_port is specified, then the same local_port is assumed
+as the default.  If no /proto is specified, tcp is assumed.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Rob Brown - bbb at cpan.org
+$Id: portfw,v 1.7 2003/07/30 06:50:26 rob Exp $
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Multiplex;
+use IO::Socket;
+my $pidfile;
+  "pidfile=s" => \$pidfile,
+  ;
+my ($local_addr,$remote_addr)=@ARGV;
+die "Missing local port\n" if !$local_addr;
+die "Missing remote ip\n" if !$remote_addr;
+my ($local_ip, $local_port, $proto,
+    $remote_ip,$remote_port);
+if ($local_addr =~ s%/(\w+)$%%) {
+  $proto = $1;
+} else {
+  $proto = "tcp";
+if ($local_addr =~ s%^([\d\.]+):%%) {
+  $local_ip = $1;
+} else {
+  $local_ip = "";
+if ($local_addr =~ m%^(\d+)$%) {
+  $local_port = $1;
+} else {
+  die "Invalid local port [$local_addr]\n";
+if ($remote_addr =~ s%:(\d+)$%%) {
+  $remote_port = $1;
+} else {
+  $remote_port = $local_port;
+if ($remote_addr =~ m%^([\d\.]+)$%) {
+  $remote_ip = $1;
+} else {
+  die "Invalid remote ip [$remote_addr]\n";
+print STDERR "Forwarding $proto packets from $local_ip:$local_port to $remote_ip:$remote_port\n";
+# Get ready to receive an incoming connection
+my $listen = new IO::Socket::INET
+  LocalAddr => $local_ip,
+  LocalPort => $local_port,
+  Proto     => $proto,
+  ReuseAddr => 1,
+  $proto eq "tcp"?(Listen => 10):(),
+  or die "Could not bind local port $local_port/$proto: $!";
+# Just test the remote connection once.
+my $remote_connect = new IO::Socket::INET
+  PeerAddr => $remote_ip,
+  PeerPort => $remote_port,
+  Proto    => $proto,
+  or die "Could not connect to remote $remote_ip:$remote_port/$proto: $!";
+if ($proto eq "tcp") {
+  # Close the test tcp socket
+  $remote_connect->close;
+} elsif ($proto eq "udp") {
+  # Keep this around for udp replies
+} else {
+  die "Unimplemented protocol $proto\n";
+if ($pidfile) {
+  if (my $pid = fork) {
+    open (PID, ">$pidfile") or die "WARNING: Cannot create $pidfile: $!\n";
+    print PID "$pid\n";
+    close PID;
+    exit;
+  } elsif (!defined $pid) {
+    die "fork: $!\n";
+  }
+  $SIG{TERM} = sub {
+    unlink $pidfile;
+    exit;
+  };
+} else {
+  exit if fork;
+open STDIN,  "</dev/null";
+open STDOUT, ">/dev/null";
+open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
+my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
+if ($proto eq "tcp") {
+  $mux->listen($listen);
+} elsif ($proto eq "udp") {
+  $My::Portfw::complement{"$listen"} = $remote_connect;
+  $My::Portfw::complement{"$remote_connect"} = $listen;
+  $mux->add($listen);
+  $mux->add($remote_connect);
+} else {
+  die "Unimplemented proto [$proto]";
+# Never reaches here
+exit 1;
+package My::Portfw;
+use vars qw(%complement);
+sub mux_connection {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $mux = shift;
+  my $fh = shift;
+  my $remote_client = new IO::Socket::INET
+    PeerAddr => $remote_ip,
+    PeerPort => $remote_port,
+    Proto    => $proto;
+  if (!$remote_client) {
+    warn "FAILED!\n";
+    # Remote connection failed
+    $fh->write("Server Down! $!\n");
+    $fh->close;
+    return;
+  }
+  $mux->add($remote_client);
+  $complement{"$fh"} = $remote_client;
+  $complement{"$remote_client"} = $fh;
+  return 1;
+sub mux_input {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $mux  = shift;
+  my $fh   = shift;
+  my $data = shift;
+  if (my $proxy = $complement{"$fh"}) {
+    # Consume the packet by sending to its complement socket.
+    $proxy->write($$data);
+    $$data = "";
+  } else {
+    # Not sure what to do, close it.
+    $$data = "";
+    $fh->close;
+  }
+sub mux_eof {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $mux  = shift;
+  my $fh   = shift;
+  my $data = shift;
+  if (my $proxy = $complement{"$fh"}) {
+    # Consume the packet by sending to its complement socket.
+    $proxy->write($$data);
+    $$data = "";
+    # If this has been closed for writing,
+    # then close the complement for writing too.
