r2077 - in packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk: . debian lib/Unicode t

Niko Tyni ntyni-guest at costa.debian.org
Thu Feb 2 19:37:20 UTC 2006

Author: ntyni-guest
Date: 2006-02-02 19:37:19 +0000 (Thu, 02 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 2077

svn-upgrade to 1.11

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/Build.PL (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL)

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/Changes (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes)

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/MANIFEST
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/MANIFEST	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/MANIFEST	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@@ -2,2 +4,10 @@

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/META.yml (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml)

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/Makefile.PL	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/Makefile.PL	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -1,16 +1,45 @@
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Copy qw (copy);
 # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+my $lang = defined($ENV{'LANG'}) ? $ENV{'LANG'} : 'en';
+my $target_pod = File::Spec->catfile('lib','Unicode','MapUTF8.pod');
+if ($lang =~ m/^(ja|ja_JP|ja_JP.utf-8|ja_JP.utf8|ja.utf8|ja.utf-8)$/i) {
+    $source_pod = File::Spec->catfile('pod','MapUTF8.ja_JP.utf8.pod');
+    copy ($source_pod, $target_pod);
+} elsif ($lang =~ m/^(ja_JP.eucjp|ja_JP.euc|ja_euc|ja_eucjp)$/i) {
+    $source_pod = File::Spec->catfile('pod','MapUTF8.ja_JP.eucjp.pod');
+    copy ($source_pod, $target_pod);
+} else {
+    $source_pod = File::Spec->catfile('pod','MapUTF8.en.pod');
+    copy ($source_pod, $target_pod);
-    'NAME'       => 'Unicode::MapUTF8',
-  'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pm',
-    'linkext'    => { 'LINKTYPE' => '' },    # no link needed
-    'dist'       => { 'COMPRESS' => 'gzip -9f',     'SUFFIX' => 'gz',
-                           'ZIP' => '/usr/bin/zip','ZIPFLAGS'=>'-rl'},
-'PREREQ_PM'      => {
-                'Unicode::Map'     => 0,
-                'Unicode::String'  => 0,
-                'Unicode::Map8'    => 0,
-                'Jcode'            => 0,
-                        },
+    'NAME'	     => 'Unicode::MapUTF8',
+    'VERSION_FROM'   => 'lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pm',
+    'linkext'        => { LINKTYPE=>'' },	# no link needed
+    'dist'           => {'COMPRESS'=>'gzip -9f', 'SUFFIX' => 'gz',
+	                 'ZIP'=>'/usr/bin/zip','ZIPFLAGS'=>'-rl'},
+    'PREREQ_PM'      => {
+                            'Carp'             => 0,
+                            'File::Copy'       => 0,
+                            'Unicode::Map'     => 0,
+                            'Unicode::String'  => 0,
+                            'Unicode::Map8'    => 0,
+                            'Jcode'            => 0,
+    }, 
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM  => 'lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pod', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR         => 'Benjamin Franz <snowhare at nihongo.org>') : ()),
+       ($] >= 5.800 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.8
+             (NO_META      => 1) : ()),
+       PL_FILES       => {},

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/README
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/README	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/README	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -1,37 +1,5 @@
 Unicode::MapUTF8 - Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
-1.08 2000.11.06 Added 'utf8_charset_alias' function to allow for runtime
-                setting of character set aliases. Added several alternate
-                names for 'sjis' (shiftjis, shift-jis, shift_jis, s-jis,
-                and s_jis). 
-                Corrected 'croak' messages for 'from_utf8' functions to
-                appropriate function name.
-                Corrected fatal problem in jcode-unicode internals. Problem 
-                and fix found by Brian Wisti <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.07 2000.11.01 Added 'croak' to use Carp declaration to fix error
-                messages. Problem and fix found by <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.06 2000.10.30 Fix to handle change in stringification of overloaded
-                objects between Perl 5.005 and 5.6.  
-                Problem noticed by Brian Wisti <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.05 2000.10.23 Error in conversions from UTF8 to multibyte encodings corrected
-1.04 2000.10.23 Additional diagnostic error messages added for
-                internal errors
-1.03 2000.10.22 Bug fix for load time Unicode::Map encoding
-                detection
-1.02 2000.10.22 Bug fix to 'from_utf8' method and load time
-                detection of Unicode::Map8 supported character
-                set encodings
-1.01 2000.10.02 Initial public release
 Provides an adapter layer between core routines for converting
 to and from UTF8 and other encodings. In essence, a way to give 
 multiple existing Unicode modules a single common interface so 
@@ -41,6 +9,10 @@
 Unicode::Map and Jcode modules in a standardized and simple 
+Mainly intended for use with Perl 5.6 and 5.0 since starting
+with Perl 5.8 the Encode modules are the preferred way of
+handling character set encodings.
 To install:
 perl Makefile.PL
@@ -48,3 +20,11 @@
 make test
 make install
+Alternatively, if you have Module::Build installed,
+perl Build.PL
+./Build test
+./Build install
+See 'perldoc Unicode::MapUTF8' for the documentation.