+    $mux->shutdown($proxy, 1);
+  }
+sub mux_close {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $mux  = shift;
+  my $fh   = shift;
+  delete $complement{"$fh"} if exists $complement{"$fh"};

Property changes on: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/contrib/portfw
Name: svn:executable

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/IO/Multiplex.pm
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/IO/Multiplex.pm	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/IO/Multiplex.pm	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+package IO::Multiplex;
+=head1 NAME
+IO::Multiplex - Manage IO on many file handles
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use IO::Multiplex;
+  my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
+  $mux->add($fh1);
+  $mux->add(\*FH2);
+  $mux->set_callback_object(...);
+  $mux->listen($server_socket);
+  $mux->loop;
+  sub mux_input {
+    ...
+  }
+C<IO::Multiplex> is designed to take the effort out of managing
+multiple file handles.  It is essentially a really fancy front end to
+the C<select> system call.  In addition to maintaining the C<select>
+loop, it buffers all input and output to/from the file handles.  It
+can also accept incoming connections on one or more listen sockets.
+It is object oriented in design, and will notify you of significant events
+by calling methods on an object that you supply.  If you are not using
+objects, you can simply supply C<__PACKAGE__> instead of an object reference.
+You may have one callback object registered for each file handle, or
+one global one.  Possibly both -- the per-file handle callback object
+will be used instead of the global one.
+Each file handle may also have a timer associated with it.  A callback
+function is called when the timer expires.
+=head2 Handling input on descriptors
+When input arrives on a file handle, the C<mux_input> method is called
+on the appropriate callback object.  This method is passed three
+arguments (in addition to the object reference itself of course):
+=over 4
+=item 1
+a reference to the mux,
+=item 2
+A reference to the file handle, and
+=item 3
+a reference to the input buffer for the file handle.
+The method should remove the data that it has consumed from the
+reference supplied.  It may leave unconsumed data in the input buffer.
+=head2 Handling output to descriptors
+If C<IO::Multiplex> did not handle output to the file handles as well
+as input from them, then there is a chance that the program could
+block while attempting to write.  If you let the multiplexer buffer
+the output, it will write the data only when the file handle is
+capable of receiveing it.
+The basic method for handing output to the multiplexer is the C<write>
+method, which simply takes a file descriptor and the data to be
+written, like this:
+    $mux->write($fh, "Some data");
+For convenience, when the file handle is C<add>ed to the multiplexer, it
+is tied to a special class which intercepts all attempts to write to the
+file handle.  Thus, you can use print and printf to send output to the
+handle in a normal manner:
+    printf $fh "%s%d%X", $foo, $bar, $baz
+Unfortunately, Perl support for tied file handles is incomplete, and
+functions such as C<send> cannot be supported.
+Also, file handle object methods such as the C<send> method of
+C<IO::Socket> cannot be intercepted.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=head2 Simple Example
+This is a simple telnet-like program, which demonstrates the concepts
+covered so far.  It does not really work too well against a telnet
+server, but it does OK against the sample server presented further down.
+    use IO::Socket;
+    use IO::Multiplex;
+    # Create a multiplex object
+    my $mux  = new IO::Multiplex;
+    # Connect to the host/port specified on the command line,
+    # or localhost:23
+    my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto    => 'tcp',
+                                    PeerAddr => shift || 'localhost',
+                                    PeerPort => shift || 23)
+        or die "socket: $@";
+    # add the relevant file handles to the mux
+    $mux->add($sock);
+    $mux->add(\*STDIN);
+    # We want to buffer output to the terminal.  This prevents the program
+    # from blocking if the user hits CTRL-S for example.
+    $mux->add(\*STDOUT);
+    # We're not object oriented, so just request callbacks to the
+    # current package
+    $mux->set_callback_object(__PACKAGE__);
+    # Enter the main mux loop.
+    $mux->loop;
+    # mux_input is called when input is available on one of
+    # the descriptors.
+    sub mux_input {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $mux     = shift;
+        my $fh      = shift;
+        my $input   = shift;
+        # Figure out whence the input came, and send it on to the
+        # other place.
+        if ($fh == $sock) {
+            print STDOUT $$input;
+        } else {
+            print $sock $$input;
+        }
+        # Remove the input from the input buffer.
+        $$input = '';
+    }
+    # This gets called if the other end closes the connection.
+    sub mux_close {
+        print STDERR "Connection Closed\n";
+        exit;
+    }
+=head2 A server example
+Servers are just as simple to write.  We just register a listen socket
+with the multiplex object C<listen> method.  It will automatically
+accept connections on it and add them to its list of active file handles.
+This example is a simple chat server.
+    use IO::Socket;
+    use IO::Multiplex;
+    my $mux  = new IO::Multiplex;
+    # Create a listening socket
+    my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto     => 'tcp',
+                                    LocalPort => shift || 2300,
+                                    Listen    => 4)
+        or die "socket: $@";
+    # We use the listen method instead of the add method.
+    $mux->listen($sock);
+    $mux->set_callback_object(__PACKAGE__);
+    $mux->loop;
+    sub mux_input {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $mux     = shift;
+        my $fh      = shift;
+        my $input   = shift;
+        # The handles method returns a list of references to handles which
+        # we have registered, except for listen sockets.
+        foreach $c ($mux->handles) {
+            print $c $$input;
+        }
+        $$input = '';
+    }
+=head2 A more complex server example
+Let us take a look at the beginnings of a multi-user game server.  We will
+have a Player object for each player.
+    # Paste the above example in here, up to but not including the
+    # mux_input subroutine.
+    # mux_connection is called when a new connection is accepted.
+    sub mux_connection {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $mux     = shift;
+        my $fh      = shift;
+        # Construct a new player object
+        Player->new($mux, $fh);
+    }
+    package Player;
+    my %players = ();
+    sub new {
+        my $package = shift;
+        my $self    = bless { mux  => shift,
+                              fh   => shift } => $package;
+        # Register the new player object as the callback specifically for
+        # this file handle.
+        $self->{mux}->set_callback_object($self, $self->{fh});
+        print $self->{fh}
+            "Greetings, Professor.  Would you like to play a game?\n";
+        # Register this player object in the main list of players
+        $players{$self} = $self;
+        $mux->set_timeout($self->{fh}, 1);
+    }
+    sub players { return values %players; }
+    sub mux_input {
+        my $self = shift;
+        shift; shift;         # These two args are boring
+        my $input = shift;    # Scalar reference to the input
+        # Process each line in the input, leaving partial lines
+        # in the input buffer
+        while ($$input =~ s/^(.*?)\n//) {
+            $self->process_command($1);
+        }
+    }
+    sub mux_close {
+       my $self = shift;
+       # Player disconnected;
+       # [Notify other players or something...]
+       delete $players{$self};
+    }
+    # This gets called every second to update player info, etc...
+    sub mux_timeout {
+        my $self = shift;
+        my $mux  = shift;
+        $self->heartbeat;
+        $mux->set_timeout($self->{fh}, 1);
+    }
+=head1 METHODS
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(errno_h BUFSIZ);
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Socket;
+use FileHandle qw(autoflush);
+use IO::Handle;
+use Fcntl;
+use Carp qw(carp);
+$VERSION = '1.08';
+    eval {
+        # Can optionally use Hi Res timers if available
+        require Time::HiRes;
+        Time::HiRes->import ('time');
+    }
+# This is what you want.  Trust me.
+=head2 new
+Construct a new C<IO::Multiplex> object.
+    $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
+sub new
+    my $package = shift;
+    my $self = bless { _readers     => '',
+                       _writers     => '',
+                       _fhs         => {},
+                       _handles     => {},
+                       _timerkeys   => {},
+                       _timers      => [],
+                       _listen      => {}  } => $package;
+    return $self;
+=head2 listen
+Add a socket to be listened on.  The socket should have had the
+C<bind> and C<listen> system calls already applied to it.  The C<IO::Socket>
+module will do this for you.
+    $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(Listen => ..., LocalAddr => ...);
+    $mux->listen($socket);
+Connections will be automatically accepted and C<add>ed to the multiplex
+object.  C<The mux_connection> callback method will also be called.
+sub listen
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    $self->add($fh);
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{listen} = 1;
+=head2 add
+Add a file handle to the multiplexer.
+    $mux->add($fh);
+As a side effect, this sets non-blocking mode on the handle, and disables
+STDIO buffering.  It also ties it to intercept output to the handle.
+sub add
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    return if $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+    nonblock($fh);
+    autoflush($fh, 1);
+    fd_set($self->{_readers}, $fh, 1);
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{udp_true} =
+        (SOCK_DGRAM == unpack("i", scalar getsockopt($fh,Socket::SOL_SOCKET(),Socket::SO_TYPE())));
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer} = '';
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer} = '';
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{fileno} = fileno($fh);
+    $self->{_handles}{"$fh"} = $fh;
+    tie *$fh, "IO::Multiplex::Handle", $self, $fh;
+    return $fh;
+=head2 remove
+Removes a file handle from the multiplexer.  This also unties the
+handle.  It does not currently turn STDIO buffering back on, or turn
+off non-blocking mode.
+    $mux->remove($fh);
+sub remove
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0);
+    fd_set($self->{_readers}, $fh, 0);
+    delete $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+    delete $self->{_handles}{"$fh"};
+    $self->_removeTimer($fh);
+    untie *$fh;
+=head2 set_callback_object
+Set the object on which callbacks are made.  If you are not using objects,
+you can specify the name of the package into which the method calls are
+to be made.
+If a file handle is supplied, the callback object is specific for that
+    $mux->set_callback_object($object, $fh);
+Otherwise, it is considered a default callback object, and is used when
+events occur on a file handle that does not have its own callback object.
+    $mux->set_callback_object(__PACKAGE__);
+The previously registered object (if any) is returned.
+See also the CALLBACK INTERFACE section.