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+libunicode-maputf8-perl (1.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+ -- Niko Tyni <ntyni at iki.fi>  Thu,  2 Feb 2006 21:36:01 +0200
 libunicode-maputf8-perl (1.09-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adopting package.

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pm
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pm	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pm	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 use strict;
 use Carp qw(confess croak carp);
-use Exporter;
 use Unicode::String;
 use Unicode::Map;
 use Unicode::Map8;
@@ -11,12 +10,13 @@
 use subs qw (utf8_supported_charset to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_charset_alias _init_charsets);
+require Exporter;
     @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
     @EXPORT      = qw ();
     @EXPORT_OK   = qw (utf8_supported_charset to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_charset_alias);
     @EXPORT_TAGS = qw ();
-    $VERSION     = "1.09";
+    $VERSION     = "1.11";
@@ -26,170 +26,8 @@
 my $_Charset_Aliases;
-=head1 NAME
-Unicode::MapUTF8 - Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Unicode::MapUTF8 qw(to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_supported_charset);
- # Convert a string in 'ISO-8859-1' to 'UTF8'
- my $output = to_utf8({ -string => 'An example', -charset => 'ISO-8859-1' });
- # Convert a string in 'UTF8' encoding to encoding 'ISO-8859-1'
- my $other  = from_utf8({ -string => 'Other text', -charset => 'ISO-8859-1' });
- # List available character set encodings
- my @character_sets = utf8_supported_charset;
- # Add a character set alias
- utf8_charset_alias({ 'ms-japanese' => 'sjis' });
- # Convert between two arbitrary (but largely compatible) charset encodings
- # (SJIS to EUC-JP)
- my $utf8_string   = to_utf8({ -string =>$sjis_string, -charset => 'sjis'});
- my $euc_jp_string = from_utf8({ -string => $utf8_string, -charset => 'euc-jp' })
- # Verify that a specific character set is supported
- if (utf8_supported_charset('ISO-8859-1') {
-     # Yes
- }
-Provides an adapter layer between core routines for converting
-to and from UTF8 and other encodings. In essence, a way to give multiple
-existing Unicode modules a single common interface so you don't have to know
-the underlaying implementations to do simple UTF8 to-from other character set
-encoding conversions. As such, it wraps the Unicode::String, Unicode::Map8,
-Unicode::Map and Jcode modules in a standardized and simple API.
-This also provides general character set conversion operation based on UTF8 - it is
-possible to convert between any two compatible and supported character sets
-via a simple two step chaining of conversions.
-As with most things Perlish - if you give it a few big chunks of text to chew on
-instead of lots of small ones it will handle many more characters per second.
-By design, it can be easily extended to encompass any new charset encoding
-conversion modules that arrive on the scene.
-=head1 CHANGES
-1.09 2001.08.22 - Fixed multiple typo occurances of 'uft'
-                  where 'utf' was meant in code. Problem affected
-                  utf16 and utf7 encodings. Problem found
-                  by devon smith <devon at taller.PSCL.cwru.edu>
-1.08 2000.11.06 - Added 'utf8_charset_alias' function to
-                  allow for runtime setting of character
-                  set aliases. Added several alternate
-                  names for 'sjis' (shiftjis, shift-jis,
-                  shift_jis, s-jis, and s_jis).
-                  Corrected 'croak' messages for
-                  'from_utf8' functions to appropriate
-                  function name.
-                  Tightened up initialization encapsulation
-                  Corrected fatal problem in jcode from
-                  unicode internals. Problem and fix
-                  found by Brian Wisti <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.07 2000.11.01 - Added 'croak' to use Carp declaration to
-                  fix error messages.  Problem and fix
-                  found by Brian Wisti
-                  <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.06 2000.10.30 - Fix to handle change in stringification
-                  of overloaded objects between Perl 5.005
-                  and 5.6. Problem noticed by Brian Wisti
-                  <wbrian2 at uswest.net>.
-1.05 2000.10.23 - Error in conversions from UTF8 to
-                  multibyte encodings corrected
-1.04 2000.10.23 - Additional diagnostic messages added
-                  for internal error conditions
-1.03 2000.10.22 - Bug fix for load time autodetction of
-                  Unicode::Map8 encodings
-1.02 2000.10.22 - Added load time autodetection of
-                  Unicode::Map8 supported character set
-                  encodings.
-                  Fixed internal calling error for some