+sub set_callback_object
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $obj  = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    return if $fh && !exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    my $old  = $fh ? $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{object} : $self->{_object};
+    $fh ? $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{object} : $self->{_object} = $obj;
+    return $old;
+=head2 kill_output
+Remove any pending output on a file descriptor.
+    $mux->kill_output($fh);
+sub kill_output
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer} = '';
+    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0);
+=head2 outbuffer
+Return or set the output buffer for a descriptor
+    $output = $mux->outbuffer($fh);
+    $mux->outbuffer($fh, $output);
+sub outbuffer
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    if (@_) {
+        $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer} = $_[0] if @_;
+        fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0) if !$_[0];
+    }
+    return $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer};
+=head2 inbuffer
+Return or set the input buffer for a descriptor
+    $input = $mux->inbuffer($fh);
+    $mux->inbuffer($fh, $input);
+sub inbuffer
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    if (@_) {
+        $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer} = $_[0] if @_;
+    }
+    return $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer};
+=head2 set_timeout
+Set the timer for a file handle.  The timeout value is a certain number of
+seconds in the future, after which the C<mux_timeout> callback is called.
+If the C<Time::HiRes> module is installed, the timers may be specified in
+fractions of a second.
+Timers are not reset automatically.
+    $mux->set_timeout($fh, 23.6);
+Use C<$mux-E<gt>set_timeout($fh, undef)> to cancel a timer.
+sub set_timeout
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $fh       = shift;
+    my $timeout  = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    if (defined $timeout) {
+        $self->_addTimer($fh, $timeout + time);
+    } else {
+        $self->_removeTimer($fh);
+    }
+=head2 handles
+Returns a list of handles that the C<IO::Multiplex> object knows about,
+excluding listen sockets.
+    @handles = $mux->handles;
+sub handles
+    my $self = shift;
+    return grep(!$self->{_fhs}{"$_"}{listen}, values %{$self->{_handles}});
+sub _addTimer {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    my $time = shift;
+    # Set a key so that we can quickly tell if a given $fh has
+    # a timer set
+    $self->{_timerkeys}{"$fh"} = 1;
+    # Store the timeout in an array, and resort it
+    @{$self->{_timers}} = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } (@{$self->{_timers}}, [ $fh, $time ] );
+sub _removeTimer {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    # Return quickly if no timer is set
+    return unless exists $self->{_timerkeys}{"$fh"};
+    # Remove the timeout from the sorted array
+    @{$self->{_timers}} = grep { $_->[0] ne $fh } @{$self->{_timers}};
+    # Get rid of the key
+    delete $self->{_timerkeys}{"$fh"};
+=head2 loop
+Enter the main loop and start processing IO events.
+    $mux->loop;
+sub loop
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $heartbeat = shift;
+    $self->{_endloop} = 0;
+    while (!$self->{_endloop} && keys %{$self->{_fhs}}) {
+        my $rv;
+        my $data;
+        my $rdready;
+        my $wrready;
+        my $timeout = undef;
+        if (@{$self->{_timers}}) {
+            $timeout = $self->{_timers}[0][1] - time;
+        }
+        my $numready = select($rdready=$self->{_readers},
+                              $wrready=$self->{_writers},
+                              undef,
+                              $timeout);
+        unless(defined($numready)) {
+            if ($! == EINTR || $! == EAGAIN) {
+                next;
+            } else {
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        &{ $heartbeat } ($rdready, $wrready) if $heartbeat;
+        foreach my $fh (values %{$self->{_handles}}) {
+            # Avoid creating a permanent empty hash ref for "$fh"
+            # by attempting to access its {object} element
+            # if it has already been closed.
+            next unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+            # Get the callback object.
+            my $obj = $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{object} ||
+                $self->{_object};
+            # Is this descriptor ready for reading?
+            if (fd_isset($rdready, $fh))
+            {
+                if ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{listen}) {
+                    # It's a server socket, so a new connection is
+                    # waiting to be accepted
+                    my $client = $fh->accept;
+                    next unless ($client);
+                    $self->add($client);
+                    $obj->mux_connection($self, $client)
+                        if $obj && $obj->can("mux_connection");
+                } else {
+                    if ($self->is_udp($fh)) {
+                        $rv = recv($fh, $data, BUFSIZ, 0);
+                        if (defined $rv) {
+                            # Remember where the last UDP packet came from
+                            $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{udp_peer} = $rv;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $rv = &POSIX::read(fileno($fh), $data, BUFSIZ);
+                    }
+                    if (defined($rv) && length($data)) {
+                        # Append the data to the client's receive buffer,
+                        # and call process_input to see if anything needs to
+                        # be done.
+                        $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer} .= $data;
+                        $obj->mux_input($self, $fh,
+                                        \$self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer})
+                            if $obj && $obj->can("mux_input");
+                    } else {
+                        unless (defined $rv) {
+                            next if
+                                $! == EINTR ||
+                                $! == EAGAIN ||
+                                $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+			    warn "IO::Multiplex read error: $!"