-                  character sets with 'from_utf8'. Thanks
-                  goes to Ilia Lobsanov
-                  <ilia at lobsanov.com> for reporting this
-                  problem.
-1.01 2000.10.02 - Fixed handling of empty strings and
-                  added more identification for error
-                  messages.
-1.00 2000.09.29 - Pre-release version
-=over 4
-=item utf8_charset_alias({ $alias => $charset });
-Used for runtime assignment of character set aliases.
-Called with no parameters, returns a hash of defined aliases and the character sets
-they map to.
-  my $aliases     = utf8_charset_alias;
-  my @alias_names = keys %$aliases;
-If called with ONE parameter, returns the name of the 'real' charset
-if the alias is defined. Returns undef if it is not found in the aliases.
-    if (! utf8_charset_alias('VISCII')) {
-        # No alias for this
-    }
-If called with a list of 'alias' => 'charset' pairs, defines those aliases for use.
-    utf8_charset_alias({ 'japanese' => 'sjis', 'japan' => 'sjis' });
-Note: It will croak if a passed pair does not map to a character set
-defined in the predefined set of character encoding. It is NOT
-allowed to alias something to another alias.
-Multiple character set aliases can be set with a single call.
-To clear an alias, pass a character set mapping of undef.
-    utf8_charset_alias({ 'japanese' => undef });
-While an alias is set, the 'utf8_supported_charset' function
-will return the alias as if it were a predefined charset.
-Overriding a base defined character encoding with an alias
-will generate a warning message to STDERR.
 sub utf8_charset_alias {
     if ($#_ == -1) {
         my $aliases = {};
@@ -238,36 +76,8 @@
-=over 4
-=item utf8_supported_charset($charset_name);
-Returns true if the named charset is supported (including
-user defiend aliases).
-Returns false if it is not.
-    if (! utf8_supported_charset('VISCII')) {
-        # No support yet
-    }
-If called in a list context with no parameters, it will return
-a list of all supported character set names (including user
-defined aliases).
-    my @charsets = utf8_supported_charset;
 sub utf8_supported_charset {
     if ($#_ == -1 && wantarray) {
         my %all_charsets = (%$_Supported_Charsets, %$_Charset_Aliases);
@@ -284,19 +94,8 @@
     return 0;
-=over 4
-=item to_utf8({ -string => $string, -charset => $source_charset });
-Returns the string converted to UTF8 from the specified source charset.
 sub to_utf8 {
     my @parm_list = @_;
     my $parms  = {};
@@ -339,18 +138,8 @@
-=over 4
-=item from_utf8({ -string => $string, -charset => $target_charset});
-Returns the string converted from UTF8 to the specified target charset.
 sub from_utf8 {
     my @parm_list = @_;
     my $parms;
@@ -604,7 +393,7 @@
     $target_charset = lc ($target_charset);
     my $final;
-    if    ($target_charset eq 'iso-2022-jp') {
+    if    ($target_charset =~ m/^iso[-_]2022[-_]jp$/) {
         $final = $j->iso_2022_jp;
     } elsif ($target_charset eq 'sjis') {
         $final = $j->sjis;
@@ -631,17 +420,17 @@
     $source_charset = lc ($source_charset);
     my $final;
-    if    ($source_charset eq 'iso-2022-jp') {
-        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,$source_charset);
+    if    ($source_charset =~ m/^iso[-_]2022[-_]jp$/) {
+        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,'jis')->h2z;
         $final = $j->utf8;
     } elsif ($source_charset =~m/^(s[-_]?jis|shift[-_]?jis)$/) {
-        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,$source_charset);
+        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,'sjis');
         $final = $j->utf8;
     } elsif ($source_charset eq 'euc-jp') {
-        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,$source_charset);
+        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,'euc');
         $final = $j->utf8;
     } elsif ($source_charset eq 'jis') {
-        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,$source_charset);
+        my $j  = Jcode->new($string,'jis');
         $final = $j->utf8;
     } else {
         croak(  '[' . localtime(time) . '] ' . __PACKAGE__ . "::_jcode_to_utf8() - charset '$source_charset' is not supported\n");
@@ -672,6 +461,7 @@
         'shift-jis'               => 'jcode',
         'shift_jis'               => 'jcode',
         'iso-2022-jp'             => 'jcode',
+        'iso_2022_jp'             => 'jcode',
         'jis'                     => 'jcode',
         'euc-jp'                  => 'jcode',
@@ -747,29 +537,4 @@
-=head1 VERSION
-1.09 2001.08.22
-Copyright September, 2000 Benjamin Franz. All rights reserved.
-This software is free software.  You can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Benjamin Franz <snowhare at nihongo.org>
-=head1 TODO
-Regression tests for Jcode, 2-byte encodings and encoding aliases
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Unicode::String Unicode::Map8 Unicode::Map Jcode

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pod (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Unicode/MapUTF8.pod)

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/pod (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/pod)

Modified: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/01_unicode_maputf8.t
--- packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/01_unicode_maputf8.t	2006-02-02 19:35:52 UTC (rev 2076)
+++ packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/01_unicode_maputf8.t	2006-02-02 19:37:19 UTC (rev 2077)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 use strict;
 use lib ('./blib','../blib','../lib','./lib');
+#use bytes;
 use Unicode::MapUTF8 qw(utf8_supported_charset to_utf8 from_utf8 utf8_charset_alias);
 # General info for writing test modules: 
@@ -13,11 +14,12 @@
 my @do_tests=(1..5);
 my $test_subs = { 
-       1 => { -code => \&test1, -desc => ' eight-bit                 ' },
-       2 => { -code => \&test2, -desc => ' unicode                   ' },
-       3 => { -code => \&test3, -desc => ' multi-byte                ' },
-       4 => { -code => \&test4, -desc => ' jcode                     ' },
-       5 => { -code => \&test5, -desc => ' charset aliases           ' },
+       1 => { -code => \&test1,                    -desc => ' eight-bit                 ' },
+       2 => { -code => \&test2,                    -desc => ' unicode                   ' },
+       3 => { -code => \&test3,                    -desc => ' multi-byte                ' },
+       4 => { -code => \&test4,                    -desc => ' jcode                     ' },
+       5 => { -code => \&test5,                    -desc => ' charset aliases           ' },
+#       6 => { -code => \&big5_with_embedded_ascii, -desc => ' big5 embedded ascii       ' },
 my @charsets = utf8_supported_charset;
@@ -182,6 +184,38 @@
+# Test Big5 with embedded ASCII        #
+sub big5_with_embedded_ascii {
+    my $charset       = 'big5';
+    my @errors = ();
+    {
+        my $source_string = "\xa5\x40\xa5\x41\x30";
+        my $utf8_string   = to_utf8({ -charset => "ucs2", -string => "\x4e\x16\x4e\x15\x00\x30"});
+        my $result        = test_general({ -charset => $charset,
+                                            -source => $source_string,
+                                              -utf8 => $utf8_string,
+                                            });
+        push(@errors,$result) if ($result ne '');
+    }
+    {
+        my $source_string = "\xa5\x40\xa5\x41\x30\xa5\x30\x41\xa5\x40";
+        my $utf8_string   = to_utf8({ -charset => "ucs2", -string => "\x4e\x16\x4e\x15\x00\x30\x00\x41\x4e\x16"});
+        my $result        = test_general({ -charset => $charset,
+                                            -source => $source_string,
+                                              -utf8 => $utf8_string,
+                                            });
+        push(@errors,$result) if ($result ne '');
+    }
+    if (0 < @errors) {
+        return join('', at errors);
+    }
+    return '';
 # Generalized test framework           #
@@ -195,16 +229,16 @@
         my $result_string = to_utf8({ -string => $source_string, 
                                      -charset => $source_charset });
         if ($utf8_string ne $result_string) {
-           die ('(line ' . __LINE__ . ") conversion from '$source_charset' to UTF8 resulted in unexpected output. Expected '" . hexout($utf8_string) . "' but got '" . hexout($result_string) . "'\n");
+           die ('(line ' . __LINE__ . ") conversion from '$source_charset' to UTF8 resulted in unexpected output.\nExpected '" . hexout($utf8_string) . "' but got '" . hexout($result_string) . "'\n");
-	if ($@) { return "Failed to convert UTF8 text to $source_charset: $@" }
+	if ($@) { return "Failed to convert UTF8 text to $source_charset:\n$@" }
 	eval { 
         my $result_string = from_utf8({ '-string' => $utf8_string, 
                                        '-charset' => $source_charset,
         if ($source_string ne $result_string) {
-           die ("conversion from UTF8 to '$source_charset' resulted in unexpected output. Expected '" . hexout($source_string) . "' but got '" . hexout($result_string) . "'\n");
+           die ("conversion from UTF8 to '$source_charset' resulted in unexpected output.\nExpected '" . hexout($source_string) . "' but got '" . hexout($result_string) . "'\n");
 	if ($@) { return "Failed to convert '$source_charset' text to UTF8: $@" }

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/97_distribution.t (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/97_distribution.t)

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/98_pod_coverage.t (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/98_pod_coverage.t)

Copied: packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/trunk/t/99_pod.t (from rev 2076, packages/libunicode-maputf8-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/99_pod.t)

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