+                                if $! != ECONNRESET;
+                        }
+                        # There's an error, or we received EOF.  If
+                        # there's pending data to be written, we leave
+                        # the connection open so it can be sent.  If
+                        # the other end is closed for writing, the
+                        # send will error and we close down there.
+                        # Either way, we remove it from _readers as
+                        # we're no longer interested in reading from
+                        # it.
+                        fd_set($self->{_readers}, $fh, 0);
+                        $obj->mux_eof($self, $fh,
+                                      \$self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer})
+                            if $obj && $obj->can("mux_eof");
+                        if (exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}) {
+                            delete $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer};
+                            # The mux_eof handler could have responded
+                            # with a shutdown for writing.
+                            $self->close($fh)
+                                unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"} &&
+                                    exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer};
+                        }
+                        next;
+                    }
+                }
+            }  # end if readable
+            next unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+            if (fd_isset($wrready, $fh)) {
+                unless ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}) {
+                    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0);
+                    $obj->mux_outbuffer_empty($self, $fh)
+                        if ($obj && $obj->can("mux_outbuffer_empty"));
+                    next;
+                }
+                $rv = &POSIX::write(fileno($fh),
+                                    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer},
+                                    length($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}));
+                unless (defined($rv)) {
+                    # We got an error writing to it.  If it's
+                    # EWOULDBLOCK (shouldn't happen if select told us
+                    # we can write) or EAGAIN, or EINTR we don't worry
+                    # about it.  otherwise, close it down.
+                    unless ($! == EWOULDBLOCK ||
+                            $! == EINTR ||
+                            $! == EAGAIN) {
+                        if ($! == EPIPE) {
+                            $obj->mux_epipe($self, $fh)
+                                if $obj && $obj->can("mux_epipe");
+                        } else {
+                            warn "IO::Multiplex: write error: $!\n";
+                        }
+                        $self->close($fh);
+                    }
+                    next;
+                }
+                substr($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}, 0, $rv) = '';
+                unless ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}) {
+                    # Mark us as not writable if there's nothing more to
+                    # write
+                    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0);
+                    $obj->mux_outbuffer_empty($self, $fh)
+                        if ($obj && $obj->can("mux_outbuffer_empty"));
+                    if ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{shutdown}) {
+                        # If we've been marked for shutdown after write
+                        # do it.
+                        shutdown($fh, 1);
+                        delete $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer};
+                        unless (exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer}) {
+                            # We'd previously been shutdown for reading
+                            # also, so close out completely
+                            $self->close($fh);
+                            next;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }  # End if writeable
+            next unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+        }  # End foreach $fh (...)
+        $self->_checkTimeouts() if @{$self->{_timers}};
+    } # End while(loop)
+sub _checkTimeouts {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Get the current time
+    my $time = time;
+    # Copy all of the timers that should go off into
+    # a temporary array. This allows us to modify the
+    # real array as we process the timers, without
+    # interfering with the loop.
+    my @timers = ();
+    foreach my $timer (@{$self->{_timers}}) {
+        # If the timer is in the future, we can stop
+        last if $timer->[1] > $time;
+        push @timers, $timer;
+    }
+    foreach my $timer (@timers) {
+        my $fh = $timer->[0];
+        $self->_removeTimer($fh);
+        next unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+        my $obj = $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{object} || $self->{_object};
+        $obj->mux_timeout($self, $fh) if $obj && $obj->can("mux_timeout");
+    }
+=head2 endloop
+Prematurly terminate the loop.  The loop will automatically terminate
+when there are no remaining descriptors to be watched.
+    $mux->endloop;
+sub endloop
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{_endloop} = 1;
+=head2 udp_peer
+Get peer endpoint of where the last udp packet originated.
+    $saddr = $mux->udp_peer($fh);
+sub udp_peer {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $fh = shift;
+  return $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{udp_peer};
+=head2 is_udp
+Sometimes UDP packets require special attention.
+This method will tell if a file handle is of type UDP.
+    $is_udp = $mux->is_udp($fh);
+sub is_udp {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $fh = shift;
+  return $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{udp_true};
+=head2 write
+Send output to a file handle.
+    $mux->write($fh, "'ere I am, JH!\n");
+sub write
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = shift;
+    my $data = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    if ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{shutdown}) {
+        $! = EPIPE;
+        return undef;
+    }
+    if ($self->is_udp($fh)) {
+        if (my $udp_peer = $self->udp_peer($fh)) {
+            # Send the packet back to the last peer that said something
+            return send($fh, $data, 0, $udp_peer);
+        } else {
+            # No udp_peer yet?
+            # This better be a connect()ed UDP socket
+            # or else this will fail with ENOTCONN
+            return send($fh, $data, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer} .= $data;
+    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 1);
+    return length($data);
+=head2 shutdown
+Shut down a socket for reading or writing or both.  See the C<shutdown>
+Perl documentation for further details.
+If the shutdown is for reading, it happens immediately.  However,
+shutdowns for writing are delayed until any pending output has been
+successfully written to the socket.
+    $mux->shutdown($socket, 1);
+sub shutdown
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh = shift;
+    my $which = shift;
+    return unless $fh && exists($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"});
+    if ($which == 0 || $which == 2) {
+        # Shutdown for reading.  We can do this now.
+        shutdown($fh, 0);
+        # The mux_eof hook must be run from the main loop to consume
+        # the rest of the inbuffer if there is anything left.
+        # It will also remove $fh from _readers.
+    }
+    if ($which == 1 || $which == 2) {
+        # Shutdown for writing.  Only do this now if there is no pending
+        # data.
+        if ($self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}) {
+            $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{shutdown} = 1;
+        } else {
+            shutdown($fh, 1);
+            delete $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer};
+        }
+    }
+    # Delete the descriptor if it's totally gone.
+    unless (exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer} ||
+            exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer}) {
+        $self->close($fh);
+    }
+=head2 close
+Close a handle.  Always use this method to close a handle that is being
+watched by the multiplexer.
+    $mux->close($fh);
+sub close
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh = shift;
+    return unless exists $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+    my $obj = $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{object} || $self->{_object};
+    warn "closeing with read buffer" if $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{inbuffer};
+    warn "closeing with write buffer" if $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"}{outbuffer};
+    fd_set($self->{_readers}, $fh, 0);
+    fd_set($self->{_writers}, $fh, 0);
+    delete $self->{_fhs}{"$fh"};
+    delete $self->{_handles}{"$fh"};
+    untie *$fh;
+    close $fh;
+    $obj->mux_close($self, $fh) if $obj && $obj->can("mux_close");
+# We set non-blocking mode on all descriptors.  If we don't, then send
+# might block if the data is larger than the kernel can accept all at once,
+# even though select told us we can write.  With non-blocking mode, we
+# get a partial write in those circumstances, which is what we want.
+sub nonblock
+    my $fh = shift;
+    my $flags = fcntl($fh, F_GETFL, 0)
+        or die "fcntl F_GETFL: $!\n";
+    fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
+        or die "fcntl F_SETFL $!\n";
+sub fd_set
+     vec($_[0], fileno($_[1]), 1) = $_[2];
+sub fd_isset
+    return vec($_[0], fileno($_[1]), 1);
+# We tie handles into this package to handle write buffering.
+package IO::Multiplex::Handle;
+use strict;
+use Tie::Handle;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+ at ISA = qw(Tie::Handle);
+    my $self = shift;
+    return ($self->{_mux}->{_fhs}->{"$self->{_fh}"}->{fileno});
+    my $package = shift;
+    my $mux = shift;
+    my $fh  = shift;
+    my $self = bless { _mux   => $mux,
+                       _fh    => $fh } => $package;
+    return $self;
+sub WRITE
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($msg, $len, $offset) = @_;
+    $offset ||= 0;
+    return $self->{_mux}->write($self->{_fh}, substr($msg, $offset, $len));
+sub CLOSE
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{_mux}->shutdown($self->{_fh}, 2);
+sub READ
+    carp "Do not read from a muxed file handle";
+    carp "Do not read from a muxed file handle";
+sub FETCH
+    return "Fnord";
+Callback objects should support the following interface.  You do not have
+to provide all of these methods, just provide the ones you are interested in.
+All methods receive a reference to the callback object (or package) as
+their first argument, in the traditional object oriented
+way. References to the C<IO::Multiplex> object and the relevant file
+handle are also provided.  This will be assumed in the method
+=head2 mux_input
+Called when input is ready on a descriptor.  It is passed a reference to
+the input buffer.  It should remove any input that it has consumed, and
+leave any partially received data in the buffer.
+    sub mux_input {
+        my $self = shift;
+        my $mux  = shift;
+        my $fh   = shift;
+        my $data = shift;
+        # Process each line in the input, leaving partial lines
+        # in the input buffer
+        while ($$data =~ s/^(.*?\n)//) {
+            $self->process_command($1);
+        }
+    }
+=head2 mux_eof
+This is called when an end-of-file condition is present on the descriptor.
+This is does not nessecarily mean that the descriptor has been closed, as
+the other end of a socket could have used C<shutdown> to close just half
+of the socket, leaving us free to write data back down the still open
+half.  Like mux_input, it is also passed a reference to the input buffer.
+It should consume the entire buffer or else it will just be lost.
+In this example, we send a final reply to the other end of the socket,
+and then shut it down for writing.  Since it is also shut down for reading
+(implicly by the EOF condition), it will be closed once the output has
+been sent, after which the mux_close callback will be called.
+    sub mux_eof {
+        my $self = shift;
+        my $mux  = shift;
+        my $fh   = shift;
+        print $fh "Well, goodbye then!\n";
+        $mux->shutdown($fh, 1);
+    }
+=head2 mux_close
+Called when a handle has been completely closed.  At the time that
+C<mux_close> is called, the handle will have been removed from the
+multiplexer, and untied.
+=head2 mux_outbuffer_empty
+Called after all pending output has been written to the file descriptor.
+=head2 mux_connection
+Called upon a new connection being accepted on a listen socket.
+=head2 mux_timeout
+Called when a timer expires.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright 1999 Bruce J Keeler <bruce at gridpoint.com>
+Copyright 2001-2003 Rob Brown <bbb at cpan.org>
+Released under the terms of the Artistic License.

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/100_load.t
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/100_load.t	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/100_load.t	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.t'
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+BEGIN { $| = 1; $loaded = 0; print "1..1\n"; }
+END { print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded; }
+use IO::Multiplex;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
+# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
+# of the test code):

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_ntest.t
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_ntest.t	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_ntest.t	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.t'
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
+# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..13\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Multiplex;
+$loaded = 1;
+my $test_msg1 = "Sync test\n";
+my $test_msg2 = "Hello\n";
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
+# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
+# of the test code):
+my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
+print $mux ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n";
+my $client_socket;
+my $server_socket;
+my $listen_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => 'tcp',
+                                          Listen    => 4);
+print $listen_socket ? "ok 3\n" : "not ok 3\n";
+$port = $listen_socket->sockport;
+$test_no = 4;
+$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "not ok $test_no\n"; exit };
+$mux->set_timeout($listen_socket, 5);
+#print STDERR "DEBUG: Doing loop...\n";
+#print STDERR "DEBUG: Done with loop.\n";
+print "ok 9\n";
+print "ok 10\n";
+my $flags = 0;
+fcntl($server_socket, F_GETFL, $flags)
+    or die "fcntl F_GETFL: $!\n";
+fcntl($server_socket, F_SETFL, $flags & ~O_NONBLOCK)
+    or die "fcntl F_SETFL $!\n";
+if (syswrite ($client_socket, $test_msg1, length $test_msg1) == 10) {
+    print "ok 11\n";
+} else {
+    print "not ok 11\n";
+my $buf;
+#print STDERR "DEBUG: doing sysread...\n";
+if (sysread ($server_socket, $buf, 10) == 10) {
+    print "ok 12\n";
+} else {
+    print "not ok 12\n";
+if ( $buf eq $test_msg1 ) {
+    print "ok 13\n";
+} else {
+    print "not ok 13\n";
+sub mux_timeout
+    #print STDERR "DEBUG: mux_timeout reached!\n";
+    print "ok 4\n";
+    $client_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "",
+                                           PeerPort => $port,
+                                           Proto    => 'tcp');
+    $client_socket->autoflush(1);
+    print $client_socket ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n";
+    $test_no = 6;
+sub mux_connection
+    my $package    = shift;
+    my $mux        = shift;
+    $server_socket = shift;
+    $server_socket->autoflush(1);
+    $client_socket->autoflush(1);
+    print "ok 6\n";
+    $test_no++;
+    syswrite($client_socket, $test_msg2, length $test_msg2);
+sub mux_input
+    print "ok 7\n";
+    shift; shift; shift;
+    my $input = shift;
+    return unless $$input =~ /\n/;
+    print $$input eq $test_msg2 ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+    $mux->endloop;

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_test.t
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_test.t	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/110_test.t	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.t'
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
+# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..8\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Multiplex;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
+# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
+# of the test code):
+my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
+print $mux ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n";
+my $listen_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => 'tcp',
+                                          Listen    => 4);
+print $listen_socket ? "ok 3\n" : "not ok 3\n";
+$port = $listen_socket->sockport;
+$test_no = 4;
+$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "not ok $test_no\n"; exit };
+$mux->set_timeout($listen_socket, 5);
+my $client_socket;
+sub mux_timeout
+    print "ok 4\n";
+    $test_no = 5;
+    $client_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "",
+                                           PeerPort => $port,
+                                           Proto    => 'tcp');
+    print $client_socket ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n";
+    $test_no = 6;
+sub mux_connection
+    my $package = shift;
+    my $mux     = shift;
+    my $fh      = shift;
+    print "ok 6\n";
+    $test_no++;
+    print $client_socket "Hello\n";
+sub mux_input
+    print "ok 7\n";
+    shift; shift; shift;
+    my $input = shift;
+    return unless $$input =~ /\n/;
+    print $$input eq "Hello\n" ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+    exit;

Added: packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/200_udp.t
--- packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/200_udp.t	2004-09-01 23:45:35 UTC (rev 299)
+++ packages/libio-multiplex-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/200_udp.t	2004-09-03 15:58:36 UTC (rev 300)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Test using UDP with two IO::Multiplex
+# servers communicating with each other.
+# Assume no UDP packet loss on loopback.
+# This script tests the following:
+# 1) Sending packets using a connected UDP socket.
+#    (connect() and send() syscalls)
+# 2) Sending packets using unconnected UDP socket.
+#    (sendto() syscall)
+# 3) Receiving UDP packets.
+#    (bind() and recv() syscalls)
+# 4) The tied handle interface to send UDP data.
+#    print $fh $UDP_data;
+# 5) The mux_input interface for incoming UDP data.
+#    (simple $$data scalar consumption)
+use strict;
+use Test;
+use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Multiplex;
+$| = 1;
+plan tests => 15;
+# Create a recv()ing socket.
+ok my $sock1 = new IO::Socket::INET
+  LocalAddr => "",
+  Proto => "udp",
+  or die $!;
+my $magic_port = $sock1->sockport;
+# Create connect()ed socket for send()ing.
+ok my $sock2 = new IO::Socket::INET
+  PeerAddr => "",
+  PeerPort => $magic_port,
+  Proto => "udp",
+  or die $!;
+# Create a generic unconnected socket for sendto()ing.
+ok my $sock3 = new IO::Socket::INET
+  Proto => "udp"
+  or die $!;
+my $msg1 = "uno";
+my $msg2 = "dos";
+my $msg3 = "tres";
+my $msg4 = "cuatro";
+my $msg5 = "cinco";
+my $msg6 = "seis";
+my $pid = fork();
+# Catch runaway processes just in case...
+$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
+  die "[$$] Got bored";
+if (!defined $pid) {
+  ok 0;
+  die "fork: $!";
+if ($pid) {
+  # Parent process
+  # This will be the Pitcher IO::Multiplex server.
+  my $plexer = new IO::Multiplex;
+  $plexer->add($sock2);
+  $plexer->add($sock3);
+  $plexer->set_callback_object("Pitcher");
+  # Set timer to do mux_timeout in 2 seconds
+  $plexer->set_timeout($sock2, 2);
+  $plexer->loop;
+  ok 1;
+  exit;
+} else {
+  # Child process
+  # This will be the Catcher IO::Multiplex server.
+  # (No talking allowed.)
+  my $plexer = new IO::Multiplex;
+  $plexer->add($sock1);
+  $plexer->set_callback_object("Catcher");
+  $plexer->loop;
+  exit;
+sub Pitcher::mux_timeout {
+  my $self    = shift;
+  my $mux     = shift;
+  my $fh      = shift;
+  if (fileno $fh == fileno $sock2) {
+    ok 1;
+    # Connected UDP socket should know where to send it
+    print $fh $msg1;
+    ok !$!;
+  } elsif (fileno $fh == fileno $sock3) {
+    ok 1;
+    # Unconnected UDP socket should fail
+    # when trying to send() a packet.
+    $! = 0;
+    print $fh $msg2;
+    ok ($! == ENOTCONN || $! == EDESTADDRREQ)
+      or warn "DEBUG: bang = [$!](".($!+0).")";
+    # Grab the real peer destination.
+    ok my $saddr = $mux->{_fhs}{$sock2}{udp_peer};
+    # Unconnected UDP socket will sendto() just fine
+    # but only with an explicit destination.
+    ok send($fh, $msg3, 0, $saddr);
+    ok !$!;
+  } else {
+    die "$$: Not my fh?";
+  }
+sub Pitcher::mux_input {
+  my $package = shift;
+  my $mux     = shift;
+  my $fh      = shift;
+  my $data    = shift;
+  if (fileno $fh == fileno $sock2) {
+    ok ($$data eq $msg2);
+    $mux->set_timeout($sock3, 3);
+  } elsif (fileno $fh == fileno $sock3) {
+    if ($$data eq $msg4) {
+      ok 1;
+      # Even though this was the unconnected socket,
+      # it should remember where the last packer came from.
+      print $fh $msg5;
+      ok !$!;
+    } elsif ($$data eq $msg6) {
+      # Yippy, caught the final packet
+      ok 1;
+      # All done
+      $mux->endloop;
+    } else {
+      die "sock3 caught weird [$$data]";
+    }
+  } else {
+    die "$$: Pitcher found something weird [$$data]";
+  }
+  $$data = "";
+# Just bounce it back with one up
+sub Catcher::mux_input {
+  my $package = shift;
+  my $mux     = shift;
+  my $fh      = shift;
+  my $data    = shift;
+  if ($$data eq $msg1) {
+    print $fh $msg2;
+  } elsif ($$data eq $msg3) {
+    print $fh $msg4;
+  } elsif ($$data eq $msg5) {
+    print $fh $msg6;
+    # I'm done.
+    $mux->endloop;
+  } else {
+    die "$$: Caught something weird [$$data]";
+  }
+  $$data = "";

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